
Author Topic: Opx Died?  (Read 41 times)

evil clone

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Opx Died?
« on: July 29, 2003, 01:45:00 PM »

Holly Sh*t its not just you. Its been awile since i have been there but its like that for me. Hmm whats goin on? I thought the project was 100% legal. Well mabey we will se some folow up news soon.


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Opx Died?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2003, 01:19:00 AM »

The sourceforge site is still there.
They've just been hacked by some 2-bit junior hacker.

look at the stat server:
And especially this one:

Not to worry to much I think, this shouldn't be a problem.


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Opx Died?
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2003, 09:25:00 AM »

Hello.  I am Bradley Mcalister (forceflow2, GUI Help File Developer) and as the only active dev in the irc channel when someone mentioned this thread I thought I should comment.  We are currently experiencing problems, that is indeed true.  One of the major problems that you may not know of though is the fact that we have not received any information on what is happening from the people who can check.  All theories about hacking and MS are currently pure speculation.  The Devs are attempting to contact Mike Curry to find out what exactly is going on but so far he has yet to respond.  We will keep you apprised of everything that happens as soon as we learn about it.  Thanks for standing by.
Sorry, forgot to add this.  The sourceforge site was not created by the same people who created the OPX site and maintain the server so if it is a legal action against The Neo Project then this would remain unaffected for a time.  As for the stats server, I am unaware of the reason why it is up and other places are down.  Especially since the Devs have said that the stats server is the most vulnerable out of them all.


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Opx Died?
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2003, 12:51:00 PM »

any updates?
Stat server seems to have recovered, but the main site is still down.
At least it doesn't redirect to some screwy site anymore.


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Opx Died?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2003, 06:20:00 PM »

Hey, me again.  Ok...Update...It seems that all the problems were caused by one of The Neo Project's founders, Mike Curry.  He ripped the site offline and just had it redirect to MS's Legal Department so that it looked like they had shut it down, or some script kiddie did it.  He has since taken all of The Neo Project's and Operation Project X's mirrors offline and has offered no reasoning behind why he did it.  The stats server is the only one remaining alive due to the fact that Curry did not have enough access to it to take it offline.  We believe the reasoning behind this was due to the fact that he wanted to quit doing all his projects and didn't want to deal with the aftermath of it. (This is especially obvious due to his sudden stoppage of TNP projects and an emphasis being placed on OPX.) Due to the problems he has caused, Operation Project X is left with no website, no forums, and only limited access to the stats server.  The major developers who were working on OPX, have decided that it is no longer worth the trouble to continue pursuing the project.  We have no way to copy the statistics correctly and we feel that losing the stats will destroy the userbase to a point that the project is no longer viable. Also, due to the fact that both Tom Wirschell and Mike Valstar, writers of the Pxclient and Windows GUI respectively, have decided that they will make OPX a very low priority, we have no more programmers with which to write updates to the software.  With all these facts in mind, the Developers have decided to end Operation Project X.  If anyone wishes to, and has the resources to, restart the project, the source code of basically everything is still available by request.  The developers are sad to see this project go, especially due to all the work we put into it but sometimes things happen and people lose the will to continue.  The Developers have decided to branch off and run/support other distributed computing and software efforts such as's RC5-72 effort, Seti@Home, Folding@Home, and the development of the Mozilla browser, with the largest grouping going to and forming the team "Team Scrubadub".  We will however, for the most part, still be active in the efnet IRC channel #opx if you have any questions or wish to obtain any source code that we have from the project.  Thanks for the time and CPU cycles everyone donated to help with OPX.  So, if you actually didn't read the whole post and just skipped around I will reiterate, Operation Project X is hereby canceled.


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Opx Died?
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2003, 01:18:00 AM »



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« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2003, 01:14:00 PM »

Well, this explains why I have about 6000 cycles to send in...haven't checked on it in a couple days.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.  Back to something else...probably the cow.  Moo.

evil clone

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Opx Died?
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2003, 08:30:00 PM »

Only one reson i see why they shut down.... They found the signature and want to be gready basterds and not share it. or he got a job for M$


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Opx Died?
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2003, 05:30:00 AM »

Does anyone know if it's still okay? sad.gif