
Author Topic: No Problem ...  (Read 78 times)


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No Problem ...
« on: December 14, 2005, 01:42:00 AM »

My local 'freerecordshop' ( or something like that)
I found a 'Empty' xbox360 , its a so called Dummy.

But when I Lift it, it hafe the same wight of my own Premium X360
It has a HD and Its also hafe al the conections and the same wight(You know, Kg and Kilograms).

The frond USB port cant be acesd because the faceplate is glued.
But It like its a Real XBox !. The store owner keeps telling me its a Fake Empty box... I do not believe him, also because he told me te X360 has a 4 Ghz Processor, NO ITS around  3 Ghz not 4

(Sorry about my realy bad english , I try to improve it .... blink.gif )


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No Problem ...
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2005, 01:49:00 AM »

I heard about some empty cases being sent out for "show," but I haven't seen one yet.  Most 360s out there are working units serving the purpose of a demo.

Here is an article about a convention that had an empty case:

"Empty shells of the Xbox 360 were on display for people to pick up and fondle"
