
Author Topic: Using Xboxhdm Tools To Clone  (Read 29 times)


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Using Xboxhdm Tools To Clone
« on: December 29, 2006, 08:42:00 PM »

First, let me be clear, I am NOT a Linux nut nor very fluent in Linux.  I am just someone who can google commands, has at least a vague clue as to what linux is, and is not afraid to type something at the command prompt and get it wrong.

I was quite put off by the "Go have a beer, this is going to take a whilel" message once I started a clone operation on a 120gig to a 250gig.  There is no progress bar.  No indication its doing anything.  Hell, it could be sending out millions of stock spam emails for all I know.  Never mind that I don't like beer.  Now, 24 hrs later it was STILL sitting at "Go have a beer".  Damn.

So I figured out how to do this with a tool located on the XBOXHDM cdrom and some linux commands. I don't know if this is the BEST way but it IS a way and its not for those afraid to type somethnig at a command prompt.  If you want a pretty gui or a wizard to hold your hand, go away now.  There will be a bit of gui but you need to do some commands at the command line to support it.

Before you proceed here, use the stock tools on the CD to create the partition table and format the partitions on the DESTINATION drive.  I suggest you do that without plugging in your xbox drive you are going to copy from just in case.  Once you are done with that you are ready to proceed here.

First you MUST know where you plugged in the drives, BOTH of them.  My suggestion is put the DESTINATION drive on the Primary Master and put the SOURCE drive on the Secondary Master.  Make it a habit and don't break it.  Put the drives in the SAME PLACE EVERY TIME.

For reference here are the devices in linux:
/dev/hda  -  Primary Master
/dev/hdb  -  Primary Slave
/dev/hdc  -  Secondary Master
/dev/hdd  -  Secondary Slave

If you use the xbrowser command it will find the first xbox drive and set it up using the /PriMas folder (or other folder if you didn't plug it in there).  It WON'T find the second xbox drive.  This is good and bad really.  Good because there is no chance of getting it mixed up.  Bad that you have to manually mount it.  Because it doesn't auto-mount it, we have to do it ourselves.

So, before running xbrowser we need to make mount points and then mount the partitions of the second drive.  I always use Secondary master which is /dev/hdc and these instructions below are based on that.  Change the hdc to the correct one you are using and it all will work the same.

First the mount points (be sure to capitolize things right, linux cares, windows doesn't):
mkdir /SrcHD
mkdir /SrcHD/C
mkdir /SrcHD/E
mkdir /SrcHD/F

Now to mount your drive's partitions we use the mount command and these mount commands are for READ ONLY so you don't accidentally wipe anything off the original drive by mistake.  You can't make ANY changes to files on the SOURCE drive when using these mountings.  If you insist on mounting Read/Write (your funeral), take out the "-o ro" from the commands below.
mount -o ro /dev/hdc51 /SrcHD/C
mount -o ro /dev/hdc50 /SrcHD/E
mount -o ro /dev/hdc55 /SrcHD/F

You should now have your drive mounted correctly.  To check, just type mount and press enter and it will list the mountings and that they are xfat partitions.

Now run xbrowser.  In the CD pane, go up a level and you will find the /SrcHD folder.  Go into it.  You will see the C, E, and F folders.  You can check those for correctness if you wish but return to the /SrcHD folder.

The copy command in the gui is a bit odd but if you follow these instructions you will be OK.  Remember, you mounted your original drive as READ ONLY so you can't do anything to hurt it unless you re-mount it.
1.  Left pane should be inside /SrcHD and you should see the C,E and F folders.
2.  The right pane should be up one level from /PriMas and you should see a long listing, NOT the C, E and F folders. (I know it sounds odd but this works)
3.  In the left pane, move the selector to C but don't enter it.
4.  Press F5 to copy
5.  Type /PriMas into the destination box, don't end in a slash, start with one though.
6.  Change no other options and hit enter or click the OK.
7.  Sit and wait.  You now have a progress bar and some indication that its doing something.
8.  Move the selector to E and repeat 4-7.
9.  Move the selector to F and repeat 4-7.

When you are done, you can hit F10 to exit.  Reboot and lock the drive if you need to for a softmod or just power down and drop the drive into a chipped box.

I know this is not very automated.  It requires a bit of typing.  It does give you some feedback as to what the hell is going on with the copy operation and you can selectivly copy only games or just the C drive etc.  What you copy is up to you instead of a complete mirror.  I like progress indicators.  Even the twirly little slash thingie would be some indicator its doing anything.

I will go have a couple Magaritas while its copying the F drive...