
Author Topic: "unrecognized Disc" Fix (no Pot Tweaking Needed)  (Read 295 times)


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"unrecognized Disc" Fix (no Pot Tweaking Needed)
« on: June 13, 2012, 02:03:00 PM »

Your drive is able to play original games fine.
But when you load your back up games (even if burned with iHas), it reads "Unrecognized Disc" or somewhere in that category...Before you keep burning more disc. STOP!!

Here is a simple fix I did to fix it.

- Open up your drive.
- Find a cotton swab and lens cleaning solution (or rubbing alcohol) and clean the lens.
- Find some traction oil then grease the silver metal rod holding the laser module. And to the right of it, you'll notice a copper spiral rod, which gears the module up and down. Grease that piece of metal too.

Reason why you need to grease these rails: They get dry over time due to heat and will cause friction and build ups. Greasing it will make the laser module run smoother along the rail. No need to Pot Tweak. Pot tweaking is meant to give your laser "extra power" to read the disc, but what if it's lacking power cause the module is driving the too slow because of the friction in the rail. - Problem Solve! Pot Tweaking is your last resort, it can damage your lens if you don't tweak it properly.

- After Cleaning the lens and greasing the rails
- Close the case
- Pop in your game
- Get "Play Game" and you're done.

I've gone through tons of disc thinking they were all bad burns.
By doing this trick, all those bad burns I thought were bad was actually playable.

I just want to throw this option out there in case some are having the same issue as I was.
Different drive has different issue depending on how it was used. This is just one of the fix not many people decide to do first before buying a new lens, a new drive or pot tweaking. Try this first. It can save you lots of time!