
Author Topic: To Those Who Have Raw Dump Freeze Problem With Maximus Toolbox  (Read 40 times)


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To Those Who Have Raw Dump Freeze Problem With Maximus Toolbox
« on: January 10, 2007, 06:54:00 AM »

First, confirmed that sata2usb does not work with maximus' toolbox. It can get the 360 into mode b though.

My PC is a DELL 400SC. The MB came with 2 sata interfaces, which I believe is intel chipset. However, I can't get it work with slax. Oh, my xbox dvd is a Hitachi-LG 78fk.
So I bought a vt6421a from newegg. Got into mode b without any problem. Windows recognized the DVD drive without any problem.
But when I tried to raw dump the firmware, the toolbox just freezed, and I had to reboot windows.
After numerious futile attempts, I was about to give up. At the last minute, I remember that I have a hard disk which has vista RC1 on it. Hooked up that hard drive, installed the driver for the vt6421, reboot with slax2, got xbox dvd into mode b, reboot! Interestingly, in Vista, the raw dump worked!
Then I tried to patch the dumped firmware. Toolbox gave me another error: "not all variables were resolved. Can't continue."
I copied the original firmware to my notebook and tried to patch it there. No go. Then I noticed a funny thing: the checksums given by my PC (vista) and my notebook (winXP) are different!!! The third byte of one of the checksums is 00 (I can't remember which one).
So, the problem seemed to have something to do with the OS. There must be something conflicting the PCI SATA card. So I spend the next hour installing a fresh winXP on my spare hard drive. Then installed the mscomctl.ocx and vt6421 drive. And BAM! Toolbox worked without any problem!

So, if you can get your xbox dvd into mode b, and your windows can recogonize the dvd, but the toolbox freezes or give you the "not all variables were not resolved" error, try on a fresh windows XP installation.
