
Author Topic: Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773  (Read 295 times)


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Alright, after some much needed sleep, and cooling down some from being POed, I have brought the whole thing with me to work (I'm the IT at work and its been slow for days so thought I would work on this on the down times). So today, I will unsolder the whole thing, then solder it back in checking all the connections. I will post if it works or not.


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Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 11:13:00 PM »

In no way I want sound like an ass... but, Did you do the wiring as the new diagram for RGH 2.0 expects?, did you flash the new Timing files for that console (option C would be good), did you remove the C15 cap on the coolrunner? CPU_RST wire at least 32cm and at most 50cm long?... RGH 2.0 is a lot like slims and this wire needs to be a little longer and avoid noise interference as much as possible.

Just a little recap of things that matter for this hack to work. No disrespect... I've been doing mods of all types since late 2004 and recently did 2 RGH 2.0 and they went great, except for the boot time is not instant, it's alot like glitching a slim where it can take from 2 seconds upto 20 seconds to boot.


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Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 01:32:00 AM »

Yep. Tried it all. I used the diagram from J-Runner for the 2.0 install. Using 2.0 diagram, PLL_BYPASS is not used right? It didn't have a wire on it and just want to be sure. Keep in mind, this is an updated Falcon on dash 14719 with CB 5773. I have notice that J-Runner says that there is no separate xell recovery and it also replaces the CB with 5772 not 5773. And whats this about - "XOR HACK NEEDED FOR CB 5773". Here is the J-Runner log window.


J-Runner v0.2 Beta (271) Started

Version v0.2 Beta (272) is available for download.
Checking Files
Finished Checking Files
Initializing Nand..
Nand Initialization Finished
* unpacking flash image, ....
ECC'ed - will unecc.
* found decrypted CD
* found XeLL binary, must be linked to 0x1c000000
 * we found the following parts:
SMC: 1.6
CB_A: 5773
CB_B: 5773
CD (image): 5773
CD (decrypted): 9452
 * checking required versions...
 * patching SMC...
Patching Falcon version 1.6 SMC at offset 0x12A3
 * Replacing CD...

 * patching CB_B...
patchset for 5772 found, 4 patch(es)
 * Applying XOR Hack to CB_B 5773
 *** Re-encrypting CB_B with xor keystream
 *** Fixing entrypoint
 * Replacing CB_A 5773 with 5772
 * encrypting CB...
 * constructing new image...
 * base size: 70000
 * No separate recovery Xell available!
 * Flash Layout:
0x0..0x1FF (0x200 bytes) Header
0x200..0xFFF (0xE00 bytes) Padding
0x1000..0x3FFF (0x3000 bytes) SMC
0x4000..0x7FFF (0x4000 bytes) Keyvault
0x8000..0x9ABF (0x1AC0 bytes) CB_A 5772
0x9AC0..0x1313F (0x9680 bytes) CB_B 5772
0x13140..0x1913F (0x6000 bytes) CD 9452
0x19140..0xBFFFF (0xA6EC0 bytes) Padding
0xC0000..0xFFFFF (0x40000 bytes) Xell (backup)
0x100000..0x13FFFF (0x40000 bytes) Xell (main)
 * Encoding ECC...

------------- Written into output\image_00000000.ecc


The RED lines is questionable to me.

I just did a rewire (soldering as well) and fried a resister to s**t (poor little guy sad.gif ). I had to make a pit-stop at Radio Shack for a 33 ohm resister and I'm going to replace him in the morning. As far as the timings, I have used all of them unless there are new ones out there that I'm not aware of. I also found some different shielded wire for the  CPU_RST. I cut it about 10 to 12 inches long and grounded the end of it at the CR side. I will up some pics of it if it works.

For now, this project is on hold until I get the 33 ohm resister replaced.


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Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2012, 04:08:00 PM »

Alright, I got the console to boot with the stock dash after take 2 hours fixing the burnt resistor. I had to pull the track back due to the solder not sticking to it and after it was working again, I super glued the sucker in place, so no more moving around and coming off.

I have just finished checking all connection to the CR and it is still doing the same thing. It just flashes green and will not glitch so I can boot Xell to get my CPU key. Any ideas?

Just to make sure, to boot Xell, do you just turn on the console with the power button or the reset button. I did see that J-Runner had an option to change this.


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Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2012, 05:35:00 PM »

FINALLY!!! I got Xell to boot. I think I need to change out the CPU_RST wire with the 50 ohm cable to get better glitch times. I have a question thou, will the 10 ohm resister be ok or do I need to change it to a higher value? Say, 33 ohms since I have some left from fixing the resistor by the hana chip?


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Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2012, 09:03:00 PM »

Well this sucks. I changed out the reset wire with a 50 ohm cable. THE DAMN THING PULLED THE PAD OFF. It pulled it back to R8C2 resister (I think it is a resister). I did manage to spot solder a very fine wire to it to jump the trace back, thing is, its not booting. The CR doesn't flash green. I may have fried that one as well. Does anybody know the value of this resister so I may replace it. I'm still going to try a couple of things until I get an answer. And Google is crap on trying to find the value out.


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Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2012, 10:46:00 PM »

Well, forget about fixing this console. Its gone. The trace is gone that the CPU_RST goes on. I'm taking of the CR and nand-x and going to find a different console. I wouldn't be in this mess if my damn xenon didn't rrod. I did xclamp it, but it locks up all time.  I'm just sick of s**t f***ing up. Anyway, thanks for the help.

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Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2012, 12:19:00 AM »

QUOTE(Psyfer9983 @ May 2 2012, 11:46 PM) View Post

Well, forget about fixing this console. Its gone. The trace is gone that the CPU_RST goes on. I'm taking of the CR and nand-x and going to find a different console. I wouldn't be in this mess if my damn xenon didn't rrod. I did xclamp it, but it locks up all time.  I'm just sick of s**t f***ing up. Anyway, thanks for the help.
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Sometimes It happens buddy, I suffered similar issues with a Zephyr with the SMC hack back in the days and recently a Slim that glitched fine at the begining and after a month of usage, no matter what I do it wouldn't work... I guess sometimes it just doesn't want to  blink.gif


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Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2012, 10:41:00 AM »

FYI. I got this thing working and glitched. I found a good place on the board to redo the trace (I had nothing to do yesterday) and I got the value of the resistor that was damaged by the trace ripping off the board (Thanks RDC). It glitches in 45 seconds or less, usually in 5 or so seconds. I played it for 5 hours straight last night and it works great.

I used a really small gauge wire and soldered it on top of the original trace. Then to the resister and back to the original point from where it ripped off. The hardest part was getting the wire to solder to the trace. After I got to stick, I glued the stucker. I also glued the resister from moving around. Hope that this system holds up longer than my Xenon. It RROD on me. I did do a x-clamp fix but it locks up all time at random when in a game.


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Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2012, 06:14:00 AM »

QUOTE(Psyfer9983 @ May 7 2012, 05:41 PM) View Post

FYI. I got this thing working and glitched. I found a good place on the board to redo the trace (I had nothing to do yesterday) and I got the value of the resistor that was damaged by the trace ripping off the board (Thanks RDC). It glitches in 45 seconds or less, usually in 5 or so seconds. I played it for 5 hours straight last night and it works great.

I used a really small gauge wire and soldered it on top of the original trace. Then to the resister and back to the original point from where it ripped off. The hardest part was getting the wire to solder to the trace. After I got to stick, I glued the stucker. I also glued the resister from moving around. Hope that this system holds up longer than my Xenon. It RROD on me. I did do a x-clamp fix but it locks up all time at random when in a game.

WOW,reading all your posts and the frustration you must have gone through to get this falcon board to glitch,i take my hat off to you,m8t.It's proved that all your hard work and efforts have pulled off what must have seemed like an impossible task.Well done indeed,would love to see some pics of your trace repair work though.I had a Xenon board that i was Jtagging a few months back,i'd gone and accidently knocked off a few tiny resistors from the board but with a very steady hand,a sewing needle (to hold the resistors back in place) and my soldering iron spare tip,filed down to a very fine thin point,i was able to solder back on all that i'd knocked off by mistake.The Jtagged xenon is still up and running perfect to this day :)


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Need Help On Glitching A Falcon With Dash 14719 And Cb 5773
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2012, 09:54:00 PM »

I would post some pics, but it would require taking off the CPU heatsink. And on top of that. I have taped down the replacement trace wire and it may pull off if I try to remove it. I rather not do that. Just take my word that it was a B***H to fix but I did manage to get it done. I have a more accurate boot time on this console now. I will boot in about 16 seconds or less usually and at the most 40 seconds. I think that's not bad boot times, and that is with the stock wires that comes with the Xecuter Coolrunner chip.