
OG Xbox Forums => No-Modchip Hacks (exploits) => XBE Exploits => Topic started by: 10yearnoob on January 22, 2013, 01:00:00 AM

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: 10yearnoob on January 22, 2013, 01:00:00 AM
Is there a way to get the default IP, gateway , etc setting to be different?  I'm going to throw this in the closet and pull it out in 10 years to do it again I'm sure... and I would like to make it fool proof now.  It is formatted for IPs that are like ***.***.0.***.  Like Netgear routers.  I use linksys so I would prefer ***.***.1.***.  Is there something I can change in the game save to make it be in the format I want?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 10, 2005, 02:22:00 PM
I am pleased to announce that I finalized the 1.0 version of the installer and it will be available soon. If you have any feedback or questions do not be afraid to post them.

This post has been edited by krayzie: Aug 12 2005, 05:33 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: RiceCake on August 10, 2005, 02:30:00 PM
I can't wait to see it.

Mostly for the fact that I haven't kept up with all this Ndure tweakin' shit so I haven't a damn clue whats what anymore, lol. I'm still using pre-Live fonts and I hear thats not necessary anymore.

If people are too dumb to get this working I'll make a quick guide for it on XGuides.

This post has been edited by RiceCake: Aug 10 2005, 09:33 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 10, 2005, 02:31:00 PM
As he probably hasn't changed it too much from his beta, I am sure you'll like it. Just as easy as his UXE installer  beerchug.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: RiceCake on August 10, 2005, 02:37:00 PM
After checking out the readme, damn man. Looking pretty spiffy!

A nice, clean, do-everything system only puts adding new programs in the hands of the user, and thats really hard to botch.

It only uses MechAssault though, any plans to port it to other games later?

This post has been edited by RiceCake: Aug 10 2005, 09:47 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 10, 2005, 02:57:00 PM
QUOTE(RiceCake @ Aug 10 2005, 10:48 PM)
After checking out the readme, damn man. Looking pretty spiffy!

A nice, clean, do-everything system only puts adding new programs in the hands of the user, and thats really hard to botch.
It only uses MechAssault though, any plans to port it to other games later?

The readme just came from a MA version. The others are done too. I notified the xbins staff so it's just a mather of time before they're up.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: RiceCake on August 10, 2005, 03:03:00 PM
Ah, just wondering smile.gif.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rgtaa on August 10, 2005, 03:27:00 PM
thanks krayzie!

i just checked xbins and nothing yet!

loved  your last installer and looking forward to this one!

Would there be a way to set it up so it boots with POWER button to retail and when booting with  Tray out to modded state.  I say this because that would be the COOLEST thing ... everyone could play the xbox as RETAIL and forget about it... then When booting with TRAY OUT ... LCD changes to ORANGE and up pops XBMC!... push tray in and it stays modded. smile.gif

Cold boot retail.  Power button retail. Eject button tray staying in OPEN position changes the xbox to modded.  Super Stealth soft-mod!  

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ipodder2003 on August 10, 2005, 03:30:00 PM

That's been gone over several times before, it's not practical in the slightest.  To play an original game you need to eject the tray, so it makes more sense to have one button press than two.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kingroach on August 10, 2005, 03:36:00 PM
rtgaa, you can compile your closed-retail.. just switch out the paths..
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 10, 2005, 03:37:00 PM
yeah and there aint no lcd's changing orange. just leds
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ipodder2003 on August 10, 2005, 03:44:00 PM
krayzie, apparently you haven't heard that all xboxes from the factory come with X3 control panels preinstalled.  

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Alex548 on August 10, 2005, 03:50:00 PM
Well, from the looks of it.... everything is clear and concise.
Shouldn't have any problems installing everything if they've softmodded before.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rgtaa on August 10, 2005, 03:51:00 PM
any chance that one of the last few guys that posted can make file available in YOUR usual place! ... i wasn't referring to krayzie ... smile.gif

Thanks for the insight into making it boot retail... I'll try it.  

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: RiceCake on August 10, 2005, 08:41:00 PM
I could stick it on my server or on a BitTorrent site.
Course, that would be too easy. Everyone will just have to suffer for awhile  tongue.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 10, 2005, 10:36:00 PM
smart people playing with words could make a chance of a sneak preview....

This post has been edited by krayzie: Aug 11 2005, 05:46 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: micr0c0sm on August 10, 2005, 11:45:00 PM
give hints

does it need a password?

i have been trying:
the full name of the install
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kingroach on August 11, 2005, 07:23:00 AM
hahaha.. that was too
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 11, 2005, 06:52:00 AM
Right, that was easy. The first time I cracked a password tongue.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: micr0c0sm on August 11, 2005, 07:13:00 AM
Silly me, it was easy. biggrin.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ikecomp on August 11, 2005, 10:48:00 AM
it took about 10 min thanks for the preview
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ephesith on August 11, 2005, 11:05:00 AM
Thank you for the preview.  I am excited about using this app.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Booker T on August 11, 2005, 02:18:00 PM
Its isnt on xbins,where are you guys getting it?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 11, 2005, 01:45:00 PM
Were playing with words on the readme server  biggrin.gif . You can find the words yourself, it's not that hard
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Booker T on August 11, 2005, 02:39:00 PM
Can somebody upload it on bittorrent, this password thing is driving me crazy!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rgtaa on August 11, 2005, 02:24:00 PM
now that it's a day later and some of us still don't get it and it's not on xbins ... can one of you guys just list the special words in reverse order ...  for us slow learners! smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: PowderDay on August 11, 2005, 03:02:00 PM
Thanks, been waiting for your installer.

ps: i almost gave up on the password, i always make things harder then they are  rolleyes.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 11, 2005, 03:08:00 PM
Please people, stop asking for the file/password. If you can't find out the password on your own (It's not THAT hard. It took me 5 tries, so it CAN'T be hard), wait until it's on xbins.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Booker T on August 11, 2005, 03:12:00 PM
How about ill keeping asking and u stop responding to us, im sure someone who isnt a jerk will answer us!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ipodder2003 on August 11, 2005, 03:15:00 PM
QUOTE(Booker T @ Aug 11 2005, 03:47 PM)
How about ill keeping asking and u stop responding to us, im sure someone who isnt a jerk will answer us!

No need to be an ass about it just because you weren't a beta tester/can't figure out the password.  I'm pretty sure the only one being a jerk here is you.  With 500 some odd posts you should know by now that asking for file access is grounds for banning.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Booker T on August 11, 2005, 03:21:00 PM
Sorry man,ill leave this thread ok!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rgtaa on August 11, 2005, 03:26:00 PM
QUOTE(ipodder2003 @ Aug 11 2005, 05:50 PM)
No need to be an ass about it just because you weren't a beta tester/can't figure out the password.  I'm pretty sure the only one being a jerk here is you.  With 500 some odd posts you should know by now that asking for file access is grounds for banning.

I perfectly understand his frustration ... I'm kind of SURPRIZED you don't!   love.gif

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on August 11, 2005, 03:02:00 PM
QUOTE(rgtaa @ Aug 11 2005, 05:01 PM)
I perfectly understand his frustration ... I'm kind of SURPRIZED you don't!   love.gif

That doesnt give right to break the forum rules. Lets try and keep the thread on track, great job krayzie!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ephesith on August 11, 2005, 03:52:00 PM
Here is a big hint on how to find the files.  First access Krayzies Readme doc. Then, look at the logic on HOW one accessed the readme doc. (meaning/name password of the FTP access correlated with the readme doc.)  If you cant figure it out from here.....well.....I don't know.  I'm not sure if "we" are not SUPPPOSED to tell the actual password or not, so I wont, but its hella easy to figure out.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: hodeez on August 11, 2005, 06:21:00 PM
nice, got a "preview"
now for me to go tomorrow and get splinter cell
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: WoRM8008 on August 11, 2005, 06:08:00 PM
well whaddya know.. 2 tries and im in! now to try this thing  your last installer was the best i've used. im sure this will be just as good or better knowing the quality of your work!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Voodoo Child on August 11, 2005, 07:04:00 PM
Is the led light suppose to stay orange?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: brick0044 on August 11, 2005, 07:44:00 PM
ok maybe im trying to hard but,ive tried password=preview,and about 30 user names but im stumped .Anymore hints for us dummies.thanks even if you dont give any.this is kinda fun dry.gif  blink.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: TomC4T on August 11, 2005, 09:01:00 PM
Thanks for the preview.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Xboxmodder3690 on August 11, 2005, 10:12:00 PM
Thanks for the preview. I have already installed and it is great!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: mrplowdan on August 11, 2005, 10:23:00 PM
damn, me thought me was smart, me no smart

well it'd be nice if someone did pm me the password I mean I know I shouldn't ask and all but I'm dying here...
man, I thought I was good with these types of things
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 11, 2005, 10:34:00 PM
Okay this thread was about the installer and not a discussion/question thread about how to get it. You guys will just have to wait for it till it's on the usual places. From now on only the readme is available.

Edit: ftp server is offline from now on.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rgtaa on August 12, 2005, 11:35:00 AM
Thanks for the installer ... works great!

I can't get "easter egg" to work yet ... is it just me?.

Love you guys!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 12, 2005, 11:45:00 AM
You see... still good there is variation.. I wouldn't know any reason to add some easter egg besides the SCEEE and that's just way too big to fit on a mem card.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: micr0c0sm on August 12, 2005, 12:44:00 PM
Thanks Krayzie! This is definately the best gamesave softmod ever. Cleanly written, works very well, and talks you through every step of the way in a professional manner I haven't seen anywhere else.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 12, 2005, 01:13:00 PM
Now available at your favourite usual place.  smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Millions Knives on August 12, 2005, 02:10:00 PM
Thank you very much.  I have been looking foward to this all week.  Good job and keep up the great work!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: devz3ro on August 12, 2005, 05:12:00 PM
Submitted to usual places with nfo provided, Xant just posted on front of x-s.


Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kingroach on August 12, 2005, 05:29:00 PM
devz3ro, I pm'd Iriez twice for submitting ndure installer for pc in xbins but didnt got any reply.. is he still the xbins mod or its you?..
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Supraman205 on August 12, 2005, 06:44:00 PM
Alright, I've read the nfo file and all the posts, but I'm still leary about trying to get on xbox live.

Anyone have any success with logging onto XBL?  I was under the impression they only looked at HDD size, not files located on the box.  Or do they do both now?

Anyway, anyone have success getting onto XBL when entering in stock mode?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: creepndth on August 12, 2005, 06:08:00 PM
Love the installer Krayzie... another great piece of work, got it installed on a few boxes and it's working great... it's almost too good to be true with the following entry:

"--dual retail: This will let you boot to your MSdash when powering on with the eject button. In this state you can safely
  access live."

has anyone done this and can they confirm for me that it's safe to use live with this option?  (and if not completely safe, what should I watch out for)

 beerchug.gif Cheers!

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: TheAgedGamer on August 12, 2005, 07:40:00 PM
Used MA vs and worked like a charm. Thanks Krayzie and everyone else who had a hand in developing this.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: slappydooda on August 12, 2005, 08:15:00 PM
Can anyone confirm that this is safe to use with live? 'Cause if it is, then I just pee'd a little.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kingroach on August 12, 2005, 08:22:00 PM
nothing is 100% safe.. Its a nice alternative to coldbooting.. and so far nobody got banned using this exploit so I would say it pretty safe. Make sure you dont delete the savegame though since if update happens, it has teh possibility to  ruin the softmod.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: slappydooda on August 12, 2005, 08:26:00 PM
Ok. The readme kinda makes it sound like the ability to access live will be implemented in later versions... I guess not. Cool.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Voodoo Child on August 12, 2005, 08:30:00 PM
Is this a bug or something, the led is orange sometimes?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kingroach on August 12, 2005, 08:38:00 PM
led is orange when its in modded state and in retail green.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ipodder2003 on August 12, 2005, 08:44:00 PM
I think Live is horrible and I cancelled it, but yes, I've been on Live a few dozen times without getting banned.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: mantorok on August 12, 2005, 08:47:00 PM
What would be safer for live sceee or krayzie ndure?? By the way, this is great its more than i thought it would be!!!!!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ipodder2003 on August 12, 2005, 08:56:00 PM
Both are probably the same risk.  NDure is just easier to me.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Voodoo Child on August 12, 2005, 09:31:00 PM
How do i turn the led being orange off?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 12, 2005, 09:00:00 PM
The Ndure method, as implemented by kingroach's 2.x and krayzie's 1.x, has been used on XBL for about a month now, without incident.

The original method (as implemented by Cio, kingroach's 1.x and ipodder2003) has been on XBL for even longer, without incident.

(Ndure includes 'rmenhal' in its name to commemorate almost everything that resulted in it ...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: JustOne on August 12, 2005, 10:27:00 PM
I installed the softmod and the dual-retail and everything went well...but when i boot my xbox with the eject button and go to my xbox live menu, whenever i press on say my friends list, it just goes to a black screen...I tried it on 2 xboxes and it does the same thing.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 12, 2005, 10:30:00 PM
QUOTE(JustOne @ Aug 13 2005, 06:02 AM)
I installed the softmod and the dual-retail and everything went well...but when i boot my xbox with the eject button and go to my xbox live menu, whenever i press on say my friends list, it just goes to a black screen...I tried it on 2 xboxes and it does the same thing.

you cannot acces the xbox live dashboard in dual retail state. You would have to switch the softmod off if you want to. It's in the readme...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Xboxmodder3690 on August 12, 2005, 10:34:00 PM
QUOTE(Voodoo Child @ Aug 12 2005, 08:06 PM)
How do i turn the led being orange off?

In Unleash X: Settings-->System-->Scroll down to LED settings.--> Change default to whatever you desire. Cheers!  beerchug.gif

I'm not sure how to do it in Evox... sorry
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: JustOne on August 12, 2005, 10:35:00 PM
But it's ok to boot with the eject button and go get updates for games on xbox live right?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 12, 2005, 10:38:00 PM
QUOTE(JustOne @ Aug 13 2005, 06:10 AM)
But it's ok to boot with the eject button and go get updates for games on xbox live right?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: JustOne on August 12, 2005, 10:42:00 PM
Thank you so much for this fantastic installer... It's so simple to use and does everything a chip would do. Thanks
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kipsman on August 12, 2005, 10:45:00 PM
Krazyie, this is an amazing product you have delivered. I accessed the FTP not long after the README was posted and obtained all three+ versions on this. I actually thought for a second there,  that I had snuck into your ftp, then later on that day I saw your post and realized you did that on purpose. Either way u did a great job kudos!
  Now for my ?'s in regards to this...When i coldboot retail Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike and login to XBL it tells me it cant login and then asks if id like to troubleshoot settings. Once I hit ok to troubleshoot it then begins to update the dash. I think to fix the connection aspect of this problem I need to set the dash to STATIC in both MS Dash, installer dash, as well as the Installed dash. I say this because part of the README says this, but i admit im a little confoozed. Any help would be most appreciated! and again Thank You !
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 12, 2005, 10:57:00 PM
If you need a static ip: go to your dashboard (evox or unleashx) go to settings and set your network stuff to whatever you need . then load up your exploitable game and go the the softmod menu and then go to settings and set your netwoirk stuff also. Now all stages in where you come across will have the right network settings so you should be able to keep those settings all the way through.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Lamer123 on August 12, 2005, 11:45:00 PM
Does it matter if you recieve dash updates from ms with this softmod ??

Judging by how this works it shouldn't but I just wan't conformation .
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 12, 2005, 11:47:00 PM
it won't affect the softmod
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: leorimolo on August 12, 2005, 11:58:00 PM
just added to xbins
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ephesith on August 13, 2005, 08:16:00 AM
quick question(s) for Krayzie/others.  

#1 Does or possibly CAN the ndure/sceee installer that you have designed have the ability to uninstall the softmod and reinstall the softmod without the exploitable game?  I know the app is designed to turn it on or off.  If not (which I am suspecting) CAN the app be tweaked for this, or would the portion of code that you need from the exploitable game be to large to fit onto a mem card?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 13, 2005, 08:29:00 AM
QUOTE(ephesith @ Aug 13 2005, 03:51 PM)
quick question(s) for Krayzie/others. 

#1 Does or possibly CAN the ndure/sceee installer that you have designed have the ability to uninstall the softmod and reinstall the softmod without the exploitable game?  I know the app is designed to turn it on or off.  If not (which I am suspecting) CAN the app be tweaked for this, or would the portion of code that you need from the exploitable game be to large to fit onto a mem card?

None of the EE exploits can have the ability to completely restore the C drive since the EEE itself is located on the C drive. The best you could do is restore the C root to stock so just the dashdata folder contains modded files. The UEEE is worhtless anyway since it denies xblive dashboard acces. So only the SCEEE would be somewhat "usefull"  but is way too large to fit on a mem card. But since the files needed for SCEEE are also on a SC disc there could be other possibilities for SC owners.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on August 13, 2005, 10:35:00 AM
I was wondering what the procedure was to back up the xbox drive via FTP to do an upgrade (via xboxhdm) with a shadowc enabled like in this softmod. Is there anything I need to know?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: mantorok on August 13, 2005, 11:20:00 AM
You need to access the softmod menu, it is virtual C free.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: marti on August 13, 2005, 12:57:00 PM
I don't have an option to clear the cache in extras

v1.0 xb
160Gb hd
ndure 1.0

I had previously with your UXE 2.8 SC Pal installer could something have been left behind when i removed this mod?

by the way Krayzie you are THE man good work and thanks  beerchug.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: atomiX on August 13, 2005, 03:51:00 PM
Back from vacation and look what showed-up. Looking forward to trying it out.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 13, 2005, 04:12:00 PM
QUOTE(marti @ Aug 13 2005, 08:32 PM)
I don't have an option to clear the cache in extras

v1.0 xb
160Gb hd
ndure 1.0

I had previously with your UXE 2.8 SC Pal installer could something have been left behind when i removed this mod?

by the way Krayzie you are THE man good work and thanks  beerchug.gif

it should be there. The cache is cleared also during the installation.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Jozone on August 13, 2005, 06:03:00 PM
anything I should know before dropping in a new upgraded HD and using this? I have already install it on one of my stock xbox's, and it works 100% (used MA), awesome job man.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Millions Knives on August 13, 2005, 06:17:00 PM
Okay, I've searched around all over the scene to try and understand to the best of my ability if what I believe the correct way to go about doing this is right.

I recently bought a second Xbox because my friend wants to buy the one I have now from me.  I made the mistake of creating my Live! account on the old Xbox before upgrading my HD, but I never went on to Live! after the upgrade so I beleive I should be safe from being previously banned.  With this new Xbox I want to go about it the right way by upgrading the HD first before I recover the account on it (Because of current Marriage Theory of eeprom.bin and HD serial number being linked after installation of Live!).

1. Softmod stock HD with NDURE installer.
2. FTP into stock HD and copy the eeprom.bin to the linux>eeprom folder in xboxhdm 1.9 as well as copy the entire modded C:\ from the Xbox to the xboxhdm's linux>C folder.
3. Make the bootable disc for xboxhdm and do the proceedure to unlock and lock the drive as well as create the Xbox partitions for the new HD and copy over the files for the Xbox C:\ drive and eeprom.bin file from the xboxhdm boot disc.
4. After doing the steps to set up the new HD for use, put the new HD back into the xbox and boot up.
5. Revert back to retail state by switching the softmod off.
6. Access the Live! account recovery feature and re-activeate my XBL account from my older Xbox.
7. Enjoy XBL with retail games by cold booting games with the eject button using the dual retail multiboot, almost worry free of being banned. (I know it isn't 100% fool proof)

That is how I believe its supposed to be done, but I'm not 100% positive.  The tutorial for xboxhdm by Kingroach says to put the Slayer's C:\ content onto the xboxhdm linux>C folder for the bootable disc, but I remember putting the modified files from the modded stock HD into the linux>C folder when i upgraded the HD on the older Xbox.  I'd appriciate it if anyone can confirm if what I think is the way to do it is correct.  Thank you guys for your time, I know its a long post.

Oh and if it matters, the old Xbox was a 1.6.  The one I just bought is a 1.6b or whatever version the ones manufactured on April of 2005 are.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: marti on August 13, 2005, 09:02:00 PM
Krayzie thanks for the reply

I played a couple of games and it now is there as an option dunno if i was just being dumb (probably) rotfl.gif

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Lq.Dry on August 13, 2005, 09:24:00 PM
Need some help with Krayzie SC-NTSC Ndure Installer...i got the Krayzie_SC-NTSC_Ndure_Installer_v1.0.rar on to my xbox but when i try to load the save for sc...there is no sc save...when i check the save my xbox...these is only linux installer on it...what did i do wrong?can someone help?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kingroach on August 13, 2005, 09:37:00 PM
@Millions Knives, xboxhdm has some checksums so it doesnt copy modified xboxdash.xbe in the C:\ root.. so if you use the modded C drive, after building the hd. In xbrowser make sure that it copied xboxdash.xbe to C:\ root correctly..
other than that your plan looks fine..
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Jozone on August 13, 2005, 10:44:00 PM
I have all ready set this up on my v1.4, unfortunetly on the stock HD. I realized after a few minutes, stock just isn't going to cut it so I'm going to drop an 80gb in it.. I know this is a bit of a nub question, but should I follow along the lines of what Millions Knives is suggesting, or something along the lines of this guide?


Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Xboxmodder3690 on August 13, 2005, 11:23:00 PM
QUOTE(Jozone @ Aug 13 2005, 09:55 PM)
I have all ready set this up on my v1.4, unfortunetly on the stock HD. I realized after a few minutes, stock just isn't going to cut it so I'm going to drop an 80gb in it.. I know this is a bit of a nub question, but should I follow along the lines of what Millions Knives is suggesting, or something along the lines of


That guide will be fine. You can also use
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Millions Knives on August 14, 2005, 01:39:00 AM
QUOTE(kingroach @ Aug 14 2005, 05:12 AM)
@Millions Knives, xboxhdm has some checksums so it doesnt copy modified xboxdash.xbe in the C:\ root.. so if you use the modded C drive, after building the hd. In xbrowser make sure that it copied xboxdash.xbe to C:\ root correctly..
other than that your plan looks fine..

So my best bet is to just copy the C:\ files from Slayer's into xboxhdm's linux>C folder and then just reinstall the softmod after I put the drive into the Xbox.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dynamic_d on August 14, 2005, 01:40:00 AM
hey peeps everythin cool..this is my first post by da way.
well its like this i really wanna try out da krazy installers seems to be da best from wa im hearin. i've tried goin to the ussual places but i cant download it sinds i have no ftp access and i've tried to follow they instructions on gettin that access howevere im screwin da up. my question is would sum1 PLEASE just pm me the file (ma version) or just gimme a good link where i can get it cuz its not happenin for me at xbins...thanx....i would kick alot of ass if sum1 can help thanx .
hope that sum1 can help me out here
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 14, 2005, 01:48:00 AM
read the rules
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: scienide on August 14, 2005, 04:42:00 AM

i have altered the installation a little, to use my own files and a choice for a version specific font file...

Is there anyway to auto detect the version number?

It works like a charm... i was able to receive game updates on live...

Terrific job !!

With kind regards
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 14, 2005, 04:55:00 AM
there should be ways to detect the kernel version but it requires you to be some wizkid and put together some xbe that scans the kernel version. From my understanding an xbox that doesn't work with the generic fonts have yet to be discovered.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: =jenipapo= on August 14, 2005, 09:14:00 AM
there should be ways to detect the kernel version but it requires you to be some wizkid and put together some xbe that scans the kernel version. From my understanding an xbox that doesn't work with the generic fonts have yet to be discovered.

Hi krayzie,
First I would to congratulations! I did a VERY GOOD work on this installer.
BTW, I have a Xbox (v1.6) which generic fonts don't work, I got some issues with them.
i.e. If I reboot the xbox via EvolutionX menu with the tray open, the xbox frooze in a black screen. So, I put the fonts for kernel 5838, then it works fine.
Hope, you know what I'm doing wrong or if the xbox just work with generic fonts.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 14, 2005, 09:40:00 AM
QUOTE(=jenipapo= @ Aug 14 2005, 04:49 PM)
Hi krayzie,
First I would to congratulations! I did a VERY GOOD work on this installer.
BTW, I have a Xbox (v1.6) which generic fonts don't work, I got some issues with them.
i.e. If I reboot the xbox via EvolutionX menu with the tray open, the xbox frooze in a black screen. So, I put the fonts for kernel 5838, then it works fine.
Hope, you know what I'm doing wrong or if the xbox just work with generic fonts.

Well there the first experiencing problems with generic. since you allready solved it by setting the specific fonts you do nothing wrong.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: RiceCake on August 14, 2005, 12:36:00 PM
Nice installer. Its a shame UnleashX never (appears to) provides an option to pass on the kernel version to another XBE, because the information handling systems it provides are pretty complex itself.

Some guy on IRC asked me of he had the 'real version' of Krayzie's installer so here's some MD5 hashes:

bed720271e9e4a016603d86ef0f758bb *Krayzie_007_Ndure_Installer_v1.0.rar
6a8170f47ae4127a82d8dffc308df626 *Krayzie_MA_Ndure_Installer_v1.0.rar
ba9181ca38b1cd7e1cf064f5bed660d4 *Krayzie_SC-NTSC_Ndure_Installer_v1.0.rar
d349d2642995d771a530997094f26fcb *Krayzie_SC-PAL_Ndure_Installer_v1.0.rar is where the utility I used to generate these hashes is downloadable.

If I have the free time I'll make an Ndure Complete.
I just haven't kept up with these new tri-boot XBE's and such so I have no idea where to start off.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Soullar on August 14, 2005, 04:00:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 12 2005, 09:24 PM)
Now available at your favourite usual place.  smile.gif

I rarely break the rule if using just plain English on these forums, but this release calls for a congratulation in Dutch....

Je hebt de lat weer hoog gelegd. Weer absolute klasse! Proficiat, ben nu de final aan het uitpluizen, had helaas wat weinig tijd voor de beta, maar probeer als gebruikelijk mijn steentje bij te dragen!


Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: triggernum5 on August 14, 2005, 04:18:00 PM
-=If you get a rename error during initial installation using krayzie's ndure installer 1.0=-
Double Check:
-c:\xboxdashdata.185ead00\ exists (5960 Dashboard)
-You have run the eeprom backup (e:\backups\eeprom\backup\eeprom.bin exists)
-c:\msxboxdash.xbe does not exist
-c:\xboxdash.xbe exists
-c:\test\ does not exist
-e:\backups\eeprom\backup\test.bin does not exist
-e:\UDATA\########\############\config.xml exists
-e:\UDATA\########\############\config1.xml does not exist
-e:\UDATA\########\############\config2.xml exists

I'm pretty sure this list is ordered by probability.. Previous mods/attempts may cause these issues.. No other condition will cause a rename error during initial installation...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: don_m3g4 on August 14, 2005, 07:15:00 PM
so should i update my softmod to this new softmod, or am i still ok with the old 2.8 version.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 14, 2005, 10:52:00 PM
@ don_m3g4: If you feel satisfied with what you are using now there's no real need to upgrade.

@ triggernum5: Thanks for going through my script and exctract the rename lines. Next version will contain the "improved" scripts.

@ soullar: Geen probleem. Dank voor het testen en heb dankzij jou toch een paar kleine aanpassingen kunnen maken.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on August 15, 2005, 03:14:00 AM
Is it possible to disable Multiboot? I am wondering if it's possible to do this, and then do in to network/Live settings by running MSdash from EvoX or UnleashX. If so, this would be much easier than having to turn the softmod on and off in order to change network settings.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cio on August 15, 2005, 04:04:00 AM
"network" and "live" settings aint exactly the same. Network/video/audio settings are saved in the EEPROM, and since the modded state uses a virtual eeprom (unmodded used the real eeprom) they differ.

My suggestion: Use the settings tab in M$ dash (unmodded) to change the real eeprom settings. You cant use the live dashboard unless you unmod your c drive. Use any dash to change the network settings in modded state.

You can also remove the virtual eeprom by replacing your nkpatcher (run a BIOS loader or savegame exploit to disable the virtual C) BUT beware that you dont edit/flash your eeprom with shit then or your box wont boot (hard to do but not impossible).
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 15, 2005, 05:48:00 AM
QUOTE(Cio @ Aug 15 2005, 11:39 AM)
"network" and "live" settings aint exactly the same. Network/video/audio settings are saved in the EEPROM, and since the modded state uses a virtual eeprom (unmodded used the real eeprom) they differ.

My suggestion: Use the settings tab in M$ dash (unmodded) to change the real eeprom settings. You cant use the live dashboard unless you unmod your c drive. Use any dash to change the network settings in modded state.

You can also remove the virtual eeprom by replacing your nkpatcher (run a BIOS loader or savegame exploit to disable the virtual C) BUT beware that you dont edit/flash your eeprom with shit then or your box wont boot (hard to do but not impossible).

i've been discusing this with Eh/NP already and it seems the Network settings are not stored in the (Virtual) eeprom. There's a whole paragraph in the readme on how to adjust network settings for xblive use.

Removing the shadow eeprom won't do any good anyway since the then real eeprom is write protected and returns to default on each power cycle.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cio on August 15, 2005, 05:54:00 AM
O.o the virtual eeprom doesn't store network settings? Hmz thats new to me. Seems weird though.

Replacing NKpatcher or running a BIOS loader should remove any eeprom "protection" (shadowing or write protecting) as i suggested, but isn't needed (from what i understand).

Why did you take the readme offline BTW, im kinda curious but dont have any FTP apps right now.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 15, 2005, 05:56:00 AM
QUOTE(Cio @ Aug 15 2005, 01:29 PM)
O.o the virtual eeprom doesn't store network settings? Hmz thats new to me. Seems weird though.

Replacing NKpatcher or running a BIOS loader should remove any eeprom "protection" (shadowing or write protecting) as i suggested, but isn't needed (from what i understand).

Why did you take the readme offline BTW, im kinda curious but dont have any FTP apps right now.

It seemed weird to me too. you can view the readme on
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cio on August 15, 2005, 06:15:00 AM
Great, thx, now i get the ID.

Form what i understand nkpatcher boots E:\dashboard\default.xbe right?

(i'm making an app install disk and i figured i should use a more stadard path then apps\avalaunch\avalaun.xbe since thats kinda bias towards evox/unleashx/xbmc users)

You wont mind me making some compatibility right? (BTW nice work on including "VGA" support, smart move!)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: quadriko on August 15, 2005, 07:47:00 AM
where can i find the source code for the fonts included in this ndure installer package and can anyone provide the crc32 or the md5 of the xonlinedash.xbe from the 4920 dash? tia.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 15, 2005, 08:00:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 15 2005, 06:23 AM)
i've been discusing this with Eh/NP already and it seems the Network settings are not stored in the (Virtual) eeprom. There's a whole paragraph in the readme on how to adjust network settings for xblive use.

Removing the shadow eeprom won't do any good anyway since the then real eeprom is write protected and returns to default on each power cycle.

(OT) friedgold's MS dashboard network settings storage thread:
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 15, 2005, 09:29:00 AM
QUOTE(Cio @ Aug 15 2005, 01:50 PM)
Great, thx, now i get the ID.

Form what i understand nkpatcher boots E:\dashboard\default.xbe right?

(i'm making an app install disk and i figured i should use a more stadard path then apps\avalaunch\avalaun.xbe since thats kinda bias towards evox/unleashx/xbmc users)

You wont mind me making some compatibility right? (BTW nice work on including "VGA" support, smart move!)

Nkpatcher boots to a multilaunch xbe which then boots first to E:\dashboard\default.xbe

@ NP: That seems to confirm yours (and eventually mine) findings. However it may be nice to add that every  boot from a configured dashboard will overwrite any previous network setting. (at least with unleashx since that's the only one I tested.)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dr_oldschool on August 15, 2005, 10:10:00 AM
QUOTE(quadriko @ Aug 15 2005, 04:22 PM)
where can i find the source code for the fonts included in this ndure installer package and can anyone provide the crc32 or the md5 of the xonlinedash.xbe from the 4920 dash? tia.
xonlinedash.xbe md5 8da4d816604e9b9d5aa69d1fd395a48e
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: don_m3g4 on August 15, 2005, 03:10:00 PM
Ya, I love your great...much better than SID.

Anyways, I was just wondering if this was a "required" update...but based on your response, I am guessing it is not.  

Since I do not use LIVE...I think the old one should be fine.


QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 14 2005, 11:27 PM)
@ don_m3g4: If you feel satisfied with what you are using now there's no real need to upgrade.

@ triggernum5: Thanks for going through my script and exctract the rename lines. Next version will contain the "improved" scripts.

@ soullar: Geen probleem. Dank voor het testen en heb dankzij jou toch een paar kleine aanpassingen kunnen maken.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: tray262 on August 15, 2005, 03:11:00 PM
I've used your XBE installer, I was wondering if I can just uninstall that, and install this new one ? Thanks,
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 15, 2005, 03:14:00 PM
QUOTE(tray262 @ Aug 15 2005, 10:46 PM)
I've used your XBE installer, I was wondering if I can just uninstall that, and install this new one ? Thanks,

What xbe installer? If you mean UXE installer you could do that although you would have to make sure you have the latest dash.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: tray262 on August 15, 2005, 03:30:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 15 2005, 05:49 PM)
What xbe installer? If you mean UXE installer you could do that although you would have to make sure you have the latest dash.

Sorry Yes, I meant UXE installer. I've just been having some problems with that one. And thought I'd give this one a try. Thanks for your reply. I'm really looking forward to this one.

If the kids' didn't mess up every disc I wouldn't need to try theses thing. lol. Thanks, Krayzie. "I just coulnd't get certain games to boot with the other exploit"
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rgtaa on August 15, 2005, 05:02:00 PM
Quick question :  The bak folder on C drive ...   are the files in this folder needed for anything or are they just FILLER to fill up C drive?

Couldn't see anything about it in Readme file.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: scotttheman on August 15, 2005, 06:03:00 PM
I am currently using another softmod. I have a back up of my c and e folders, but unfortunately they contain modded files. My question is what is the best way to return my xbox to stock, as i want to install ndure for Live use.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 15, 2005, 10:01:00 PM
QUOTE(rgtaa @ Aug 16 2005, 12:37 AM)
Quick question :  The bak folder on C drive ...   are the files in this folder needed for anything or are they just FILLER to fill up C drive?

Couldn't see anything about it in Readme file.

you mean the Dashdata backup folder? Thats a backup in case the msdash setup gets changed after a dashupdate.

I am currently using another softmod. I have a back up of my c and e folders, but unfortunately they contain modded files. My question is what is the best way to return my xbox to stock, as i want to install ndure for Live use.

just get slayers 2.6 and use those files to restore to stock
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on August 16, 2005, 02:41:00 AM
So there's no way to change network settings in the unmodded MS Dash without disabling/uninstalling the mod? Ideally i'd like to be able to re-enable the mod without needing an exploitable game to do so.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 16, 2005, 08:07:00 AM
Minotaur, both are possible with Ndure (per friedgold's network settings thread and the EEE discussion in kingroach's installer thread).
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 16, 2005, 09:24:00 AM
QUOTE(Minotaur @ Aug 16 2005, 10:16 AM)
So there's no way to change network settings in the unmodded MS Dash without disabling/uninstalling the mod? Ideally i'd like to be able to re-enable the mod without needing an exploitable game to do so.

if you set the network to your liking in the regular replacement dashboard (unleashx/evox) and in all dashes you might come across (installer menu) those settings will be stored and therefore also active in the unmodded dash (thus no need to set it in there)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: brick0044 on August 16, 2005, 07:42:00 PM
ok ,i have krayzies uxe  installed on xbox ,now want to try ndure but im having a brain fart .i need to keep it modded to transfer gamesaves ,but they have the same name as the uxe ones .how do i transfer new saves to memory card so i can still have old ones to remove softmod,hope this makes sense to someone thanks
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on August 16, 2005, 07:57:00 PM
uninstall current mod, gain ftp access thru game save, and replace current one, then load new one, and install mod.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: 2121oyoy on August 16, 2005, 08:18:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 15 2005, 01:23 PM)
i've been discusing this with Eh/NP already and it seems the Network settings are not stored in the (Virtual) eeprom. There's a whole paragraph in the readme on how to adjust network settings for xblive use.

Removing the shadow eeprom won't do any good anyway since the then real eeprom is write protected and returns to default on each power cycle.

I'm not sure which network settings are included with the above statement. I have 2 softmods done Krayzie fashion with completely hidden C. I had asked a long time ago if there was a problem using the same virtual eeprom on multiple boxes and at the time I couldn't find any reason not to. Well, I eventually found out why this wasn't a good idea. I was having a problem connecting 2 boxes together that had the same virtual eeprom. If I connected them through KAI from different houses it was ok, but in the same network in the same house they would see each other but not allow to join the game. I could ftp into each one while they were both on no problem. After looking around I noticed that the mac addresses were the same and this was causing the problem. Putting on the proper eeprom.bin changed the mac addresses and solved the connection issues.  This can be seen in MS dash-settings-network settings in the bottom right corner. Does this not count as a network setting in regards to the previous posts? Or does that only apply to the latest softmod style?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: hodeez on August 16, 2005, 09:21:00 PM
installed with splintercell
picked unleash x
but my ip is
cant change it... and cant ftp

anyway to fix it?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: hodeez on August 16, 2005, 09:41:00 PM
solved my own problem\.0\.0\.0
limited my dhcp server connections on my router sleep.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on August 16, 2005, 10:04:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 16 2005, 04:59 PM)
if you set the network to your liking in the regular replacement dashboard (unleashx/evox) and in all dashes you might come across (installer menu) those settings will be stored and therefore also active in the unmodded dash (thus no need to set it in there)

Cool... so the only thing that can't be done while running dual-retail is actually adding an XBL account to the box?

On another note, I didn't see any option to disable dual-boot in the softmod menu. How would I go about doing this?

PS I cold-booted with a an original Spy vs. Spy game in the drive and attempted to connect to XBL - the game proceeded to try to update my dashboard and failed at about 40%, but in doing so made the box error 21 when booting it unmodded - restoring the MS dash from the softmod menu fixed it however. Any ideas why this happened?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on August 16, 2005, 10:06:00 PM
QUOTE(Minotaur @ Aug 17 2005, 05:39 AM)
Cool... so the only thing that can't be done while running dual-retail is actually adding an XBL account to the box?

On another note, I didn't see any option to disable dual-boot in the softmod menu. How would I go about doing this?

PS I cold-booted with a an original Spy vs. Spy game in the drive and attempted to connect to XBL - the game proceeded to try to update my dashboard and failed at about 40%, but in doing so made the box error 21 when booting it unmodded - restoring the MS dash from the softmod menu fixed it however. Any ideas why this happened?

I should add that I don't have any XBL accounts on the xbox at all, I attempted to create an account from within the game


Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 16, 2005, 10:51:00 PM
QUOTE(2121oyoy @ Aug 17 2005, 03:53 AM)
I'm not sure which network settings are included with the above statement. I have 2 softmods done Krayzie fashion with completely hidden C. I had asked a long time ago if there was a problem using the same virtual eeprom on multiple boxes and at the time I couldn't find any reason not to. Well, I eventually found out why this wasn't a good idea. I was having a problem connecting 2 boxes together that had the same virtual eeprom. If I connected them through KAI from different houses it was ok, but in the same network in the same house they would see each other but not allow to join the game. I could ftp into each one while they were both on no problem. After looking around I noticed that the mac addresses were the same and this was causing the problem. Putting on the proper eeprom.bin changed the mac addresses and solved the connection issues.  This can be seen in MS dash-settings-network settings in the bottom right corner. Does this not count as a network setting in regards to the previous posts? Or does that only apply to the latest softmod style?

I usually always recommended people to use their OWN eeprom since it contains scecific information of that xbox like MAC adresses. If you choose to do such a thing it's not strange such things could happen.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 16, 2005, 11:03:00 PM
QUOTE(Minotaur @ Aug 17 2005, 05:39 AM)
Cool... so the only thing that can't be done while running dual-retail is actually adding an XBL account to the box?

On another note, I didn't see any option to disable dual-boot in the softmod menu. How would I go about doing this?

PS I cold-booted with a an original Spy vs. Spy game in the drive and attempted to connect to XBL - the game proceeded to try to update my dashboard and failed at about 40%, but in doing so made the box error 21 when booting it unmodded - restoring the MS dash from the softmod menu fixed it however. Any ideas why this happened?

Yep for a live acount set up the ndure must be inactive

There is a multiboot uninstall option between the other multiboot options

And yeah the msdash gets hosed in dashupdates while coldbooting. this is yet an unfixable bug from the ndure exploit. so you see that option to restore is to fix it when that happens.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 17, 2005, 08:58:00 AM
krayzie, it's not "yet an unfixable bug from the ndure exploit" (it's an Ndure 'retail' setup consequence); a 'fonts' setup isn't affected by it and provides no less coldboot support...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 17, 2005, 09:02:00 AM
Yeah yeah I still consider it a bug (i know it's not an error in code). it would be nicer if it wasn't affected at all.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: cTTbLaKeMAn on August 17, 2005, 09:35:00 PM
smile.gif so lemme get this straight, i have to unistall my Krayzie UXE softmod and then install the Ndure softmod.  Will uninstalling my uxe softmod delete all of my apps games and so on.... ?  thnx! smile.gif  smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 17, 2005, 10:07:00 PM
QUOTE(cTTbLaKeMAn @ Aug 18 2005, 05:46 AM)
smile.gif so lemme get this straight, i have to unistall my Krayzie UXE softmod and then install the Ndure softmod.  Will uninstalling my uxe softmod delete all of my apps games and so on.... ?  thnx! smile.gif  smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: cTTbLaKeMAn on August 17, 2005, 10:47:00 PM
krayzie, i press the eject button and it boots unmodded to xbox live dash but it does not respond!  Then if i hit b it will go to a blackscreen.  I just noticed it wont let me go into network settings then a blackscreen.  EDIT, now after turning off the softmod it still wont respond!?!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 17, 2005, 11:01:00 PM
QUOTE(cTTbLaKeMAn @ Aug 18 2005, 06:22 AM)
krayzie, i press the eject button and it boots unmodded to xbox live dash but it does not respond!  Then if i hit b it will go to a blackscreen.  I just noticed it wont let me go into network settings then a blackscreen.  EDIT, now after turning off the softmod it still wont respond!?!

do you have a dhcp or a router connection? did yoiu ever bother to read the readme?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: cTTbLaKeMAn on August 17, 2005, 11:04:00 PM
i fixed it, the ip and dns settings were screwy.   laugh.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 17, 2005, 11:06:00 PM
remember you need to set it in the DASHBOARD and INSTALLER MENU otherwise they would continually change. and next time read before you ask.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 18, 2005, 08:17:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 17 2005, 09:37 AM)
Yeah yeah I still consider it a bug (i know it's not an error in code). it would be nicer if it wasn't affected at all.

For sure that would be nicer but, thankfully, it's already an improvement on the corresponding ("flawed"?) behaviour of UDE/UDE2/UXE setups.

Plus, for those that don't require the open-tray, MS dash (Ndure 'retail') setup, an Ndure 'fonts' setup would "fix it"...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Carlitos Way on August 18, 2005, 09:08:00 AM
Krayzie I give you alot of props for making these saves, I have installed it. And it works well, I had a previous soft mod installation so i don't know if the fonts directory in C drive is accurate becuase inside that folder is xbox.xtf and xbox book.xtf and another fonts folder.  In that folder it has another folder called skins and in that is Project Mayem Skin.  I was wondering if that was apart of your package or not so i can delete it if not.  I had itools installed before Ndure but i used the backup option in Itools to get back to my stock joe xbox.

Thanks alot
Flame Away  muhaha.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 18, 2005, 09:26:00 AM
in the fonts folder there should only be two xtf files. But since the other files won't interfere I would just leave them. Deleting them might cause problems since it frees up space.
If you insist on deleting them you would have to uninstall and reinstall the softmod again.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 18, 2005, 09:32:00 AM
In case anyone's wondering, I'm not trying to "stir it up again" (tee-hee) so I will get more to the point!

Going forward, I see the Ndure 'fonts' setup as an opportunity to further enhance the (already awesome!) Ndure installers.

Just renaming the xboxdashdata.185ead00 directory (suitably) differentiates the Ndure 'retail' and 'fonts' setups (along with the bootstrap file/s, of course)...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DjChad on August 19, 2005, 01:49:00 AM

just wondering dunno if this has been answered but what are the chances of getting a clock loop while havin this installed??

This post has been edited by DjChad: Aug 19 2005, 08:49 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lcapitan on August 19, 2005, 01:54:00 AM
no chance of a clock loop. (period)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DjChad on August 19, 2005, 02:07:00 AM
QUOTE(lcapitan @ Aug 19 2005, 02:29 AM)
no chance of a clock loop. (period)

 tongue.gif  sweet see im new to all this and was just wanting to know because i am about to softmod my only xbox i have available to me and sumtimes i unplugg it for a while and was wanting to know would that have anyeffect on it ? hence me asking about the clock looping situation
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: btownsen4 on August 20, 2005, 02:35:00 PM
Hey Krayzie,  How do i restore the modded menu because i screwed up the gamesave?  Please, i am really screwed right now!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Fgtv on August 20, 2005, 02:50:00 PM
cool, can splinter cell classic run this?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: btownsen4 on August 20, 2005, 02:54:00 PM
QUOTE(btownsen4 @ Aug 20 2005, 11:10 PM)
Hey Krayzie,  How do i restore the modded menu because i screwed up the gamesave?  Please, i am really screwed right now! Im using vs. 2.7

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 20, 2005, 03:00:00 PM
QUOTE(btownsen4 @ Aug 20 2005, 11:10 PM)
Hey Krayzie,  How do i restore the modded menu because i screwed up the gamesave?  Please, i am really screwed right now!

This is NOT an UXE installer thread, this thread is about Ndure.

QUOTE(Fügåtïvë @ Aug 20 2005, 11:25 PM)
cool, can splinter cell classic run this?

AFAIK all SC games are exploitable.

This post has been edited by Horscht: Aug 20 2005, 10:00 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: nickbuhl on August 21, 2005, 02:39:00 PM
QUOTE(triggernum5 @ Aug 14 2005, 05:53 PM)
-=If you get a rename error during initial installation using krayzie's ndure installer 1.0=-
Double Check:
-c:\xboxdashdata.185ead00\ exists (5960 Dashboard)

I uninstalled 2.7 and I get the rename error upon attempt at NDure install. The system info in m$dash shows 5960, but when I ftp in I see C:\xboxdashdata.185a6100. I also see fonts.du and xboxdashdat.du folders (Dutch I assume) Can anyone tell me whats up with this?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 21, 2005, 02:49:00 PM
nickbuhl, the C:\xboxdashdata.185a6100 means it's got the first (brief) release of 5960 and the .du directories mean a dashboard update ran but failed to complete...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: nickbuhl on August 21, 2005, 02:55:00 PM
Wow, thanks for the quick insight, a dash update fixed it right up! Now I'll just have to un- and re-install this NDure once I get some of those free trial cards.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: JMPovoa on August 21, 2005, 05:41:00 PM
There's one thing I'm confused about:

After installing this softmod when I turn my xbox on with the eject button it's supposedly in retail state right? So how come it loads unleash X (and the led still stays green)?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: brick0044 on August 21, 2005, 05:51:00 PM
you have to boot to the game again and then in the extras tab choose the top option
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ephesith on August 21, 2005, 06:05:00 PM
Or, you have to wait for the box to boot up totally by pushing the eject button.  If you turn your box on with the eject button you cant hit the button again (close it) until it boots totally to "stock" state.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cio on August 22, 2005, 07:48:00 AM
The tray state (ejected or closed) determines whether you get a retail kernel (open -> M$dash) or patched kernel (closed -> modded dash) when the exploit is loaded off the HD (thus, right after it tries to run xboxdash.xbe) and not on the actual power on
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: JMPovoa on August 22, 2005, 02:46:00 PM
I am aware of that, and that's why I got confused...  uhh.gif I leave the tray open until my Xbox fully boots, and it loads Unleash X and the LED stays GREEN, thus leading me to believe it's in a not-modded state... but it can't be, since it just loaded Unleash X, right? Maybe I have to do what brick0044 said... But I thought this dual-boot option was selected by default (I have not changed it after installing the mod)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 22, 2005, 03:26:00 PM
No, it's not enabled by default. You have to install it "manualy" (pretty bad word, as it's basicaly automated). Run your exploited game, select the savegame, then you go to the  extras menu and instal dualboot.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: JMPovoa on August 22, 2005, 03:55:00 PM
Oh ok. Good. smile.gif So is it a "bug" of some sort in the installer, that the LED stays green instead of turning orange?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on August 22, 2005, 05:14:00 PM
QUOTE(JMPovoa @ Aug 22 2005, 05:30 PM)
Oh ok. Good. smile.gif So is it a "bug" of some sort in the installer, that the LED stays green instead of turning orange?

not bug,
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: my_darxide on August 22, 2005, 11:20:00 PM
ok im gonna sound like a noob. i ran the installer and everything installed just fine but when it rebooted and setup shadow C it came up w/ an error (112 i think) evox boots and works fine but i cannot access the M$ dash from evox. also when i look @ the c dirve w/ xcommander c drive is blank. what can i do to fix this? i dont care bout XBL by the way i just want to access my M$ dash and have it in the "right" place
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Nonny on August 23, 2005, 02:00:00 AM
Ok first off... great installer!

Had used your UXE installer before and I am continually impressed. Easy to install, informative readme and step by step info.

Which leads me to a (most likely stupid) question.

I've installed dual-boot to retail so now when I press eject it boots with green LED into the MS dashboard and in the readme it says its safe for XBL. As yet I havent ventured back onto XBL through this method but I've read previous posts that state downloading updates and accessing the Xbox LIVE menu / Friends list is not possible in this state.

With that in mind what exactly does safe for XBL mean? Can you go ahead and play retail games over XBL as normal without any risk of being banned (I realise there is always some risk)...

I guess your readme statement about this can be interpreted many ways and I am a bit confused... and not the only one it seems.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 23, 2005, 10:54:00 AM
Downloading game updates works with the Ndure 'retail' and 'fonts' setups (whereas it doesn't with UXE, UDE2, UDE and other font exploits).

Re. Ndure 'retail' being safe on XBL ... the MS kernel is left in memory (it's unhacked) so it complies with live's "unmodded bios" mandate.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: triggernum5 on August 23, 2005, 09:08:00 PM
The patchback idea, while being a really cool proof of concept seems a little bit shady to me..  Don't get me wrong, at this point in time, I doubt M$ is focusing on that (unless it happens to fall into one of their proof of concepts for the 360)..  It boots msxboxdash.xbe..  Although the kernel segment is patched back, the memory somewhere has to be poked to launch that file..  An M$ update could peek at memory I'm pretty sure.. (triggernum5 --> Far from an asm guru)  unsure.gif

Correction: Proofs of concept* smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 24, 2005, 09:13:00 AM
triggernum5, to get on XBL from the MS dashboard an original disc would have been warm-booted (via the kernel) in the regular, retail manner.

Consequently, the current executable's details in memory will be for the default.xbe (as normal).
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: scienide on August 24, 2005, 09:33:00 AM
QUOTE(my_darxide @ Aug 23 2005, 06:55 AM)
ok im gonna sound like a noob. i ran the installer and everything installed just fine but when it rebooted and setup shadow C it came up w/ an error (112 i think) evox boots and works fine but i cannot access the M$ dash from evox. also when i look @ the c dirve w/ xcommander c drive is blank. what can i do to fix this? i dont care bout XBL by the way i just want to access my M$ dash and have it in the "right" place

The C drive is a virtual C drive.... build from an image...

Boot to evox, and upload the files u need to the virtual C ...

U could just upload the original content of the C drive...

With kind regards
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: quadriko on August 24, 2005, 10:23:00 AM
tnx a ton dr oldschool!
btw, i'm slightly confused, does Ndure need the xonlinedash.xbe from the 4920 dash, or the 5960 dash?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 24, 2005, 11:01:00 PM
Christ, i hope this doesn't sound *TOO* stupid.

I just upgraded the hard drive in my box, complying with the marrige theory.  i have no *IMMEDIATE* plans to go on Live, but i wanted the option just to make sure.

I like UnleashX and XBMC as my dashboards, and i like chosing between them, but XBMC isn't quite up to handling all all my dashboard needs yet (on the fly text editor for one, plus sometimes it feels a little clunky to navigate thru)

eventually, when i feel XBMC is ready, i'll want to replace my main dash with it.  For now, i'm curious about my booting options.  i read thru the readme several times.  here's my question:

Dual Retail - Allows boot into Live-Safe & Enabled M$Dash if i hit eject button?

Dual Save - Allows boot to the initial installer menu

does this mean that if i dual Save, i can turn off the mod and that it will automaticlly turn itself back on when i next coldboot using the eject button (tray out)?


Found this one out myself by trying it.  answer was no, gotta go back into the game and renable the mod.  no biggie....cept i think i have a new problem now....i accessed Live, but didn't create an account....have i just married my hard drive to my box???

aside from being able to access the save without needing the game, is there any benefit over using Dual Retail?

Lastly, if i go ahead and put XBMC as an ALTDash now, will i be able to choose another dual/triple boot method later?  

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 25, 2005, 12:23:00 AM
dual retail boots to the modded dash with tray closed and to a live safe msdash when the tray is open so you won't need to acces the menu. You could add a dashboard link to the menu also. if the mod is switched off you always need thegame to switch on again.
and yes you can change any function later on.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Nonny on August 25, 2005, 01:47:00 AM

Again can you just confirm what is meant by "live safe msdash"... is it meant that its safe just for recieving friends requests, game updates etc... or for actually playing online with retail games?

I've just got handed a free 2 year XBL subscription so I dont really want to end up banned just to try this out!  ph34r.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: scienide on August 25, 2005, 02:00:00 AM
QUOTE(quadriko @ Aug 24 2005, 05:58 PM)
tnx a ton dr oldschool!
btw, i'm slightly confused, does Ndure need the xonlinedash.xbe from the 4920 dash, or the 5960 dash?

5960 ...

The msxboxdash.xbe is another version i guess...

with kind regards
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cio on August 25, 2005, 07:19:00 AM
Nope, Ndure uses the xonlinedash.xbe from 4920 as xboxdash.xbe. It uses the 5960 xboxdash.xbe as msxboxdash.xbe. The xonlinedash.xbe is left alone in this setup (thus remains the 5960 version)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: mattman135 on August 25, 2005, 12:07:00 PM
Couple noob softmod questions using Krayzie's Ndure Installer for SC. Comes with 2 game saves, so do I copy them both to the Xbox HD and load the first one and then the second one? I'll be using a AR if that matters. Sorry if it's been asked before but I couldn't find the answer anywhere.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: mattman135 on August 25, 2005, 12:50:00 PM
Can't find the edit button, so I'm gonna ask if I also can add both savegames to the AR? Or one then delete then the other? Thanks in advance for the help.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 25, 2005, 01:01:00 PM
i can't believe i'm saying this...but search

doing so you'd find the guide to using Krayzie's UXE installer...which installs the exact same way.

but yes, copy them both over at the same time if you can fit them on your AR, or copy them one at a time.  doesn't matter, so long as they both get there.  for whatever reason SPlinter Cell exploits need 2 seperate saves (i might be wrong about this, but i believe it was split due to size constraints on the AR).
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 25, 2005, 01:01:00 PM
you can transfer them one by one. and when loading just start the splinter cell game and hit the A button till it loads.
make sure there are no other SC saves present
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 25, 2005, 01:04:00 PM
hey krayzie.

my turn to ask another silly question....why the need to not have any other SC saves?  the install worked fine for me last night with a saved game present.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 25, 2005, 01:06:00 PM
because you might have downloaded some maps or whatever.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 25, 2005, 01:09:00 PM
hmm...but if your box was never online, is it cool to keep the save game?  i've modded 2 systems with a Splinter Cell save present, neither gave me problems, though i deleted it off of my own system since then.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 25, 2005, 01:23:00 PM
Yeah, probably. But it might give errors, so starting without any SC savegames is more secure.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jaymunee80 on August 25, 2005, 03:26:00 PM
is the ndure exploit that much better than uxe. im wondering if its worth upgrading.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 25, 2005, 04:10:00 PM
It has some benefits. especially when you use live. If not and you are fine with what you are using now ther's no real need to upgrade.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jaymunee80 on August 25, 2005, 04:27:00 PM
thanks, yeah im just gonna stick with uxe for now.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ComputerUser on August 25, 2005, 06:57:00 PM
Noob Questions: (Hope I don't break any rules!)

Does anyone know if this exploit works with Halo2 with the most recent update which seems to have been scanning for softmod files?

Can a backup XBL game be played in the XBL safe mode? Or still need originals?

Are XBL games in general PLAYABLE in XBL safe mode?

Do this newest saves fit on AR discs?

Thanks in advance - I love the easy of the UXE MA installer smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 26, 2005, 12:30:00 AM
Halo2 doesn't scan for any softmod files except halo2 hacks

for xboxlive you can still only use retail games

xbl games are playable in "unmodded" state/mode

it is slimmed down even more so they should fit

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: riotsone on August 26, 2005, 05:06:00 PM
I moded 1 xbox with this exploit gots to say its damn good. One thing i wondering is were is it installed and if i can just fxp files over to another xbox and it be moded the same way? will it work?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 26, 2005, 05:14:00 PM
The installer installs the exploit onto the C-Drive, but it is hiding from you, so you can't mess it up. What you see when FTPing is a shadow C which contains a retail drive image. The installer also instals EvoX or UnleashX onto E:\Dashboard\.

No, you can't simply FTP that stuff onto an unmodded xbox, as you can't FTP into an unmodded xbox. Your xbox needs to be modded to FTP into it (modchip, TSOP, Softmod). In order to install the exploit onto another xbox, put the savegame from your PC (not the one from your xbox) onto your AR/USB stick/Memory Unit and use your exploitable game to install it on anther xbox. Or try hotswapping (search, if you don't know what that means).
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: riotsone on August 26, 2005, 05:26:00 PM
i know how to get ftp axs to all xboxs no problem with that but wanted to make an installer disc with this exploit for my brother i know you have to have and updated xbox live dash to use this exploit if u didnt have to then he would have no problem doing this himself but he dosnt have internet so he has no way to update his xbox live. I had uxe installed on my other xbox but only thing i dont like about it is the dualboot the ejrct button makes it go t mxm and allows others to mess with stuff. and if u replace default.xbe with anything else youll get error 21. so any help would be helpful thanks..
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 26, 2005, 05:34:00 PM
You can't FTP into an unmodded xbox, and you can't run unsigned code on it either. So bootdisks wont work on your brothers xbox. But you could do the following: Download slayers 2.6 installer, and extract it. Then you put krazie's  savegame exploit on your brothers xbox, load it and keep it sitting there. Then you can FTP into it, and copy the retail C files from slayers onto your brothers C drive (this is done as follows, never turn off your xbox inbetween the following steps: delete everything off C, copy retail C files over). Bam! Dash 5960. Then you can restart your xbox and install the exploit.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: riotsone on August 26, 2005, 05:41:00 PM
ok koo i know that u cant run unassign code or ftp to a non moded box i learn that long time ago. Its not a real bootdisk i have an idea that should work. Ill put 2 007 saves on the memoy card one to give me install a older softmod (UXE) with the dualboot i dislike My opion then once thats done run slayers to update dash then run the seconed 007 (ndure) and have it the way i want it  beerchug.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 26, 2005, 05:45:00 PM
You don't need the UXE one, just the Ndure one. Running the installer already gives you FTP access to your brothers xbox. Use that FTP access to replace your brothers C drive with a 5960 one. a 5960 dashboard can be obtained through slayers. Be sure not to turn off your brothers xbox without any files on the C drive, though.

EDIT: but your method would work just as fine.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: riotsone on August 26, 2005, 05:51:00 PM
im trying to make it so the computer dosent have to be used at all but now i think of it both of the saves wont work because of the default.xbe unless i change one of them to something else and tell it to look for the other .xbe thanks for your help i apperciate it..

How would i go about editing the bios.bin from one of the saves and make it look for a diffrent .xbe?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 27, 2005, 12:18:00 AM
upgradin the dash only requires a recent xbl title.... no internet connection or ltools installers needed.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: triggernum5 on August 27, 2005, 08:09:00 AM
Don't you need to atleast plug in a cable to get most discs to run dashupdate?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Millions Knives on August 27, 2005, 11:36:00 AM
QUOTE(triggernum5 @ Aug 27 2005, 03:44 PM)
Don't you need to atleast plug in a cable to get most discs to run dashupdate?

Not that I know of because I was able to update a version 1.0 Xbox to the newest dash using GR2: Summit Strike, and that Xbox had never seen Live (Didn't even have the Xbox Live tab in the MSdash yet) as well as never have an ethernet cable plugged into it.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: TheWizzard on August 28, 2005, 03:41:00 AM

I have a modded Box with the very first UXE Mod (at least I think that it's the very first, from ~1 year ago). I want to upgrade to the Ndure Mod for playing live, but my UXE is modified with XBMC as  default dash. And now I'm really confused. Do I have a nice installer where I just press a few buttons and everything is ready? Or do I need to first update my dash (could that break my current softmod) and then use my current softmod to ftp ndure things over to c, overwriting the old softmod's files and everything will be fine? Or should I try to completely uninstall my current softmod? (After ftping the ndure MA savegame over)

I hope you guys can help me

Kind Regards

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 28, 2005, 03:56:00 AM
Download Ndure complete (see first or second pinned topic), and prepare yourself a Ndure C drive (read the readme! to get a retail C 5960 dash, check slayers). Then FTP into your xbox, delete everything off C and put the Ndure C onto there. Also put the contents of the E folder to your E drive.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BoomDivX on August 28, 2005, 03:22:00 PM
Hi. I'm trying to install the Krayzie_MA_Ndure_Installer_v1.0.

I did transfert the savegame on a modded xbox, then on a official memory card then on the xbox to be modded. But when I try to load the "run linux" savegame, the game tells me "unable to run Linux".

I have the original MA game (not the platinum one), the latest live update and the xbox was never softmodded before. what am I doing wrong?

edit: the xbox is a 1.6/1.6b version
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 28, 2005, 03:45:00 PM
QUOTE(BoomDivX @ Aug 28 2005, 10:57 PM)
Hi. I'm trying to install the Krayzie_MA_Ndure_Installer_v1.0.

I did transfert the savegame on a modded xbox, then on a official memory card then on the xbox to be modded. But when I try to load the "run linux" savegame, the game tells me "unable to run Linux".

I have the original MA game (not the platinum one), the latest live update and the xbox was never softmodded before. what am I doing wrong?

edit: the xbox is a 1.6/1.6b version

delete any other MA saves
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BoomDivX on August 28, 2005, 04:01:00 PM
I tried to. I delete them, transfert the modified one on the xbox, then boot the game. but the game always create a default one named "mechassault". even if I delete it, it won't boot.

edit: When I transfert the savegame from my pc to the modded xbox, is there a specific type of transfert I should use (binary/ascii/auto) or it doesn't mather?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 28, 2005, 08:19:00 PM
BoomDivX, how many blocks do the unmodded MS dashboard's Memory->[Memcard] and Memory->[Xbox] both say are being used by the MA game's save (just its big icon, not the smaller gamesave icons)?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BoomDivX on August 28, 2005, 09:09:00 PM
486 i think. somehow, MA didn't work. I rent SC and it worked flawlessly the first time. Maybe I got the 2nd edition of MA.

Great pack! thx wink.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Lamer123 on August 28, 2005, 10:36:00 PM
I have been eject booting on live with the retail switch for 3 and a half weeks now .

Everything works great , but from now on I am going to cold boot to be on the safe side . I just wanted to make sure before I started to let my roomates go on live with my xbox . it really is idiot proof .

Thanx krazie you are the man  beerchug.gif

Well that and the people who developed all the tools you use  beerchug.gif

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: usualpulp on August 29, 2005, 10:48:00 AM
ok, i feel like an idiot here, ive read everything and i am still only able to access live if i cold boot a retail game, how come when i use the eject boot method, i launch to the evox dash?

i apologize for my noobishness, i really have been trying to read back and figure it out.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 29, 2005, 10:57:00 AM
You have to enable dualboot first. Put in your game (MA/AUF/SC) and load your savegame. got to extras->dualboot and select dual retail.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: usualpulp on August 29, 2005, 11:05:00 AM
i did that and got an error 21 when booting via the eject button
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 29, 2005, 11:16:00 AM

does this sound similar?

 beerchug.gif  biggrin.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: usualpulp on August 29, 2005, 11:37:00 AM
thanks, that worked. though i get a black screen when i try to change network settings, but ill figure that out at another time, thank you
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 29, 2005, 11:39:00 AM
errr..... No, you will not figure that out. you simply can't unless you fully disable the softmod. Getting into the LIVE! dash doesn't work either.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: usualpulp on August 29, 2005, 11:42:00 AM
ok cool thanks, as long as i can boot up a retail game and still use live, im good

again i apologize for being a noob, i appreciate the help.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on August 29, 2005, 12:06:00 PM
Fwiw: if the network settings do need changing, then doing it via "full retail mode" isn't usually the best way.  (This installer's readme file has some info. about doing it via the softmod, which is "more permanent".)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on August 30, 2005, 03:22:00 AM
I have this mod installed in dual-retail state but have just noticed that DVD playback via the ms dash makes the xbox reboot when most of the remote control buttons are pressed... I am guessing this might have something to do with the fonts but i'm not sure.
Can anyone confirm this? If so, how can it be fixed? I need a DVD player that will handle a DVD dongle, so at the moment, i'm pretty much limited to the MS Dashboard for this capability.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on August 30, 2005, 03:36:00 AM
boot up in modded state, and load MSdashboard from your shadowC.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on August 30, 2005, 05:27:00 AM
QUOTE(Horscht @ Aug 30 2005, 11:11 AM)
boot up in modded state, and load MSdashboard from your shadowC.

I fixed the problem - uninstalled and reinstalled the mod, and RPC1 patched the xboxdash.xbe again - works fine. I believe the other RPC1 version I was using was looking at a different folder for its fonts, and therefore crashed whenever I hit a key on the dongle to make the yellow text appear on the screen (eg. "Selection Unavailable" or "Chapter 2")
All sorted now though smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: 2121oyoy on August 30, 2005, 08:47:00 AM
QUOTE(Minotaur @ Aug 30 2005, 10:57 AM)
I have this mod installed in dual-retail state but have just noticed that DVD playback via the ms dash makes the xbox reboot when most of the remote control buttons are pressed... I am guessing this might have something to do with the fonts but i'm not sure.
Can anyone confirm this? If so, how can it be fixed? I need a DVD player that will handle a DVD dongle, so at the moment, i'm pretty much limited to the MS Dashboard for this capability.

You can use DVD-X v1.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on August 30, 2005, 08:58:00 AM
QUOTE(2121oyoy @ Aug 30 2005, 04:22 PM)
You can use DVD-X v1.

I'll try it - ideally i'm looking for something that supports the dongle as well as the game controller
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on August 30, 2005, 09:24:00 AM
QUOTE(Minotaur @ Aug 30 2005, 04:33 PM)
I'll try it - ideally i'm looking for something that supports the dongle as well as the game controller

I've tried DVDx v1, but it isn't working too well - controls via the gamepad work okay, but they aren't too good via the remote. It seems to auto-repeat the last button I push which makes it impossible to navigate or play anything :/
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: RiceCake on August 30, 2005, 11:58:00 AM
Wouldn't it be a bit easier to get answers (and people to give you answers) by starting another forum topic...?

Either way if the C drive is shadowed properly it'll boot the MS dash just fine. I believe there's a hack to enable controller-based DVD support in the MS Dashboard (surprise, surprise, its as easy as changing "no" to "yes" since MS included controller support but simply disabled it!).

You could also give XBMC a whirl, as I think it has (limited, no menu's) DVD support.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ikecomp on August 30, 2005, 01:11:00 PM
What is the pupose for alternative display modes such as vga
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: vannillabear on August 30, 2005, 05:19:00 PM
fingers crossed someone can help me...

i softmodded my xbox with the sid 2 exploit using auf, my xbox has been running fine and ive got xbmc, emulators and backups all running well off it, but i never did get it so i could use the msdash.

i want to change the softmod to krayzies installer because it seems much better, is this possible? and if so what do i need to do?

aside from the apps (xmbc,dvd2xbox and emulators etc) which are on the e drive, all my data is on the f partition, id rather save that, but dont mind reinstalling the apps if needed.

hope that makes sense, any help welcome.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 30, 2005, 11:52:00 PM
the C drive needs to be in stock sate. On E you can delete anything besides tdata, udata and your apps and emus. stuff on F or G remains untouched
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ikecomp on August 31, 2005, 12:07:00 AM
What are the different display modes for such as VGA
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 31, 2005, 12:20:00 AM
it's for people that like to hook their xbox to a monitor
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: vannillabear on August 31, 2005, 03:27:00 AM
cheers for the quick reply krayie...  im going to give it a shot later.  the SID has a restore feature so im gonna do that then try putting yours on, and i think thatll return it to stock.
wish me luck! tongue.gif
ill let you know how it goes, either to give it the all clear or to beg for help wink.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: vannillabear on August 31, 2005, 05:34:00 AM
well it worked biggrin.gif without a hitch and all my apps and emus work as before (after some editing of config files tongue.gif ) with the added bonus of now being able to boot the msdash beerchug.gif

thanks for the great installer krayzie, it worked a treat and is so straightforward its unbelievable!  just a couple of questions...
whats the deal with the front led?  i guess its to signify the state your in? green for xbox live! safe?
and could someone let me know what would be on the c:\ drive of a stock hdd after this softmod?  at the moment mine has; audio, fonts, xboxdashdata 185ead00 and xodash folders;, xbox book.xtf, xbox.xtf and xboxdash.xbe files.  i think that some of that is the result of my previous softmod so i just want to clean it up basicly.

thanks again.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Millions Knives on August 31, 2005, 08:30:00 AM
The LED is Orange to signify being in the modded state. If you were to for example use the Dual-Retail multiboot option, where you boot to the MSDash with safe Live! access by hitting the eject button, it will be green.  (You are unable to access the Live! Dashboard, but you can still play games on Live!).  If you want to access the Live! Dashboard for any reason you can turn the softmod on/off by accessing the game save installer through your game of choice and choosing the option "Switch softmod on/off".  

You can also change the color of the LED in the modded state at any time in UnleashX by going to the System Settings (From main menu,  System>Settings>System) and then scroll down to "LED Color" and choose from there.

As for the files on the c:\ they should consist of...

XBox Book.xtf
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: vannillabear on August 31, 2005, 11:21:00 AM
thanks for the help guys.  its all running smoothly now  beerchug.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Hautsaauce on September 01, 2005, 08:55:00 AM
First off Sorry i know this is probably posted somewhere else many times already i have searched but was unable to find an answer.

I have a stock xbox that i currently use for xbox live play.  Can i use xbhdm to upgrade to a larger harddrive and still play on XBL with the larger drive or will i have to swap back in the stock drive when ever i want to play on XBL?

A deffinite answer would be most appreciated.  I need to still be able to play online with this box.


Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on September 01, 2005, 09:53:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 16 2005, 11:38 PM)
And yeah the msdash gets hosed in dashupdates while coldbooting. this is yet an unfixable bug from the ndure exploit. so you see that option to restore is to fix it when that happens.

krayzie, although there's a workaround, will you be fixing* the installer so that non-'dual retail' setups don't suffer from this "implementation bug" unnecessarily?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 01, 2005, 02:34:00 PM
yeah always open for improvements. That method is easy and effective so definatley worth using.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Hautsaauce on September 01, 2005, 05:35:00 PM
QUOTE(Hautsaauce @ Sep 1 2005, 04:30 PM)
First off Sorry i know this is probably posted somewhere else many times already i have searched but was unable to find an answer.

I have a stock xbox that i currently use for xbox live play.  Can i use xbhdm to upgrade to a larger harddrive and still play on XBL with the larger drive or will i have to swap back in the stock drive when ever i want to play on XBL?

A deffinite answer would be most appreciated.  I need to still be able to play online with this box.


Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: blackice_39 on September 02, 2005, 12:02:00 AM
I am officially posting for the first time here folks...Who cares.  Anyway I just wanted to thank Krayzie for this...I have been successfully softmodding for over 2 years now.  This is one of the greatest i have seen...I have had this similar idea but never the skills to compile it.  

ANYONE WHO IS SKEPTICAL about this please be advised that this is a phenominal piece of art really...Hands down the best, safest, quickest softmod install ever...  love.gif

::| B L A C K _ I C E |::
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: chilin_dude on September 02, 2005, 08:08:00 AM
Thanks for this Krazie, just used it on three of my friends xbox's smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on September 02, 2005, 08:35:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 24 2005, 10:58 PM)
dual retail boots to the modded dash with tray closed and to a live safe msdash when the tray is open so you won't need to acces the menu. You could add a dashboard link to the menu also. if the mod is switched off you always need thegame to switch on again.
and yes you can change any function later on.

can't believe i missed this the first time...

alright, say i setup a link in UnleashX to go to msdash....i then coldboot to UnleashX and run the link to that msdash live safe?

also, is there a way to link to the exploit menu options from a basic unleashx coldboot *WITHOUT* doing the dual/triple?

thanx again
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on September 02, 2005, 09:28:00 AM
you cannot coldboot to unleashx
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on September 02, 2005, 09:33:00 AM
QUOTE(DaddyJ @ Sep 2 2005, 08:03 AM)
you cannot coldboot to unleashx

alright, then i've got a problem in terminology.  someone want to point me out to newbie 101: Vocabulary?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: NJPelli16 on September 02, 2005, 02:16:00 PM
Krayzie, I keep having this problem, I had it with both your UXE and now your Ndure. Once I begin installation onto my Xbox, it would give me the loading screen with the Xbox logo and the text that reads, "REMOTEX". This screen would remain on for hours. In fact, I think it's frozen. It just stays on that screen until I give up and turn off the box.

What am I doing wrong and what can I do to fix it?

- I use Xbox Live almost daily, so I know everything's upgraded.
- I always delete the previous modded saves before I start a new one.
- I recently in fact began cleaning out my harddrive, getting rid of any files that may be taking up too much space.

By the way, I use Action Replay to transfer the files to my Xbox.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jeepjustin2002 on September 02, 2005, 06:25:00 PM
what version of spliter cell can this be used with?

i have splitercell-stealth   and i cannot find a place in the game to load the gamesaves

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Slapping Monkey on September 02, 2005, 10:18:00 PM
To: NJPelli16

If you're using Action Replay to transfer Krayzie's Ndure Installer over to your xbox make sure that you use M$ memory cards, that are blank of course smile.gif. DONT use Action Replays memory card or other third party memory cards as they corrupt the data. This might be your problem might not. Goodluck
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: pholly on September 03, 2005, 02:30:00 AM
Is there a way I can manually do this with the installer files, I've done it like 10 times and everytime it freezes on a black screen. The light turns orange but nothing happens. In case it helps, i backedup the eeprom, then installed ndure, when I reboot I open the tray to remove the disc and nothing happens on screen. Not sure if I missed something or what, tia smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cio on September 03, 2005, 06:48:00 AM
The original splinter cell (non classics version). Check xguides for more info on exploitable games.

Yes, Kingroch's Ndure installer for PC biggrin.gif (make sure to copy over the fonts in proper order).

@A Murder of Crows
Coldboot = booting a retail game directly (thus not loading anything from the HD)
Only coldbotting or the "retail" (tray open boot) msdash are live safe. You cant even connect to live in modded mode, Nkpatcher blocks it.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on September 03, 2005, 04:40:00 PM
QUOTE(Cio @ Sep 3 2005, 05:23 AM)

@A Murder of Crows
Coldboot = booting a retail game directly (thus not loading anything from the HD)
Only coldbotting or the "retail" (tray open boot) msdash are live safe. You cant even connect to live in modded mode, Nkpatcher blocks it.

does it really....hmm...i can't remember how i accessed live...will have to check on that, but i know i didn't do a dual boot retail....i don't think anyway lol
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: blackice_39 on September 03, 2005, 10:08:00 PM
@A Murder of Crows

I understand exactly what you are saying.  The truth is that you can not access live through th msdash IF you access it through unleash X.  Because though you switch to the MS dash from unleash X the box is still in modded form and any time you try to actually send the packet that establishes a connection with Live the wonderful NKpatcher bloxks it for you.  

Another hint is to be able to tell that you shouldn't try to sign in is that once you go from unleash X to the MSdash take a look @ your light and you'll notice that it is still orange (or whatever you set it to).  Best not to try live...though , again, nkpatcher will block it

::| B L A C K _  I C E |::
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: movie_fan on September 04, 2005, 07:51:00 AM
I've soft-modded my Xbox with Krazies Ndure installer and everything went fine.  beerchug.gif

I chose EvolutionX to be installed, and now I'd like to try UnleashX. How can I do it?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: iain_benson on September 04, 2005, 09:15:00 AM
I've just had to replace the HD in my X-Box, as the old one died. I rebuilt a clean large hard disk using xboxhdm (which is an absolute nightmare due to all my PCs being SCSI based!), and have downloaded the Krayzie Ndure Installer so I can softmod it.

As part of it, there is a directory  into which a clean  (or otherwise) HDD backup can be placed, for creation of an XISO image. This would be extremely useful for me, as it would get round the messing about with xboxhdm, but I have one question ... will I be able to boot the disk on an XBOX with no modchip?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on September 04, 2005, 09:23:00 AM
QUOTE(movie_fan @ Sep 4 2005, 03:26 PM)
I'd like to try UnleashX.

1. Download UnleashX from the usual place

2. If you want to try it first, put it into E:\apps\ (in it's own folder)

3. If you decide to use it as your default dash, put it into E:\dashboard\ (this time NOT in it's own directory)

QUOTE(iain_benson @ Sep 4 2005, 04:50 PM)
will I be able to boot the disk on an XBOX with no modchip?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: pholly on September 04, 2005, 12:14:00 PM
I saw someone replied to my earlier post about manually installing this but I want to use this package not another one. I don't know why it's not working for me but I don't care about shadowc's and being able to get on live since I have another xbox for live and I know how to recover from an automatic update. All I really need is to know where files need to go. TIA

Help using the auto installer would be great too. After I install the softmod and it reboots is where I have the problem. When it reboots, it sticks on a black screen with the light being orange. When I boot up the save again and ftp over I notice c is empty so I'm guessing it has something to do with the shadowc or something, I don't know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: movie_fan on September 04, 2005, 02:25:00 PM
QUOTE(Horscht @ Sep 4 2005, 04:58 PM)
3. If you decide to use it as your default dash, put it into E:\dashboard\ (this time NOT in it's own directory)

Thanks Horscht.   beerchug.gif And I even managed to put it as an alternate dashboard....
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xato on September 05, 2005, 12:21:00 AM
I just used this and found a couple of minor things, can't find if someone else reported this but here goes:
- config2.xml contains a couple of lines with doble << this cause some doble requests in the uninstall multi boot option if I select cancel
- config.xml from rescue disk is missing a < in restore system, this prevent format e option to execute
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 05, 2005, 09:07:00 AM
QUOTE(xato @ Sep 5 2005, 07:56 AM)
I just used this and found a couple of minor things, can't find if someone else reported this but here goes:
- config2.xml contains a couple of lines with doble << this cause some doble requests in the uninstall multi boot option if I select cancel
- config.xml from rescue disk is missing a < in restore system, this prevent format e option to execute

You're right. Will fix it soon.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rgtaa on September 08, 2005, 03:00:00 PM
I was wondering if you have a readme file for getting Eggsbox to work on Ndure.  If you already commented on how to install it elsewhere maybe point me in that direction.  I like that feature in uxe and would like to use it in Ndure.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: goodwill295 on September 08, 2005, 05:20:00 PM
i need help with my xbox i cant use this one file called Krayzie_007_ UXE_Installer_Dutch-English_v2.7 krazie made it and i am a noob at softmodding so could someone please help. uhh.gif  uhh.gif huh.gif  huh.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: goodwill295 on September 08, 2005, 05:22:00 PM
QUOTE(goodwill295 @ Sep 9 2005, 12:55 AM)
i need help with my xbox i cant use this one file called Krayzie_007_ UXE_Installer_Dutch-English_v2.7 krazie made it and i am a noob at softmodding so could someone please help. uhh.gif  uhh.gif huh.gif  huh.gif

when i use it it says not a valid xbox save
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rajaa on September 08, 2005, 05:42:00 PM
I softmodded using Krayzie ndure installer and everything was working great.  Then I added a bigger hard drive (160GB) and again modded it with the nkpatcher.67 option( so  that it makes the G partition with the extra space more than 137 GB).  But, now the G partition is recognized but shows 0 B.  I also cannot copy any files into the G partition.

Is there a way I can reformat my G partition so that I get access to it or anything else so that the G partition is accessible for storing stuff. Thanks.

P.S.  I tried the activate G partition options in unleashX.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cartman117 on September 08, 2005, 06:58:00 PM
LOVE THE INSTALLER KRAYZIE!!!!! love.gif  love.gif

Its sooo great. I totaly love the Rescue disc Feature.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 08, 2005, 08:45:00 PM
QUOTE(rajaa @ Sep 9 2005, 01:17 AM)
I softmodded using Krayzie ndure installer and everything was working great.  Then I added a bigger hard drive (160GB) and again modded it with the nkpatcher.67 option( so  that it makes the G partition with the extra space more than 137 GB).  But, now the G partition is recognized but shows 0 B.  I also cannot copy any files into the G partition.

Is there a way I can reformat my G partition so that I get access to it or anything else so that the G partition is accessible for storing stuff. Thanks.

P.S.  I tried the activate G partition options in unleashX.

You have to format G. Look for tutorials to do that. Don't try to use the installers format G function cuz it doesn't work.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 08, 2005, 08:55:00 PM
QUOTE(rgtaa @ Sep 8 2005, 10:35 PM)
I was wondering if you have a readme file for getting Eggsbox to work on Ndure.  If you already commented on how to install it elsewhere maybe point me in that direction.  I like that feature in uxe and would like to use it in Ndure.

If you are somewhat experienced ypu can try to look at Ndure protagonist DDEEE or UAEEE or (or something like that) to get some kind of easter egg going. Since the UEEE has no benefits over a dual retail setup it's no use to try that. It's better to also not use SCEEE atm since it consumes to much space. If people really want some kind of easter egg feature (even though they probably need it on rare occasions) I will look into making some kind of add on package some day.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Stingpit on September 08, 2005, 09:31:00 PM
QUOTE(Millions Knives @ Aug 31 2005, 04:05 PM)
You are unable to access the Live! Dashboard, but you can still play games on Live!).  If you want to access the Live! Dashboard for any reason you can turn the softmod on/off by accessing the game save installer through your game of choice and choosing the option "Switch softmod on/off". 

I have been doing soft mods for almost a year now (also this is first post) and by far love this installer. AWESOME JOB KRAYZIE!!!!!!! Drove myself nuts doing dual retail boot for friends XBox wondering why I couldn't access any of the Live Dashboard stuff, but could access stuff for Splinter Cell. I even fixed blank screen problem.

I like to learn and just curious why you can play Live, but can't access Live dash if it is a safe virutal C:. Looking forward to info.

Once again, to Krayzie and all the soft mod magic conjurors making soft mods possible. YOU ARE AWESOME AND I BOW TO THEE!!!!    beerchug.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Epaige on September 08, 2005, 10:40:00 PM
Sweet package Krayzie beerchug.gif  It is so easy to install and works great...Thank you for creating Ndure ...Ive had many probs with softmodding but this was prob free...Great job.. biggrin.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on September 09, 2005, 10:05:00 AM
OT: Re.
QUOTE(krayzie @ Sep 8 2005, 09:30 PM)
If you are somewhat experienced ypu can try to look at Ndure protagonist DDEEE or UAEEE or (or something like that) to get some kind of easter egg going.
there's info. about DDEEE, UDDEE and UDDAE in this thread:
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: solder_blob on September 09, 2005, 10:13:00 AM
Hey How do I change my default dash to something else like say  avalaunch or UIX??   Where do I dump the .xbe and folders??  and rename them as what??

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 09, 2005, 02:27:00 PM
QUOTE(solder_blob @ Sep 9 2005, 05:48 PM)
Hey How do I change my default dash to something else like say  avalaunch or UIX??   Where do I dump the .xbe and folders??  and rename them as what??

most packages come with readmes nowadays.....
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: solder_blob on September 09, 2005, 04:12:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Sep 9 2005, 04:02 PM)
most packages come with readmes nowadays.....

Gee thanks....
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: XBox_Rocker on September 09, 2005, 10:47:00 PM
is tehre anyway to change eeprom value such as serials under the ndure installer?? b/c there is no access to c:\ when i enter my main menu, only when i enter the save menu can i access it, but the problem is that i cant do nothing with the save menu, cant luanch cd, cant launch apps  (btw i use config magic to change my eeprom),i dunno, is there a soultion to my problem???
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: XBox_Rocker on September 09, 2005, 11:11:00 PM
ps i was banned from live thats why
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 10, 2005, 01:36:00 AM
if you want to acces your real eeprom you can load a bios via the apps folder and then run configmagic to change your eeprom.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: goodwill295 on September 10, 2005, 09:48:00 AM
hey what page is the ndure download link
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cio on September 10, 2005, 09:55:00 AM
Read the rules, DO NOT REQUEST FILES.   ph34r.gif

hint: xbins/usual place
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: goodwill295 on September 10, 2005, 11:26:00 AM
sorry beerchug.gif  and thanks.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: p4r0l3 on September 10, 2005, 12:09:00 PM
This exploit looks promising and is very well documented. What is some games that are live enabled with the 5960 dashboard? I do not have Xbox Live, so I need to update my dashboard another way.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 10, 2005, 12:10:00 PM
I dunno exactly but it's proably games like burnout 3 and newer
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: p4r0l3 on September 10, 2005, 12:15:00 PM
Alright, thanks for the fast reply. If anyone knows any specific games with the 5960 dashboard though, please post.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 10, 2005, 12:49:00 PM
well halo2 and newer certainly have one
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: p4r0l3 on September 10, 2005, 01:41:00 PM
Alright cool, I'll just rent Halo 2 then. Thanks again for the help Krayzie, keep up the badass work.  beerchug.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 10, 2005, 01:52:00 PM
if you have an internet connection it might be easier to just hook it up to that and upgrade via a live server
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: goodwill295 on September 10, 2005, 11:19:00 PM
hey for the ndure installer my 007 AUF has a seirial number of 4__________07. has anyone seen this. uhh.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: p4r0l3 on September 11, 2005, 08:07:00 AM
True, but I don't know how I'm going to do that via my 56k connection (yes, I know I'm a loser still with dial-up, but dsl/cable companies passed over me....) So I figure renting a game like Halo 2 should be easier. Unless someone was kind enough to make a dashboard patcher for those stuck on 56k biggrin.gif (It actually might not be too hard if you extracted the right files from a 5960 enabled game, and then wrote a script that would overwrite your dashboard with the 5960 files....maybe it's harder than it sounds, but I dont know)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fiddidilip on September 11, 2005, 02:21:00 PM
just installed this and works as expected! SWEET!
Havnt been online with it yet cuz although i no its safe to go online with it if its booted in to retail state, but is the bios included live blocking just to make sure im safe wen im in modded state???
dont want house mates gettin me banned!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 11, 2005, 02:24:00 PM
offcourse it has live blocking
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fiddidilip on September 11, 2005, 02:33:00 PM
cheers for the quick reply
thought it was better to be safe than sorry
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: goodwill295 on September 11, 2005, 04:57:00 PM
can you tell me how to search for files in flashfx/xbins ive been trying to softmod my xbox for 2 months! and i cant ever get to work. grr.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: goodwill295 on September 11, 2005, 04:58:00 PM
QUOTE(goodwill295 @ Sep 12 2005, 12:32 AM)
can you tell me how to search for files in flashfx/xbins ive been trying to softmod my xbox for 2 months! and i cant ever get it to work. grr.gif

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: goodwill295 on September 11, 2005, 06:15:00 PM
im sorry about my anger earlier and i finally found the installer. i know you dont care but i would like to apolagize for my anger. unsure.gif  unsure.gif  unsure.gif  sad.gif  flamethrower.gif  gift.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: bigsammoe on September 11, 2005, 09:52:00 PM
iam also in the same boat i have a chipped xbox and i got my lil bor a boxs but i want to soft mod it ! just load up his hard with 3-4 games for now iam just really blowin away by this can some one email me some help?

[email protected]
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fiveskinoff on September 12, 2005, 06:58:00 AM
can someone help, thought was ready to do ndure got everything needed, got belkin 32mb pen drive cause thats on list of pen drives that work with xbox and comes unrecognised and mite b damaged, didnt get action replay cause read they corrupts files, can someone tell me where ive gone wrong or let me know wot pen drives work cause the belkin on list, does'nt work, all i need is to transfer save games and im set.thx
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cio on September 12, 2005, 08:26:00 AM

Are you expecting some "miracle" here? Read up.. get the installer on the xbox, use it! Where not here to do thing for you, just for help. (and posting ur e-mail is asking for spam)

If ur USB storage device dunb work, try another (trust digital camaras seem to work, just reformat it from the built in menu when ur done using it for ur xbox). If yur really cant get it to work, hotswap the installer/exploit on via xboxhdm.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fiveskinoff on September 12, 2005, 09:21:00 AM
tried 3 different storage devices none work, i just wont someone to tell one theyve used so i can get it (but not big price)cheers. cio didnt know i did post email.thx
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: goodwill295 on September 12, 2005, 05:21:00 PM
i cant get my softmod thing to work.
i have a couple of questions.
1. i got the ar to download called 007 save but the rescue disk doesnt load.
2.when i get to the james bond game iget to the load game screen  and i DONT'T select load game but start a new one. Then when i reached the actual
game (after the cutscene), i hit the start button and select quit game, Then i went back to the load game screen and this time i hit select "load game". when i go in the screen goes black for 30 minutes and i think it froze grr.gif  sad.gif . what do i do? uhh.gif  uhh.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cartman117 on September 12, 2005, 06:53:00 PM
1.  And to get the rescue disk to work your box must be modded and you have to make an ISO out of the rescue disk files.

2. Make sure its the ONLY 007 save on your xbox. And be sure to choose load from Xbox Hard Disk. Not the Mem card.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: p4r0l3 on September 12, 2005, 07:17:00 PM
Alright, here's a n00b question for you guys....
Will a standard CAT5 network cable connect an xbox to a pc and for ftp access to work? I'm on 56k, so there is no router between the pc and xbox. I'm guessing I would at least have to manually set the IP on the xbox to like and then everything would work right? The main reason for the question is for me to find out if it will be necessary to buy a crossover cat5 cable.

Thanks in advance...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xman954 on September 12, 2005, 07:44:00 PM
you must use a crossover cat5 cable

or you can cut a standard cable and swap 4 wires to make it a crossover
there is a tut somewhere...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 12, 2005, 11:03:00 PM
cut the cord open and connect green to orange and green/white to organge/white
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: 2121oyoy on September 13, 2005, 08:33:00 AM
QUOTE(fiveskinoff @ Sep 12 2005, 04:56 PM)
tried 3 different storage devices none work, i just wont someone to tell one theyve used so i can get it (but not big price)cheers. cio didnt know i did post email.thx

Are you sure they are set up properly? Maybe you need them set up for fatX.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: p4r0l3 on September 13, 2005, 05:23:00 PM
Sorry I'm repetitive, but a generic cat5 crossover cable will work to connect xbox to pc right? Just making sure before I buy one on newegg...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 13, 2005, 10:50:00 PM
QUOTE(p4r0l3 @ Sep 14 2005, 12:58 AM)
Sorry I'm repetitive, but a generic cat5 crossover cable will work to connect xbox to pc right? Just making sure before I buy one on newegg...

No it still won't work and you still can make a cross cable out of a straight cable.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: p4r0l3 on September 14, 2005, 06:45:00 AM
Heh.. tongue.gif
Anyways, thanks again for the help and keep up the great work krayzie.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fiveskinoff on September 14, 2005, 11:01:00 AM
krayzie, maybe u can help with ndure, do u sort of change ur pen drive to a action replay mem card with the xbereader driver so its recognised by the action replay pc software and do u save the sc1 and sc2 folders to pen drive or has i read somewhere else, the udata files at the moment all im left to do is transfer the save files to xbox, but call me thick its hardwork, any help greatly appreciated.thx
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: blackice_39 on September 15, 2005, 02:47:00 AM
I do modding...i have this completely set up on a retail box for live...can somone point me to the correct forum to use a new drive and live together?  i know there's a whole deal with marriage, but i still dont understand what the deal with the eeprom is...I know it marks my machine and if my MAC address shows up on their servers with a different EEprom then im there a way to spoof this in Live enables mode or simply apply it to a new drive?  haha i know "WRONG FORUM IDIOT!!" but if there was no one like wouldn't be able to get angry @ people on forums rambling about nothing...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cio on September 15, 2005, 04:17:00 AM
You need a new EEPROM if you wanna use a new HD on XBL. Here's what you should do:

Go to BST (or any of ur friends that dont use live) and get a virgin eeprom (hasn't been on live) for your xbox. 1.6 boxes need a 1.6 xbox, 1.0 to 1.5 can use the same (AFAIK)

Use the ndure installer for PC and xboxhdm to create a new HD and lock it with that new eeprom!

Now get config magic final and the new eeprom.bin on ur xbox. Use config magic to update ur eeprom with the new one.

Config magic will tell you to unlock the drive and you should (ou wont need the old drive anymore). Once the eeprom is updated, fit the new HD and tadaa ur done.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fiveskinoff on September 15, 2005, 05:23:00 AM
got pendrive to work with ar pc software put the 2 unzipped udata files on , mem card shows sc linux installer and linux profile but when put mem card into xbox says mite damaged or erased tried accessing mem card but theres no saved games on it, ive read somewhere that the save games r not ar ready and uve got to copy datelinfo file into exploit but there aint one in any folders to replace. help please
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fiveskinoff on September 15, 2005, 04:24:00 PM
just realised that the 2 udata zip go on mem card but wen i put in xbox, the xbox erases the save files, tried a save file from ar software and xbox wont even pick up mem card any clues, wot does the fatx mean is that the pc cause mine is ntsc.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BlakOps on September 15, 2005, 07:25:00 PM
Hi.  have to say this is sterling work Krayzie  biggrin.gif !

Anyway i have a query which is gonna seem kind of obvious but i am still a noob at this.

Loaded V.1.0 which i picked up from the usual places.  Installation went very smoothly.

I now want to mod my mate's son's xbox for him.

I used MA Ndure installer for the mod.

Can anyone tell me if i am simply able to transfer the Mech Assault game save called "Run Linux" (which is 635 blocks, apparently) from the hard drive to a game save device & then copy that to this second xbox? & then run MA & load the save?  Or do i need the original  "udata" zip file currently stored on PC?

i ask because when checking the hard drive I see a save which was not there before the install.  It is a XBOX save (no game name) entitled "LoadIni © g0at3r"

Is this perhaps the virtual c drive or related to it in some way?

I want to repeat, thanks Krayzie for the opportunity to breathe some life into my version 1.0 Xbox & thanks to everyone who contributes to this whole scene.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 15, 2005, 10:41:00 PM
No you cannot use a save from an allready installed xbox. Just plug in a save device and ftp a fresh save straight to that. (Should be Drive letter H to O).
And never heard of a save named that way. It's probably created by some app you ran.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 29, 2005, 09:53:00 AM
it's at xbins and you can turn firewalls temporarily off or adjust it.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on September 29, 2005, 10:58:00 AM
{: krayzie, have you seen jp33's incredible Ndure installer at gueux? :}
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 29, 2005, 11:28:00 AM
Hmm nah. Is it from the same one as that other french installer? link?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Horscht on September 29, 2005, 01:26:00 PM
well, I just had a look at said installer, and it's basicaly your Ndure installer translated into french. It has exact the same filelayout and only minor stuff has been changed (files.rar changed to fichier.rar and such stuff).

He is, However giving you credits in his readme.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 29, 2005, 01:46:00 PM
heh just looked at it and it's indeed my installer translated into french. Well at least the french speaking can now enjoy their own language and the readme indeed mentions it's adapted from my installer. Now hope that we don't get another two thousand people in here complaining that they got some french installer that they don't understand.

This post has been edited by krayzie: Sep 29 2005, 08:47 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jp33 on September 29, 2005, 04:57:00 PM
Hi !

First please excuse my approximate English ....

I found damage that your work is ignored French-speaking people.

I actually translated and slightly adapted your installer. I never intended to steal your work and I hope that you understood it thus. This is why I entirely preserved the routine of installation, without tried to hide though it is.

I hope that you will understand my approach ...

On the other hand, I ensure the follow-up of it on gueux, the French-speaking people should not thus come here to complain ! :D
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 29, 2005, 10:34:00 PM
Like I said I don't consider it stealing since you don't take credit for the installer yourself. I know there is also a spanish languaged version around. I'm actually glad you picked my installer as a base since there is a lot of crappy stuff around.
My only concern was since the aboudeur installer was released on xbins a lot of non-french people used it and then came here to complain how to remove the french evox.ini. Since this version is only available through your own (French) community this problem should not occur.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jblaze00 on September 30, 2005, 04:22:00 AM
I recently change my boxes from and old MA softmod to Ndure and so far everything is Great i just had a few questions:

-Since i need to set up a live account on an xbox with the mod on it already, i wanted to make sure if all i needed to do is switch off the softmod and setup my account in the M$ dash then turn the mod back on? (if this wont work what do i need to do?)

-After i backed up the eeprom and installed Ndure on a box, my friend was messing around in Evox dash and selected backup option again before i copied the original eeprom to my the backup still "Stock"  and ok to use to restore the box to retail?

also just wanted to thank Krayzie.  :beer:
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 30, 2005, 10:23:00 AM
QUOTE(jblaze00 @ Sep 30 2005, 11:57 AM)
I recently change my boxes from and old MA softmod to Ndure and so far everything is Great i just had a few questions:

-Since i need to set up a live account on an xbox with the mod on it already, i wanted to make sure if all i needed to do is switch off the softmod and setup my account in the M$ dash then turn the mod back on? (if this wont work what do i need to do?)

-After i backed up the eeprom and installed Ndure on a box, my friend was messing around in Evox dash and selected backup option again before i copied the original eeprom to my the backup still "Stock"  and ok to use to restore the box to retail?
also just wanted to thank Krayzie.  :beer:

yes you can switch off and setup your acount

and yes both the backup made by evox in the dashboard folder and the eeprom in the backups eeprom folder can be used in apps needing it.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Connectz on September 30, 2005, 11:44:00 PM
I know PLENTY of places where you can post this file so that people don't have to jump through hoops to get it.

I am completely new to softmodding and I want to try this oen because everyone recomends it.  

I do not use mirc or ftp's but I have experience with ftp.  However, I hate using mirc.  Why can't someone upload it to (will only take like 2 minutes to upload) and post the download link somewhere we can all EASILY get the file.

Props to Krayzie for making this.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: senkel on October 01, 2005, 12:47:00 AM
If I have a game already in the dvd tray, and boot with the power button only, is the mod enabled or disabled?  If it is enabled, why is the led green instead of orange?  I have a modified samsung drive and it doesnt load up games unless the xbox is turned on with the game already in the dvd tray, and I wanted to make sure I could still go on live with this soft mod doing so.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 01, 2005, 02:16:00 AM
@ Connectz: not allowed. read forums rules

@ senkel: if a retail game is in the drive the softmod will not load when booting up and you can go live just fine.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: senkel on October 01, 2005, 11:33:00 AM
So, booting with just the power button with a retail game already in the drive is fine?  I just need to make sure.  I had one xbox banned from a stupid softmod mistake already.  I don't want another.  And also, which multiboot should I pick to do this?

This post has been edited by senkel: Oct 1 2005, 06:36 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on October 01, 2005, 01:01:00 PM
senkel, starting the Xbox with the power button and an original, retail game already in the drive is called "coldbooting".  It works with any purely softmodded setup on XBL (and always has) because it's a standard feature of the MS kernel's boot processing.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ThE MaSTeR 3 on October 02, 2005, 02:05:00 AM
Ok I just upgraded from UDE to Ndure and everything works great but I cant launch my XDK dash so I cant take screen captures anmore (launched as an app with pbl) :( I put all the debug files back on C with the new 5960 dashboard but when I launch the XDK the dash freezes at black screen (does same thing with XIG)

What would happen if I deleted all of C and put back my backed up C? Would that mess up ndure or what? I just want to be able to take screen captures but I cant

someone please explain why I cant run my xdk dash with ndure.

This post has been edited by ThE MaSTeR 3: Oct 2 2005, 09:14 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lastshot on October 02, 2005, 07:17:00 PM
ok i am completely new at this but heres my problem i have softmodded my xbox with sid and have unleash x i want to have the ndure installer so i downloaded nkpatcher10 from the usual places now i trasferd the file from nkpatcher 10 to my hd via ftp and the files are there but when i click on either .06 or.67 the screen goes blank what am i doing wrong
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on October 03, 2005, 05:50:00 AM
QUOTE(lastshot @ Oct 2 2005, 08:52 PM)
ok i am completely new at this but heres my problem i have softmodded my xbox with sid and have unleash x i want to have the ndure installer so i downloaded nkpatcher10 from the usual places now i trasferd the file from nkpatcher 10 to my hd via ftp and the files are there but when i click on either .06 or.67 the screen goes blank what am i doing wrong

nkpatcher is not ndure and vice/versa.

when you are running nkpatcher your kernal is already modified, and nkpatcher is meant to run from a retail kernal.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: toben on October 04, 2005, 12:51:00 PM
Stupid question here:

I made it to the right place to download the ndure installer. I assume I am looking for Krayzie_Ndure_Installer_v1.0 in the tree somewhere?

What directory is it under? XBOX? PC? Auto installers? Please point me to it!

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Shayde on October 05, 2005, 04:04:00 PM
I installed the expoilt and everything last night and all and noticed that whenever it boots to evox and the light is orange and when I cold boot and turn it on with a game in the light is green.

Is it safe to say that when I cold boot with a disc it in it is running the official bios and it is safe to go onto live and such?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 05, 2005, 08:18:00 PM
@ toben: xbpx/exploitx/packages

@ shayde: yes
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ThE MaSTeR 3 on October 06, 2005, 03:17:00 PM
Thanks for all the helps guys really. Hopefully someone made a hdd fix for live 06 so I can go back to an exploit that works with xdk dash. Nice try though...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rasstar on October 07, 2005, 08:36:00 PM
I just installed the Ndure installer and I installed the dual boot. Since I cannot access the Xbox live from the dashboard how is it possible for me to play on xbox live? How safe is this ...I don't want to get banned.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 08, 2005, 01:54:00 AM
QUOTE(rasstar @ Oct 8 2005, 04:11 AM)
I just installed the Ndure installer and I installed the dual boot. Since I cannot access the Xbox live from the dashboard how is it possible for me to play on xbox live? How safe is this ...I don't want to get banned.

begin by reading the readme....
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rasstar on October 08, 2005, 08:16:00 AM
It says that you can safely access live in this state but when I try to access live it does not work. What am I doing wrong?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: COTA-GodlyOne on October 08, 2005, 01:12:00 PM
QUOTE(rasstar @ Oct 8 2005, 03:51 PM)
It says that you can safely access live in this state but when I try to access live it does not work. What am I doing wrong?

boot off the game disc.

I have installed this 2 times in the last 3 days, and im going to do another one or 2 before next weekend XD really makes it ez not having to have a pc right beside it.  Of coarse i still backup the eeprom if i can though.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kdogpmp on October 08, 2005, 09:05:00 PM
Where do I get the installer? Beacuse on xbins they only have like a read me. :uhh:  

And i've read the read me.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 08, 2005, 10:10:00 PM
it's there
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kdogpmp on October 08, 2005, 10:13:00 PM
In the read me?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 09, 2005, 02:53:00 AM
try finding where the usual places are really located and not just the xbins website. there is a faqs topic in the tutorials..
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xbsmod on October 09, 2005, 03:14:00 PM
Hey Krayzie this is my first post, I just wanted to say that after reading for a long time and downloading a couple things I successfully installed Ndure and EvoX... Thanks Man, now this is where the fun starts...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: moviecut on October 10, 2005, 03:26:00 PM
i don`t know, if this was asked before. right after the normal installation there is no dualboot enabled. why? i think there is nothing bad with it. hmmm, just wonder...maybe krayzie should implement the most functional boot-option (somethin with tri-boot?) right in the normal install..

greetings, moviecut
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 10, 2005, 03:34:00 PM
IMO the most basic softmod is the easiest for most noobs. I don't wanna see tons of people complaining that the xbox boots strange when the tray is open like it was the case with ltools. if people wanna customize it more they should do some effort.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Raistlin(420) on October 11, 2005, 11:53:00 PM
Thanks a lot Krayzie been using your packages for awhile ease of use, easy to understand and works like a dream.  have just been to the Usual place and grabbed meself a copy of the new softmod package & can't wait to try it out.
Also thanks to all the others that participated in the creation of this new package
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Agent Orange on October 12, 2005, 04:09:00 PM
This is a great package. Very easy to use, and lots of checks to make it failsafe.

I was curious about this section of code, however, from config.xml:

is this just a roundabout way of creating apps, emus and games folders? or do they serve any kind of purpose?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 12, 2005, 09:54:00 PM
just to create the folders. no other purposes.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: allen03 on October 12, 2005, 11:46:00 PM
Hi , I'm new to xbox. I try to softmod my one. But seem to many posts talking about that. Could you guy make a installation document and what exactly need to do is much wonderful.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Agent Orange on October 13, 2005, 12:47:00 AM
QUOTE(allen03 @ Oct 13 2005, 07:21 AM)
Hi , I'm new to xbox. I try to softmod my one. But seem to many posts talking about that. Could you guy make a installation document and what exactly need to do is much wonderful.


I'm pretty sure that's what the readme is.

maybe I'm crazy.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on October 19, 2005, 05:14:00 PM
QUOTE(Agent Orange @ Oct 12 2005, 02:44 PM)
This is a great package. Very easy to use, and lots of checks to make it failsafe.

I was curious about this section of code, however, from config.xml:

is this just a roundabout way of creating apps, emus and games folders? or do they serve any kind of purpose?

hey krayzie....i was just would someone change those folder names so that the install would end up with proper capitals and Emulators instead of emus

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on October 19, 2005, 05:43:00 PM
Oh, and here is something else.

i'm about to install a big hard drive into my xbox (250gb)

i was under the impression that i should use nkpatcher 0.67 for this, but when i did that last night for someone else, the "Format G Drive" option never showed up.

So....the question i have is, should i still use nkpatcher 0.67?  

also, i've already softmodded my current hard drive and i've got the setting just about perfect.  when i install the new drive, i'd REALLY love to be able to just "plug and play" so to speak.

using XBOXHD and my current system, i plan on FTPing into the box and copying the C and E drives question is, which mode do i have to FTP into to get the proper C drive files so that i do not have to re-install the mod?

thank you

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 19, 2005, 10:37:00 PM
Just change it to anythin g you like ie: [CODE]  <Item Action="copy" Arg1="E:\UDATA\4d530017\62D648EBF155\files\dummy.xbe" Arg2="E:\Emulators\dummy.xbe"></Item>

You can format G using Evox or unleashx. There are tutorials. Search around.

If you don't want to reinstall you need to ftp in from the gamesave installer menu. This will let you copy your real C. and E drive
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: MickRick on October 22, 2005, 06:21:00 AM
Krayzie, is it possible that whatever system you have used in the Ndure mod is permanently locking hard drives?

The reason I ask is that every drive I have modded so far has locked and cannot be unlocked. XBOXHDM shows that there is no primary hard drive attached. So far this has locked 2 WD800B drives, a Seagate ST380011A and all stock drives.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on October 22, 2005, 08:18:00 AM
QUOTE(MickRick @ Oct 22 2005, 01:56 PM)
Krayzie, is it possible that whatever system you have used in the Ndure mod is permanently locking hard drives?

The reason I ask is that every drive I have modded so far has locked and cannot be unlocked. XBOXHDM shows that there is no primary hard drive attached. So far this has locked 2 WD800B drives, a Seagate ST380011A and all stock drives.

Not sure if my answer is correct, but what eeprom image are you using in xboxhdm to lock the drive? It's possible you may be using an eeprom.bin of the "virtual" eeprom as opposed to the real one. Maybe someone else can tell me if this is correct?

The one you need to use (I believe) is the eeprom.bin in E:\backups
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: bluedeath on October 22, 2005, 09:49:00 AM
QUOTE(MickRick @ Oct 22 2005, 05:56 AM)
XBOXHDM shows that there is no primary hard drive attached.

Perhaps I am wrong but isn't that an issue related to master slave configuration of the computer you are using to run xboxhdm.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: blueliquid on October 22, 2005, 10:52:00 AM
hey krazyie

i brought my xbox since day one of its released
only until the last few days haha before the xbox360 release i mod my xbox

anyways i used your Ndure Installer... great job btw

question i have is.... when i get to the dashboard
the bios says UNKNOWN.. am i suppose to download a bios or something ?
or i did something wrong during the installation

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: MickRick on October 22, 2005, 01:36:00 PM
QUOTE(bluedeath @ Oct 22 2005, 05:24 PM)
Perhaps I am wrong but isn't that an issue related to master slave configuration of the computer you are using to run xboxhdm.

No. When I mod with another gamesave exploit, I can lock and unlock the hdd as many times as I wish. As soon as I try Krayzie's method, the drives are permanently locked. This is ok if you want to tie a drive down to a single box forever, but if you want to swap it out into another box then you're stuck. Apparantly there's a Mac app that can be used to unlock frozen drives, but the download on this site appears to have gone.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: COTA-GodlyOne on October 22, 2005, 04:28:00 PM
frozen drives are frozen because of the bios on the pc, go onto a older pc and do it, it works perfect.  I ran into the same problem the other day.  There you go.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: HomicidalMo0se on October 22, 2005, 06:41:00 PM
i would like to install this softmod on my friend's xbox. i have everything needed. splinter cell, a memory card, my modded xbox, ftp access, etc. but before i install this mod... i have a few questions... i read the readme and there are some things i would like to verify.
1. the xbox won't be banned from xbox live.
2. to boot to the retail dash, i would press the eject button.
3. i would be able to get the updates for live and live enabled games without being banned.
are all of these correct? thanks.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ming3r on October 22, 2005, 10:03:00 PM
you won't be banned; nkpatcher won't let you access Live when the mod is on (if I remember correctly)...

Lets see...updates for live stuff, yes that'd work fine, cept the first time you launch them they may run dashupdate.xbe so you may need to turn off the mod for the first run and the nu can turn it back on
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: MickRick on October 24, 2005, 08:14:00 AM
QUOTE(COTA-GodlyOne @ Oct 23 2005, 12:03 AM)
frozen drives are frozen because of the bios on the pc, go onto a older pc and do it, it works perfect.  I ran into the same problem the other day.  There you go.

I got hold of an old p3 motherboard and have unlocked all the drives. Now another problem has happened.

I am modding a mate's 1.6 box (Crystal) and have run the eeprom backup and ftp'd into the box without modding. I have copied the eeprom.bin from E:\backup\ folder. When I lock any hdd to this eeprom I get error 06, which I believe is telling me the drive is locked to a different box than the one I am using the drive in. I have backed the eeprom up 4 times now and it's the same key each time.

Can anyone help me out here?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on October 24, 2005, 08:36:00 AM
QUOTE(MickRick @ Oct 24 2005, 09:49 AM)
I got hold of an old p3 motherboard and have unlocked all the drives. Now another problem has happened.

I am modding a mate's 1.6 box (Crystal) and have run the eeprom backup and ftp'd into the box without modding. I have copied the eeprom.bin from E:\backup\ folder. When I lock any hdd to this eeprom I get error 06, which I believe is telling me the drive is locked to a different box than the one I am using the drive in. I have backed the eeprom up 4 times now and it's the same key each time.

Can anyone help me out here?

how are you locking the drives... being a v1.6 , it requires either v1.9 xboxhdm or live info b3
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: toben on October 24, 2005, 08:55:00 AM
error 21 again!

OK I installed Krazies Ndure installer on my stock xbox and everything works. This morning I try to play madden 2005 for the first time and it wont go on live. So I load other games and they wont go on live either.

So I reopen the ndure installer and turn off the softmod.  At this point I get error 21. I can reboot from a game and reopen the installer to turn softmod on, but how do I turn it off without error 21?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 24, 2005, 09:04:00 AM
QUOTE(toben @ Oct 24 2005, 04:30 PM)
error 21 again!

OK I installed Krazies Ndure installer on my stock xbox and everything works. This morning I try to play madden 2005 for the first time and it wont go on live. So I load other games and they wont go on live either.

So I reopen the ndure installer and turn off the softmod.  At this point I get error 21. I can reboot from a game and reopen the installer to turn softmod on, but how do I turn it off without error 21?

choose the restore msdash function....
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Cio on October 24, 2005, 09:09:00 AM
You can only use live if you set the network settings via the modded boot first, then reboot with tray open (you get the retail dash)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: toben on October 24, 2005, 09:19:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Oct 24 2005, 04:39 PM)
choose the restore msdash function....

I restored ms dash and it boots correctly but I still can not access xbox live from the ms dashboard with the mod turned off or the madden 2005 game. Any suggestions? Did I somehow go on live in the wrong state and
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 24, 2005, 09:37:00 AM
QUOTE(toben @ Oct 24 2005, 04:54 PM)
I restored ms dash and it boots correctly but I still can not access xbox live from the ms dashboard with the mod turned off or the madden 2005 game. Any suggestions? Did I somehow go on live in the wrong state and

aren't there currently live updates going on? this might cause problems with connecting to live....
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: toben on October 24, 2005, 09:40:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Oct 24 2005, 04:39 PM)
choose the restore msdash function....

I restored ms dash and it boots correctly but I still can not access xbox live from the ms dashboard with the mod turned off or the madden 2005 game. Any suggestions? Did I somehow go on live in the wrong state and
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: MickRick on October 24, 2005, 12:16:00 PM
QUOTE(DaddyJ @ Oct 24 2005, 04:11 PM)
how are you locking the drives... being a v1.6 , it requires either v1.9 xboxhdm or live info b3

Sweet Daddy J!

Used xboxhdm v1.9 and it locked down a treat. And now I've a host of freed up drives again as well. Life just keeps getting better.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: scu98rkr on October 26, 2005, 09:14:00 AM
Hi im going to go on XBOX live tonight with my daul booted NDURE 1.0 softmodded XBOX.

I hear there has been some kind of live update.

Should i either

1. Completely Remove the softmod before going on live. Then reinstall

2. Turnoff the softmod before going on live, then turn it back on.

3. Leave it in dual boot and boot from the eject button to live.

thanks roger
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Milker on October 26, 2005, 10:06:00 AM
Hi all,
Hopefully this is the right place to ask this....
I modded using Krayzie_MA_Ndure_Installer_v1.0

The install worked like a charm and I have been using it for about a month now.

Today I am trying to upgrade my hdd. I used xboxhdm formatted locked etc..

When I place the new drive in my xbox it boots to the MS dashboard.
Do I need to run the save game exploit to get back into unleashX?

I copied everything over from C: and E:

Thanks in advance.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on October 26, 2005, 10:18:00 AM
QUOTE(Milker @ Oct 26 2005, 08:41 AM)
Hi all,
Hopefully this is the right place to ask this....
I modded using Krayzie_MA_Ndure_Installer_v1.0

The install worked like a charm and I have been using it for about a month now.

Today I am trying to upgrade my hdd. I used xboxhdm formatted locked etc..

When I place the new drive in my xbox it boots to the MS dashboard.
Do I need to run the save game exploit to get back into unleashX?

I copied everything over from C: and E:

Thanks in advance.

I asked a question that would have your answer.

Krayzie's NDure method makes use of a Shadow C drive image when in it's normal modded mode.  You have to go into Mech Assault, launch the exploit, and ftp in from there to see your real C and E drives.  if you want an exact copy of your modded xbox drive (fully modded and ready to go), those are the files you need to copy.

Generally, I just use the Backup C as a base, allowing me 100% stock with a bigger hard drive.  I also put the save game files onto the drive in E so i don't have to copy them over with a memory card again.  from there, i just reinstall.  a pain at times, but i felt a fresh plate was always better to work with.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 26, 2005, 09:49:00 AM
QUOTE(Milker @ Oct 26 2005, 05:41 PM)
Hi all,
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: scu98rkr on October 26, 2005, 11:13:00 AM
Hi im going to go on XBOX live tonight with my daul booted NDURE 1.0 softmodded XBOX.

I hear there has been some kind of live update.

Should i either

1. Completely Remove the softmod before going on live. Then reinstall

2. Turnoff the softmod before going on live, then turn it back on.

3. Leave it in dual boot and boot from the eject button to live.

thanks roger
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on October 26, 2005, 04:44:00 PM
QUOTE(Cio @ Oct 24 2005, 04:44 PM)
You can only use live if you set the network settings via the modded boot first, then reboot with tray open (you get the retail dash)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 26, 2005, 10:48:00 PM
QUOTE(Minotaur @ Oct 27 2005, 12:55 AM)
I didn't think that changes made to the network settings in the modded dash affected the unmodded one? But if so, can a new XBL account be created from the modded dash, then used in the unmodded dash?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Niteman1969 on October 27, 2005, 09:29:00 AM
Just a quick question guys....
I have installed ndure installer and wether i boot with eject button or not
I get evox menu. Have not installed dual retail.
Can I cold-boot with an original disc and play games on live in this state or is there something else that needs to be done?


Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 27, 2005, 09:54:00 AM
QUOTE(Niteman1969 @ Oct 27 2005, 05:40 PM)
Just a quick question guys....
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: scu98rkr on October 27, 2005, 03:55:00 PM
No Really is this some kind of joke ?

can people not see my posts ?

do u just plain hate me ?

"Hi im going to go on XBOX live tonight with my daul booted NDURE 1.0 softmodded XBOX.

I hear there has been some kind of live update.

Should i either

1. Completely Remove the softmod before going on live. Then reinstall

2. Turnoff the softmod before going on live, then turn it back on.

3. Leave it in dual boot and boot from the eject button to live.

thanks roger"
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on October 27, 2005, 04:03:00 PM
1. Completely Remove the softmod before going on live. Then reinstall

2. Turnoff the softmod before going on live, then turn it back on.

either if you wanna be totally safe about it.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 28, 2005, 08:49:00 AM
yes revert your files to stoick and try again. somrtimes hyaving left overs can cause problems
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Milker on October 28, 2005, 04:26:00 PM
dry.gif  J/K

I tried to restore the dashboard through UNLEASH but I get an error "cannot delete" or someting like that.

Sorry for the long post and thanks for the help again.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: deadlokIV on October 28, 2005, 06:22:00 PM
laugh.gif cheers anyways
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 28, 2005, 07:52:00 PM
QUOTE(deadlokIV @ Oct 29 2005, 02:33 AM)
Hi, Absolutely loving's a miracle, miracle! .
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: deadlokIV on October 29, 2005, 07:11:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Oct 29 2005, 03:03 AM)
B Both xbe's are unfamiliar to me. sounds like a dual boot xbe and bios loader or kernel patcher xbe.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: nimig on October 31, 2005, 11:25:00 AM
I've tried the installer on a crystal box (I think 1.6b K 5838 D 5960) with Splinter Cell Pal.
I transferred the save game with an ActionReplay.
the first try didn't work.. the game save wouldn't load and the box was freezed..
with a second try same result. I've tried to load a different save (from AR cdrom) and it worked.. I've played a couple of min and tried another time..  blink.gif  this time the savegame worked and I was in the unleash dash.. before doing anything I tried to turn off the console and to boot the hacked savegame again.. on it was ok.
-backed up the eprom and followed the read me.. nkpatcher.06 ... UnleashX as dash.. all ok until the reboot.. error 13.. ARGH!

ok.. don't panic.. load SC again and the hacked save game.. ok now I have access to the ftp.. and to the menu.. I removed the softmod rebooted and all is ok again.. no error 13, no softmod..

after a few day I've tried again.. I removed the savegame, and allthe files from the memory menu on the ms dash.. transferred again the hacked savegame BUT.. every time I try to load it I got an error 21..  cool.gif

any idea?

PS: sorry for my horrible english  ohmy.gif  I hope you can understand..
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: HomicidalMo0se on October 31, 2005, 12:42:00 PM
QUOTE(DaddyJ @ Oct 28 2005, 12:14 AM)
1. Completely Remove the softmod before going on live. Then reinstall
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: someguy233 on October 31, 2005, 11:10:00 PM
theres an option to disable the softmod in the ndure options window (when you load the exploit save)

now, would someone answer my question? pretty pls?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 31, 2005, 11:17:00 PM
if you wanna revert the xbox to stock you gotta make sure that the shadow c is not active.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: nimig on November 01, 2005, 02:33:00 AM
I'm too dumb to understand or what?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jeesusfreek on November 02, 2005, 03:49:00 PM
weirded out...

for some reason, my version of MA won't let me run Run Linux, it says it cannot be loaded even though I meet all the requirements... (dash 5960 kernel 3944, it is not a platinum hits version, etc.)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: nimig on November 03, 2005, 07:09:00 AM
Next I will try a step by step install from the other tut on the forum.. maybe i will understand why I have this error 13..  unsure.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 03, 2005, 10:58:00 AM
what the hell is a jp33 installer? Anyway still sounds like you have left overs from previous installs. Revert to stock ,get new saves and try again.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Kr0n1k on November 03, 2005, 04:41:00 PM
Action Replay not liking the installer save for some reason. I thought that it was already prepared for Action Replay use. Anyone that could point me at the appropriate guide for this? I've tried the USB stick guide for making a compatible save for AR and that also didn't work. AR won't find the save. I'm using an offical S-Pad with M$ Memory card. Both are working fine. But AR won't accept the save.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 03, 2005, 11:44:00 PM
funny how the same installer can have differnt results. did you get it from xbins?Maybe the mysterious guy that likes to mess up installers and then spread it to the internet is alive again. just like he did with my eee installer.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: HomicidalMo0se on November 04, 2005, 06:05:00 AM
i think so?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: pyter on November 05, 2005, 07:03:00 AM
i can play with system link without problems, right? (with ndure)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Safrole on November 05, 2005, 05:05:00 PM
Using the Splinter Cell version, my Gameshark card corrupted the saves, but I have since become the WORLD CHAMPION of hotswap and xboxhdm.

And I've made some progress: now I get a black screen when I choose "Checkpoints".  It stayed black for over half an hour each go round.

Dash 5960, Kernel 3944, an old version 1.0, no other exploits in C:, just has the flash enable bridges closed.  I also completely deleted the existing gamesaves before xbrowsering everything over. I made no mods to the Krayzie's Ndure Installer package except to substitute my necessary 1MB bios. (Not that I got far enough to need it!)

I've absolutely pored over the guides before I came to whine.  I'm leaving for supper and I'm going to try to score an old AUF or MA title, but if anyone had similar symptoms and overcame I'd appreciate some enlightenment.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kics on November 05, 2005, 07:18:00 PM
my question is that for the installer does it need specifically the 5960.01 V. 185EAD00 xbl dash??? the installer wont install if i have one previous dashboard ?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: int3rsc0p3 on November 05, 2005, 07:46:00 PM
Hello! I'm totally drawn to this new installer. I have a few questions before I start thuogh:

1. Will it function properly if I remove ltools with the Uninstall feature from the cd tray menu?

2. Does it limit, as in include or exclude, any xbox versions?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Safrole on November 05, 2005, 08:25:00 PM
QUOTE(Safrole @ Nov 5 2005, 07:12 PM)
Using the Splinter Cell version, my Gameshark card corrupted the saves, but I have since become the WORLD CHAMPION of hotswap and xboxhdm.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 05, 2005, 11:15:00 PM
@ kics: yes it will need that version. it should mention that in the readme

@ int3rsc0p3: It needs a stock state. If ltools backed up the C drive nicely and replaces it and leaves no funky stuff on E like a backups or dashboard folder then it should be good. You would still need the latest dashboard though before you can use the save. it works on any xbox version

@ Safrole. In theory you could use any bios. BUT the bios in the package is not used for the softmod setup it installs. It's only used for the installer itself (turning off virtual partitions and stuff). Replacing it would fail if not set to boot the proper xbe in the gamesave folder.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 06, 2005, 11:03:00 AM
QUOTE(pyter @ Nov 6 2005, 06:58 PM)
what about me?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 06, 2005, 01:41:00 PM
QUOTE(int3rsc0p3 @ Nov 6 2005, 07:30 PM)
Is there a way to edit to change to Green LED even in modded state? I'm a bit vexed by the Orange led. :S
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: int3rsc0p3 on November 06, 2005, 11:30:00 PM
I guess I did something wrong, thanks for the great installer.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kaiguy210 on November 07, 2005, 01:20:00 AM
Excellent solution, Krayzie!  I haven't done any softmods for about 6 months now, so I was excited when I came across this thread.  Very simple and easy to understand and install, and much more straightforward than ltools.

I ran into a little problem at the end of the install process, and got error 112 or 12 (don't really recall) when it was trying to copy the msdash to the virtual c drive (so C was completely empty).  I think this was due to the fact that I had originally installed ltools, and apparently didn't clear off everything I needed to.  But I just copied the stock dash from slayers and everything is running extremely smoothly.

Thanks again!!  Absolutely awesome!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 07, 2005, 09:27:00 AM
QUOTE(int3rsc0p3 @ Nov 6 2005, 11:23 PM)
I noticed, that if I set it to dual-retail, when I press the eject button to take out a game, it returns to the m$ dash. Is there a way to fix this?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ZeRoJRG on November 08, 2005, 07:47:00 PM
ahh..if im being a complete newb and missing this sorry..but where is the download?

and i went to the #xbins channel and no one is there...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 08, 2005, 10:31:00 PM
@ShadowOryan if you want the dashboard on C you could replace the multilaunch file with to one with your own bootpaths

@ZeRoJRG did you actually read what was displayed in the xbins channel?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ShadowOryan on November 09, 2005, 05:43:00 AM

Oops, I forgot to add...

Where is this file multilaunch file located?


Is there any tutorials on how to make your own bootpath? I probally will figure it out, but extra help is always good.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 09, 2005, 09:52:00 AM
QUOTE(ShadowOryan @ Nov 9 2005, 01:50 PM)
Oops, I forgot to add...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 09, 2005, 10:55:00 PM
you probably missed xbins site search feature. but it's probably in something obvious like xbox/exploits/packages or something
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: robbyrob on November 11, 2005, 11:14:00 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 11, 2005, 11:44:00 PM
QUOTE(runx0r @ Nov 12 2005, 07:41 AM)
So i found two installers, Ndure installer by kingroach................ and Krayzie Ndure Installer (this one). Which one of the two should i use?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: irishdrunk on November 12, 2005, 12:04:00 AM
Krayzie, just wanted to say thanks for this easy to use awesome installer.  Honestly I can admit (aside from news quips) that I haven't read up on or researched softmods since the Audio and Font exploits first came out.  I only install Xecuter/Xenium, cheapmods or local tsops.

I had an issue with one and decided softmodding would be the practical choice.  I am udderly AMAZED how far it has come since I last "checked"

Just wanted to thank everyone involved in the making of this, saved me a bunch of stress and for anyone experienced in the workings of an xbox, it is very easy to understand right off the bat.

Thanks Rmenhal, Angerwound, Pedrospad, Devz3ro, ldots, dr oldschool, xman954, DaddyJ,
Triggernum5, kingroach, Eh, Cio

hehe I copied and pasted...but you get the hint.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 12, 2005, 12:10:00 AM
QUOTE(runx0r @ Nov 12 2005, 08:12 AM)
K Thanks, Since I'm all set up to use the savegame installer (memory key, 007, network all ready to go) I'll go ahead and use that one... Which is kingroach's, right?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: runx0r on November 12, 2005, 01:27:00 AM
K wow, I actually got it installed and working right :surprised: so yea, thanks a lot for the awesome software!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: autoprime on November 13, 2005, 04:59:00 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: luminous on November 13, 2005, 05:55:00 PM
beerchug.gif .
I was wondering if its possible to custom the installer just to change the configuration options at start up so that network access is straight off the bat with static ip,and if i can also add my own evox.ini too that will be installed with all the settings i need,rather than having to ftp in again?.
This would really speed things up for a fresh install.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 13, 2005, 11:27:00 PM
QUOTE(autoprime @ Nov 14 2005, 01:06 AM)
where can i edit the ndure boot options.. is this even possible? im trying to get XBMC to autoplay a dvd from power-on.. but it always just boots up my default dash(which is XBMC).  yes i have the autoplay setting in XBMC checked and everyone on the xbmc forums figured it was an issue with the softmod itself... so here i am smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 13, 2005, 11:32:00 PM
QUOTE(luminous @ Nov 14 2005, 02:02 AM)
Thanks for the great installer,i appreciate the work thats gone in here,all the noobproof protections and recovery options beerchug.gif .
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Juiced2k on November 14, 2005, 07:43:00 PM

It worked perfectly, but for some reason my full HDD space is not been shown (200GB) only 137Gb are been shown.

During the softmod process I selected the .67 fonts so the rest of the space would be on the G drive but there is no G drive????

My kernal is 5858.

Thanks for any help smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Juiced2k on November 14, 2005, 10:27:00 PM
Thanks cRACKmONKEY421....How do I go about formating the G Drive????

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 14, 2005, 10:43:00 PM
QUOTE(cRACKmONKEY421 @ Nov 15 2005, 04:57 AM)
anyone know if Ndure with Krayzie's installer is pretty much idiot proof for use with xbox live?  meaning its always either protected from connecting to XBL or unmodded? (I know it's not when booting from gamesave)  I just ask because somehow, through a series of usual events, my friend got his Xbox to be in XBMC with a green light.  It's the default install with no duel boot options - green when booting from origonal, orange when modded (except said time).  I wonder if while under that strange condition (homebrew running with a green LED) he tried xbox live it would ban?  It's strange because I thought nkpatcher enabled unsigned code, changed LED, and enable xbox live protection all at the same time.. but here he was running unsigned code with an unchanged LED.  Was xbox live protection enabled?  I should have tested the eject fix in that state  dry.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Juiced2k on November 15, 2005, 01:27:00 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on November 20, 2005, 12:43:00 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 20, 2005, 12:46:00 AM
QUOTE(manturafs @ Nov 20 2005, 08:50 AM)
i've read through this entire thread in the past, but i don't remember if this was asked or not and the search feature has been down for a bit.  i finally did my first softmod with krayzie's installer last week so i'm not sure if this is normal or not.  Is the screen supposed to flicker after you see the MS boot animation?  Is there a way to get rid of that?  sorry if that's been answered or it's a noob question for softmods. sad.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: robbyrob on November 20, 2005, 05:13:00 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: robbyrob on November 20, 2005, 07:59:00 PM
just wondering.. when i am unziping the save. when i go to unzip save2 there are alot of files that ask me if i wanted to replace the files just select yes right?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on November 21, 2005, 08:16:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Nov 20 2005, 03:53 AM)
the flicker is probably from the separate multilaunch.xbe. this will be fixed on the next release since it then will be integrated into nkpatcher.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: robbyrob on November 21, 2005, 08:35:00 AM
it was the memory card.. since my box was already moded with a soilderless chip i used slayers to reformat to retail.. SHIT I LOST MY SAVES!! should have backed that up but i only backed up C: DOH!!!!!!!!!  lol..

i then used slayers to FTp in the game saves straight to xbox HDD.

restated poped in SC and just followed instructions!!

man toooooo easy!!!

thanks KRAYZIE!!

lesson of the day?!?!?!  USE A MS memory card!!

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on November 21, 2005, 09:15:00 AM
Hey Krayzie

is there any way to which version of NKPatcher (0.6 or 0.67) you are using after the fact?

i think i must be doing something wrong here....i've NEVER gotten an option to format a G drive when using 0.67, even with a drive bigger than 250, so i always end up using 0.6.

just had to put in a 320GB drive in a box and i don't think it's using the full space for some reason.

When in the SYstem Harddisk Settings, it shows Drive F as 297,539.33 MB as full capacity of what's supposed to be a 320 GB (320000 MB) Drive.  I know its actually closer to a 312 GB drive, but does it really take 15gB to format?

also, if i'm not mistaken, wasnt the patch to 0.67 supposed to help keep large drives happy?  

Anyway, to sum up:

1. Can i switch which NKPatch i'm using after a drive is already modded?
2. Is "Yes" above, how do i do it?
3. If "No" to question 1, should I go back to stock and redo a box with a 320GB drive in it?  Its using NKPatch 0.6 at the moment, with one big F drive.
4. How much space should be shown as max capcity when using a 320GB drive after formatting?

thanx all
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on November 21, 2005, 09:24:00 AM
hahahaa yeah.  it was great.  i actually had a chip before as well, but i didn't reformat it to retail.  still piece of cake thanks to krayzie
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 21, 2005, 10:02:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Nov 21 2005, 05:22 PM)
Hey Krayzie
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 23, 2005, 12:54:00 PM
QUOTE(crazyfoo @ Nov 23 2005, 07:15 PM)
(is there any xbox it doesnt work on?)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: soopawhitee on November 23, 2005, 08:43:00 PM
I've successfully used your mod on a few xboxs and it works beautifully!

My friend just passed me his box and I've run into a snag with loading the SC exploit.
Deleted his old SC savegame and copied the NTSC SC savgames (Linux profile and linux save) to his HD using my MegaXKey...

Once I load my good old copy of Splinter Cell into his box... I simply goto Start->Linux->Checkpoint, but at this point the screen just freezes at checkpoint and the BGM just keeps going and going......  I've used the same method on other Xboxs and they've all gotten past this point without error...

Checked the dashboard and its 1.00.5960.01

Any clues?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 23, 2005, 10:28:00 PM
are there any downloaded levels on there?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: soopawhitee on November 23, 2005, 11:01:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Nov 24 2005, 06:35 AM)
are there any downloaded levels on there?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: soopawhitee on November 23, 2005, 11:20:00 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: soopawhitee on November 23, 2005, 11:34:00 PM
Found another problem

After installing the softmod...  I can't get 480p or 720p to work from the UnleashX dashboard, they enable in the menu but do not apply, even after a restart...  However, if I load the SC gamesave, the mod menu's UnleashX jumps into 720p mode without a hitch...  

I've run into this once before on my own system, after uninstalling the mod, then setting the M$ dashboard to use both 480p and 720p, and then installing the mod a second time I was able to get 480p and 720p mode working from the UnleashX dash... I wonder why it let me load the SC exploit only after the second time with 480p and 720p enabled...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 25, 2005, 09:50:00 AM
QUOTE(blackdir @ Nov 25 2005, 09:51 AM) View Post

Hi there,
I installed NDURE with no error message on my italian XBOX but when I rebooted I got no dash. Since I was still able to rerun the MA installed savegame (which now shows a new NDURE menu as if it was installed properly), I ftp in the xbox, cancel C and E data to put the box in original retail mode, reupload the NDURE installation savegame via ftp in UDATA and rerun it but I got the same result -> no dash after reboot.

If I try to run enable softmod from NDURE savegame (booting from MA) I get the following error message:

Bad Process Failed.
The last item was:.
Action: Rename

I saw that in past someone notified a similar error in this thread but I didn't find any debugging nor explanation of possible solutions...

Now, my questions:

A - Could it be that I need a specific PAL NDURE savegame in order to install it properly on my XBOX? (PAL or NTSC output is not an issue for my TV as it accept both but could it be an issue for my xbox?)

B - Any idea of what could be causing this issue?

C - 1 side comment, once NDURE is properly installed I'd like to enable 480p and 720P in order have a better definition on my HDTV.... sometime ago I read that this is only possible using and NTSC ndure savegame, is that still the case?


Below the exact steps I followed for the NDURE installation
- I had an original italian retail XBOX with kernel release 5101 and Dashboard release 5659
- I run halo 2, launched the live tab (with RJ45 unplugged) and got  a new dash (5960)
- I then copied the NDURE installation savegame (first via an action reply memory unit, then via ftp erase it and upload same one -to avoid action reply savegame corruption) on the xbox HD
- I run NDURE, used the backup options (eproom and disk)
- I ftp on the xbox and get a copy of both C and E on my PC just to stay on the safe side
- I installed the NDURE softmod choosing .06 as suggested.
- At the end of the installation process I got a message saying that the only missing part was shadow C that it would have been activated automatically at reboot
- As NDURE asked to reboot I did (I powered off the xbox, eject MA, powered off powered on)
- My xbox had no dash.

A: If the installer menu shows up the save is fine. You can try eiter setting your dashboard language to english first or use the tweak fonts option (readme)

B: If it hangs at the logo screen it's probably a memory layout issue (look at A to fix)

C: I don't own a HDTV compatible screen so I don't really have an idea how to get 480/720p enabled. I thought it was  a setting in the ntsc msdash so you could try changin the region to 1 using configmagic to enable that but beware this is a risky job so only do it if you are confident enought to know what you are doin. Or maybe someone else who knows this stuff can shed some light...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: soopawhitee on November 25, 2005, 11:59:00 AM
I figured out that if you load the MSDash from the modded state by using the file explorer and going to the C:\MSDash.xbe.  You can enable 480p, 720p, and 1080i modes from the modded MS dashboard and it should allow you to use the HD modes on your games and apps while in mod mode...

I checked applying these settings in mod and retail mode...  The MSDashboard settings seem to be separated from the mod MSDash and retail MSDash....  So I guess any settings you change while in retail mode you will have to manually load the MSDash while in mod mode and apply them aswell.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 25, 2005, 12:26:00 PM
the video settings are stored in the eeprom. In modded mode this is read from an image file (virtual eeprom). so settings made in retail mode do not affect changes in modded mode and vice versa.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 25, 2005, 01:16:00 PM
QUOTE(blackdir @ Nov 25 2005, 09:18 PM) View Post

For A and B: thank you very much! It was a font issue: from the savegame I selected my kernel and when I rebooted I was asked to enable the shadow. Now my system works fine: I configured it in retail mode (power -> unlashx, eject -> ms dash)

Regarding C, I need some additional info.... In unlashx settings 480p and 720p are currently disabled... I saw that in extra there is the VGA settings, do they apply even if I use a component cable ?


There is a force progressive function which you could use but I think it might not working properly due to misconfiguration. The force progressive function should work in the next revision of my installer and yes you could use that with component input.

You should be able to use the unleash x settings fine though.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 26, 2005, 07:54:00 AM
QUOTE(blackdir @ Nov 26 2005, 03:47 PM) View Post

So, I'm not sure I understood right... let me recap:

1- I understand right: I better wait for your next installer release for progressive scan, right?

2- Regarding unlashx, right now the 480p and 720p settings are disabled: I can only change the screen size (I set it to widescreen). You are telling me that it is possible to enable those settings? If so, can you give me some tips on how to do it?

As I've said earlier I don't own a hd screen so I've never used or enabled those functions so I can't help you with that either.

If you have a ntsc xbox you could go into msdash and enable 480p and 720p there (taken that you have a hd av cable connected). You could try the vga options in the installer too but I don't know if they work correctly for progressive scan only.

I will get my lcd HDtv screen soon too (Europe is way behind unfortunately) so I can finally see what all this is about.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kingroach on November 26, 2005, 08:46:00 AM
force 480p doesnt work unless you have HD cables attached to it.. then Nkpatcher will force 480p for 480i games.. however most games released recently has 420p enabled by default. Just convert your xbox to NTSC then 480p/720p/1080i option will show up in xboxdash.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on November 26, 2005, 11:00:00 PM
Hey again

I'm having issues with the Dolby Digital settings.  I can enable it in modded mod, but when i turn the system off, the settings go away as well.

i figure this is due to the options setup in my eeprom prior to copied my eeprom as it was (aka before my 5.1 system) and used that as the virtual Eeprom.

if this is the case, i'm guessing my ONLY recourse is to

A) Completely remod the system

cool.gif Rename the Backup directory, disable mod, run dash and change settings, use splinter cell to access the red menu, run Slayers somehow from there to re-backup the Eeprom, and then copy the new eeprom over the old one, re-enable the mod, and call it good.

will B even work?  If i do A, can i still get analog sound out of the RCAs?  

I ask because my box is moible...i take it with me different places and use it on different setups.

Lastly, how can i use my BNC/VGA monitor with my system for progressive scan modes?

thanx all
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 26, 2005, 11:21:00 PM
the selection in modded mode should stay over reboots just fine since they are set in the virtual eeprom. for them not sticking indicates that the eeprom image isn't there anymore or is renamed or something.
You could try a uninstall and reinstall to ensure the eeprom is in the correct place. also delete the exploited save and copy a new one before reinstalling. this ensures a new backup of the eeprom during the installation.

B: isn't gonna work since the virtual eeprom is on the actual C and not in the backup folder. you could try checking if it's still there and optionally replace it with a fresh copy from evox or configmagic.

If I'm not mistaken you need a vga monitor with component inputs or a x2tvga connector to connect the xbox to a vga monitor. you can set vga patches from within the installer.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BigSteel on November 26, 2005, 11:40:00 PM
Hey Krayzie.  I have a question about eeprom backup on a 1.6.  Is there any issue using the eeprom backup feature of your installer with a version 1.6?  I run the eeprom backup feature and FTP it into my eeprom folder of xboxhdm to build a larger drive.  When I use option 3 to lock the hd, the hdd key is not what it should be.  The key listed is not the same as the key that shows in UnleashX.   Is there a reason for this?  If I use Slayers backup feature, that seems to give me the correct eeprom.  Any ideas.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 27, 2005, 12:05:00 AM
I have no idea. the eeprom is taken from a normal evox backup just like slayers. are you sure you cannot use it to lock the hd even though it might apear different? remember there are differences between the unique hd key the generated password.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BigSteel on November 27, 2005, 12:13:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Nov 27 2005, 08:12 AM) View Post

I have no idea. the eeprom is taken from a normal evox backup just like slayers. are you sure you cannot use it to lock the hd even though it might apear different? remember there are differences between the unique hd key the generated password.

I did not try it with the "incorrect" eeprom from the installer, because the key that was shown did not match what was in UnleashX.  I ran into this problem a couple of times in the past.  So, I used Slayers instead and the eeprom had the key that now matched.  I think that this might be a problem isolated to v1.6's.  I am curious if anyone else has had this problem.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 27, 2005, 12:26:00 AM
I've backed up many 1.6 eeproms using evox. all the hd's locked fine. You will have to make sure though that when taking the option you use a NEW gamesave otherwise it would still contain the eeprom of the previous backup.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: YellowSiR on November 27, 2005, 02:00:00 AM
HEy Krazie!!  Great Package that you put together!!  I am so so happy that I cam across your thread before I softmodded my xbox using the double dashboard exploit(I think that is what you call it).  That's the one where you would have an audio hack and font hack at the same time, just to clarify.  I was fumbling around the forums and I found your thread...made me soo happy.  So, in five minutes I modded my 1.4 xbox with your ndure package!!!  Big upps to you doode!!  I have a couple of question though if you do not mind.  I have gone through this whole thread(almost all 35 pgs of it) and I still have some questions.  You can mod a 1.5 or higher xbox version(i.e. 1.6-1.6b) right?  Also, how is this exploit immune to things like clock loop or things of that nature if you do not mind.  I really do not mind if you just hyperlink me to the source in case you do not want to type all that info.  I do not mind to bug.  I just want to understand what I am playing with.  THanks Krazie.  You make life easier!!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 27, 2005, 04:05:00 AM
yes it will work on any xbox version (currently).
Short basic history: previous we only had a bootstrap (the file that gets loaded first and is exploited) that loaded onto kernels 5530 and lower (UDE). Later we found a bootstrap that would also work on NTSC 5713 and 5838 (1.6) xboxes but it wouldnt run on PAL xboxes so pal users had to convert their xboxes to US xboxes first to run it (UDE2).
A few months later some smart dudes found out how to get an exploitable dash via live that would run on all kernels and all regions so UXE was discovered.
Then Rmenhal (the guy who made the fonts/nkpatcher/pblmetoo) found out that in that same set of dashboard files where UXE came from there was also an xonlinedash.xbe which loaded the fonts from a different location then the UXE's update.xbe. Later this was picked up by Ndure Protagonist (aka Eh) and he delivered us Ndure. The benefits of Ndure is that since it loads its fonts from a different location that other things that use the regular fonts keep working. This includes live updates and msdash and some games that need the fonts.

The clock loop problem was solved with the intruduction of UDE. Before that people exploited a normal xboxdash.xbe. What happened was that sometimes people left their xbox unplugged for too long so the xbox lost it's time. When an xbox looses time it wants to go straight to the clock setting screen rather then loading it's normal bootcycle. this created a crash since it couldn't load it's normal fonts and most of the time it refused to load the hacked fonts resulting in a sometimes endless rebooting sequence.

UDE uses not a xboxdash.xbe but an update.xbe. Since this is not a regular bootstrap for an xbox, when the clock is dead and the xbox wants to load it it cannot handle the kernel's dead clock call (since it wasn't designed for that) and keeps booting the xbe and the hacked fonts like normal. this completely eliminated the clock loop problem.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: wh00ps0rry on November 27, 2005, 05:09:00 PM
Krayzie, I used this yesterday, and it was great. I loved how you made it practically idiot proof.

Very nice job.  jester.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BigSteel on November 28, 2005, 02:56:00 PM
QUOTE(blackdir @ Nov 28 2005, 10:17 PM) View Post

Is it possible to configure an NDURE dual retail xbox (no modchip only softmod) to booot unsigned CDs (for example xebian installation CD)?

Isn't that the whole point to a softmod, to boot unsigned code?  So, I guess your answer is yes, unless I am missing something  blink.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 29, 2005, 09:28:00 AM
Read the rules.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 29, 2005, 09:37:00 AM
yes. No requesting of illegal files either direct or indirect.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Lou-Dawg on November 30, 2005, 03:14:00 PM
So I modded my second box with Krayzie's Ndure installer.  The first box I used the older UXE installer.

I've never been on Live, so I wanted to sign up with my Ndure modded box.  I enabled the dual-retail multiboot option, booted with the eject button, then went to "XBOX LIVE" then "NEW ACCOUNT".

The screen just went blank and nothing happened.  Did I just get my new xbox banned?  Or did the softmod block access to xbox live?

I assume I have to turn the softmod off, then sign up for Live, then switch the softmod on.  Will this work or am I banned?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on November 30, 2005, 06:37:00 PM
your not... at least not cuz of that action.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: blackdir on December 01, 2005, 07:16:00 AM
QUOTE(BigSteel @ Nov 28 2005, 11:03 PM) View Post

Isn't that the whole point to a softmod, to boot unsigned code?  So, I guess your answer is yes, unless I am missing something  blink.gif

You are right and I'm actually able to run some unsigned code (as DVD2X), my point is that strangely I'm not able to run Dynebolic (linux live CD) as when I browser the CD files (with XBMC) and launch the default.xbe file on the Dynabolic CD, the screen turns black and the system freeze.

Any idea of what could be the issue? Any suggestion on how to solve this?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on December 01, 2005, 12:57:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Nov 27 2005, 05:12 AM) View Post
A few months later
Here are some previously un-shared facts that may be of interest to a few (especially PedrosPad):
eh. discovered XBL's secret nine days after mining the UDE2 xbe (during a UDE2 related "errand" for Pedro) and exploited the UXE xbe in July 2004 using the bert_ate_ernie512_24.xtf (that Pedro produced, tee-hee)!

It was kept "undercover" by eh. for the perceived, potentially greater long-term benefit of the community (as was posted) and no one else knew about it until someone else discovered it ... Pedro!
Those .xbe's wouldn't have been as useful as they've become though, were it not for rmenhal's miraculous contributions along with the great works of ldots, xman954, krayzie, kingroach and others.

Regarding which, I think your Ndure installer is amazing krayzie because (I must admit) I didn't think it possible to package the original 'retail' setup in such a user-friendly and safe manner via a gamesave. Also, rarely credited, it includes various other awesome features too!

{: I'm very much looking forward to your next release, as it will likely be "the ultimate gamesave exploit".  If you'd like another tester that has a thorough understanding of Ndure et al, I volunteer... :}
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on December 01, 2005, 01:12:00 PM
QUOTE(Ndure protagonist @ Dec 1 2005, 03:04 PM) View Post

eh. discovered XBL's secret nine days after mining the UDE2 xbe (during a UDE2 related "errand" for Pedro) and exploited the UXE xbe in July 2004 using the bert_ate_ernie512_24.xtf (that Pedro produced, tee-hee)!

Refering to yourself in the fifth person huh wink.gif

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 01, 2005, 01:18:00 PM
Uhhh..... This must be another milestone in softmod history. Ndure protagonist complimenting my work... wow. kinda speechless right now  wacko.gif
But yeah I have some nifty improving ideas for the next version yet it's not much more than ideas atm other then some recent nkp and xml playing. I will have some spare time around christmass so I can finally seriously work on it and hopefully deliver something early 2006. Should be about time..
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: MonsterTy on December 01, 2005, 07:49:00 PM
I know it's been said many times over in here, but I'll say it again.  Krayzie's Ndure Installer is freaking awesome!  Excellent work.  I just re-modded my son's XBox from UDE2 to the Ndure.  It was easy as hell to install, all of the guesswork has been taken out of softmodding, as the on-screen instructions and help windows couldn't have made it any easier.  I am also loving the fact that I now have access to the M$ Dashboard as well.

*Krayzie, great work.  From all of us thus far and in the future that have used any of your installers, Thank You.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: tiberius72 on December 02, 2005, 01:10:00 PM
Complete NOOB here, my first post - haven't even been to the forum until a couple days ago.  Bought my first XBox an hour ago (and an AR).  Am now playing back-ups.

This exploit is awesome, I can't say enough.  Hardest part was getting files onto AR, other than that completely idiot proof.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DWells55 on December 02, 2005, 08:19:00 PM
I feel like I'm spamming the threa,d but I just have to say thanks, Krayzie.  This is a fantastic package, and went off without a hitch.  Even my 10 year old brother understood what was going on during the install process (and he's not even smart).  I love the switch between the green and orange LED and this is just an absolutely fantastic package.  Much better than all the packages before it.  Great work.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on December 02, 2005, 08:56:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Nov 26 2005, 10:28 PM) View Post

the selection in modded mode should stay over reboots just fine since they are set in the virtual eeprom. for them not sticking indicates that the eeprom image isn't there anymore or is renamed or something.
You could try a uninstall and reinstall to ensure the eeprom is in the correct place. also delete the exploited save and copy a new one before reinstalling. this ensures a new backup of the eeprom during the installation.

B: isn't gonna work since the virtual eeprom is on the actual C and not in the backup folder. you could try checking if it's still there and optionally replace it with a fresh copy from evox or configmagic.
If I'm not mistaken you need a vga monitor with component inputs or a x2tvga connector to connect the xbox to a vga monitor. you can set vga patches from within the installer.

Well, they do not stick.  there is a backup folder with an eeprom file in it under E:\Backup, but that's all i got.

Guess i'm reinstalling to make sure.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xman954 on December 02, 2005, 09:20:00 PM
Well, they do not stick. there is a backup folder with an eeprom file in it under E:\Backup, but that's all i got.

if you delete the EEPROM file (using the gamesave)
NKPatcher will still shadow the EEPROM to protect from writes
but it will load the real EEPROM data at boot to use.
so if you make changes in the MS dash with tray-open_retail boot it will write to the EEPROM
and all changes will remain....
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 03, 2005, 06:42:00 AM
QUOTE(duma @ Dec 3 2005, 11:29 AM) View Post

first time using a softmod was with this Krayzie installer and it was so painless!  GREAT JOB!  but i have a few questions about softmodding in general.

I was softmodding a 1.0 and after reading various tutorials here at xbox-scene i found out that you must solder points on the mobo.  bridged 2 points near the LPC and then connected 2 points on the back of the mobo.  What exactly does soldering these points do?  Will the softmod function correctly without soldering?  Is it completely necessary?  And i know that the tutorials here on the home page are usually very old information so I'm asking if the new Softmods do not require any soldering at all?

I ask because another friend of mine has a 1.6 and wants his softmodded as well.  can i just skip the soldering process altogehter?  thanks.

Softmods NEVER require any soldering. It's not even needed to open the case.
The soldering is for flashing the onboard bios chip (TSOP) and have not much to do with softmods (the only relation is the use of an exploit to get a flashing app going). For more info about tsop flashing go to the tsop forums.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on December 03, 2005, 02:12:00 PM
i've given more thought to the flickering when the mod starts.  from what i understand, everyone encounters a slight flicker when the dash loads.  is this true?  i know it might be because of the multilaunch.  however could it be because the dashboards are switching video modes?  does this softmod somehow creates a PAL state in mod mode?  sorry if this doesn't make any sense.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 03, 2005, 02:18:00 PM
no it doesn't switch video modes by itself. The dash itself might set some video values when loading though. I again must say that when loading the dash from nkp directly the dash gets loaded much more nicely.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: joeblow420 on December 03, 2005, 08:40:00 PM

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 03, 2005, 11:32:00 PM
it's mentioned in the readme and about 4,254 times on the forum that you need to revert your xbox to stock (completely remove the old exploit) and make sure you have the latest dashboard prior to installing this installer. and no you don;t need any loaders or audio hacks. this package contains all you need.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on December 04, 2005, 02:07:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Dec 3 2005, 04:25 PM) View Post

no it doesn't switch video modes by itself. The dash itself might set some video values when loading though. I again must say that when loading the dash from nkp directly the dash gets loaded much more nicely.

thanks again.  i'll change the nkpatcher then.  which version of nkpatcher is with the installers now?  just so i don't mess up any settings, what was your config file?  i want to keep my changes minimal.  i LOVE everything, I just obviously want to load the dash more smoothly.

Again, thanks for this installer and all the help!  Sorry for being a pain. sad.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 04, 2005, 05:48:00 AM
Kingroach's installer should have the latest nkpatcher.... For my installer you should have to wait. Or install nkpatcher manually.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on December 04, 2005, 06:40:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Dec 4 2005, 07:19 AM) View Post

Kingroach's installer should have the latest nkpatcher.... For my installer you should have to wait. Or install nkpatcher manually.

thanks krayzie, but i finally figured out what was causing the large amount of flicker.  don't know why i thought about it, but once I switched from the HD AV pack to the standard AV cable, the large amount of flicker disappeared.  It had nothing to do with nkpatcher and multilaunch ( i figured that out cuz i removed multilaunch by replacing the xbe).  who knew?  (you probably did and i missed reading about it somewhere  wink.gif  )  thanks so much.  i'll try to get rid of it by messing with the vga settings.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: JeroenDierckx on December 05, 2005, 10:15:00 AM

I modded my xbox about a year ago (with Softmod Installer Deluxe 2) and it works perfectly. Afterwards I've modded a bunch of my friends' xboxes with SID 3, and they all have problems running some games. I did that all before I read some more about it and realized that SID actually is a bunch of crap  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)

I've been reading a bit about the this installer and the ndure method it uses, and actually I can't wait to convert my and the other xboxes to this new system. So I have a couple of questions if you don't mind:

- I know the posts say that I have to revert my xbox hd to stock, but isn't that a bit drastic? I mean, do I really have to move all my apps and dashboards from my E drive? I already have backups of my original C and E drives (and my eeprom off course). I mean, I just want to use the new ndure method, I would want to keep my current dashboard, apps and stuff. Maybe there's a better way than using your installer?

- A lot of games aren't working on my friends' xboxes, Burnout Revenge for example. It hangs with a dirty disk error, while I cleared all the cache and formatted the X,Y and Z drives (if that's even necessary). The same files work perfectly on my xbox. Any chance those problems will be fixed when they update to ndure?

- I read something about you busy creating a new installer. Will that be finished in the short term? Or will it be at least some months before the release. Cause if it's there soon, I'm going to wait for it before I do all the upgrading stuff. And is there any chance you could post what the major changes are going to be? Actually I want to ask the same for ndure in general. Is there an official thread or something about the development of ndure? Cause I'm very interested in that.

- I'm particulary interested in the iso mounting feature of ndure, and I can't find many info about it. If I get it right, there's an xbe you have to run that disables the dvd drive and virtually creates it again with the iso mounted. I have the feeling that dashboards could make this process much easier. Would adding a feature to, say UnleashX, where you could just select an iso file and choose "run game" be hard to make (for the UnleashX developers that is)? Cause if it isn't, we have to ask the dashboard developers for it right now (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Sorry for the long list of questions, but thanks already!


P.S. I can't really congratulate Krayzie for the great installer yet, as I haven't had the chance to try it yet, but I have a feeling that I will be doing that very soon  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 05, 2005, 10:31:00 AM
you can leave your apps and games alone. they will not be touched. With reverting to stock it's especially aimed at softmod/exploit files. The dash however will be replaced but if you back that up you can replace after the install.

there is a chance the games will run cuz of other settings but that isn't guaranteed. Sid uses pbl/m8 which is not so different from nkpatcher.

The new installer should be out early 2006. it will have the new nkpatcher, some different install functions and some custmomize functions. Ndure itself is just an exploit. It needs no further development as it works how it's suposed to allready. Only whole softmod setups can be developed to more advanced forms.

The mount iso tool nkpatcher offers is at kernel level. I don't think dashboards can provide such chances since they have no real part in patching the kernel like nkpatcher does. (I guess they technically could but it is very unlikely to happen). I personally haven't used the iso feature cuz it doesn't provide that much uses to me. If I want to ad a game to my hd I just extract the iso while transfering (mad fast using qwix and ava) and xbmc plays iso packed movies great too. Also larger files need to be prepared a certain due to the fatx size limits. Just too much hassle but I'm sure some people find it usefull.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: JeroenDierckx on December 05, 2005, 11:03:00 AM

Thanks for the quick answers!

I'm sorry, I kinda mixed up ndure and nkpatcher. I meant I'm very interested in the iso mounting feature, and new features in general of NkPatcher. Is there an official thread for it somewhere? I just can't find it...

The nice thing about the iso mounting feature is that it could create a wide range of opportunities. First of all, many xbox games use ten thousands of files, which could make using the iso file a lot more efficient (the whole block size thing).
Second, the iso mounting provides some sort of abstraction between the xbox filesystem (where the game is working with) and the iso files. I could see this growing to not only be able to mount iso files from disk, but from other locations too. Off course that would be too big to fit in a kernel, but could'nt there be some kind of mechanism where the file access could be programmed in user space (just thinking aloud here, I'm not that familiar with kernel programming)? If that would be possible, dashboards could implement file access through an ftp server, or even an SMB share! Imagine having a big server with all xbox games available, and being able to start them right from there! Off course that would be a bit slow, but only at loading times (there isn't that much disk access during gameplay, right?).

Anyway, I'm just going to try your current installer this night (on my pbl based old softmodded xbox), and see what happens. As the "new" SID 3 was already based on nkpatcher (so it sais), I'm afraid this won't help my friends very much, but at least I'll make their boxes more idiot proof (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Thanks, and keep up the great work!

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on December 05, 2005, 11:09:00 AM
JeroenDierckx, here's where the development reached and the new features it links to (plus some other excellent enhancements that other Ndure installers don't have) are in kingroach's Ndure 3.0:

{: Edit: just saw your subsequent post ... kingroach's Ndure 3.0 uses the most recent nkpatcher (11U02 iirc). :}

This post has been edited by Ndure protagonist: Dec 5 2005, 07:12 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xman954 on December 05, 2005, 11:10:00 AM
- I know the posts say that I have to revert my xbox hd to stock, but isn't that a bit drastic? I mean, do I really have to move all my apps and dashboards from my E drive? I already have backups of my original C and E drives (and my eeprom off course). I mean, I just want to use the new ndure method, I would want to keep my current dashboard, apps and stuff. Maybe there's a better way than using your installer?

- I read something about you busy creating a new installer. Will that be finished in the short term? Or will it be at least some months before the release. Cause if it's there soon, I'm going to wait for it before I do all the upgrading stuff. And is there any chance you could post what the major changes are going to be? Actually I want to ask the same for ndure in general. Is there an official thread or something about the development of ndure? Cause I'm very interested in that

not to take anything away from Krayzie's installers (the best gamesave installer to date)
but once you get past the noob stage i think it is a lot easer to use a image of C and E to mod xbox's
just boot up any gamesave and FTP them in and your done (and they can be tweaked before hand to your liking) a good start would be Kingroach's NDURE installer for PC

EDIT: it would be nice if everyone could agree on a standard to name files and dir
C:\NKPatcher\default.xbe ver C:\Bios\bios.xbe
E:\dashboard\default.xbe ver E:\dash\default.xbe

This post has been edited by xman954: Dec 5 2005, 07:29 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 05, 2005, 11:24:00 AM
yup kingroaches installer is pretty advanced and not to forget up to date. So if you don't feel like a complete n00b (the people I kind of intended it for) you can have a look at his too. It gives you more insight in file setups and such.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on December 05, 2005, 11:26:00 AM
QUOTE(xman954 @ Dec 5 2005, 10:41 AM) *
Krayzie's installers (the best gamesave installer to date)

{: Actually, from what I've read, Nknave's is maybe better (but it's still mostly a subset of kingroach's Ndure 3.0 installer)... :}

This post has been edited by Ndure protagonist: Dec 5 2005, 07:29 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: JeroenDierckx on December 05, 2005, 11:30:00 AM

Thanks for the info guys! I'll definitely have a look into Kingroache's installer. The reason I want to test Krayzie's installer is that I'm kinda fed up with modding so many noob xboxes. I would just want to give them the game and memory card with the installer and let them do it themselves. I noticed by practice that wasn't a good idea with SID  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grr.gif)

BTW, thanks for the tip about Qwix! I was using c-xbox tool for now, but it's kinda buggy and it lacks certain handy features (like keeping track of different xbox connections). I hope it works with unleashx's boost mode too, but I guess that's just the same as avalaunche's...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: UrbanRiot on December 05, 2005, 05:40:00 PM
Tried this autoinstaller today, first time ever using a softmod and I must say I'm extremely impressed.  I haven't softmodded in years, since late evenings of hex editing dash files and this is so much easier. Thanks Krayzie!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: roflcaust1234 on December 06, 2005, 06:08:00 PM
can anyone direct me to WHERE in xbins i can get this, I have looked in so many places and i cant find it.

I dont know a direct location, just maybe the first folder or 2.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: soopawhitee on December 06, 2005, 07:31:00 PM
I've recently modded a couple friend's xboxs using Krazie's installer.  My friend's have accounts on Live and now they can't seem to connect anymore.... I thought this mod worked with XBLive?  If we start the box into retail mode it shows the live screen and that there are a number of friends online.  Try to access any menues and we get the circle thing at the bottom of the screen and then everything goes black.  Try to play a game on live and it just says could not connect to xbox Live at this time....

Any clues?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 06, 2005, 11:01:00 PM
when mod is active you canno connect to live.
with dual retail mode you cannot enter live menu or network settings. if settings need to be changed read the readme
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: 2121oyoy on December 09, 2005, 12:23:00 PM
@ A Murder of Crows     

Is the drive that you are saving your eeprom info to the virtual drive? If it is then you first need to run a bfm bios in order to save it on the real drive and not the virtual one. I haven't used this installer but for manual installs when compiling yourself into a completely hidden c this can be the case.

@ krayzie

Why has your sig changed to no longer include the completely hidden c and the other things?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 09, 2005, 12:33:00 PM
people dohn't read it anyways. The market now seems only interested in the easy way. the time people wanted to do things manually is way gone. You can find the info on the tutorials topic though.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: 2121oyoy on December 09, 2005, 04:53:00 PM
The forum search hasn't worked for a while and I didn't see it under tutorials. A lot of these options people want could be theirs if they did it the manual way.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jsd on December 11, 2005, 02:04:00 PM
Just a note to say I tried this for the first time a few days ago and it worked phenomenally well!  The hardest part was figuring out how to copy the saves from my chipped xbox to the memory card.  (Didn't realize you had to d-pad over to the actual save, kept trying to select the "container".)

I'm super impressed at the work that went into this.  The whole step-by-step GUI install procedure is amazingly simple and well-done.  Kudos!

QUOTE(JeroenDierckx @ Dec 5 2005, 06:34 PM) *

If that would be possible, dashboards could implement file access through an ftp server, or even an SMB share! Imagine having a big server with all xbox games available, and being able to start them right from there! Off course that would be a bit slow, but only at loading times (there isn't that much disk access during gameplay, right?).

most games i'm aware of access the disk pretty much constantly.  but the real problem with your idea is that once the game xbe was loaded into memory, the whole smb thing would instantly stop working, because the smb client would have to be part of the dashboard code, and the xbox cannot run two processes simultaneously.  basically it's impossible.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on December 14, 2005, 11:39:00 PM
Just wondering if there are any points during the install of the Ndure softmod where it could kill the xbox if the power went out? I ask because it is presently thunderstorming here and a friend is bring over her xbox for me to mod later on smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: stowelly on December 15, 2005, 01:41:00 AM
QUOTE(Minotaur @ Dec 15 2005, 06:46 AM) View Post

Just wondering if there are any points during the install of the Ndure softmod where it could kill the xbox if the power went out? I ask because it is presently thunderstorming here and a friend is bring over her xbox for me to mod later on smile.gif

you have to make a backup as the first option in the menu, so if anything did go wrong changing the dash youd still be able to get back to the exploit through your retail game to restore it

i think thats rght, im still a newb too
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Gotenk on December 15, 2005, 06:08:00 PM
hey noob here.....anwyays whats the difference between the UDE and your UXE installer? i really want to know, so i can have the best results with it..... thx
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kics on December 19, 2005, 06:07:00 PM
just wondering... k ndure inst. still ver 1.0 ???

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 19, 2005, 06:17:00 PM
yup... 1.1 is still a very very early beta and and needs a lot of work.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kics on December 19, 2005, 06:23:00 PM

thnx for the reply
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: the_Watchers_eye on December 20, 2005, 04:39:00 PM
hi, thanks for making this package, very useful, was able to soft mod a new xbox with it, but having one problem, for some reason the f drive does not have any space allocated to it, i am sure there are a couple of GBs somewhere not allocated.... any idea? F drive is enabled on the dashboard, and yes i chose the option to enable f drive.... is there a command or program i could use that could allocate the left over GBs to the f drive without deleting anything of the other drives? thanks
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on December 20, 2005, 05:06:00 PM
QUOTE(the_Watchers_eye @ Dec 20 2005, 06:10 PM) View Post

hi, thanks for making this package, very useful, was able to soft mod a new xbox with it, but having one problem, for some reason the f drive does not have any space allocated to it, i am sure there are a couple of GBs somewhere not allocated.... any idea? F drive is enabled on the dashboard, and yes i chose the option to enable f drive.... is there a command or program i could use that could allocate the left over GBs to the f drive without deleting anything of the other drives? thanks

if its a stock drive, there will be no left over space, unless its a seagate, then you'll have 2gbs on F  use the format menu in unleashX to gain it, if using evox, you'll need to add the command to the ini file most likely.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: eobiont on December 20, 2005, 10:48:00 PM
Is there a tutorial or instructions someplace about removing this software?

I used this exploit and have UnleashedX running.  I have a backup of the eeprom stored on another computer.  I haven't made a recovery CD though.

What do I do to remove the mod and return the XBox to the stock condition.

(this question should probably go in N00b eh?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 20, 2005, 10:13:00 PM
QUOTE(eobiont @ Dec 21 2005, 06:19 AM) View Post

Is there a tutorial or instructions someplace about removing this software?

I used this exploit and have UnleashedX running.  I have a backup of the eeprom stored on another computer.  I haven't made a recovery CD though.

What do I do to remove the mod and return the XBox to the stock condition.

(this question should probably go in N00b eh?

reload the save again and select it from the menu.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: moviecut on December 21, 2005, 05:15:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Dec 20 2005, 01:48 AM) *

yup... 1.1 is still a very very early beta and and needs a lot of work.

can you say, when you are ready to release it? what are the main differences?

greetings, moviecut
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 21, 2005, 09:49:00 AM
Well without going into detail some things would be like various install options like upgrade from 1.0 (no need to uninstall first), a minimum install (for those that don't know how to prepare the setup prior to the install and don't want the msdash features), some fuckms options to toggle between dual msdash and dual live dash and some customisation options. (and offcourse nkpatcher and vga patches updated)

I'm not going to say when it's done but I'm hoping to release it early next year

This post has been edited by krayzie: Dec 21 2005, 05:51 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on December 21, 2005, 09:47:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Dec 21 2005, 11:20 AM) View Post

Well without going into detail some things would be like various install options like upgrade from 1.0 (no need to uninstall first), a minimum install (for those that don't know how to prepare the setup prior to the install and don't want the msdash features), some fuckms options to toggle between dual msdash and dual live dash and some customisation options. (and offcourse nkpatcher and vga patches updated)

I'm not going to say when it's done but I'm hoping to release it early next year

damn krayzie,  you the man.... krayzie fool wink.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: the_Watchers_eye on December 21, 2005, 10:38:00 AM
ok thanks daddyj... yeh the hard drive is stock, not sure what make it is as i have not opened the box and probably won't...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on December 21, 2005, 10:06:00 AM
QUOTE(the_Watchers_eye @ Dec 21 2005, 12:09 PM) View Post

ok thanks daddyj... yeh the hard drive is stock, not sure what make it is as i have not opened the box and probably won't...

u dont have to open, evox & unleashx's settings menu will show type.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: puffdank on December 23, 2005, 02:29:00 PM
Krayzie just wanted to say wonderful job on Ndure ....def the best yet. My only question is about the LED defaulting to orange in the soft-modded state. The color bothers me and I am able to change it in the UnleashX settings but it is not permanent, as soon as I turn the box off and reboot it goes right back to orange. Is there any other way to get rid of the orange LED. I dont use LIVE at all if thats a conselation. But again love Ndure just bothered by the Orange LED.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 24, 2005, 02:43:00 AM
You can use a dash that sets the led to yout likings as main dash (such as unleash X or xbmc). The next version has options to set the led to any of the colors your like.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: scott2hott99 on December 24, 2005, 01:32:00 PM
ok i have had this installer for awhile now and yesterday my brother hit restore ms dash and now when i boot up it wont go to the unleash x menu or ms dash, it just stays as a black screen. I tried to reinstall but it says cannot rename. and it will only stay on the first unleash x screen for about 10 second then it reboots the game. i cant recopy the save because i cant get to either menu. any1 know wat to do.
it still plays retail games though
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: electral on December 26, 2005, 10:55:00 AM
where do i download
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: mimic on December 26, 2005, 10:43:00 AM
I just used your installer and my new Xbox and i'm tipping my hat in your direction Krayzie wink.gif

As soon as I loaded the save game it was apparent that a lot of time went into creating this installer and it's a credit to your good self and the others involved in it's creation. I've installed many hardware mods but I had to try a softmod on the new system and they can't get any easier to use than this!!

Thanks again

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jsd on December 26, 2005, 11:47:00 PM
When I ran the Ndure installer, my Xbox was using a normal 4:3 TV.  I now have it hooked up to a 16:9 projector but I can't get Xbox games (backup nor original) to run in 16:9 mode.  I am using the HD video cable (component video out of xbox into projector component input).  I ran the MS Dash app and set the video mode to widescreen, and the dash shows up in 16:9, but games switch back out of wide mode and into 4:3.  I wonder if this has something to do with the "shadow c" or "virtual eeprom" features of Ndure.  Is there a way to override this and get true 16:9 support in games?

This post has been edited by jsd: Dec 27 2005, 07:47 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 27, 2005, 02:26:00 AM
There should be no problems. The virtual eeprom keeps the settings. widescreen works fine here via component input
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jsd on December 27, 2005, 03:11:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Dec 27 2005, 12:57 AM) *

There should be no problems. The virtual eeprom keeps the settings. widescreen works fine here via component input

i get widescreen just fine in the msdash and in xbmc, but it switches out when i run a game (and yes i double checked that these games support 16:9).

is there a way to see what's in the "virtual" eeprom vs the real one?  or copy one to the other?

if i use your installer to switch back to a "retail" state will i have just one eeprom?  i can't think why else it wouldn't go widescreen in games unless the dash is not writing to the same eeprom that the games are reading from.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: GMSkel on December 28, 2005, 02:38:00 PM
Hey, I recently insalled a 320 gb HD into my Xbox and used Krayzie's UXE exploit for MA.
I used XBOXHDM 1.9 to lock it and everything.
I went into my system settings from the dashboard and the free space on the F drive read 129 gb, C: 341 megabytes, E: 3 gigabytes.
I did the second option when installing, .67 or whatever.
How can I get my 320 gigabytes?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaddyJ on December 28, 2005, 02:03:00 PM
QUOTE(GMSkel @ Dec 28 2005, 04:09 PM) View Post

Hey, I recently insalled a 320 gb HD into my Xbox and used Krayzie's UXE exploit for MA.
I used XBOXHDM 1.9 to lock it and everything.
I went into my system settings from the dashboard and the free space on the F drive read 129 gb, C: 341 megabytes, E: 3 gigabytes.
I did the second option when installing, .67 or whatever.
How can I get my 320 gigabytes?

use your dash to format G and enable it.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: GMSkel on December 28, 2005, 02:05:00 PM
QUOTE(DaddyJ @ Dec 28 2005, 04:10 PM) View Post

use your dash to format G and enable it.

Did that.
Shows 0 space.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: HomicidalMo0se on December 28, 2005, 03:22:00 PM
i have the splinter cell exploit. and i've used it twice before. now i try to install it on my friend's xbox and it doesn't work. it goes to a black screen after i press "checkpoints" on the splinter cell menu. he has the 5960 dashboard. his kernel is something liek 5838 (or something similar). maybe that has something to do with it?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: GMSkel on December 28, 2005, 03:35:00 PM
Make sure he has no other gamesaves for Splinter Cell.
Only the LINUX save should be there.
How can I fix my problem?
I installed a 320gb HD.
I'm using the evoX dashboard and when I go into settings free space for F is 126.612.127.744 [I just uploaded about 2-3gbs worth of stuff in there.] I get the same amount of free space when I FTP into my Xbox.
G Drive shows 0. I enabled it from System Settings.

When I load through the Gamesave exploit, which is used to install the mod, free space on the F drive shows as 240.339.63 MB
I enabled the G drive, restarted and formated the G drive, but I get 0. It doesn't even show up on the screen.

This post has been edited by GMSkel: Dec 28 2005, 11:39 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 28, 2005, 03:46:00 PM
how did you format G?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: GMSkel on December 28, 2005, 03:12:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Dec 28 2005, 05:17 PM) View Post

how did you format G?

I loaded the gamesave, went to Extras, Format Options and picked format G and clicked ok.
It appeared as nothing happened.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 28, 2005, 03:54:00 PM
Yeah the format G function from the UXE installer is no good. You need to format using slayers or evox ftp or something
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: GreggieFresh on December 28, 2005, 04:33:00 PM
When I try to boot with my disk tray open, a black screen appears, so I'm assuming I don't have an original dash on my box. What path is the original dash supposed to be under. I tried restoring the ms dash from the installer save, but there was a batch error. If I replace the original .xbe file, would that solve my problem or do I have to put more original files (fonts folder)?? on my xbox? Thank you.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: GMSkel on December 28, 2005, 04:45:00 PM
The original Dashboard is in the C drive.
You should be able to get it at the usual place, FTP into your Xbox and copy the files to the C drive.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: HomicidalMo0se on December 28, 2005, 05:09:00 PM
QUOTE(GMSkel @ Dec 28 2005, 11:06 PM) *

Make sure he has no other gamesaves for Splinter Cell.
Only the LINUX save should be there.
How can I fix my problem?
I installed a 320gb HD.
I'm using the evoX dashboard and when I go into settings free space for F is 126.612.127.744 [I just uploaded about 2-3gbs worth of stuff in there.] I get the same amount of free space when I FTP into my Xbox.
G Drive shows 0. I enabled it from System Settings.

When I load through the Gamesave exploit, which is used to install the mod, free space on the F drive shows as 240.339.63 MB
I enabled the G drive, restarted and formated the G drive, but I get 0. It doesn't even show up on the screen.

that's the only save there. sometimes i get an error that says the memory card isn't working properly and it ereases it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/uhh.gif)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: GreggieFresh on December 28, 2005, 05:41:00 PM
Could someone who has a softmodded box with Krayzie's Ndure Installer (I have UnleashX installed) and a retail dual boot, please contact me with some pictures of their C drive (or whatever partition the original ms dash and supporting folders are stored in) because I need to compare my folders and files to that of a working retail dual boot box. Thanks.

This post has been edited by GreggieFresh: Dec 29 2005, 01:41 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: msturgill on December 29, 2005, 02:11:00 AM
I am having a problem with my harddrive size in evox.  On the Ndure install menu, the F drive shows 144 gigs but when I actually boot to evox, it only gives me 123gb.  I tried to enable G and format using FTP but that didn't work.  What other options do I have to make the 160gb drive work (used the .67 method to install)?  Could it be a bios problem?  I have a modchip on this xbox so I can login to the drive without using this hack. (modchip works about 1/2 the time).

Thank you!!!!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 29, 2005, 04:35:00 AM
when  your in evox you should format and enable G and it should work
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: soopawhitee on December 29, 2005, 06:14:00 PM
Hey Krazie,
   I read over at ** Links to Xbox Warez and Torrents ** that they have an installer that uses Nkpatcher 11...  I thought 10 was the latest...  Will you be using 11 in your next installer release?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Minotaur on December 29, 2005, 07:14:00 PM
Definately looking forward to the new version (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by Minotaur: Dec 30 2005, 03:51 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: pyter on December 30, 2005, 04:54:00 AM
just curiosity...
how did you made the installer? assembly? blink.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 30, 2005, 05:23:00 AM
It's just simple Unleasx scripting. anybody could do it
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Lucky1201 on December 30, 2005, 05:05:00 PM
QUOTE(GMSkel @ Dec 28 2005, 05:06 PM) View Post

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Lucky1201 on December 30, 2005, 08:49:00 PM
had the same problem.Here is a thread I started with solution
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Shomi3 on December 31, 2005, 01:29:00 AM
I was wondering, is it possible to connect to xbox live with the soft mod on? I want to play some modded games with my friends on xbl....
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krizalid on December 31, 2005, 01:59:00 AM
QUOTE(Shomi3 @ Dec 31 2005, 02:36 AM) View Post

I was wondering, is it possible to connect to xbox live with the soft mod on? I want to play some modded games with my friends on xbl....

 rolleyes.gif ........I believe this has been stated so many times.

If you want to play modded games with your friends, do it via Tunnelers......Xbox Connect or Xlink Kai.

Most recent Softmods will block xbox live to avoid you getting banned, why?
- running a modded xbox into xbox live = instaban, never play on live again.
- even if you run retail, and use fuckMS to load a modded backup, and you are detected.= ban!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 01, 2006, 01:46:00 PM
QUOTE(Lucky1201 @ Dec 31 2005, 01:12 AM) View Post

Krayzie I never got G:drive with 2.8 on a 160GB WD(didn't try your suggestions below)
as I said above I have F & G:drives with Ndure(F:15,875.88 MB free  G:107,376.94 MB free), problem is F:drive is showing as empty when I open it in UnleashX or ftp to it

you mean you can't see it when your in the installer menu? that should be normal since it uses another bios (06).
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Lucky1201 on January 02, 2006, 12:33:00 AM
Krayzie       earlier I stated 2.8 prob 2.7 (looking thru 2.8 readme I don't have those new options)

            160GB w/UXE from dash shows F:24,124.28 MB free & no G
hit Y system info F Total:144,959.09 MB   Free:24,124.28 MB (16.64% free) & G Total: 0 Free:0 (0.00% free)

 load exploit game & softmod menu (Krayzie Tools) shows F:24,124.28 MB free & no G
system info F Total:144,959.09 MB   Free:24,124.28 MB (16.64% free) & G 0 Free:0 (0.00% free)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

           250GB w/Ndure from dash shows F:15,875.88 MB free & G:107,376.94 MB free
 hit Y system info F Total:123,408.52 MB free:15,875.88 MB (12.86% free)
                         G Total:107,376.95 MB free107,376.94 MB (100% free)
 load exploit game & softmod menu (Krayzie Tools) shows F:31,324.03 MB free & no G
system info F Total:230,785.47 MB free:31,324.03 MB (13.57% free) & G Total:0 free:0 (0.00% free)

         but F showing as empty when I access it(this is my main concern)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 02, 2006, 12:44:00 AM
QUOTE(Lucky1201 @ Jan 2 2006, 08:40 AM) View Post

Krayzie       earlier I stated 2.8 prob 2.7 (looking thru 2.8 readme I don't have those new options)

            160GB w/UXE from dash shows F:24,124.28 MB free & no G
hit Y system info F Total:144,959.09 MB   Free:24,124.28 MB (16.64% free) & G Total: 0 Free:0 (0.00% free)

did you format F and G? (not using the installer but use like evox ftp)


 load exploit game & softmod menu (Krayzie Tools) shows F:24,124.28 MB free & no G
system info F Total:144,959.09 MB   Free:24,124.28 MB (16.64% free) & G 0 Free:0 (0.00% free)

when installer menu partition tables might mess up. Not recommended to acces f or g in the installer menu unless you picked a 06 bios
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

           250GB w/Ndure from dash shows F:15,875.88 MB free & G:107,376.94 MB free
 hit Y system info F Total:123,408.52 MB free:15,875.88 MB (12.86% free)
                         G Total:107,376.95 MB free107,376.94 MB (100% free)

again format F and G?
 load exploit game & softmod menu (Krayzie Tools) shows F:31,324.03 MB free & no G
system info F Total:230,785.47 MB free:31,324.03 MB (13.57% free) & G Total:0 free:0 (0.00% free)

again not recommended and not needed to acces F or G in this state.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Lucky1201 on January 02, 2006, 01:09:00 AM
I was trying to answer your installer menu question. I was hoping  to save files on 250GB w/Ndure F:, if they are there.(I cloned the 160GB drive 1st using xboxhdm onto the 250GB, when I could not see the files I tried again using chimps tool)

did you format F and G? (not using the installer but use like evox ftp)----no,if I can save\get the files on the 250GB drive I,ll probably install your 2.8 on this 160GB and go option 06

when installer menu partition tables might mess up. Not recommended to acces f or g in the installer menu unless you picked a 06 bios----from ftp?okay

again format F and G?----is there anyway I can save\retrieve F:'s contents (besides ftp) why does the drive reads as almost full but I can't see content
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 02, 2006, 02:48:00 PM
I am still unsure of what your problem is and what you want to acomplish. As for the used space...I can think of noting other then xboxhdm or other hd tools corrupted some of the space...That's why I told to reformat
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jmwils1 on January 03, 2006, 06:04:00 PM
Please excuse the above post. It never ocurred to me to push over to the right on that file before pressing A. So stupid. So, so stupid. Sorry  sad.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: trainerbill on January 03, 2006, 06:37:00 PM
All right i will admit that i am a total noob to softmodding.  I had a modchip back in the day and so i am a little familiar with xbox modding.  I am having problems with the installer.

Backed up eeprom, and installed the softmod and everything installed fine.  When it comes to the end and says something to the sort of "Need to configure shadow C drive, press ok to restart you will be automatically prompted", so i press ok take out the game and when the dashboard tries to load i get an xbox message saying that my xbox needs service.  There is no error code on the message, just the message.  So i boot back to MA and remove the softmod and recover and it recovers fine.

What i have tried:
I have tried installing both Evox and UnleashX, as well as both nkpatchers in all possible combinations.  I got Slayers 2.6 disc, and FTP'd the backup C drive on it to start with a clean slate.  Still didn't work.  So i tried re-FTPing the installer back onto the xbox still no luck.  i even redowloaded the installer and tried again.  I am not using AR, i had to unzip all of the files. i used the old mechinstaller to boot emergency linux and ftp the installer to the xbox.

D = 5960
K = 3944  
Using mechassualt gamesave

I hate posting, but i have exhausted all possible resources
Any help would be appreciated

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 03, 2006, 11:21:00 PM
@ trainerbill: When the installer finishes. Do you power off first or do you hit eject straight away to remove the game?

@ chaos-consultants: you just copy the linux saves over via the msdashboard and launch them via the game.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 04, 2006, 04:21:00 AM
QUOTE(blackdir @ Jan 4 2006, 12:24 PM) View Post

did you try to patch the fonts according to your specific kernel? (that is how I solved the same issue)

Once the installation is complete, you just boot with MA, load the save game (which is unleashx) and apply the font patch according to the kernel you are using. reboot your xbox and that's it!


good call. normally a hangup should occur after a incompatible font but an error screen might also be possible.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 04, 2006, 04:28:00 AM
no that will work fine. I have the same setup
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Neilor on January 04, 2006, 05:54:00 AM
QUOTE(blackdir @ Jan 4 2006, 12:11 PM) View Post

Final question: shall I run the enigmah video mode selector from the retail MS dash, from unleashX or it is the same?

It won't run from the retail dash, install it in your E:\, F:\ or G:\ APPS directory and it will be selectable from UnleashX. Once the switch is made it will survive a reboot as Enigmah writes to you eeprom, so there shouldn't be a need to switch to NTSC everytime you boot up or restart.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: trainerbill on January 04, 2006, 08:59:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jan 4 2006, 07:28 AM) View Post

@ trainerbill: When the installer finishes. Do you power off first or do you hit eject straight away to remove the game?

@ chaos-consultants: you just copy the linux saves over via the msdashboard and launch them via the game.

I have tried it both ways.  I tried the font patch too still no luck.  Can you Ftp The C drive from slayers disc to the xbox.  I don't ever get an over write prompt using flash fxp when i transfer over the C drive.  With the E drive it asks if i want to overwrite.  Just a thought.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: chaos-consultants on January 04, 2006, 09:06:00 AM
So there isn't any hidden files or anything I need to worry about??
I can just copy the 448mb c &e "shadow/image" of my friends softmodded xbox onto mine
( i will of course back mine up first.)  I don't need to run live cause I have a second xbox for that.

Thanks for your help
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 04, 2006, 12:21:00 PM
@trainerbill: yes you can replace your C with slayers C. Mkae sure you delete everything first before transfering the new C

@chaos-consultants: You can FTP the saves over manuallt. The saves are in E:\udata. C needs to remain stock before running the saves
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 04, 2006, 11:33:00 PM
QUOTE(trainerbill @ Jan 5 2006, 01:49 AM) View Post

All right after further testing my box is still unmodded.  I have completely deleted the C drive and then ftped slayers C drive to my box.  I completely deleted the Udata and retransfered the installer.  I completely deleted everything else out of E: drive including apps,games,emus.  I cleared the Z drive and deleted the Cache folder from the E drive.  after the install i get the same thing.  After i press ok where it says you will be taken to the screen automatically to setup shadow C, the box shuts off.  I restart the box and get an error message saying my box needs service.  The same error happens when you boot the xbox without xboxdash.xbe in the C drive.  I have absolutely no clue.  Has anyone had this problem? Or does anyone know what might help, at this point im up for anything.  Also there is an H drive on the box that has nothing in it, CDEXYZ are all still there, don't know if this would mess anything up.  Is it possible that the shadow.img is corrupt?

Any ideas would be extremely appreciated!!!

K = 3994
Ok i just removed everything and reinstalled again, didn't work go figure, but i ftped back to the box to take a look at the c drive.  there was no xboxdash.xbe, which is probably right, but i transfered one in there for testing purposes  and it booted up to the ms dash fine, but with no shadow C update. the C drive looks as follows:


Maybe that will help

it's indeed missing xboxdash.xbe.
where did you obtain the package?
I suggest getting a new one from xbins and use that
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: trainerbill on January 05, 2006, 07:34:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jan 5 2006, 07:40 AM) View Post

it's indeed missing xboxdash.xbe.
where did you obtain the package?
I suggest getting a new one from xbins and use that

I got the installer from xbins.  the path to xboxdash.xbe is:
Is that right?  I wonder if i am extracting the files to the right directory.  
I redownloaded the package from xbins and extracted them, all files are the same and in the same directories.I will try it on the xbox when i get home.
The following is the installer after winrar extraction:

3 .xbx



does this directory structure look accurate?  If so what else could be messing this installer up?

BTW thank you krayzie for your quick responses & sorry about the long posts
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 05, 2006, 08:27:00 AM
QUOTE(trainerbill @ Jan 5 2006, 06:41 AM) View Post

I got the installer from xbins.  the path to xboxdash.xbe is:
Is that right?  I wonder if i am extracting the files to the right directory.  
I redownloaded the package from xbins and extracted them, all files are the same and in the same directories.I will try it on the xbox when i get home.
The following is the installer after winrar extraction:

3 .xbx



does this directory structure look accurate?  If so what else could be messing this installer up?

BTW thank you krayzie for your quick responses & sorry about the long posts

I used a plain old memory card to install the save.  i was able to pick up 2 for under $10.  You can build a USB/XBox cable the way i did, following the instructions on the a bonus, you can enable the use of USB memory cards.

i'd say, save yourself the effort and just use a mem card.   But this would be nice info to know smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xxSnakeEyesxx on January 05, 2006, 09:03:00 AM
Hi everbody,

       I installed this softmod and it work great for dual boot.  I also installed it for my friend but he tried to use the xbox live recovery without turning the softmod off first and now he gets a 21 error code with he tried to log on to live.  His evo dash still works fine.  How can I fix this problem without starting over?  It seem like the live recovery miss up his MS dash.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 05, 2006, 03:26:00 PM
@trainerbill: you only need to extract the main zips if you are not using action replay cards. you don't need to unzip the files rar or anything else.

@xxSnakeEyesxx: use the restore msdash option in the installer
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: spook2005 on January 07, 2006, 06:08:00 AM
Krayzie_SC-PAL_Ndure_Installer_v1.0 makes a folder called emus

how do I change it to make a folder called Emulators and to look at Emulators instead.
I can do it by ftp in to it but i would like to change it in the installer

I have seen it in evox.ini and allso seen it in the Config.xml

WOW Thank you for your quick Reply krayzie
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 07, 2006, 06:16:00 AM
edit the xml. do a ctrl-F and search for emus and change it to emulators. there should be 8 occurances.

also extract the files.rar and look in the dashboard folders and edit the emulators path there also. don't forget to rar it back up.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 07, 2006, 12:50:00 PM
- you need to copy both the saves

- yes you can ftp them fine/ make sure you unzip them first

- yes you need the original game although with chip on you could also use a backup (your c drive needs to have stock dashboard files)

- to install the softmod you need to read the onscreen instructions

- it will work on all xbox verison
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xxSnakeEyesxx on January 07, 2006, 02:08:00 PM
I recover the ms dash and when I went to log on to Live it said the xbox is BAN!!!

I ask my friend what he exactly did at his house.  He said he tried to do a Live account recovery of another Live account in the mod mode (orange LED).  

My question is can you actually log on to Live in the MODDED MODE?  I though you can't log on to Live when the mode is on.  If so how did he got ban?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 07, 2006, 02:21:00 PM
when mod is active you cannot connect to live. did you upgrade the hd recently?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xxSnakeEyesxx on January 07, 2006, 10:26:00 PM
Yes I upgaded the HD last week.  He was on live for 4 days before he tried to recover his other account.

I also did mind the same time and mind is working great.  I wonder want he did to get ban.  What can he possibly do to get ban?  I know this mod is dummy proof for the most part.  Can you please tell me what can get you ban with this mod so I can warn him for next time.

So I need to get a new EEPROM, HD, and a new Live account.  Did I miss anything?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 07, 2006, 10:30:00 PM
QUOTE(xxSnakeEyesxx @ Jan 8 2006, 06:33 AM) View Post

Yes I upgaded the HD last week.  He was on live for 4 days before he tried to recover his other account.

do a search on marriage theory. it's normal you have been banned
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xxSnakeEyesxx on January 07, 2006, 10:36:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jan 8 2006, 12:37 AM) View Post

do a search on marriage theory. it's normal you have been banned

I know about the "marriage theory".

When I upgraded his HD I also use a vergin EEPROM.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 07, 2006, 10:57:00 PM
well something didn't go right then
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 08, 2006, 08:57:00 AM
just about to finish up the final touches of v1.1. Think I will do that 2morrow since I can't look at anymore script commands today. People with MA that care for betaing know where to reach me.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 08, 2006, 01:26:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jan 8 2006, 08:04 AM) View Post

just about to finish up the final touches of v1.1. Think I will do that 2morrow since I can't look at anymore script commands today. People with MA that care for betaing know where to reach me.


Can i make a request?  Can we default the EMulators to show up/be put into the Emulators folder instead of Emus?

I'd love to beta with SC if you need a 3 boxes to work with.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 08, 2006, 01:32:00 PM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jan 8 2006, 09:33 PM) View Post

Can i make a request?  Can we default the EMulators to show up/be put into the Emulators folder instead of Emus?

Can you give a good reason to do that?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 08, 2006, 01:43:00 PM
The biggest reason i have is that i have found more people i've modded prefer them there, and doing it at the release level saves time.  Also, XBMC defaults to that folder, and if i'm not mistaken, UnleashX looks for it automatically as well.

In the end, it would just save me a small bit of cleanup....i still end up having to go back and cap teh first letter in each major directory (Apps instead of apps, Games instead of games, etc).

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 08, 2006, 02:02:00 PM
Okay fair enough. If people like that better and it is more compatible with various dashes then I will set it to emulators.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 08, 2006, 06:33:00 PM
QUOTE(rost79 @ Jan 8 2006, 05:28 PM) View Post


thanks for answering my questions.

i have another one though. you mentioned that I should have the stock dash on my C what is that mean? which file or files are you talking about. because what i did before chip modding my xbox i made a backup of my c & e drive. that would be the orginal. should i just copy it back to my c the c backup i made?

if i do that how am i suppose to access the save files i put in e\udata?

should i remove the wire i solder on power button to access back to original dash, well first i should put back the c backup i made to c. should this work or is there other way of doing it?

thanks again

The C Drive has little to do with those save games.

Take your system back to stock, then FTP into it and put the save games back.  You can use Slayer's.  FInd it in the usual places.  I *HIGHLY* suggest making sure you don't have a shadow C drive running when you do this.

the saves are accessed via the chosen original game.  anyone who soft mods their system should own at least 1 or 2 originals of their chosen installer's game.  I use Splinter Cell personally.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Booker T on January 08, 2006, 06:42:00 PM
Krayzie i can beta for you but if you dont need anyone else its cool??
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 09, 2006, 12:03:00 AM
QUOTE(SiW @ Jan 8 2006, 10:34 PM) View Post

Forgive me if this is answered elsewhere, but the search function is down and it's not always easy to search the forum with the Google search.  Anyway..

Is it possible to do in-game reset with this installer / the Ndure exploit?  It's the one thing I miss from my UDE setup.

Yes - Triggers Back & Black
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on January 09, 2006, 11:30:00 AM
Haha.  I'm the same way.  I use emulators instead of emus.  Just a quick fix manually, but I see what you are saying.  I'd love to help test it out, but I got SC.  Sorry.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 09, 2006, 11:49:00 AM
paths are now set to Apps, Games and Emulators (caps too smile.gif)
Just doing some final testing and adjusting atm then it goes out to betatesting.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on January 09, 2006, 11:54:00 AM
oooooh caps tooo.  you've really done it now krayzie!!!  looking forward to seeing it!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 09, 2006, 01:08:00 PM
*jaw drops* You're TOTALLY speeding up my installs now!

one final question....

there's been some talk in this thread regarding VGA Progressive scan modes.  I know that dr oldschool put out something to enable it (talks about it in this thread via nkpatcher.

how difficult would it be to integrate this patch to an NDURE method?

thanx much krayzie, great work.  i've got a clean drive ready to go the moment you got an SC installer available to beta.

A Murder of Crows
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 09, 2006, 01:17:00 PM
There will be both RGB SOG and progressive scan option using dr oldschoold newest patches.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 09, 2006, 01:55:00 PM
It uses a live blocking feature when mod is active. (obviously since the feature is like years old and anyone not using it these days is a fool IMO)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 09, 2006, 02:45:00 PM
nkpatcher upgrade, dualboot upgrade, better security against dashupdates, newest (working) vga and progressive patches, customisable nkpatcher, various install methods and some other minor things
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 09, 2006, 06:43:00 PM
Hey krayzie

Just got home from work and thought a lil bit about it.

Was wondering if it was possible to cap Dashboard, Backups, and AltDash capped.

was also wondering if it was possible to have the dashes set up so that G drive was enabled by default if you chose the 0.67 option (or equivelant), and if it would be possible to add in a Format G drive option in the main mod menu.

thanx much!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 09, 2006, 09:41:00 PM
what's up with the caps. well ok if it makes you feel better. There will be Format functions for F and G although not in the main menu. G could offcourse also be enabled in the dash but that would just result in a unnecesary 0 MB notification for a lot of users in the dash.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: sharon on January 09, 2006, 09:44:00 PM
I successfully removed the UXE installer and installed Ndure Installer. Thank you Krayzie for making easy to use, reliable and quick installer like this. I found this much much easier than the modchip solution.

Somehow I have few more question again. Will the PAL SC installer work with any pal games and any PAL Xboxes (UK, AU etc...not sure how many there are).

Will NTSC SC Installer work with any NTSC Games (like Japan NTSC)?

I am not actually sure what Xboxes are available in Thailand (PAL or NTSCJ). If someone can shed light on this that it will be great.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 09, 2006, 09:50:00 PM
I guess they will work on NTSC-J too. I haven't verified anything of such things myself but I've never heard of gamesave exploits not working due to some strange regions.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 10, 2006, 02:00:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jan 9 2006, 08:48 PM) View Post

what's up with the caps. well ok if it makes you feel better. There will be Format functions for F and G although not in the main menu. G could offcourse also be enabled in the dash but that would just result in a unnecesary 0 MB notification for a lot of users in the dash.

I just wondered if there was a way to make copy a different dash setting file based upon what option was taken.

i haven't really kept up with nkpatcher, but i'm subbed to this thread, and have been since you released it.  Using 1.0 as the basis, i wondered if it were possible to have 2 seperate ini files, one marked UnleashX06, the other unleashx067.   which ever one got copied would be based upon which one got used.

but in hindsight, not everyone who uses 0.67 would have 200+gb hard drives, so yeah, you're right biggrin.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: smiffy1989 on January 10, 2006, 10:29:00 AM
This is a complete noob question but we all gotta start somewhere right? tongue.gif

Im using the original 8mb memory card and the splinet cell PAL installer.

Do i have to just extract the UDATA rar file in SC Save 1 + 2 or do i have to go into the folders and extract everything within them aswell.

Like in SC Save 2 theres  SC save2>UDATA>21585554>000000000000>files.rar

do i extract the files.rar aswell?

cheers in advance people.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 10, 2006, 10:30:00 AM
only the main zip ofcourse
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: smiffy1989 on January 10, 2006, 10:49:00 AM
cheer's krayzie. another noob question for you though. does this work on all xbox versions?

ive read up (like i should have in the first place) and ive answered my own question.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jebus989 on January 10, 2006, 11:11:00 AM
yes it does

youve read up how?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Booker T on January 10, 2006, 08:07:00 PM
Any idea when 1.1 is gonna get released krayzie?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 10, 2006, 08:49:00 PM
first beta is out for testing so it shouldn't take long now. If MA turns out stable I'll begin making conversions and do some more testing.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 11, 2006, 08:25:00 AM
QUOTE(moviecut @ Jan 11 2006, 03:47 AM) View Post

what i would like to see for version 1.1 is:

- option to choose another altdash-folder. the reason?

1. if someone (stupid) deletes the e:\dashboard, the altdash is also deleted, because it`s located in e:\dashboard\altdash. another path whould be more secure!!

2. i would like to start the xbmc with the eject-button using the tri-state boot. but i hate the pack all the media center files to e:\dashboard\altdash\. a nice thing would be to have some more path to choose from, like


is that possible?

Greetings, moviecut

That's a great idea, however (and i could be wrong here) i think that has more to do with the way NDure itself works, and maybe not how krazyie's installer works....

Of course, it's a LITTLE late to be making any more requests out of Krazyie for this....the beta is out and being tested already.

Mods, if wrong, kill this response...the last thing we need is false info being spread around
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 11, 2006, 09:16:00 AM
QUOTE(moviecut @ Jan 11 2006, 12:47 PM) View Post

what i would like to see for version 1.1 is:

- option to choose another altdash-folder. the reason?

1. if someone (stupid) deletes the e:\dashboard, the altdash is also deleted, because it`s located in e:\dashboard\altdash. another path whould be more secure!!

2. i would like to start the xbmc with the eject-button using the tri-state boot. but i hate the pack all the media center files to e:\dashboard\altdash\. a nice thing would be to have some more path to choose from, like


is that possible?

Greetings, moviecut

Never too late to make requests....beta is still no final.

I think I will set the bootorder for the altdash to:

1: E:\dashboard\altdash\
2: E:\apps\altdash\
3: E:\apps\xbmc\

This could be done very easily and then everybody should be happy as they can put it where they want.

I however skipped the tri-state boots in the 1st beta cuz I never heard anyone about it. If there are people that want them I can still implement them rather easy. (tri-altdash,tri-msdash,tri-livedash)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xxSnakeEyesxx on January 11, 2006, 11:03:00 AM
I guess the only way he got BAN by the new EEPROM not being a virgin like the seller told me.  I will ask him to come clean before giving his user ID out.  

Can I change the EEPROM with this mod on with config magic?  I did it once and when I reboot the xbox just frag.  I temp mod chip it and fix it.  Thanks
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jebus989 on January 11, 2006, 01:22:00 PM
Hopefully youve got FTP access to your xbox.

in e: you want TDATA and UDATA - you could copy all your gamesaves into these if you care about them.

and retail c: you can get from slayers i think - or from backups - its all in the readme

f: would obviously be blank
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 11, 2006, 07:38:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jan 11 2006, 08:23 AM) View Post

Never too late to make requests....beta is still no final.

I think I will set the bootorder for the altdash to:

1: E:\dashboard\altdash\
2: E:\apps\altdash\
3: E:\apps\xbmc\

This could be done very easily and then everybody should be happy as they can put it where they want.
I however skipped the tri-state boots in the 1st beta cuz I never heard anyone about it. If there are people that want them I can still implement them rather easy. (tri-altdash,tri-msdash,tri-livedash)

i like this setup....of course, i'd need the caps for all use OCD ppl....I'd like the tri boots in...i never used it for an install, but if the different options were there, i'd use it in place of dual boot.

nice job krayzie....almost bought a copy of MA to help test, i'm ITCHING for this biggrin.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 11, 2006, 09:27:00 PM
Ok, tri boots go in. It shouldn't hurt anyway
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: atom_bomb on January 11, 2006, 10:26:00 PM
Hi, Firstly, I would like to thank you Krayzie for the installer.  Secondly, I was wondering exactly how this mod works, I installed it successfully but was wondeirng where the bios and such is, cause I noticed that light goes green from M$ then orange from something, then back to green from unleash.  I assume the orange is the bios, was wondering where that is and how to edit it to be green if possible.

Thanks for your time,

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 11, 2006, 10:39:00 PM
QUOTE(atom_bomb @ Jan 12 2006, 06:33 AM) View Post

was wondering where that is and how to edit it to be green if possible.


Not possible in that version. will be in the new one.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 11, 2006, 11:07:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jan 11 2006, 09:46 PM) View Post

Not possible in that version. will be in the new one.

Hey Krayz...

How hard is it to incorporate a custom UnleashX.ini file into the installer?  i organize my emulators according to maker, then by release date, and i have it setup so that UnleashX doesn't make up it's own mind to change my orders around.

thanx again
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: blackdir on January 12, 2006, 02:19:00 AM
- Question from a happy user of an XBOX softmodded with current NDURE (dual retail) -

just a curiosity: where the shadow C is actually located on xbox drive?
I browsed - as said just for learning - both C and E but I was not able to identify it....

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on January 12, 2006, 07:59:00 AM

Well the first thing is to figure out what softmod you have.  Even if you can ftp into it, replacing the files might not do anything if you are working with a shadow c.  Figure out which gamesave you are working with (MA, SC, AUF) and load the gamesave.  Who knows, the gamesave might have an uninstall feature.

Once you know you are looking at your real xbox files, delete everything on F, delete everything on E except udata and tdata, and delete everything on c and replace the files with the files from slayers disc (extract the iso from the usual places and you will find the stock files under system\all\c).  That will return your xbox essentially to stock.

You could also, like said before, just read the readme from slayers.  You can burn the disk, load it up by powering off/on, and then go to menu item 4B2-3 to restore retail hd back to factory.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 12, 2006, 11:04:00 AM
You can still use the rescue disc. Just put a retail C in the C folder and make an iso  and burn and put it in when the drive opens.
slayers will not load unless you sign it habibi

Edit: or just load up to the save menu and gain ftp acces and replace the C with a retail C (which you can extract from slayers iso)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: smiffy1989 on January 12, 2006, 03:26:00 PM
worked perfectly. restored to stock. updated the dash. installed the softmod. smile.gif smile.gif

installed it on another box aswell that want messed up that just needed dash update.

worked perfect both time's. smile.gif smile.gif

cheers for everyones help and your great installer krayzie.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: atom_bomb on January 12, 2006, 10:09:00 PM
ok cool, was wondering if you got a site that would explain exactly how the mod works.  Also was wondering on an eta for that new installer, sounds interesting.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 12, 2006, 10:31:00 PM
I dunno 1 or two weeks or so. for information on exploits you could look in the tutorials topic or
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Epaige on January 12, 2006, 11:31:00 PM
Well i cant wait to get 1.1 ive been useing 1.0 for a while now and its great..Keep up the awesome work krayzie your installers are always great..Also i would like to thank you for your great Contributions to the scene..
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 13, 2006, 01:21:00 AM
QUOTE(blackdir @ Jan 12 2006, 11:23 PM) View Post

no one willing to answer me?  sad.gif

It's on the actual c drive.  you can't access it from modded mode, so you will not be able to see it.  when you can access it, you can't edit it's contents.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 13, 2006, 10:38:00 AM
Hey Krayz, can you up/post a preview readme with all the features listed as was done the last time?

Thanx much
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ipodder2003 on January 22, 2006, 01:29:00 PM
My tutorial's in the works.  I just need to obtain a copy of Splinter Cell and I'll have video tutorials for every game's softmod plus extras.  Look for it soon (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Thanks to krayzie for a fantastic installer and for allowing me to beta test.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: smiffy1989 on January 22, 2006, 01:51:00 PM
i dont even think a tutorial is necessary. im a complete noob and still managed it. lol. good to see people helping out the noobies tho.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jebus989 on January 23, 2006, 01:39:00 AM
We have already made ndure softmod videos for all three games, with optional subtitles (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Its just a shame i can't link anyone.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: hobogoonie on January 23, 2006, 10:01:00 AM
Hi all, Just wanted to thank Krayzie for all the work. I'm a complete n00b at this too but I got tired of asking a mate to mod for me. The Krayzie_Ndure_SC_Pal_1.0 installer I used was easier than I could ever imagine. So, thank you again for looking after us new starters. Really looking forward to trying out v1.1 when its released.

I just have one other question, and forgive me if its been asked before but I just want to make double-y sure. How exactly should I turn on/boot the xbox to use xbox live safely? I am using Original Discs obviously for live games and not backups but I just dont want to get banned. Do I need to go into M$Dash? Or power on with eject button? Thanks in advance people.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: cOzMaTiC on January 23, 2006, 11:07:00 AM
Hey Krayzie, first would like to thank you for all your time you've spent on this project of yours (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) However, I seem to have problems with the final installation of the mod. I'm currently using your 1.0 PAL Splinter Cell version; I'm able to back up the eeprom and install the mod fine. However the problem comes when it says that the only thing left now is activating your shadow C, You will be taken to the activation screen automatically. When I press ok the console turns off, but when I next boot it up I get the message: "Your Xbox requires service. Please call Xbox customer support" and the light on the Xbox flashes Green & Red. I'm then unable to use any of the options like turn off soft mod when booted back to the exploit so I'm just left with uninstall mod. I've tried a few times but still the same problem.

Just wondering if you can help me come over this obstacle, thanks!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BigSteel on January 23, 2006, 11:17:00 AM
QUOTE(hobogoonie @ Jan 23 2006, 05:32 PM) *

I just have one other question, and forgive me if its been asked before but I just want to make double-y sure. How exactly should I turn on/boot the xbox to use xbox live safely? I am using Original Discs obviously for live games and not backups but I just dont want to get banned. Do I need to go into M$Dash? Or power on with eject button? Thanks in advance people.

The safest way is to coldboot (put your game in the drive, close drive, power off xbox, power on your xbox with power button).  This way the exploit is not triggered.

This post has been edited by BigSteel: Jan 23 2006, 07:17 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: hobogoonie on January 23, 2006, 11:58:00 AM
Nice one Bigsteel, thanks for your help. The safest way sounds good to me! Theres no chance of a ban then on a softmodded xbox like this then? (Original game, Ndure, EvoX).

Cheers again.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BigSteel on January 23, 2006, 12:02:00 PM
QUOTE(hobogoonie @ Jan 23 2006, 07:29 PM) *

Theres no chance of a ban then on a softmodded xbox like this then? (Original game, Ndure, EvoX).

Cheers again.

So far it seems to work perfectly  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Epaige on January 23, 2006, 11:25:00 PM
QUOTE(cOzMaTiC @ Jan 23 2006, 07:38 PM) *

Hey Krayzie, first would like to thank you for all your time you've spent on this project of yours (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) However, I seem to have problems with the final installation of the mod. I'm currently using your 1.0 PAL Splinter Cell version; I'm able to back up the eeprom and install the mod fine. However the problem comes when it says that the only thing left now is activating your shadow C, You will be taken to the activation screen automatically. When I press ok the console turns off, but when I next boot it up I get the message: "Your Xbox requires service. Please call Xbox customer support" and the light on the Xbox flashes Green & Red. I'm then unable to use any of the options like turn off soft mod when booted back to the exploit so I'm just left with uninstall mod. I've tried a few times but still the same problem.

Just wondering if you can help me come over this obstacle, thanks!

Was it ever softmodded before? you could load the exploit then ftp eeprom to your pc and use xboxhdm and the stock C: files off of slayers to rebuild the drive then lock it back up and then you shouldnt have any problems.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaFilthee on January 24, 2006, 08:15:00 AM
I've been using the krayzie ndure installer for a few months now, with a 100% success rate on a bunch of xboxes. However, I am now trying to install the softmod on a v1 xbox (really old, and runs like crap) but it is not loading the saved game. I am using splinter cell, the game I have used on every xbox, and I am using the same saved game that I used on every xbox. I first deleted the splinter cell saved games off the xbox, then I copied the saved game files from the memory card to the HD. Took out the memory card, rebooted into the game, and I went to new game. It finds the linux profile, and loads it. Then it comes up with the screen to load a checkpoint or a level. Normally something is listed under checkpoints, but nothing is there. When I hit 'A' when checkpoints is highlighted, the xbox just freezes.

I tried this 3 times and it will not work. I recopied the saved games from my computer to the memory card, and still no go. The data is not corrupted because I tried it on another xbox since the broken one and it was successful.

Any ideas why it doesn't load the checkpoint in Splinter Cell (yes, it is the original game that has worked every time before)? The xbox was never modded in any way before.

Thanks for all your hard work, krayzie. Hopefully we can find a solution or the 1.1 version will work for this box.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 24, 2006, 09:29:00 AM
does it have strange video cables/settings?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaFilthee on January 24, 2006, 09:49:00 AM
Actually, this one is using the high def audio/video connection pack. I didn't even think that it could be cuasing the problem. I'll try to swap it out with standard RCA cables when I get home.

Thanks for all your help and hard work!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ipodder2003 on January 24, 2006, 03:43:00 PM
QUOTE(smiffy1989 @ Jan 22 2006, 02:22 PM) *

i dont even think a tutorial is necessary. im a complete noob and still managed it. lol. good to see people helping out the noobies tho.  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

It won't be necessary when we finally stop having the from page of this forum filled with topics of "LOLZ HOW DOZ I M_0D my b0x!" Or similar (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

QUOTE(jebus989 @ Jan 23 2006, 02:10 AM) *

We have already made ndure softmod videos for all three games, with optional subtitles (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Its just a shame i can't link anyone.

Mind trying to find those?  I guess I missed them.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: cOzMaTiC on January 24, 2006, 05:20:00 PM
Epaige - Nah never been modified in anyway before. I'm able to uninstall the mod fine allowing me to go back to normal with the M$ dashboard. I was just hoping to be able to use this mod to use MC & Emulation. I might just hold out till 1.1 to see if it makes any difference, if not then I'll have to try something else out.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaFilthee on January 24, 2006, 05:36:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jan 24 2006, 11:00 AM) *

does it have strange video cables/settings?

Yep, that's what did it. It worked fine with the standard RCA cables.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 19, 2006, 11:00:00 AM
QUOTE(chowyo123 @ Feb 19 2006, 10:00 AM) View Post

I have searched and tried a few ways, but none have worked. I even recently tried flashxp, but it did not help any.

I tried:

I was stuck on the :
I followed those steps. but lost my connection to the internet until i changed them back to default.

I then searched on google and found a few other ways to connect, but none seemed to work.

Do you have a router?
Is DHCP enabled on your Xbox's settings?
if you are using UnleashX and the basic skin, you should be able to see the IP address of the xbox on your screen.  It will say IP: 192.168.-.--- or something similar.

using flashfxp on your windows pc, type that address into the "Quick Connect" area for Address.  user and pass is "xbox" without the quotes.  Sometimes it helps to use Passive mode.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Flagmax on February 19, 2006, 11:54:00 AM
QUOTE(chowyo123 @ Feb 19 2006, 10:00 AM) View Post

I have searched and tried a few ways, but none have worked. I even recently tried flashxp, but it did not help any.

I tried:

I was stuck on the :
I followed those steps. but lost my connection to the internet until i changed them back to default.

I then searched on google and found a few other ways to connect, but none seemed to work.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: gringoloco on February 20, 2006, 02:52:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Feb 19 2006, 09:55 AM) View Post

I've used the rescue disc before, but i use it more "genericly"

i take the basic (unmodded) C drive files, the dashboard, and the save games and put those on the disc.  This way, should anyone need/want to, they can unmod their system, say if the mod goes haywire.

i COULD make the rescue disc remod the system, but i felt that wouldn't be too smart since each person has a different eeprom.  i'd have to make a different disc for each mod, where as this way i can just make a single disc for everyone and remod with the same game.

On a side note:
Krayzie: any word about the missing Live features yet?  i'm very curious as to how we can get those back, such as voice chat, etc.

Also, with the Extras disc, there isn't a need for NDTS anymore, right?


Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 20, 2006, 08:24:00 AM
Again I have no live (at least not on my xbox1) so it's very hard for me to guess how such things work and test such features features.
If I'll have some spare time i'll fix up some switch on/off script so people can load live in completely unmodded state.
and what is a NDTS?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 20, 2006, 09:26:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Feb 20 2006, 07:31 AM) View Post

Again I have no live (at least not on my xbox1) so it's very hard for me to guess how such things work and test such features features.
If I'll have some spare time i'll fix up some switch on/off script so people can load live in completely unmodded state.
and what is a NDTS?

Well, looking at things, it seems that maybe some of the offcial MS/LiveDash is either disabled or missing, causing the issue....i can't think of a logical reason for it to not work the way things are done.

NDTS was NDure Tool Set, which was how i got that new eeprom flashed to my system.  it bypassed the ShadowC.img file, and i believe with the Extras disc it isn't nessescery anymore, but i want confirmation before i start removing it from my install package.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 20, 2006, 11:11:00 AM
In extras there is a proffesional mode bypassing virtual C and eeprom so no I don't see a need for a ndure toolset.

if someone can explain clearly what is not working and if it's loaded by xboxdash or xonlinedash and if it worked on dual retail of the 1.0 than maybe I can look at it.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ipodder2003 on February 20, 2006, 04:39:00 PM
My complete tutorial is about done, in case anyone cares biggrin.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 20, 2006, 06:06:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Feb 20 2006, 10:18 AM) View Post

In extras there is a proffesional mode bypassing virtual C and eeprom so no I don't see a need for a ndure toolset.

if someone can explain clearly what is not working and if it's loaded by xboxdash or xonlinedash and if it worked on dual retail of the 1.0 than maybe I can look at it.

Cool, i can lose that program.

here is a post done earlier in the thread:

He explains how he gets there, but that clicking on anything crashes it.  it requires AutoLogin to be Enabled, and can be booted into via Dual Retail Dash mode.  Clicking on anything appears to crash it.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Scrufdog on February 20, 2006, 07:48:00 PM
Guess I need some help here.

I just picked up Splinter Cell, Platinum hits which as far as i have seen is supposed to work for softmodding. I copied the ndure 1.1 savegames to my madcatz card with my modded xbox. When i go into the MS dash it doesnt give me the option to copy the save games to the hard drive. am i missing something here?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Scrufdog on February 20, 2006, 08:35:00 PM
nevermind, I'm an idiot, helps if I push right to actually select the game save itself  jester.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 20, 2006, 10:39:00 PM
QUOTE(ipodder2003 @ Feb 21 2006, 12:46 AM) View Post

My complete tutorial is about done, in case anyone cares biggrin.gif is it?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 21, 2006, 10:26:00 PM
the minimum install doesnt require the 5960 dash and the extras work fine with it. the only thing that doesnt work are the multi retail boots and even they can be fixed later on. and a 5960 dash could also be found on slayers 2.6
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on February 22, 2006, 09:34:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Feb 20 2006, 09:33 AM) View Post

Well, looking at things, it seems that maybe some of the offcial MS/LiveDash is either disabled or missing, causing the issue....i can't think of a logical reason for it to not work the way things are done.

NDTS was NDure Tool Set, which was how i got that new eeprom flashed to my system.  it bypassed the ShadowC.img file, and i believe with the Extras disc it isn't nessescery anymore, but i want confirmation before i start removing it from my install package.


Logical reasoning is based upon understanding (not merely knowledge and/or experience)!

Ironically, I suspect it could be overcome via kingroach's Ndure 3.0 NDTS...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 22, 2006, 09:48:00 AM
1: What makes you think ShadowC is a part of Ndure? (read softmod terms if you don't know what Ndure means)

2: Why is this posted here? Using Xboxhdm has nothing to do with my installer.

3: What's wrong with the google search? I know it's not as neat as the usual search but using the right terms you can find lots (and I mean LOTS) of usefull info.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 22, 2006, 09:55:00 AM
QUOTE(Ndure protagonist @ Feb 22 2006, 05:41 PM) View Post

Logical reasoning is based upon understanding (not merely knowledge and/or experience)!

Ironically, I suspect it could be overcome via kingroach's Ndure 3.0 NDTS...

Indeed and as long as I don't understand what is wrong or how these things work I cannot do anything about it. If someone who has the problem can explain it thoroughly and wants to help me on a person to person base to explain and test then maybe we can work something out. Again I have no live on my xbox1 and I am not able to test anything about it.

I'm sure it can be overcome with anything that switches to complete retail state but unfortunately I skipped the switch off option in my suspection of not needing it anymore. A fix is ofcourse simple I just have to look into it a couple of minutes.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 22, 2006, 10:40:00 AM
It didn't even sound like it was my installers fault and no offence was taken.. My point is just that my installer is named Krayzie Ndure Installer. It isn't named Ndure. Ndure is just and exploit and has nothing to do with shadowC. I am neither responsible for Ndure or UXE, they are just stuff I put in an installer.
Further more I know some stuff but not everything. There is plenty stuff I am not familiar with like for instance xboxhdm. Asking xboxhdm questions in a thread about an Ndure Installer is not the way these forums should be.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kgonepostl on February 22, 2006, 06:39:00 PM
Hey Krazie is 1.1 in the blue (past beta?).  The reason I ask is it's on Xbins but your official thread states that only 1.0 is finalized......So is it alright to use or not?  Might wanna update that 1.1 is finalized or at least past beta if this is the case.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 22, 2006, 07:42:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Feb 22 2006, 09:02 AM) View Post

Indeed and as long as I don't understand what is wrong or how these things work I cannot do anything about it. If someone who has the problem can explain it thoroughly and wants to help me on a person to person base to explain and test then maybe we can work something out. Again I have no live on my xbox1 and I am not able to test anything about it.

I'm sure it can be overcome with anything that switches to complete retail state but unfortunately I skipped the switch off option in my suspection of not needing it anymore. A fix is ofcourse simple I just have to look into it a couple of minutes.

Well, in the end, i'd REALLY love to see the installer package work as it does, without the need to "turn the mod off", unless it sorta "turned on again" by itself....i've run across maybe 2 or 3 people who used the voice chat/friend's list features so it's not a huge deal.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kingroach on February 22, 2006, 08:21:00 PM
well.. you can never run XBL live dash and MS dash at once.. it will either one of two.. However if you really need it.. you can use Ndure installer 3.0 which uses a little modified nkpatcher so that you can use switch between XBL dash and MS dash by placing boo1.bin in E:\ drive without removing and changing mod at all.. Its not a substitute of going to XBL live by pressing xbox live menu within MS dash but thats tyhe closest you can get with current exploits.. dry.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 22, 2006, 10:38:00 PM
yeah well the problem is not that people can't switch between live or msdash. it's just people who cannot get voice chat to work or something (which I suspect is some interaction between xboxdash.xbe and xonlinedash.xbe).

and in theory you could get a full msdash to work but it requires a low kernel. it would go as follows:
ndure>open tray>msdash>live tab>old dd exploit loading fonts of c root>xonlinedash.xbe
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: H3LLRAZER101 on February 24, 2006, 12:00:00 AM
I'm an iditiot and shall read the rules next time. sorry for wasting forum space once again.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Scrufdog on February 24, 2006, 08:05:00 PM

So I have updated my dash to 5960, and I would like to setup a dualboot to use xboxlive. Ive read through sojme posts and such, but 912 posts is a bit much.

So, to confirm, before i push the A button, if i want to be able to play xbl on a softmodded 1.0 i use the extras and install dual-Livedash. does tri-Livedash install msdash and live?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 25, 2006, 12:10:00 PM
QUOTE(Scrufdog @ Feb 25 2006, 04:12 AM) View Post


So I have updated my dash to 5960, and I would like to setup a dualboot to use xboxlive. Ive read through sojme posts and such, but 912 posts is a bit much.

So, to confirm, before i push the A button, if i want to be able to play xbl on a softmodded 1.0 i use the extras and install dual-Livedash. does tri-Livedash install msdash and live?

you could also try reading the readme and nfo file instead of 912 posts.....

you don't need to install the livedash for only live could also install dual msdash or just coldboot your retail game. tri is the same as dual inly with an extra possibility of loading a habibi signed disc
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Scrufdog on February 25, 2006, 03:34:00 PM
neither of those have the coldboot info, and i found the info that explains the msdash method. I'm just used to .nfo files being 'advertisements' for whoever setup the package, and not actually having useful information in them.

Thanks for the help, and thanks for the installer package. Mighty fine work you have there.  cool.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Scrufdog on February 25, 2006, 05:49:00 PM
this is odd.

When trying to run the extras DVD today i keep getting an error.

An error occured while copying "e".
Error Code:0

I get this all the time when trying to run the extras so I can install the dualboot-msdash.

This is the same dvd that worked fine last night. I have recopied from the dvd, copied over through ftp to the hdd, nothing is helping.

Any ideas?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 25, 2006, 08:37:00 PM
QUOTE(Scrufdog @ Feb 26 2006, 01:56 AM) View Post

this is odd.

When trying to run the extras DVD today i keep getting an error.

An error occured while copying "e".
Error Code:0

I get this all the time when trying to run the extras so I can install the dualboot-msdash.

This is the same dvd that worked fine last night. I have recopied from the dvd, copied over through ftp to the hdd, nothing is helping.

Any ideas?

delete the extras folder from E:\apps, ensure you have enough space left on E and recopy the extras folder to e:\apps

QUOTE(Luciano17 @ Feb 26 2006, 04:30 AM) View Post

Hi Guys ive just bought an xbox and i am TRYING to softmod it. however i always get a black screen when i load the linux save game.

My xbox is version 1.6 i think as it was made on the 19/07/2005.

Kernal is K:1.00.5838.01
Dash is D:1.00.5960.01

ive not managed to install a thing and i use the action replay method coupled with Splinter Cell - PAL(original version).

ive tried:
  • Krayzie's Ndure installer v1.1
  • Krayzie's UXE Installer v2.8
  • Softmod Installer Deluxe v2.0
  • lTools v1.75
ive looked at soo many tutorials and just not getting any closer. So i registered and this is my 1st post.
Please help im on the brink of crying  sad.gif

delete all saves and downloadable content of that game before copying the new ones
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 25, 2006, 08:44:00 PM
then use regular video cables
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 25, 2006, 08:57:00 PM
ok then there is only one thing left. you action replay mem card is messing up the save. try a regular ms mem card
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Scrufdog on February 25, 2006, 09:57:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Feb 25 2006, 10:44 PM) View Post

delete the extras folder from E:\apps, ensure you have enough space left on E and recopy the extras folder to e:\apps

tried that no go. so finally i just kept hitting Launch extras over and over to see what was hanging up on the copying screen....

it was trying to copy e:\extras\files\nkpatcher\dummy.bin to e:\extras\files\xtras\unleashx.xbe thats when the error occurred. So for kicks I renamed unleashx.xbe to unleashx.xbold and rebooted, the Launched extras again and everything worked fine.

i never put that unleashx.xbe in there, so i dunno what the problem was.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 26, 2006, 12:55:00 AM
@luciano: no you cannot ftp/telnet to a retail xbox

@Scrufdog: that's strange. That dummy file is copied every single time the extras is launched and unleashx.xbe should be there too everytime. so you should get that error again when you relaunch it and so would all the other users. I'm not behind my desktop right now so I can't look at the scripts but maybe I'll check them out later to see what caused the error.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Scrufdog on February 26, 2006, 06:51:00 AM
yup. I just now tried to fire it up and it error'd again. Same problem. I did the same 'fix' and it worked.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 26, 2006, 07:18:00 AM
Well it's certainly a bit strange cuz it shouldn't do that and there are not much that can caus such an error. I suspect some corruption problem. Try backing up the E partition, then format it using evox or unleashX and then ftp the backup back. Also delete the extras folder once again and ftp a fresh one back.
If that doesn't work it's easily fixable by editing the xml file
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 28, 2006, 09:17:00 AM
it works fine on all versions
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 28, 2006, 01:02:00 PM
For the people having troubles launching the Extras check my sig for a temp fix. I'll begin working on a new version shortly in where this will be fixed and some other minor stuff.
I apologize for any inconvenience.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 01, 2006, 12:12:00 PM
QUOTE(Luciano17 @ Mar 1 2006, 07:29 PM) View Post

Ok i recieved my M$ Memory card just now and transfered Krayzies files from SID 4.5 NkNave Edition from AID 3.0 which i got off the ed2k Network(eMule). and it worked!!! so bboarder get an official M$ Memory card and it will work...probably!

This was using Splinter Cell and an xbox made on the 19/07/2005.

Thanks Krayzie the software is brill.

What are you talking about. I have nothing (and don't want nothing) to do with either SID or AID.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: sandpaperback on March 01, 2006, 07:18:00 PM
I'd just like to offer my sincere thanks to Krayzie for this installer.

I know my way around a computer and config files pretty well, but I was still nervous about getting this installed and running.  But it was completely smooth, painless, and error free.

Again, just... thanks.  You rule.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: sandpaperback on March 04, 2006, 06:07:00 PM
I used the same tut to upgrade my HD.  I just FTP'd all the files from C and E.  It worked fine except when I first booted after installing the new drive, I could only boot to the stock dashboard.  I just re-ran the installer and all was fine -- none of my data was lost, it was all still on the E drive.

Does anyone have an idea why that would've happened?  It probably does have to do with the shadow C, right?  I hadn't even thought of that until I read that post.  rolleyes.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 04, 2006, 06:57:00 PM
QUOTE(regne v @ Mar 4 2006, 01:47 PM) View Post

I've succesfully sofmodded my xbox using SC PAL and this installer (absolutely painless, thx for this great job Krayzie).
  Now I wanted to upgrade my hard drive and I found this very nice tutorial from someone who softmodded his xbox using SID.
 I would like to know if I should backup the C drive while in the UleashX that comes up at boot time or from the one that comes with the extras to avoid the virtual C. Is there any difference at all?.

  Thx a lot again for this nice piece of work.

Here is a quick and easy answer.

I believe Kingroach has a link in his sig that gives a VERY good tut on how to setup a hard drive using XBoxhd.

Follow that for the most part.

When it comes to copying the the C drive files, you have 2 ways to go

1. Premodded C
2. Unmodded C

If you go with 1, enter into the Extras folder, use Professional Mode, then FTP into your box and copy the C drive shown there into the C folder in the Linux folder of xboxhd.

Copy all of your E drive into the E Folder as well.

Make ANOTHER copy of your Eeprom.bin file and place that in the Eeprom folder.

Make the ISO and burn it to DVD-R/RW.  Boot that disc up in a PC, run option 1, follow the instructions.  Reboot, then run option 3 and at the command prompt type "lockhd -a" without the quotes.  follow the on screen instructions again.  when done, turn off the PC and plug the drive into the xbox to test.  Should be premodded and work right away.  

Keep in mind that this disc is only good for that 1 particular xbox because of the eeprom lock.  You could also make a "Generic" disc like i eeprom in the eeprom folder....and then use an RW disc to burn a specific eeprom to lock each drive to.  real time saver as it takes 2 min to burn a disc with just the eeprom (no e drive).  You can also use the same disc to unlock the other drive before sending it away.  

Don't forget to enter into the extras and update the eeprom, otherwise some settings will not "stick"

if you go with 2, you can copy the C files from your backups or from the C drive directly by just turning it on and FTP'ing.  Remember to copy fresh versions of the Game Saves into the drive.  This ensures that your save game isn't corrupted

QUOTE(sandpaperback @ Mar 4 2006, 05:14 PM) View Post

I used the same tut to upgrade my HD.  I just FTP'd all the files from C and E.  It worked fine except when I first booted after installing the new drive, I could only boot to the stock dashboard.  I just re-ran the installer and all was fine -- none of my data was lost, it was all still on the E drive.

Does anyone have an idea why that would've happened?  It probably does have to do with the shadow C, right?  I hadn't even thought of that until I read that post.  rolleyes.gif


Next time, if you want to start out modded, enter the extras Professional mode and then FTP.  you'll notice a couple of other files, including ShadowC.img
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: sandpaperback on March 04, 2006, 08:24:00 PM
Luckily it wasn't a big problem, just a little nuisance.

Thanks for the tip though!  You know what GI Joe would say...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: radxrico on March 11, 2006, 03:25:00 AM
i was about to go with kingroach's pc ndure, but i found out their was a memory card exploit and thats WAY esasier for me to do.. + ive been using that xboxhq one for ever now and everytime i have to go in and edit the config.xml to fix the skinning and remove the formatting drives so some idiot doesnt mess up their xbox haha. anyways im anxious to get home to try this out. especially to try live biggrin.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: -SiN- on March 11, 2006, 01:23:00 PM
Where can I find a link for Krayzie's NDure 1.1? I didnt see one
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 11, 2006, 01:27:00 PM
Do not ask for files in the forums. Search
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 11, 2006, 02:54:00 PM
Hmm...on 2nd thought, seems like the Usual Places is down, or by invite only.  anyone know what's up?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 11, 2006, 03:45:00 PM
should be only temp
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: chilin_dude on March 13, 2006, 07:04:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Mar 11 2006, 10:52 PM) View Post

should be only temp

Good to here, I'll just wait and sing while I wait
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 13, 2006, 08:48:00 AM
QUOTE(radxrico @ Mar 13 2006, 07:17 AM) View Post

grr heh...

ok my box was modded [soft] and i tried this found a v1.0 on a torrent using MA.. first time it didnt work.

so i went and i pretty much made my c back to factory 4920 or whateva it is.. then erased the exploit and re applied it [because it was giving me the [restore blahblah instead of letting me start all over]

before i ran the xploit tho i went to xbox live and got my box to 5960 or whateva first biggrin.gif all was well.
modded all was well.. made it so it would dualboot xlive safe. all was fine.

then i booted xlive safe.. went to the xboxlive tab and hit it so i could creat an xbox live account [got a free 2 months to use] and it went to a black screen..... so i powered down. xbox live safe booted again but i put in battlefront 2 and closed it [before the dash loaded] went into xbox live IN the game and it connected saying 'updating your xbox live' went about halfway then said error on disk may be damaged or dirty... now when i try to xbox live safe boot i get the error 21 ;/    if i have to restart i will its not that big of a deal. do i need to make my xbox live account BEFORE i do the mod etc.. or where did i go wrong?

ps krayzie... im naming my kid after you. ::bows::

yes, you have to create an account first.

using krayzie's extras, install a multiboot for LiveDash.  when finished, power up the system with the eject button.  this will give you a live enabled LiveDash to make your account.  since you only have a 2 month, i suggest keeping your altdash as LiveDash to make easy changes
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 13, 2006, 09:01:00 AM
QUOTE(radxrico @ Mar 13 2006, 04:17 PM) View Post

grr heh...

ok my box was modded [soft] and i tried this found a v1.0 on a torrent using MA.. first time it didnt work.

so i went and i pretty much made my c back to factory 4920 or whateva it is.. then erased the exploit and re applied it [because it was giving me the [restore blahblah instead of letting me start all over]

before i ran the xploit tho i went to xbox live and got my box to 5960 or whateva first biggrin.gif all was well.
modded all was well.. made it so it would dualboot xlive safe. all was fine.

then i booted xlive safe.. went to the xboxlive tab and hit it so i could creat an xbox live account [got a free 2 months to use] and it went to a black screen..... so i powered down. xbox live safe booted again but i put in battlefront 2 and closed it [before the dash loaded] went into xbox live IN the game and it connected saying 'updating your xbox live' went about halfway then said error on disk may be damaged or dirty... now when i try to xbox live safe boot i get the error 21 ;/    if i have to restart i will its not that big of a deal. do i need to make my xbox live account BEFORE i do the mod etc.. or where did i go wrong?

ps krayzie... im naming my kid after you. ::bows::

Since you are using 1.0 the error 21 is easy fixable by taking the restore msdash optin in the installer. And for the live acount switch the exploit off first (but only after you solved the error21)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Monte2 on March 13, 2006, 10:32:00 AM

Thank you for using your time and skills to put your installer together for everyone.

Just because exploits don't have the $$$ attached doesn't mean they don't bring anything to the scene.

If it wasn't for your hard work, we wouldn't have it so easy.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: chilin_dude on March 13, 2006, 12:26:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Mar 11 2006, 10:52 PM) View Post

should be only temp

Any ETA as still down?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 13, 2006, 12:52:00 PM
Well it's not like I take part of the xbins staff or something....guess you'll just have to be patient
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 14, 2006, 01:25:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Mar 13 2006, 11:59 AM) View Post

Well it's not like I take part of the xbins staff or something....guess you'll just have to be patient

It's very strange to see it down this long....also, i attempted log in just now and the irc client told me i couldn't join cause my address was banned?!?!?!


Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 14, 2006, 08:53:00 AM
QUOTE(radxrico @ Mar 14 2006, 04:48 AM) View Post

yes i got it to work.... kinda. i restored the msdash as krayzie suggested. then loaded the exploit again and turned off the softmod. rebooted then i could sign up for live etc.. made my live account.. then i reloaded to turn the softmod back on so i could eject to xlive safemode everything went great! only one problem

when i eject to safemode for xlive whenever i go to 'fiends' it goes to a black sceen again... ;/ the only way that i can go back is to repeat the above process - go in use the xplot turn off the softmod to reg dash then do xlive stuff..

is there a way that i wont have to do the explot every single time to view my fiends list/messages etc... while NOT in a game?

edit: also when im in ony unleash x dash i see i have 175 free in my c:\ is that right cuz i reaed something about shadow c making it like next to empty? or does that only apply when i boot to  m$ dash? and it says my G is non existant unless i open pxx hdloader and i have 13 gigs still free of my 55 or something.

Friends list and voice chat do not function.  you'd have to turn off the mod each time in order to use those functions.

as for G drive, go into the Settings in unleash x, go to Storage, and find the option to Enable G Drive.  Turn that to Yes, reboot, and you're golden.

i'm guessing my version of the the exploits are outdated, since i didn't have the option to turn off the mod.  can you confirm, Krayzie?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 14, 2006, 09:00:00 AM
As for G you would have to format it also. As for the on/off was part of all my previous installers. I just skipped it in the newest one figuring it wasn't needed anymore (guess I was wrong  wacko.gif ). Anyway it will be back in the next version
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on March 14, 2006, 09:10:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Mar 14 2006, 09:00 AM) View Post

Friends list and voice chat do not function.  you'd have to turn off the mod each time in order to use those functions.
{^ You are mistaken... ^}
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lawdawg0931 on March 14, 2006, 01:21:00 PM
First off....AWESOME job Krayzie! I appreciate your work. Just finished up, and all went very smooth. I guess I jumped the gun as far as "extras" go, because I added none. I can use Flashfxp to add XBMC later, thats not a problem (along with emulators). My question is how can I (or is it too late) install the dual boot option. Do I simply copy the dualboot folder over ftp, then execute the .xbe (there are 3 I think-which one?). Thanks again for making this install idiot proof...('course I screwed it up a little).
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 14, 2006, 01:24:00 PM
the dual boots are in the Extras. You should have no business with dualboot folders or xbe's. Everything is automated. for more info check the readme
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lawdawg0931 on March 14, 2006, 01:40:00 PM
Got it, the whole "extras" folder is ftp'd over to E:/Apps/. Would help to READ. Thinking about editting my post above about being idiot proof.....Thanks
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 14, 2006, 01:40:00 PM
As I've said many times before....I am a complete xbox live n00b. I only used it like 3 times on my 360 and I have no idea at all how xbox live handles any of its fuctions like voice chat friends lists text messages or what not. I do not know anything about that so I cannot answer any of those questions.
Since Ndure protagonist is much more experienced with xbox live and also has lots of knowledge about exploits i might be better to ask him such questions.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 14, 2006, 01:57:00 PM
QUOTE(Ndure protagonist @ Mar 14 2006, 08:17 AM) View Post

{^ You are mistaken... ^}

I defer to Ndure protagonist's superior knowledge....though i must ask how he gets it to function using Krayzie's installer.

because as far as i have been able to tell, my statement about Friend's List and Voice Chat not working with the mod enabled, which is directly related to Krayzie's installer and ONLY to krayzie's installer (Hence my posting in the  topic title "Krayzie Ndure Installer (gamesave Style), without any changes to the installer made by the end user, has been proven true.  

Several times.

Ndure Protagonist, we have been asking on this thread since krayzie's NDure 1.1 came out how to use the Friend's List and Voice Chat functions with this particular installer.  No answers have come from Krayzie as he hasn't used live with his original xbox, and has no point of reference as to what the rest of us are talking about.  Screenshots have been shown, but he can't help us.  And he's done supurb work as it is.

If you know something we don't, would you mind telling the rest of us?  We certainly appreciate the work everyone has put in, but answers like "You are mistaken...." do not exactly help the rest of us out.  

Please elaborate for us how you made Krayzie's Ndure Installer 1.1 work with voicechat and friend's list, and tell me how i'm mistaken.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ming3r on March 14, 2006, 05:53:00 PM
Ju7st copy the backups files back onto there?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 14, 2006, 11:51:00 PM
QUOTE(chris22 @ Mar 14 2006, 03:32 PM) View Post

i was upgrading from 1.0 and My C drive was eraced.  i have a C drive backup.  i am scared to turn my xbox off- I have the fan cranked up and its been on for 3 days.

what should be on the C drive?


if you go into the E:\Backups folder, you'll see a Cdrive folder.  that folder should have 209 files in 21 folders, about 171.87 mb:

xbox book.xtf
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on March 15, 2006, 01:32:00 AM
A Murder of crows; I hope you have a sense of humour/humor and see the funny side of this too...
The poster said they had 1.0
... you replied re. 1.1
krayzie stated the poster had 1.0
... you responded re. 1.1, plus
... comparing your 1.1 to the poster's 1.0: "i'm guessing my version of the the exploits are outdated, since i didn't have the option to turn off the mod. can you confirm, Krayzie?"
which krayzie had already answered previously!

Re. superior knowledge, I don't have it ... I and others "merely" published our Ndure discoveries; we've shared our experiences and understanding for everyone to benefit from.  It's unfortunate that X-S now makes it difficult to filter that wealth of information ... some of us don't enjoy parroting it.
Maybe my "search tip" post in the XBL forum will help...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 15, 2006, 08:31:00 AM
QUOTE(chris22 @ Mar 15 2006, 07:26 AM) View Post

K i put the dash back on... now when trying to upgrade or install Krazies toolz i get:
Batch Process Failed
The last item was xml's mislabeled
Action: Rename


Your dash is stock again, as you had requested.

before you go ANY further, create a Rescue disc.

At the point you are at, i'd say to uninstall the mod completely, install a fresh set of game save exploits, and start over.

QUOTE(Ndure protagonist @ Mar 15 2006, 12:39 AM) View Post

A Murder of crows; I hope you have a sense of humour/humor and see the funny side of this too...
The poster said they had 1.0
... you replied re. 1.1
krayzie stated the poster had 1.0
... you responded re. 1.1, plus
... comparing your 1.1 to the poster's 1.0: "i'm guessing my version of the the exploits are outdated, since i didn't have the option to turn off the mod. can you confirm, Krayzie?"
which krayzie had already answered previously!

Re. superior knowledge, I don't have it ... I and others "merely" published our Ndure discoveries; we've shared our experiences and understanding for everyone to benefit from.  It's unfortunate that X-S now makes it difficult to filter that wealth of information ... some of us don't enjoy parroting it.
Maybe my "search tip" post in the XBL forum will help...

ah yes....i see.

my statement about my version being outdated was due to me missing the other poster stating he had 1.0...i thought for some reason that krayzie updated 1.1 with the turn off mod option.

*sighs* i'm bad :-D
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Agent Orange on March 15, 2006, 12:04:00 PM
I'm sorry if this has been posted already, but I couldn't look through 65 pages of posts...

What is the purpose of the reboot to activate the shadow C?

The reason I ask is, I'm wanting to take the entire C/E contents post-NDURE, and put them on my xboxhdm install. In theory, this should work, but I've never done a manual shadow C before.

Barring that, do you think this would work with a copy of all the contents just before the reboot? So after xboxhdm, it will be at the activation part?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Agent Orange on March 15, 2006, 12:57:00 PM
QUOTE(jonels @ Mar 15 2006, 08:19 PM) View Post

@Agent Orange a snippet from the readme.txt of the latest NKpatcher, it should help you create a proper xboxhdm disc

"* ADDED two global override functions
   now there is a easy way to disable the shadowC and virtual EEPROM for making system changes.
   just put any file named shadowC_off.bin and/or EEPROM_off.bin in the root of E:\
   reboot and do what you need then delete or rename it."

So, if I'm reading this right, I could simply turn off the shadow on the softmodded drive, make the image, then after I run xboxhdm and install the HD, I could just delete the files on E:, and I'd be set?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: vannn on March 15, 2006, 01:20:00 PM
anybody having problems to access Xbins or is just me?....been looking for installer 1.1 all week with no luck. Every time i try xbins, it says UNABLE TO JOIN CHANNEL ( INVITE ONLY )...any help? thnx.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: regne v on March 15, 2006, 04:25:00 PM
QUOTE(Agent Orange @ Mar 15 2006, 08:11 PM) View Post
I'm sorry if this has been posted already, but I couldn't look through 65 pages of posts...

  Mmmm, you're right. I found difficult to find my own post.

The reason I ask is, I'm wanting to take the entire C/E contents post-NDURE, and put them on my xboxhdm install. In theory, this should work, but I've never done a manual shadow C before.

Have a look to this post and the few next, specially a murder of crows'.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Agent Orange on March 15, 2006, 05:13:00 PM
I don't have an extras folder.... is that 1.1 specific?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 15, 2006, 06:20:00 PM
QUOTE(Agent Orange @ Mar 15 2006, 04:20 PM) View Post

I don't have an extras folder.... is that 1.1 specific?

yes it is.  upgrade to 1.1 if you can.

if you can't, you'll have to find Kinroach's NDure Installer, unzip on your PC, then find the folder called NDTS (NDure Tool Set).

ftp that folder to your apps, reboot your box, and run it.  the system light should turn red, but you should be at your dashboard's main menu.

look in the file explorer and check out the c drive.  if you see a file called ShadowC.img, you're looking at your ACTUAL C drive.  copy all the files via FTP and place in the xboxhd C folder.

keep in mind:  with 1.0, you can't update the virtual eeprom in the normal way.  if you want to install this package on another xbox, you will have to update the eeprom manually, or some settings that are eeprom dependant (mainly audio type and screen settings) will not "stick."  I do not know how to manually update the virtual eeprom.

Failing to update the eeprom will mean that to get full function you would have to uninstall the mod and then remod the system, making it a total waste of time to do the C image this way in the first place.

I maintain my suggestion, which makes it easy to install a new drive on any system:  Use a Stock 5960 C drive, copy your apps, emulators, and personalized settings/dashboard to the E drive along with a virgin TDATA folder and a UDATA folder that ONLY has the exploit save files on it.  create this disc as a generic, then use a CD-rw or DVD-RW to create and eeprom spesific disc to lock the drive each time.  takes a lot less time to burn when you have a spesific eeprom disc with nothing else on it (no C, no E).  since it's rewriteable you aren't wasting a ton of media either.  Do rewriteables for both and you can update regularly.

This method gives you a premade hard drive with all your apps and settings "Hidden" on the E drive, and a stock C drive.  install the drive after locking and pop in your exploit disc.  run the mod and you are done.  

Final note: if you use your own version of the dashboard (some like XBMC, others like me customize Unleash X), place it on the E drive folder and name it Dashboard2.  When the box is modded, you can easily delete the Dashboard folder and then rename Dashboard2 to Dashboard.  IGR and your settings are all up, ready to go.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 16, 2006, 12:16:00 AM
QUOTE(Agent Orange @ Mar 15 2006, 06:09 PM) View Post

That's pretty much the setup I have now. I was hoping to remove as much of the process as possible, though... it seems redundant to build a stock drive THEN mod it, when I'm already moving files around....

I usually just make a generic disk, then put EEPROM's on floppies.

I'll see if I can get on xbins and check out 1.1

You'd still have to do things with the drive anyway....set up your dashboard settings the way you want it, set up your multiboots, etc.  even if all that was done on your premod disc, you'd STILL have to update the virtual eeprom. redundency aside, it doesn't take that long to reset up the mod, and i feel that it's a bit of extra insurance to help you know you did it right.

if ANYONE gets on xbins, please let me know.  i've been trying to update my emulators package.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: big_xbox_n00bie on March 16, 2006, 08:47:00 AM
2 SC Saves?


Which needs to be transferred to a memory unit? SC Save 1 or 2 or both, alot of the files look the same, and even then do i just unzip the zip and straightaway drag over the UDATA folder or do i go into the UDATA folder and drag over the files inside?


Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 16, 2006, 11:57:00 AM
QUOTE(willjzuke @ Mar 16 2006, 05:05 PM) View Post

Since xbins is down, is it possible to get just the readme of krayzie's installer anywhere.  Or, is that not allowed?


The save:

The save(s) come zipped up for direct use on Action Replay devices. If you don't use Action replay you need to unzip the save
Note that many Action Replay cards corrupt large saves which results in a black or error 21 screen. Solution could be to use
a small gamesave exploit to grant access to the hd and copy this save to the E:\UDATA folder via ftp, Or use another memory

Copy the save to the Xbox HD using the known ways. (via memory unit, action replay, USB device or hotswap)
Load the save through the exploited game and follow the on screen instructions.


The 007 version needs to be loaded a certain way in order to get the save working otherwise it will just boot to a black
screen. When you get to the load game screen DONT'T select load game but start a new one. Then when you reached the actual
game (after the cutscene), hit the start button and select quit game, Then go back to the load game screen and this time
select "load game".

The Installer will backup the C partition of your Xbox in the installation process. Therefore it's needed to have at least
200 MB of free space on the E partition (12,800 blocks). This should normally be available with any Xbox but some people like
to fill up their entire harddrive with songs or downloadable content. When doubting check the memory tab.

Main menu (install menu):

-1st Backup eeprom:
FIRST always backup the eeprom. This is the most important file to keep when you're doing softmods. It contains all kinds of
specific information about that one xbox. It is needed to continue with the rest of the install (unless you use the upgrade
from 1.0 option).

--remove eeprom backup:
This option will remove the eeprom backup. This could be helpful if you want the HD back to its original state.

-Copy eeprom to MU:
This option will copy the eeprom backup to a memory unit. This could be useful if you don't have ftp and still want to keep
your eeprom backup safe.

-Minimum install:
This will install the Ndure exploit without any requirements. It doesn't matter what dash version you have or if you have
left overs from a previous softmod. Downside of this is that you can't use any multiboots that require the msdash or
livedash. But you can easily add a MSdash later on to make these options available using the Extras feature.

-Basic install:
This will get your xbox modded with a basic setup. This requires having a standard 5960 dashboard installed. Any leftover
mod files from previous softmods might cause errors.

-Upgrade from 1.0:
This will upgrade from Krayzie Ndure Installer v1.0. It will only upgrade the exploit files. Your dashboard, backups and
virtual C remains intact.

-Restore from rescue disc:
This option will remove the exploit files and lets you select what parts of the xbox you want to restore from a rescue disc.
For how to create such a disc read the Rescue disc section.

-Switch menu:
This option will change the install menu to the one that you see when it's fully installed. ONLY use this option if you
already installed this package but somehow deleted and/or replaced the Installer.

2nd menu (restore menu):

This menu will show up when the softmod is installed and you reload the save again (either via the game or the Extras option)

-restore from HD backup:
This option will remove all files installed with this installer using the automatically created backup. Additional files like
APPS, GAMES and EMUS folders will NOT be removed! If you want the hd to be stock you will have to remove anything on E:
besides TDATA, UDATA, BACKUPS and DASHBOARD. This option requires an UNTOUCHED Cdrive backup directory in E:\backups!

-Restore from rescue disc:
See above in main menu. It's the same option.

-Specify fonts:
Use this option if you (sometimes) experience boot problems like hanging at the logo screen. Be sure to pick the right kernel
for your system.

The Extras folder/disc:

The Extras can be used to further customize your softmod like dualboots, led, control and video modes. It also offers a load
of other features like formatting, dashboard management (backup/test/replace/restore) and professional mode (to use apps
without virtual eeprom/C partition). Since many features of the extras are not meant to be messed around with you will be
asked for a passcode on different occasions. This ensures little children and other people to not go in the Extras menu.
(All passcodes are button sequence: AYBX)
I will not explain all features here because that just would be too much. Every option has an explaining text box as soon as
you take it and asks you to proceed. If you don't like it just select no.

This Extras feature can be used in two ways:
-copy the Extras folder to E:\Apps (no other location) and launch it via the dashboard.
To launch extras just select "Krayzie Extras" out of the Apps menu of your dashboard. This will get you to a pre-Extras menu
in where you can launch the Extras menu (passcode protected) or use the format options (also passcode protected).

-Make an xbox iso out of the folder and burn it to disc and run it on the xbox.
You could do this if you don't have ftp to copy the Extras folder to E:\Apps or want to make your personal autoinstaller
disc that copies your own personal Apps or Emulators. In that case just fill the Apps and Emulators folders in the Extras
folder with your favourite Apps and Emulators before you burn it. Then when you run the disc you can select the "copy
Apps/Emulators from disc" option.
To launch the Extras menu you NEED to copy the Extras to HD first (using the "Copy Extras from disc" option).

In this pre-Extras menu you can also launch the save for the right exploitable game. This might be easy if you want to enter
the saves menu and don't feel like actually putting in the disc. This feature is also passcode protected.

Changing your dashboard:
Another useful feature in the Extras menu is the Replace dashboard feature. To use this just copy the Dashboard you want to
use in the DASHBOARD folder in the Extras directory. Make sure it's xbe is named default.xbe. To ensure the dash works like
it should you can first TEST the dash using the "Test new dash" option. If it loads well you can then use the "Replace Dash"
option. This will only work if you picked the "Backup current dash option".

Adding MSdash files in a minimum installation:
So you picked the minimum install options and would like the dualboot features that require the MSdashboard.
No problem. Just get yourself a copy of a 5960 dashboard and put the files in the MSDASHBOARD folder in the Extras directory.
Then select the "Add MSdash function" option. It will check if the right files are present in the folder and then begin
adding the right files in the right location. When done you can immediately customize your softmod with a nice dual/tri
retail boot.


The Rescue disc:

This may be nice to recover from messed up systems (or even to set up bigger hd's).
In your rescue disc folder you will find three folders which you can use to put files in:

C drive: In this folder you should put the files you wish to use to replace the C contents. This could either be stock files
(from HD backup, slayer's AID disc etc.) or it could be modded files (gathered from pc backups in modded state).

E drive: In this folder you should put the files you wish to use to replace the E contents. This could either be stock files
(savegame folders: TDATA and UDATA) or it could be modded files (gathered from pc backups in modded state).

Dashboard: In this folder you could put a dashboard in case the dashboard on the Xbox is gone or damaged. the dashboard
folder on E will be replaced by the dashboard folder on this disc. You can put any dashboard in here as long as it's
executable is named default.xbe

So basically:

To recover to stock:

Put stock files in C drive folder.

Fill the E drive folder with the UDATA and TDATA backups from your Xbox. If you didn't back them up you could try to get ftp
access prior to using this option and ftp over the UDATA and TDATA folder from your Xbox. If you don't have or want any
backups you could just leave the UDATA and TDATA folders empty. There should be no folders other then TDATA and UDATA present
if you are reverting to stock.

In the disc menu choose the restore system option.

To recover to modded state:

Put full C drive backup from modded unprotected state in C drive folder. (You can get the full C drive files by ftping in
from the gamesave installer's menu).

Put full E drive backup in E drive folder.

In the disc menu choose the restore system option.

To recover dashboard

Put dashboard in dashboard folder. (dash's xbe named default.xbe)

In the disc menu choose the restore dashboard option.

Setting the network settings: (in case you want ftp access)

You will have to do this prior to burning the disc because they can't be edited while running from disc. Default is set to
DHCP. To do this open the xml file and edit the network settings to your likings.

Burning xbox discs:

Make an Xbox iso from the Rescue disc or Extras folder. You can use any Xbox image creator app for this.
I prefer Qwix (
Then burn the iso as an image using any disc burning app.
!!!Make sure you use discs you know your Xbox can read!!!

Couple of things you should know:

The default network settings is set to DHCP (automatic receive IP from router). If you don't have a router or just wish to
have a static IP you need to adjust that in the dashboard otherwise it won't be active on retail
(cold)boots and you won't be able to log into live.

The exploited save itself belongs on the hd at any time. It's an important safety backdoor for when anything goes wrong and
it will save you from (hot)swapping your hd. So therefore it's recommended to not delete it.

It is very recommended to copy the eeprom backup to the pc and keep it safe as soon as possible.



The installer is tested stable and safe for live use by many people before releasing. Still I will not be held responsible
for anything that might go wrong.

Changes from 1.0 to 1.1:

-added copy eeprom backup to MU option
-added minimum install option
-added update from 1.0 option
-skipped 06/67 selection in install
-skipped on/off switch
-added s.xtf tweak
-moved extras to separate folder
-used fuckmsed* xonlinedash and xboxdash (*Courtesy by Angerwound)
--multiboot with livedash support and non-updatable xboxdash
-skipped restore msdash option
-updated nkaptcher to 11_UO2
-changed bootpaths
-changed altdash bootpaths
-added copy apps/emus/extras from disc option
-added led/fan controll
-improved RGB and forced progressive scan option
-added backup/test/replace/restore dashboard option
-added add msdash option
-added professional mode
-added update virtual eeprom option
-improved format options
-overall script improvements
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 16, 2006, 04:00:00 PM
QUOTE(big_xbox_n00bie @ Mar 16 2006, 07:54 AM) View Post

2 SC Saves?


Which needs to be transferred to a memory unit? SC Save 1 or 2 or both, alot of the files look the same, and even then do i just unzip the zip and straightaway drag over the UDATA folder or do i go into the UDATA folder and drag over the files inside?



Both need to be transfered.  i use 2 memory cards, but you can also copy one then format and copy the other.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: willjzuke on March 16, 2006, 08:03:00 PM
vannn     Posted Today, 08:25 PM
     how do i know wut dash version do i have ?

If you have a virgin xbox, in the dashboard go to settings then sytem info and then wait for the menu to scroll down until you see something like:

K 1.00.xxxx.01       (this xxxx is your kernall)
D 1.00.xxxx.01       (this xxxx is your dash)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: willjzuke on March 17, 2006, 01:18:00 PM
I unzipped the 1.1 MA save.  I already have a previous MA folder on UDATA which includes a normal gamesave, saveimage.xbx, titleimage.xbx, titlemeta.xbx and the ltools 1.7.5 folder which is the same name as yours: "62D648EBF155".  I need to have ltools running to FTP your save into the HD.  Then I planned on uninstalling the UDE and going back to premod (5960dash) to game exploit then install your Ndure.  Is it ok if I rename your "62D648EBF155" folder to say... "62D648EBF156" then just add it in with the others or will this throw everything off?  

Also, in your extras, what is dvdx and does it need to be unRAR?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 17, 2006, 02:04:00 PM
you can delete and ftp the new folder fine while running ltools. renaming numbers will give you errors.
and in the extras you don't need to unrar anything. dvdx2 is a dvd player app
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 17, 2006, 10:52:00 PM
QUOTE(willjzuke @ Mar 18 2006, 01:18 AM) View Post

It's not dangerous to delete ltools save while its running?  

I uninstalled UDE.  To be safe should I C-restore since   or is that unnecessary?  I still have tHc on the C but don't mind getting rid of it.  Also, does that means I should I delete modified E such as "backup_linux," "BiosLD," and "CACHE"(i'm not sure if ltools tweaked CACHE or not)?

no deleting while running makes no difference. Once it's running it's running from memory and cache and deleting it makes no changes untill you reboot.

and for a basic install the C needs to be in completely stock state so no dashes or anything else that don't belong there. On E it would not be completely necesarry to remove those folder but they do not serve ofg any use either. It may be wiser to delete them though since it might take up space which is needed for the ndure installer's backup. cache will be deleted anyway during install.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 18, 2006, 01:11:00 AM
you do not need a live acount fro upgrading. just an internet connection
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 18, 2006, 06:54:00 AM
QUOTE(blackdir @ Mar 18 2006, 02:21 PM) View Post

I have a Krayzie Ndure 1.0 softmodded only xbox which is working very well (thank you Krayzie!)

When I did the softmod I used the MA savegame which worked fine and it is still on my HD as an "emergency backdoor" (just to have ftp capabilities in case I screw up with an XBMC upgrade for example)

Now, I'd like to upgrade my softmod to Krayzie Ndure 1.1 via the upgrade option. My idea was to FTP to my UDATA directory the new MA savegame (which I found in the  Krayzie Ndure rar package) and then run it, but i realized (as willjzuke also posted) that it  has the same name than Ndure 1.0 and therefore I'm forced to overwrite my "emergency backdoor".

Is there a way that I can use to ftp savegame 1.1 without overwriting savegame 1.0? (as you can immagine I'm kind of scared to remove my emergency tool: it will be like to jump without parachute)

Any suggestion?


I don't think you guys get the concept. Let's break it down in pieces

state 1: You have an xbox with a working Ndure 1.0 install and the 1.0 ndure save as an emergency backdoor.

in this state you have the save as a backdoor but it isn't really needed as long as you stay off of any things that mess with the softmods

Therefore in this state you can safely remove the 1.0 save and directly after that transfer the 1.1 save over and this will lead to state 2: (it is recommended to extract the main zip file and replace the saves via ftp located in the e:\udata folder) IT IS ABSOLUTELY NEEDED TO FIRST REMOVE THE OLD 1.0 SAVE(S) COMPLETELY

state 2: You now have a working ndure 1.0 install and the 1.1 save. In this situation the 1.1 save still acts as an emergency backdoor as it will grant you ftp acces which is the most important part. Further more the rescue disc option, the switch menu and restore option of this save are still functional with the 1.0 install.

In this state 2 you are not 100% certain if the save will work offcourse so untill you actually loaded it it is very much not recommended to alter anything about the softmod

Then to upgrade you can safely load the new save by launching the game (or launching it via the extras app/disc) and then select the upgrade function
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: willjzuke on March 18, 2006, 07:33:00 PM
Of course you must have known that successfully installing Ndure doesn't mean the questions will stop coming, ha ha I'm sorry.  

I spent a good 5 hours figuring out how to connect and upgrade my dash to 5960 before the install.  The only way I can link to the internet is a direct connection to the cable modem (there is only one port on the whole modem).  Took me long enough to figure out how the network settings had to be configured (xbox's IP, sub mask, gateway, both DNS servers, host name, and MAC address had to be copied exactly from the PC ipconfig).  Now, that UX is up and running I want to dl skins and update the dash but I can't connect by using neither the default network settings, my PC's settings, nor the old (ltools) settings I used with EvoX to get on LinksBoks.  I can not connect with UX, LinksBoks, or msdash.  

The reason I'm asking you what you think is because I am wondering if this is all this is due to a way the Ndure install is presetup (a bios thing, or etc...).  I was under the impression, before install, that msdash live was not allowed as a feature of the exploit to prevent banning.  Does that go for other programs, too?  Or, how should I try to setup my network connections/config.xml?

PS.  I can't figure how to change the MAC address on UX and every time I go back into msdash it changes.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 19, 2006, 12:38:00 AM
only connections directly to the live servers are blocked. the rest of the network should work fine. The main thing to set this is in the main dash (network settings) as each time the xml is loaded these settings are reset to these values. There are some great ftp guides on the forums so you would have to find them.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: blackdir on March 20, 2006, 12:28:00 PM
krayzie, i uploaded the new (1.1) savegame after I erased 1.0 and as you anticipated it is working fine (-> it runs and I'm able to ftp).

Now before I run the upgrade from 1.0 option I have 2 questions:

a - after softmodding to 1.0 the only significant change I made was to run Enigmah video selector to move from PAL (which was my original xbox video mode) to NTSC and activate HDTV. My krayzie ndure 1.0 softmodded xbox is working perfectly in 720p mode. Would this video mode change affect your upgrade from 1.0 option? i.e. would it be beffer to switch back to PAL (no HDTV) before running the upgrade?

b - currently when I run 1.1 savegame from MA, it shows only 0,55 MB available on C: would it be enough to run your upgrade from 1.0 option?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 20, 2006, 12:34:00 PM
QUOTE(blackdir @ Mar 20 2006, 08:35 PM) View Post

krayzie, i uploaded the new (1.1) savegame after I erased 1.0 and as you anticipated it is working fine (-> it runs and I'm able to ftp).

Now before I run the upgrade from 1.0 option I have 2 questions:

a - after softmodding to 1.0 the only significant change I made was to run Enigmah video selector to move from PAL (which was my original xbox video mode) to NTSC and activate HDTV. My krayzie ndure 1.0 softmodded xbox is working perfectly in 720p mode. Would this video mode change affect your upgrade from 1.0 option? i.e. would it be beffer to switch back to PAL (no HDTV) before running the upgrade?

b - currently when I run 1.1 savegame from MA, it shows only 0,55 MB available on C: would it be enough to run your upgrade from 1.0 option?


a: the settings should stay
b: yes that's completely normal
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rgtaa on March 21, 2006, 07:54:00 PM
I narrowed down my backup games problem and it seems to happen after i do the krayzie extra's update virtual epprom.
transferred counter strike on the softmodded xbox
played it and it worked
then went to krayzie's extras and updated virtual epprom
and then cold booted xbox and dash works but counter stike gets black screen.
This is the problem I was getting the last week on different games and couldn't narrow down the problem.
Figured I would alert you if you were not aware of this problem.
in the past I would just make my own new virtual epprom but I liked the NEW feature you made ... hope you can figure out what is happening because I really like that NEW feature.
It doesn't happen on all games but I was getting the black screen on enough of the games for me to try to figure out the problem.
p.s. loaded on one of my epproms on the softmod and the game worked again.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 21, 2006, 10:33:00 PM
QUOTE(rgtaa @ Mar 21 2006, 07:01 PM) View Post

I narrowed down my backup games problem and it seems to happen after i do the krayzie extra's update virtual epprom.
transferred counter strike on the softmodded xbox
played it and it worked
then went to krayzie's extras and updated virtual epprom
and then cold booted xbox and dash works but counter stike gets black screen.
This is the problem I was getting the last week on different games and couldn't narrow down the problem.
Figured I would alert you if you were not aware of this problem.
in the past I would just make my own new virtual epprom but I liked the NEW feature you made ... hope you can figure out what is happening because I really like that NEW feature.
It doesn't happen on all games but I was getting the black screen on enough of the games for me to try to figure out the problem.
p.s. loaded on one of my epproms on the softmod and the game worked again.

Can i suggest something?

Assuming you reflashed the real eeprom, if you've already updated the actual eeprom, why not uninstall the mod and then remod directly with the new eeprom?

i know this doesn't solve the overall problem in the end, but we might be able to find out a little more about the problem this way as well...

Keep in mind that unless Krayzie, or anyone else for that matter, can replicate exactly what you are doing, there really isn't any way anyone can solve the issue.

I also ran into a little bit of a problem last week with Parental Controls not being set high enough to allow the playing of Star Wars and The Sims 2.  The games didn't black screen, but they would not start.  Longshot, but check that out also, just in case.

So, to reinterate, i gather that you installed a new eeprom properly, rebooted, and then attempted to update the virtual eeprom *OR* you are preinstalling new hard drives based upong an eeprom already used that doesn't match the xbox you are locking the drive to, and then to complete the mod you wish to update the virtual eeprom.  

Upon updating the eeprom (message saying that update complete) Counter-Strike will not start.

Have i got it right?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 21, 2006, 10:34:00 PM
QUOTE(rgtaa @ Mar 22 2006, 04:01 AM) View Post

I narrowed down my backup games problem and it seems to happen after i do the krayzie extra's update virtual epprom.
transferred counter strike on the softmodded xbox
played it and it worked
then went to krayzie's extras and updated virtual epprom
and then cold booted xbox and dash works but counter stike gets black screen.
This is the problem I was getting the last week on different games and couldn't narrow down the problem.
Figured I would alert you if you were not aware of this problem.
in the past I would just make my own new virtual epprom but I liked the NEW feature you made ... hope you can figure out what is happening because I really like that NEW feature.
It doesn't happen on all games but I was getting the black screen on enough of the games for me to try to figure out the problem.
p.s. loaded on one of my epproms on the softmod and the game worked again.

thanks I will look into it. You are aware the update virtual eeprom is only to be used after you changed the real eeprom on the chip first right?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 22, 2006, 12:45:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Mar 21 2006, 09:41 PM) View Post

thanks I will look into it. You are aware the update virtual eeprom is only to be used after you changed the real eeprom on the chip first right?


I think many people have been making the assumption that the Update Virtual Eeprom was there to help aid in doing a preinstalled state, for example, copying the actual C drive files onto a PC and using xboxhd with those files to create a premodded state.

then they figure you can just update the virtual eeprom and have it work.  in theory, i assumed it could work this way also, but i felt it was overall just a better idea to do a fresh mod each time.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rgtaa on March 22, 2006, 01:46:00 AM
Further troubleshooting turned up the problem  ... it was the epprom hd drive key I made up for the xbox's that was faulty.

I used all 00000's for the hd key ... figureing it would be easy to remember for multiply xbox's.

What is easist hd key that works that so I can use for multiply xbox's ... 99 percent of games worked with all 0000's but some games will not work with it.

So "update virtual epprom" program was not the problem after all ... but the hd key '000000000000"
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 22, 2006, 06:56:00 AM
QUOTE(rgtaa @ Mar 22 2006, 09:53 AM) View Post

Further troubleshooting turned up the problem  ... it was the epprom hd drive key I made up for the xbox's that was faulty.

I used all 00000's for the hd key ... figureing it would be easy to remember for multiply xbox's.

What is easist hd key that works that so I can use for multiply xbox's ... 99 percent of games worked with all 0000's but some games will not work with it.

So "update virtual epprom" program was not the problem after all ... but the hd key '000000000000"

yep zeroing out the hdkey is no good and makes some games crash (as they use the hdkey for the saves). I think it's best to use an existing hdkey and not a random one to match other xboxes.
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Mar 22 2006, 08:52 AM) View Post


I think many people have been making the assumption that the Update Virtual Eeprom was there to help aid in doing a preinstalled state, for example, copying the actual C drive files onto a PC and using xboxhd with those files to create a premodded state.

then they figure you can just update the virtual eeprom and have it work.  in theory, i assumed it could work this way also, but i felt it was overall just a better idea to do a fresh mod each time.

yeah well this would work also.....the update virtual eeprom removes the existing eemprom image and replaces it with a fresh one. So people could indeed use 1 C and E backup and then update virtual eeprom to ensure they have the right file there
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 22, 2006, 10:42:00 PM
QUOTE(vogel08 @ Mar 22 2006, 02:57 PM) View Post

I have installed the krayzie installer and everything is working fine.  I want to run knoppmyth which I have burnt on a dvd as an iso file.  However, the evolutionX dashboard is not reading the disk.  Is this possible to do? If not, do I have any alternatives to running knoppmyth with krayzie installed?

First off, wrong forum.

2nd off, from what i understand, knoppmyth will not load on an xbox, you are looking for myth-TV.  though i haven't kept up with this
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lawdawg0931 on March 23, 2006, 08:39:00 PM
Completed the Softmod with Krayzie v1.1 MA exploit, and all went super! Thanks a million Krayzie!  I am now trying to get the rescue disc completed just in case. I copied the original contents of C: from E:/backups into the rescue disc folder for C. I also put copies of the TData & UData into their folders as well. Placed a copy of Evox into the dashboard folder and used Quix to create the .iso. My question is what do I do with the Eeprom folder (E:/backups/eeprom)? Is that strickly for backup purposes & it doesn't belong on the .iso? Sorry but I don't understand exactly.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 23, 2006, 10:21:00 PM
you need to copy the eeprom  to your pc and keep it safe. the eeprom backup can be very helpfull if other things don't work anymore. You could for example use it with xboxhdm to rebuild your hd at any time without the need of hotswapping.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 24, 2006, 08:47:00 AM
QUOTE(vogel08 @ Mar 24 2006, 03:41 PM) View Post

Knoppmyth is a frontend that connects to my mythtv running on my linux box.  My question isn't really about how to run knoppmyth, it is how to run an .iso file.  When ever I try running a dvd with an iso file, the dashboard says it cannot read it.  I just want to know if loading a program from an iso is possible and if so, how do I do it.  Thanks,

you are aware you have to burn the iso as an image right and not as a data disc? anyway for backup/iso problems go to the backups/isos forum
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 24, 2006, 09:25:00 AM
If you burn an image to a disc it's no longer an iso. Burning discs or accessing them is the same on every type of mod. What you installed is totally irrelevant
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 24, 2006, 12:14:00 PM
QUOTE(vogel08 @ Mar 24 2006, 06:41 AM) View Post

Knoppmyth is a frontend that connects to my mythtv running on my linux box.  My question isn't really about how to run knoppmyth, it is how to run an .iso file.  When ever I try running a dvd with an iso file, the dashboard says it cannot read it.  I just want to know if loading a program from an iso is possible and if so, how do I do it.  Thanks,

Again, the actual questions are as follows:

1. Is Knoppmyth an Xbox executble file (.xbe)?
2. Are you attempting to RUN a disc with a file on it that is named "InsertNameHere.ISO"?
3. Are you formatting the disc above for the xbox?

it *SOUNDS* like you are mixing up your terms, which is a cause for confusion.

an ISO is an IMAGE file.  When you burn the IMAGE to disc, the files CONTAINED in the image file get burnt in the way that the image was formatted.

When you burn the IMAGE FILE to disc, the IMAGE FILE gets burnt as a DATA (ISO 9660) disc.  You would open the directory on the disc and see "InsertNameHere.ISO" instead of the files contained in the image.

So, to solve all your problems:

1. If Knoppmyth is not an xbox executable file (.xbe), don't bother attempting to run it.  You've already failed.
2. If you are burning a disc and you can read that disc in the PC and see "InserNameHere.ISO" instead of "KnoppmythXboxProgram.xbe" (that was an example), then you have created a DATA disc.  Start over and burn the image with Alcohol to prevent this mistake.
3. If you burn the disc with Alcohol and find the xbox won't read it, then give up on that file.  your ISO image file is NOT meant for use in the xbox.  You'll have to format it using Qwix.


Krayzie's Installer is about softmodding the xbox itself, NOT about running programs on a softmodded box.  You are confusing yourself, and in the process confusing others.  Stop what you are doing and go back to the main forums.  Look for topics that match what you are asking about (backup creation, programs that run on the xbox, Dashboard forums that tell you if a dashboard can "read and iso file", etc).

If none of this makes any sense to you, please go back to the Newbies forum.

QUOTE(vogel08 @ Mar 24 2006, 08:29 AM) View Post

I am aware that I have to burn it as an iso image, which I have.  I probably have been though every tutorial there is on softmoding an xbox.  I have found instruction on reading an iso image with every linux softmode hack install beside krayzie installer.  I just want to know how to read an iso image with this installer package.

Okay, burning ISO files has NOTHING to do with Krayzie's Installer.

In fact, Krayzie's installer has NOTHING to do with READING ISO files.  That would be up to the program you are attempting to read the iso from, most likely the Dashboard you have chosen.

ISO - Internation Standards Organization
ISO File - a SINGLE file that acts like an IMAGE of a Disc that can be burnt using Nero or Alcohol to produce a Disc that would have MANY files on it.  YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BURN THE ISO *FILE* TO THE DISC, BUT RATHER TO BURN THE ISO *IMAGE* TO THE DISC!!!


1. I have these files:

Game 2.file

2. I create and ISO of those files.  The file is named Game.iso, and now in that folder i have this:


Wrong Way
3. I burn the "Game.iso" file to a disc by dragging and dropping to Nero.  I can also add my MP3 Collection:


4. I choose "Burn" in Nero and when i put the disc in, i get directory like this:


This is what it sounds like you are trying to do!!!

Right Way
3. I burn the Game.iso image to a disc using Alcohol or Image Wizard or DVD Decrypter.  I can't add any extra files.


4b. I choose Burn in Alcohol and get a disc that has a directory like this:

Game 2.file

This is what you are supposed to get


Create or Select the iso to burn.
Make certain you know what the image is supposed to run on (xbox iso images have to be formulated in a special way)
Using Alcohol, choose BURNING WIZARD.
Select your ISO FILE
BURN away.  Be sure to use DVD-R media for best compatiblity with the Xbox.

upon completion, if your ISO file was meant for the xbox, the xbox will load the disc.  If it wasn't, you need to go back to burning school.


If the iso image is supposed to be dvd movie, i have found that Xbox Media Center can play ISO files directly.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 24, 2006, 12:29:00 PM
Double posted
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lawdawg0931 on March 25, 2006, 06:33:00 AM
Installed DVDx2 through the extras disc & am having a question regarding parental settings. Sorry, I'm sure this has been covered - I saw many posted questions, but no good answers. Every disc I put in gives me a parental settings warning. It asks if I want to play - yes or no. How can I get rid of this annoying screen please. Also, XBMC seems to have trouble reading DVD movies as well. It has a Samsung drive, which usually is the better one to have. Is this specific to the non-chipped xbox vs chipped?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 25, 2006, 07:07:00 AM
both the parental settings or dvd playback have nothing to do with certain installer or softmods in general.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ndure protagonist on March 25, 2006, 11:02:00 AM
QUOTE(lawdawg0931 @ Mar 25 2006, 06:40 AM) View Post

Installed DVDx2 through the extras disc & am having a question regarding parental settings. Sorry, I'm sure this has been covered - I saw many posted questions, but no good answers. Every disc I put in gives me a parental settings warning. It asks if I want to play - yes or no. How can I get rid of this annoying screen please. Also, XBMC seems to have trouble reading DVD movies as well. It has a Samsung drive, which usually is the better one to have. Is this specific to the non-chipped xbox vs chipped?
Maybe try for useful information about Xbox parental control...

Seriously, sometimes it even finds helpful posts at this site that X-S's pathetic google search filters out!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 26, 2006, 12:09:00 AM
from google:

Reset parental controls:
Go to "Settings" and highlight the "Parental Control" option. Press X, Y, L, X, at the passcode screen to reset the parental control setting to the default value.

Move screen:
Press Y + X at the start up screen and it will move around slightly and again to reverse it.
Michael Derry berry.

Starfield display:
Note: This trick requires the DVD playback kit. When the music is stopped or paused, a small starfield-style display will appear in the jewel that plays with the music. To zoom in on this, press Info. Then, press Stop or Pause. After the lights fade, the starfield will be in full screen.

In-game reset:
Hold Start + Back for about three seconds.

Hidden FMV sequence:
Insert an audio CD. Stop the CD when it begins playing at the CD player screen. Press B, select "Copy", then press A. Use the "Select All" option, then press A. Use the "Copy" option and create a new soundtrack. Enter <<Eggsßox>> as a name. Select "Done" and press A to view a hidden "Thank You!" FMV sequence.

Insert an audio CD, then stop the CD when it begins playing at the CD player screen. Press B, then select "Copy" and press A. Choose the "Select All" option, then press A and select the "Copy" option. Create a new soundtrack and enter <> as a name. Select "Done" and press A.
K. Kaiser.

Bonus video:
Place any Xbox game in a standard DVD player to view a short video about the disc.
christian fleming.

View music animations:
Insert a music CD and play it on the music screen. When the music plays, you can see an animation in the jewel (that plays with the music). To make this full screen, press Y then press X. To return to the track selection, press any other button.
XboxVictim, Boyoben, and Jlr0103.

Note: You can make the jewel full screen when using the DVD remote by pressing Info.

Hear voices:
When the dash is started, leave it alone for a short time. The screen will eventually get dark, and you will begin to hear sounds. One of these is an electronic voice.

Music control:
To replay the current track of a song, press White. To skip to the next song, press Black.

Xbox Live information and settings:
Note: This only applies if you have Xbox Live. In the Xbox Dashboard, go to "Settings", then to "Network", and choose "Connect" so that it tests your connection. When it is finished, press Y to view the information about your connection the Live network. You can also press Black to save your network settings so that you can bring them with you on a memory unit.

Xbox Live upload performance:
Adjusting the MTU settings on your router may give you a better upload rate. Go to your set up page and adjust the MTU setting to 1490. This is found on the filter settings on most routers. MS recommends a setting of at least 1460. Raising it to 1490, then selecting apply and making sure it is enabled should increase your upload speed. Turn off your computer and power down the modem then the router, in that order. Wait for 60 to 90 seconds then plug in the modem and wait until it goes through the boot up process. Then, power up your router and turn on your computer. You should only have to do this one time. Then, go to the connect test on your Xbox and see if the upload has increased.
K. Kaiser.

Playing burned music discs:
Burn music onto a CD-RW (not a CD-R) disc, and close the session when you burn the CD. Place it in your Xbox and rip away.
Corey DeGrandchamp.

Note: This also works with .MP3 files. The Xbox can store .MP3s and replay them later and saves a lot of space when compared to the .WAV files that are standard on audio discs.
iwosc etm, u ip, aabnELBOE.

Console name:
Each Xbox console has a "name" assigned to it at the time of manufacture. To view the name of your system, play Halo link it to another Xbox and choose a linked play party. The Xboxs will have names above their symbols in the pre-game stat screen. To change your name, play challenge mode in Dead Or Alive 3. Successfully complete challenge mode and you will be prompted to enter a record name. Enter the name that you wish to change your pre-assigned Xbox name to. This will now be the title your Xbox is referred to during linked play. Note: Although you cannot delete a name, you can change it again. Keep playing a mode where you can enter a "nickname" in Dead Or Alive 3 and get it to the top of the list.
Alex, Henry Soto, Peltz, and Kevin Fruth.

To see your Xbox name easily, start Halo, go into multi-player mode, choose "Split Screen", "Profile", and "Location". After all that is done, there will be a screen that reads "Waiting for more players". The picture of the Xbox is directly above your profile name, and above your picture will be a word. That word will be used as your name when XBox goes online. This works best when there is only one controller plugged into the Xbox, so the multi-player game will not start before you see your name.
Jesse Rogers.

To change the name on your Xbox you can also use Cel Damage. When you enter a valid cheat code in the game, it will also change the name of your Xbox (for example, ENCHILADA!).
ted and cody hobbins.

To change the name on your Xbox you can also use Moto GP. Your Xbox will be renamed to the profile name used in that game.

To change the name on your Xbox you can also use Return To Castle Wolfenstein. Create an Xbox Live! nickname (you do not have to actually sign up or use it), and that entry will now be your Xbox's name.

Progressive Scan Dashboard:
Note: This requires the Tsunami Xbox Live! update, a high definition monitor, and the High Definition AV pack. Enable the 480p resolution option in the Xbox's video settings. Then press L + R + click Left Analog-stick + click Right Analog-stick to switch at the Dashboard to switch to a progressive scan display.

Reformat hard drive:
Note: Reformatting the hard drive will delete all of your saved games and soundtracks. Go to "Settings" then "System Info". Then, press Y, Left Analog-stick Up, Left Analog-stick Down, X, A.
Michael A. Valenzuela.

Use headset with cellphone:
You can plug your Xbox Live headset into some cellphones and use it as a hands free device. This may not work for every brand, but can be done with Nextel models.
joe millionair.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lawdawg0931 on March 26, 2006, 07:23:00 PM
Well now....don't I just feel like an ass!

But thanks anyways
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 31, 2006, 02:47:00 PM
Hey krayzie, et al.

Alright, i made the jump to an x3 chip, but i only did it for the X3CP, X3IR, and flubber changes.  i really won't be using anything else on the chip at all....which means that i want it to run the softmod by default.

I have run into a problem, and i'm not sure where to go with it....when the chip is enabled, i can not get it to run the dashboard.

does anyone have any ideas/instructions to get an X3CE to work with NDure by default?  i figure that i'd have to make some changes and probably flash a different (stock?) bios to one of the chip banks, but haven't figured it out yet.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 31, 2006, 09:15:00 PM
yeah Ndure only works with stock bioses. So you would have to change the bootlogo from a stock bios. Good luck with it  biggrin.gif .
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: cerealkillajme on March 31, 2006, 09:29:00 PM
I replied how to do it here,

But Krayzie is still right. When you boot a modded bios it removes the feature's of Ndure. You would also not be able to try to get on live either. When your booting modded your using the X3 bios. But you will still be able to boot to the dashboard if you set it up in X3 Config Live. You will also only be able to set it up to boot with quicklaunch only. X3 bios does not support booting from subdirectories.

You could just use Slayers Auto Installer and do a full install with EvoX on C:\evoxdash.xbe and then go into your X3 Config Live and set the dash to boot from C and set the dash name up for "evoxdash.xbe" and then you will boot EvoX. If you do go with Slayers though, make sure you remove Krayzies Installer, when you boot with the chip off his mod will kick in again.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 31, 2006, 09:34:00 PM
yeah like sugested it may be wiser to just get rid of the installer and let your custom hacked bios boot your dash (you could even edit the bios to boot e:\dashboard\default.xbe). No need for an exploit when you have a chip.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on April 01, 2006, 11:38:00 AM
Well, when i run with the mod off, i want the installer to be there still.  that part works just fine.  i guess all i really need is a way to run the dashboard differently (maybe a copy of the dashboard in E or F), and still find some way to utilize the shadowC drive.  i'll look at the other replies in a minute, the server was down last night

thanx all


Here is what i posted in the mod forum:

I guess what i need is the Soft mod installed for ShadowC and my current setup to remain intact and functional, only with the benefits of the chip, which for me are only superficial....color changing, the LCD screen enabled, the USB enabled, and the IR port.

i figure that i'd have several boot options.....

1 for retail 1.4 (which i hope will lead to krayzie's NDure Installer being able to work correctly, with the LCD on)
1 for retail 1.6 (which i hope will lead to krayzie's NDure Installer being able to work correctly, with the LCD on)
1 bank with the best bios available for the chip in 1.0 - 1.5
1 bank with the best bios available for the chip in 1.6
1 for the flashbios
Possibly 1 for linux?

If i can set the chip up this way, i'd be REALLY happy.  the chip's primary purpose was to add the CP, IR, and LCD screen to my 128mb 1.4.  The Chip's secondary purpose was to use to repair other systems.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on April 03, 2006, 01:29:00 PM
if the msdash was working prior to the install it should work from the evox link. If it isn't just replace the C with the msdash files and it works. Make sure the virtual C is active though (there isn't a red led)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Torrean on April 03, 2006, 06:23:00 PM
Ok, first of all, great softmod, I got rid of the horrible SID 2.0. My questions are:

1. This isn't prone to clock loop, is it?
2. If I get rid of Dongle-free DVD player, will it make it so I can use the remote? My parents don't like using the controller.
3. I just FTP the Extras folder to XBOX, right?

Thanks again for your work, UnleashX and your softmod rock!!!!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on April 03, 2006, 06:50:00 PM
QUOTE(Torrean @ Apr 3 2006, 05:30 PM) View Post

Ok, first of all, great softmod, I got rid of the horrible SID 2.0. My questions are:

1. This isn't prone to clock loop, is it?
2. If I get rid of Dongle-free DVD player, will it make it so I can use the remote? My parents don't like using the controller.
3. I just FTP the Extras folder to XBOX, right?

Thanks again for your work, UnleashX and your softmod rock!!!!

Clock loop is a thing of the past

You can still use the remote if you want.  You can change settings in UnleashX.xml to change the default DVD player to the MSDashboard or to XBox Media Center.  you may even be able to use the remote in DVDX, but i haven't looked into it yet.

Yes, you can just FTP over the Extras Folder.  I put it under E:\Apps\Extras
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Mitch_s_s on April 06, 2006, 01:07:00 PM
i cant find this you know..... unsure.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: cerealkillajme on April 06, 2006, 01:20:00 PM
QUOTE(Mitch_s_s @ Apr 6 2006, 08:14 PM) View Post

i cant find this you know..... unsure.gif

We don't know what your talking about you know....  huh.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: LycoLoco on April 11, 2006, 05:49:00 PM
Hey all, I've run into a bit of a problem. Using version 1.0 of the Krayzie Softmod, I seem to have messed up something. I have gotten an error 13 and can no longer launch the dashboard. I'm not sure what to do at this point, and I'm not sure what screwed up. Everything looked like it worked, but then when I rebooted for the package to work with the Shadow C, it gave me error 13. Anyone have any ideas?

Edit: Looks like I could get back into the game, which is a plus. At this point, should I remove the softmod or restore MSDash or what? Thanks for the help!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: LycoLoco on April 11, 2006, 06:59:00 PM
Ok, I got the softmod installed, but now my C:\ drive is completely empty. What could have caused that, and what files were in there that I might need? I know that the MS Dash is stored there, but what else that is necessary?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on April 11, 2006, 10:41:00 PM
QUOTE(LycoLoco @ Apr 12 2006, 03:06 AM) View Post

Ok, I got the softmod installed, but now my C:\ drive is completely empty. What could have caused that, and what files were in there that I might need? I know that the MS Dash is stored there, but what else that is necessary?

just ftp over standard msdash files (make sure your led isn't red when you do this) I guess you formatted your C and then used a minimum install to install the softmod which leaves an empty virtual C)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on April 12, 2006, 03:16:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Mar 31 2006, 09:41 PM) View Post

yeah like sugested it may be wiser to just get rid of the installer and let your custom hacked bios boot your dash (you could even edit the bios to boot e:\dashboard\default.xbe). No need for an exploit when you have a chip.

I don't really want to be rid of the installer....i like how clean it is (no need for dashboard files in the root), and i LOVE the virtual eeprom and shadowC features.

i'll probably have to do a little lookin into my own NDure installation at some point, though i think most of the problem i'm having is with the chip/bios
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on April 12, 2006, 04:43:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Apr 12 2006, 02:23 AM) View Post

I don't really want to be rid of the installer....i like how clean it is (no need for dashboard files in the root), and i LOVE the virtual eeprom and shadowC features.

i'll probably have to do a little lookin into my own NDure installation at some point, though i think most of the problem i'm having is with the chip/bios

I just totally ranted about my frustrations with the chip, and with some of the people in the scene.  It seems to obvious to me, i can't understand why no one else can see it.

the security of the soft mod mixed with the added "goodies" and security features of a mod chip.  Unless NKPatcher has a way to change the color of the animation sequence, the only  way to get that last lil bit of yummy halo 2 blue xbox goodness is by installing a bios that supports it.  The only way to use an LCD is to use a bios that supports it.  And if you are like me, you want it all.....Shadow C, virtual Eeprom, locked or unlocked drives, Xbox Live blocking, xbox live compatibility by simply coldbooting, custom flubber animations, clean root directories....the list goes on and on.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on April 12, 2006, 01:10:00 PM
you can put them in E:\backups\cbackup\ as well if you plan to use the installers restore option.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Jaxter on April 13, 2006, 07:20:00 PM
Anyone else starting to Krayzies threads seem to get quite long? tongue.gif
Its a nightmare trying to find a problem with that dreadful search we've got.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Blue_Dawg on April 22, 2006, 01:08:00 PM

Just wanted to say thanks for making this installer and to all the other who posted fixes before I even had to ask how. I was a little frustrated at first just because there are so many ways of getting this to the xbox and none of the attempts seemed to work for me. All I wanted this for was to use XBMC. Finally after getting it to the xbox the process was a snap. I'm a total n00b and it was flawless. Even had to use the fix for loading the extras and worked like a charm. Keep up the good work and I look forward to the next update, if there is ever one.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on April 22, 2006, 01:29:00 PM
QUOTE(Blue_Dawg @ Apr 22 2006, 09:15 PM) View Post

Keep up the good work and I look forward to the next update, if there is ever one.

Expect a minor update soon.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on April 25, 2006, 09:05:00 PM
QUOTE(majo2000 @ Apr 26 2006, 12:15 AM) View Post

Hi i have a little Question :

Is it Possblie to modify the Bios that is included in the Softmod ? Wich Application  i Need from xbins ?
Because i want no bootscrenn ,no DVD Authentification ,and i want my Air Cooler @ 50% .
I have a 1.6 Xbox Version.

Is it Possible ? =)

PS : Great Work !!! cannot disable or edit anything from the bootscreen with softmods. You also cannot disable the dvd check. You can however edit your fan speed in the bios using the extras customization option
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on April 26, 2006, 10:27:00 AM
QUOTE(majo2000 @ Apr 26 2006, 12:36 PM) View Post

Thx for Reply =)
And can i also put an EvoxM8 Bios in the Package and softmod it with the M8 Bios ?

It's possible in theory but not really easy. Anyway to clear some up. This package does not use a bios loader and does not load any bios. It patches your existing bios to do exactly what all hacked bioses do and more. If you would load the m8 bios you would take a big step downwards. In fact whenever you acces the extras or the save (when the led turns red) you load a evox m8 bios. Do you have a special need for the m8 bios or something or is it just something you heard of?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on April 26, 2006, 11:57:00 AM
If you wanna change the bootlogo you need to flash the tsop. if you want information about tsop flashing go to the tsop flashing forums.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: thanosx on April 27, 2006, 07:27:00 AM
GOT one quick question . I installed the mod on a brand new xbox and want to create a new xbox live account. Would i have to get the dualboot method working or can i go straight to the ms dash from the unleash x dash and would i have change the nk patcher? i did basic install with the 5960 dash and left the nk patcher to the one the basic install gives?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on April 27, 2006, 08:40:00 AM
you could use the dual live dash option or switch the softmod off using the 1.1.1 update kit. You cannot enter live from the unleashx linked msdash
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: blankpage03 on April 28, 2006, 12:20:00 AM
I have been searching all over and haven't been able to find out how you exit a game and go back to the dash.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: majo2000 on April 28, 2006, 07:00:00 AM
Press left trigger ,right trigger , select and start    together with your joypad...
that makes an reset...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: torne on April 28, 2006, 07:10:00 AM
It's Left+Right triggers, Back and Black, actually wink.gif The IGR functionality is added by nkpatcher.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on April 28, 2006, 08:18:00 AM
both of you are right. I though you could even do L+R+back+white and that only resets the game or something
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: rocky5 on April 28, 2006, 10:49:00 AM

2. resets to dashboard.

3. loads the disc that is in the drive or resets to the dashboard if no disc is in the drive.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: bergkampf on May 01, 2006, 07:34:00 AM
Does the 1.1 version only work with dashboard 5960 or also with the older versions? thx smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on May 01, 2006, 07:55:00 AM
QUOTE(bergkampf @ May 1 2006, 03:41 PM) View Post

Does the 1.1 version only work with dashboard 5960 or also with the older versions? thx smile.gif

basic install only works with 5960. minimum install works with all versions. As you know an upgrade to 5960 is simple though.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on May 02, 2006, 09:14:00 PM
Folders used by ndure on E are:

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on May 02, 2006, 09:27:00 PM
No the other backup folder is probably a left over from a previous mod. You just need the one with the "s"
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on May 06, 2006, 04:41:00 AM
QUOTE(Abecedarian @ May 6 2006, 03:28 AM) View Post

I'm going to be (soft)modding my Xbox for the first time soon and am looking to use your "Krayzie_SC-PAL_Ndure_Installer_v1.1" on my cherished Splinter Cell via a memory card (PC -> USB -> Controller -> Memory card), but the card is only 8 meg. The extracted install .zip is 15 meg. How am I meant to utilize it? It will just fit if I leave out the Extra's folder. Can I do that?

Also, if I have a 5960 version dashboard, is this the ONLY requirement needed to utilize the basic install feature?
Is this file the only one I'll need to softmod my Xbox to a state where I can boot up, do X, Y, Z, and end up in a modded dashboard? This sounds too damn good to be true.

Did you read ANY of the readme files in-cluded?

1. Unzip the package
2. Update the package
3. Copy both files to memory card one at a time
4. Copy both files to xbox one at a time
5. Mod
6. Back to PC, read the readme files to create an Extras disc and a rescue disc
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: QFT on May 06, 2006, 11:06:00 AM
First off, thank you for creating something so amazing for us. That's just awesome.

My problem: I don't have an Xbox Live account but I want to use this. It says my dashboard isn't up-to-date. I don't want to drop $50 for an XBL account. How can I update the dashboard?

Edit: never mind, I figured it out myself smile.gif I had no idea it would work even without a Live subscription. Thanks so much again
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lazyilmaz on May 06, 2006, 12:14:00 PM
Did you read ANY of the readme files in-cluded?

1. Unzip the package
2. Update the package Update???
3. Copy both files to memory card one at a time The problem is that I can't acces my memory card from FTP
4. Copy both files to xbox one at a time Do I have to upload the folder and the zip file? both in the same dir? could you be a little bit more specific please?
5. Mod
6. Back to PC, read the readme files to create an Extras disc and a rescue disc

And also there are to save games for SC, which one should I use?

thanks for the help : )
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Abecedarian on May 06, 2006, 04:11:00 PM
QUOTE(lazyilmaz @ May 7 2006, 04:21 AM) View Post

Hi krayzie, thank you for creating this tool smile.gif

I'm a little bit confused with the install process. This is what a already did:

- Made an USB cable to connect my USB adapter to Xbox (Works)
- Connected an already modded xbox to my pc to transfer the files to the stick.

Now here's what I don't understand
And also there are to save games for SC, which one should I use?

thanks for the help : )

Okay, so the file is going across the network to your computer, then to your controller which is plugged into your computer, then to the memory card which is plugged into the controller? Why not just put it on a memory stick from the modded Xbox without bothering with FTP and such? Maybe I read you wrong, I dunno.

Two savegames for SC? You're probably looking at the PAL and NTSC versions. If you're in Aussieland, Britland etc. you'll want PAL, if you're in Amerika you'll be wanting NTSC. Better check specifically if you don't fall into those categories.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on May 06, 2006, 04:26:00 PM
QUOTE(Abecedarian @ May 6 2006, 03:18 PM) View Post

Okay, so the file is going across the network to your computer, then to your controller which is plugged into your computer, then to the memory card which is plugged into the controller? Why not just put it on a memory stick from the modded Xbox without bothering with FTP and such? Maybe I read you wrong, I dunno.

Two savegames for SC? You're probably looking at the PAL and NTSC versions. If you're in Aussieland, Britland etc. you'll want PAL, if you're in Amerika you'll be wanting NTSC. Better check specifically if you don't fall into those categories.

No, There are 1 SC saves.  the Linux installer save and the SC exploited profile.  both have to be on the system in order to use SC as your install disc.

QUOTE(Abecedarian @ May 6 2006, 03:55 AM) View Post

My bad, I thought I did but must have missed that. Sorry for the ignorance, but what do you mean by 'update the package'? I can't see anything in the readme files.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on May 06, 2006, 04:42:00 PM
QUOTE(lazyilmaz @ May 6 2006, 11:21 AM) View Post

Hi krayzie, thank you for creating this tool smile.gif

I'm a little bit confused with the install process. This is what a already did:

- Made an USB cable to connect my USB adapter to Xbox (Works)
- Connected an already modded xbox to my pc to transfer the files to the stick.

Now here's what I don't understand

Did you read ANY of the readme files in-cluded?

1. Unzip the package
2. Update the package Update???
3. Copy both files to memory card one at a time The problem is that I can't acces my memory card from FTP
4. Copy both files to xbox one at a time Do I have to upload the folder and the zip file? both in the same dir? could you be a little bit more specific please?
5. Mod
6. Back to PC, read the readme files to create an Extras disc and a rescue disc

And also there are to save games for SC, which one should I use?

thanks for the help : )

Not sure what you did with the USB Adapter, but alright.  If the xbox sees the files the way you are doing it, great.  My instructions were really there for people who use the Memory card and controller to do this.

you have to use the Action Replay software or similar program to put both save games on your memory card.  The memory cards/action replay cards are too small to handle both save games at once, which was why there are 2 seperate save games.  Both are needed.

2. Look in this post or in krayzie's signature for the updates.
3. Why do you need FTP access to your memory card?????  What did you read before you attempted this???
4. YOU don't have to upload anything.  The action replay software will do it for you.  Otherwise, you'll have to unzip the file and place the UDATA folder that's in it on to E:\
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on May 06, 2006, 11:05:00 PM
QUOTE(hackre @ May 6 2006, 08:55 PM) View Post

Hi Krayzie,

I cannot connect to live any more...I was able to do that, but yesterday I inserted halo2 and chose load dvd from unleash x, and tried to play live and then failed to connect.  After that I can't connect any more.  I am afraid I got banned again (I have changed my eeprom once).  Do you think it is possible?

BTW, what is the difference between 1.1 and 1.0?  I have 1.0 installed long time ago.

You *CAN'T* connect to live with krayzie's mod from UnleashX.  if you are using krayzie's, you couldn't have gotten on live before.

Live access is done via cold boot.  Stick your game in the dvd, turn the system off, turn it back on.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on May 10, 2006, 03:17:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ May 9 2006, 08:52 PM) *

I don't know how the app works. I know some linux kernels also delimit the ram so I guess the bios/kernel needs to be altered/patched.

You are ofcourse free to do what you want with the package. Maybe I'm doing some other minor updates later on and I'm thinking I will release it complete and officially when they all done.

Well, i have to find the right person to talk to.....normally i'd expect NDure Protagonist to have chimed in with an idea or 2 by now.  There are several things i'd like to know....does NKPatcher patch the bios as it's loading (flubber) or afterwards.    if it's before, it's theoretically possible to set it so that the patch can change the color of the flubber, or possibly even enable LCD screens....which, if it happened, i'd get rid of my chip.

but i degress.  my main operating mode is chip on while i'm home, chip off otherwise.  The main uses of the system are for running emulators and xbmc.  i want to make sure i can use all my ram, so if you got ANY idea as to why a program that has the ability to see 128mb can't see it (i think bios limited, perhaps nkpatcher needs a tweak), please let me know.  would love to hear anyone else who runs softmodded and has a 128mb upgrade.

Can you tell me where in your installer is each copy of UnleashX?

thanx much
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on May 10, 2006, 08:57:00 AM
The exploit kicks in when xboxdash.xbe loads it's fonts. Then nkpatcher is launched and the kernel is patched. The bios boots to xboxdash.xbe so there is no way to edit anything before xboxdash.xbe loads (including the bootlogo).

And like I said before the ram is probably limited inside the kernel. If you find the app that is normally used to delimit it or maybe a bios that supports all 128 mb and you show it to xman then maybe he can implement it in nkpatcher.

And there is only one unleashx in my package. It's in the main folder named unleashx.xbe

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Ravenmx74 on May 10, 2006, 02:22:00 PM
You´re rigth A Murder of Crows, I upgraded both and are working fine.
Now I have a different problem that I see in both, but in mine are more obvius. I don´t know if are problem of hardware or what.
Games like Fifa06 looks like have a little freeze in certain parts of the game (even playing with my original games), I think I got to ask this in the hardware forum.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on May 10, 2006, 02:48:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ May 10 2006, 07:28 AM) *

The exploit kicks in when xboxdash.xbe loads it's fonts. Then nkpatcher is launched and the kernel is patched. The bios boots to xboxdash.xbe so there is no way to edit anything before xboxdash.xbe loads (including the bootlogo).

And like I said before the ram is probably limited inside the kernel. If you find the app that is normally used to delimit it or maybe a bios that supports all 128 mb and you show it to xman then maybe he can implement it in nkpatcher.

And there is only one unleashx in my package. It's in the main folder named unleashx.xbe

I found the app in the Usual Places, under Dev.  i'll pass it to xman if i can.  thanx for the heads, which xman do i pass it to??  there seems to be 14 of them lol

So....the default.xbe that is used as the first menu in the installer isn't UnleashX?  Same for the Extras?  I was going to go thru the whole package and use the newest UnleashX version, if for no other reason than because it was slightly smaller.

This post has been edited by A Murder of Crows: May 10 2006, 10:01 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: esskater9515 on May 10, 2006, 05:32:00 PM
i have a problem that seems strange    

somehow i f-ed using the installer and managed to completely not allow ms dash to load at all through unleashx menu or even deleting the entire mod    

from wut i was tolld and understand is the only option is to copy original C: files back(i used files in slayers) and delete the old, and deleting all of e: except for udata and tdata  

i did this and it booted me to an unleashx dash with only launch dvd tab, if i use the gamesave exploit it acts as if the mod is still on the harddrive(which it might be) and it will not allow me to remove because there is no backup of C: on E:(since i deleted it)    

idk wut the hell to do now, since i cant ftp nemore and ms dash will not run and i have no way of even putting evox or unleash x back    

seems odd that the original files will not boot ms dash when all files r present.....obviously im missing something huge here   please some1 help!!!!!

This post has been edited by esskater9515: May 11 2006, 12:35 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: esskater9515 on May 10, 2006, 06:17:00 PM
could it possibly be because i wasnt supposed to delte the dashboard folder in e:??   this seems like a problem noone else has had because i am new to this stuff, altho i have read for HOURS, and have not found nething similar so if ne1 can tell me, its be greatly appreciated (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on May 10, 2006, 10:11:00 PM
@esskater9515: yeah you deleted your dashboard. You can still ftp to fix it. If your settings don't match just change them. Or optionally you can use the rescue disc to restore your dash.

@A Murder of Crows: there is only one unleashx inside each folder (gamesave installer, Extras and Rescue disc. Within those folder various parts and xml's are copied/renamed to make the menu look different throughout and after the installation. And I would pass it to the xman that made the latest nkpatcher additions. You will probably have the biggest chance with him.

This post has been edited by krayzie: May 11 2006, 05:12 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: esskater9515 on May 11, 2006, 12:18:00 AM
hey thankx for the help guys...i figured it all out all right    for some reason when i deleted the c: and parts of e:, they were restored once i rebooted my box     very odd    then about 2 or 3 hours later i was able to connect and ftp again   idk y it wouldnt let me connect before....somethin f-ed up happened     but i just redid the steps i took and it saved the replaced C: and e: the second time for some reason
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: clueo8 on May 11, 2006, 02:06:00 PM
Is there anyway to change the basic install to default to nkpatcher.06, rather then nkpatcher.67 (so you don't have to do this after the installation)?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on May 13, 2006, 11:15:00 AM
QUOTE(clueo8 @ May 11 2006, 12:37 PM) *

Is there anyway to change the basic install to default to nkpatcher.06, rather then nkpatcher.67 (so you don't have to do this after the installation)?

I would say no.  the default nkpatcher is set to .067 for a reason.  this is to protect newbies from hard drive corruption.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on May 13, 2006, 12:25:00 PM
Actually you can. I just defaulted it to 67 because of the countless questions from newbies on what type of nkpatcher to take.
To default it to 06 just grab 06.xbe out of extras\files\nkpatcher\ and put it in your gamesave's files\nkpatcher folder and rename it to default.xbe replacing the existing one. Remember to rar back up the files folder after the replacement
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on May 13, 2006, 12:28:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ May 13 2006, 10:56 AM) *

Actually you can. I just defaulted it to 67 because of the countless questions from newbies on what type of nkpatcher to take.
To default it to 06 just grab 06.xbe out of extras\files\nkpatcher\ and put it in your gamesave's files\nkpatcher folder and rename it to default.xbe replacing the existing one. Remember to rar back up the files folder after the replacement

Perhaps i mis-understood the question...i thought he was asking if YOU would re-release the package so that it defaulted to 0.6 instead. time i need to Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on May 13, 2006, 12:33:00 PM
Well yeah another reason to default it to 67 is that it is compatible on all hd sizes and .06 usually has a 250 gb limit so I personally would not release it defaulted to 06
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: to819 on May 16, 2006, 04:38:00 PM
OK, I installed everything no problem.  But then I went to access it through FTP and it connects but nothing loads on the FTP program (flash fxp), so I swithced to smart ftp and got the same error.  This wasn't the first time I've ftp'ed into my box and I couldn't figure it out so I thought I'd ask for help.  Here is what I see:

SmartFTP v1.5.990.11
    Resolving host name ""
    Connecting to Port: 21
    Connected to
220 Please enter your login name now.
    USER xbox
331 Password required for xbox.
    PASS (hidden)
230 User xbox logged in , proceed.
215 UNIX Type: L8
502 feat is not implemented.
    TYPE I
200 Type set to IMAGE.
    REST 0
502 rest is not implemented.
257 "/" is current directory
502 pasv is not implemented.
    Automatic failover of data connection mode from "Passive Mode (PASV)" to "Active Mode (PORT)".
    PORT 192,168,2,2,18,128

Then it proceeds to timeout.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on May 16, 2006, 05:01:00 PM
Nothing you are decribing seems to have anything to do with Krayzie's installer.  check out the networking/FTP guides and the Unleashx/EvoX forums
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on June 17, 2006, 01:47:00 AM
QUOTE(decadent @ Jun 17 2006, 08:12 AM) View Post

I previously used xboxhdm+UDE and had evox installed. If now I use Krayzie's Ndure installer, what installation option should I use? Will it affect all the files in F: and G:?

Sorry if someone has asked same question, the topic is too long, didn't check all the previous posts.

you could use minumum install or revert back to stock and choose basic.
It will not affect any apps and games and such
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Stryfecable on June 18, 2006, 02:17:00 PM
hi i'm really a noob at this softmodding stuff. i have a question, in this tutorial http://www.productwi...30_minutes.html     do i choose evolution or unleashed?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 18, 2006, 04:04:00 PM
QUOTE(B@k3r @ Jun 16 2006, 06:01 PM) View Post

sorry but this may have been answer but can my PAL XBOX 1.6 with K:5838.01 and D:5960.01 be softmodded with the Ndure v1.1 Installer? the 007 package without changing regions with config magic???

Yes.  The only question is what region your exploit game is from, and making sure you have the right save games for that region.

QUOTE(Stryfecable @ Jun 18 2006, 01:24 PM) View Post

hi i'm really a noob at this softmodding stuff. i have a question, in this tutorial http://www.productwi...30_minutes.html     do i choose evolution or unleashed?

That is your choice.

the page you listed gives a 404.  Not sure if this has to do with krayzie's installler or not.

I suggest you go into the Dashboard forums and read up on both EvolutionX (EvoX) and UnleashX and determine which one you'd rather use.  I picked UnleashX becase that was what Krayzie's Installer was coded in.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on June 19, 2006, 10:46:00 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 19, 2006, 05:49:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jun 19 2006, 09:53 AM) View Post



I've done some hex edit work on 5960 and DVDX as per the hex edit threads to enable Progressive Auto Select modes.  would like to know if you'd consider either as part of the next update, as well as the updated UnleasX

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on June 19, 2006, 09:49:00 PM
Hex edit 5960? What do you mean by that?
I'm always open for sugestions. This installer isn't for me but for you guys so you have to decide what you want in it or not. (I can then decide if it's reasonable or doable to do so)

So things on my todo list so far:

-hexedit  dvdx for auto progressive (have to research that)
-update unleashx
-fix the dual msdash function for friends lists and what not
-use the updated vga patches from dr oldschool
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 19, 2006, 11:19:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jun 19 2006, 08:56 PM) View Post

Hex edit 5960? What do you mean by that?
I'm always open for sugestions. This installer isn't for me but for you guys so you have to decide what you want in it or not. (I can then decide if it's reasonable or doable to do so)

So things on my todo list so far:

-hexedit  dvdx for auto progressive (have to research that)
-update unleashx
-fix the dual msdash function for friends lists and what not
-use the updated vga patches from dr oldschool

Well, i've started half this work for you smile.gif

I've got the exedit for DVDX Auto Progressive installed and working (tested on X2VGA 2 unit and SVideo), and i will be replacing the DVDX that's in your installer with it for my personal "unofficial" version of your installer, which will include some minor changes to some things, such as renaming "Basic Install" to "Full Install" and noting a difference between "Extras" and "Advanced Extras".  I look forward to you checking it out when it's done.

UnleashX will also be updated.

I also hexed MSDash 5960 for auto progressive DVD play, though i can't try it at the moment.....since i know that the installer uses MSDAsh 5960 as a base for the "Full" install, i figured that it would work out well if you wanted to use teh M$ Dash DVD Player....however i hit a snag....seems that the actual MS Dash is slightly different from what the end user has access to when choosing "Launch MS Dashboard" from the completed when i attempted to hex edit that, it failed to find the corresponding hex string, so i can only assume it's a different file than what is included with 5960.....would like to chat with you about that in PMs

take care
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on June 20, 2006, 09:40:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jun 20 2006, 07:26 AM) View Post

Well, i've started half this work for you smile.gif

I've got the exedit for DVDX Auto Progressive installed and working (tested on X2VGA 2 unit and SVideo), and i will be replacing the DVDX that's in your installer with it for my personal "unofficial" version of your installer, which will include some minor changes to some things, such as renaming "Basic Install" to "Full Install" and noting a difference between "Extras" and "Advanced Extras".  I look forward to you checking it out when it's done.

UnleashX will also be updated.

I also hexed MSDash 5960 for auto progressive DVD play, though i can't try it at the moment.....since i know that the installer uses MSDAsh 5960 as a base for the "Full" install, i figured that it would work out well if you wanted to use teh M$ Dash DVD Player....however i hit a snag....seems that the actual MS Dash is slightly different from what the end user has access to when choosing "Launch MS Dashboard" from the completed when i attempted to hex edit that, it failed to find the corresponding hex string, so i can only assume it's a different file than what is included with 5960.....would like to chat with you about that in PMs
take care

Nice sugestions,

The 5960 msdash on the virtual C when modded is just a copy of the retail msdash that was on the xbox prior to the install. The files are copied from the backup. I could do something with a prepatched xboxdash though
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Textbook on June 20, 2006, 11:46:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jun 19 2006, 07:56 PM) View Post


I've done some hex edit work on 5960 and DVDX as per the hex edit threads to enable Progressive Auto Select modes.  would like to know if you'd consider either as part of the next update, as well as the updated UnleasX


QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jun 20 2006, 01:26 AM) View Post

Well, i've started half this work for you smile.gif

I've got the exedit for DVDX Auto Progressive installed and working (tested on X2VGA 2 unit and SVideo), and i will be replacing the DVDX that's in your installer with it for my personal "unofficial" version of your installer, which will include some minor changes to some things, such as renaming "Basic Install" to "Full Install" and noting a difference between "Extras" and "Advanced Extras".  I look forward to you checking it out when it's done.

UnleashX will also be updated.

I also hexed MSDash 5960 for auto progressive DVD play, though i can't try it at the moment.....since i know that the installer uses MSDAsh 5960 as a base for the "Full" install, i figured that it would work out well if you wanted to use teh M$ Dash DVD Player....however i hit a snag....seems that the actual MS Dash is slightly different from what the end user has access to when choosing "Launch MS Dashboard" from the completed when i attempted to hex edit that, it failed to find the corresponding hex string, so i can only assume it's a different file than what is included with 5960.....would like to chat with you about that in PMs
take care

Although hex editing xbes to output in 480p works, it is kind of messy.  There is already an easier way to get automatic 480p, and it is already included in Krayzie's Ndure.  Go to the Extras and go to the customization options and you can use Dr Oldschool's "Force Progressive" patch to force 480p whenever it wants to display in 480i.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 20, 2006, 11:52:00 AM
QUOTE(Textbook @ Jun 20 2006, 10:53 AM) View Post

Although hex editing xbes to output in 480p works, it is kind of messy.  There is already an easier way to get automatic 480p, and it is already included in Krayzie's Ndure.  Go to the Extras and go to the customization options and you can use Dr Oldschool's "Force Progressive" patch to force 480p whenever it wants to display in 480i.

That isn't seemless however.  I'm not trying to "Force" progressive, i'm trying to make a proper Auto-Selection/Detection.  I have a pretty complicated setup, and depending on my needs have either of my 2 xbox systems on either an SVideo connection or a Component connection.  I suspect that if i "Force" progressive, it will break the ability to go back to SVideo on demand.

I believe that auto-selection/detection should be the standard of all xbe files and that any program not doing it is an oversight by the author.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Textbook on June 20, 2006, 07:20:00 PM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jun 20 2006, 01:59 PM) View Post

That isn't seemless however.  I'm not trying to "Force" progressive, i'm trying to make a proper Auto-Selection/Detection.  I have a pretty complicated setup, and depending on my needs have either of my 2 xbox systems on either an SVideo connection or a Component connection.  I suspect that if i "Force" progressive, it will break the ability to go back to SVideo on demand.

I believe that auto-selection/detection should be the standard of all xbe files and that any program not doing it is an oversight by the author.

Ok, but there is already an auto-switch for most things.  If you hook up to S-Video and go to the MS Dash, notice you can't change the HD settings, because they aren't even there.  The HD video settings only show when the cable in the back of the Xbox is detected as an HDTV cable.  If you have all your apps set to use 480p, and then hook up an S-Video, they see that there is no HDTV cable and therefore ignore the HD settings, right?  I use both cables and have never run into an App that runs in HDTV mode with an S-Video cable plugged in.  The Xbox itself has built-in detection of video cables.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fsuer on June 20, 2006, 08:31:00 PM
ERROR 21 screen
Redid XBoxHDM and copied fresh SC saves(Kr1.1.1) onto HDD
Booted SC, "Start", "Linux",.......... ERROR 14 blink.gif
Deleted saves, copied fresh saves again and still ERROR 14
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on June 20, 2006, 09:19:00 PM
I dunno what your trying to do. Why don't you rebuild the hd with xboxhdm
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fsuer on June 20, 2006, 09:45:00 PM
Trying: Get my WD 300GB(F & G drives) into my Xbox w/ your 1.1.1 SoftMod & UnleashX dash

Actual: Used your 1.1.1 SM on my orig system and had UnleashX dash
Installed a WD 300GB(XboxHDM) and used XBPartitioner on it.
Even though G drive was enabled, it still showed 0.00 MB free space, and didn't show up in FTP.
Went back into XBPartitioner and unselected all drives but G (170,000MB give or take)
Pressed Start then Y, said "Writing Partition" on bottom, next screen was ERROR 21
After I got the ERROR 21 screen I "Built an HD from Scratch"(w/ same CD as last time)
Deleted old saves from HDD, put new ones on
Booted SplCell, "Start", "Linux".......... ERROR 14
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 20, 2006, 11:01:00 PM
QUOTE(Textbook @ Jun 20 2006, 06:27 PM) View Post

Ok, but there is already an auto-switch for most things.  If you hook up to S-Video and go to the MS Dash, notice you can't change the HD settings, because they aren't even there.  The HD video settings only show when the cable in the back of the Xbox is detected as an HDTV cable.  If you have all your apps set to use 480p, and then hook up an S-Video, they see that there is no HDTV cable and therefore ignore the HD settings, right?  I use both cables and have never run into an App that runs in HDTV mode with an S-Video cable plugged in.  The Xbox itself has built-in detection of video cables.

It's not all about the cables.  It's about enabling the modes in the apps themselves.....for example, until i hexed it, DVDX would not play any movies in 480p.  Now, i COULD have done the "Force Progressive" patch, but then, when the box next tried to run 480i because it's supposed to, what happens to the picture?

In the end, i feel it is a better choice to try to Hex edit all the individual programs that can be so that they can actually run natively without a "Force Progressive" patch, which from what i understood, was not 100% working across all versions of xbox anyway.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 20, 2006, 11:19:00 PM
QUOTE(fsuer @ Jun 20 2006, 08:52 PM) View Post

Trying: Get my WD 300GB(F & G drives) into my Xbox w/ your 1.1.1 SoftMod & UnleashX dash

Actual: Used your 1.1.1 SM on my orig system and had UnleashX dash
Installed a WD 300GB(XboxHDM) and used XBPartitioner on it.
Even though G drive was enabled, it still showed 0.00 MB free space, and didn't show up in FTP.
Went back into XBPartitioner and unselected all drives but G (170,000MB give or take)
Pressed Start then Y, said "Writing Partition" on bottom, next screen was ERROR 21
After I got the ERROR 21 screen I "Built an HD from Scratch"(w/ same CD as last time)
Deleted old saves from HDD, put new ones on
Booted SplCell, "Start", "Linux".......... ERROR 14

Did you bother to format the G drive?  enabling it doesn't format it.

14 - dashboard - Error loading dashboard (dashboard generic error)

Same thing as above (error 13). This time it is also a little mistake from you on changing names or having played around with files on the xbox harddisk. Error 14 is most often because you changed boot orders or names of startup files on the harddisk. It can also happen when you are rebuilding your xbox harddisk with a slayer cd and the power was cut.


Use a fresh Slayer's to completely wipe the drive and get stock C 5960 on the system.  Lock the drive back to your xbox, and make sure it works.  Don't put anything else on it from that disc.

Don't bother with XBPartitioner....everything you need to make your hard drive work is included in XBoxHDM or with Krayzie's Installer, with the exception of MS Dash 5960, which you can get from Slayer's or update using Halo 2, Dead of Alive Ultimate, Jade Empire, Sid Meier's Pirates, or any other newer Live enabled game.

Remake your XBHDM disc.  Don't use a single item from before, since we don't know what may be corrupted.  This means you should redownload XBoxHDM, Slayer's, and Krayzie's Installer, and the 1.1.1 update for your exploit disc.  

Make sure you have NOTHING but stock C drive files in the C folder.

Make sure you only put in the Exploited Game Saves in the E folder under E:\UDATA

Make sure you have your proper EEPROM in the EEPROM folder.

When runnign the disc, make sure you choose option 1, 1 (from scratch), choose to setup and format F partitions and to copy over files for both E and C.

Reboot when completed and choose option 3, then "lockhd -a"

this should complete everything.

Install the drive, then follow this guide:


#1 - Basic Setup
This section tunes up your Xbox to prep for the mod.  Here, you will want to clean up your save games and choose all your settings for your favorite setups.  You should also enable HD Modes and 5.1 Audio options here to make sure that the virtual eeprom uses your favorite settings.

What you Need Here:
A) Xbox System
cool.gif Power Cable
C) XBox Controller
D) Paper and Pen/Pencil, computer with NotePad
E) TV/Monitor Cables

A) HD/Component Cables
cool.gif SVideo Cables
C) Optical Audio Cables
D) X2VGA 2
E) Home Theater Unit with Optical In (Optical Audio Cable)
F) HD TV (HD cables) or TV with SVideo In (SVideo Cables)
G) VGA PC Monitor (x2vga 2)

What To Do:
1. Hook up your xbox system with your chosen method (HD Cables, Svideo Cables, X2vga)

Optional:  If using optical sound, please make sure to read your manual about how to enable the optical ports.

2. Turn on the xbox with no game in it.  THis will take you to the MS Dashboard.  You should have video and    sound working here.  Check your manuals for your TV, x2vga, or Home Theater unit here if you don't.

3. Set the date, time, and time zone properly for your region.

4. In Audio Settings, Set the Audio Mode according to how you hooked up the system.  I use Dolby Digital 5.1      and DTS sound.  These modes reqiure SVideo or HD/Component Cables to be enabled.  I suggest enabling this      mode in all xbox systems as the sound comes out in standard Stereo if you don't have the proper cable       hooked up later, yet it retains the Optical/5.1 setting when you go back to that type of setup.

5. In Video Settings, set the video mode to whichever you prefer.  I use Letterbox to allow widescreen viewing    on my 4:3 monitor.

6a. OPTIONAL!!! NTSC ONLY - In Video Settings, set the video modes to enable the Progressive Scan Modes your monitor can handle.  You Need HD/Component cables to be able to enable these modes.  The Safest bets are to only enable 720p and 480p at the most, as some games won't work with 1080i mode enabled.  Like the 'hidden' audio options, these choices retain, even if you move the xbox to a non-component, non-hd tv.  This will only work on NTSC xbox systems.  PAL Users wanting HD/Progressive Scan will have to convert their system over to NTSC to do so.

6b. OPTIONAL!!! NTSC, Dashboard 5960 ONLY - After enabling your Progressive Scan modes in 6a, back out to the Main Menu.  Hold down both triggers and "Click" on both thumbsticks.  This will enable the Dashboard to be displayed in Progressive Scan 480p mode.  This only works on dash 5960 and above.  If your dash has not yet been updated to 5960, follow the rest of the FAQ and return here to enable the mode later.

7.  With your xbox plugged in and turned on, delete any Game Save Data that you have for the chosen Exploit Disc.  Although this is not always nessescery in all cases, it is HIGHLY suggested to prevent errors.  While here, you should delete as many Game Saves and Custom Soundtracks as you can live without.  No need to delete them all, but ones you won't use anymore or ones you can live without should be removed.  These files all reside on your E partition, which is where a lot of this mod will occur.

8.  In Settings, choose Xbox Info and wait till the copyright info scrolls up.  Here you will see 2 sets of numbers.  Write these down in a safe place.

9.  Optional - Use a DVD-Lens Cleaner disc to clean the laser of your drive.  You should do this about once a month.

Upon deleting all the Game Saves that you can, enabling all modes you might want to use now or in the future, and writing down your kernel info, your xbox is ready to either be modded or updated to Dashboard 5960.


When you are done with all thatm run your exploit.  Choose UnleashX.  follow the instructions on screen well.

when the system reboots for the last time, choose System, then Settings, go to Storage, and select "Enable G Drive"


now go to File Manager

go to G Drive

hit the White Button

Choose Format Drive

you should be done
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Textbook on June 20, 2006, 11:53:00 PM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jun 21 2006, 01:08 AM) View Post

It's not all about the cables.  It's about enabling the modes in the apps themselves.....for example, until i hexed it, DVDX would not play any movies in 480p.  Now, i COULD have done the "Force Progressive" patch, but then, when the box next tried to run 480i because it's supposed to, what happens to the picture?

In the end, i feel it is a better choice to try to Hex edit all the individual programs that can be so that they can actually run natively without a "Force Progressive" patch, which from what i understood, was not 100% working across all versions of xbox anyway.

But here is the thing, the Force Progressive is actively doing the same thing as your hex edits, as it only is enabled when it detects an HDTV cable.  Therefore, what you said about using the patch and forcing progressive, then wanting to play through 480i, it works perfectly.  It only switches to 480p if it detects an HDTV cable and the application is running in 480i.  If you want to play it in 480i, then you're fine as long as you don't use an HDTV cable.  Everything that you have done is already possible and is in fact easier.

Your solution does work, but it also means that each xbe will have to be hex-edited, each application itself will have to be re-rar'ed and re-uploaded back onto Xbins and each person who wants this will have to re-download every single application.  That is a lot of work.


You can go to Krayzie's Extras and enable the Force Progressive patch and it works for everything (games, apps, etc.)  Even the latest MS Dash has a HD and SD video mode built in by Micros0ft themselves.  It boots up in 480i and if you want it to switch to 480p, hold down the Left Trigger, Right Trigger, and Both Thumbsticks all at the same time, hold for a second, and release.  The MS Dash will switch to 480p temporarily.  Again, that's if an HD cable is detected.

It is really simple, if you don't want 480p, don't use an HD Cable.  If you want 480p, plug in an HD cable and abracadabra everything is forced into 480p automatically!  And nobody had to re-rar, re-upload, or re-download any applications.

I just don't think you realize just how the Force Progressive patch works.  It is doing everything that you want it to.  Dr. Oldschool did a great job on the patch, so I'm glad xman included it with NKPatcher11.

Also, about the compatibility, AFAIK the force progressive patch works on each and every (NTSC) version Xbox.  There has never been a compatiblity issue to my knowledge, it has always worked flawlessly.  The VGA patch doesn't work with v1.6 Xboxes, but the Force Progressive should work.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 21, 2006, 02:10:00 AM
QUOTE(HamQuestionMark @ Jun 21 2006, 12:14 AM) View Post

Alright, I'm having a problem enabling the high def settings after doing this soft mod. When i go In the msdash from my main dashboard (newest xbmc), i cannot enable the 480p/720p/1080i they're stuck on no and when i go from letterbox to widescreen the video flashes and the xbox reboots back to xbmc but the settings do not change.
 After reading MANY topics on the forums I've learned it's probably due to the eeprom or shadow C being read only or something like that. I do NOT have multiboot msdash setup, in fact i was just trying to set that up from krayzie's extras and i get stuck at the "add MSdash functions" part, i copied the files over to the correct directory but I get the "batch proccess failed. The last item was:No minimum install present."
Someone had also said that I'd have to removed the softmod completely, change the settings in the  msdash, then redo the softmod. But I would LIKE to be able to easily switch between the two if i take my xbox to a non-hdtv.

Basically, how can I setup my xbox to be able to easily switch between high def and normal modes after doing the softmod?

Undo the mod.  Follow this tutorial:

#1 - Basic Setup
This section tunes up your Xbox to prep for the mod.  Here, you will want to clean up your save games and choose all your settings for your favorite setups.  You should also enable HD Modes and 5.1 Audio options here to make sure that the virtual eeprom uses your favorite settings.

What you Need Here:
A) Xbox System
cool.gif Power Cable
C) XBox Controller
D) Paper and Pen/Pencil, computer with NotePad
E) TV/Monitor Cables

A) HD/Component Cables
cool.gif SVideo Cables
C) Optical Audio Cables
D) X2VGA 2
E) Home Theater Unit with Optical In (Optical Audio Cable)
F) HD TV (HD cables) or TV with SVideo In (SVideo Cables)
G) VGA PC Monitor (x2vga 2)

What To Do:
1. Hook up your xbox system with your chosen method (HD Cables, Svideo Cables, X2vga)

Optional:  If using optical sound, please make sure to read your manual about how to enable the optical ports.

2. Turn on the xbox with no game in it.  THis will take you to the MS Dashboard.  You should have video and    sound working here.  Check your manuals for your TV, x2vga, or Home Theater unit here if you don't.

3. Set the date, time, and time zone properly for your region.

4. In Audio Settings, Set the Audio Mode according to how you hooked up the system.  I use Dolby Digital 5.1      and DTS sound.  These modes reqiure SVideo or HD/Component Cables to be enabled.  I suggest enabling this      mode in all xbox systems as the sound comes out in standard Stereo if you don't have the proper cable       hooked up later, yet it retains the Optical/5.1 setting when you go back to that type of setup.

5. In Video Settings, set the video mode to whichever you prefer.  I use Letterbox to allow widescreen viewing    on my 4:3 monitor.

6a. OPTIONAL!!! NTSC ONLY - In Video Settings, set the video modes to enable the Progressive Scan Modes your monitor can handle.  You Need HD/Component cables to be able to enable these modes.  The Safest bets are to only enable 720p and 480p at the most, as some games won't work with 1080i mode enabled.  Like the 'hidden' audio options, these choices retain, even if you move the xbox to a non-component, non-hd tv.  This will only work on NTSC xbox systems.  PAL Users wanting HD/Progressive Scan will have to convert their system over to NTSC to do so.

6b. OPTIONAL!!! NTSC, Dashboard 5960 ONLY - After enabling your Progressive Scan modes in 6a, back out to the Main Menu.  Hold down both triggers and "Click" on both thumbsticks.  This will enable the Dashboard to be displayed in Progressive Scan 480p mode.  This only works on dash 5960 and above.  If your dash has not yet been updated to 5960, follow the rest of the FAQ and return here to enable the mode later.

7.  With your xbox plugged in and turned on, delete any Game Save Data that you have for the chosen Exploit Disc.  Although this is not always nessescery in all cases, it is HIGHLY suggested to prevent errors.  While here, you should delete as many Game Saves and Custom Soundtracks as you can live without.  No need to delete them all, but ones you won't use anymore or ones you can live without should be removed.  These files all reside on your E partition, which is where a lot of this mod will occur.

8.  In Settings, choose Xbox Info and wait till the copyright info scrolls up.  Here you will see 2 sets of numbers.  Write these down in a safe place.

9.  Optional - Use a DVD-Lens Cleaner disc to clean the laser of your drive.  You should do this about once a month.

Upon deleting all the Game Saves that you can, enabling all modes you might want to use now or in the future, and writing down your kernel info, your xbox is ready to either be modded or updated to Dashboard 5960.

When you are done, re-mod.  You will not have to worry about changing between modes, 480i will enable as nessescery.   From here on out, changes you make in the MS Dash accessible from Krayzie's Extras will affect the proper place and will save properly also, so you can change between Widescreen and Letterbox modes as you want.  Leave 480p on all the time.

QUOTE(Textbook @ Jun 20 2006, 11:00 PM) View Post

But here is the thing, the Force Progressive is actively doing the same thing as your hex edits, as it only is enabled when it detects an HDTV cable.  Therefore, what you said about using the patch and forcing progressive, then wanting to play through 480i, it works perfectly.  It only switches to 480p if it detects an HDTV cable and the application is running in 480i.  If you want to play it in 480i, then you're fine as long as you don't use an HDTV cable.  Everything that you have done is already possible and is in fact easier.

Your solution does work, but it also means that each xbe will have to be hex-edited, each application itself will have to be re-rar'ed and re-uploaded back onto Xbins and each person who wants this will have to re-download every single application.  That is a lot of work.


You can go to Krayzie's Extras and enable the Force Progressive patch and it works for everything (games, apps, etc.)  Even the latest MS Dash has a HD and SD video mode built in by Micros0ft themselves.  It boots up in 480i and if you want it to switch to 480p, hold down the Left Trigger, Right Trigger, and Both Thumbsticks all at the same time, hold for a second, and release.  The MS Dash will switch to 480p temporarily.  Again, that's if an HD cable is detected.

It is really simple, if you don't want 480p, don't use an HD Cable.  If you want 480p, plug in an HD cable and abracadabra everything is forced into 480p automatically!  And nobody had to re-rar, re-upload, or re-download any applications.

I just don't think you realize just how the Force Progressive patch works.  It is doing everything that you want it to.  Dr. Oldschool did a great job on the patch, so I'm glad xman included it with NKPatcher11.

Also, about the compatibility, AFAIK the force progressive patch works on each and every (NTSC) version Xbox.  There has never been a compatiblity issue to my knowledge, it has always worked flawlessly.  The VGA patch doesn't work with v1.6 Xboxes, but the Force Progressive should work.

I will have to try this, though to be honest, i'm rather glad for the hex work....not everyone uses Krayzie's and i believe it's a good idea to up versions of the hex edited apps anyway.  If the Force Progressive patch truly works the way you claim, it will fix some of my personal problems on some games that can launch but do not support 480p (ChessMaster), however it probably won't have an effect on games that can't launch (I-Ninja), and so the hex edit, in the end, is still a better solution.  And since the version of DVDX that has been hexed only changed 1 character (a 2 to a 0), i see it as perfectly fine to include it with Krayzie's Installer.....the change doesn't do anything that negatively affects the system, and it's what i feel the program should have been released as anyway.  It works in both modes, without the need for a patch, even if the patch is included.

Point is, as good as the patch may be, i'd rather the app or game support the mode natively and automaticly as opposed to having to accept a patch to do it.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fsuer on June 21, 2006, 09:33:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jun 21 2006, 12:26 AM) View Post

Don't bother with XBPartitioner....everything you need to make your hard drive work is included in XBoxHDM or with Krayzie's Installer, with the exception of MS Dash 5960, which you can get from Slayer's or update using Halo 2, Dead of Alive Ultimate, Jade Empire, Sid Meier's Pirates, or any other newer Live enabled game

I know I have MS Dash 5960(have Halo 2 & checked in "Info"), so can I just forgo Slayers?
Also, I thought that with HDDs larger than 256GB that you had to format with 32k clusters(XBPart)
or else any data stored beyond that will be corrupted..?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 21, 2006, 01:49:00 PM
QUOTE(fsuer @ Jun 21 2006, 08:40 AM) View Post

I know I have MS Dash 5960(have Halo 2 & checked in "Info"), so can I just forgo Slayers?
Also, I thought that with HDDs larger than 256GB that you had to format with 32k clusters(XBPart)
or else any data stored beyond that will be corrupted..?

Well, if you are doing this via XBOXHDM, if you know how to extract the C drive dash files from Halo 2, be my guest.  Otherwise, use slayers.

Not quite right.

it's any PARTITION larger than 256gb.....since you are using a 300GB drive, no partition you have will be bigger than 256gb (you'll have a .5, a 5, several .7s, and a 137ish...all the rest goes to G).

take care
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: HIM_Valo on June 22, 2006, 01:32:00 PM

I've accidently chose the force RGB option in the extras disc for my first boot and now i can't see anything at all now sad.gif I didn't mean to do it though

can i fix this at all? i can't see a thing on screen sad.gif please help me i've done anything this stupid on my xbox before.

Oh i can boot into my livedash fine as i chose normal video for that but i can't really do alot with that sad.gif

edit: I can boot up my games fine but my dashboard is screwed sad.gif

edit 2: i'm an idiot lol i don't know why i was panicing i just reinstalled your softmod and it worked fine again

thanks again biggrin.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Luke77 on June 22, 2006, 02:15:00 PM
Help Please
I do the mod right now.
All working well, but, when it says the "now turn off your xbox and remove the game disk for replace shadowc", i press ok, and xbox shuts down.
But when it came up stay in a still black screen....
How can i continue with installation?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on June 22, 2006, 09:24:00 PM
QUOTE(Luke77 @ Jun 22 2006, 10:22 PM) View Post

Help Please
I do the mod right now.
All working well, but, when it says the "now turn off your xbox and remove the game disk for replace shadowc", i press ok, and xbox shuts down.
But when it came up stay in a still black screen....
How can i continue with installation?

try loading the gamesave again and set a kernel specific font. Your xbox was not modded before right?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 23, 2006, 02:34:00 PM
QUOTE(HIM_Valo @ Jun 22 2006, 12:39 PM) View Post


I've accidently chose the force RGB option in the extras disc for my first boot and now i can't see anything at all now sad.gif I didn't mean to do it though

can i fix this at all? i can't see a thing on screen sad.gif please help me i've done anything this stupid on my xbox before.

Oh i can boot into my livedash fine as i chose normal video for that but i can't really do alot with that sad.gif

edit: I can boot up my games fine but my dashboard is screwed sad.gif

edit 2: i'm an idiot lol i don't know why i was panicing i just reinstalled your softmod and it worked fine again

thanks again biggrin.gif

This is a prime example of what i thought would happen with the Force ____ options.  Krayzie, i'll send a beta to you next week with the changes i proposed in it.

Take care
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: fsuer on June 24, 2006, 04:38:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jun 23 2006, 03:41 PM) View Post
Use a fresh Slayer's to completely wipe the drive and get stock C 5960 on the system.
Lock the drive back to your xbox, and make sure it works. Don't put anything else on it from that disc.

I read the PDF that came with Slayer's and I don't want to mess up, so I'm wondering if this is the right wayIPB Image

Also, thanks for clearing up the partition topic, another X-S member mistakenly mislead me to think that you had to use XBPart happy.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 24, 2006, 07:58:00 AM
QUOTE(fsuer @ Jun 24 2006, 03:45 AM) View Post

I read the PDF that came with Slayer's and I don't want to mess up, so I'm wondering if this is the right wayIPB Image

Also, thanks for clearing up the partition topic, another X-S member mistakenly mislead me to think that you had to use XBPart happy.gif

i *BELIEVE* you can do it with 4b2-2, then 4a10.  if you are softmodded at the moment, there is no need to unlock/relock the drive....the system would boot to an error msg if the drive was unlocked....that instruction was only if you were using XBOXHD, which i thought you were.

here's the are already should have a backup of your eeprom somewhere.....with that backup and a disc of XBOXHDM that includes the 5960 dash files on it in the C folder, you have everything you need to repair your box from any softmod related you could actually afford to expirement with different options in slayers without causing too much of an's after you are modded with krayzie's that you don't want to mess with slayer's's outdated.

the point is....make sure you have a copy of 5960 on an Xboxhdm disc with your eeprom, and preferably your save game files on it.  i believe you can find 5960 on the slayers disc in the All\C\ folder.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 25, 2006, 04:48:00 PM
QUOTE(Textbook @ Jun 20 2006, 11:00 PM) View Post

But here is the thing, the Force Progressive is actively doing the same thing as your hex edits, as it only is enabled when it detects an HDTV cable.  Therefore, what you said about using the patch and forcing progressive, then wanting to play through 480i, it works perfectly.  It only switches to 480p if it detects an HDTV cable and the application is running in 480i.  If you want to play it in 480i, then you're fine as long as you don't use an HDTV cable.  Everything that you have done is already possible and is in fact easier.

Your solution does work, but it also means that each xbe will have to be hex-edited, each application itself will have to be re-rar'ed and re-uploaded back onto Xbins and each person who wants this will have to re-download every single application.  That is a lot of work.


You can go to Krayzie's Extras and enable the Force Progressive patch and it works for everything (games, apps, etc.)  Even the latest MS Dash has a HD and SD video mode built in by Micros0ft themselves.  It boots up in 480i and if you want it to switch to 480p, hold down the Left Trigger, Right Trigger, and Both Thumbsticks all at the same time, hold for a second, and release.  The MS Dash will switch to 480p temporarily.  Again, that's if an HD cable is detected.

It is really simple, if you don't want 480p, don't use an HD Cable.  If you want 480p, plug in an HD cable and abracadabra everything is forced into 480p automatically!  And nobody had to re-rar, re-upload, or re-download any applications.

I just don't think you realize just how the Force Progressive patch works.  It is doing everything that you want it to.  Dr. Oldschool did a great job on the patch, so I'm glad xman included it with NKPatcher11.

Also, about the compatibility, AFAIK the force progressive patch works on each and every (NTSC) version Xbox.  There has never been a compatiblity issue to my knowledge, it has always worked flawlessly.  The VGA patch doesn't work with v1.6 Xboxes, but the Force Progressive should work.

Alright, got some new things to discuss on this subject.

from the look of things, it seems krayzie's 1.1.1 may have incorporated the Force Progressive patch into the basic mod, or it's been removed....i can not find the option to "Force Progressive" anywhere, but i do remember it being in the older extras.

in either case, kung fu chaos, chessmaster, and I Ninja will not play on my setup
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on June 25, 2006, 09:40:00 PM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jun 26 2006, 12:55 AM) View Post

Alright, got some new things to discuss on this subject.

from the look of things, it seems krayzie's 1.1.1 may have incorporated the Force Progressive patch into the basic mod, or it's been removed....i can not find the option to "Force Progressive" anywhere, but i do remember it being in the older extras.

in either case, kung fu chaos, chessmaster, and I Ninja will not play on my setup

they are in the further customize option
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: giblet on June 26, 2006, 10:24:00 AM
Ignore the above - I tried it all from the beginning again - and it's all good.

This is my first softmod - been modding the old fashioned way with chips before - and this is great!  Glad I came back to see what this was all about... £70 for an Xbox with XBMC without even getting my hands dirty - surely if the public knew how easy this is to accomplish there wouldn't be many Xboxes left in the UK... I'm off to buy another (just for safekeeping)!

Good job Krayzie - it's a nice package.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 28, 2006, 03:43:00 PM

Have you or anyone else noticed an issue when running the SC exploit from 480P?  v 1.1.1 crashes at the "Checkpoints" screen in SC.  When i switch to a normal cable, all is well.

any ideas?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: blanchg on June 29, 2006, 03:56:00 PM
QUOTE(monty s @ Jun 29 2006, 09:43 PM) View Post

Trying to install using SC but not doing great. Have all info as far as I am aware but having difficulty transferring both required saves to xbox using AR. Linux is the only one displayed and xbox only gives me option to delete. I presume I have missed something. I have tried searching but can't find the answer and the search engine makes it quite tricky.

My xbox is D 5960 and K5101. Don't know if that may be the problem.

Any help greatly appreciated.

What you need to do is select the acutal save not just the "save group" from where you are push right and the selection will then jump into the "save group" and you have the option of copying from there.

Hope it works
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Derrr on June 30, 2006, 03:21:00 PM
Dual booting.

Ok, my other Xbox that i had transferred my xbox live account too (before i modded it) HDD just died. Meaning i have to transfer the account back to the original xbox, i would like to know which Dual-boot i would need to recover or if i would need to remove the soft mod then re install it. (which i doubt, but..)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 30, 2006, 04:44:00 PM
QUOTE(Derrr @ Jun 30 2006, 02:28 PM) View Post

Dual booting.

Ok, my other Xbox that i had transferred my xbox live account too (before i modded it) HDD just died. Meaning i have to transfer the account back to the original xbox, i would like to know which Dual-boot i would need to recover or if i would need to remove the soft mod then re install it. (which i doubt, but..)

Well, follow the Marrige theory 1st off.  if you can't for whatever reason, i'd say don't'll only get banned.

Using Krayzie's Extras, use either Dual Live or Triple Live to gain access to the live console.  That will enable you to setup/recover a live account.  Make sure your version of Krayzie's Installer is updated to the latest, while you are doing this.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on June 30, 2006, 06:06:00 PM
QUOTE(Derrr @ Jun 30 2006, 04:23 PM) View Post

i'm pretty sure ive got the 1.1 version of krayzie extras.
and where is this "marrige theory"?

current version is 1.1.1

do a search for marrige theory in the forums.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 01, 2006, 04:21:00 AM
QUOTE(Derrr @ Jun 30 2006, 05:55 PM) View Post

Im not worried about getting back into anything big, i just want custom games, so the marriage theory was of no use for me. id just like to know what kind of boot i would need to access the account, it was just with one game(halo 2) so im not having worries with it.

either way, you question has been answered already
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Derrr on July 02, 2006, 01:33:00 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: monty s on July 03, 2006, 02:18:00 PM
QUOTE(blanchg @ Jun 29 2006, 11:03 PM) View Post

What you need to do is select the acutal save not just the "save group" from where you are push right and the selection will then jump into the "save group" and you have the option of copying from there.

Hope it works

Sorry didn't explain myself well. The main difficulty I am having is transferring the two SC files. I am only able to display the LINUX profile and not SC2. I have tried reinstalling the downloads but cannot get it to recognise it. All that happens in the game is that it hangs.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: monty s on July 03, 2006, 02:59:00 PM
QUOTE(monty s @ Jul 3 2006, 09:25 PM) View Post

Sorry didn't explain myself well. The main difficulty I am having is transferring the two SC files. I am only able to display the LINUX profile and not SC2. I have tried reinstalling the downloads but cannot get it to recognise it. All that happens in the game is that it hangs.

I have now managed to get all the files across I think, but it still hangs on the checkpoint screen. Have deleted everything off my HD except for 2 saves but makes no difference. I have unrarred the files but not unzipped them which I believe to be correct. Help please.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 04, 2006, 04:22:00 PM
QUOTE(monty s @ Jul 3 2006, 02:06 PM) View Post

I have now managed to get all the files across I think, but it still hangs on the checkpoint screen. Have deleted everything off my HD except for 2 saves but makes no difference. I have unrarred the files but not unzipped them which I believe to be correct. Help please.

What cables do you use to connect the xbox to the system?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 05, 2006, 04:06:00 PM
QUOTE(monty s @ Jul 5 2006, 02:00 PM) View Post

I was trying to use the Action Replay to transfer the files. The plan is to do this for now and then sort out a proper network once I upgrade my PC in the next few months.

I am going try a different memory card in case it may be that but otherwise I have run out of ideas.

I made a mistake in my wording.

what kind of cables did you use to connect your XBOX to your TV/Monitor?

but, i degress.  It's not the memory card.  I've identified an issue using Progressive Scan/HD Cables with the exploit.  I have a guess that you currently use this setup.  try installing the exploit with normal A/V or SVideo cables instead.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 06, 2006, 03:38:00 PM
QUOTE(monty s @ Jul 6 2006, 02:16 PM) View Post

I don't quite understand why that would make any difference. My xbox was connected with the standard issue cable into the red,yellow and white individual connections and also I have tried it in the scart socket. The tv is an LCD but not HD


I don't know why it makes a difference either, but i assume it has to do with UnleashX running during initial exploit.  Ever since i started doing double VGA to Xbox via HD connections, i can't get thru SC past the "Checkpoints" screen.

Sounded like your problem was the same as mine.

Instead, you may just have a bad/corrupted game save.  In your case, i'd follow any one of the several guides i posted in this forum over the last 2 months on what to do.  Format your AR/MC, download 100% fresh versions of krayzie's Package 1.1 and his 1.1.1 update, follow the instructions for the update and try loading up the MC one at a time.  Don't forget to kill off any and all old Game Saves for your chosen game as well as the old Linux game save file.

good luck
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Daggerx on July 11, 2006, 10:29:00 AM
Files needed to upload for a retail setup:
C DRIVE: bios folder (C:\ root), media folder (C:\ root), xboxdash.xbe (C:\ root), xb0xdash.xbe (C:\ root), earnie.xtf and xbox.xtf (C:\xodash\), shadowc folder (C:\ root), xonlinedash.xbe (C:\xodash\), x0nlinedash.xbe (C:\xodash\), x2onlinedash.xbe (C:\xodash)
E DRIVE: dash folder (E:\ root)

are these the files that go in the "MSDASHBOARD" folder in the extras directory (for the dual or tri boot)?

- if i do the basic instead of minimum, are the files added to this folder automatically..(this way i dont have to worry about em...?

Thank you for this...
ive done 1.0 ndure - this will be my first 1.1 on a non-modded box...

thanks in advance..

(posted this in the wrong section - this is the right section)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 11, 2006, 12:19:00 PM
QUOTE(Daggerx @ Jul 11 2006, 06:36 PM) View Post

are these the files that go in the "MSDASHBOARD" folder in the extras directory (for the dual or tri boot)?

- if i do the basic instead of minimum, are the files added to this folder automatically..(this way i dont have to worry about em...?

Thank you for this...
ive done 1.0 ndure - this will be my first 1.1 on a non-modded box...

thanks in advance..
(posted this in the wrong section - this is the right section)

you've got some files mixed up. I think those are the files of kingroaches C partition.

If you do the retail install you won't have to put anything inside the msdashboard folder and the dual or tri boots are allready good to go.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 11, 2006, 12:57:00 PM
Hey krayzie

I noticed some of the talk in the update thread.  I've almost got a usuable package with the changes i made and i want to know if there's going to be an update soon so that i can get you to look over these changes and give a Yay or Nay on them.....essentially i'm asking if you have a time line.

Also, it seems as if the initial install of the exploit has issue occasionally with HD/Progressive Scan modes, but maybe it's only on certain hardware or kernel versions.  do you have any input/ideas regarding this?

thanx much
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 11, 2006, 01:10:00 PM
@ murder of crows: No timeline. I'm extremeley busy with other stuff lately so It's not going to be soon. Also I thought the progressive issues had to do with incompatible video encoders. i don't know if this issues have been solved yet I would have to look into that.

@daggerx: yeah I meant basic install. sorry bout that
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 11, 2006, 01:27:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Jul 11 2006, 12:17 PM) View Post

@ murder of crows: No timeline. I'm extremeley busy with other stuff lately so It's not going to be soon. Also I thought the progressive issues had to do with incompatible video encoders. i don't know if this issues have been solved yet I would have to look into that.

@daggerx: yeah I meant basic install. sorry bout that

I'm not 100% sure what it has to do with.  last night i had a v1 that worked perfectly getting the exploit in via progressive.  i figure i'd have problems with v6 models, but my own system is a v4 and i don't REMEMBER an issue there...*shrugs*

I wonder where the hang is.....i always get stalled at the "Checkpoints" does that mean that Splinter Cell is where the problem lies, or perhaps UnleashX, or perhaps the transition between the 2

I began to think about it and wanted to try out possibly including an UnleasX.xml file in the package that had the video settings for 480P already enabled, regardless of if the system can support it or not...i know that when unleashx is run on my home system, progressive works....but if i run it elsewhere, progressive turns off automaticly....yet retains the settings when i come home.  This, of course, was just braing storming, and not actually looking in the forums to see if the video encoder is what actually causes it to hang.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 11, 2006, 01:41:00 PM
well the splinter cell gamesave exploit has some troubles with some non standard video cables. I don't think this is related to some video encoders having troubles with vga or progressive codes. I'm no expert on this subject though. I had some component cables for my xbox and all functions worked fine on my 1.6 system uing the force progressive option in nkpatcher
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 11, 2006, 09:05:00 PM
QUOTE(Daggerx @ Jul 11 2006, 06:09 PM) View Post

i did the ndure installer
i have the 5960 files
but when i try to do - it says minimum req failed...

i didnt everything step by step and even highlighted my paper
switch the xbmc os according to the instructions
every else worked but this "5960 files" part...
please help - i have the files...

Follow any one of the guides i posted recently, starting from the end of may.

uninstall the mod, use your backup
Use a recent Live Enabled game to update to 5960...don't just "install the files"
reinstall the mod using "Basic Install"
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 11, 2006, 09:45:00 PM
yeah you can check the dash version prior to the install in the system settings (read the readme)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 12, 2006, 08:29:00 AM
sounds like everyting is fine. as I've mentioned earlier if you do a basic install you don't need to worry about the msdashboard folder. you only need to put files there or take that option if you picked a minimum install.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 12, 2006, 01:44:00 PM
QUOTE(Daggerx @ Jul 12 2006, 05:59 AM) View Post

after reading 15+ pages it only did one thing for me...
it basically showed me how intelligent and knowlegeable Krayzie and A murder of Crows really are..

but please bear with me - here is where i am

-this box was never modded prior to this...
-prior to installling the smod - i used halo 2 to update the dash
-the mod was installed - no problem
-xbmc is now the current dash - no problem
-extras was copied to e\apps - no problem
-extras is accessible from the programs link in xbmc - no problem  pop.gif
-i placed the 5960 files in the "msdashboard" folder in the extras via ftp
-when it checked the files under the msdash options it said "failure"
-i left the files in the msdashboard folder and i went to the multiboot files options in the extras
-i set it for multiboot xbmc\xlivedash
-it gave a warning that i couldnt do this unless the msdash option was set  unsure.gif
- i continued... unsure.gif
-I need peace of mind now guys, the system runs - it had a dead thompson which i replaced with
a sammy few days ago - this system was a doorstopper for almost two years because my brothers didnt know what the heck to do with it...but thanks for the xs scene and u guys i did....thank God...
-now, when I press the power button it goes to xbmc -the best dash
and when i power up with the eject button  - it sends me to a screen that is requesting me to set up a live account (im sure this is do to the fact that this box never had a live account registered on it  - ever)
- should i be concerned about anything right now or is it ALL good?

im trying my level best here to be challenge specific - this way i do not waste Krayzie/Crows time or anybody else's time rather...

You are all set!  thanx for actually taking the time to read back a's been one of my pet peeves lately.

one thing though.....because XBMC is currently in a feature freeze while they work bugs out for 2.0, you MIGHT want to run your setup a lil differently....

you only need access to the Live console set up your account....after which, it can do nothing for you, since friendslist and livechat do not function at the moment using Krayzie's NDure.  I'd suggest moving XBMC back to the Apps\XBMC folder and placing UnleashX as your main dash for stability/safety's sake, and then running dual boot to launch XBMC using the eject button.

Alternately, if you'd truly prefer XBMC as a main dash (and like downloading and reconfiguring it every week), you could place UnleashX in Dashboard\AltDash and keep XBMC in Dashboard.  Then you'd have XBMC load at power and UnleashX at eject....due to how messy that would make the main dash folder however, i don't suggest doing it that way.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on July 17, 2006, 09:12:00 AM
Been an avid reader of this topic a while back and have been using both version 1 and 1.1 on two different xboxes for a year or so.  just a question though, i was wondering what files point to E:\dashboard\default.xbe and E:\dashboard\alt\default.xbe?  Also what program was used to create those shortcuts?

I'm trying to work out some video issues on my HD TV set and though it probably isn't the problem, wanted to test some things anyway.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 17, 2006, 09:17:00 AM
The file is nkpatcher and is on C:\nkpatcher\ (on the actual C)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on July 17, 2006, 09:25:00 AM
that's what i figured.  i'm assuming default.xbe is for E:\dashboard\default.xbe and alt.xbe is for E:\dashboard\default.xbe.

Were these made with the XBE Shortcut Maker or did you create some xbe's yourself?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 17, 2006, 09:31:00 AM
they were compiled from nkpatcher's source.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on July 17, 2006, 10:19:00 PM
thanks, but what i'm trying to do isn't working.

i don't know if you remember, but i had posted a very long time ago that I saw wavy lines or squiggly lines any time my dashboard was loading through your mod when using an HD tv.  everything is fine on a regular tv, just not HD.  i believe this is due to nkpatcher being in 480i mode or whatever and switching to 720p etc.  i replaced alt.xbe in nkpatcher which loads an alternative dash.  the xbe works fine normally, but i'm trying to use xbe shortcut maker because i thought it might solve the problem.  obviously it won't work unless you at least habibi sign the xbe, which i did with xbedump.  altdash still won't load and gives me 21 error if it's unsigned and just a black screen if it is.  i have it directing to e:\dashboard\altdash\default.xbe.  i know this isn't due to your installer, but thought you might know what i could possibly do to help refine this type of setup.  is there a way nkpatcher doesn't have the squiggly lines (load at 720p)?  or is there a way to replace the xbe file with say another xbe through a special process?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 18, 2006, 08:20:00 AM
you could try the force progressive option to make the output 480p instead of 480i
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on July 18, 2006, 08:43:00 AM
hmm, it still has the same problem.  i'm not sure why the problem only occurs when an hd pack is connected.  there seems to be a step inbetween the flubber and dashboard that is not in hd mode, even with the forced progressive scan.  i made sure that in the unmodded state as well that the ms video settings were set to widescreen with all the hd resoltuions enabled (which are supported by the tv).  i know with a modchip this problem doesn't occur, but with this softmod it does.  any guesses what the step in the middle is?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 18, 2006, 08:56:00 AM
Gous your true eeprom is not set to hd. go to dualmsdash mode and in there set your dash to 720p
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on July 18, 2006, 10:18:00 AM
wouldn't the dualmsdash represent the settings i have when the softmod is switched off?  i checked anyway and my video mode is still set to widescreen with yes's for 480p, 720p. and 1080i.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 18, 2006, 10:28:00 AM
yes the settings are the same in the dual msdash and switched off mod. you could try replacing nkpacther with a bios loader pointed to your dash to see if the problem lies in nkpatcher. You have to realize though that the exploit itselfs creates a system crash itself that could cause the screen to be instable for a fraction of a second. Maybe it's inevitable. Maybe a kernel specific font could help I dunno.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on July 18, 2006, 10:49:00 AM
yeah, kernal specific fonts i think i tried before and it didn't work.  i don't know why i stopped trying to fix this a year ago, but i guess now is a good time.  as for a bios loader, i thought about that as well.  i just wasn't sure what to use since they are all outdated.  do you have any recommendations?  PBL? and could i do a bios loader with you installer still installed but with the mod switched off?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on July 18, 2006, 09:41:00 PM
oh wait, i think I see what you are saying.  keep the ndure install, but, for testing purposes, replace alt.xbe with PBL instead of the nkpatcher.  then where would i put the dashboard file or shortcut to the dashboard?  is that on the real C or virtual C?  i have the PBL metoo-m8plus-v1.4.1 package and from the looks of evtools (and if i remember xbtools), you can only point it to load a file off of c:, not e:\dashboard\default.xbe like your installer.

also, i can't seem to test PBL.  I took the package from the usual places and created a PBL directory in APPS.  Placed the boot.cgf, bios file, and default.xbe (says it is signed from the package) in the directory.  when i go to run it though all i get is a black screen.  my kernal is compatible as well.  i have a v1.0 xbox with kernal version 4034 (and obviously the dash version required for your install).  would the nkpatcher perhaps not allow it to run while in mod mode?  replacing alt.xbe with the package files doesn't seem to load either.  just a black screen.

P.S.  just wanted to also thank you again for a great job you've done on this installer and all the help.  like i mentioned before, i've been using this on two xbox's wtih no problems besides this flicker when connected with an HD pack.  hopefully we can figure this out, but i love what you've done.  thanks!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on July 18, 2006, 10:01:00 PM
you should be able to point the bios wherever you want using the evtool
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on July 19, 2006, 07:45:00 AM
yeah, i finally noticed that. stupid me.  tongue.gif   is that why i was getting a black screen since i was trying to point to c?  i'll try more testing tonite when i have my xbox, but i couldn't figure out why it wouldn't load the bios.  from the threads i read and actually a comment you left, i should be able to test run this from the apps folder right?

and what did you think of my other test method of replacing alt.xbe?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: manturafs on July 19, 2006, 09:33:00 PM
hey krayzie,  thanks for trying, but it didn't work.  i finally got all the configs right and it loaded with pbl, but the same problem still exists.  i wish i could show you.  thanks for all the help.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: thanosx on July 27, 2006, 02:23:00 AM
ok i just have been playing on the xbox for awhile and it did it to me. makes a loud clicking noise and a screen comes up saying contact customer support in like 5 or 6 diff languages ?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: clueo8 on July 27, 2006, 06:52:00 PM
I have installed the latest Krayzie Ndure 1.1.1 I believe onto 2 xboxes...  When I try to transfer stuff from one to another via ftp through a router, or even xbox to xbox via x-over cable, it does not work.  One of the xboxes ftp works and the other just loses the ftp connection.  They are different IPs, but I think that since they are both using the same virtual eeprom from the ndure installer, that they both have the same MAC address on the NIC and they are interfearing with each other... is there a way disable one of the virtual eeproms so that I could link the two boxes together to transfer files?  or a way to change the virtual one to a real eeprom that will work...  I'm almost positive that since they are both using the same softmod with the same virtual eeprom that this is the issue...

Thanks in advance!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 28, 2006, 04:53:00 AM
QUOTE(thanosx @ Jul 27 2006, 01:30 AM) View Post

ok i just have been playing on the xbox for awhile and it did it to me. makes a loud clicking noise and a screen comes up saying contact customer support in like 5 or 6 diff languages ?

copy the eeprom off that system ASAP.  your hard drive is failing, and you'd much rather install a new hard drive via XBOXHDM than via a mod chip.

QUOTE(clueo8 @ Jul 27 2006, 05:59 PM) View Post

I have installed the latest Krayzie Ndure 1.1.1 I believe onto 2 xboxes...  When I try to transfer stuff from one to another via ftp through a router, or even xbox to xbox via x-over cable, it does not work.  One of the xboxes ftp works and the other just loses the ftp connection.  They are different IPs, but I think that since they are both using the same virtual eeprom from the ndure installer, that they both have the same MAC address on the NIC and they are interfearing with each other... is there a way disable one of the virtual eeproms so that I could link the two boxes together to transfer files?  or a way to change the virtual one to a real eeprom that will work...  I'm almost positive that since they are both using the same softmod with the same virtual eeprom that this is the issue...

Thanks in advance!

Using Krayzies (Advanced) Extras, choose Update Virtual Eeprom.  when complete, the problem shouldnt happen any more
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: thanosx on July 28, 2006, 09:20:00 AM
Is that all i need is a copy of the eeprom , would i need to copy the c and e folder to ?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 28, 2006, 04:25:00 PM
QUOTE(thanosx @ Jul 28 2006, 08:27 AM) View Post

Is that all i need is a copy of the eeprom , would i need to copy the c and e folder to ?

if you can get them, sure.  i figure that with the clicking hard drive problem, you PROBABLY would be better off installing a stock C 5960 to a new hard drive, lock it to the eeprom, and remod from scratch, than you would be if you tried to copy the files off a failing drive, which MIGHT corrupt some of those files.  Keep in mind that you will end up copying only the Shadow C drive unless you enter the box into Professional Mode first.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 28, 2006, 05:46:00 PM
QUOTE(SnakeEyes984 @ Jul 28 2006, 04:29 PM) View Post

Ok, I'm in the extras menu now.  I've been looking everywhere for information on what does what.  The readme.txt doesn't tell me very much, it just skips over the dual/triple boots.

Like I stated above, I'm trying to get on Live with the softmod remaining installed.  With the dual boot with ms dash be able to do that and would I still be able to generate gamertags?  Or would I have to go with the dual boot with Livedash?

I've been searchingfor a while now...and it would help if the search feature would work here...  unsure.gif

You cold boot the system each time you want to get on live.  you do NOT need the dual boot feature to do this.  Use Dual Boot LiveDash to create gamertags.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: clueo8 on July 28, 2006, 07:11:00 PM

Using Krayzies (Advanced) Extras, choose Update Virtual Eeprom. when complete, the problem shouldnt happen any more

Shoot, wrong quote!  Lets try again... delete the previous one if you can administrator!

I got a good thing going, I don't want to mess it up... What exact is done when I go to Update Virtual Eeprom?  Don't I need a new eeprom key to do this?  I'm sure it will solve my problem if you say so, but I'm just curious as to what its doing...

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 29, 2006, 12:39:00 AM
QUOTE(clueo8 @ Jul 28 2006, 06:18 PM) View Post

Shoot, wrong quote!  Lets try again... delete the previous one if you can administrator!

I got a good thing going, I don't want to mess it up... What exact is done when I go to Update Virtual Eeprom?  Don't I need a new eeprom key to do this?  I'm sure it will solve my problem if you say so, but I'm just curious as to what its doing...


It will take you real eeprom, copy it, and delete your old virtual eeprom, replacing it with the new one.

as long as your real eeprom is legit and good, you will be more MAC address errors.

I've done some delving into this....i personally prefer doing 2 systems exactly the same...getting both eeproms, then choosing one system to be "master" and the other to be "Clone".

Mod both machines using my guide in this thread (eventually i'll have a full guide done, just too busy at the moment).

when both systems are modded, copy off both eeproms and then install ConfigMagic.  unlock Clone's Hard drive and carefully apply Master's eeprom to Clone, then relock CLone's Hard drive.  Repeat to make certain that the eeprom change took.

What you should have at this point are 2 systems with the exact same "Real" eeprom, but different virtual eeproms.  the virtual eeproms will allow you to use the systems in modded mode on a network, but the real eeproms will allow the hard drives between the systems to be interchangeable.  Do not use xbox live with the Clone system as the hard drive serial number will not match with the master's hard drive SN.

take care
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Hyperiority on July 29, 2006, 08:46:00 AM
So that the Original EEPROM doesn't get messed(corrupted).
When u try changing the video mode or anything related to directly editing the EEPROM.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on July 31, 2006, 04:39:00 AM
QUOTE(clueo8 @ Jul 29 2006, 04:40 AM) View Post

Is there a way to ever get back the original krayzie virtual eeprom?  is there a reason to even want it?  What is the advantage of making your original eeprom virtual?  I thought the whole reason you had one was to protect your original from getting banned...

There is no such thing as "original krayzie virtual eeprom"

when you mod your system via Krayzie's installer, a copy of YOUR ORIGINAL EEPROM is made at the very start.

this COPY of YOUR ORIGINAL EEPROM becomes known as your Virtual Eeprom.

somewhere along the line, your eeprom's settings or your eeprom itself was changed.

the idea behind the virtual eeprom was to protect your real eeprom from changes you'd make with apps, such as using different/unsupported video modes (PAL on NTSC, etc).  it has NOTHING to do with getting banned on XBL or anything like that.  it's to make sure your original eeprom doesn't get corrupted

QUOTE(thanosx @ Jul 29 2006, 04:31 PM) View Post

Yeah i can get em . The hard drive clicking noise dont happen till about 5 hours play time on the xbox. When u unplug the box for awhiles its fine . to get a stock c5960 its in the backups folder in the e folder right ? with the eeprom ?

In almost all cases, i would start completely fresh.

1. Get your eeprom backed up
2. Get your Game Saves (E:\TDATA, E:\UDATA) backed up
3. Get your dashboard settings backed up (the xml or ini file, depending on what you have)

I personally use Slayer's to copy dash 5960 to my PC and start building my XBoxHD disc from there.

using a 100% fresh setup helps to ensure there is less chance of issues, and allows people to help you more easily.

this, of course, is just a suggestion.  if you want, you CAN use your original C drive and E drive.  remember to go into Professional Mode to do it, however, so you aren't copying your Shadow C.

On another  matter, i just wanted to apologize for not getting these answered seems i'm not recieving email notices from this thread anymore.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 05, 2006, 12:44:00 AM
QUOTE(clueo8 @ Aug 2 2006, 02:41 AM) View Post

So back to my issue with having 2 krayzie modded boxes on the same network...  how can updating my virtual eeprom do anything different if it was done already when I modded my system?

depends on how you modded your system.

Krayzie's installer is used via the memory cards.  If you used XBoxHDM to mod your box, and used the files off one box (the C and E drives) onto the other, then you most likely have the virtual eeprom from one box being used on the other, causing both to have the same mac address.

i have to assume that this is what's going on, since i can't think of any other way (maybe configmagic?) that you would have teh same mac addy on 2 different systems.

As long as your network is assigning DHCP, your problem is the virtual eeprom.  to verify, run Krayzie's Extras, then run the 2nd "Launch Extras" option, then run Professional Mode.  try to see if you can get both boxes on the network then.  My guess is that you will.  otherwise, something else is going on.

either way, i'd first try the virtual eeprom, and after i'd remod the box using the installer only
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 05, 2006, 02:59:00 AM
the update virtual eeprom option renews the virtual eeprom using the actual eeprom from that machine.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 05, 2006, 07:54:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 5 2006, 02:06 AM) View Post

the update virtual eeprom option renews the virtual eeprom using the actual eeprom from that machine.

Right.  I was suggesting that, should the update virtual not work, he reinstall the entire mod.

I only know 3 ways to get matching mac addresses on 2 different xbox systems:

A - Mod Box 1, go pro mod, copy C and E from Box 1 into XBoxHDM, use it to pre-mod Box 2

B - Use ConfigMagic to flash Box 1's eeprom to box 2

C - By the grace of fate, he got  xbox systems with the same mac addy within the eeprom.

I suspect (but have nothing save for my own expirence to base this on) that he used method A to mod Box 2.  That being the case, i feel he should

1 - Update Virtual Eeprom

if that fails, he should then do

2 - Factory restore, then remod using game save method

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kgonepostl on August 09, 2006, 05:23:00 PM
Hey krazie, I have an update and a question for you.

Update:  I modded my new xbox with your installer and I now coldboot EVERY retail game and haven't been banned.  I'd like to appologize again for my paranoid behavior.

Question:  I replaced unleash-x with xbmc as my default dashboard.  I know it's a silly question but will this effect in any way my ability to play on live? I know the answer before I ask the question I know.  Dashboards are not bios dependant.  However, I'm not going to pretend that I know everything there is to know and blame you for another stupid mistake that I, myself made. biggrin.gif

Am I safe?

- kgonepostl
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 09, 2006, 09:54:00 PM
there is no relationship between playing live and whatever dash you have on your xbox. The exploit is completely bypassed when coldbooting retail discs.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 11, 2006, 05:51:00 PM
Been pretty quiet around here lately....begining to wonder if my FAQ should still come out....any word on 2.0 krayzie?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 12, 2006, 02:22:00 AM
A faq is always good.
I will begin working on my next version after the holidays I guess.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 12, 2006, 08:51:00 AM
Alright, well, i'll probably have a beta of the faq done by month's end, and with it should be my versions of the installer for you to check out/approve.

In a way it's kinda nice....maybe there's been enough people reading back a lil bit that they don't need all hand holding they used to.... *shrugs*

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 12, 2006, 09:03:00 AM
I always thought the less people ask about the package the better I did my job.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kgonepostl on August 12, 2006, 09:34:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Aug 12 2006, 09:58 AM) View Post
Alright, well, i'll probably have a beta of the faq done by month's end, and with it should be my versions of the installer for you to check out/approve.

In a way it's kinda nice....maybe there's been enough people reading back a lil bit that they don't need all hand holding they used to.... *shrugs*


Try to give all the suggestions you can from not getting banned.  Even if it's not related directly to his package tongue.gif .  Lookin forward to an faq to teach n00bs like me who should know everything by now....
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 14, 2006, 01:19:00 AM
there are plenty of forums/posts/faqs regarding xbox live in the online forums.  if you have an issue regarding online, check there first.  my faq is about modding and using Krayzie's installer, not about getting on live, though i will mention HOW to get on live in the faq.......i don't need to reinterate the stuff on the marrige theory
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: mike2355 on August 15, 2006, 02:32:00 PM
hey krayzie, i just bought splintercell and i got an action replay.. i dled the ndure off a torrent and was wondering if i put both save files onto my xbox?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: mike2355 on August 15, 2006, 06:05:00 PM
nvm i got it softmodded and now i have xbmc on it and just watched scary movie 4 off it..thanx man
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Joshatdot on August 18, 2006, 03:20:00 AM
Hello, I am noobish to Softmod'ing.  My xbox was softmod'ed with Krazie's MA 2.8, and I since then used XBoxHDM 1.9 to upgrade to a 20GB HDD, and used Krazie's MA 2.8 to re-softmod the 20GB.

Is there any reason to upgrade to Krazie's NDure 1.1.1 ?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: PhilG on August 19, 2006, 03:21:00 AM
Fantastic Mod - thanks Krayzie. Especially liked the explanation/confirmation screens - very helpful and reassuring.
I have one question:
Would you be able to post a list of the files installed on the REAL CDrive after running the Mod?
I had an SID installation previously, which was a pain to remove, and I'd like to be certain that there are no leftover bits kicking around on the real Cdrive.
A list of folders and files that should be present in the root after a install of v1.1.1 onto a retail box would be great... smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 19, 2006, 11:01:00 PM
Once you are in the installer menu you can ftp. you might need to adjust the settings
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: 7raoul7 on August 20, 2006, 12:47:00 PM
Okay I finally got ftp to work.  So after I bachup the eeprom, I should see e:\backups\eeprom\backup\eeprom.bin right??  Cause I have backed it up and I dont see this file much less a e:\bachups folder...

OMG I am a complete moron.  Thats all I have to say.  Thank you.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: FeatherKing on August 25, 2006, 11:41:00 AM
Krayzie i was wondering if youve had any problems loading trainers from your 1.1 Ndure installer? I cannot get them to load (although the loading process appears to complete fine) See my post (XBMC forum) here -->


Im using your Ndure 1.1, I replaced UnleashX with XBMC and i used the XBMC feature context menu that will find and update your trainers and i have my games installed on the hard drive. Everything else about your exploit works fine, and honestly, i dont even know if this is related to your exploit at all..

Ive looked on several different forums, ive posted in the XBMC forums to no avail. As a last resort i thought i would try an answer straight from the horses mouth.

Are there any steps i can do to correct this? Has something been corrupted somewhere. As i said, the whole trainer process seems to complete just fine. Ive tried the maxconsole forums, and many more searching for the answer. But im at a loss. I'd like to think ive cleared n00b status but if there is something im missing, please let me know!

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 25, 2006, 12:25:00 PM
QUOTE(FeatherKing @ Aug 25 2006, 10:48 AM) View Post
Krayzie i was wondering if youve had any problems loading trainers from your 1.1 Ndure installer? I cannot get them to load (although the loading process appears to complete fine) See my post (XBMC forum) here -->


Im using your Ndure 1.1, I replaced UnleashX with XBMC and i used the XBMC feature context menu that will find and update your trainers and i have my games installed on the hard drive. Everything else about your exploit works fine, and honestly, i dont even know if this is related to your exploit at all..

Ive looked on several different forums, ive posted in the XBMC forums to no avail. As a last resort i thought i would try an answer straight from the horses mouth.

Are there any steps i can do to correct this? Has something been corrupted somewhere. As i said, the whole trainer process seems to complete just fine. Ive tried the maxconsole forums, and many more searching for the answer. But im at a loss. I'd like to think ive cleared n00b status but if there is something im missing, please let me know!


This would have nothing to do with krayzie's installer.

check your version of XBMC.  I know that the last GasGiver version from april had trainers built in from that time period.

Id say, go back to using UnleashX as a dash and run XBMC as an app.  XBMC team has stated that their program is not meant to be a dashboard, and that the running of code (aka Apps, emulators, etc) was "Tacked on" as an afterthought.

make notes of your settings, scripts, etc in XBMC, delete all versions of the game save data for XBMC, remove XBMC entirely, Clear your cache, get the latest T3CH version, and reinstall

and while you are doing this maintenence, try to update to krayzie's 1.1.1
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: FeatherKing on August 25, 2006, 12:37:00 PM
I had just updated to the 8-22-06 T3CH release, i was on a BlingBling release (i think it was 08-06-06) and i was having the same problem with the trainers. I just barely updated to the new T3CH release. This is how i updated: Backed Up E:/Dashboard/UserData to pc, Deleted E:/Dashboard on XBOX, Copied new T3CH XBMC to E:/Dashboard on XBOX, Copied from pc my backed up E:/Dashboard/UserData

I believe this is the correct procedure (based on my reading) for upgrading. I am just not really a fan of the UnleashX dash.. Perhaps i should copy the original UserData from the T3CH release and overwrite my previous directory?

It seems that others have gotten these trainers to work in XBMC, and as i stated in my other post - Ive even tried using Team Xored's Mini Launcher from Within XBMC and tried loading the trainers that way.. It does the same thing, light turns green then orange (presumably indicating a successful loading of the trainer) and then the game comes on (game copied to HD) and the trainers dont work?!

Any other ideas? Im not at my box ATM but i will try the UnleashX when i get home and see if that gets the job done
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 25, 2006, 02:49:00 PM
QUOTE(FeatherKing @ Aug 25 2006, 11:44 AM) View Post
I had just updated to the 8-22-06 T3CH release, i was on a BlingBling release (i think it was 08-06-06) and i was having the same problem with the trainers. I just barely updated to the new T3CH release. This is how i updated: Backed Up E:/Dashboard/UserData to pc, Deleted E:/Dashboard on XBOX, Copied new T3CH XBMC to E:/Dashboard on XBOX, Copied from pc my backed up E:/Dashboard/UserData

I believe this is the correct procedure (based on my reading) for upgrading. I am just not really a fan of the UnleashX dash.. Perhaps i should copy the original UserData from the T3CH release and overwrite my previous directory?

It seems that others have gotten these trainers to work in XBMC, and as i stated in my other post - Ive even tried using Team Xored's Mini Launcher from Within XBMC and tried loading the trainers that way.. It does the same thing, light turns green then orange (presumably indicating a successful loading of the trainer) and then the game comes on (game copied to HD) and the trainers dont work?!

Any other ideas? Im not at my box ATM but i will try the UnleashX when i get home and see if that gets the job done

Don't try updating.  Make *NOTE* of your settings, and start 100% fresh.  keep the backup of your settings safe, but don't use it at first...just re-create your settings from scratch and delete and re-install EVERYTHING and see what it does for you.  From what i understand, T3CH and Bling are different builds, by different people at different times, so settings from one may not work with the other, and vice versa.  Also, the builds may be different from each other in other may use settings that the other doesn't have, etc, as i found when i updated from GasGiver 2006-04-19 to T3CH 2006-07-24

Always best to start 100% fresh with XBMC, unless you are using the same person's build every time.  Because of this, and the constant updating, it is MHO that XBMC is not up to being a dashboard yet.  I like how customizable UnleashX is personally, as well as a lot of it's's a solid dashboard and does what it needs to....not perfect, but at least it's stable smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 27, 2006, 01:25:00 PM
1.1.1 (using the ad on update kit found in my sig)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on August 29, 2006, 03:47:00 PM
QUOTE(mmoore5553 @ Aug 29 2006, 10:43 AM) View Post
is there a way to get the newest dashboard ..i cant get the xbox live to work ? not sure why ?

also if i wanted to delete everything on drive so i can start over how do i get rid of the virtual drive ?

1. Use your retail copy of a newer live enabled game.  Halo 2, Sid Meier's Pirates, and Dead or Alive Ultimate all work for me

2. Xbox Live is enabled via coldboot.  Place your ORIGINAL Live enabled game in the tray, turn off the power, turn it back on via the small button.  You must already have a live account, and you must only use original game discs.

3. Using the Krayzie Installer Package for your chosen exploit disc, unrar/unzip the package and find the Rescue Disc folder.  Follow the instructions to make a properly working rescue disc.  Alternately, you can just completely remove the softmod via the Exploited Game Save already found on your drive.

4. When starting over, be sure to use Krayzie's 1.1.1.

To Krayzie

I've begun work on the updated version of your installer:

Changes since Krayzie's 1.1

Updated mod core to 1.1.1 base
Updated/corrected spelling and grammar errors.  Clarified language
Renamed "Basic Installation" to "Full Installation"
Changed positions of dash choices so UnleashX was the default

Still to do:
Update UnleashX xbe file to latest version
Update DVDX xbe file to hex edited auto progressive scan version
Rename/reorder the "Extras" menu to differenciate between Extras and Advanced Extras.
Beta Test the install

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on September 02, 2006, 10:55:00 PM
QUOTE(Rearete @ Sep 2 2006, 09:09 PM) View Post
can someone please tell me how to create the rescue disk unsure.gif

Unzip the whole package
update to 1.1.1
rezip the saves

the rescue disc package will be there.  follow the instructions included.  for C, use a clean 5960 dashboard.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Rearete on September 03, 2006, 02:42:00 PM
Sorry but I'm a bit of a noob. am I suposed to ftp the files from my xbox to my computer? Do the folders already exist or am i supposed to create the files. please use simple terms this was actually my first time to mod my xbox.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 03, 2006, 10:22:00 PM
the most important thing is to ftp your eeprom to your computer. It can be found in E:\backups\
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on September 04, 2006, 12:41:00 AM
QUOTE(Rearete @ Sep 3 2006, 01:49 PM) *
Sorry but I'm a bit of a noob. am I suposed to ftp the files from my xbox to my computer? Do the folders already exist or am i supposed to create the files. please use simple terms this was actually my first time to mod my xbox.

1. Find Krayzie's Installer 1.1 for your exploit disc.
2. Find Krayzie's 1.1.1 update in Krayzie's Signature
3. Follow the instructions included in the update to create Krayzie's 1.1.1
4. When the update is completed, copy the game saves included in the 1.1.1 package to your memory card via the Action Replay software, then copy the saves from the memory card to the xbox system.
5. Start the exploit.
6. Backup your eeprom
7. before modding your system any further, copy the contents of your C drive and E drives to your PC via FTP.
8. Follow the instructions include in Krayzie's Package to make an Extras disc and a Rescue disc.  You will probably need Qwix.
9. Finish your mod
10. Burn the Extras and Rescue discs.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Rearete on September 04, 2006, 12:02:00 PM
. Find Krayzie's Installer 1.1 for your exploit disc.
2. Find Krayzie's 1.1.1 update in Krayzie's Signature
3. Follow the instructions included in the update to create Krayzie's 1.1.1
4. When the update is completed, copy the game saves included in the 1.1.1 package to your memory card via the Action Replay software, then copy the saves from the memory card to the xbox system.
5. Start the exploit.
6. Backup your eeprom
7. before modding your system any further, copy the contents of your C drive and E drives to your PC via FTP.
8. Follow the instructions include in Krayzie's Package to make an Extras disc and a Rescue disc. You will probably need Qwix.
9. Finish your mod
10. Burn the Extras and Rescue discs

I've already done the mod (IMG:style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on September 04, 2006, 02:37:00 PM
QUOTE(Rearete @ Sep 4 2006, 10:33 AM) *

I've already done the mod (IMG:style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)

no problem:

1. Start the exploit.
2. Backup your eeprom
3. Copy eeprom to your PC
4. Remove the soft-mod


1. Find Krayzie's Installer 1.1 for your exploit disc.
2. Find Krayzie's 1.1.1 update in Krayzie's Signature
3. Follow the instructions included in the update to create Krayzie's 1.1.1
4. When the update is completed, copy the game saves included in the 1.1.1 package to your memory card via the Action Replay software,


1. Use Halo 2, Sid Meier's Pirates, Dead or Alive Ultimate, or similar game to update your xbox to 5960 dashboard.
2. copy the saves from the memory card to the xbox system.
3. Start the exploit.
4. Backup your eeprom
5. before modding your system any further, copy the contents of your C drive and E drives to your PC via FTP.
6. Follow the instructions include in Krayzie's Package to make an Extras disc and a Rescue disc.  You will probably need Qwix.
7. Finish your mod
8. Burn the Extras and Rescue discs

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Rearete on September 04, 2006, 06:06:00 PM
How do i tell what version I have I figured that I had the most recent version i only got it about a month ago.
And incase i don't remove the mod how can I put mechassaut on my xbox.

This post has been edited by Rearete: Sep 5 2006, 01:08 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on September 04, 2006, 06:22:00 PM
QUOTE(Rearete @ Sep 4 2006, 04:37 PM) *
How do i tell what version I have I figured that I had the most recent version i only got it about a month ago.
And incase i don't remove the mod how can I put mechassaut on my xbox.

Your question doesn't make any sense.  

krayzie never uploaded 1.1.1.  you can only get it (for now) by combining 1.1 (usual places) with the 1.1.1 update (krayzie's Signature)

if you open the package and look at the contents you will be able to READ what version you have.

Do yourself, and me, a favor....go back about 10 pages or so and look at my responses to everyone else.  your questions have probably been answered in this thread already.

otherwise, start 100% completely over and follow my instructions, which i've given you twice already.

Get Package (1.1)
Update package (1.1.1)
Update dashboard to 5960 via Halo 2, Jade Empire, Dead or Alive Ultimate, Sid Meier's Pirates, or other newer live enabled game
Install Save(s)
Exploit game
backup eeprom
copy eeprom to PC via FTP
Copy C Drive to PC via FTP
Copy E Drive to PC via FTP
Finish mod
Open package and use Rescue Disc and Extras Disc readmes to setup discs
use qwix to make ISO
use Alcohol/nero to burn

This post has been edited by A Murder of Crows: Sep 5 2006, 01:22 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Rearete on September 04, 2006, 07:17:00 PM
Thanks for the help, and sorry for all the trouble. I'm an almost(I know a little) complete noob to this stuff and I hoped I woulden't have to remove the mod to update.(IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

This post has been edited by Rearete: Sep 5 2006, 02:34 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on September 04, 2006, 07:30:00 PM
no prob.

give a status report on how you end up doing.  when i've got the material done and have written up the html, i'll have a full FAQ for using Krayzie's placed SOMEWHERE on here lol.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Rearete on September 04, 2006, 07:44:00 PM
I ment to say this earlier but I just forgot. This mod was awesome not to mention the easiest thing I have found so far to understand.

P.s. can someone direct me to a tuttorial on how to put games on my xbox
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Rearete on September 04, 2006, 08:18:00 PM
I saw on the readme that there is a way to do it without removing the mod but I had some trouble understanding it and i searched through the mod on my computer but I diden't see an extra's folder
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Rearete on September 05, 2006, 04:16:00 PM
I looked at the readme that came with the version i have and it says version 1.0 and there are some files on the update mentioned that I should have and i can't find. In my files there is a folder named rescue disk with the files "bios, boot.cfg, config, default.xbe, and ux.xbe" in it. So do I just need to create a e drive folder, a c drive folder, and put the listed files in the readme in them by ftping the files over to by computer and burn a disk with a certain file from my rescue disk with it. if so can someone tell me exactly what to do?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 05, 2006, 10:18:00 PM
just revert to stock and then use the installer. Or get the v1.1 installer and use the minimum install to let it install right away.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: broadbander on September 07, 2006, 01:32:00 PM
hello!!  i have some questions for those ndure experts

1) Will the 1.1 version install an Unleashx0.39.0222A dashboard? If not, how or where in the package can I put the files in order to install the softmod with an updated dashboard. Same thing with the other dashboard options.

2)What is this 1.1.1 update and where can I get it?    (OK, DONE BUT NOT SURE WHAT IT UPDATES)

3)I'm having compatiblity issues with newer games, is this somethin related to the softmod, dashboard or nkpatcher version?

4) The 1.1.1 update updates the nkpatcher in anyway so it could be mor compatible with newer games?

5)I read somewhere that evox trainers are not the same as unleashx trainers... is this true? (i know is not softmod related but if you know the answer..well thanks)

6)How exactly can i dualboot or tripleboot in order to have evox,unleash and Live enabled MSdash (if this is posible)

Thanks in advance

This post has been edited by broadbander: Sep 7 2006, 08:48 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on September 07, 2006, 01:56:00 PM
Hey brodbander

QUOTE(broadbander @ Sep 7 2006, 12:03 PM) *
hello!!  i have some questions for those ndure experts

1) Will the 1.1 version install an Unleashx0.39.0222A dashboard? If not, how or where in the package can I put the files in order to install the softmod with an updated dashboard. Same thing with the other dashboard options.

You can update to the latest UX upon completion of the install, if you are hooked into the net.  I'm doing a version of the package with updated xbe files, it will be about another 2 weeeks or so before i'll release it to beta though.

QUOTE(broadbander) *

2)What is this 1.1.1 update and where can I get it?

On the main page, one can see krayzie's update stickied....otherwise, just click the link in krayzie's sig, or wait for my release.

QUOTE(broadbander) *

3)I'm having compatiblity issues with newer games, is this somethin related to the softmod, dashboard or nkpatcher version?

Any compatibility issues you have *probably* have nothing to do with EITHER the mod/nkpatcher OR the dash.  Depending on the issue, it is more likely that you have a problem with the method used for that game.  This assumes you are attempting to use your legal backup off the hard drive or your own optical media.

QUOTE(broadbander) *

4) The 1.1.1 update updates the nkpatcher in anyway so it could be mor compatible with newer games?

Which games are you talking about anyway?  i've not run into a single problem yet.  Do you have the same problem running the original game in modded mode?

QUOTE(broadbander) *

5)I read somewhere that evox trainers are not the same as unleashx trainers... is this true? (i know is not softmod related but if you know the answer..well thanks)

I haven't seen UX trainers.  I don't use Evox as i feel it's outdated.  XBMC has trainers if you REALLY need them.

QUOTE(broadbander) *

6)How exactly can i dualboot or tripleboot in order to have evox,unleash and Live enabled MSdash (if this is posible)

You can dualboot either:

UX and Live Dash
UX and MS Dash
UX and AltDash (Evox, AvaLaunch, etc)
UX and XBMC  

You can replace UX with Evox in all those situations.  You can also dual boot to pretty much any xbe...just place it in the proper folder, and KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING BEFORE TRYING THIS

Your main dash goes in E:\Dashboard
Your 2ndary dash goes in E:\Dashboard\AltDash
XBMC goes in E:\Apps\XBMC

when you choose your boot options in the exploited game save (after install is complete), the mod will look launch any dash you have in E:\Dashboard with the power button, and AltDash or XBMC (in that order) upon hitting Eject.

You can also choose to dualboot up with EITHER the M$Dash or with the Live Account Management Dash.  From what i understand right now, there is no "Live Enabled M$Dash" (no friends list, no voice chat).

Triple boot works exactly the same, with the exception that hitting Eject pushes out the tray, and then a new boot option happens with any habibi signed disc?  it boots up to the dual boot option you selected.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: eternallypuzzled on September 07, 2006, 08:31:00 PM
hey, A Murder of Crows, i use to live in the hillsboro/beaverton area.   cool.  i LOVE oregon.  i just felt at home there.  much better than the northeast where i grew up.  is it raining yet?  have fun with that!  anyway, i hope im in the right section.  i think i am.  well, im thinking of trying out gamesave modding, since i have a a laptop only.   i just need to find an action replay somewhere down here in the third world.   ill read the board here in a bit to see what i can find.  but in the meantime, some quesions:

i have a 1.6 box with, i believe, the latest dash- if this makes any difference at all.  

1.  should i use ndure 1.1?  is that all?

2.  should i use a splinter cell installer?  is this the most compatible?

3.  if i cant find an action replay, can i still rig up a usb thing-a-ma-jig?  i read somewhere that i  
     cant?  if so, what do i use for tool, etc.

4.  can i rebuild a drive this way?  without opening up the xbox or pc?

reason why i ask these quesions is because i read different opinions and so forth on softmods.  i also read about people have problems/conflicts, etc, depending on what paths they take.  

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 11, 2006, 09:09:00 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Deathwish238 on December 11, 2006, 11:19:00 AM
Cool, thanks for the reply.

Awesome work btw
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BongoBob on December 11, 2006, 06:27:00 PM
Alright, I modded my friends xbox, but then decided to delete the softmod and do it at school, as part of my computer project (it was on xbox linux). But I didn't realize that doing so might mess it up if I try a full install after doing so. Even though I deleted all the files, I was pretty paranoid because I didn't wanna mess up his xbox. So I decided to do the minimum install, but I need to know one thing. What are the 5960 dashboard files that I need for the extras in order to put the MS dash back on it? I have a softmodded one that I can FTP into, I also downloaded Slayers EvoX installer 2.7 disk because I was told I could get them from it, but I need to know what files/folders I need to put in the MS DASHBOARD folder on the extras disk.

Thanks in advance, I read through about 10 pages back and couldn't find it, and the search function the site didn't turn up anything either, so I apologize if this has been asked before.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Berserk87 on December 11, 2006, 07:00:00 PM
im using your 1.1 installer, and i cant get the "backup eprom" to work....

im not sure whats going on, it just sits there forever, doing nothing.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on December 13, 2006, 03:24:00 AM
QUOTE(Berserk87 @ Dec 11 2006, 05:31 PM) *
im using your 1.1 installer, and i cant get the "backup eprom" to work....

im not sure whats going on, it just sits there forever, doing nothing.

delete the save game file from all memory cards and your xbox.  redownload the official exploit package for your chosen game from The Usual Place, and no other.  Update to ver 1.1.1 via krayzie's link.  Make sure you transfer it properly (via action replay, or FTP, or whatever method you have).

make sure all other unneeded saves are gone, and that you have enabled all modes that you can prior to starting the game.

QUOTE(BongoBob @ Dec 11 2006, 04:58 PM) *
Alright, I modded my friends xbox, but then decided to delete the softmod and do it at school, as part of my computer project (it was on xbox linux). But I didn't realize that doing so might mess it up if I try a full install after doing so. Even though I deleted all the files, I was pretty paranoid because I didn't wanna mess up his xbox. So I decided to do the minimum install, but I need to know one thing. What are the 5960 dashboard files that I need for the extras in order to put the MS dash back on it? I have a softmodded one that I can FTP into, I also downloaded Slayers EvoX installer 2.7 disk because I was told I could get them from it, but I need to know what files/folders I need to put in the MS DASHBOARD folder on the extras disk.

Thanks in advance, I read through about 10 pages back and couldn't find it, and the search function the site didn't turn up anything either, so I apologize if this has been asked before.


Dashboard 5960 can be more easily found via Halo 2, Sid Meier's Pirates, and Dead or Alive: Ultimate.  Simply run the game and try to do a Live game, making sure you do NOT have the network cable plugged in.

your dashboard will update to 5960.

now you can do the full install.  during the backup stage, on E:\Backups you will find the original dashboard in a folder called Cdrive.  that is 5960 also.  make a copy of that and you are good.

i haven't disected the new slayer's yet, but you SHOULD be able to put the disc in a modded box and browse around in the files...look for the keyword of RETAIL C, and you will probably find 5960 there also.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lulu8585 on December 15, 2006, 09:47:00 PM
my friend softmodded my xbox a month ago but i got an hdtv and found out the mod was messing with my hi-res settings.  someone mentioned in a thread to scrap the mod then reinstall it after messing with the settings but i had no idea how to do this.  it took me a couple nights to read through the forums to finally get the courage to start tinkering with some things.  after a few hours (8 or so) of messing around with every possible file in the C and E drives I decided to try this installer.  within 5 min, i had everything set up.  this installer is sick and if a noob like me who had NO previous experience with this stuff can end up with an xbox working perfectly after the softmod, then ANYONE can do it.  i love this thing and all the extras that came along with it (rescue disc saved my a$$ during all the tinkering).  amazing.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: King5555 on December 21, 2006, 02:30:00 PM
I'm sorry if this has been covered before; I've read about 40 pages here and the full content of many other posts.  I'm brand new and I've been reading and searching for days.  I'm having the most basic problem; I can't save the installer to my xbox HD.  I downloaded the Ndure_NTSC Splinter Cell v1.1 to my PC.  I then copied the entire RAR to my AR memory card.  The tutorial said it needs to be done in two parts because the file is too big but it let me copy the whole thing.  I tried opening the file on my PC and just copying the files but AR wouldn't let me.

Assuming I did that correctly, it showed "Linux Installer" on the card.  I then plugged it into my controller, turned on the xbox, went to memory and selected the controller.  It showed the file but the only option was to delete, there was no copy option.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: King5555 on December 21, 2006, 03:07:00 PM
Whoops; found the way to copy the file to the HD but in Splinter Cell I don't see any way to load a saved game...

Any help is appreciated.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: King5555 on December 21, 2006, 04:00:00 PM
Well; sorry for the multiple posts.  Finally got it figured out.  Thanks for the awesome tutorial(s) and software.  Let me know if there is a donation site.

Lastly, what I'm really interested in doing is streaming files from my PC to show video and play audio through my downstairs system.  My questions are:

Do I need XBMC to do this?
If so, do I install this instead of Unleash?  How?
Would it be better to try to use your muli-dash extra?
If I don't need XBMC and it works through Unleash, can you point me to some links for this?

Thanks much!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on December 22, 2006, 01:35:00 AM
QUOTE(King5555 @ Dec 21 2006, 02:31 PM) *
Well; sorry for the multiple posts.  Finally got it figured out.  Thanks for the awesome tutorial(s) and software.  Let me know if there is a donation site.

Lastly, what I'm really interested in doing is streaming files from my PC to show video and play audio through my downstairs system.  My questions are:

Do I need XBMC to do this?
If so, do I install this instead of Unleash?  How?
Would it be better to try to use your muli-dash extra?
If I don't need XBMC and it works through Unleash, can you point me to some links for this?

Thanks much!

glad you got it worked out.

this thread is ONLY for the installer.  all other questions should be asked in the proper forums.

but, to save you some time.....XBMC.  use it.  live it.  love it.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BungaDunga on December 26, 2006, 05:06:00 PM
How can I install a new version of nkpatcher? Do I need to be careful of anything in the configuration- and does the one installed by Krazie's installer use a runtime config (and where is it?). I want to run NKPatcher11_U03_vga7 and I've got the feeling I'll mess something up and kill my xbox. Also- should the virtual eeprom feature be enabled?

This post has been edited by BungaDunga: Dec 27 2006, 01:16 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BungaDunga on December 26, 2006, 06:52:00 PM
Where on earth does the edit button get to?

Anyway, just figured out you can force RGB with Krayzie's Extras. I didn't realize that choosing "green LED" or whatever under "further customize" lets you then go and set the video and fan settings. I only figured it out after perusing the config.xml  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/jester.gif)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: y0urm0msname on December 27, 2006, 02:11:00 PM
Just wanna give a kudos to Krayzie and others.  
I downloaded the Splinter Cell NTSC exploit from xbins, got the update package from krayzie's link, repacked the udata files, followed Joshatdot's tutorial, to get the files on a *new* Ridata 128mb usb stick i picked up on ebay for $5 (shipping included)
Then I used my controller-port-to-female-usb adapter from Amazon for $6.50 (shipping included) to load it on the HD.  Splinter cell from gamestop was $2.99.  Actually $2.69 cuz it didnt have the artwork on the case)
Followed this tut (thanks AzzidReign) and i was up and running in a few minutes.  
Emulators and homebrew games were very easy to FTP over to the E:\emulators\ and \game folders.  I don't recommend auto installers even if u r a n00b.
Thanks to all who made modding so easy.  $15 + 20 min to read instructions + 10 min to complete the process.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on December 28, 2006, 02:06:00 PM
QUOTE(BungaDunga @ Dec 26 2006, 05:23 PM) *
Where on earth does the edit button get to?

Anyway, just figured out you can force RGB with Krayzie's Extras. I didn't realize that choosing "green LED" or whatever under "further customize" lets you then go and set the video and fan settings. I only figured it out after perusing the config.xml  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/jester.gif)

Edits are only allowed for 15 minutes.

I would not suggest attempting to run a new version of NKPatcher over Krayzie's current installer.  If you are that far advanced, check out Kingroach's thread on NDure related stuff....i'm sure you'll get all the help you need there.

or, hang out a bit longer ;-)

as for the Extras, i may release a slightly more clear version of them shortly, to hold people over, as well as the 1.1.2 AMOC update i did to the installer a few months back.  if it gets enough support, that is

This post has been edited by A Murder of Crows: Dec 28 2006, 10:19 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dj_ooms on December 31, 2006, 07:01:00 PM
I wonder if someone can help me?

I have just softmodded a Crystal Xbox (V1.6b I think). Everything went fine using Krayzie's Ndure 1.1.1. I did the eeprom backup then basic install. I have since been trying to find this eeprom.bin file to store on my PC but cannot find it on the Xbox. The softmod said it would be stored in E:\Backups\eeprom\backup\eeprom.bin. I do not seem to have a E:\Backup folder when browsing the Xbox over FTP. I have also checked C: drive but that too has no Backup folder. Where could this file be? I am not intending to upgrade the harddisk, but just want to keep a copy for backup purposes.

Could someone please help? Thanks in advance.

This post has been edited by dj_ooms: Jan 1 2007, 03:03 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 01, 2007, 08:58:00 AM
It should be right there on the E drive in the location you named. Try to refresh your ftp client.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dj_ooms on January 01, 2007, 10:18:00 AM
I have tried 3 FTP programs, FireFTP, FlashFXP and IE. I can not see the backup folder from these FTP programs, though I can see the folder if I use the File Explorer in UnleashX.

Also though I do not know if this is related, whenever I FTP an application over to the E:\Apps folder, the program is copied across and is know listed in the Applications in UnleashX upons reboot, but always crashes the system when trying to run any FTP'd apps. The apps installed from CASH v1.1 work fine though. What could be causing this.

I'd be much appreciated for any help.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 01, 2007, 11:50:00 AM
Strange situation. something must be messed up in your network environment.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: WBShark on January 05, 2007, 09:07:00 PM
The installer went great,  just one thing,  I never went to the settings menu how do I get back there to change some settings like screen calibration?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Turbe on January 05, 2007, 09:17:00 PM

What is the latest NDURE Version?  I had downloaded a version that I thought said 2.0.  In the readme within the rar, it states "Krayzie_MA_Ndure_Installer_v1.0".

I would like to upgrade this, but I want to verify the current version number.  I saw that you have a 1.1.1 updater, but it appears I have to have 1.1 installed.

I do have 1.0 and XBMC installed and working, however I am having problems with HD resolutions (grainy menus and videos in HD rez).

I see that there is a CASH 1.1 that appears will upgrade to NDURE 1.1... is this correct?

Basically, what is the current version and where is it available (if you can use the link in the forum)?

This post has been edited by Turbe: Jan 6 2007, 05:21 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Turbe on January 05, 2007, 09:43:00 PM
QUOTE(DaFilthee @ Jan 24 2006, 04:07 PM) *

Yep, that's what did it. It worked fine with the standard RCA cables.


I am curious why the HD Pack would make a difference?  

I too have an original v1 xbox with the HD pack.  When I installed NDURE (1.0 it looks like) I had the xbox connected to a SD TV with the standard A/V cables and of course had no problems with the install.  After I installed NDURE and XBMC 2.01 I switch to one of my HD LCD's displays using the M$ HD Pack.  When in HD resolutions, the quality is not what it should be, it is like it is not scaling the fonts/graphics/video right in 720p - fuzzy, blurry whatever...  And yes I did go the the M$ Dash and set it for Widescreen and all HD resolutions (to yes)....

I am wondering if this is some how related to my problem (or maybe virtual eeprom) since I installed NDURE when I had the xbox set to a SD display.

QUOTE(krayzie @ Jan 24 2006, 08:00 AM) *

does it have strange video cables/settings?

oops, forgot to add this quote to my last reply...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 06, 2007, 04:03:00 AM
The exploit and video should work fine with hd resoulitions and cables. The quote you are referring to is because the Splinter cell exploit itself which is needed to get the Ndure exploit installed can hang/load to a black screen with some of the third party hd cables. Once it's installed it shouldn't be an issue.

The current latest version is 1.1.1 which is 1.1 plus and ad on upgrader which makes ot 1.1.1

2.0 is not out there are however some packages out there labeled 2.0 but that is faulty and I don't now the morons who did that.
I recommend getting your xbox software on xbins like anyone else simce it's one of the few reliable sources out there.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Turbe on January 06, 2007, 10:28:00 AM
Thanks for clearing that up.. I just wanted to make sure I was not missing something, though I thought 1.1.1 was the latest after reading this forum.  Can I use your 1.1.1 updater to update my 1.0 install or do I need to upgrade to 1.1 first (unless I use CASH 1.1)....?

I'm going to move my xbox to another room with another hd lcd and try new cables.  Something is not right, my display is showing a 720p (or 1080i if I set this) signal from my xbox (1.0 version), but the menus and videos are not clear (even DVD).  I also loaded NDURE (1.0) from the MA Gamesave and that menu looks terrible as well at 720p (I double checked the settings there too).

I think I will post a pic of the NDURE Menu eventually... further testing is needed now though...

This post has been edited by Turbe: Jan 6 2007, 06:29 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Turbe on January 06, 2007, 12:39:00 PM
Ok, I'm updated to 1.1.1....  I didn't see the update 1.0 in your 1.1 install.

Now time for me to figure out my HD quality issues...

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: BigHairyDave on January 07, 2007, 08:27:00 PM
I don't know if this is the right place to ask but anyhoo...

I have a modded (Xcecuter 3) xbox and an unmodded crystal xbox.

My question is can I softmod the crystal xbox by changing drives and running some tool or script or do I have to follow the already well documented savegame method (I don't currently have one of the needed games) ?

My guess will be no because I think the only way to back up the EEPROM from the crystal xbox will be via a savegame exploit.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: skpyo on January 13, 2007, 03:07:00 AM
I'm a totally newbie, trying to softmod my new xbox and need your help - I'm stuck from the very beginning.

Here is my situation.
I copied the MA savefile (Krayzie_MA_Ndure_Installer_v1.1 I got from THE reliable source myself) to my xbox hd. I ran MA and selected 'Run Linux' as my profile.

Then the game asks what mission to choose without any list of missions.
I just clicked 'A and screen started flickering for ever without doing nothing.
After waiting for 20 minutes, I turned off and re-on the box and found nothing changes (seemingly) - e.g., game works fine and original dash comes up... but not modded. I tried several times and same things happened.

What's worng with this situation? What should I do? Please guide me... Thanks in advance.
(FYI, my kernel version is 5838 and dash version is 5960.)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: skpyo on January 13, 2007, 04:29:00 AM
QUOTE(skpyo @ Jan 13 2007, 06:38 PM) *

I'm a totally newbie, trying to softmod my new xbox and need your help - I'm stuck from the very beginning.

Here is my situation.
I copied the MA savefile (Krayzie_MA_Ndure_Installer_v1.1 I got from THE reliable source myself) to my xbox hd. I ran MA and selected 'Run Linux' as my profile.

Then the game asks what mission to choose without any list of missions.
I just clicked 'A and screen started flickering for ever without doing nothing.
After waiting for 20 minutes, I turned off and re-on the box and found nothing changes (seemingly) - e.g., game works fine and original dash comes up... but not modded. I tried several times and same things happened.

What's worng with this situation? What should I do? Please guide me... Thanks in advance.
(FYI, my kernel version is 5838 and dash version is 5960.)

I copied files again and now it works. Thanks anyway.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 14, 2007, 05:46:00 AM
QUOTE(Turbe @ Jan 5 2007, 08:14 PM) *

I am curious why the HD Pack would make a difference?  

I too have an original v1 xbox with the HD pack.  When I installed NDURE (1.0 it looks like) I had the xbox connected to a SD TV with the standard A/V cables and of course had no problems with the install.  After I installed NDURE and XBMC 2.01 I switch to one of my HD LCD's displays using the M$ HD Pack.  When in HD resolutions, the quality is not what it should be, it is like it is not scaling the fonts/graphics/video right in 720p - fuzzy, blurry whatever...  And yes I did go the the M$ Dash and set it for Widescreen and all HD resolutions (to yes)....

I am wondering if this is some how related to my problem (or maybe virtual eeprom) since I installed NDURE when I had the xbox set to a SD display.


at this point, i would suggest a re-mod

Get a fresh copy of the 1.1 installer.
upgrade to 1.1.1
Wipe out the old mod
delete the old game saves
install the new game saves
make 100% sure dash is clean 5960
delete any and all unnessecary game save data and sound tracks
Set your time, region, language
Using the HD pack and M$ dash, enable all video modes compatible with your monitor (i enable all in mods, and then set UnleashX to not display ones i do not want it using).

Remember that some of the exploits MAY have issues with 720p.  I found that splinter cell does not like 720p enabled by itself in the dash, and doesn't like 720p and 480p enabled at the same time....eith just 480p or all 3 enabled are the only ways to go.

Hold down both triggers and "Click" both thumbsticks to enable 480p in M$ dash.  Compare between 480i and 480p to make sure....text should be much more crisp and sharp.

While doing all this, set up your audio also.  Again, i enable everything, and change settings as needed elsewhere.

This should get you petty well set the way i do things as a base point.
Mod your box

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Starlite on January 18, 2007, 02:59:00 PM
A Murder of Crows and maybe Krayzie a little too

I'm not necessarily a noob at soft modding but I certainly have never done any advanced work.

I just spent about 8+ hours reading through all 98 pages of this thread in the hopes of finding an answer to my question.  I may have skimmed in some places but I'm confident the answer to my question was not directly answered already.  I have definitely learned a lot, but the only mention of anything close to what I'm interested in is in the following discussion between the two of you.

QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ May 10 2006, 03:19 PM) *

So....the default.xbe that is used as the first menu in the installer isn't UnleashX?  Same for the Extras?  I was going to go thru the whole package and use the newest UnleashX version, if for no other reason than because it was slightly smaller.

QUOTE(Krayzie @ May 10 2006, 10:42 PM) *

@A Murder of Crows: there is only one unleashx inside each folder (gamesave installer, Extras and Rescue disc. Within those folder various parts and xml's are copied/renamed to make the menu look different throughout and after the installation.

For reference these quotes are taken from a discussion that started in post 1111 on page 75 if you want to go back and jog your memories.

With that said, now I'll get to my question.  Did you ever succeed in getting the most current version of UnleashX into the installer?  If so may I ask how?  I am mostly interested in doing to better understanding the inner workings of the package and to gain some experience working inside these files.  Was it as simple as replacing all instances of the related files with the updated ones?

This leads to my major question which is for both A Murder of Crows and Krayzie.  Is it possible to replace the dashboards located in the installer for ones of my choosing?  I realize since the package is written in UnleashX scripts it would be difficult to replace that one, but what about replacing Evolution X, maybe with Avalaunch or XBMC 2.0?  I guess the biggest thing is that I assume all the Dashboard files are easily located within the file structure of the package itself and not tucked away in some executable that would require some sort of decompiling or anything, is that true?

On a lighter note I have a couple of other questions I couldn't find a reference too.

Will this work on all Xbox versions?

Can I play backup games on Xbox live?

And @A Murder of Crows, I'm having trouble getting my mod to work with my version 0.9456 Xbox and 18TB HDD can you post that tutorial of yours on how to do it for the 1,000,000th time? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Thanks in advance for all the help guys
IT should also be obvious by now that the answers to the last three questions are really not required.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 20, 2007, 12:20:00 AM
QUOTE(Starlite @ Jan 18 2007, 01:30 PM) *

This leads to my major question which is for both A Murder of Crows and Krayzie.  Is it possible to replace the dashboards located in the installer for ones of my choosing?  I realize since the package is written in UnleashX scripts it would be difficult to replace that one, but what about replacing Evolution X, maybe with Avalaunch or XBMC 2.0?  I guess the biggest thing is that I assume all the Dashboard files are easily located within the file structure of the package itself and not tucked away in some executable that would require some sort of decompiling or anything, is that true?

Yes, i did.  seek ye Krayzie's NDure 1.1.1 AMOC edition, beta 1.  Only a handful ever got it, but it does have the last version of UnleashX available....this isn't really a good thing, though, as there were a LOT of oddball bugs i was finding...i myself am testing out the version BEFORE the last to see if it any more far, i've found only one key combo that crashes it...but with work on UX seeming to be over, i doubt anyone will ever get the fixes.

Evox is not replaceable in the 1.X series as it is what is used to make a backup of your eeprom.  However, you CAN follow the instructions in the 1.1.X packages to make an extras disc and within the extras, install your own emulators.

the easy answer is this:  No, you can't replace them in the installer, except with newer versions that are still compatible with the same function calls/scripting, not only because they are needed, but also because, in the case of XBMC, they are too big to fit on a memory card/action replay.


On a lighter note I have a couple of other questions I couldn't find a reference too.

Will this work on all Xbox versions?

Yes, though occasionally you may find that you will need to reformat the hard drive to make things work 100% correctly...generally a problem that has happened BEFORE the mod was installed


Can I play backup games on Xbox live?

i'll save you the trip to the Online forums this one time.......Is it possible?  probably, but not with this mod.  It is not condoned on any level, however, and if you get banned, its your own fault.


And @A Murder of Crows, I'm having trouble getting my mod to work with my version 0.9456 Xbox and 18TB HDD can you post that tutorial of yours on how to do it for the 1,000,000th time? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

No problem.

Take your xbox in both hands.  slam said xbox against your forehead.  repeat until the xbox glows with unearthly light when you look at it.  Your xbox, and probably your forehead, are now considered modded.

I honestly answered the first 2 questions because i feel it is pretty legit...there have been a lot of questions regarding versions.

the 2nd answer about the backups is also somewhat valid in the light of the samsung firmware mods.

the last, well, now you are being silly.

take care

A Murder of Crows

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Starlite on January 21, 2007, 07:30:00 PM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jan 20 2007, 01:51 AM) *

Yes, i did.  seek ye Krayzie's NDure 1.1.1 AMOC edition, beta 1.  Only a handful ever got it, but it does have the last version of UnleashX available....this isn't really a good thing, though, as there were a LOT of oddball bugs i was finding...i myself am testing out the version BEFORE the last to see if it any more far, i've found only one key combo that crashes it...but with work on UX seeming to be over, i doubt anyone will ever get the fixes.

So would you say the version of UnleashX on the installer is the best choice as far as options, compatability and stability go?  What is the key combo that crashes it so I can predict how much it would affect games played on it?

QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jan 20 2007, 01:51 AM) *
Yes, though occasionally you may find that you will need to reformat the hard drive to make things work 100% correctly...generally a problem that has happened BEFORE the mod was installed

You must answer this question to often if you took me seriously enough to answer it here.

QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jan 20 2007, 01:51 AM) *
I'll save you the trip to the Online forums this one time.......Is it possible?  probably, but not with this mod.  It is not condoned on any level, however, and if you get banned, its your own fault.

Now I was feeling pretty bad about asking the questions after seeing you answer the second one.

QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Jan 20 2007, 01:51 AM) *

Take your xbox in both hands.  slam said xbox against your forehead.  repeat until the xbox glows with unearthly light when you look at it.  Your xbox, and probably your forehead, are now considered modded.

This last answer though was the cat's ass.  It made the whole post worth it.  At this point I laughed so hard I thought I might fall off my chair.  There's good tutorials and then there are tutorials that even absolute noobs could follow.  This one you wrote for me falls into the latter category.

Hope it made your day too.  I had hoped you'd pick up on the joke when I wrote:

On a lighter note I have a couple of other questions I couldn't find a reference too.

Thanks for the reply.

This post has been edited by Starlite: Jan 22 2007, 03:34 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 22, 2007, 08:49:00 PM
QUOTE(Starlite @ Jan 21 2007, 06:01 PM) *

So would you say the version of UnleashX on the installer is the best choice as far as options, compatability and stability go?  What is the key combo that crashes it so I can predict how much it would affect games played on it?

It won't affect games at all....i have seen UnleashX crash when you start the skins menu and then hit the BACK button before the skins list has completely loaded.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: symbian on January 24, 2007, 03:12:00 PM
Where can I find this? I looked on xbin, and couldnt find a download link.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on January 24, 2007, 11:30:00 PM
QUOTE(symbian @ Jan 24 2007, 01:43 PM) *
Where can I find this? I looked on xbin, and couldnt find a download link.


do a board search for the "Usual Places"

if that doesn't help you out, go back to the noobie forums.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Bloodglitch on February 04, 2007, 02:03:00 PM
If I did the splinter cell gamesave exploit, can I install this over the EvoX dashboard?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 05, 2007, 04:14:00 AM
QUOTE(Bloodglitch @ Feb 4 2007, 12:34 PM) *
If I did the splinter cell gamesave exploit, can I install this over the EvoX dashboard?

i recommend a clean install. return your system to retail using Slayers, then load up krayzies installer seperately.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: poopiemagee on February 06, 2007, 08:59:00 PM
Hi all my problems can be best detailed by checking this link:

Anyway, while installing a new 750gig hard drive in my box I learned I needed to upgrade my dash to 5960, which I did and that I needed to use nkpatcher .67

I installed Krayzie's for just this reason.  Mind you the box was already modded using SIDs.  I installed Krayzie's and it took, I turned on the box, booted up UnleashX and for some reason it won't see the G: drive and the F: drive is only showing 120g (or so).

Am I getting this problem because it was modded beforehand?  

I tried redoing it but with installing Evox this time (which of course didn't work) but I noticed in Evox it said "Bios Unknown" at the top of the scrn.  Could this be the reason I'm having trouble?

Thanks in advance if anyone can lend a hand.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: torne on February 07, 2007, 05:06:00 AM
QUOTE(poopiemagee @ Feb 7 2007, 03:30 AM) *

I installed Krayzie's for just this reason.  Mind you the box was already modded using SIDs.  I installed Krayzie's and it took, I turned on the box, booted up UnleashX and for some reason it won't see the G: drive and the F: drive is only showing 120g (or so).

Have you actually enabled the G drive in UnleashX's settings? It defaults to disabled.


I tried redoing it but with installing Evox this time (which of course didn't work) but I noticed in Evox it said "Bios Unknown" at the top of the scrn.  Could this be the reason I'm having trouble?

No. EvoX just doesn't have a checksum for the nkpatcher-patched retail bios.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: poopiemagee on February 07, 2007, 01:50:00 PM
I enabled the G: drive.  Thanks for the tip.  Hopefully the rest of my problems are solved!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: stowelly on February 07, 2007, 03:30:00 PM
ive just this second had to do this, you need to use xbpartitioner to partition and format the G drive through xbmc
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: torne on February 08, 2007, 06:56:00 AM
One extra thing to note (probably not directly related to your problem) is that XBMC by default is configured to autodetect the presence of the F and G drives, and its autodetection relies on there actually being something on the drive. If you just formatted G and there's no files/folders on it, XBMC will refuse to believe that it exists - you need to create a folder/file using some other dash first.

Just a useful tip (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 10, 2007, 06:22:00 AM
all the problems you were having were based on using SID first.  next time you want to do a new install, return the C drive to stock first.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ginsu777 on February 12, 2007, 08:57:00 AM
ok, so i did the chipping years before and i spent the past weekend doing the softmodding (diff xbox) and exploring all that is available.  first off THANK YOU to all the folks who work on this and answer questions, it is a big deal to all of us.

Now onto MY question:

I did the splinter cell exploit to install Krayzie's latest.  I then did my initial backup and saved all that stuff (c drive and eeprom)  then I started to tinker...  and XBMC does not share well with macs, which I was disappointed with.  anyway...

after messing around for a few hours, i wanted to see if I truly could "go back" to standard xbox mode and play my live games.  I went into Krayzie's and chose "uninstall softmod".  And then my adventure began...

I got the dreaded "error 21" and this reminded me of my modchip times, and this was not good.  so i then somehow FTPd and got the thing back running the way it "WAS" before I tried to uninstall the softmod.  However, to do this, I could NOT do a standard install, I had to do a MINIMAL install from krayzie's.  As I have learned, because I did a minimal install, i CANNOT do the dual boot thing that I have on the EXTRAS folder which I copied over.

I would LIKE to have one xbox with a bigger HD that I can also get on xbox Live, WITH my A/V kit... if this is possible, I will do what it takes to make it happen.  However, I would first like to get THIS box with its standard drive with a full install and be able to do a dual boot so I can get into xbox live and play games with my buddies.  I just updated my live subscription in November, so I have some time left.

I am willing to PAY (even paypal) someone to walk me through the steps I need to do in order to get from A to B.  I see this as worthwhile consultant fee, and those with knowledge should be paid for it.

If there is ANYONE that wishes to walk me through this (Krayzie or some other senior member) please contact me at bcasey1 :at: hotmail :dot: com and we can work something out.  I have access in my place to 2 pcs 2 macs and they are all networked wirelessley through the same router.

I want to help XBMC be THE way to go!

This post has been edited by ginsu777: Feb 12 2007, 05:02 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 12, 2007, 02:22:00 PM
QUOTE(ginsu777 @ Feb 12 2007, 07:28 AM) *
ok, so i did the chipping years before and i spent the past weekend doing the softmodding (diff xbox) and exploring all that is available.  first off THANK YOU to all the folks who work on this and answer questions, it is a big deal to all of us.

Now onto MY question:

I did the splinter cell exploit to install Krayzie's latest.  I then did my initial backup and saved all that stuff (c drive and eeprom)  then I started to tinker...  and XBMC does not share well with macs, which I was disappointed with.  anyway...

Shouldn't be too hard to make a samba server run on a mac.   did you check here?


after messing around for a few hours, i wanted to see if I truly could "go back" to standard xbox mode and play my live games.  I went into Krayzie's and chose "uninstall softmod".  And then my adventure began...

your first mistake.  if you had read up a bit, you would have seen that all you need to do with Krayzie's is cold boot your original game.  Though there have been some strange bannings lately.  Krayzie and i are looking in to it as we find time, which isn't often.  More info can be found in the Online Gaming forums.


I got the dreaded "error 21" and this reminded me of my modchip times, and this was not good.  so i then somehow FTPd and got the thing back running the way it "WAS" before I tried to uninstall the softmod.  However, to do this, I could NOT do a standard install, I had to do a MINIMAL install from krayzie's.  As I have learned, because I did a minimal install, i CANNOT do the dual boot thing that I have on the EXTRAS folder which I copied over.

correct.  you must do a full install to utilize all the features of the extra modes.  Minimal is just to get modded.


I would LIKE to have one xbox with a bigger HD that I can also get on xbox Live, WITH my A/V kit... if this is possible, I will do what it takes to make it happen.  However, I would first like to get THIS box with its standard drive with a full install and be able to do a dual boot so I can get into xbox live and play games with my buddies.  I just updated my live subscription in November, so I have some time left.

1) to get on live with the larger hard drive, you will need a new virgin eeprom, a virgin hard drive, and a clean gamertag.

2) to get your box running properly, you need to return your box to stock.  i suggest using slayers if you haven't made a rescue/restore disc.  after that, update the dash to 5960, and reinstall the mod using the full/basic install.  

3) you DON'T NEED TO HAVE DUAL BOOT TO GET ON LIVE.  read up a bit, and you'll see you simply need to cold boot the disc.


I am willing to PAY (even paypal) someone to walk me through the steps I need to do in order to get from A to B.  I see this as worthwhile consultant fee, and those with knowledge should be paid for it.

If there is ANYONE that wishes to walk me through this (Krayzie or some other senior member) please contact me at bcasey1 :at: hotmail :dot: com and we can work something out.  I have access in my place to 2 pcs 2 macs and they are all networked wirelessley through the same router.

I want to help XBMC be THE way to go!

i've contacted you to attempt to help you out.  to prepare, restore your xbox to stock, get fresh copies of the saves, update it, and put the exploit saves on the box.  go into the M$ dash and set all your settings properly, including the different video modes.  delete any un-needed save games from the memory manager, and try to get rid of any soundtracks you don't need.

i'll wait to hear from you for a couple of hours today, but i'm doing a rebuild on my PC soon, so get back asap.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kizer8 on February 13, 2007, 12:03:00 PM
How do I setup/configure/use IGR with Krayzie's 1.1 softmod installer?  Please be detailed if possible since I am new to all this stuff.  My dash in unleashx.


This post has been edited by kizer8: Feb 13 2007, 08:07 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 13, 2007, 12:07:00 PM
QUOTE(kizer8 @ Feb 13 2007, 07:34 PM) *

How do I setup/configure/use IGR with Krayzie's 1.1 softmod installer?  Please be detailed if possible since I am new to all this stuff.  My dash in unleashx.


It's a;;ready active. just press L+R+back+start
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kizer8 on February 13, 2007, 12:37:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Feb 13 2007, 12:38 PM) *

It's a;;ready active. just press L+R+back+start

Thanks Krayzie for the reply. Sorry for my ignorance, but what is L and R.  I know back and start because they are labeled.  One more question. is there any easy way to initiate/launch your installer again without using the games.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 13, 2007, 01:07:00 PM
left and right triggers. You can easily launch the save via the extras in modded mode. In unmodded mode you'll need the game.

This post has been edited by krayzie: Feb 13 2007, 09:07 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kizer8 on February 13, 2007, 01:10:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Feb 13 2007, 01:38 PM) *

left and right triggers. You can easily launch the save via the extras in modded mode. In unmodded mode you'll need the game.

Thanks I understand the L & R and now IGR works , but what is extras and how do I access it.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 14, 2007, 04:42:00 AM
how far did you get in to reading the readme files within the package?  it is explained quite well what the extra are in there.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kizer8 on February 14, 2007, 08:33:00 AM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Feb 14 2007, 05:13 AM) *

how far did you get in to reading the readme files within the package?  it is explained quite well what the extra are in there.

Sorry, I read the readme a little further and now understand the extras.  A couple more questions I didn't see answered in the readme.  What BIOS version is in Krayzie ndure 1.1 installer and what is the biggest hard drive I can install with it?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 14, 2007, 03:22:00 PM
QUOTE(kizer8 @ Feb 14 2007, 07:04 AM) *

Sorry, I read the readme a little further and now understand the extras.  A couple more questions I didn't see answered in the readme.  What BIOS version is in Krayzie ndure 1.1 installer and what is the biggest hard drive I can install with it?


whatever bios you have on your stock xbox.  NDure uses NKPatcher to patch the retail bios in memory.

using xbpartitioner in combination/after XboxHDMaker, you can theoretically use any size hard drive available that has the right interface and is able to be locked.  you just have to use the right cluster size.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kizer8 on February 14, 2007, 04:10:00 PM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Feb 14 2007, 03:53 PM) *

whatever bios you have on your stock xbox.  NDure uses NKPatcher to patch the retail bios in memory.

using xbpartitioner in combination/after XboxHDMaker, you can theoretically use any size hard drive available that has the right interface and is able to be locked.  you just have to use the right cluster size.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: themuffin on February 14, 2007, 06:25:00 PM
I've been out of the scene for a long long time, I had to have the person I taught to mod do this for me...

One big question that answers many small ones:

How can I change the BIOS so that I could change the dashboard boot order, LBA48 support, etc... XBtool doesn't work with the BIOS I found in the UDATA,

Is this kind of customization possible with this exploit?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 15, 2007, 03:22:00 AM

QUOTE(themuffin @ Feb 14 2007, 04:56 PM) *
I've been out of the scene for a long long time, I had to have the person I taught to mod do this for me...

One big question that answers many small ones:

How can I change the BIOS so that I could change the dashboard boot order, LBA48 support, etc... XBtool doesn't work with the BIOS I found in the UDATA,

Is this kind of customization possible with this exploit?

you missed what i said about a post or 2 ago.  the bios that is loaded is the RETAIL bios.  it is patched with NKPatcher in RAM.  you can't use XBTool for this.  this is krayzie's version of the NDure installer, made to be completely easy for the n00b.  with NDure, you make all  your choices in the NDure package prior to installing the mod.

with Krayzie's installer, the dashboard boot order is as follows if you have multiboot enabled:


LBA48 is enabled.  you have a choice between F gets all and F gets 127, G gets rest.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: themuffin on February 15, 2007, 04:18:00 PM
QUOTE(A Murder of Crows @ Feb 15 2007, 10:53 AM) *

you missed what i said about a post or 2 ago.  the bios that is loaded is the RETAIL bios.  it is patched with NKPatcher in RAM.  you can't use XBTool for this.  this is krayzie's version of the NDure installer, made to be completely easy for the n00b.  with NDure, you make all  your choices in the NDure package prior to installing the mod.

with Krayzie's installer, the dashboard boot order is as follows if you have multiboot enabled:


LBA48 is enabled.  you have a choice between F gets all and F gets 127, G gets rest.

Is there any way to change any of that? (while still using this mod as is?)

Thank btw, (how the heck do you +rep?)

This post has been edited by themuffin: Feb 16 2007, 12:20 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on February 15, 2007, 09:57:00 PM
QUOTE(themuffin @ Feb 15 2007, 02:49 PM) *

Is there any way to change any of that? (while still using this mod as is?)

Thank btw, (how the heck do you +rep?)

Depends on what you mean by change.  NKPatcher's job is to patch the retail bios.  how it patches it is decided by the settings you select prior to compiling the mod.  If you are using Krayzie's, there are several presets already selected for you.  if you don't want to use Krayzie's, jump ship from here and do a search for KingRoach's NDure threads.  this will allow you to make your own NDure based softmod.

now, if you want to change what directory the mod uses to launch a dashboard, the easiest way is to use an Xbox Shortcut Maker.  Choose where you want the shortcut to point, name it properly and assign it a Save Data number that matches the one of the xbe you want it to point to.  Create the shortcut and name it "default.xbe".  then place that file into the E:\Dashboard (or E:\Dashboard\AltDash) folder.  The mod will load, find the shortcut, and launch the associated xbe.

the only trick to this is that you may not be able to point it to a folder on RealC, as ShadowC will already be invoked at this time.  Placing it on ShadowC can prove pretty dangerous.

Either way, you will never be able to do use anything like XBTool to change settings.  and honestly, there aren't many settings you'd want to change anyway....Short of placing the dashboard on RealC and then hiding it so the end user can't mess it up, there is no real reason to have anything anywhere else, and no settings i know of worth changing.  Krayzie's installer is designed to be n00b friendly, secure, and Live Safe.  The layout is so well done that i actually use it to base my hard mods on, placing my dashboard in E:\Dashboard, etc.

Thanx for the rep....though if you want to give me a real push, send a note to Krayzie or a couple of other moderators on the forums and let them know how useful my post was.  i've been considering talking to some of these guys about being a moderator for a couple of forums.

Good luck, and enjoy it.

This post has been edited by A Murder of Crows: Feb 16 2007, 06:03 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: houndb on February 16, 2007, 07:37:00 AM
I'm a idiot. Not quite sure where to go or where to post. I had a friend do a softmod using krayzie and the splinter cell bug. The soft mod work but it work freeze sometimes. Well I really like the options the softmod offered and all the different dashboards and I decide to try a mod chip.

 I thought that it would be easier to change stuff and less chance of screwing things up. My friend gave me a burned cd that was suppose to have my back up orginal eeprom and harddrive. So I booted up splinter cell and it booted up the modded dash chirst I cant remember what the dash was called now. IT had the option to unistall the soft mod. I chose the option to restore from cd/dvd. It rebooted and started the xbox green ms dash starts up and then I get nothing but a black screen. The dvd drive works and it appears the xbox is running. Is there a way to get back out of the option to to restore from cd/dvd cause I'm thinking thats whats it's trying to do. The cd my friend gave me does not have my back ups on it and he didn't save em.

I think I have ftp access through the mod chip if I put The chip in. It's a Xenium Gold. All I want is the orginal xbox restored to factory. The xbox is a 1.4 with thompson dvd never been hook up to live.

I've been reading posts for about 18 hours now and I'm totally lost so could someone please tell me what my options are and how in the hell to get back to the orginal xbox. That way I can start fresh and do all the hacks with the chip.

Thank you for any help and sorry for the long post.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xman954 on February 16, 2007, 09:07:00 AM
could someone please tell me what my options are and how in the hell to get back to the orginal xbox
cold boot slayers2.6 or 2.7 with the chip on and select restore MS dash "C:\"
there's also other boot disk's that can do the same
they all have FTP servers so you can use that if you want to replace the C:\
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: navanman on February 18, 2007, 01:16:00 PM
I installed your excellent softmod using the default nkpatcher .67 with 160GB HD. I have lots of games, videos on F drive and 21GB on G. If I use Krayzie's Extras to switch to nkpatcher .06, will I lose the contents that is currently on F: and G: or will it integrate the disc space on G into F:
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: blackxino on March 02, 2007, 06:40:00 PM
My Action Replay+Memory Card order is on the way.
I have purchased the Splinter Cell game, will the Pal version work for softmoding?

I have downloaded your file Krayzie Ndure v1.1
in the SC folder, there are Rescue disc, SC save 1 & 2. What is the Resuce disc for, and the Save folders what are they for?
Do I only need 1 save in the game and use SC save 1?

by the way...i also got the CASH file,wat does it do?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 03, 2007, 04:01:00 AM
QUOTE(blackxino @ Mar 2 2007, 05:47 PM) View Post
My Action Replay+Memory Card order is on the way.
I have purchased the Splinter Cell game, will the Pal version work for softmoding?

I have downloaded your file Krayzie Ndure v1.1
in the SC folder, there are Rescue disc, SC save 1 & 2. What is the Resuce disc for, and the Save folders what are they for?
Do I only need 1 save in the game and use SC save 1?

by the way...i also got the CASH file,wat does it do?

Yes, pal version will work, just make sure to use the PAL based Exploit save for splinter cell.

as for the rest of it....all your questions are answered in the readmes.  for my sanity, go back and read them.  if you don't understand, read them again.  if you still don't understand, think about if you really should be modding your box.  If you are still at a loss after that, i'll tell you
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 04, 2007, 04:12:00 PM

Anyone using this (hotswap all in one disc) method be warned - there are still functions of the mod that REQUIRE the disc and the original exploit files.

Until such a time comes that zzk is able to provide 100% of the support for this on his own in an articulate manner, or unless you (the end user) are far more knowledgeable than the average user for which Krayzie's Installer was made for, it is my position that you do not use this.  This simply isn't how Krayzie's installer is meant to be used, and though it will get you modded without the disc or a memory card/action replay, some functions of your mod will be inherently crippled because that disc is missing.

No Bashing, no blaming.  We will not  be able to provide support for this method, period.  We will not be able to take any responsibility for what may happen if you use this method.

The administrator of this forum will be notified of the position and the continued stance that this should not be allowed for distribution publicly until zzk can demonstrate an ability to support those who choose to use this in a clear, concise, technical manner.

This same post will be made at the Xbox-Scene official Krayzie's NDure support thread, so that even if zzk decides it should not be here and deletes this post, people searching the X-S forums will know.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: A Murder of Crows on March 09, 2007, 02:06:00 AM
I'm most impressed with your actions, zzk.  when some things settle down in my personal life, if you are interested and open minded, i have some ideas for you that you may be interested in to make a hotswap installer actually work 100% for would require the disc still, but you would save a lot of people headaches by getting the exploit file on, and you can tailor it to each region in one fell swoop.

Bravo and kudos for a noble attempt, and for recongnizing it had flaws, and being big enough to pull it down for the safety of all.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xman954 on March 09, 2007, 08:33:00 AM
;;; Virtual EEPROM settings:
;;; VIRTUAL_EEPROM = Enable. Access to the EEPROM through the kernel will be
;;;                  redirected to file VIRTUAL_EEPROM_PATH.
;;; ENABLE_REAL_EEPROM_WRITE = Enable writing to the real EEPROM.
;;;                  If the VIRTUAL_EEPROM_PATH file is not found nkpatcher (with
;;;                  VIRTUAL_EEPROM enabled) will default to using the real EEPROM,
;;;                  but writing disabled
. If you want the writing enabled then
;;;                  use this option. The main purpose of having real writes
;;;                  disabled by default is that if you mistype the path in
;;;                  VIRTUAL_EEPROM_PATH then you might go messing with the real
;;;                  EEPROM thinking it was only the virtual.
;;; DISABLE_VIRTUAL_EEPROM_WRITE = Disable writing to the virtual EEPROM.
;;; Virtual EEPROM is disabled by default. Also note that normally you shouldn't

%define VIRTUAL_EEPROM_PATH '\path_to_eeprom.bin'
for those that are having problems with the virtual eeprom
simply deleting the eeprom.bin that it uses (from Professional mode) will force NKPatcher to use the
real eeprom but with writes disabled.
then using the tray-boot to MS dash the HD and AUDIO settings
can be set and will persest in the modded state
the real eeprom will still be write protected
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Raam on April 14, 2007, 07:09:00 AM
Hello!  I'm trying to use 1,0 and Splinter Cell to softmod my PAL Xbox, and the installation goes through fine, but it never boots up after I reset it.  I've done the fonts thing, and I think the thing is softmodded (the Xbox boots up a Xbox boot disc I burned) but still, the installation doesn't finish.  I don't know what's up.  I've re-installed a few times, installing Exo X and Unleash, but no luck.

Help me!  Ta.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on April 15, 2007, 06:07:00 AM
you could use the rescue disc to revert to stock and try again (using new saves)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: corpsegrinder. on April 28, 2007, 03:44:00 PM
hmmmmmmmmm is the download in a torrent?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: doeman on June 01, 2007, 03:49:00 PM
Hey guys, i just go on XBL 2 days ago using a legit unmodded Box. I transferred the XBL account via mem card over to my Ndure sofmodded box. I put Halo 2 (original) in the DVD Tray and cooldbooted...i assume green led indicated unmodded state. When i go to connect to XBL though, i get a message saying there is no connection or connection problem.

Any ideas? Thanks man.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on June 01, 2007, 11:05:00 PM
if you coldbooted you should be safe. probably some misconfiguration in your network settings.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on June 05, 2007, 04:00:00 PM
Hi, I have the Krayzie Ndure 1.1.1 mod and update installed on my v1.0 xbox and it works great. I just have two questions.

(1) in order to swap my original HD out with say a 320GB HD, do I just use the "rescue disc" that comes zipped up in the original gamesave after I remove the old HD and put the new one in? or is there anything else that I will need to know?

(2) I installed the mod an my 1.0 xbox and it works great, but if I wanted to install it on the newest version xbox that is out would it still work ok?

Thanks, oh and by the way Krayzie, you are a genius smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on June 05, 2007, 09:18:00 PM
Sorry to double post but I dont know how to edit my post in this forum. I just wanted to clearify that I did ftp to my xbox and put my "C" drive and my "E" drive in the "rescue disc" folder, and I also put my default dashboard in the rescue disc dasboard folder just in case I would need to ftp from the "recovery disc". After doing so I than created the XISO and burnt it to a disc, and the "tri boot" loads it up perfectly. One other thing is that I went back and read some of the other posts and noteced that someone mentioned something about having to turn on professional mode to access the real "C" drive. Im pretty sure that when I ftped to "C" and backed it up that it had all of the original files in it, except for the for some of the "config magic" files (I was just curious about the program, dident use it) that where installed in the "C" drive which I could easily delete if I ever wanted to revert back to stock (not that I would biggrin.gif ). All that I think that I realy need to know is if the "tri boot" is actualy flashed to the bios or if it is just another "back door" in case the "default dashboard" becomes corrupt, or if someone is stupid enough to delete it or something. Im just wanting to make sure 100% before I try anything, even though I know that you mentioned in your readme file that the "rescue disc" is good for setting up new HDs. One more thing, I wont need to unlock my HD or anything will I?

Anyway, I know that I probably sound like a big noob, but I did my homework. I just wanted to check from this site first.


Oh well what do you know, there is the edit bottun right there rolleyes.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: cerealkillajme on June 06, 2007, 05:25:00 AM
QUOTE(red_butcher @ Jun 5 2007, 05:36 PM) View Post

Hi, I have the Krayzie Ndure 1.1.1 mod and update installed on my v1.0 xbox and it works great. I just have two questions.

(1) in order to swap my original HD out with say a 320GB HD, do I just use the "rescue disc" that comes zipped up in the original gamesave after I remove the old HD and put the new one in? or is there anything else that I will need to know?

(2) I installed the mod an my 1.0 xbox and it works great, but if I wanted to install it on the newest version xbox that is out would it still work ok?

Thanks, oh and by the way Krayzie, you are a genius smile.gif

1. You can't simply put a new HDD in and pop a disc in and format/prepare the drive. With a chip you could. Look into XBOXHDM for upgrading your HDD.

2. Krayzies softmod works on EVERY version XBOX.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on June 06, 2007, 09:09:00 AM
Ok, thanks. I will look into XBOXHDM, and I Also backed up my "C" drive in professional mode finally.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ryan83 on June 06, 2007, 09:30:00 AM
just 2 quick question i hope someone can help me with

to get it out the way ,firstly i patched krayzies 1.1 with the 1.1.1 update and softmodded my xbox which worked successfully. biggrin.gif do i make an iso for the extras , can i use poweriso and just burn it with alcohol?

2. ihave some apps like xbmc and a n64 emulator which i want to put in extras before i iso it up.
can you guys recommend other apps and stuff for me to put on the disk as i dont really know which ones are best.

thank you

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on June 06, 2007, 09:55:00 AM
QUOTE(ryan83 @ Jun 6 2007, 11:06 AM) View Post

just 2 quick question i hope someone can help me with

to get it out the way ,firstly i patched krayzies 1.1 with the 1.1.1 update and softmodded my xbox which worked successfully. biggrin.gif do i make an iso for the extras , can i use poweriso and just burn it with alcohol?

2. ihave some apps like xbmc and a n64 emulator which i want to put in extras before i iso it up.
can you guys recommend other apps and stuff for me to put on the disk as i dont really know which ones are best.

thank you

(1) use any application that will make it into an XISO (e.g. "SimpleXISOv03") and butn it with any application that will burn it as an image (I use "ImgBurn").
(2) I would reccoment "Mimesis", "Xored" trainer launcher (with any trainers that you want in the trainer folder)(dont put too many trainers in though because I have heard of people having realy bad trouble when they put like 300 trainers on the xbox[xbox doesent boot]), "Halo Cache Editor v0.7" (also known as HCE), if you want than you can just put the dashboard "avalaunch" in your xbox apps folder and download XBMC directly to your xbox from the avalaunch dashboard (if your xbox is connected to the internet).
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on June 06, 2007, 10:11:00 AM
QUOTE(cerealkillajme @ Jun 6 2007, 07:01 AM) View Post

1. You can't simply put a new HDD in and pop a disc in and format/prepare the drive. With a chip you could. Look into XBOXHDM for upgrading your HDD.

2. Krayzies softmod works on EVERY version XBOX.

Ok, I looked at the tutorial for the program "XBOXHDM" and I have a little problem. I own a laptop, so I cant just open it up and hotswap with the xbox HD. Does anyone know of a method that would work for me (possibly an easier, and less expensive method)? I have "config magic'" so I guess that it would be possible to unlock my HD if I needed to (note that I have a softmod not a mod chip). I have heard of a usb to IDE cable before but I dont know if I would be able to use that (if I got my hands on one). In addition I wouldn't be able to remove my PC HD when using "XBOXHDM," but I do have recovery discs for my laptop so I could restore it if I screwed it up.

also, are you sure that the "XBOXHDM" method is the only way that I could prepare the new HD for the xbox? I hate the thought of having to hook the HD to my PC, lol Im just too lazy for that sleeping.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: cerealkillajme on June 06, 2007, 10:20:00 AM
QUOTE(red_butcher @ Jun 6 2007, 11:47 AM) View Post

Ok, I looked at the tutorial for the program "XBOXHDM" and I have a little problem. I own a laptop, so I cant just open it up and hotswap with the xbox HD. Does anyone know of a method that would work for me (possibly an easier, and less expensive method)? I have "config magic'" so I guess that it would be possible to unlock my HD if I needed to (note that I have a softmod not a mod chip). I have heard of a usb to IDE cable before but I dont know if I would be able to use that (if I got my hands on one), and in addition I wouldent be able to remove my PC HD when using "XBOXHDM," but I do have recovery discs for my laptop so I could restore it if I screwed it up.

also, are you sure that the "XBOXHDM" method is the only way that I could prepare the new HD for the xbox? I hate the thought of having to hook the HD to my PC, lol Im just too lazy for that sleeping.gif

The only other way you can install a new HDD with a softmod is to have a chipped XBOX. You can take ConfigMagic and flash your softmodded box's eeprom to the chipped box. Once that is done you can then put a HDD in the chipped box and build it as necessary and when done you lock it, then put it back in the softmod box and it will boot right up. Then the original eeprom from the chipped box can be restored.

But if you don't have a chipped box handy, you can't do that.

The only other easy way would be to TSOP or chip it, as those will boot an unlocked HDD.

Also, don't unlock your stock HDD at all. If you unlock it, your xbox will no longer boots (softmods don't boot unlocked HDD's).
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on June 06, 2007, 10:58:00 AM
Thank you. I dont have a hardmodded xbox handy so it looks like Im in trouble there but I will look into "TOSP" whatever that is lol. Is that when you flash your original bios with a bios that allows HD swaping or something? anyway, you dont have to answere that one, Im just posting my thoughts. I will look into all of this some other time probably, since I need to save money up for that new 320GB HD anyway. TSOP does sound interesting though dangerous, if it is what I'm thinking it is. I have also read some forums in the past about someone making a homebrewed modchip and soldering in place of the original, but that sounds as complicated and dangerouse as TSOP. Maybe I will save up and try to get my hands on a mod chip and do it that way. I wish gamestop sold mod chips tongue.gif because I dont have a credit card.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on June 08, 2007, 12:09:00 PM
QUOTE(krazykarl @ Jun 7 2007, 11:12 PM) View Post

Is there a way to access the "real" C drive, not the virtual c drive?

assuming you are talking about the "krayzie ndure," yes. You just go to "krayzie extras" (after you put the "krayzie extras" folder (which is zipped [.rar] in the gamesave exploit) in your "apps" folder. Go to it and then go to "launch extras" and enter the password "YABX" and then start. then go to professional mod and select it. you will then reboot to your default dashboard with all vertual protections off, and you will have ftp access to your real "C" files. completely shut down and turn the xbox back on to exit professional mode. Its as simple as that smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DaFunks on June 25, 2007, 02:18:00 PM
I just want to say that you have made the best Softmod installer around. I have Softmodded 3 XBOXS before but this is the first time I have used yours.

Its much more easy and fool proof! Thanks alot!
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: cerealkillajme on June 27, 2007, 12:21:00 PM
QUOTE(fearlys @ Jun 27 2007, 01:50 PM) View Post

where can i get this i checked xbins ftp but no luck.

Check harder, it's there.

Think it's in "Exploits>Installers>Krayzies" or something similar.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on July 11, 2007, 07:21:00 PM

Hay I have looked around a little bit on HD reformatting and I might have found a solution for my laptop and xboxhdm. A USB to IDE cable would allow me to connect a regular descktop HD to my laptop externally. The only thing that I am not sure about is if the software that is used to lock/unlock and xboxhdm would work that way.

USB 2.0 to IDE

Thanks for any feedback.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on August 04, 2007, 07:42:00 PM
Hay when I download the krayzie ndure mechassault save from the usual place [5 letter word -----] it is not recognized as a valid gamesave. there are only like two saves that will be recognized as valid. I think someone has uploaded a bad copy of it probably on accident.

"not a valid gamesave"

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 05, 2007, 12:11:00 AM
displaying it to be an invalid gamesave probably has some other cause like a wrong patched up version of the game,  a shitty action replay or saves/dc that need to be deleted prior to transfering the saves or
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on August 05, 2007, 02:01:00 PM
I have not had a problem with it untill I donloaded an official save for rainbow six lockdown. But even when I tried using another computer I had the same problem. I dont know if it would have anything to do with the windows genuine validation tool update since that is the only thing that I can think of that could be screwing up both computers AR. I wouldn't think AR would be affected by it though since it is not by microsoft. (But if the xbox gamesaves are by microsoft then maybe they would have a way of doing something..) I dont know.

I have successfully modded my xbox with this exact same exploit (Krayzie_MA_Ndure_Installer_v1.1.rar) with mechassault before and have loaded the save to and from my memory card countless times. And actually I did try using a save that I had backed up from a long time ago and it did not work either. It must either be the validation tool or me doing something stupid with AR. Maybe Ill run a destructive recovery on my PC some time and see if that fixes it. rolleyes.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on August 05, 2007, 02:29:00 PM
I have not had a problem with it untill I donloaded an official save for rainbow six lockdown. But even when I tried using another computer I had the same problem. I dont know if it would have anything to do with the windows genuine validation tool update since that is the only thing that I can think of that could be screwing up both computers AR. I wouldn't think AR would be affected by it though since it is not by microsoft. (But if the xbox gamesaves are by microsoft then maybe they would have a way of doing something..) I dont know.

I have successfully modded my xbox with this exact same exploit (Krayzie_MA_Ndure_Installer_v1.1.rar) with mechassault before and have loaded the save to and from my memory card countless times. And actually I did try using a save that I had backed up from a long time ago and it did not work either. It must either be the validation tool or me doing something stupid with AR. Maybe Ill run a destructive recovery on my PC some time and see if that fixes it. rolleyes.gif
Or I may be able to ftp in progressive mode and copy it to my memory card?

wow I really sound like a noob lol..
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on August 05, 2007, 03:32:00 PM
Sorry for double and now triple posting. I ment to edit the post but messed up. Amyway I am such a noob lol I have loaded that save a million times and for some reason I forgot that with the ndure the save is zipped up along with the other files. I got it to work and now I feel really stupid smile.gif thanks for the reply anyway...
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 14, 2007, 09:04:00 AM
My installer is a gamesave installer. Kingroach's installer (above) is a pc installer. don't mix those two up. they are seperate installers.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on August 14, 2007, 10:03:00 PM
what kinda info do you need. the installer itlesf guides you through the whole process. For tuts un how to use gamesave installers you could look at the tutorials topic in the stickies
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DisturbedZen on September 15, 2007, 11:17:00 AM
I recently decided to finally plunge and soft mod my Xbox.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 15, 2007, 11:18:00 PM
How about looking at the tutorials topic. Oh and above link removed as it refers to some torrent sites.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on September 16, 2007, 06:43:00 AM
I would look at Textbook's tutorial if you want to use the hotswap method. And you won't find any files in here as linking to illegal or copyright protected files is not alowed here. If you want files you can search for xbins tutorials.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: RODIFIRE on September 29, 2007, 07:57:00 AM
hi I want to chanse my hard disk to put an 80GB I have do it but I don't had the file and don't do anything when I tyrn on the xbox i put the original again (and work ok) how can to do that?
an I don't have the Xbox Action Replay how can to do it with an other way cause I can't find it in greece??
have some one msn to halp me with this and I have and other thing please if any one can help me
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: DRKRONNIN on October 13, 2007, 09:21:00 PM
biggrin.gif First off let me say thanks to Krayzie and all the over xbox mod devs out there. I Successfully installed evox using 007. I Had one questions which dashboard is the best choice? I was kinda suprised at the option to choose. Any way thanx a lot for developing such a sweet mod... Much Love!!!
DRKRONNIN love.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: suicidalchoas on October 16, 2007, 05:45:00 PM
hey why isnt xbins working, i have all info correct and its saying it cant connect thought FTP
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: neronostic on October 19, 2007, 09:55:00 AM
Been searching for an answer for 2 days now and could not find one.  I kept getting an error on most replies.  I installed Ndure 1.1.1 using CASH, which are both awsome tools and props to the geniuses behind it all.  As noob friendly as it is I still managed to screw up.  After following the instructions, I rebooted and LED was orange but all I got was a blank screen after logo.  I tried a couple of things, (changed the clock on MS Dash & look in E:\ for a certain file.  Nothing helped.  If anyone has already answered this, then my apologies and please point me toward the right direction.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 19, 2007, 11:39:00 AM
did you try setting kernel specific fonts?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: RODIFIRE on October 19, 2007, 01:19:00 PM
Hi again can anyone help me how to put a new hard drive (hdd) 80GB to my old xbox i have the origianal (8GB) and I can easy change it but I try it and it can't read it, I now is there a way to do it cause some one here can but he want much of money please tell me the way. this site is amazing and I watch it every day and I see that you know much guys but I don't have see an answer for me please give it some time to help me I will wait for you guys thanks for the time biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  rolleyes.gif  rolleyes.gif  cool.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 20, 2007, 12:01:00 AM
QUOTE(neronostic @ Oct 19 2007, 08:24 PM) View Post

I have a feeling I overlooked something.  I have a kernel 4973.  Wasn't sure if that was compatible with something else so I tried all the fonts.  So I'm thinking I have to upgrade or something, right?

that isn't a valid kernel. you can find your kernel in the system settings in a retail state. If the system was modded before there might be something else that messes up.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 20, 2007, 01:31:00 PM
QUOTE(neronostic @ Oct 20 2007, 03:28 PM) View Post

This is what I got under "System Info" in the MS Dash. It states:


Isn't there a modchip inside or was it tsop flashed. Looks like an old x2 bios
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xman954 on October 20, 2007, 03:15:00 PM
NKPatcher only works with stock MS bios's (it will just hang)
any specific reason you want to use a softmod ??
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: suicidalchoas on October 21, 2007, 01:31:00 PM
QUOTE(jimandtonic @ Oct 19 2007, 07:11 AM) View Post

Are you using FlashFXP as your FTP Client?

no using smart FTP when i tryed flash it did the same thing

when i try to connect it says this

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: jimandtonic on October 22, 2007, 11:47:00 AM
QUOTE(suicidalchoas @ Oct 21 2007, 02:07 PM) *

no using smart FTP when i tryed flash it did the same thing
when i try to connect it says this

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

I followed this guide, and had no problems.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: suicidalchoas on October 22, 2007, 07:09:00 PM
dude wtf is my comp gone to hell?

i have followed this to the T and its still no connecting

[R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21
[R] Connection failed (Connection refused)

thats alll i get from flashfxp
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: neronostic on October 23, 2007, 06:13:00 AM
dude wtf is my comp gone to hell?

i have followed this to the T and its still no connecting

Read step 6 in carefully.  That should solve your problem.

NKPatcher only works with stock MS bios's (it will just hang)
any specific reason you want to use a softmod ??

I've done a pros and cons list and like softmodding more than the chip.  I've done a few for my friends, but they have newer xboxes.  So, Ndure won't install on mine.  Do you guys know of any other options?  And how can I get a different kernel?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: xman954 on October 23, 2007, 09:26:00 AM
Do you guys know of any other options
reflash the TSOP with a stock MS bios, must do if you want XBL

there are 4 things that NDURE with NKPatcher can do over a mod bios without a switch
use the XBL xonlinedash < this is a NDURE only feature and must use a stock MS bios
shadowC < nkpatcher only
virtual EEPROM < nkpatcher only
play .ISO's directly from HDD < can be done with certain mod bios (IND5003, evox M8+)

put a switch and split the TSOP then you can have both a soft and hard mod
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: suicidalchoas on October 24, 2007, 01:42:00 PM
QUOTE(neronostic @ Oct 23 2007, 01:13 PM) View Post

Read step 6 in carefully.  That should solve your problem.
I've done a pros and cons list and like softmodding more than the chip.  I've done a few for my friends, but they have newer xboxes.  So, Ndure won't install on mine.  Do you guys know of any other options?  And how can I get a different kernel?

can some tell me of im doing somthing wrong?

can i have some send me the game save or is that not allowed?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: IDJoe on October 24, 2007, 06:09:00 PM
I am trying my first softmod (any mod) and intend to use Krayzie's method.  I spliced a USB Type A female connector to my break away cable (Red to red, white to white, etc.) When I plug in a controller all is well.  When I plug in a USB memory stick I get one of two responses (One causes the screen to flash brighter off and on,  the other just is ignored.)  One I am using a SD card in a USB adapter, the other is a PNY memory stick.  Both devices the LED lights up.

I was expecting to see an error message and then the device to be formatted.  But in neither case does the device show up as memory in the Xbox.

I have a v 1.3 box I think (sept 2003).  Any help is appreciated.  I can't copy the saved game if I can't get the xbox to recognize my memory.  Thanks for your help.  Let me know if you need more details.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: neronostic on October 26, 2007, 09:47:00 AM
reflash the TSOP with a stock MS bios, must do if you want XBL

there are 4 things that NDURE with NKPatcher can do over a mod bios without a switch
use the XBL xonlinedash < this is a NDURE only feature and must use a stock MS bios
shadowC < nkpatcher only
virtual EEPROM < nkpatcher only
play .ISO's directly from HDD < can be done with certain mod bios (IND5003, evox M8+)

put a switch and split the TSOP then you can have both a soft and hard mod

Sorry xman, I don't mean to be a pain, but, I said it was TSOPPed and I'm not exactly sure it was.  It was modded for me about 5 years ago and I know I don't have a chip.  I don't go on xbox live, I use this xbox mostly just for emulators watching movies.  Is there any other way to get around this without having to reflash?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 26, 2007, 12:49:00 PM
QUOTE(neronostic @ Oct 26 2007, 05:47 PM) View Post

Sorry xman, I don't mean to be a pain, but, I said it was TSOPPed and I'm not exactly sure it was.  It was modded for me about 5 years ago and I know I don't have a chip.  I don't go on xbox live, I use this xbox mostly just for emulators watching movies.  Is there any other way to get around this without having to reflash?

If you want the advantages of a newer bios without reflashing you could just let your tsopped bios boot to phoenix bios loader.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: IDJoe on October 31, 2007, 03:23:00 PM
Krayzie,  Could you help?  You did a great job on the installer but I screwed it up.  I installed everything ok and then went to add the extra files.  I added them to the root E drive by mistake so I re-copied (ftped) them over to the apps folder.  Then I started deleting things from the root E drive.  Not sure what all I deleted but did not delete the eeprom backup or the apps.  

I figured I would just run the exploit again to restore anything I might have messed up.  But now when I run the installer (I had to copy the save again to the xbox) it tells me I no longer have the 5960 dash so it stopped the install.  

I know I deleted the udata and tdata folders and I don't really care about recovering my saved games or music. But I don't know what to do next.  I am not sure how to create a rescue disk to get the unit back to stock to try again.  Prior to the attempt I had K:5530 and D:5960.  I do have my eeprom backed up both on the e drive and the pc.  I think I still have my backed up c drive in e\backup.

So now when I boot the box with the power button in it it loads to the extra's launcher unleash page.  I can attempt to install a dual boot but upon reboot I get the extra launcher page every time.  When I power up via the eject button xbox original Dash loads fine with the proper (old) 5960 dash.

Lastly if you or others can help thank you.  It is redundant to state I am a noob but I would also appreciate a recommendation as to what dash to install unleash or evolution?  Thanks, Joe
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Un0riginal on November 15, 2007, 03:12:00 AM
QUOTE(IDJoe @ Oct 31 2007, 11:23 PM) View Post

Krayzie,  Could you help?  You did a great job on the installer but I screwed it up.  I installed everything ok and then went to add the extra files.  I added them to the root E drive by mistake so I re-copied (ftped) them over to the apps folder.  Then I started deleting things from the root E drive.  Not sure what all I deleted but did not delete the eeprom backup or the apps.  

I figured I would just run the exploit again to restore anything I might have messed up.  But now when I run the installer (I had to copy the save again to the xbox) it tells me I no longer have the 5960 dash so it stopped the install.  

I know I deleted the udata and tdata folders and I don't really care about recovering my saved games or music. But I don't know what to do next.  I am not sure how to create a rescue disk to get the unit back to stock to try again.  Prior to the attempt I had K:5530 and D:5960.  I do have my eeprom backed up both on the e drive and the pc.  I think I still have my backed up c drive in e\backup.

So now when I boot the box with the power button in it it loads to the extra's launcher unleash page.  I can attempt to install a dual boot but upon reboot I get the extra launcher page every time.  When I power up via the eject button xbox original Dash loads fine with the proper (old) 5960 dash.

Lastly if you or others can help thank you.  It is redundant to state I am a noob but I would also appreciate a recommendation as to what dash to install unleash or evolution?  Thanks, Joe


If you can still FTP to your xbox and you don't care about the data the easiest method would be to replace everything with original m$dash files.  

D/L slayers .iso
Extract using xiso
Under system\all you want folder c and e.  

First make sure everything is set up, wires where nobody can trip over them etc... (if you screw up during this you will have to resort to hot-swap to fix).  This step should only take ten mins, if that.
Ftp to your xbox
copy the backup of your eeprom to PC
Delete everything on C and E
Copy the slayers C and E over to the base of their respective drives

This will put you back into virgin M$ state (but with the 5960 dash).  From here you can just redo Krayzie's installer.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: erehwon6811 on November 21, 2007, 10:16:00 PM
I need a little help with this installer.  I've done this once before and already have a modded xbox.  I'm doing this to mod another xbox with xbmc for our downstairs TV.  

Unfortunately, I've forgotten some of what I did.    I've gotten all the files I need from xbins.  I updated the 1.1 installer I had from last time with that 1.1.1 update.  I've read the readme files, but I can't help but thinking I missed something.  I was wondering if there was a guide somethere in this thread that I missed.

I want to get everything settled out and ready for the install before I start doing anything.  This xbox has a busted dvd drive and I'm temporarily swapping out a drive from one of my working xboxes to get it modded.  I'm only using this for streaming my recorded tv shows, so I really don't need the dvd drive.

I do want to say thanks to all the developers of this installer.  It worked perfectly last time I used it.  I just wish I could remember everything I did last time.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: erehwon6811 on February 03, 2020, 01:37:00 PM
I'm still working on this.  My xbox reconizes the save as a MA save, but it says it is corrupted.  I'm wondering if I have a misplaced or missing file?  I also have another question.  I've been using my modded xbox to transfer the save to my mem card.  I ftp the save to some unused folder on my e drive (emulators for example).  I then move it from there to the mem card.  I'm wondering if that could cause some issues.  I'm doing something wrong and I can't figure out what.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: erehwon6811 on February 03, 2020, 08:34:00 PM
I finally got it working.  I wasn't missing anything.  I was just moving the save file over while it was still in that udata folder.  I needed to take the save out of that folder when I tranfered it to the mem card.  I'm a little annoyed that it took me all day to figure out it was something so simple.  Everything is working fine now.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: kkosment on November 24, 2007, 02:39:00 PM
listen i jus posted a new topic asking for help froom sombody who knows wtf they are doing when it comes to softmodding i ned the easies step by step emailed instructions or posted ones i dont even care i got the mech assualt game i dont want a clook loop and i still want in game music as well as live and i have no idea how to do it i also have action replay but idk what to do so neone tht knows what they are doing please help

thanx in advance

PS please excuse the typos in the typing
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: moviecut on December 18, 2007, 10:15:00 AM
@krayzie: will you release a last installer with the newest nk-patchers and so on? i think, the kingroach-pc-installer has some newer sources in it. whould be nice, if the krayzie ndure-installer whould get one last update, to make it even more perfect than it is  biggrin.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 18, 2007, 10:47:00 AM
I wanted to make an upgrade some time ago with updated Unleashx and Nkpatcher versions along with some other goodies. Actually I got some help by a former forum member. Unfortunately since I've started my new job I don't have much of spare time and it sits here highly unfinished on my pc.

Maybe if there's anyone with some ux scriping skills and knows his way with Nkpatcher he can make an updated version. I will offcourse help with testing and stuff.

On the other hand the Xbox1 is becoming more and more overaged and the package is fine as it is. All the updates that came after weren't really important or notciced anyway (imo).
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: moviecut on December 19, 2007, 03:55:00 AM
i think, it wouldn`t make much sense to renew much of the krayzie ndure 1.1.1 installer, as it is close to perfect. just implement the newest ressources (newest unleashx xbe, newest nkpatcher and vga patches) and name it krayzie ndure 1.2. or isn`t that possible?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on December 19, 2007, 11:13:00 AM
Sure, I just had some ideas on how to utilize some features more and also I wanted a complete restructure of the whole menu setup as things can be even more simpler. Anyway a simple upgrade would be easy to do and I might take a look at it some time during the holidays as I should be finally getting some time there.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lingenfr on December 25, 2007, 09:45:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Dec 18 2007, 01:23 PM) View Post

On the other hand the Xbox1 is becoming more and more overaged

The fact that the Xbox is getting old also means that it is getting cheap. So, for me it is cheaper than another PC to run as a MythTV frontend. Thanks to folks like Krayzie who keep these 'overaged' boxen alive and kicking. I am waiting for my Xbox to arrive so I can tear in to it. If successful, I will probably buy several. Thanks.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: moviecut on January 04, 2008, 03:33:00 AM
happy new year @ all!

@krayzie: any news on some nice little installer update? wink.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: crt123 on January 04, 2008, 12:59:00 PM
Hello.  I'm new here, and need a spot of help.

I've previously installed the NDure installer + XBMC on an XBox and it works wonderful.  Thanks to Krayzie for this greatness.

My question regards a second XBox I'm trying to convert.  I assembled the items necessary to do the SC based install for my first XBox convert.  However, things don't seem to be working the second time around.  I've gone back, in case there was data corruption, and reloaded the memory card via AR with the two saves.  I've copied the saves to the Xbox HD.  Then I put SC into the XBox, start up, and go through the procedure to the point where I select the linux install saved game, then I am supposed to press the A button twice.  I do this and it just sits there...nothing happens.  As far as I recall, things are supposed to start loading nearly immediately, but I've left it for up to an hour with no change.  

I'm using the same AR, the same mem card, the same SC game disc, etc.  The only thing that's changed is that this is a different XBox console.  Has anybody ran into this situation previously, and if so, is there a workaround or something I may have missed?

Thanks.  I apologize if this has already been addressed, but this thread has 107 pages, which is quite a bit of territory to cover.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 04, 2008, 11:50:00 PM
QUOTE(crt123 @ Jan 4 2008, 09:35 PM) View Post

Hello.  I'm new here, and need a spot of help.

I've previously installed the NDure installer + XBMC on an XBox and it works wonderful.  Thanks to Krayzie for this greatness.

My question regards a second XBox I'm trying to convert.  I assembled the items necessary to do the SC based install for my first XBox convert.  However, things don't seem to be working the second time around.  I've gone back, in case there was data corruption, and reloaded the memory card via AR with the two saves.  I've copied the saves to the Xbox HD.  Then I put SC into the XBox, start up, and go through the procedure to the point where I select the linux install saved game, then I am supposed to press the A button twice.  I do this and it just sits there...nothing happens.  As far as I recall, things are supposed to start loading nearly immediately, but I've left it for up to an hour with no change.  

I'm using the same AR, the same mem card, the same SC game disc, etc.  The only thing that's changed is that this is a different XBox console.  Has anybody ran into this situation previously, and if so, is there a workaround or something I may have missed?

Thanks.  I apologize if this has already been addressed, but this thread has 107 pages, which is quite a bit of territory to cover.

try deleting all other SC saves and DC first.

@moviecut: I actually made some progress even though I had way less time then I expected. Still needs some work to finish it.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: red_butcher on January 14, 2008, 03:07:00 PM
Hmm? I don't know how the soft mod could possibly get any better. I mean what else is there to do with it lol? Maybe you could make it nuclear powered to run for 50 years without having to replace the core lol? Or make it serve me breakfast biggrin.gif

 happy.gif (xbox make me an omelet lol)
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 22, 2008, 02:05:00 PM
QUOTE(VNCyclo @ Jan 22 2008, 10:29 PM) View Post

Hi to all,
I'm trying to install Ndure Installer using Splinter Cell. I was able to access the menu and clicked on the 1st EEPROM back-up option. After a few seconds, the screen said "backing up EEPROM", and then went to the blank black screen, and my XBOX got red ring light. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I have previously installed an Evox softmod on my XBOX, but I did removed it and updated my dash to the current.
Any help is greatly appreciate!

a red led is normal when the installer is loaded. After the eeprom backup you have to return to the main menu. If you don't see anything maybe your save is corrupted or your video cable is messed up
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: drink_stir on January 22, 2008, 05:03:00 PM
i am using the oo7 version of this installer.  if for some reason i get that damn error 21, will i still have ftp capabilitise with a reboot?  and is it pretty much plug and play?  i know it sounds noobish but what the hell.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 22, 2008, 11:02:00 PM
Are you using an action replay card to transfer the save?

also after a installed softmod with the save still on the hd you can always get ftp acces as long as the xbox isn't unplugged too long.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: VNCyclo on January 22, 2008, 11:48:00 PM
Thx for replying man,
I'm using AR to transfer my saves. I deleted my original gamesave, and unplugged my XBOX and left it for dead about a month ago  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif) . Rite now I can't FTP into my box. I also tried SID 4.0 installer, but after loading the save through the game it just give me a blank screen w/ no menu  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/uhh.gif) . If somehow I can FTP into my box what do I look that would fix my problem, so I can install you installer?
Thx ahead for the response.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: VNCyclo on January 23, 2008, 01:03:00 AM
How long does the installer takes to back up the EEPROM, and what happen when it done? I mean what does it show next?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on January 23, 2008, 11:41:00 AM
Your action replay card is corrupting the saves. But since you can get acces to the main save you are lucky.
When the first screen is loaded you have ftp acces. Then delete the save in the e:\data folder and transfer the save manually via ftp. Then try again.
Btw backing up the eeprom takes less then a second
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: VNCyclo on January 24, 2008, 01:16:00 AM
I managed to FTP to my XBOX. I have two folders in the E: drive (a TDATA and UDATA folder). Which one do I need to delete? When I FTP the Ndure gamesave over to XBOX, where do I leave at, and do I need to keep it in .zip format?
Thank you for staying with me here man.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: VNCyclo on January 24, 2008, 02:33:00 AM
Well Krayzie, I finally went ahead and unzip anyway and FTP the save over to XBOX. Everything installed perfectly, and now my XBOX purrs like a kitten. Thanks a million for all of your help.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Silent88 on February 27, 2008, 03:24:00 AM
I haven't been in the seen long, but I have softmodded over 7 boxs in the past month that I have been in it, and this is my number 1 go to exploit. Worked like a charm on all my boxs. Excellent work! I do have a question, though. Would it be possible to have it install XBMC as the dash, instead of UnleashX or EvoX? I have a 1GB USB flash drive that I use for softmodding, so size wouldn't be a problem. Everyone I know wants XBMC, but it takes forever to FTP or Copy it from a CD/DVD. Would help me out a bunch.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 27, 2008, 11:03:00 PM
It's very well possible but it would involve some minor scripting. Just put a rarred xbmc in the package and let the instaler extract it instead of the usual dash.
Another quick way to ftp it afterwards is to first make a iso out of xbmc and let qwix ftp it over (optionally using avalaunch. It can handle large numbers of small files much quicker then standard ftp or dvd copy.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lawdawg0931 on February 28, 2008, 02:44:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Feb 28 2008, 12:39 AM) View Post

 Just put a rarred xbmc in the package and let the instaler extract it instead of the usual dash.

I too love this method for softmodding, but prefer (as others) XBMC. Would putting a rarred XBMC in the package be the only thing necessary - or would "that" require the scripting. I know nothing about scripting. Thanks either way Krayzie
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 28, 2008, 10:05:00 AM
It involves some scripting if you want xbmc as a dash. If needed I will make a simple addon script for people wanting xbmc as a dash and have a large mem stick
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on February 28, 2008, 12:21:00 PM
I made a little adjustement for people that want to install xbmc directly. It hasn't been tested but it should be safe to use. There is only a splinter cell version for now. If tested okay I will make them for MA and 007 also.


-Get the newest version of xbmc.
-Make sure there is a default.xbe in the main folder of xbmc
-Make sure the main folder of xbmc is called XBMC
-Make a rar file of the main XBMC folder
-Put the xbmc.rar file in the ....\21585554\000000000000\ folder (wherever your save is)
-In the ....\21585554\000000000000\ folder rename config.xml to config.backup
-Put the config.xml file from below in the ....\21585554\000000000000\ folder
-Put the xbmcshadow.xml file from below in the ....\21585554\000000000000\ folder

There should now be an extra dash option in the basic softmod menu

xml files
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lawdawg0931 on February 29, 2008, 10:37:00 PM
Really appreciate the work Krayzie...& was hoping someone would post results by now. I only have MA & 007 game disks (of course), but will go find Splinter Cell if no-one else posts results soon. Again, thanks for doing the scripting - it's appreciated.  biggrin.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 01, 2008, 12:34:00 AM
If all goes well today I'll have some time to make 007 and ma versions as wel.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 01, 2008, 01:51:00 AM
Here they are for all versions:



See 3 posts above only for MA use 4d530017\62D648EBF155 folder
and for 007 use: 4541000d\000000000000 folder.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: lawdawg0931 on March 07, 2008, 12:36:00 AM
Krayzie... biggrin.gif Thanks for the 007 & Mech files now. OK I want to check this out - but am having issues with this latest Xbox. I have a 1.3 that I ended up chipping because it came with no HD (E-bay). With X2 it is up & running, ran Evox backup for the Eeprom.bin. I used that file for xboxhdm to make a stock HD....error 6 & 7. I cannot get the M$ dash working. I went back to the modchip & its working. Can I just FTP the new Mech files over to the Tdata / Udata & execute it from Boxplorer - & run the softmod that way? Forgive my ignorance if this is a stupid question... blink.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 08, 2008, 05:56:00 AM
yes that is possible. The game is only needed to launch it on a retail system. If you allready have ftp acces and file managers running you don't need it.
Anyway it won't help you on your locking errors though. If you cannot get the xbox to boot in retail mode you also can't use the exploit
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: electriccheese on March 26, 2008, 01:34:00 PM
QUOTE(electriccheese @ Mar 26 2008, 01:13 AM) View Post

I used the PAL SC version with the XBMC modification posted above and I have kind of a noobish question: if I wanted to update the xbmc being booted as the dashboard would I just update the one in E/Apps/XBMC/? I know I need to be in some alternative dashboard when FTPing the new version of XBMC across.

OK, I had a read throught the XML files and it's fairly obvious it's E:\dashboard\ when you bother to look, sorry.

I've hit a second snag though, I can't seem to be able to install the evolution-x dashdoard to E:\Apps\ I can FTP it across but it's not selectable as an applicaion in XBMC or Avalaunch. Is there a work around for this? It's no biggie as I have avalaunch available but if possible I'd prefer evox.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on March 26, 2008, 11:04:00 PM
QUOTE(electriccheese @ Mar 26 2008, 09:10 PM) View Post

OK, I had a read throught the XML files and it's fairly obvious it's E:\dashboard\ when you bother to look, sorry.

I've hit a second snag though, I can't seem to be able to install the evolution-x dashdoard to E:\Apps\ I can FTP it across but it's not selectable as an applicaion in XBMC or Avalaunch. Is there a work around for this? It's no biggie as I have avalaunch available but if possible I'd prefer evox.

you can update by replacing the files in the dashboard folder. also when placing evox in apps folder rename evoxdash.xbe to default.xbe
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: _8ight on April 27, 2008, 11:04:00 PM
First, thank you Krayzie for the sweet installer.

I've chipped five or six boxes in the past.  I'm comfortable with how the dash replacements work.  I've read that if I want to install XBMC (or any other dash) that I can copy the files to E\Dashboard\.  However, once I install with the NTSC SC expolit my E drive has "backups", "CACHE", "TDATA", and "UDATA"... those are the only directories on E.  What am I doing wrong?

Thanks a bunch.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: _8ight on April 28, 2008, 06:57:00 AM
QUOTE(_8ight @ Apr 28 2008, 06:40 AM) View Post

First, thank you Krayzie for the sweet installer.

I've chipped five or six boxes in the past.  I'm comfortable with how the dash replacements work.  I've read that if I want to install XBMC (or any other dash) that I can copy the files to E\Dashboard\.  However, once I install with the NTSC SC expolit my E drive has "backups", "CACHE", "TDATA", and "UDATA"... those are the only directories on E.  What am I doing wrong?

Thanks a bunch.

I got it figured out Krayzie.  When I FTP'd into the box there was not E\Dashboard\.  But I just went ahead and made the folder and copied my XBMC into it and that worked.

I'm couldn't be happier with this softmod deal.  Love it.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: yahoogr on June 03, 2008, 08:52:00 AM
Trying to softmod an xbox using the splinter cell game save exploit. All is well until I get to the Krazy Tools section. I dont have an option to Install the softmod or any other dashboards. The only options I have are...

-remove softmod
- specify fonts
- copy eepromm to mu
- settings
- reboot

When I originally tried this I have a dashboard version of 5659 which I understand is not the minimum version. I updated the dashboard on the xbox to 5960 however I still have the same problems. The unit still powers up and can play games no problem. Any ideas? I have tried removing the files from the xbox's hd and reinstalling them however I still have the same problem.

Thanks in advance....

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: EvilEd1215 on June 08, 2008, 06:19:00 PM
Hi, I'm a noob, and have a few questions about the Ndure Installer.

-What is the best and or latest version of the installer? ( I heard 1.1.1 was the best, but I'm seeing 2.0 and up on some sites, although I figure these are fakes)

-Can I update to the 5960 dashboard version without getting an xbox live game from Halo 2 and up?  Like can I just plug up to my ethernet cable I use for the net, and update the dash that way, if so, how?  I assume that mechassault non platinum version doesn't inlcude this dash update?

-Where is the best place for the files I'm going to need, like ndure installer and such, the "usual places" I assume?

-Which is better, EvoX or UnleashX, I want the one with the most stuff, I don't care which is easiest to use, I can learn to use anything, even if it's slightly complicated.  Which has the most functions, and which is more functional?

thanx in advance

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ldotsfan on June 09, 2008, 08:19:00 AM
QUOTE(EvilEd1215 @ Jun 9 2008, 08:55 AM) View Post

-What is the best and or latest version of the installer? ( I heard 1.1.1 was the best, but I'm seeing 2.0 and up on some sites, although I figure these are fakes)

-Can I update to the 5960 dashboard version without getting an xbox live game from Halo 2 and up?  Like can I just plug up to my ethernet cable I use for the net, and update the dash that way, if so, how?  I assume that mechassault non platinum version doesn't inlcude this dash update?

-Where is the best place for the files I'm going to need, like ndure installer and such, the "usual places" I assume?

-Which is better, EvoX or UnleashX, I want the one with the most stuff, I don't care which is easiest to use, I can learn to use anything, even if it's slightly complicated.  Which has the most functions, and which is more functional?

1. Krayzie Ndure 1.1.1.
2. You can update to 5960 dash later. Ndure basic will work with your current dash. Slayer's or CASH will have latest dash but you need to be softmodded first.
3. Usual place.
4. UnleashX my personal choice due to built-in file manager as a matter of convenience. But EvoX isn't too bad a choice also and the dash has its own fans - due to features like flashing of bios. XBMC can also be used as a dash.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: czzer on June 24, 2008, 09:35:00 PM
Hi All.

First up, thanks Krayzie for putting the time into this project. It really was a pleasure to use, and very easy.

Some background:

I just bought a second hand XBox wih the intention of running XBMC on it for streaming media to my TV. After heaps of reading and pages and pages of printing I got all the necessary items together to attempt Krayzie's mod.

I first updated the 1.1 pack to 1.1.1 on the PC.

Next I transferred the Game Saves (Splinter Cell PAL version) to a USB stick using XPLorer360

I connected the USB stick to the XBox with an adapter cable, transferred the Saves across, fired up Splinter Cell and ran the Exploit.

After the EEPROM backup step, the first thing I did was FTP into the XBox and back up C and E drive to my PC.

The rest of the install was fine, up until the "Press OK to re-boot and activate the Shadow C: drive" part.
When I did this, the XBox re-booted to the XBox splash screen (I think I've seen it referred to as "Flubber"??), but the hard drive started making a horrible "Clack -Click" noise until eventually I got an error screen with 07 in the corner.

I had only turned the box on 2 or 3 times before instaling the mod, and it seemed to be fine.

After the error, I powered off and waited a few minutes before trying again. This time it powered up fine with the UnleashX dashboard, and all seemed to work well, so I put it down to a minor glitch.

Later I power up again to install XBMC and the same thing happened. The first attempt failed, but a wait then retry got it working and I installed XBMC.

Now, however, it seems to have failed completely, and won't boot at all no matter how many times I try or how long I wait. I just get the "Clack - Click" and the error 07.

I'm 90% sure it's a hardware fault and I just got unlucky and got a drive that was on it's way out. Fortunately the store I bought the machine from gives a 12 month warranty on second hand units, so I'm not worried about that. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I had done that had caused the fault, before I try again on the replacement unit.

Is there anyway at all the installer (or more correctly, the mug using the installer) can cause a hard drive failure as I described? I'm pretty certain the answer is no, but I thought I should check anyway.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ldotsfan on June 25, 2008, 07:32:00 AM
QUOTE(czzer @ Jun 25 2008, 12:11 PM) View Post

After the EEPROM backup step, the first thing I did was FTP into the XBox and back up C and E drive to my PC.

I'm 90% sure it's a hardware fault and I just got unlucky and got a drive that was on it's way out. Fortunately the store I bought the machine from gives a 12 month warranty on second hand units, so I'm not worried about that. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I had done that had caused the fault, before I try again on the replacement unit.

Is there anyway at all the installer (or more correctly, the mug using the installer) can cause a hard drive failure as I described? I'm pretty certain the answer is no, but I thought I should check anyway.

Only hotswapping may damage the hdd. Gamesave exploits won't have that kind of side-effect. Since you have complete backups of C and E including the eeprom.bin with ftp, you can actually do a complete xboxhdm rebuild and take the opportunity to do a hdd upgrade if you wish. I wished I was as meticulous as you when I did my softmod.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: edlimym on October 02, 2008, 12:51:00 AM
QUOTE(czzer @ Jun 25 2008, 10:16 PM) View Post

Thanks for that. It's pretty much what I figured. I did consider upgrading the HDD, but I thought it would be safer to get a new unit and keep the warranty, just in case something else breaks. I'll do the upgrade when the warranty is up.

I did heaps of reading before attempting the mod, hence my backing everything up.

I guess that's an advantage of being a late-adopter of this setup...I am fortunate to be able to learn from everyone else's mistakes smile.gif

wow that's cool.  me too gonna start softmodding my xbox, only after 3 years of owning it.  actually, i modded my xbox360 and psp earlier than my xbox.  smile.gif  just a question :- i downloaded the ndure1.1 from the 'usual place' and just to make sure i downloaded the right stuff - i got to use the NTSC ver of ndure for my NTSC/J console?  i am using the SC exploit to do it.

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: steveo1978 on October 02, 2008, 12:57:00 AM
is this the name of the file Krayzie_SC-NTSC_Ndure_Installer_v1.1.rar if so you are good to go
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: andymcb on October 06, 2008, 09:41:00 PM
I want to put the latest xbmc (Atlantis) on my xbox.  

I finally got Krayzie's Ndure Installer to work for me - THANKS, to Krayzie for writing it and all the info on this site - it was a Crap AR memory card that was the problem - used a Dane-Elect 128Mb and it works!

So, I got the latest xbmc "XBMC-SVN_2008-10-06_rev15805-T3CH-BETA2", Un-rar-ed it, and followed the instructions to put the xml files and xbmc.rar into the ../0000000.. directory of the xbox (do the xml files need to be edited (e.g. the IP is, and my xbox is 118...?).

Now, I feel like a DOOFUS for asking, but how does one get to the "basic softmod menu"?  

I assume you rerun the basic softmod (insert Splinter Cell disk select "linux"...) but it does not seem obvious.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: steveo1978 on October 06, 2008, 10:01:00 PM
to install the dash you have 2 options
install XBMC as an app (in E:\apps) run it and make sure it works before you try either

1) use the included shortcuts in the XBMC .rar file (they are in tools folder) and rename the SHORTCUT by TEAM XBMC.xbe to default.xbe and rename SHORTCUT by TEAM XBMC.cfg to default.cfg and place them into the E:\dashboard folder make sure the apth to the XBMC default.xbe is E:\apps\XBMC\default.xbe when done restart xbox

2)after testing XBMC move the contents of E:\apps\XBMC to E:\dashboard and restart

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 06, 2008, 11:19:00 PM
QUOTE(andymcb @ Oct 7 2008, 06:17 AM) View Post

I want to put the latest xbmc (Atlantis) on my xbox.  

I finally got Krayzie's Ndure Installer to work for me - THANKS, to Krayzie for writing it and all the info on this site - it was a Crap AR memory card that was the problem - used a Dane-Elect 128Mb and it works!

So, I got the latest xbmc "XBMC-SVN_2008-10-06_rev15805-T3CH-BETA2", Un-rar-ed it, and followed the instructions to put the xml files and xbmc.rar into the ../0000000.. directory of the xbox (do the xml files need to be edited (e.g. the IP is, and my xbox is 118...?).

Now, I feel like a DOOFUS for asking, but how does one get to the "basic softmod menu"?  

I assume you rerun the basic softmod (insert Splinter Cell disk select "linux"...) but it does not seem obvious.

I asume you talk about the xml files I prepared for installing xbmc directly. Thos are only for people that have large usb drives and wan't to install xbmc along with the softmod instead of afterwards. It's not for installing xbmc afterwards!

For installing xbmc after you installed the softmod better follow Steveos directions or use the dash option in the extras menu.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ldotsfan on October 13, 2008, 08:14:00 AM
QUOTE(bigjohnuk @ Oct 13 2008, 10:34 PM) View Post

Hello, I am a newbie with installing software on the xbox. I am trying to get the Softmod to come up when I boot up my xbox. I have installed the software as per the screen directions. No errors have come up. I have installed the latests version V2 and installed the 67 option. When I boot up my xbox I get a blank black screen. The ejected button is Orange, which sounds correct, but I see nothing on the screen.

What do I need to do?

All help most welcome



version V2? Krayzie's Ndure only comes up to version 1.1.1. See if you can cold boot game disc and then loads the gamesave on the hdd. That will give you ftp access to fix things.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: krayzie on October 13, 2008, 10:37:00 AM
also set a kernel specific font. looks like a font problem.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Garthak on January 05, 2009, 07:47:00 PM
nevermind, I think i figured out why
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dupfold on April 10, 2010, 06:09:00 AM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 10 2005, 09:22 PM) View Post

I am pleased to announce that I finalized the 1.0 version of the installer and it will be available soon. If you have any feedback or questions do not be afraid to post them.

Is there a guide please?

What version of the games are needed (ie part number etc). I already have 007 Agent Under Fire but its the classic version so wondering if this will do?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Heimdall on April 10, 2010, 06:20:00 AM
The guide comes with the Krayzie 1.1.1 softmod installers.

Exploitable games can be easily identified - have a look here. Classic Hits AUF is unlikely to work.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Heimdall on April 10, 2010, 07:00:00 AM
Definitely easier and quicker, and no hotswapping means no chance of bricking your Xbox. smile.gif
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dupfold on April 10, 2010, 07:06:00 AM
Likes the sound of that! Now to get my hands on action reply and compatible game.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Heimdall on April 10, 2010, 07:24:00 AM
Depending on what you have available Action Replay may not be the best option. Xplorer360 beta 6 will happily read and write FATX formatted memory devices without having to mess around with USB drivers (which is what you have to do with AR). All you need is an Xbox compatible USB stick and an Xbox to USB converter cable, OR an Xbox MU and an Xbox controller modified to have a USB connector instead of the Xbox connector. Use your Xbox to format the MU/USB stick, and use Xplorer360 on your PC to copy the Krayzie 1.1.1 gamesaves onto the stick.

You don't say where you are in the world, but in the UK you can always find copies of Splinter Cell in Cash Converters and other similar shops for around £2.00, and the advantage of Splinter Cell is that all copies of the original game are exploitable.

This post has been edited by Heimdall: Apr 10 2010, 02:25 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dupfold on April 10, 2010, 07:39:00 AM
Thats great as I do have a USB cable already for my xbox! Don't think I've tried to format a USB via the Xbox before though, how would I do this? I have XBMC installed my other Xbox so perhaps in there?

You meation Krayzie 1.1.1, but I'm only found instal guides for 1.1. Do I need to instal 1.1 first and then 1.1.1 or can I simply simple 1.1.1 straight away?

I'm from UK. Actually had splinter cell up until a few months back, but sold it! Not to worry, will get another off ebay. I take it I need the first splinter cell game (pandora etc will not work)?

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Heimdall on April 10, 2010, 07:50:00 AM
If you have another Xbox life suddenly gets much easier. To format the memory stick you just plug it in to your unmodded Xbox, and if it recognises it the Xbox will format it. FTP the Krayzie gamesaves to your modded Xbox, then copy them to the memory stick (USB or MU, makes no difference) - no need for AR or Xplorer360.

The differences between 1.1 and 1.1.1 are minor. You just take the 1.1 mods and replace a couple of config files with the replacements from the 1.1.1 update kit before you copy them to your Xbox. Alternatively you can apply the update after doing the mod. The update kit has full instructions.

Yes, you need the original Splinter Cell - Pandora etc. do not work.

This post has been edited by Heimdall: Apr 10 2010, 02:51 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dupfold on April 15, 2010, 08:46:00 AM
Hi again Heimdall.

I've got hold of splinter cell now, but need a guide if possible? The only guides I can find relate to installing using AR etc. Is there a guide available for the way you suggested please as I'm not sure if what I'm doing is correct?

I unzipped for game save 1 & 2, which leaves me with folders '5553000c' & '21585554'. Folder 5553000c copies ok to USB and I can transfer this to the unmodded xbox fine, but when I try to copy folder 21585554 to USB, it fails to copy?

This post has been edited by dupfold: Apr 15 2010, 03:49 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: GISJason on April 15, 2010, 11:15:00 AM
QUOTE(dupfold @ Apr 15 2010, 09:46 AM) View Post

Hi again Heimdall.

I've got hold of splinter cell now, but need a guide if possible? The only guides I can find relate to installing using AR etc. Is there a guide available for the way you suggested please as I'm not sure if what I'm doing is correct?

I unzipped for game save 1 & 2, which leaves me with folders '5553000c' & '21585554'. Folder 5553000c copies ok to USB and I can transfer this to the unmodded xbox fine, but when I try to copy folder 21585554 to USB, it fails to copy?

It's prob too big to go all onto the USB\Mem card,

 I find it easier to just plop on a SC Save that has EvoX & FTP Support setup already built into it and then once I get that gamesave onto the USB\MC which should fit without any issues, copy it over to the xbox via the MS Dash on the unmodded Xbox and then i launch the game and get into EvoX and then fire up FTP and delete the contents of UDATA on E:\ then toss onto the 2 Ndure SC  Installtion \ Setup save is too big to get totally onto 1 MC unless you had one that held more than your normal MC does.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dupfold on April 15, 2010, 11:56:00 AM
Thanks but whooosh, over my head. 'SC Save that has EvoX & FTP Support setup already built', sounds cool but no idea where to get this?

File not to big for my USB (1gb). Both games saves only come to 12mb so not sure what its not copying.

Really need an easy to follow guide please if there is one.

This post has been edited by dupfold: Apr 15 2010, 07:12 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dupfold on April 21, 2010, 11:48:00 AM
Tried with proper memory unit instead of usb and files copied across successfully.

Soft mod complete now thank you, but how do I install a large hard drive after using this soft mod? I tried with my past method used with hot swap which consists of running NDTS which allows full access to C: & E:, FTP'ed, created disc etc and put in xbox. Xbox boots but with unexpected reasons. It boots to dash 'Xbox live setup' screen and cannot navagate away from this.

How do I install a larger harddrive now please?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: ldotsfan on April 22, 2010, 07:37:00 AM
Check my sig. Did you try IGR at the xbox live screen?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: dupfold on April 22, 2010, 09:26:00 AM
Thanks but nothing happens. Cannot navagate away from that screen.

I'm now trying to restore my hdd to retail and mod via my tried and tested way (hotswap) as it doesn't seem possible to use large hdd's with this mod. I've restored using slayers, however, xbox is still booting to evolution x, even though original ms files are present again on C: (and no sign of evolution x anywhere)?

Please help, how do I FULLY restore hdd to retail with MS dashboard?


This post has been edited by dupfold: Apr 22 2010, 04:33 PM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: erehwon6811 on October 29, 2010, 07:39:00 PM
It's been awhile since I modded my last xbox and was wondering if this is still one of the better softmod methods?  I got a xbox for $5 from a garage sale and I'm going to xbmc on it.  

Also, is xbins still the main place for getting homebrew software for the xbox?  I still have all my files from my first install, but I want to get updated files.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Heimdall on October 29, 2010, 07:43:00 PM
Yes, Krayzie NDURE 1.1.1 is still the best choice, and yes, you'll find it on xbins.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: huan on April 27, 2011, 08:01:00 PM

I originally softmodded my v1.6 xbox with your 1.0 SC exploit.  Now, I'm trying to upgrade my hdd with xboxhdm.

After reading a lot on the web, I've come across two potential obstacles:  virtual c, and virtual eeprom.

My questions: How do I get to my real C files? When I ftp to the xbox are the files I see under C\ the retail xbox files?  Are the files under E\backups\Cdrive my retail xbox files?  How do I get to my real eeprom?  When I go to E\backups\eeprom\backup, is the eeprom my "real" one or a virtual one?

Just trying to figure this whole thing out...

Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: Heimdall on April 27, 2011, 08:13:00 PM
The files you see aren't the real C, they are the shadow C files. The files in E:\Backup\ are also copies of the original unmodded C.

You bypass shadow C by running Krayzie extras, then you can FTP the original C files once the LED turns red.

The eeprom file is the real one.

There are other ways to upgrade your softmod hard drive - see my signature for details.

This post has been edited by Heimdall: Apr 28 2011, 03:25 AM
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: huan on April 28, 2011, 04:35:00 PM
Thanks, Heimdall!

I was afraid of that.  My original hdd is messed up, but I have my E\ files and eeprom backed up to pc.  Does anyone know which version of slayer's or aid (or other installer?) will give me the xbox 1.6 C\ files?
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: huan on February 03, 2020, 04:31:00 PM
Scratch that last... I found the answer in your previous posts.

So, if I want to do this should I use all my E files or leave it empty?  I believe that would cause the hdd to boot to MS dash, and allow me to install the softmod as I did on my original hdd.

I'd just like to confirm this.  I've been trying unsuccessfully for a few weeks now to build a drive from scratch and keep running into errors.
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: leahcimewol on September 21, 2011, 03:22:00 PM
QUOTE(krayzie @ Aug 10 2005, 09:22 PM) *

I am pleased to announce that I finalized the 1.0 version of the installer and it will be available soon. If you have any feedback or questions do not be afraid to post them.

 thank you I have the update. seem to be only able to download the update , but if I haven't even installed the softmod yet  would you be so kind as to provide me with a working link for the Krayzie Ndure Installer 1.1.1 rar as this would seem the logical path of progression to follow. the link provided just keeps opening this page up over and over and over again  each time I press on it??
Title: Krayzie Ndure Installer (Gamesave Style)
Post by: shambles1980 on September 22, 2011, 07:32:00 AM
QUOTE(leahcimewol @ Sep 21 2011, 10:22 PM) View Post

thank you I have the update. seem to be only able to download the update , but if I haven't even installed the softmod yet  would you be so kind as to provide me with a working link for the Krayzie Ndure Installer 1.1.1 rar as this would seem the logical path of progression to follow. the link provided just keeps opening this page up over and over and over again  each time I press on it??

cant supply links to such things here.
However you can google krazie ndure installer 1.1.1 and find it easily enough. you should also add the word (pal) or (ntsc) depending on what your system is. pal for pal ntsc for ntsc...