
Author Topic: *updated* Xbox-scene Buy & Sell Rules Topic  (Read 599 times)


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*updated* Xbox-scene Buy & Sell Rules Topic
« on: January 26, 2004, 02:01:00 PM »

The mods and admins of Xbox-Scene expect that anyone posting in Buy & Sell have read and understood the following rules. Buy & Sell is a mature place where business transactions take place. Failure to abide by the rules will result in your posts being moved to garbage, your account being muted, or possibly you being banned. It is worth your time to read these rules if you value your account.

These rules are universal and apply to every person and business posting in Buy & Sell.

------------Posting Guidelines------------
General Tips on making posts in Buy & Sell.
Buy and Sell is a place of business. If you expect someone to deal with you, use professional courtesy. Avoid using Internet shorthand (abbrviations like "u", leet speak, AOL talk like "soz", anything that makes you look twelve years old when you post it). Before posting, click 'preview post' and read your post over.

Thread Crapping
Thread crapping is anything unrelated to the topic at hand. Some examples:
  • Making fun of other peoples offers.
  • One-emoticon posts
  • Excessive swearing and pointless insults
  • Extremely low-ball, unrealistic offers.
  • Anything along the lines of "That price is too high!"
  • ANYTHING off-topic.
Moderators have the final say in what is thread crapping and what isn't. Don't get angry if your post gets deleted, just read the rules topic again. DO NOT THREAD CRAP!! IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED IN AN ITEM, DO NOT POST IN THE THREAD!!

Price comparisons
You are not allowed to compare (price, quality or anything else) of someone's items in their thread. Example, if someone is selling a hard drive, and you say, "Well, it's $20 cheaper at".  It is their thread - they can sell their item at whatever price they want, and they are free to adjust their prices without your support. Price comparisons are considered thread craps and you can have your account muted for it.

Referral URLs
We do NOT allow any kind of REFERRAL URLS (note: these are different than references, which are allowed). Referral URLs usually have a refcode in the URL, and people make fractions of pennies or gain some sort of point everytime it is clicked. People get banned a lot for these, so be careful. PM me (brahm2) before you post it if you’re not sure.

Multiple Accounts
Do not attempt to make multiple accounts to make yourself look good. We are watching. (note: multiple account syndrome is bannable)

------------Starting & Maintaining Your Thread------------
We allow 1 thread per STORE or INDIVIDUAL per week only. Post all of your items for Buy, Sell or Trade in the same thread! Extra threads will be closed or merged, and your account may be muted, depending on the amount of extra threads. When you are ready to start a new thread, PM the moderators of THIS FORUM to have your old thread closed (include URL!), or, click the "report this post" button on your post and include a request for closure in the textbox. DO NOT start a new thread with "mods close my old threads" in the title. It is an annoyance and a hassle for us to find all your old threads. You should only ever have one thread active at one time

You get one bump per day PERIOD. Excess bumps will get a warning, followed by a trip to the garbage bin if it continues.

What You CANNOT Include In A Thread
  • EvoX, SlaYers, MS DASH, or anything with Microsoft code on it cannot be sold on a standalone CD-R/DVD-R etc. Besides, they are free in the "usual places", so anyone paying for them is getting ripped off.
  • Dev Discs, Hardware Refresh Discs - Don't try and sell these. Or request them. Just don't. A Dev Disc is a term for any official MS disc that should NOT be for resale.. like the disc that formats the hard drive to a stock state (aka "refresh disc")
  • $75.00 EBAY XBOXES / $19.95 PYRAMID SCEME XBOXES (or PS2s or GAMECUBES or DIGICAMs or WHATEVER). Do NOT post links to items that are too good to be true - THEY USUALLY ARE NOT. Try ordering one yourself before you make other people lose their money as well. (actually, don't even try it yourself). Odds are these threads will be closed soon after being opened. If YOU are the one selling these pyramid scheme items, you will be banned
  • PAYPAL RAFFLES/DRAWS/SCAMS/WHATEVER, Don't try to make a post saying "Okay, everyone PayPal me $1, then the 300th person will win an Xbox!" Anything along those lines will be closed and you will probably (by that I mean, most definatley) be banned . This kind of falls in with the whole Pyramid Scheme idea.
  • Items That Are Not Yours. Do not post a thread for an eBay auction, website, or shop that is not yours. Don't post topics like "HAY GUYS I FOUND THIS SITE R THEY LEGIT??!!?" and expect people to buy from them before you do. Check the Webshop Ratings to see if other people have bought from them. If not, try searching Remember, if it's too good to be true, it usually is. You shouldn't sell items for your 'friend' either.. let your friend join and he can sell his own items.
  • HARD DRIVE GOODIES - Don't vaguely describe "goodies" on your hard drive that you might be selling.. it could be interpreted as COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL (ie games) and would be sent to garbage. Obviously, advertising that you are selling a HDD with games pre-loaded is a no-no. ROMs count as taboo pre-loaded games.
  • Satellite products (even if 'legal')
  • Pornography or adult materials or sex toys, etc. Keep it clean, keep it enjoyable.
  • Collecting Donations for Xbox-Scene - This was a new issue that had recently come up. Don't start to collect money for us. If Xbox-Scene needs donations (which we don't,  because of our advertising revenue), we would set up our own PayPal thingy. Don't feel obligated to start one for us. bannable.
  • Other Donation Threads - You should not be starting donation threads at all in BST. If, for some reason, you feel you have a just cause, contact a mod first.
  • Illegal Backups - See below for details.
  • CLONED MODCHIPS - You are not allowed to BUY, SELL, ot TRADE CLONDED/FAKE XBOX CHIPS on this site. XS does not condone or endorse the use or purache of FAKE / CLONE modchips for XBOX. All to date have been defective.. and most people who have sold them misrepresent themselves, the product, and the quality of the product.
  • Gmail invites - We're not doing these, for whatever reason. Give them away somewhere else.
  • "Free Stuff from MS" - I have no idea what this is, but I'm fairly sure that falsifying information to get a free copy of Windows XP from a major corporation violates something or another, so these threads won't be tolerated.
No Polls Whatsoever
Polls are extremely annoying and should not be posted in buy and sell. If you post a poll, the poll will usually be removed by a moderator and the thread will stay. Sometimes the thread will be closed outright.

No Separate Feedback Threads Whatsoever
This isn't a professional service. People wanting more, should consider opening a WebSite to sell their products. An example of a feedback thread would be like "Post your references for brahm2 in this thread!". Similarly, threads like "has anyone dealt with brahm2 before?" should not be posted.

Don't make threads here unless YOU are buying, selling, or trading items
They will be closed, it's as simple as that.

The ONLY Legal Way To Sell Backups
  • Games on removable media (cd-r, cd-rw, dvd-r, dvd-rw, dvd+r, dvd+rw, dvd-dual layer, dvd-ram, (and other recordable media formats) MAY NOT BE SOLD. AT ALL. Sale of loaded external or portable HD's loaded are also considered off limits and not allowed.
  • For pre-mods, games can be pre-loaded on the hard drive ONLY if the originals are present, with their cases and manuals. This should be stated.
  • People selling a backup burned copy of a game.. and selling it with a game.. EG.. Retail HALO with a DVD-R copy of it bundled together is NOT ALLOWED. We do not allow game copy site to promote themselves on XS.. and we don't allow people to sell copies even if included with a retail copy.
People will be banned without warning for a violation of these rules.  

Note: I can't believe some people couldn't tell the difference.. but MOVIE BACKUPS/DVD COPIES count as ILLEGAL BACKUPS, unless, as stated above, they are sold with the original DVD, box, and inserts. ROMs also count as illegal backups.

It should be noted that the mods/admins are not complete idiots. If you think you have some clever word trick to get around the backup selling rule, think again. If you can’t take the 20 seconds to list the contents of your selling package, don’t bother posting in BST.  HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE = BAN BAN.

What can I include in a pre-mod and on the hard drive?
Homebrew Dashboards (evox, mxm, ava etc), Xbox based disk and flash utils (xflash, dvd2xbox etc) , homebrew games, Xbox based ftp apps, file navigation apps, etc. It’s okay to sell a pre-mod with a flashed BIOS. NOTE! This policy is subject to change on a whim!

eBay Auctions
You are allowed to make posts for *your* eBay auctions as long as they follow the other rules in this thread.  

Tips on starting a good buy & Sell topic. (not rules.. but good advice)
  • Post Country Currency.. ex. EUR, USD, CAD, etc. (Useful currency converter)
  • Include your location
  • Include an accurate and concise description of the item(s)
  • Photos are always nice to have.
  • Method of payment (PayPal, money order, etc)
  • Include a few business references (members on Xbox-Scene, BST Secure, Heat, etc)
  • Spell & grammar check and preview your post before you submit.
  • Don't post in ALL CAPS, don't use excessive bold/italics/colors tags.
  • Keep Internet Shorthand to a minimun, and give a good description of the item(s)
------------Dealing With Others------------
How Not To Get Scammed
The best way to ensure that you don't lose your hard earned money is a trade is to do some background research.
- Ask the person you are dealing for for forum references, and PM some of the people he may of dealt with.
- Ask for eBay feedback, and refs from BST-Secure or Heatware.
- Read the person's old posts. Click their username where they post, then when it brings up their profile, click "view all posts by this member.'
- Search for their name in the Buy & Sell section and see what comes up.
-  DO NOT post a thread like "Has anyone ever dealt with xxxxxxxxxx". It will be closed immediatley.
Remember, Xbox-Scene is not responsible for the trading that goes on here. You trade at your OWN RISK, and it is YOUR responsibility to ensure that you are trading with a trustworthy person.

EEPROM warning
If you send your Xbox to someone to have it modded, you run the risk of having your EEPROM taken from you without you knowing.
To the EEPROM buyers: ensure that you are buying your EEPROM from a reliable seller, one who does not "steal" EEPROMS, and make sure that the Xbox that it was taken from will never log onto Xbox Live.
To the EEPROM sellers: be considerate of your pre-mod customers, and let them know what you plan on doing with their EEPROM.
The mods are sick of EEPROM complaints.  If you haven't already.. upgrade your BIOS to the new  X2 bios' with ANTI-LIVE feature. It'll prevent you from accidently getting your EEPROM banned from live. As this becomes the defacto standard.. expect EEPROM sales to eventually disappear from XS.

Read Before Sending your Xbox away to be modded

X-S is not going to mediate transaction disputes. Someone gets ripped off.. too bad. We have no idea who ripped who off. Xbox-Scene does not claim responsibility for what goes on in Buy, Sell & Trade nor will we police it. Do NOT post threads like "******** is a scammer / I got ripped by *******" as they will be closed or moved to trash right away.

------------Violating The Rules------------
Don't do it if you value your account.

What to do if you see others do it
Click the "Report This Post" button and enter a short message. It sends out an e-mail to all mods, along with a description of the problem. This is easiest for most people (members & mods alike). This is the fastest way to make sure a moderator will see the post.

Short Summary of things that
  • Selling Illegal Backups
  • Multiple Account Abuses
  • Promoting or attracting people to Pyramid Schemes
  • Collecting donations in Xbox-Scene's name.
  • PayPal "raffles"
  • Repeated multiple abuses of the BST board in any way.
Note from brahm2 - I will get a lot of PMs just because I made this post. That's okay, and I will help you clean up your topic from thread crappers, answer questions about the rules, and close your threads when you are ready to have them closed.  I will NOT help you with scammers, mediate transaction disputes, or resolve webshop issues with you - nor will the other Xbox-Scene mods. You trade at your own risk.

PLEASE send me a PM if you need clarification on anything, before posting a thread!  

Revised & Updated 7/11/04

This post has been edited by brahm2 on Jul 21 2004, 12:52 AM


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*updated* Xbox-scene Buy & Sell Rules Topic
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2004, 07:07:00 AM »

Any NON-SPONSORS from now on who want to promote themselves, or their shops etc.. must now contact XANTIUM or HSDEMONZ before posting a THREAD in GENERAL CHAT or other popular areas. For the Time being.. if your shop want to give away goods/prizes in your B/S/T thread.. you may do so. XBOX SCENE is not responsible in any way for any of these contests, nor are we responsible for getting the prizes to you. Prizes are furnished by the shops involved. There is no Guarantee of fitness or mechantability of the prizes.

This has been changed.

NO FREE GIVEAWAY/CONTEST in BST. Period.  Anyone who wants an official XS contest should contact XS via this link and follow direction there...

At a future time.. we might review this policy.  We had far too many complains about bst sellers not making good on their free give-aways contest.

Brahms.. feel free to edit the original policy as necessary with this new info.


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*updated* Xbox-scene Buy & Sell Rules Topic
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2004, 10:11:00 PM »

Thanks HSD, updated.

Also updated:
- "Short Summary of things that WILL DEFINATLEY GET YOU BANNED" for those who just can't take the time to read the whole thing.
- No pornography/sex toys/"adult materials" rule. Keep it clean, keep it enjoyable.
- Info on raffles. (a big no-no)
- Campaigning for donations on behalf of XS, or any individual. (also a no-no)


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*updated* Xbox-scene Buy & Sell Rules Topic
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2004, 10:22:00 PM »

A couple of new things I want everyone to know...

1. I have found a RIDICULOUSLY easy way to detect if members have more than one active post in BST at once time. So if you wander into your thread one day, and it's been closed, it was most likely me. If it was merged without a note, it was most likely me.

If you hate your posts being closed or merged without your consent, you should really start considering sending me a friendly PM, including a URL to your old thread, when you are ready to close it and open a new one. This is much cleaner in the long run, and I won't have to fight about locking topics.

Don't PM me and get mad about it. I will follow up on your post history, and point out to you exactly why the post was closed/merged. If you haven't read the rules and you didn't know, touch luck. I am not unfair, but I do adhere to the BST rules.

2. Head Moderators now have the ability to mute accounts. If you are a repeat offender in BST (and we DO keep track), your account can be muted for X amount of days without one of us having to contact HSDEMONZ first.

ADMIN EDIT: Head mods will either WARN YOU and keep records.. or ask me direct for a BAN request.  They have the power to MUTE and to Temp BAN accounts until I can review each on a case by case basis.

Thanks for reading.

This post has been edited by HSDEMONZ on Feb 20 2004, 07:02 AM


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*updated* Xbox-scene Buy & Sell Rules Topic
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2004, 05:37:00 PM »


Just completed an FAQ post here:

Feel free to ask me questions IN THAT THREAD (no PMs about PayPal please) and I will do my best to answer them.


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*updated* Xbox-scene Buy & Sell Rules Topic
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2004, 01:08:00 PM »

**Tips on Buying/Selling/Trading Online.**
Since I see so many insanely ridiculous B/S/T ads, I feel that this forum could use a post somewhere along these lines. I've split it up into three parts, which are obviously buying, selling, and trading. Please read them carefully.

First, a bit of background information on myself and why I'm qualified to write such information. I've been trading over the Internet for many years now, and to date have bought, sold, and traded over 120 items. I almost always sell or trade within the first few days of posting my item. Follow these tips and you might be able to do the same. Remember, practice makes perfect. It might take a few times to master the art of making a great sale or finding an awesome bargain, but eventually, you'll get it.

Buying on the Internet

The reason people buy things on the Internet is normally first and foremost the price; however, some things really are too good to be true, and you should learn to recognize the indicators of a scam before you lose a lot of money. Some warning signs of a false deal can include:

-Unwillingness to ship using COD, PayPal, or other insured methods of payment.
-Price that is too low to be valid. While some people may offer excuses (a popular one is that they are "leaving for military service and need to get rid of all this gear"), it's usually best to fight your temptation to snag an incredible deal in the interest of saving yourself a lot of heartbreak and money.
-Lack of feedback, feedback that sounds phony, or bad feedback that is not openly displayed for potential buyers.
 Bad, usless, or rediculous itemsEG. If the seller has no idea what his version 1.5 xbox with a PCI bridge and a matrix with a 95 gig HD.
-Unwillingness to give out e-mail address, instant messenging handle, or other form of Internet communication over a  forum or auction website.
-Newly made contact addresses and handles. Fraudulent sellers often register new e-mail address and messenging names specifically for one deal, and then delete or abandon them in exchange for a new set.

Above all else, USE YOUR BRAIN. If something looks fishy, even if it goes against every bargain meter in your head, it's often best just to stay away. Always look for feedback. A good seller will include a link to his feedback if he has sold or traded items more than once or twice before.

Selling on the Internet

Follow the guidelines below and you'll make your sale quickly and efficiently...I can just about guarantee it.

-Always post a price, even if it's estimated. Give people something to work with.
-If you have references, post them in the ad.
-PICTURES are one of the most important parts of a successful sale. If you have them, post 'em, and if you don't have pics, get some.
-Post detailed specifications.
-Type clearly and form coherent sentences.
-Include all relevant information in bold or other font style that will stand out against the normal type.
-Include contact information.
-Try to remember to include a reason for selling, especially if you're the type of person like me who has a new thing or three every week.
-ALWAYS include detailed information and pictures regarding any damages to the item, aesthetically or performance-wise.
-Know resale value. Xboxs, for example, used to go for upwards of $250 used. Now they barely push $125 unless they include many upgrades. Try to price your item at no more than two-thirds of what it's lowest retail price is. It is preferable to include other items to sweeten the deal. Don't add so much that you lose a lot of money, but just enough to entice buyers into paying your asking price. Look around on the Internet forums and auction sites and research resale values for the equipment you are trying to sell. Then, try to match or beat those prices. You will sell your items five to six times faster and it will be much easier in the long run.

Trading on the Internet

Third party is the safest, most effective method of trading. However, it is also a tad costly, so always evaluate the other party by checking feedback before deciding on how to ship. Popular methods include:

-COD (Collect on Delivery; an extra charge but well worth it in regards to peace of mind)
-Third Party ( Im sure they will do xbox if you email them.
  I will also do third party if intrested.


Shipping is the last thing you do when you do any of the above things. Always use USPS because they are mandated, controlled, and owned by the federal government. They may cost a bit more but they have postal inspectors and many laws against fraud use this at any cost.

Forums to file out

Easy one here guys.... call the Local police and fill out a police report then fill out the forms at your local post office
Then contact YOUR attorney general and fill out a report with them.

Finally, print all of the above out and send them registered mail to the address that you sent the MO to. If the perp is under 18 his parent are legally resposible for the "willful misconduct" of their son and they will be charged with the crimes he has commited. This technique has never failed to work for me. You will get your money back or they will be charged, period.


Thanks for reading; please keep all of this information in mind the next time you go to buy, sell or trade online. It could save---or make---you a lot of money. Always remember to ask ask ask, if there unknowing or seem not legit dont do it plenty of other ppl have the same stuff.



This post has been edited by Orgness on Mar 14 2004, 09:21 PM


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*updated* Xbox-scene Buy & Sell Rules Topic
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2004, 11:36:00 PM »


You are not allowed to BUY, SELL, ot TRADE XBOX CHIPS on this site.  XS does not condone or endorse the use or purache of FAKE / CLONE modchips for XBOX. All to date have been defective.. and most people who have sold them misrepresent themselves, the product, and the quality of the product.

Brahm2 will add these to the rules above shortly.