
OG Xbox Forums => Newbie Forums => Newbie Chat => Topic started by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 12:30:00 PM

Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 12:30:00 PM
I just installed the X3ce chip into my 1.6.

When I push the power button, the system boots up as normal.

The little blue LED on the chip lights up. But nothing happens on the little panel you put on the outside of the XBOX.

What could I have done wrong?
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 12:43:00 PM
Do I have to move any of these pin switches on the external switch?

EDIT: I just tried booting with each of the 5 switches set to "on" (individualy). Nothing.

Also the "hold down the power button" feature works. When I hold it down, the LED on the underside of the chip lights up, then after a second, the box boots up....the only problem is it boots up normally both ways.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 01:42:00 PM
do both blue lights on the chip light up or just one?
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 01:48:00 PM
QUOTE(G_Prime99 @ Mar 17 2005, 02:48 PM)
do both blue lights on the chip light up or just one?
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 01:50:00 PM
Ok. It looks like there's an light on each side of external switch connector. The only one that's coming on is the one closest to the front of the XBOX.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 01:54:00 PM
Thats teh 5v connection, your not geting a 3.3v connection, cheak your solder points at pin 9 and 15
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: Hexx on March 17, 2005, 02:03:00 PM
What, may I ask,  is that avatar 00g?
*Edit* I see what it clearly is now, I had mt resolution up to much, it hard for me too see. I got it now though.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 02:08:00 PM
QUOTE(Hexx @ Mar 17 2005, 03:09 PM)
What, may I ask,  is that avatar 00g?
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: accukevin on March 17, 2005, 02:09:00 PM
Clearly it is a 10 gauge (mabye) barbell, moving up and down through someone's tounge.  They also appear to have a pierced lip.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 02:12:00 PM
user posted image

I found this pic on the Team Xecuter Forum....
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 02:24:00 PM
QUOTE(G_Prime99 @ Mar 17 2005, 03:00 PM)
Thats teh 5v connection, your not geting a 3.3v connection, cheak your solder points at pin 9 and 15
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 02:42:00 PM
have u flashed the chip yet with the correct switches toggled? dont forget you just tap the power putton dont hold it.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 02:52:00 PM
QUOTE(G_Prime99 @ Mar 17 2005, 03:48 PM)
have u flashed the chip yet with the correct switches toggled? dont forget you just tap the power putton dont hold it.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 02:55:00 PM
have u flashed the BIOS yet? if not you need to hit eject+power at the same time to bring up "FlashBIOS v3.0.0"

There is a great tut' at TeamXecuter- here is the link -
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 02:59:00 PM
I have done nothing but take it out of the bubble wrap, and solder it in as described in the tut.

Eject + Power button at the same time does absolutely nothing.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 03:02:00 PM
humm..... odd... have u double - Triple cheaked that everying is plug in correctly?
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 03:05:00 PM
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 03:08:00 PM
If you get FRAG (Flashing Red And Green lights) on your Xbox then you have a bad solder joint on the LPC - check everything again (this shows your D0 point is correct as it is switching the Xbox to the LPC bus successfully - however by getting FRAG its showing that the LPC bus cannot read the bios from the mod).

^^^I got that off of that link you just gave me.

I guess I'm gonna pull it off again.

I wish it would tell me which connections are iffy

9 & 15 are 3.3.v - Blue light #1 is working, so it can't be those.......
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 03:15:00 PM
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 03:22:00 PM
Now when I turn it on. (like a normal push the button) The lights come on as pictured above, except the eject button stays green. All the lights stay on, no flashing. Then the XBOX boots up like normal and asks me to set the clock.

If I click the power button stupid fast to turn it on, it frags.

Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 03:32:00 PM
now try and Eject + Power to see if you can flash the BIOS
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 03:41:00 PM
QUOTE(G_Prime99 @ Mar 17 2005, 04:38 PM)
now try and Eject + Power to see if you can flash the BIOS
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 03:45:00 PM
humm... this is odd..... i am fresh out of ideas on how to fix that. Sry i couldnt help anymore. Go try the teamxecuter forums, someone should be able to help you there
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 03:54:00 PM
I think I may have found a fuck up in my work.....

This is the pic in the tut of the LPC rebuild.

In the blue area, is it supposed to be soldered down to the little circle outside of the rebuild piece?

It looks like it is, because of the indentation in the rebuild piece. And if so, is it also supposed to be making contact with the contact right next to it, on the inside of the rebuild kit?  I can't tell due to the fact that there's solder on my rebuild kit, and I can't seem to find a decent pic of a brand new one anywhere.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 04:02:00 PM
Judging by this image, I'm gonna say yes.....

user posted image
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 04:29:00 PM
Bimyah! I got it.

All it was, was that little blue bastard!

I am so happy now....... on to flashing the BIOS, having a bunch of questions about how to get Media Center on there etc etc etc....

user posted image
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 04:34:00 PM
biggrin.gif  I found that the best way to install XBMC is using Slayer 2.6 EvoX  auto-installer witch installs EvoX - Avalanch - XBMC - XBMP - and a hole bunch of other great things, once thast installed on the xbox you just cahnge the boot order in the program to have XMBC come up before EvoX.

You Wont Find Slayer 2.6 EvoX  Auto-installer to easly you will have to search your fav. p2p /torrent sites/ or IRC places. Trust me its worth the hastle of geting it.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: 00g on March 17, 2005, 04:43:00 PM
QUOTE(G_Prime99 @ Mar 17 2005, 05:40 PM)
Nice TV  biggrin.gif  I found that the best way to install XBMC is using Slayer 2.6 EvoX  auto-installer witch installs EvoX - Avalanch - XBMC - XBMP - and a hole bunch of other great things, once thast installed on the xbox you just cahnge the boot order in the program to have XMBC come up before EvoX.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: G_Prime99 on March 17, 2005, 06:03:00 PM
xBins has alot of the stuff u will need if not they will probably have a link to were to get it.
Title: X3 Install Problem..(v1.6)
Post by: ZX3Junglist on May 18, 2005, 10:09:00 PM
Just a little note to all of you who might be experiencing this issue, a couple ideas to first ponder.

1) If you have a 1.6 xbox, make sure you have rebuilt your LPC properly, all 4 pins rerouted. Also, 1.6 xbox's need an alternate 5v power lead. Check this with #2 below.

2) x3 should have 2 blue led's showing from the chip itself. This shows the chip is being properly powered.

3) pin headers to which you are plugging the black wire into have VERY small pins which have been known to easily bend. Check carefully to ensure that you havent bent any pins inside the headers.

4) Slow down, make sure you've read the tutorials CORRECTLY and know what you should expect.

5) solderless adapter? make sure your pins are making good contact, and that your chip is properly powered and seated.

6) If all else fails, inspect your solder work. Any cold (dulled looking) joints? have you broken any traces? Best to break out your multimeter and test continutity across your solder points, and continutity across wire connectors.

7) To state the obvious: 1.0-1.5 xbox's will have 3 wire headers attached (d0 bundle, eject mod, front panel) while 1.6's will have 4 (these 3, plus alt. power)

Good luck, this little bugger drove me frickin' nuts..
P.S. All it took me was to triple check everything and give allmy connections a good wiggle..