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Author Topic: Halo Maps Editing Program  (Read 395 times)


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Halo Maps Editing Program
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2003, 07:41:00 PM »

QUOTE (Mike117 @ Jul 20 2003, 04:33 AM)
Yeah, dude. I know, I believe you. He only has a crappy little 13 posts and you have 600+!!! I have seen such things in the files myself, but didn't really pay much attention cuz i guess i was looking for other such things. If you look at tutorials and such, the XDK can be installed on any machine regardless. I haven't heard of MS issuing SDK computers comp.gif , but I'm not ruling that out. He shouldn't come out and just start flaming you flamethrower.gif , but oh well, he did it anyway. I'm still up with you on this one. By the way he is talking, it doesn't seem as though he even owns halo or has never bothered to look at it's file contents. Seems to me like he is just talking out of his ass and i am with you on this one cuz i have personally seen the same things wacko.gif .

Exactly. Folks, if you wanna get this done, you gotta work together on it, or someone whos a really good programmer, is probably already on it.


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« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2003, 12:05:00 AM »

He only has a crappy little 13 posts and you have 600+!!!

You’re saying that my amount of posts affects my intelligence and abilities?
I have seen such things in the files myself, but didn't really pay much attention cuz i guess i was looking for other such things.

How much do you want to bet that you have never seen things such as Product Activation, Maxtor hard disk, N o r t o n A n t i v i r u s, and SyncMaster monitor inside of a cache file?
If you look at tutorials and such, the XDK can be installed on any machine regardless.

You are talking about the SOFTWARE part of the XDK, not the hardware part (which is what you think is in the fake cache file).
I haven't heard of MS issuing SDK computers  , but I'm not ruling that out.

Good choice of not talking out of your ass on that one:
By the way he is talking, it doesn't seem as though he even owns halo or has never bothered to look at it's file contents.

Well, I own Halo, unfortunately for you, and I have looked at the file contents many times before, and I’m part of the HaloHacker group (I had to to get this far in the first place, DUHH).
Seems to me like he is just talking out of his ass and i am with you on this one cuz i have personally seen the same things

You haven't seen this before. The way it's formatted does not match any cache file (ask anybody else who’s seen a cache file from Halo before). I think you think I’m talking out of my ass because I didn’t provide enough information for you, and I have “a crappy little 13 posts” and he has 600+. Look at you. You have 80. What if I had 1,000 posts and I said "you only has a crappy little 80 posts, you know nothing and you’re lying". Would you say "ALL HAIL ALMIGHTY POSTMASTER!!" or would you say something like what I just said? That's just a little something to think about...

Videogamebuyer14, on another note, is the version number of the XBE, and NOT an IP (foobar). If you knew anything about IP addresses and the different classes of IPs, you would know immediately that that number is not an IP address.

XBOX War3z

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« Reply #47 on: July 20, 2003, 12:35:00 AM »

typedef struct
   int     id;
   int     version;
   int     decomp_len;   // Actual len of decompressed data. Halo sticks garbage on the end so that the file is one of several fixed sizes (35, etc). Not sure how to tell which size it should be yet.
   int     unknown1;
   int     offset_to_index_decomp;
   int     unknown2[3];
   char  name[32];
   char  builddate[32];   // Year.Month.Day.Build - I guess they use this to make sure that a certain build will only open that build's map files, because this string is in the app too
   short  unknown3[2];
   int     unknown4;
   int     empty[HEADER_EMPTY_INTS];
   int     footer;

} header_t;

the xx.xx.xx.xxxx (in my case: meaning build on Jan 14th 2001) is the builddate

btw there is no info whatsoever in the source that in any map files, there should be data like the programmer's build stuff (WINDOWS,MAXTOR,Norton,...)

for anyone interresed about the decompressing wink.gif

  // We need to decompress it it
  int  outlen = header.decomp_len;

  decompbuffer = malloc (outlen);
  printf ("Decompressing data...n");
  ret = uncompress ((Bytef *)decompbuffer, (uLongf *)&outlen, (const Bytef *)compdata, (uLong)len);
  if (ret != Z_OK)
     fprintf (stderr, "uncompress returned %i!n", ret);
     exit (1);
  // write the header
  write (outfile, rawheader, 2048);
  free (rawheader);
  write (outfile, decompbuffer, outlen);

from the header he also tells us that Halo adds zeros to the end to make the size fixed

well that's about it for now wink.gif


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« Reply #48 on: July 20, 2003, 01:05:00 AM »

This is very interesting..... both sides have facts right...


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« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2003, 12:06:00 PM »

A little later, i will open up the cache files and i will put in large code snippets. Of course these code snippets are from the hex editor and not a map decompressor, but its something.


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« Reply #50 on: August 04, 2003, 02:38:00 PM »

I have to ask whether anyone can make sense out of the following ASM code found in the XBE, where it loads up the map files (I'd put in the offsets, but I usually format them wrong.... Stupid Winhex)

Actually, if you look for: "Mat's Edification" in the xbe, you can find the following...

%08lX %s    
%08lX %s  
EAX: 0x%08lX    
EBX: 0x%08lX    
ECX: 0x%08lX    
EDX: 0x%08lX    
EDI: 0x%08lX    
ESI: 0x%08lX    
EBP: 0x%08lX    
ESP: 0x%08lX    

if you continue down, you'll also see...

EIP: 0x%08lX, %02lX %02lX %02lX %02lX %s    
%08lX %s    
%08lX %s

Hope this helps a bit... or if someone could tell me if it's all just random code....


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« Reply #51 on: August 05, 2003, 07:34:00 AM »



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« Reply #52 on: August 06, 2003, 10:14:00 AM »

I guess no one notice the awesome link I showed it's pretty sweet. Oh well at least I've seen it.


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« Reply #53 on: September 22, 2003, 04:07:00 AM »

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