
Author Topic: Project Mayhem 3 Skin Mod - Shutdown/favorites Menu  (Read 114 times)


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Project Mayhem 3 Skin Mod - Shutdown/favorites Menu
« on: May 15, 2007, 11:19:00 PM »


Thanks to Team XBMC, a new Favorites Menu has been recently implemented allowing you to easily add your favorite files to a localized menu for easy retrieval. Currently, the Favorites Menu can be accessed by pressing a button on the Home Page or pressing the Right-Thumbstick button on an XBOX controller, which activates the Shutdown Menu, thereby listing a Favorites Menu button.

This modification changes the layout of the Shutdown Menu so it appears as if its an extension of the Favorites Menu. The purpose of the mod is so the Favorites Menu can be keymmaped to an XBOX controllers Right-Thumbstick button allowing quick access to Favorites anywhere in XBMC. The Shutdown Menu can then be accessed via the Favorites Menu by pressing left on the controllers D-Pad.
Included with the modified Shutdown Menu are the Exit to Dash and Eject DVD Tray Buttons, plus info-labels and an RSS feed are available for activation via the Shutdown Menus Eject button, which can be turned on or off as desired. The Info-Labels display weather, time, date, and system stats. Additionally, a Navigation Buttonscroller can be accessed via the Favorites Menu so you can navigate to any of the main windows from anywhere in XBMC.

If you would like to try this modification for yourself, please follow the instructions below.

  • This modification is for the Project Mayhem III skin only.
  • Modification tested with T3CH's 5/14/07 Build. Do not apply this modification if your XBMC build has been compiled before 4/30/07.
  • I suggest to first backup any files that are required to be edited or overwritten, so they can be transfered back to regain your default configuration.
  • Since XBMC is actively developed, this modification may not work on future builds. If you find the modification does not work with a future build, check back to see if an update has been applied.

  • MULTIPLE SKIN USERS: This mod requires changing the default keymap for the Right-Thumb Button to activate the Favourites Menu. Since this is a Global change it will affect other skins you may use. For instance, if you use MC360, the Right-Thumb Button will no longer activate the Shutdown Menu, unless you change the keymap setting back to its default value.

    I found an issue with some controls I added to the Favourites XML that may become visible upon changing skins and switching back to PMIII. Rebooting your XBOX after changing back to the PMIII skin should resolve this problem.

STEP 1. edit Keymap.xml
WARNING: An improperly edited XML file can cause boot problems. DO NOT attempt to edit an XML file unless you have a back-up method to regain FTP access to your XBOX, such as the use of a boot disc or other method.

Since the Shutdown Menu is set by default to activate via a Right-Thumbstick button, you need to edit XBMC's Keymap.xml file so the Favourites Menu will activate via the Right-Thumbstick button.
  1. FTP into your XBOX's XBMC directory and open the UserData folder, there you'll find the Keymap.xml file. Right-click on the Keymap.xml file, and your FTP client should open a context menu with an Edit option. Click Edit to open the XML file.

  2. Once the file is opened, scroll down about 74 lines and there you should see the following string:


    You need to edit that line by changing ShutdownMenu to Favourites
    After you complete your edit, the line should then look like the following:


  3. Save and transfer the edit to your XBMC build. Re-open the file and double check to see if the line edit took.

download and transfer modified files to XBMC
  1. Download the modification package from the following link, and extract the compressed file to your PC. -->DOWNLOAD LINK<--

    After extraction, you'll find a folder titled "menumod". Within that folder are the the files necessary to apply this mod. The contents of the folders are listed below with instructions on where to transfer the files.

  2. Textures: Within this folder are the textures for the modification, which needs to be transferred into the "media" folder for the Project Mayhem III skin.  Transfer the entire contents of the textures folder.
    You can find the Project Mayhem "media" folder by following this path: XBMC/skin/Project Mayhem III/media/

  3. custom650.xml - DialogFavourites.xml: Transfer both these files into Project Mayhems "PAL" folder, let them overwrite the existing files.
    You can find the "PAL" folder by following this path: XBMC/skin/Project Mayhem III/PAL/

  4. DialogButtonMenu.xml: This file needs to be transfered into the PAL or PAL16x9 folder, which depends on the resolution your television displays. If your outputting to a High-Definition Signal (HDTV) then transfer the file into the PAL16x9, otherwise transfer the file into the PAL folder, let it overwrite the existing file.
    You can find the "PAL" folder by following this path: XBMC/skin/Project Mayhem III/PAL/
    You can find the "PA16x9" folder by following this path: XBMC/skin/Project Mayhem III/PAL16x9/

    NOTE TO HIGH-DEF USERS: Since I don't have a High-Definition display, I was not able to thoroughly test the modification for High-Def. I tested it using XBMC PC, though if you experience any issues, please post your problem within this thread.
After all the files have been transfered, reboot your XBOX. Below is an explanation how to navigate the applied modification.

If you should experience any problems with this mod, please report them in this topic.

XBOX Gamepad Controller Navigation Guide:

  • Right Thumbstick Button activates Favorites Menu.
  • D-Pad Left activates Shutdown Menu.
  • D-Pad Up (from top of menu) activates Navigation Buttonscroller.
  • Back Button exits Favorites Menu.
  • D-Pad Right returns to Favorites Menu.
  • D-Pad Left on Shutdown Button cycles through timer settings. Timer can be deactivated via this button.
  • D-Pad Left on Restart Button cycles through Reboot/Restart options.
  • D-Pad Left on Eject Tray Button activates Info Labels On/Off settings, which you can cycle through by pressing up/down on the D-Pad. Press the A button on a setting to turn it on or off, press Right or Left on the D-Pad to return to the Eject Button.
  • D-Pad Right or Left cycles through buttons.
  • D-Pad Down or Back button returns to Favorites Menu.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Shutdown Menu InfoLabels and RSS Feed will be off upon first installation. To turn the labels, RSS feed, and background panel on or off, see the instructions above under Shutdown Menu in the navigation guide.

If the Shutdown Menu Info-Labels appear cut off at the right edge of your TV display, I then recommend calibrating the XBMC screen display, which can be done through XBMC's user interface. To calibrate the user interface, in XBMC click the "Settings" button on the Home Page or button scroller, then click the "Appearance" icon. Move down to the "Screen" button. From that menu select the "Video Calibration..." option. From there you can adjust the user interface. Once the calibration window opens, move your D-Pad to adjust the arrow for the left/top portion of your screen. The arrow should represent the corner edge of the GUI. Press the "A" button to switch to right/bottom adjustment portion of your screen. Once your satisfied with the changes, press the "Back" button on your controller to exit.

Chokemaniac for the Project Mayhem III Skin
Most images used in this modification were copies of PMIII images that were either slightly altered or re-sized.
Animation/XML configuration by Xboxbox451

This post has been edited by xboxbox451: May 26 2007, 07:04 AM


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Project Mayhem 3 Skin Mod - Shutdown/favorites Menu
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2007, 11:33:00 PM »

very interesting, xboxbox451! thank you smile.gif


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Project Mayhem 3 Skin Mod - Shutdown/favorites Menu
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2007, 01:01:00 AM »

This is a really neat mod xboxbox451!  Works great on my xbox, no bugs so far.  Thank you very much.  biggrin.gif


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Project Mayhem 3 Skin Mod - Shutdown/favorites Menu
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2007, 11:45:00 AM »

looks sweet, ill have to try it out.


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Project Mayhem 3 Skin Mod - Shutdown/favorites Menu
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2007, 05:07:00 PM »

Thanks for the feedback  smile.gif

I just upped a revised package. Basically just changed some alignment on the buttons and the buttonscroller label. You can get the revised packaged from the same link in the first post.

Any problems, let me know.


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Project Mayhem 3 Skin Mod - Shutdown/favorites Menu
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2007, 10:24:00 PM »

Can someone please tell me what build to use for this to work right. Every one I try the favorites menu is messed up, Its not all there, no background or info just words? Thanks


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Project Mayhem 3 Skin Mod - Shutdown/favorites Menu
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2007, 11:23:00 PM »

QUOTE(newt420 @ Jul 15 2007, 01:00 AM) View Post

Its not all there, no background or info just words? Thanks

It should work with the latest T3CH. As for the backgrounds, I think you improperly transferred the images from the 'Textures' folder.

I put up a screenshot illustrating how to properly transfer the images from the 'Textures' folder into Project Mayhem III 'media' folder. Be sure to reboot your box after transfer of the modification.

IPB Image