
Author Topic: Unleashx Is Black Screen  (Read 105 times)


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Unleashx Is Black Screen
« on: February 16, 2007, 04:07:00 PM »

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Unleashx Is Black Screen
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2007, 12:35:00 PM »

ok let me try again. (1) i moded my xbox. i installed unleashx onto it and it was working fine.  one day i was trying to copy a game from cd to my xbox.  (2)it froze and didnt copy fully.  i pressed the rest button on the xbox and when it restarted the screen came up blank.  (you know normally it would say like the xbox logo then the unleashx logo..well it showed the xbox logo but no unleashx logo. that is where the screen went picture.) so i read about this happing to another person and he said he could still navigate through unleashx without seeing it and play the games from the hard drive...i tried this and nothing works.  it is like unleashx was not on the xbox anymore...(3)i went into the bios and told it to install softmod again. (4)then told it to install unleashx on the c drive.  restarted and still no picture no sound nothing.  (5)so i went back into bios and installed evox and that shows up and works. but i dont like evox and would like unleashx back on.  oh after installing unleashx again i also ran the patch and it restablished sound but no picture and unleash still didnt work..sad.gif  i dont want to lose all of my games and apps that are on the Hard drive. i was thinking maybe ftping the new version of unleashx onto my xbox but i dont know if it will work..i was just wondering if anyone had any ideas or could help.


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Unleashx Is Black Screen
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2007, 05:05:00 PM »

ok well i figured out how to fix my problem..1.i dont know why it happend or how(the original problem that is) 2. i downloaded evtool from "the usual places" and created a new boot.cfg 3. downloaded the newest unleashx.  4. installed config.xml and unleashx.xbe into root directory of C: 5. i dont have a bios folder but i found out my SID folder is the same thing, so i insalled the new boot.cfg, defult.xbe, and one other file (evtool tells you which ones to place in there) into the SID folder.  6. i went into dvd2xbox and loaded the default.xbe via the file manager. 7. power down the xbox and open the cd tray to bring up the bios screen or whatever it is called. which instead of loading that screen it loaded unleashx in its place. 8. restarted xbox and everything is normal.