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Author Topic: It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready  (Read 681 times)


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #45 on: October 23, 2007, 04:52:00 AM »

QUOTE(CompFreak07 @ Oct 23 2007, 09:25 AM) *
I said what I believe not what is right or wrong.
I understood that, but what you were saying was that cheaters shouldn't be punished because the game allows them to cheat. That's like saying that someone could hack a website and say that the server let them hack it, so it shouldn't be illegal and they shouldn't be punished for it.

Glitching is not cheating to some extent, it's just plain cheating (it defines the term: "cheating"). Also stating that "there is no reason to ban" these cheaters is blatantly against the ToS which you claim to have read. I can understand if someone accidentally does a glitch, I've seen it happen on many other games, but if they purposefully do the glitch and so gain an unfair advantage over others who don't know how to do it... well, I've just defined cheating.

Can someone tell me what this is?
"Someone who intentionally posts controversial or contrary messages in an on-line community such as an on-line discussion forum with the intention of baiting users into an argumentative response."


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2007, 07:18:00 AM »

QUOTE(Bubbalynch @ Oct 22 2007, 11:32 PM) View Post

Yet another reason for M$ to ban its own members. Great.

I agree, why not patch the glitchs and NOT punish those paying for online play. This is rubbish.

why not punish those?
dont justify it by saying "paying for online play"  thats not the point here. Theres kids and imatures out there that dont have any skills and think there gonna be better with a higher rank by boosting , glitching cheating. BAN THE FUC*ING hell out of them! they deserve it! If ya find a glitch, leave it alone!! easy as that. if ya use it once fine, if ya  keep using it, you dont deserve to play on xbox live. GROW THE FU*K UP!!
thats why i dont play any of the halo games. Cheating, too many kids, and imature people.
yes all games have kids, but halo takes the cake with kids and retards. STAY IN HALO and out of the real mans games.

one reason why kids shouldnt be allowed on xbox live. but since halo is a babysitter there mommys pay for there systems so they stay out of there hair ha ha.

its easy tho ya hear a retard or little kid come in the lobby just give em the  boot right away thats what we do.


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2007, 09:26:00 AM »

Every game has glitches. EVERY ONE.

It only seems like Halo 3 has more because more people are looking.


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2007, 11:02:00 AM »

Seriously, all the people trying to defend glitchers, it is really easy not to take advantage of the glitches.  I'm level 32 and climbing in Lone Wolf, and until Bungie's post, I didn't even know there were glitches that people cheated off of in Halo 3.  The only way you know is by seeking them out, so you can use them to your advantage, which is ****.  Why can't anyone just play the game the way it was meant to be played?  I don't mind exporation for fun on your own, like getting out of levels in Halo 1, but junk like super-jumping in Halo 2 to get a good sniping point was bs, and I hope Bungie lays down the banhammer on all of you.


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2007, 02:32:00 PM »

QUOTE(IJTF_Cinder @ Oct 22 2007, 09:57 PM) View Post

While it's not nice to cheat, it's an entirely different thing to abuse a glitch, and a whole different pile of shit to be banned for doing so.

Glitches are IN THE GAME, FIX THEM!
If I was banned for using a glitch in the game, I'd definitely be having my lawyer give Bungie a call. I paid for the game (That so called glitch is in), I pay for Live and I am entirely in my rights to play it on Live. If you don't want people using glitches.....FIX EM YOU LAZY BASTARDS!

With that said, I don't even own a 360, let alone Halo 3. I jut hate lazy developers that would rather ban people than fix their own mistakes. I'd sue.

I for one am not impressed with the juvenile comments of people who 1) reply to 360 related threads and don't even own a 360 2) rely on lawyers and legal tactics to solve their problems 3) make a number of ASSumptions without fully comprehending the situation.

Contrary to what you assume not all cheaters use software glitches.  Even if there is a glitch that doesn't make it alright to use (good luck trying to get a lawyer to argue that case).   Lastly the part about "online trouble-makers " should have clued you in that the banning isn't all about just cheaters.


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2007, 06:37:00 PM »

QUOTE(g8crapachino @ Oct 23 2007, 05:08 PM) View Post

I for one am not impressed with the juvenile comments of people who 1) reply to 360 related threads and don't even own a 360 2) rely on lawyers and legal tactics to solve their problems 3) make a number of ASSumptions without fully comprehending the situation.

Contrary to what you assume not all cheaters use software glitches.  Even if there is a glitch that doesn't make it alright to use (good luck trying to get a lawyer to argue that case).   Lastly the part about "online trouble-makers " should have clued you in that the banning isn't all about just cheaters.

1) I can reply to whatever the hell I want, just because I don't own a 360 doesn't mean I won't or that I have no interest
2) That was more a joke than anything, but regardless of their ToS, it's a violation of your rights. You aren't circumventing anything. DoS attacks etc are something else, that isn't part of the software.
3) What assumptions? 1 of the same assumptions everyone is making because NOBODY (Not even you oh holy one) knows for sure?

Just because I referenced one thing, doesn't mean I think that's the only thing. Maybe your sorry ass should have brought something of your own opinion to the table about the article in question, instead of trolling the boards looking to shoot down another's.
Banning people from something they pay money for, because they're taking advantage of a software flaw that CAN(And WILL) be fixed is above and beyond enforcing a "no cheating" policy. I'm sure fixing these "glitches" would piss them off more anyway.

Guess that's why I will never pay for Live anyway, I don't like cheating just as much as anyone else, but I'm more a PC gamer. There are things like Punkbuster in place, player voting for kick/ban in alot of multiplayer PC titles. Sounds like there isn't enough individual control on Live, if there was "glitchers" wouldn't be an issue because you'd just toss em and ban em yourself.


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #51 on: October 23, 2007, 08:29:00 PM »

bungie please start the banning!

cheaters should be banned and those doing the hard-core cheating like manipulating connections and such should find greater punishment of some sort heaped upon them for having the immaturity to hack a video game!

(DOS attacks should also be reported to the user's ISP as that breaks all kinds of policies/laws - explain that one to your parents about why the internet is now broken...)


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #52 on: October 23, 2007, 09:25:00 PM »

Bungie should really get dedicated servers.


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2007, 08:55:00 PM »

QUOTE(IJTF_Cinder @ Oct 23 2007, 09:13 PM) View Post

1) I can reply to whatever the hell I want, just because I don't own a 360 doesn't mean I won't or that I have no interest
2) That was more a joke than anything, but regardless of their ToS, it's a violation of your rights. You aren't circumventing anything. DoS attacks etc are something else, that isn't part of the software.
3) What assumptions? 1 of the same assumptions everyone is making because NOBODY (Not even you oh holy one) knows for sure?

Just because I referenced one thing, doesn't mean I think that's the only thing. Maybe your sorry ass should have brought something of your own opinion to the table about the article in question, instead of trolling the boards looking to shoot down another's.
Banning people from something they pay money for, because they're taking advantage of a software flaw that CAN(And WILL) be fixed is above and beyond enforcing a "no cheating" policy. I'm sure fixing these "glitches" would piss them off more anyway.

Guess that's why I will never pay for Live anyway, I don't like cheating just as much as anyone else, but I'm more a PC gamer. There are things like Punkbuster in place, player voting for kick/ban in alot of multiplayer PC titles. Sounds like there isn't enough individual control on Live, if there was "glitchers" wouldn't be an issue because you'd just toss em and ban em yourself.

You don't have Halo 3. You don't have Xbox Live. You don't even have an Xbox 360.

Taking those three facts into account, what in the world makes you think that people will want to hear what you say? And what's more, how do you expect to know anything about something you don't own and don't plan to own (assuming you haven't done any research)? You're better off posting in a non-Halo 3, non-Xbox 360 forum in non-Xbox Live threads.

You have just as much of a right to post here as we do to tell you you can't.

It's Bungie's game. If they wanted to, they could decide to ban you for getting a killing spree, and there ain't a thing you'd  be able to do about it.


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2007, 10:52:00 PM »

bring it on... cheaters suck!


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2007, 11:04:00 PM »

me and my buddy have played alot of halo3 over the past few weeks,and the only cheating ive seen has come from piss poor code.

Halo3 is rubbish plain and simple.the game is so unbalanced and heres why.

to kill some one with the machine gun takes right at a full clip,and it has nothing to do with skill.the person that gets off the 1st shoots wins 99% of the time no matter even if you are nailing them right in the head and their aim is all over the place,your still going to die just because he got off the 1st round.

you can shoot someone with the shotgun,and in the VERY SAME MOTION punch them,nuff said really...

two blows from your forearm does more damage then 40 machine gun bullets,2 50 cal bullets,2 nades,5 brute shoots.

splash damage is all over the place in a bad way.ive seen guys walk right over my nades and not even light up.

your sheld takes a good 20 secs to recharge,and in turn allows someone to pick you off right after you killed their buddie,so 90% of a MP match is see someone,get into a firefight with that someone,kill that someone and 1 sec later be killed from someone else from out of nowhere then rinse and repeat..

and i highly beleave there is a TON of bullet lag in this game,as ive seen alot of bullets come my way that seem to just be doing more damage then mine..ive even been killed from 20feet away with only 5 machine gun bullets at full health,only to respawn take on the very same guy and him not able to kill me with 50 machine gun bullets.

what bungie needs to be worried about is how unfairly and crapy their game plays and not the very few ppl that make them look bad by finding glitches..


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #56 on: October 24, 2007, 12:03:00 AM »

QUOTE(CompFreak07 @ Oct 23 2007, 04:25 AM) View Post

 Didn't realize I would get flamed for stating my opinion on the matter.

hahaha, first day on the internet? cute     tongue.gif


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #57 on: October 24, 2007, 01:01:00 AM »

QUOTE(BoNg420 @ Oct 23 2007, 11:25 PM) View Post

Bungie should really get dedicated servers.

AMEN!!!    biggrin.gif

World of Warcraft has them. Games like counter strike and ut have them. Its not like Ms doesnt have the money to do this.  mad.gif


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #58 on: October 24, 2007, 01:12:00 AM »

QUOTE(ThUgLoVe @ Oct 24 2007, 01:04 AM) View Post

me and my buddy have played alot of halo3 over the past few weeks,and the only cheating ive seen has come from piss poor code.

Halo3 is rubbish plain and simple.the game is so unbalanced and heres why.

to kill some one with the machine gun takes right at a full clip,and it has nothing to do with skill.the person that gets off the 1st shoots wins 99% of the time no matter even if you are nailing them right in the head and their aim is all over the place,your still going to die just because he got off the 1st round.

you can shoot someone with the shotgun,and in the VERY SAME MOTION punch them,nuff said really...
two blows from your forearm does more damage then 40 machine gun bullets,2 50 cal bullets,2 nades,5 brute shoots.

splash damage is all over the place in a bad way.ive seen guys walk right over my nades and not even light up.

your sheld takes a good 20 secs to recharge,and in turn allows someone to pick you off right after you killed their buddie,so 90% of a MP match is see someone,get into a firefight with that someone,kill that someone and 1 sec later be killed from someone else from out of nowhere then rinse and repeat..

and i highly beleave there is a TON of bullet lag in this game,as ive seen alot of bullets come my way that seem to just be doing more damage then mine..ive even been killed from 20feet away with only 5 machine gun bullets at full health,only to respawn take on the very same guy and him not able to kill me with 50 machine gun bullets.

what bungie needs to be worried about is how unfairly and crapy their game plays and not the very few ppl that make them look bad by finding glitches..

Id like to add on to this. Halo 3 should be like ghost recon used to be IE grecon 2. I dont know about modern graw I dont own it.

But in real life if you run into someone with a gun shooting madly at close quarters (less than 5 feet) and they are shooting you also there is a good chance both you and them are going to die.

They need to get rid of shields completely. Its like riding a bike with training wheels or going swimming with float things around your arms or bowling with ballons in the gutters. Its an absolute joke.

If they arent going to get rid of shields they need to up damage done by weapons esp. grenades ALOT more.
If a grenade goes off right next to you you should be dead. Ask people in the military about this.

I miss swat.  And swat was a popular playlist. Why? Because it was based more on real combat skill not running blindly into a bunch of dudes who in real life would have killed you about 5 seconds into your rambo type charge.


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It's coming: Bungie is getting the Halo 3 ban-hammer ready
« Reply #59 on: October 24, 2007, 09:38:00 AM »

this is halo, 3rd edition so its nothing new what the game is get used to it. Want it to be like ghost recon.......go play ghost recon.

There are indeed some issues, but most of the wtf moments (like how did one nade kill me....blah blah blah) go back into theater and watch it. Most of mine there was just something else you werent seeing. There are indeed some messed up clipping issues and all that, but what game had no problems ever.

Dedicated servers would be the shit

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