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Author Topic: About Halo 2  (Read 4697 times)


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About Halo 2
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2004, 01:57:00 PM »

QUOTE (socrates @ Nov 17 2004, 10:33 PM)
Ya i agree, halo 2 was hyped halo 1 was much better and had that "feel: to it, this one just feels like all the other fps games.....oh well atleast i can still play halo 1 smile.gif

that was perfectly put.    Halo 1 had Perfect controls.  COMPLETELY natural feel.


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About Halo 2
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2004, 01:59:00 PM »


Seriously 90% of all you haters don't like it because it wasn't your vision.  Too freggin bad.  Have fun bitching.   jester.gif


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About Halo 2
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2004, 09:38:00 PM »


btw I love this fukin game!! biggrin.gif


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« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2004, 12:43:00 AM »

Good game

*slaps somebody on the butt*

Honestly liked the game... interesting story-line... a little sketchy but the ending and all the crap kinda keep it going... other than that, multiplayer is better than Halo 1... and sound/graphics kick ass....

overall, its a pretty kickass game.



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About Halo 2
« Reply #34 on: November 20, 2004, 05:34:00 PM »

You know what, after playing it more, I am liking it alot more.  Score now is 9.5.


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« Reply #35 on: November 20, 2004, 09:26:00 PM »

it was awful, the voices sounded weird and the story really didn't have much to do with what they have been advetising,

They didnt advertise a story if i remember correctly it was kept pretty secret.

It's so boring and repeative and the multiplayer isn't fun either

Like i said put it on legendary and see how long you last just running around like a moron. The AI is so much more realistic. They attack in numbers, hide to heal, and marines actually help more. The enemies just dont stand there to let you shoot them.

Grenades are all of a sudden a lot heavier for some reason, and the kickback on the SMG is retarded. Master chief is a super cyborg who can flip over a tank, for craps sake, I think he can handle a SMG without shootng the ceiling.

I can see your a fool and just want the game to be easier. Its called a trade off do you want close firepower or long range, or even mid range. I doubt you'd understand that though sorry.

SMG 50 feet awat can kill me before I can get the 6 face bursts required to kill someone with the battle rifle, something's wrong

SMGs are supposed to be powerful in close ranges and like 50 feet is pretty damn close.

Dual weilding is stupid. With the right combo, you can kill someone before they can even turn to see their attacker. Lame.

Don't use it.

I went through and most complaints are just stupid ass moans of people who look like they played halo 2 for like 10 minutes.


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About Halo 2
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2004, 01:04:00 AM »

I went through and most complaints are just stupid ass moans of people who look like they played halo 2 for like 10 minutes.


thank you for putting it they way we wanted to hear it.

The people who play this game for less than one hour can be considered narrow minded.  Now before I get flamed once again, hear me out.  It's fine if you don't enjoy something right off the bat, and it is your choice whether you want to continue with it and see if it has potential or let it sit on the shelf.  However, don't go preaching how bad the game is because of that, nor should you compare it to the god-like status of the original halo.  I can't believe any of them can get through a book with that attitude.  99% of all books start out slow to set the grounds of the story... same for movies and you guessed games.  But out of the 3 categories, you can actually have some fun while they build the story for you in video games.  I'm I'm not just talking about story, it also uses the first two levels to let you get use to the new controls and interface. me... those who make a hardcore decision after a few minutes of gameplay are narrow minded because they don't want to see it any other way.

I too, like everyone else, was dissappointed at first when I played the first level, by the third or fourth level I was hooked.  I say 100% that this game is better than the first halo.

And to reply to whoever said about the lag issue on live.  I use to use xbconnect and then I decided to try the 2 month free of live.  I've been paying for it ever since and for this game.  you have got to be kidding me about the lag.  I cannot hold more than 6 players usual in one of my rooms in any other game without complaints of lag but halo 2 (excuse me for not knowing the technical part of it) "shares" the connection between all the players.  Which means I hold 16 people every night... no problem.  Now, yes... once in awhile you find a room with about 3 people that have horrible connections and it will be laggy, but according to the ones I've experienced, and comparing to the amount of games I'm played on live since halo 2 launch ( does a great job at keeping track of everyone's stats without the need of signing up for anything) I'd say less than... yes, LESS THAN 1% of the games I have played have lagged out, or been noticebly laggy for more than a couple seconds.  As for the changing of maps and all.. never experienced it, and I have played ALOT of games since launch, and I usually don't get hooked on game like this one.  I'm tired of people who think they know xbox live when they only use xbconnect (and I'm not talking about the person who I was replying to).  I have had discussions in this forum and in others here on xbox-scene and most people think that xbconnect is just as good as xbox live.  If anyone of you just try xbox live (with an open mind of course) most of you will agree.  and the price tag is not bad at all.

Anyway, I have fun on halo 2...... or for you PC fans who think fps should only be on pc... have fun with half life 2... and for the rest of you.... i'm sure you'll find something that suites you.  But please, don't bash such a well made game, even if you hate it...sound, graphics, level design... amazing when compared to what else is offered on xbox... scratch that... amazing in general.


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About Halo 2
« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2004, 04:30:00 AM »

QUOTE (DuDeR MaN @ Nov 21 2004, 10:07 AM)
I say 100% that this game is better than the first halo.

DuDeR MaN,
I respect your opinion, and it holds a lot of weight considering your love for the first halo is right on par with mine.  I have not made up my mind if i like Halo 2 better then the first; i have beat it once only on Heroic, and played a good amount of MP.  The two things that bother me the most is the actual real-estate in halo 2's levels seem to be much smaller then halo 1's, and the levels are a lot more linear.  The other is the outside environments looks less impressive; less detailed textures up close, and everything is overly grey.  Oh, and what's up with the damn flashlight in halo 2 shutting off in the campaign after only 5 secs in most areas; things look so much better when your able to shed some light on it.


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« Reply #38 on: November 21, 2004, 01:56:00 PM »

the flashlight is odd in this game because it will constantly stay on it the REALLY dark levels later in the game but will shut off if there is any visible light around you.  It has it's own battery saver and I'll admit I don't like it.  As for the worlds being greyer.  You're right but there are still some fantasic views, the levels are more dense will trees and shrubs which block light.  The light in this game is really well done in my opinion.

Also, the biggest problem I have with this game is the restrictions with invisible walls.  in the first game you could say..."i want to get up to the really high ledge".  and if you were able to pull it off somehow, you could go there.  But no there are invisible walls and I am disappointed.  And I don't even know if warthog launching is possible anymore with the new physics engine, anyone try it yet?  and finally I also dislike that the bansee can no longer hover.  It's alot harder to control when it's almost always constantly falling.  I can see why they do it for multiplayer, but they should keep the hover feature in single player at least.  Oh I I almost forgot that the texture loading can be annoying at times but is barely noticeble and doesn't ruin the gameplay at all.

and those are basically the only problems I have encountered... all minor.


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About Halo 2
« Reply #39 on: November 21, 2004, 08:49:00 PM »

I also dislike that the bansee can no longer hover. It's alot harder to control when it's almost always constantly falling. I can see why they do it for multiplayer, but they should keep the hover feature in single player at least.

They only changed the way hovering worked. On Halo (1) you had to hold the left thumbstick backwards to "fly" backwards or "hover". On Halo 2, to "hover" you only need to quit using the left thumbstick at-all, this will bring you to a very low speed, which is similar to Halo (1)'s but instead of going backwards it moves forward.

I hope this may be of help wink.gif .

PS: Halo 2 rruulleess!!!!!


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About Halo 2
« Reply #40 on: November 22, 2004, 09:20:00 PM »

QUOTE (ernld @ Nov 22 2004, 04:38 PM)
Im glad to see that a lot of people share my opinion.

To be honest i think they've ruined the original, like when a really good film is spoiled by the sequel.

I cant beleive its taken them so long, and essentially all theyve done is cheapen the feel of the game, they've concentrated too much on xbox live and in doing so they've given it the messy, buggy feel of an online pc game.

Personally i cant see anything wrong with the single player story, but they've done nothing to make it more exciting or interesting than the original single player.
The levels are way too long and it inevitably gets dull and repetative.

All theyve done is:
1.) Added a few new (not very exciting) weapons
2.) Added a few new enemies
3.) Made the old vehicles drivable
4.) Touched up the graphics slightly, the chief is the only really noticable improvment but he 's supposed to be a hardened war hero and as such shouldnt be so fucking shiny. Also this makes him stand out from the rest of the graphics which surprisingly enough isnt shiny.
5.)Tweaked the AI, I think the elites are easier to kill now and arent as much of a threat which takes away the element of danger and stuggling to survive which everyone enjoyed so much in the first game.
6.) Dual weilding, a good idea but it maybe doesnt sit right in halo. This has been executed better in other games.

Why have they taken so much out that we heard about during the ridiculous period of hype over the last few years.
Link up Co-op is something that people have have been asking for since the announment of halo. All the different kinds of warthogs, they would have been so easy to put in, just a case of changing the models and the attributes of the existing warthogs. And what happened to the volumetric flamethrower that we heard so much about.

Having said all this, Halo 2 is still a really good game. It could never be anything but seen as its based on arguably the greatest game of all time, but it could, and should have been so, so much more and personally I will be choosing the original halo for my LAN partys.

Ive rambled on slightly, but im outraged at the quality of the game given all the hype they put on it and i needed to get it off my chest.

If you want a real step forward in the FPS genre then half life 2 is the game to play

Well it's your opinon i suppose,But i bet you don't remember all the people complaining of no live when halo was out all they did was give what "The masses" wanted an online multi player shooter,Even thougfh i think call of duty is better for that but thats my opinion.So the masses got what they wanted and M$ got the biggest selling console platform game ever,Whats funny is there is so much stock of halo2 i bet ya next year the price drops to 30 bucks or they include them in the xbox bundles


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About Halo 2
« Reply #41 on: November 25, 2004, 01:29:00 PM »

QUOTE (southbark @ Nov 23 2004, 06:23 AM)
Well it's your opinon i suppose,But i bet you don't remember all the people complaining of no live when halo was out all they did was give what "The masses" wanted an online multi player shooter,Even thougfh i think call of duty is better for that but thats my opinion.So the masses got what they wanted and M$ got the biggest selling console platform game ever,Whats funny is there is so much stock of halo2 i bet ya next year the price drops to 30 bucks or they include them in the xbox bundles

Call of duty rocks!   biggrin.gif   totally agree with you there,   i do agree with the buggy feeling of H2 however.   i havn't played it in about 3 weeks now.  Half life 2...  godly.


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About Halo 2
« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2004, 07:46:00 PM »

QUOTE (gsgleason @ Nov 11 2004, 03:54 AM)
I thought that bungie would make a great title that was halo 2, being that the first was so marvelous.

I was wrong.  

I can't believe it took them so long to come out with this.  Seriously, it only takes me a couple minutes to produce a pile of shit.  It took them several years.  wtf?

The view is terrible.  It's like they took halo and zoomed it in 50%.   It makes close combat a lot harder to deal with, and it feels like you're running around with blinders.

Grenades are all of a sudden a lot heavier for some reason, and the kickback on the SMG is retarded.   Master chief is a super cyborg who can flip over a tank, for craps sake, I think he can handle a SMG without shootng the ceiling.  

Oh, and there's the ranged reticle red thing.  Now, your reticle will only turn red if it's within the pre-designated range for the weapon you're holding AND it's current zoom setting.  stupid.

oh, speaking of zoom, first click zoom on snipers = 5x = stupid.

The weapons are horribly mispowered.  When someone with an SMG 50 feet awat can kill me before I can get the 6 face bursts required to kill someone with the battle rifle, something's wrong.  And, instead of just making the rocket less strong, they make it slower to shoot and slower in general and give it a bunch of error in it's path.  

The banshee is worthless.

Dual weilding is stupid.  With the right combo, you can kill someone before they can even turn to see their attacker.  Lame.

blah blah blah.  

I don't understand why development teams totally change the engine of a game that's so popular.  This game feels like a chap rip-off of unreal tournament only without the coolness.

Halo2 = C-

say stupid enough?  what are you 12? 75% of your critisms have absoltuely no merrit.  you just call stuff reason why.  that is your opinion, you can have it if you want i guess, but that was the most god awful review/sum up/whatever the hell it was, i've ever seen for any game.

you kids need to play on harder difficulties to experience this game, normal ain't gonna cut it.


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About Halo 2
« Reply #43 on: November 26, 2004, 07:49:00 PM »

QUOTE (ernld @ Nov 24 2004, 11:26 PM)

Only about 1 million people have xbox live, as opposed to over 15 million that have xboxes so the masses havent got what they want.
The majority of people cant afford or physically cant get broadband or a credit card to get xbox live and system link would have been simple to add into the game, they have it for multiplayer, why not co-op?

Also m$ only got those sales on the back of halo, i bet the sales will drop dramatically now that people have the chance to try it before the decide to buy a copy

the comment about the majority is just flat wrong, unless you live in some small as middle of nowhere country......broadband is cheaper than dialup with 4/5 providers....and it is available in more heavily populated MORE PEOPLE.  

that means, that the MAJORITY has this access to broadband, not the MINORITY that doesn't have the services available.  i'm sorry but your statement is just flat uneducated and wrong.


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About Halo 2
« Reply #44 on: November 28, 2004, 12:49:00 PM »

sorry about the spelling error, in the bottom paragraph i meant you CAN complete it.

i spent 3hours 20mins on HALO 2, including ten mins of net play......

i completed it on hard,,,,,

which was a total put-off, (what's the point in playin through again when HARD was such a let down)

and the ten minutes of net play..... well .....

i soon turned off and went to rainbow 6 black arrow,

It was too easy, on a stealth game mode, just grab a sword, and on any other multiplayer game type grab 2 needlers.

too much power makes short work and repetative play.

So dish the dirt, chuck away the halo....

be a devil.............

you want a shooter, play ghost recon 2, black arrow,,,, or call of duty..........

much better multi-player.......and much much longer in campaign
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