
OG Xbox Forums => Newbie Forums => Newbie Chat => Topic started by: froescheD on March 31, 2003, 06:09:00 AM

Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: froescheD on March 31, 2003, 06:09:00 AM
What exactly is the point in mod-chipping and Xbox console a device which costs a lot of money and then you got and take it apart (invalidating the warranty) and add a chip to run copied games which you term as "backups" well if you all just looked after your games better in the first place you would'nt need to copy them and if you all stopped copying the games in the first place and bought genuine games from you local video games shop then the prices will come down. And what is the point in trying to get Linux to run on the xbox i mean can't you be happy with the console as it is i have got an xbox console myself and are happy with it as it is i have no plans on "chipping it" or trying to hack into it to run Linux. Its only a games console you all no doubt have PC's with which you can dismantle, overclock and hack into to change windows in ways that m$ don't want you to.

Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Biteable on March 31, 2003, 06:17:00 AM
QUOTE (Feck @ Mar 31 2003, 03:03 PM)
What exactly is the point in mod-chipping and Xbox console a device which costs a lot of money and then you got and take it apart (invalidating the warranty) and add a chip to run copied games which you term as "backups" well if you all just looked after your games better in the first place you would'nt need to copy them and if you all stopped copying the games in the first place and bought genuine games from you local video games shop then the prices will come down. And what is the point in trying to get Linux to run on the xbox i mean can't you be happy with the console as it is i have got an xbox console myself and are happy with it as it is i have no plans on "chipping it" or trying to hack into it to run Linux. Its only a games console you all no doubt have PC's with which you can dismantle, overclock and hack into to change windows in ways that m$ don't want you to.

I see Bill Gates has joined the forum then  biggrin.gif
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: slamer on March 31, 2003, 06:18:00 AM
QUOTE (Feck @ Mar 31 2003, 04:03 PM)
What exactly is the point in mod-chipping and Xbox console a device which costs a lot of money and then you got and take it apart (invalidating the warranty) and add a chip to run copied games which you term as "backups" well if you all just looked after your games better in the first place you would'nt need to copy them and if you all stopped copying the games in the first place and bought genuine games from you local video games shop then the prices will come down. And what is the point in trying to get Linux to run on the xbox i mean can't you be happy with the console as it is i have got an xbox console myself and are happy with it as it is i have no plans on "chipping it" or trying to hack into it to run Linux. Its only a games console you all no doubt have PC's with which you can dismantle, overclock and hack into to change windows in ways that m$ don't want you to.

damn dude, thats deep.

made me think....

We are borned do die... so it dosent matter what you in between. just have fun, is what i say.

if someone gets happy by modding there box, then its fine with me.
if someone gets happy by NOT modding there box, then its fine with me.

What bothers me, are people with no clue, trying to tell people whats wrong or not.

and you my friend are one of them.
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: froescheD on March 31, 2003, 06:22:00 AM
What bothers me, are people with no clue, trying to tell people whats wrong or not.

and you my friend are one of them.

i agree with you --> LET'S KILL THIS DUDE!

Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: NRG on March 31, 2003, 06:30:00 AM
QUOTE (Feck @ Mar 31 2003, 03:03 PM)
What exactly is the point in mod-chipping and Xbox console a device which costs a lot of money and then you got and take it apart (invalidating the warranty) and add a chip to run copied games which you term as "backups" well if you all just looked after your games better in the first place you would'nt need to copy them and if you all stopped copying the games in the first place and bought genuine games from you local video games shop then the prices will come down. And what is the point in trying to get Linux to run on the xbox i mean can't you be happy with the console as it is i have got an xbox console myself and are happy with it as it is i have no plans on "chipping it" or trying to hack into it to run Linux. Its only a games console you all no doubt have PC's with which you can dismantle, overclock and hack into to change windows in ways that m$ don't want you to.

if you dont want to be on boat xbox, go ahead and jump off and sleep with fishs. oh and by the way stfu!
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: MUTHAPHUQA1999 on March 31, 2003, 06:30:00 AM
user posted image
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: MUTHAPHUQA1999 on March 31, 2003, 06:31:00 AM
user posted image
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: metallica3512 on March 31, 2003, 06:39:00 AM
jester.gif  u r a muppet
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: DUMB on March 31, 2003, 06:39:00 AM

Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: NRG on March 31, 2003, 06:43:00 AM
Should we let him on the boat xbox? or has his ship sailed?

(theme music from jaws)

Feed him to the sharks!
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: jackster on March 31, 2003, 07:52:00 AM

I would have agreed with him a while back, UNTIL I SAW THE EMULATORS!!!
Bomber Jack....ON A X-BOX.
MarioKart 32-bit.....TWO PLAYER....ON A X-BOX
SHadow Dancer....ON A X-BOX
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: DUMB on March 31, 2003, 08:02:00 AM
His needlees ********  and his avatar made me shake with rage there was no need for him to say that or have that avatar picture what a ******* moron . Hes mocking us and all that we beleave hes laughing at us **** YOU YOU ******* **** HEAD
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Fuzzy on March 31, 2003, 10:48:00 AM
QUOTE (Feck @ Mar 31 2003, 02:45 PM)
what i am trying to say is why spend $200 on an xbox just to break it and when it does break no-one can fix it and no-one will fix it so all you can do is throw it in the bin and say to yourself thats $200 down the drain. Are all you mod chippers rich or something? people who can afford to buy a new xbox every other week its nice to own genuine copies of games like spliter cell because you get all the manuals and things and about the emulators big wow they are running on an xbox well if  you go to you can get all these games you mentioned for your PC for free and you don't have to ruin your xbox to play them.

Im yet to break anything on my xbox and i do have several legit copys of games. Manuals can be found all of the net. And by the way, your an idiot and having osama bin ladin as your avatar just makes you more of a fag
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: HeLiuM on March 31, 2003, 11:07:00 AM
QUOTE (Feck @ Mar 31 2003, 07:58 PM)
when you mod chip a console it knackers all the insides up and i have been reading some if the other posts on this forum and they have chipped consoles and they are having trouble running the games well its your own fault for doing it in the first place

youve never modded one yourself. you dont know this.
new chips are very simple to install. asking why people mod their box is like asking why you would overclock your pc. that $200 xbox can be the equivelant of a 4 or 5 hundred dollar linux box. with the possibility of dreamix, the fun of all the emulators, and the functionality of linux that 200 dollar investment is not only safe but multiplied in worth, if you know what you're doing.
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: r270ba on March 31, 2003, 11:17:00 AM
laugh.gif  jester.gif  laugh.gif
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: LateraLex on March 31, 2003, 11:25:00 AM
And seriously... when i was a little tiker who owned a nintendo, the games were $50. No one had modded Nintendos back then, and yet the games are still $50. So whoever says the price is going to go down doesnt understand how capitalism works.
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Feck on March 31, 2003, 12:05:00 PM
the reason why nintendo games were $50 is becuase cartridges cost a lot more to make than Cd's do. i have seen chipped consoles i have a friend who had his playstation 1 chipped it broke down and it was done by a "pro chipper" what happens as well if you want to go onto xbox live that detects mod chips and will ban the user and another thing whats the point in upgrading the hard drive to 120gb i have got 28 genuine games and have save files for all of them and it has'nt even touched the surface yet it still says 50,000+ blocks available 50,000+ blocks free. why also would you want to install linux on a games console? i too hate MS but this is like theft because M$ wanted to make a games console for the first time and a few cheap a$$ bastards decide to ruin it for genuine gamers by pirating the games and thus pushing up games prices. and P.S another reason why ninendo games used to cost $50 was because of pirated games from the far east and nintendo having to spend loads of money trying to fight the pirates and get them shut down.
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: PhDeez on March 31, 2003, 12:07:00 PM
Whats the point of this post?  Obviously this guy is just trying to piss us off, kinda like that punk-a$$ that was posting "I like to fart" or some stupid crap.  Why even entertain this post?  Tell this punk to go to h3ll and stfu!
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Niellus on March 31, 2003, 12:25:00 PM
smile.gif beerchug.gif
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: jesterrace777 on March 31, 2003, 12:30:00 PM
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: hump on March 31, 2003, 01:19:00 PM
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: leigao84 on March 31, 2003, 02:06:00 PM
Ok, I hate to be the devil's advocate, but I'll try:

1) xbox is made to make money on software, so if we all stole games from M$ by simply buying their hardware, we're essentially making M$ loosing money, and when they do they pull the plug on certain projects like the xbox.
2) when you pirate xbox games that you might buy, then you're limiting the sales numbers of xbox games. A certain developer might choose not to develope games for the xbox because certain titles did not sell well. Thus xbox could loose third party support.
3) The scene is about knowledge and quest to gain respect. Pirating contributes negativly to the scene since it attracts lamers and leechers who contribute nothing but enjoy the piracy.

Fine your points are good that it allows you to watch divx, play emulators, and play backups. But all of this just make piracy much easier! You can watch downloaded movies, play games you probably don't own, playing music that probably came from Kazaa (lamers), while you the end user probably just had someone else mod your xbox and gained no knowledge and come to this board and ask questions like:
"Oh my god, I'm getting blinking yellow lights, how to fix this." "Which mod chip should I get." "Can I play live with mod chips?" "why put linux on xbox?" "What's the point of modding the xbox?"

Or even worse, the lamers who complain:
"Fuck M$ for banning me <- the fool who turned their chip on while playing live". Or "Fuck bill gates for trying to make money, they should make everything free cause I'm 13 and I don't want to spend my allowance".
Does this help the scene?
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: leigao84 on March 31, 2003, 03:03:00 PM
Err, they don't mind us doing stuff with it that's outside of it's intended purpose. Infact Nintendo was quite happy when someone used a gameboy (the old white one) to run a robot.

Now they don't like piracy because they lose money period.

Also it's nice to use a console to emulate another console, and also you can watch movies on the tv instead of the monitor, duh!
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: HeLiuM on March 31, 2003, 03:58:00 PM
QUOTE (Feck @ Mar 31 2003, 11:27 PM)
the point i am trying to make is why modify a games console to play stuff which you are all no doubt playing on your PC i.e all your emulators. illegal movies and mp3s the xbox is a GAMES CONSOLE it was designed my M$ for the sole purpose of playing games it was'nt designed to play divX movies or MP3s it was'nt designed to be hacked or have linux installed on to it its a games console. Like a playstation 2 or a gameboy and if you have any fiddling to do with various chips and 3rd party software and mods do them on your PC and one day i hope you make a console or a game and somebody mods or copies it then you will see why games companies are so angry about piracy.

i have a $200 pc in my bedroom. im going to use it. sure i also have a pretty nice $1300 pc in there too, but hey. if i can use both, why not... and if i can have linux on my xbox instead of more junk in my room, then im up for that too. and emulators r much ezier on consoles. ez multiplayer support, use a big tv instead of a crowded monitor on a crowded desk..
drag it to a friends house.. etc
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Jreb892 on March 31, 2003, 04:11:00 PM
i have a $200 pc in my bedroom. im going to use it. sure i also have a pretty nice $1300 pc in there too, but hey. if i can use both, why not... and if i can have linux on my xbox instead of more junk in my room, then im up for that too. and emulators r much ezier on consoles. ez multiplayer support, use a big tv instead of a crowded monitor on a crowded desk..
drag it to a friends house.. etc
You left out bragging rights. Ever show a friend your mod?
they are like " ohmy.gif laugh.gif  HOLY SHIT!, I dident know you could do that  laugh.gif  ohmy.gif
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: hump on March 31, 2003, 04:24:00 PM
jester.gif  jester.gif  tongue.gif
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: staticFLINT on March 31, 2003, 06:09:00 PM
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: opjose on March 31, 2003, 11:02:00 PM

1) Because we can
2) Because MS$ pretends we can't
3) Because BILL has too much money
4) Because we do not

Choose any of the above.

HMMMM. I modded my MP3 player, DVD Player, Mountain Bike, Xbox, PC, Joystick, Pro-Audio Studio Gear, Car, TV, Dish, Night Vision Binocs, House... I see a pattern here.

GAWD I can see it now, your new home comes with a DMCA statement prohibiting you from adding a room.... Ludicrous? So is the DMCA!
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: froescheD on April 01, 2003, 01:34:00 AM

why don't you just follow your daily business (doing blowjobs at the railway station) and leave us in peace and harmony here?

Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Novahux on April 01, 2003, 01:55:00 AM
Feck ,,, Are all you mod chippers rich or something? people who can afford to buy a new xbox every other week its nice to own genuine copies of games like spliter cell because you get all the manuals and things and about the emulators big wow they are running on an xbox well if you go to you can get all these games you mentioned for your PC for free and you don't have to ruin your xbox to play them.

Yep I’m stinking rich, I buy 6 xbox's a week and routinely destroy them for sport. I some times solder modchips in with fireworks and explosives. I like to skeet shoot with original xbox DVD's so I need to back them up first. They don't read properly after getting a few holes in them. I gota go now, I need to finish off my 40" plasma screen mod I’m installing an emulator chip to receive "dickhead TV"  There is a special on tonight about a guy called feck.
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: aiax on April 01, 2003, 02:01:00 AM
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: DUMB on April 01, 2003, 02:17:00 AM
the point i am trying to make is why modify a games console to play stuff which you are all no doubt playing on your PC i.e all your emulators. illegal movies and mp3s the xbox is a GAMES CONSOLE it was designed my M$ for the sole purpose of playing games it was'nt designed to play divX movies or MP3s it was'nt designed to be hacked or have linux installed on to it its a games console.

ERM i dont know about any one else but i have been able to play music and watch films with out modding my xbox.also if it was not designed to be modded why does it have such easy access solder points its as if they are there on purpose. rotfl.gif
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: MUTHAPHUQA1999 on April 01, 2003, 02:44:00 AM

No all I have to worry about is how to get beer withoput getting up  huh.gif  laugh.gif
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: opjose on April 01, 2003, 04:39:00 AM
Yes Feck, you are absolutely right. The Glass -IS- empty. The Xbox -WILL- be killed by modders.

Ok, there, happy?

Does that change one iota? No.

Will we not mod? NOPE!

Hmmm... time for me to see what more I can change....

If you don't understand it, don't try. You simply will not get it.

It doesn't sound like you've ever modified a car engine for an extra bit of performance either. It's just as satisfying as modding an Xbox, although far more expensive and inpractical in the long run.
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Scan-C on April 01, 2003, 06:17:00 AM
could someone close this?it's just useless to discuss if you should mod or are enough reason to mod and not to do it
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: hump on April 01, 2003, 07:17:00 AM
biggrin.gif  love.gif  jester.gif  smile.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif  tongue.gif  tongue.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif  jester.gif  tongue.gif  tongue.gif
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: opjose on April 01, 2003, 08:52:00 PM
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: jesterrace777 on April 01, 2003, 10:43:00 PM
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: MUTHAPHUQA1999 on April 02, 2003, 04:09:00 AM
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: uwretch on April 02, 2003, 04:43:00 AM
I dislike much about MS, but there's much to like though.
They have one of the best browsers on the market, W2k is a good stable OS and the Xbox!

I personally modded my Xbox (And it works great!) so I could have a entertainment system, instead of "just" a gaming console.
That way I get more for my money.
I buy my CDs and rip them to MP3, I buy the games I play and backup them on my HDD, I buy my DVD movies and I even backup some of them.
I also "backup" some games and play it for an hour or two, it it sucks I delete it, it it rocks I buy it.
Why? Because I can, It's easy to do, and then I have easy xs to them on my Xbox... Now tell me, how the "feck" am I hurting MS?

And Feck, downloading MP3s is illegal. The music industry and most of all the musicians loose alot of money because of that.
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: DUMB on April 02, 2003, 05:08:00 AM
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: jesterrace777 on April 02, 2003, 11:17:00 AM
Will a moderator please close this topic and ban Feck.
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Syphon Filter on April 02, 2003, 11:27:00 AM
shut ur hole...bitch bitch bitch...if u dont like it one is making you do a boring sod...u get what u pay for...some like to get a little extra...
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: DUMB on April 02, 2003, 11:55:00 AM
You cant lecture us on nothing  we should report you to the fbi for insiting terrorism with that picture of bin larden you had.YOUR SCUM
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: jherre6 on April 02, 2003, 12:49:00 PM
And correct me if i'm wrong....

But didn't big Ol' Willy Gates go into Apple Computer, ask to be a developer, obtain some prototype Macs with a Gui, totally rip and pirate thar Gui, then magically create windows 3.1  

So let's ask Big Willi Gates about Piracy.

Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Reaper527 on April 02, 2003, 12:50:00 PM
laugh.gif also,my computer is nowhere near my tv at all, so how would a video out on my comp help me play divx on my tv? also, i have a "pirated" copy of PSO for xbox on my HDD, just because its downloaded does that make me a bad person despite my pre-order slip next to me for the game's launch later in the month? also, another point on your "piracy keeps prices higher" crap, why are gamecube games 50+ despite the fact they are yet to be cracked? if you can't handle the fact that my xbox chipped with an x2 lite 4976.2 with an 80 gig ibm hdd in it, then why don't you just quit bitching about it sucking just because yours is inferiour.
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: shanafan on April 02, 2003, 12:51:00 PM
QUOTE (jherre6 @ Apr 2 2003, 04:49 PM)
And correct me if i'm wrong....

But didn't big Ol' Willy Gates go into Apple Computer, ask to be a developer, obtain some prototype Macs with a Gui, totally rip and pirate thar Gui, then magically create windows 3.1  

So let's ask Big Willi Gates about Piracy.


I don't understand this concept...but besides, its totally wrong. Read the real story
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: stinknugget on April 02, 2003, 03:49:00 PM
to quote two modern philosophers of our time. (jay and silent bob) "YOU DO IN FACT LICK BALLS"
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: b legit on April 02, 2003, 04:45:00 PM

i bought my xbox, i bought my modchip

i will do whatever the fuck i want  with it. no matter what anybody says

bottom line, i think most people can agree moddin your xbox is fun as hell


Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: jherre6 on April 02, 2003, 06:43:00 PM
QUOTE (HeLiuM @ Apr 2 2003, 10:10 PM)

Jason [/QUOTE]
I don't understand this concept...but besides, its totally wrong. Read the real story [/QUOTE]
i thought he got the idea for the graphical OS from xerox?

or was that the mouse idea..

oh, i know the real story.

Steve jobs went into xerox and xerox gave them all there rejected hardare and software. It was xerox who originally came up with the idea of a gui. Apple took that (after xerox legally gave it to them, mouse and all) and made a computer called LISA. (named after steve jobs' daughter).

Bill gates saw this, went into apple, told steve jobs "i'm on your side" IBM is the enemy. (Steve Jobs wanted to take down IBM). Bill then oficially worked for apple, and Steve gave him two prototypes, Bill tool these computers, slapped a windows 3.1 startup screen on it, and marketed it before apple released theirs.

The real story

Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Feck on April 03, 2003, 02:41:00 AM
my xbox works fine, has no wires poking out of it does'nt make any weird noises plays every game i buy plays every cd i buy and every dvd i buy if i wanted to watch crappy divx movies and listen tom mp3 music and play emulators i just do it on my PC all you people are just lazy fat bastards who try and get everything for free and never get off your fat arses except to get food and nintendo did the first good thing they have ever done by making those small discs they don't want another dreamcast where they spent loads trying to counter act piracy but people still found a way to copy the games and mod chip the console and the dreamcast was killed off too early because of it
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Potenza on April 03, 2003, 03:48:00 AM
QUOTE (Feck @ Apr 3 2003, 12:41 PM)
my xbox works fine, has no wires poking out of it does'nt make any weird noises plays every game i buy plays every cd i buy and every dvd i buy if i wanted to watch crappy divx movies and listen tom mp3 music and play emulators i just do it on my PC all you people are just lazy fat bastards who try and get everything for free and never get off your fat arses except to get food and nintendo did the first good thing they have ever done by making those small discs they don't want another dreamcast where they spent loads trying to counter act piracy but people still found a way to copy the games and mod chip the console and the dreamcast was killed off too early because of it

Feck, Get a live.

I own 20 XBOX games (originals). I backed up all of them to my HDD, because I'm to lazy to get up and swap the DVD each time, Because I have some import (legaly acquired ) games, because I backed up my cd collection on my PC (100 meters away) and want to share it to my box so I can play them on my surround system in my living room.

Now tell my what is illegal about this.

And before you go on bitching around, answer this simple question: Did you ever download an MP3 or game. Did you ever record on tape some music from the radio? Did you ever tape a movie from television? Did you ever copy something out of a book?

If you answer any of these questions with yes, you probaly are a PIRATE to.

PS Dreamcast did not die because of piracy, and it is possible to copy Nintendo discs (although they won't work, because of no modchip)
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: b legit on April 12, 2003, 07:12:00 PM
QUOTE (keltorak @ Apr 13 2003, 02:58 AM)
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: SxualVnilla on April 12, 2003, 09:37:00 PM
Plus, I have admit that is is quite funny that M$ keeps changing their hardware and games to try, all be it not that much, to stop modders.
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: ocool19 on April 12, 2003, 09:48:00 PM
hahaha the funny part is that we live on people like feck......we get the good stuff.....and loosers like feck buy the stuff SO WE ALL GET HAPPY AND M$ DONT STOP THE PROJECT GET IT????? stupid fuck
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: gamemaster14 on April 12, 2003, 10:00:00 PM
I hate people who keep on saying "oh no I will void my warenty!!!" You do relize feck that this magical thing doesnt last forever like you people seam to think it does. About your friend ruining his psx with a "pro chipper" install, well thats just to bad aint it. We buy the xboxes we buy the mods and we want to bring the xbox to its full potential and there aint a darn thing you can do about it BIOTCH!!!!!!!!!
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: MissSplitch on April 13, 2003, 01:12:00 AM
First I must express my sincerest apologies for continuing this thread; I however cannot sit idly by while this entire thing goes on.

I find it interesting that no one has brought up the prospect of modders as a viable market.  With the average "power user" type of person being interested in the most bang for their buck, I venture to say that MS has somewhat of a vested interest in the modding community. The other 2 major consoles at the moment have no support for the majority of what this "scene" is all about.  

For the guy who's just looking to pirate games, whatever system appeals to him the most is what's going to be the prime directive, however the prospect of piracy isn't enticing to the average customer. (Any of you who might work at a game store might know what I'm talking about.)

I myself was an avid xbox "hater" if you will, until SoulCalibur II was officially dated for home systems.  Being no slouch, and interested in having the best of what's available (just for the record, everything I buy I backup; I'm a paranoid bitch) I say "well, XBox is strongest, I want the most performance on my game, time to get an xbox."

Seconds later, I return to the topic: "Oh yeah. Perhaps instead of having some marketer tell me when I should be able to play games and what language I should be able to play them in; I'll just get the US version, slap in a cheapmod and play SC2 all day."

4 months later, my import copy of SoulCalibur 2 came, and I haven't put it down since.

Having supported MS for years with several versions of Visual Studio, as well as numerous versions of Windows (btw, they owe me a copy of Visual Studio .net, since I got their "sorry we couldnt' invite you to the rollout" letter, rather than the pass I was supposed to be mailed.) I decided early on that I wasn't going to support an overblown $300 PC that was, I was convinced, doomed to go the way of the Jaguar, the 3D0, the Dreamcast, (which I own solely for SoulCalibur and SF3:3S) and later this year the Phantom ($600 console w/pay-per-play access to all of the worst PC games? Where do I sign? Is an "X" enough?)

I admit it, I support it now. However I also support the PS2; mainly for Tekken Tag (king of Tekken games, mind you) Way of the Samurai, and Tenchu. GameCube support is also doled out for Waverace, Metroid, and hopefully some day down the road another legitimate game.  All of these systems' games? $53 at new, out the door. GameCube included. Feck claims that "Nintendo finally did the right thing by making their games CDs?" (paraphrasal, obviously; note the lack of spelling & grammatical errors.) Well then why is it that Ken Lobb, Nintendo's old compression engineer (who now works for MS, by the way) shied away from CDs for so long? Because they were easy to pirate, and the load times were hellacious.  Now, we don't have that problem to the extent we once did; however we still run into a proprietary engine that can eventually be circumvented.  Cartridges? How many of you bought a DoctorV64 like me? $500 from "Bung Enterprises" (lord, I should have saw it coming when the thing shipped broken.) then another $850 for a rom writer, and another $30 for a hundred cartridges.  Did I make dime one on the thing? No.  Do I have a lot of N64 roms? Yes. I may be a pirate; but how many self-righteous fecks can say that they beat Space Station Silicon Valley? Or even played it? If it wasn't for the ease of availability for many of us lazy sots, a lot of quality games would never see the light of day, and developers would keep turning out the same trash like State of Emergency (a bad ps2 game from 2 years ago? woohoo! Port that, please!)

I own 5 legitimate copies of Perfect Dark. I own 3 legitimate copies of Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 (the ULTIMATE wrestling game.)  I give my money to companies that make good games.  

It's not the pirates that are the problem; It's the mindless fecks of the world that choke down whatever trite pabulum the gaming industry shoves down their throats without a question of "is it good?" that are the problem.  The same fecks are the people who force co-workers of mine every single day to try to shove a game-ruining strategy guide down the throat of anyone who buys a game, just to keep their jobs.  Not only does the industry give its "loyal patrons" insultingly sub-par games with horrible game-play with a dash of good graphics,  but then it has the gall to insult the customer further by telling them they're not good enough to beat the game without a guide to carry them along.

So the next time anyone thinks that any sort of large support group/scene for any console is ludicrous; remember that The Contra Code spread by word of mouth when we were kids & teens.  Then ask yourself how many of your strategy guides will enjoy the same longevity?

In summation, perhaps Hillary said it best; "...because it's there."

Novi MI, Gamestop #1859

[Edited; hit a "D" instead of an "S"]
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: Methius on April 13, 2003, 02:01:00 AM
QUOTE (Feck @ Mar 31 2003, 03:03 PM)
What exactly is the point in mod-chipping and Xbox console a device which costs a lot of money and then you got and take it apart (invalidating the warranty) and add a chip to run copied games which you term as "backups" well if you all just looked after your games better in the first place you would'nt need to copy them and if you all stopped copying the games in the first place and bought genuine games from you local video games shop then the prices will come down. And what is the point in trying to get Linux to run on the xbox i mean can't you be happy with the console as it is i have got an xbox console myself and are happy with it as it is i have no plans on "chipping it" or trying to hack into it to run Linux. Its only a games console you all no doubt have PC's with which you can dismantle, overclock and hack into to change windows in ways that m$ don't want you to.

user posted image
Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: MissSplitch on April 15, 2003, 02:22:00 PM
Let's forget this Feck guy and focus on the more important issue at hand:

Who in the hell is the weird-fingered freak in that Methius "STFU newbie!" picture?

I have an inkling, but I didn't think anyone would stoop so low as to put their "fearsome" grimace in a picture to yell at people.

Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: markduncan on April 21, 2003, 05:12:00 AM
mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  mad.gif  

Title: Whats The Point?
Post by: NRG on April 21, 2003, 05:19:00 AM