
Author Topic: Help Streaming Files For Xbmc  (Read 133 times)


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Help Streaming Files For Xbmc
« on: January 01, 2004, 09:55:00 PM »

I have the same problem.  ANy ideas.  I just used the 12/31 CVS.  <


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Help Streaming Files For Xbmc
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2003, 11:57:00 AM »

Hey everyone, first post up until this list dip in the road. I just modded my box (executer 2.3lite), got everything up and running in terms of the mod and networking. I've updated to the newest known good cvs for xbmc 11-23 i think. I'm running relax on my machine, i have the shared drives set up. I can go into xbmc, and see my file structures, like if i go into my audio i can see the subfolders. However i'm not able to play any files. I cant see any files, only directores. When i scan, it only finds directories. Any ideas?