
Author Topic: Shoutcast Questions  (Read 50 times)


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Shoutcast Questions
« on: March 05, 2003, 04:14:00 PM »

Well I've figured out this much it works it seems when I share the examples provided with relax 75.  But only with the .mp3 files and .SC-LIVE connection which when you look at them with a text veiwer they look like this.  So I know this is just not a normal MP3 file it looks like Relax is doing the DNS lookups and with acting as a gateway to the internet to serve these 2gb psuedo mp3's to the xbox.

But when I try to use a .sc file I create from a .pls file it looks like


It looks like the xbox treats these files like a URL as trys to connect to the internet which of course it cannot as I have it setup now (That might change but I hope not to have to).   Can someone please explain what is going on here?  I'm assuming since my xbox does not have an active internet connection all the connectivity I getting from these mp3's is relax based.  Oh one more thing with the new CVS build it looks like the only way the recording options works only if your using a sc file and not one of these psuedo mp3's.


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Shoutcast Questions
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2003, 03:23:00 AM »

shout cast wont work unless your pc running relax is sharing the internet connection to your xbox


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Shoutcast Questions
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2003, 03:24:00 PM »

That's not correct because currently I'm listening to shoutcast streams now and browsing by genre.  Added a couple as well it works great relax is operating like a router to the internet and doing the streaming for me without having a live connection to the internet.  

What I have problems with is that I can't seem to record these streams unless it's a .sc file.  Which of course your xbox trys to connect to the internet and the way I have things setup that not going to work.  Unless of course they figure a way out to do this.