
Author Topic: Can't Recover Gamertag  (Read 136 times)


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« on: November 28, 2005, 06:23:00 PM »

When I try to recover my gamer tag It says that the xbox live signup is unavalable, please try agian later.
Anyone else getting this message?

I had recovered my gamertag already and it was working fine. The only problem was that it wouldn't accept my 12 month subscription code. So I called MS on the phone and they had me delete my gamertage and try to download it agian to see if it would fix the problem. Now I still can't use my 12 month code, I can't recover my gamertag, and I lost all of my gamesaves. (MS sucks.)


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2005, 07:17:00 PM »

I too am unable to recover my gamertag.  I am asked the "last 4 digits" of my credit card and gave the only possible cards I could have used but keep getting an invalid message.  I LIVE account is still active, but I am wondering how I go about recovering my GAMERTAG as well as finding out what card was used.  Who should I contact for XBox LIVE help??

Altima NEO

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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2005, 10:28:00 PM »

i think the site is down


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2005, 09:32:00 AM »

my friend had the same problem.  after some trying we found a relatively easy way to get it to work.  all he needed to do was make a new .net passport account(like hotmail or msn).  after he did that, he tried the same steps over again but put in his new email address and password.  it worked perfectly after that and he didn't need to pay for live again.


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2005, 06:36:00 PM »

Anyone have any help for me ?


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2005, 01:47:00 PM »

Do what i did after connecting the 360 and putting the xbox away i had to go back and connect the xbox agoan go to you membership seetings credit card info phone number ect to make sure you do it correctly.I recived an email from xboxlive saying that i transfered my account to the 360.


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2005, 08:10:00 PM »

Does anyone know of a number in which I can call or an email address for which I can inquire about retreiving my Gamertag.  Like I stated in a previous post, I've input both numbers that should have worked with no luck, yet my account is still active.  Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2005, 02:56:00 AM »

Make sure when you're putting in your email to recover, you're using the dot under the numbers and not the dash that looks like a dot under the letters.


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2005, 06:24:00 PM »

Where do I place my email address ??  Also, is there a number I can call?


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2005, 09:04:00 PM »

also make sure everything has the proper casing (ie GaMeRtAg)


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2005, 06:45:00 AM »

your email = your Passport


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Can't Recover Gamertag
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2005, 06:06:00 PM »

Ok, everyone, I have a solution for the "Xbox Live signup is currently unavailable.  Please try again later." problems that seem to be plaguing many here.  My specific situation was that I had recovered my gamertag successfully on my 360, but then deleted the profile.  I had done some initial troubleshooting on my own and came up with my solution, but still took the time to make 2 phone calls to Xbox customer service and spend 2 hours on the phone having someone walk me through all the things I had already tried to end up telling me that I should try making a direct (wired) connection to my cable modem (even though all the Xbox Live connection tests on the 360 passed with flying colors and my original Xbox is able to connect to live via the same linksys wireless adapter).  Now, I've read most of the posts here and have noticed that some of you are actually able to connect to live and enter some information before getting the error.  In my case, I couldn't even reach the point where I could enter any data.  I'd select "Join Xbox live" or "recover gamertag", it would exit the dashboard, display the "Connecting to Xbox Live" screen, and then give me the "Xbox Live signup is currently unavailable..." error.  The solution: format the hard drive.  Unfortunately this will erase any additional content, but then again, if you aren't able to connect to live I'd imagine it's difficult to have much content that you need to keep.  What I believe happens is that if you recover your gamertag on the 360 and delete the profile, the data regarding your live account is left in a corrupted state.  One other thing that I did do is recovered my gamertag on the original xbox (this was part of the troubleshooting with CS).  It may have contributed to the success of my fix, so keep this in mind.  Thanks and good luck.