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Author Topic: Atarixlbox v7  (Read 1239 times)


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Atarixlbox v7
« on: May 08, 2008, 10:18:00 PM »

Atarixlbox v7
Posted by XanTium | May 9 00:18 EST | News Category: Xbox
Madmab released a  new version of Atarixlbox - a Atari 800/5200/130/320/XL/XE Emulator port for Xbox1.
What's new/fixed (Atari core related changes):
* Fixed new pokey sound issues.  Using a modified new_pokey engine by foft, author of the GP2x port of atari800.
* Core updated to ver 2.03 with the exception of the pokey engine.
* New NTSC palette code using some routines created by Kr0tki.
* Autoconfiguration for select games.  If you do not have a game configured and the emu finds a matching crc in the configs\game directory it will ask you if you wanna use it.
* 5200 Overlay support!! Now you can bring up the corresponding overlay for whatever 5200 title you are playing. Just use the same button used to bring up the onscreen keyboard (currently left trig+x for 5200). Use left analog or digital pad to select a keypad button. Right analog moves the overlay around. Black makes more transparent, white less transparent. The overlay location is saved for each title.
* Support for the 5200 analog stick.  It is only read when in 5200 mode.  
* Dual Analog support!  Yeah Dual Robotron and Space Dungeon baby!! Just check out the configuration screen and enable dual analog.
* Trackball support! Use for games like Missile Command and Centipede(info). Plus a trackball/analog stick sensitivity mode to make certain games more playable. 100 is the default. 70-80 is a decent setting for titles like Missle Command and Super Breakout.
* Replaced generic keyboard with 130xe look alike (only used within game).  Keyboard can be moved with right analog stick. Keyboards location and transparency are saved in each games configuration.
* Extra functionality for the virtual keyboard. Cursor can be moved with the analog stick.  X button toggles shift key. Y toggles ctrl key. Start presses enter and back backspaces. White/Black change the keyboard transparency.
* Lightgun support.  Barnyard Blaster, Bug Hunt, Crossbow, and Special Forces play pretty well.
* New default "Miner 2049'er skin" you can change it to the "old_atarixlbox" if it rakes on your nerves.
* Ability to pick a file from within a zip file. That way multi-disk games can be zipped now. Code stolen from the ViceX emulator.  Keep in mind that if you play any game that "saves" to a floppy, that disk has to be a seperate UNZIPPED file.
* New option in the "Game Options" menu to display what files are "loaded" in drives 1 thru 4.  Plus I added a rotate disks option. Press the A button when viewing the loaded disks.
* Added rotate_disks option to the controller setup.
* Option in configuration menu to allow swapping of joystick in port 1 and 2.  I think like a total of two 8-bit and 1 5200 game use this.
* Rewind and slow down functionality.  This was already in the last release by x-port but I just wanted to re-iterate.  :P  
* Ability to turn on/off player/missile/playfield collisions (for cheating).  Try it on games like Pacman or Jumpman.  The collision setting is not saved, but the sprite collision detection settings are saved on exit.  So all it takes is a simple hop into the options menu to re-activate it.
* Added in to configuration menu "do not allow activating attract mode". Really only useful in demo's.  This and above idea borrowed from AwinPlus.
* Paddles 0 & 1 are now mapped to sticks 1 &2, or 3&4 depending on what port you have the mouse set too.
* Added built in disk menu for using with megaimages. When you turn this option on the emulator will read the disk and display all games on it for your selection. It's under the "computer specific options" and it's called "Use built in disk menu". Thanks to HiassofT for letting me use Picodos as the built in disk menu.
* Add in the ability to play SAP music. I used the ASAP code made by Piotr Fusik. Playback speed (for SAP files) can be set to either NTSC or PAL. For those not in the know SAP is like the Atari equivalent of the SID collection for the C64. Check it out at "". The player can also play the following formats, CMC (Chaos Music Composer), CMR (CMC Rzog), DMC (DoublePlay CMC), MPT (Music ProTracker), MPD (MPT DoublePlay), RMT (Raster Music Tracker), TMC, TM8 (Theta Music Composer 1.x), TM2 (Theta Music Composer 2.x).
* modified the cheat code system to read/write values the way an Atari would. That way you can check, for example, the player/missile collision registers to see if a collision happened. Or you could (in theory) disable certain sound channels, etc.
* Added ability to add in cheat codes from a Gameshark compatible database (see description below). This includes the ability to export the cheat codes in a game to "share" with your friends. Cheat/rumble codes are included for most 5200 games. When "adding" codes from the gameshark DB it will move you to the entries with a matching CRC. If not you'll have to manually find the game (sorry, only one CRC per game).
* Fixed artifact mode selection option, it can now be used for games like (drol, lode runner, etc).
* Fixed screenshot saves.  The colors are now correct.
* Corrected screen not displaying properly when no filter is selected.  (look at the ladders in games like donkey kong and jumpman).  Filters still place garbage on the right and bottom of the screen though.  Thanks to x-port for advice.
* Record/playback now work correctly.   Thanks to x-port for advice.  It now also records all keyboard presses and 5200 analog movement as well as Paddles 0 & 1.
* Added a record analog (yes/no) option so you can double the record time for those 5200 games that do not really need the analog stick (galaxian, pitfall, etc).  Analog stick will be disabled.
* Changed so player/missile detection still occurs when fast forwarding.
* "autodetect" for media type. In most cases you can exit the options screen and be good to go (see tips on getting a game to run).  Unfortunately cart types have to be selected, but I did make it easier (see "oddball cart types" below).
* Turned on code for upload/downloading configurations to website.
* Thanks to Brian Berlin (aka eegt97) 5200 Star Trek and Pitfall can be started now. Brian did the pc 5200 emu kat5200.  Be sure to check it out!
* 5200 games like Missile Command, Centipede, Pole Position, Pengo, and Xari Arena are playable. Super Breakout is a little more playable.
* Thanks to Kr0tki Bounty Bob is now playable.  There are only two working versions of Bounty Bob that I know of.  The correct 5200 dump and the cassette version released in the UK.  I highly suggest the 5200 version, UK version is a little slower.  Set the UK version to PAL for it to work properly.
* Netplay should now work properly and it passes keypresses as well.  No analog yet though.
* For Interface related changes and Internal changes, check the full changelog

Official Site: (version by Madmab)
Download: n/a (built with XDK)
Full Nfo/Readme:



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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2008, 11:54:00 PM »

7 years later and im still using my Xbox 1 - Thanks Xport - you and the XBMC team are the only reason I love my Xbox V1 still..


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2008, 12:04:00 AM »

Well seems I was beat to this post, advertisements and all!!  laugh.gif

I highly suggest just removing all old atarixlbox directories, including any saves.  Saves are no longer backward compatible something I HAD to change in order to get record/playback to work properly, among other things.  Old configs should import just fine, though, but why bother with autodetect picking up most everything!  biggrin.gif

If you want more information, click on the link above for the ".nfo" file.  Here is some more information in the readme which I did not include in the .nfo just because the list is longer than my rap sheet (uh, the one in GTA IV, ok??)..

Special thanks....

X-port for porting a great collection of emu's over to the xbox, releasing the source code, and answering my stupid questions.
The beta testers - NE146,  Jibbajaba, mimo, panamajoe, Pyjamarama, remowilliams, Stephen, telengard, paranoid.  I know you all are busy but thanks for the support and input.
Atariage (Albert in particular) - For providing a place for my beta testing thread.  For the 5200 overlays that I used as a template.  For encouragement in general.
Kr0tki for the alternate NTSC palette and info to make Bounty Bob playable.
Foft for the pokey sound engine from the GP2x port of A800.
HiassofT for letting me use Picodos as a built in disk menu.
Piotr Fusik for his ASAP code.
Awinplus team for some borrowed ideas.
Brian Berlin (aka eegt97) for info regarding getting some 5200 games to work.  Brian did the pc 5200 emu kat5200.  Be sure to check it out!
Various people on the Atariage forums for providing information I needed (for example info regarding Trackball mode).
Comments of support from various interested parties.
If I missed anybody shoot me an email and I'll update this file.

**** Know Issues ****

save state restores from samba/relax games where multiple disks are involved wont work automatically.

H: device issues.  Atari dos 2.5 cannot delete files on the H: drive.  Not much I can do about this one.

5200 analog calibration seems to get out of wack when using fast forward.  Only happens during the in game calibration (usually at start of game, or after dying) so just try not to FF at that point.

Disabling attract mode in games can cause weird problems (see Miner 2049'er) so use it only demo's.  K??

Super Breakout (8-bit version) does not have any sound.

leftover Record/playback time is incorrect when recording/playing paddle games.  (I'll fix it l8r)

**** To do (the feature creep list) ****

Unfortunately, some games don't use the full paddle range (e.g. optimal range for "Arkanoid" game is 0-88). The AWinplus allows setting the min-max paddle range.

Add a startup sound to be played when emu starts up?

Configuration tips

Well I never was 100% happy with the config screen but I never got a whole lot of input regarding it.  So here are a few hints on getting games going...

If the emu finds a config file, use it.  I have pretty much every 5200 game covered and several A800 games from Atarimania and fandal's site.

Most everything else you can just hit the B key to exit the config screen and you will be set.  Thanks to the autodetect and auto config search feature for the most part 90% plus of the games will be playable off the bat.

Any A800 game not from the US is a PAL game.  Don't worry about Japan the a800 didn't exactly go big over there.  wink.gif

If the game is a disk and it stops on the DOS menu with the message "please type 1 letter" that means it is a basic program.  Go back into config and turn Basic "On".

If the game fails to load, for whatever reason.  Try switching machine type to "Atari 800".

If that doesn't work set machine type back to "Atari 800xl" and set "Patch SIO Routine in OS" to no.

If that doesn't work, I don't know what to say.  tongue.gif  Actually there is the odd game that requires Basic to be enabled or it will kick you back to the game select menu "immediately".

I almost wrote a "creating cheat codes" tip section, but laziness overcame me.   tongue.gif

Enjoy and if you have any questions, concerns, or notice an issues just type away!

This post has been edited by madmab: May 9 2008, 07:07 AM


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2008, 01:32:00 AM »

You did an exceptional job madmab...
Thousand kudos to u and to every person that keeps the scene strong


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2008, 03:18:00 AM »


I just sold my old 800 and 810 and now I can keep on playing!


BTW what is the latest PS1 emulator?


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2008, 03:21:00 AM »

QUOTE(dokworm @ May 9 2008, 05:54 AM) View Post


I just sold my old 800 and 810 and now I can keep on playing!


BTW what is the latest PS1 emulator?


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2008, 03:49:00 AM »

It's pretty fun playing the 5200 games with the analog stick control in there.  There are a few "autocentering" quirks since I added the track ball stuff that I wish was not there.  But it's kinda on par with a real 5200 experience.  I have a feeling there is more going on than was observed by some people (regarding to how the trackball interacts with the 5200).  I really need to fire up my reall 5200 and confirm a couple things.

Anyways there also seem to be some samba/relax related issues that I have to look into as well.


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2008, 08:04:00 AM »

Thank you !   beerchug.gif


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2008, 09:07:00 AM »

QUOTE(NYCXBOX @ May 9 2008, 02:30 AM) View Post

7 years later and im still using my Xbox 1 - Thanks Xport - you and the XBMC team are the only reason I love my Xbox V1 still..

that just about sums it up wink.gif .... cause about all i still use XBox 1 for is XBMC myself for XviD video files wink.gif

and sometimes emulators smile.gif


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2008, 09:19:00 AM »

Great work, an awesome release. You keep the scene strong! Thank you!


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2008, 05:43:00 PM »

Good to see another update from the xport crew. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a n64 update of any kind (though I'll probably be better off crossing them for once the 360 is open).

 Can't wait to check out this Atari update.


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2008, 11:06:00 PM »

amazing, amazing job!

just looking at that list of new features and updates made my jaw drop and my eyes start to bleed.

I haven't been giving the xbox any love for a few months now, and this is like a boob job for it...   tongue.gif



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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2008, 11:54:00 PM »

Wow madmab..... knew you were working on this, but had no idea how much things you were tweaking.  Nice work.  

What's next?  Idiot proof mode?  cool.gif


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2008, 12:22:00 AM »

Thanks guys.  Just lemme know if you run into any issues.  I still do not know how this thing will do on new installs.  I tried to make sure that everything would be functional but you never know!!

We've already had an issue regarding relax shares and picking pre-configs reported.

I know the config screen is a bit cluttered, but really pressing B to exit will cover most cases.  But I never got a whole lot of feedback regarding the config screen.

Many thanks to the parties involved for letting me use their source code!!

This post has been edited by madmab: May 10 2008, 07:29 AM


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Atarixlbox v7
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2008, 07:51:00 AM »

QUOTE(NYCXBOX @ May 9 2008, 02:30 AM) View Post

7 years later and im still using my Xbox 1 - Thanks Xport - you and the XBMC team are the only reason I love my Xbox V1 still..

It should be noted that v7 was done by madmab.  I only provided the v6 source and answered questions.
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