
OG Xbox Forums => Newbie Forums => Newbie Chat => Topic started by: vyan28 on December 08, 2002, 12:26:00 AM

Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 08, 2002, 12:26:00 AM
im new to this and there some questions that i need answers. Im completely new to this and please excuse me for my stupidity.

1. do i really need a modchip? if yes, is the excuetor good enough?

2. to play burn games, what programs do i need?

3. how do i burn games? with what?(i dont have a dvd burner nor a dvdreader)

that is all for now and thanks.
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 08, 2002, 12:31:00 AM
4. do i need a dvd reader to do this?
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: cykiller on December 08, 2002, 12:51:00 AM
vyan28, just read the newb section and the tutorials!!

Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 08, 2002, 11:56:00 AM
a dvd burner or a dvd reader?

i dont want to spend alot of money on a dvd burner, so IS A DVD READER REQUIRED TO DO THIS?

i know, i did read the FAQS, but im just confused.
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 08, 2002, 09:38:00 PM
so brad, what modchip are we talking about?

any suggestions?
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: cykiller on December 08, 2002, 09:40:00 PM
all modern chips do this well - check here

get x2 lite or pro if u think u are a pro, or matrix!!

Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 08, 2002, 09:50:00 PM
okay, here is my plan- i plan to get an exceutor modchip(is this good enough), but i dont have enough money to buy a dvd burner. I read all over this forum talking about extracting games from the xbox harddrive. what's up with that?

i need full details on how to play burned games without a dvd burner. So let me sum up all the information that i know so far- So you telling me that i can put a original game onto the xbox cdrom(with evox installed) and make an iso image on the hd and run the game from the hd?

     SO is this possible;put the original game into the xbox cdromdrive, extract the image into the harddrive, transfer that image into the comp and burn it(DOES IT HAVE TO BE A DVD burner)?

thanks for the fast responses. appreciate it! biggrin.gif
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: cykiller on December 08, 2002, 09:52:00 PM
read the tutorial section man!! it tells u all about and how to do it there!! - in the EvolutionX Tutorials section!!

Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 08, 2002, 10:40:00 PM
man seriously cykiller..THERE'S ALOT OF TUTORIALS THAT I DONT GET! I rather get direct answers from you dude. it seems like you know all about it. Might as well answer my previous reply? kinda lazy. wink.gif
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: burning_arc on December 09, 2002, 12:05:00 AM
or... you could use CdVersions. and burn onto cdrw's. You will have to download em from ftps but YOU MUST OWN THE ORIGINAL GAME OR IT WILL BE ILLEGAL.
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: Al_Ghazi on December 09, 2002, 01:07:00 AM
If you don't have enough money for a DVD burner, you probably don't have enough money for a large hard disk.

Take my advice and don't put games on the original XBOX hard disk.  if it fills up and the cache gets screwed up then you could lose your box.

I would strongly advise looking at getting a burner.  Even with the 120G hard disk you will fill it up faster than you may think.

I saw a DVD +R/+RW for £160 retail yesterday, I am sure you can get them cheaper online.  Thats only a week or so of working and this time of year you should be able to get a job at Target or Walmart - seasonal work.

Just a thought...

Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 09, 2002, 05:20:00 PM
thanks for those who replied.It really clear some things up for me. BUt a few things more before i begin my operation. I can just play games straight off the hdd right?  and about the ripping movies, etc to get games on the cdr, can i do that with a cd burner? lets say the game is too big, can i rip and split the game into several cdrw's?
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 09, 2002, 05:29:00 PM
is a 20 gig harddrive good enough to store games and run from the hdd?

if i do that, i need these programs-evox, xbcopy,and flashxp. is that correct?
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: HSDEMONZ on December 09, 2002, 06:10:00 PM

You can play MOST titles straight from the XBOX HD. However, the XBOX stock drive is small.. and rarely holds more than a title or two.  Consider the wise purchase of a largers HD.  Bigger the better 20-120 GB.

As for your CDR / CDRW questions...  any CD burner will do!  Splitting files is easy, and works... as long as you REBUILD them properly on the XBOX later so they can be played from there!

EVOX installed on a 20-120 GB HD, with XBCopy installed as well.. and FLASHFXP is an ideal setting for totla connection and enjoyment.

My current setup is X-ECUTOR (original 1Wire) with 80GB, current EVOX/XOS (waiting for NEXGEN) with all utils, all Emus.
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 09, 2002, 06:25:00 PM
when i was reading the modchips, what does it mean by Flashable LPC mods? and where can i get LED lights(hehe, i wanna make my controller look pretty:)

sorry for all these questions, but if anybody who has aim and doesnt mind talking/helping me, please leave your sn.

and thanks hsd-you have aim? just in case if i need some help, i can ask you because looks like im going to follow your footsteps, but i plan to add 3 more hdd's to my xbox.
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: HSDEMONZ on December 09, 2002, 06:28:00 PM
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 09, 2002, 07:10:00 PM
hahahaha. aiite aiite, but when i need help, im going to ask you. be prepared.....

neways, you or an1 thinks can answer my previous post?
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 09, 2002, 10:18:00 PM
o yea, yo hs, where do did you get your execeutor modchip?>
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: HSDEMONZ on December 10, 2002, 05:31:00 AM
All My MODCHIPS/ Console goodies have always come from LIK-SANG.

Before C-DAY.. the day MS/Sony/Nintendo Castrated them.
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 10, 2002, 05:12:00 PM
well, its a hard guess, but i bet each game is around 5gb or less. if a dvdr can hold a 5gig game or less, then its gotta be around that range.
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: hehbo2k2 on December 10, 2002, 05:39:00 PM
The average xbox game is smaller than you'd think, I'd guess around 1.5 GB. thats why theres the menu-x tool that lets you burn many many games on 1 dvd-r, the guy who wrote that tutorial cramed 11 games on 1 disk.
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: HSDEMONZ on December 10, 2002, 06:15:00 PM
True!  1.5 GB is about the "average".  Trust me.. I know!  

As for the OS... Anything with NTFS or WinFS(FutureSystem) will do nicely!

Win2000, XP, and XP LONGHORN all support file systems that will handle your 2+ GB ISO's just fine!

Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 10, 2002, 06:49:00 PM
whoa! if all xbox games are around 1.5gb, than a 20gig hdd will do it then right?

yo hsdemonz, this is what im going to do, but please correct me if im wrong-

1.istall xecuter into xbox.
2.flash(when flashing, does it mean install) modchip with evox.
3.install new hdd
4. is that it? seems kinda small. But do you think you can list your steps(EVERY ASPECT AND DETAILS). the way YOU do it. Like from beginning to EXTRACTING GAME level. <<<this would really help me alot and to other noob's if possible.

thanks man
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: HSDEMONZ on December 10, 2002, 07:10:00 PM
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: vyan28 on December 10, 2002, 07:21:00 PM
dry.gif  c'mon

well, i dloaded mirc, but no1 seems to help me find evox. i dont even know how to dload. help?
Title: Noob: Needs Information On How To Do This
Post by: HSDEMONZ on December 10, 2002, 10:00:00 PM