
Author Topic: Help!  (Read 714 times)


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« on: October 07, 2008, 03:19:00 PM »

Here's another one.

Almost the end of the game when you are in the ship yard. You go to cut scene where you force push two guys out of transport jump in and throw out the driver. You then fly to the platform and jump out...the transport crashes.

After killing go to the next area kill everyone in a circular area and go threw the door. Now you just have to get to the door at the end of the platform. There is a holocron at the center of the platform. There are two other platforms right next to yours on both sides but about 15ft down.

Here’s the thing…there are two more platforms, one on either side of you, about 50ft away. On the platform to your left as you enter the room, there is another holocron…but no way to get to it.

I’ve tried jumping down to the pipes…you die when touching. I’ve tried jumping on the large round storage containers…no way. There seems to be a scaffling, on the far wall as you come in, but I can’t seem to get to it…pipes in the way.

Am I the only one trying to get all these objects or is everyone as clueless as I am.


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« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2008, 05:56:00 PM »

I hope you have figured this out by now but I just stumbled on it and thought I'd throw out some help in case you or anyone else is having the same trouble.

the trick for both holocrons you are speaking might be a move you have to buy but basically you:
 double jump, dash then press B to add a force push to the end of your dash that should carry you much further
a,a Rb, b

hope that helps