
Author Topic: Hitachi Help  (Read 31 times)


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Hitachi Help
« on: December 13, 2006, 12:44:00 PM »

Hello i hope someone can help me !

Today arrived my 360usb well to be honest i though i was doing quite well i had got the xbox apart and had followed the certain instructions to a t then i got to a part whre it says  make sure theres is no disc in drive. to my horror,i knew there was a disc still in there.Never mind i thught reconnect it to my xbox and press eject which i did so to my horror error 64 on the screen and no disc eject i have tried to reconnect to the pc which see's it has a dvdrom and ejectg there but no good i know htere is a eject button on the connection kit but thats doing nothing i would be gratfull if u could help me as i am absoltley stuck know

cheers Yorkie1


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Hitachi Help
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2006, 03:59:00 PM »
