
Author Topic: Team Pink  (Read 95 times)


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Team Pink
« on: September 09, 2005, 05:26:00 AM »

Hey all i am banky (TP Banky), i am here to backup the request for new members for teampink. if you have read roundyz post you will already know most of it but if you have'nt go and read it right afer reading this plz!!!  Basicly focks we are lookin for team players to join the clan we have 3 currently but are hoping for more to join. With only 3 members we are still very good and you wont be dissapointed at  the qaultiy of play if you join up toda. Just vist and click join clan, there you can also see the members page to find out a little more about us. There are also some cool downloads, why not costumise your desktop with the great teampink wallpaper done by roundyz or d/l the brill map review made by myself. So for all you great halo2 players not in a clan just floating about kai on your own join teams that are crap why not join us and kick some ass. all we ask is that you put TP before your name just so everyone know you are part of the best clan in kai.

have fun people
TP Banky