
Author Topic: Can't See In Windows  (Read 39 times)


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Can't See In Windows
« on: October 06, 2007, 09:24:00 AM »

I finally got this thing in mode b. I use the slax 2.1 and it spins up the disk. I hit eject on the hitachi and slax does the rest. Now the problem. When i type the password in slax and reboot the pc the drive doesn't show up. I know its in mode b because it takes 2 pushes of the eject button to eject and when you close the drive it opens right back up. What am I missing? I have a via 6421L sata card and that doesn't work, so i used the onboard sata on the motherboard. Dell Dimension 9100 series. I'm a noob so bare with my limited knowledge. Someone mentioned ide switching, but I'm clueless on that.


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Can't See In Windows
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2007, 10:46:00 AM »

Make sure the raid tool that came with your card is disabled, and make sure the system is grounded


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Can't See In Windows
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2007, 12:02:00 PM »

i flashed a few of these with my on board sata (ich5). i had to go into my bios and mess with the sata settings in 'ide configuration'. your bios is most likely different from mine, but you should be able to find similar settings. i had to go from 'enhanced mode' to 'compatible' and set 'enhanced mode support' to 'pata only' from 'sata'.. i also unplugged all my hard drives and dvd drives leaving only the 360 and my windows hard drive.

while i was messing around with the settings i found there were times i couldnt get the slax disc to boot, or it would boot and go into mode b, but i couldnt see the drive in windows, or my bios would see the 360 drive but not my hard drive...once i found the way it would all work together it hasnt failed me since.


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Can't See In Windows
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2007, 04:12:00 PM »

also check out if some DVD Emulation Software is installed on your PC.

I got the same problem fixed, when i uninstalled Deamon Tools and rebooted the PC.

I suppose also you shall remove any not needed sata devices and set your sata onboard controller to enhanced mode. This should work.
