
Author Topic: Fake Boot Discs & NFO Links  (Read 89 times)


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Fake Boot Discs & NFO Links
« on: December 29, 2005, 06:38:00 AM »

It would seem all day I have been closing posts on this.
The supposed BOOT DISC floating about is FAKE.
Some Members here seem to have lost all type of reason and are re-posting the same stuff about it over and over and worse still posting links to it and other sites full of Warez etc.
ANY MEMBER posting direct links or offering this FAKE can expect posting restrictions at minimum.
Direct From The Updated Rules
N-Force or other similar NFO File listing servies and sites – If you post this crap on XS forums, you’ll earn an account ban. The XS News Page, and XS forums run with 2 different rule sets for a reason. People on the forums have taken the privilege of posting the NFO and turning it upside down into an entire PIRACY post of “where can I get it”, and “how do I use it..”. Guess what, NOT ALLOWED. Everyone posting links in the forums to THOSE types of NFO listing sites will have their accounts closed. Those who aid those looking for those types of files, or the ISO files discussed, will also find their accounts close. Not negotiable. Head Mod staff will suspend your accounts with no discussion, no warning. They will also close the discussions at their discretion. Anyone looking for that info can easily find it on the net without discussing it on XS. Anyone who makes a new post or thread wishing to discuss the legalities of their favourite NFO site can simply go to hell. This is our site, our rules. Don’t like it, leave it. Staff will also be closing those types of threads.

This post has been edited by Chancer: Dec 29 2005, 08:54 PM