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Author Topic: Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)  (Read 1762 times)


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #150 on: November 12, 2010, 01:11:00 PM »

Thanks to everyone who released this and the new dash launch. Everything works great.

Jasper512 up and running with avatars.

Cant edit my posts still. Does anyone after installing new rebooter and dash launch 2.04 still have the 30ms ping patch. I have not been able to try it yet but I no longer shows up in freestyle dash 2,0.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #151 on: November 12, 2010, 01:27:00 PM »


You will need fbbuild 0.1, Freeboot 0.032 (you only need this for ibuild.exe), (this contains the new dashboard files), Dashlaunch 2.04 (You only need this if you already use an old version to autoboot to your dash)

1. Copy flash360 to a usb stick and run on your JTAG if you already have flash360 on your xbox hard drive then run it from there,

2. Make a dump of your NAND (I did not do the full dump).

3. If you don't alread have your CPU key then do the following - Power off the console, plug in either a component or composite video lead, then power on via the Eject button. Note down your CPU Key.

4. Extract fbBuild 0.1 to a folder on your PC, and place your flashdmp.bin from step 2 in the same folder.

5. Find ibuild.exe from freeboot 0.032 and copy that to the fbbuild 0.1 folder in step 4.  Create a folder called temp in the fbbuild folder.

6. Hold down shift and right click on the ibuild 0.1 folder, select "open command prompt here". At the command prompt type ibuild.exe x -d temp\ -p CPU_KEY -b DD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA flashdmp.bin (replace CPU_Key with that you got in step 3)

7. Extract the contents of the 12611 Dashboard to the data folder in the fbbuild folder.

8. Also copy crl.bin, crl.bin.meta, extended.bin, extended.bin, kv.bin, odd.bin, odd.bin.meta, secdata.bin, secdata.bin.meta, smc.bin, smc_config.bin from the temp folder created in step 6 to the data directory. If you are missing some of those files, you should be able to find them in the Donor NAND's archive.

9. At the command prompt type fbBuild.exe -c MOTHERBOARD -d data -b DD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA -p CPU_KEY updflash.bin. (replace CPU_Key with that you got in step 3),( replace motherboard with either XENON, ZEPHYR, FALCON, JASPER, JASPER256 or JASPER512). This will create a file called updflash.bin

10. Copy updflash.bin either to a USB stick. Or copy it to the flash360 folder on your xbox hard drive.

11. Now flash the NAND with flash360. I chose to keep my existing kv file.

12. When finished and you click a button the xbox will shut down. Now unplug the power and leave for a couple of minutes.

13. Reconnect. the first boot will go to a black screen for about a minute so dont worry.

14. Set up the xbox to your settings.

At this point you will not have Avatars or full Kinect Functionality.

15. Now download the dashboard 12611 system update and copy to the root of a USB stick.

16. Power down the xbox and plug in the usb stick in the back. Switch on and say yes to the update.

NOW THE DASHLAUNCH UPDATE (only need if you are already using dashlaunch)

17. From the Dashlaunch zip you will find a folder called installer. FTP this to the xbox and run and it will update your old dashlaunch to work with the new dash.

Hope this helps people.

This post has been edited by qualar: Nov 12 2010, 09:28 PM


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #152 on: November 12, 2010, 01:55:00 PM »

i had a backup of my original nand (jasper 512) but the disc will now not read,but i do have another backup but the dump is spread into several partial dumps.can i use one of these or can i make a dump using flash360 and use that although i did hear ones saying not to use a dump from flash360.

is easy freeboot 12611 ok to use with big block jaspers?


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #153 on: November 12, 2010, 02:00:00 PM »

It works fine with JasperBB. I've flashed it to my 256 and 512 units.

As for using dumps, you can always just make a dump of your current freeBOOT image and use that for the NAND file. I've done that for all of my consoles and have had no issues with it. I used XeLLous for the dumps, but I suspect Flash360 would work similarly as many others have stated it to be working.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #154 on: November 12, 2010, 02:11:00 PM »

Help please.

I made several Nand Dumps with my Jtag Box.
Each one gives in step 6. These Errors:
error: Unable to determine image type
Error: unhandled exception.

I did the Jtag back in march. I just took 2112kb from the nand when I did the jtag and wrote everything back with nandpro. Is this the reason why every nandbackup doesn't work with Ibuild ?

Any idea appreciated. I am stuck now for hours.

Thats how I did the jtag last time (my *.bat):
copy c:\nand\hack\XBR_JasperBB_8955_3.bin c:\nand\updflash.bin
c:\nand\nandpro updflash.bin: -w16 kv1.bin 1 1
c:\nand\nandpro updflash.bin: -w16 config1.bin ef7 2
c:\nand\nandpro updflash.bin: +W16 xell-2f.bin 30
copy c:\nand\updflash.bin c:\nand\arbeit\updflash.bin
goto end

c:\nand\nandpro lpt: -w2 nand2mb.bin 0
goto end


copy c:\nand\DebugLog.txt c:\nand\arbeit\free60.bin


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #155 on: November 12, 2010, 02:17:00 PM »

anything bad hapen if you dont copy these files.

8. Also copy crl.bin, crl.bin.meta, extended.bin, extended.bin, kv.bin, odd.bin, odd.bin.meta, secdata.bin, secdata.bin.meta, smc.bin, smc_config.bin from the temp folder created in step 6 to the data directory. If you are missing some of those files, you should be able to find them in the Donor NAND's archive.

I did not copy them and so far my xbox boots fine.

I only copied  kv.bin, smc.bin, smc_config.bin.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #156 on: November 12, 2010, 02:59:00 PM »

So I attempted to do this after successfully going to XBR to Freeboot and now to this.
Unfortunately after building my file and flashing it using Flash360, I am left with a console that does nothing but turn on. It doesn't boot to anything, no video output whatsoever.
It seems I cannot get into Xell either.  sad.gif

What went wrong and How should I proceed now?
I made a backup of my working Freeboot before I flashed the new one.

Any help would be great.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #157 on: November 12, 2010, 03:18:00 PM »

QUOTE(intention @ Nov 12 2010, 11:59 PM) View Post

So I attempted to do this after successfully going to XBR to Freeboot and now to this.
Unfortunately after building my file and flashing it using Flash360, I am left with a console that does nothing but turn on. It doesn't boot to anything, no video output whatsoever.
It seems I cannot get into Xell either.  sad.gif

What went wrong and How should I proceed now?
I made a backup of my working Freeboot before I flashed the new one.

Any help would be great.

Do you have a DVD drive in your xbox?

QUOTE(wunderstürmer @ Nov 12 2010, 11:11 PM) View Post

Help please.

I made several Nand Dumps with my Jtag Box.
Each one gives in step 6. These Errors:
error: Unable to determine image type
Error: unhandled exception.

I did the Jtag back in march. I just took 2112kb from the nand when I did the jtag and wrote everything back with nandpro. Is this the reason why every nandbackup doesn't work with Ibuild ?

Any idea appreciated. I am stuck now for hours.

Thats how I did the jtag last time (my *.bat):
copy c:\nand\hack\XBR_JasperBB_8955_3.bin c:\nand\updflash.bin
c:\nand\nandpro updflash.bin: -w16 kv1.bin 1 1
c:\nand\nandpro updflash.bin: -w16 config1.bin ef7 2
c:\nand\nandpro updflash.bin: +W16 xell-2f.bin 30
copy c:\nand\updflash.bin c:\nand\arbeit\updflash.bin
goto end

c:\nand\nandpro lpt: -w2 nand2mb.bin 0
goto end


copy c:\nand\DebugLog.txt c:\nand\arbeit\free60.bin

What type of dump did you do.  Full or Partial?


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #158 on: November 12, 2010, 03:36:00 PM »

Thanks for the answer.

I did a partial dump with my jtag in march (2MB).
Now I backedup all and partial nand.

Every time error is unable to determine image size.

I wrote a batch to append all the nand saves.
None is working.

When I use the win XP version of easy freeboot it detects that I have a jasper256.
But neither with easy freeboot nor with ibuild standalone I am succeeding.

Seems that I am the only one.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #159 on: November 12, 2010, 04:01:00 PM »

@ qualar

Yes do have a DVD drive connected. After a bit of reading it seems if I cant get into Xell its a LPT reflash...  sad.gif
I've since begun a lpt flash of my previously working freeboot.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #160 on: November 12, 2010, 04:12:00 PM »

This is the only thing which works for me. I did not flash it, as I do not know if it is critical:

1. I get my kv.bin and my smc.bin with flashtool. I get my key and my settings. All this I copy to the mydata folder in the fbbuild folder.  When I use the smc_config.bin (16kb) from flashtools, I get the message smc_config.bin wrong file size. When I use the smc_config_bb.bin from the easy freeboot directory which is 128kb everything works fine. Then I start my batch:
@echo off
fbbuild.exe -c jasper256 -p "xxxxxxx my key is in here xxxxx" -b DD88AD0C9ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA -d mydata newupdate.bin

And the newupdatefile works without any problem through easy freeboot.

The question is, can I risk to upload it, although I did not use my smc_config.bin ?

Sinning Soul

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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #161 on: November 12, 2010, 05:06:00 PM »

I successfully updated my box last night and played some existing games.  Today I noticed I am unable to install any new games.  The option to install to HDD is there, but it gives me a dirty disc error everytime immediately.

However, the game boots and runs fine if I play from CD?

Did something get messed up in the flash?


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #162 on: November 12, 2010, 05:11:00 PM »

QUOTE(InsaneNutter @ Nov 12 2010, 03:13 PM) View Post

I have posted up a detailed tutorial with screenshots that should hopefully be of help to people that don't want to use automated tools, or are not 100% sure about how to upgrade: Easily update your Jtagged Xbox 360 to Kernal / Dashboard 12611 with FbBuild 0.1

I hope its of use anyway, any problems let me know smile.gif

does this work with cygnos?


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #163 on: November 12, 2010, 05:20:00 PM »

QUOTE(Sinning Soul @ Nov 13 2010, 12:06 AM) *

I successfully updated my box last night and played some existing games.  Today I noticed I am unable to install any new games.  The option to install to HDD is there, but it gives me a dirty disc error everytime immediately.

However, the game boots and runs fine if I play from CD?

Did something get messed up in the flash?

that happened to me about a month ago. it turned out my samsung m7 640GB hard drive had failed. i ended up having to format and check for errors. failed every time. my 1st hard drive ever to fail on me. going to go western digital for my jtag hdd next time i got enough cash.

try a different hdd before blaming it on your nand data.


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Fbbuild 0.1 (2.0.12611.0)
« Reply #164 on: November 12, 2010, 05:21:00 PM »

using sneakypeanut's gui, my jtag is now running the kinect... as it should be.

mad props and plenty love to the author(s) of fbbuild for coming through when ikari justifiably wouldn't.

(and may any kiddies misusing this on XBL get what they deserve)
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