
OG Xbox Forums => Modchip Forums => Team Xodus Chips (Xenium) => Topic started by: mitch2025 on December 22, 2005, 02:50:00 PM

Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: mitch2025 on December 22, 2005, 02:50:00 PM

just in case someone didnt see it on the front page, does anyone know what the announcement could be? the artcile says they have the "midus toucht" and aparently midus was a greek guy that could turn stuff into gold. im guessing that they are announcing a Xenium GOLD modchip but who knows
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: C o s m o on December 22, 2005, 03:02:00 PM
I would say bullshit since they talk about releases then don't produce anything, but they claim a big announcement later today so...

I predict a Xenium SpIce gold edition...updated OS, gold color, maybe improved solderless adapter?

But who knows...maybe they are opening the Team Xodus muffler & brake shop!
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: morbidpete on December 22, 2005, 03:07:00 PM
QUOTE(C o s m o @ Dec 22 2005, 05:09 PM) View Post

I would say bullshit since they talk about releases then don't produce anything, but they claim a big announcement later today so...

I predict a Xenium SpIce gold edition...updated OS, gold color, maybe improved solderless adapter?

But who knows...maybe they are opening the Team Xodus muffler & brake shop!

Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: EverestX on December 22, 2005, 03:11:00 PM
I am interested to see what it could be.. As for making the Solder-less adapter better. I would have to see it, I have given a spice box the beating of it's like, a drop while taken apart and very drunk on jager, and a go upside down... Never failed me..  Honestly, I would swear it was a lie if I hadn't seen HSD's review in the first place.. then I tried it.. no bullshit, that thing is solid.

As for improvements.. an OS that doesn't boot with the eject button would be nice.. and an option to cycle colors on the chip and led strip would be nice..

Either way, I still install Xecuters with SP adapters in 1.6's any day over the xecuter adapter.. which is a damn shame.. But I cant help the fact Xenium finally out did Xecuter on something..
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: nfs911 on December 22, 2005, 03:35:00 PM
Its probably just a gold edition xenium? Maybe with a new OS. Like how smartxx released the hallowen one?
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: crypysmoker on December 22, 2005, 05:16:00 PM
Duh, how about the LCD screen they have been promising for a year or 2??   I know it has nothing to do with gold, but its really the only thing I can think of that people may care about that isnt 360 related.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: gilligansdingy on December 22, 2005, 10:38:00 PM
Hasn't a few hours past already? Its a shame when a large group announces something and fails to follow thru.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: morbidpete on December 23, 2005, 12:11:00 AM
10 hours later at 2:05 am and still nothing
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Pantera Opeth on December 23, 2005, 01:15:00 AM
I've noticed they live in really slow time world.  But I hope it's something to actually make a big announcement over, and not just some silly little thing like a small update to the OS.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Flexmaster Frag on December 23, 2005, 01:44:00 AM
Yeah, they're pretty good at killing the excitement now  tongue.gif
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Brizzzer on December 23, 2005, 03:37:00 AM
Well I think I am the first to suggest this.  But I think they bought the solid gold face plate.  lol

That was the first thing that came to mind.  For one thing it was bought on the side and not through the Ebay auction.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Master Bman on December 23, 2005, 06:29:00 AM
how the frick long is a few hours?!?

they always do this:  companies wait till i have my parts in the mail to announce something new.  oh well, at least i still get my spice in a couple days =)
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: C o s m o on December 23, 2005, 07:28:00 AM
Tic...toc...bitches.  This drives me nuts.  PC_Arcade, you're probably right about the summer surprise thing.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: dslate on December 23, 2005, 09:01:00 AM
I'm disapointed xbox-scene would post another promised anouncement from this lame team.
If there is an anouncement to make every other team anounces it. What lamers anounce an anouncement?
The summer surprise turned out to be an empty promise of another anouncement. Which they didn't mention or apologize for in this latest empty anouncement.
If they ever have a new OS, I'll update my boxes. But I won't ever by another product from a team that thinks it's more important to 'Beat their Chest' then to actually support the products their customers have already bought.
If they ever do get around to a real anouncement and it's Hardware, I would suggest everyone stay away from it.
Go with a Team that's not lame.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: PC_Arcade on December 23, 2005, 09:59:00 AM
QUOTE(dslate @ Dec 23 2005, 04:08 PM) View Post

I'm disapointed xbox-scene would post another promised anouncement from this lame team.
If there is an anouncement to make every other team anounces it. What lamers anounce an anouncement?
The summer surprise turned out to be an empty promise of another anouncement. Which they didn't mention or apologize for in this latest empty anouncement.
If they ever have a new OS, I'll update my boxes. But I won't ever by another product from a team that thinks it's more important to 'Beat their Chest' then to actually support the products their customers have already bought.
If they ever do get around to a real anouncement and it's Hardware, I would suggest everyone stay away from it.
Go with a Team that's not lame.

Well Said beerchug.gif
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: tagler on December 23, 2005, 11:04:00 AM
its up now....

its a special edditon chip.... go figure...

XeniumOS 2.3.1 Gold Edition:

- Fixed RTC access problems.  System clock is now read correctly, and overridden to a default time if not set
- Fixed heap allocation, full 64MB ram is now available to XOS (previously fixed at 21mb)
- Fixed task switch inconsistency. Task switch interrupt was previously using an inconsistent delay, causing unreliable performance
* Replaced red borders left on default skin
* New default skin exclusive to Xenium GOLD
+ Addition
- Bug fix
* Change  
What is this new product called?  
XENIUM GOLD of course!  
Will go on pre-order in the next few days.  Hurry and order yours now.  
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: dslate on December 23, 2005, 11:04:00 AM
It's official.
It's hardware. (gold collectors edition) If I start collecting crap I'll pick one up.
Oh yeah, and a year old bug fix OS.
Let me stress the fact that it took a year for them to come out with bug fixes to their OS, no new features, just bug fixes.
If any one buys this new gold plated (UNSUPPORTED) piece of crap you are making a mistake.
I like alot of you who have XENIUMs watch as all the other chips are getting software updates and we get nothing but anouncements and different color chips. Oh yeah, I keep forgetting and a year old bug fix OS.
Lucky us.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: tagler on December 23, 2005, 11:08:00 AM
i wonder if us, non-gold. users will get the OS update...

not like it matters too much anyways

i have to say i'm pretty disapointed.... if i end up doing the whole 360 thing.... i'm jumping on team xecuter's bandwagon... i'm getting pretty sick of this bs
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: acemilo on December 23, 2005, 11:11:00 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Team xodus strikes again!  Seriously, a gold chip?  That's your big announcement?  How about os 3.0?  How about skryer?  Jeez, xodus really knows how to not give ppl what they really want/need.  If it were april 1 I would take this as a an april fools joke, but its just a regular joke.  Come on now, seriously, a gold chip?  This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.  Plus they hyped it as something revolutionary.  Xodus is always good for a laugh at least.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: crypysmoker on December 23, 2005, 12:22:00 PM
What a waste. I have now lost any remaining respect I had for xodus.   They have been talking about this skryer thing for a year, and then announce this as a huge thing. what a load of BS.  I really thought I would be ordering me a nice new LCD today, but nooooooo, its gold version of the chip I allready have and am perfectly happy with.
this just makes me mad. Im trading my xeniums for xecutors now
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Pantera Opeth on December 23, 2005, 12:23:00 PM
reading that "major announcement" makes me feel dirty and used.  I do like my Xenium chip, but that's just sad  sad.gif
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: mitch2025 on December 23, 2005, 12:23:00 PM
guess you all missed the part about it also being the smallest chip made. the picture of it next to the quarter pretty much shows how small it is. IMO that pretty revolutionary
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Owtlaw333 on December 23, 2005, 12:58:00 PM
I'm by no means an authority on chips and I don't know about you guys, but my chip stays hidden in my 'box and stays there.  It being gold and "the smallest chip ever"  doesn't really benefit anyone from the way I see it.  I guess that's just why I own an Xecuter.....
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: dslate on December 23, 2005, 01:06:00 PM
QUOTE(mitch2025 @ Dec 23 2005, 08:30 PM) View Post

guess you all missed the part about it also being the smallest chip made. the picture of it next to the quarter pretty much shows how small it is. IMO that pretty revolutionary

WHAT ??!???

Who cares how big the chip is? Doesn't everybody install the chip and put the case back together and never see it again anyway??

I guess you missed the part about them taking a year to update their OS to just fix bugs ( no new features).

Lame team, with a poor idea of what modders want. IMO
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Puckster069 on December 23, 2005, 01:26:00 PM
Once again everyone acting like Xodus owes them something.  Get off your high horses for christsake... I am so sick and tired of everyone bitching and whining about the modchip group not providing things to them the way they want it.  Go to any forum and its all the same, no matter what modchip company.  Guess what, the XBOX is end of life..... here's your HUGE anouncement...  there will be NO revolutionary anouncements made regarding the modscene and XBOX...... there is nothing more they can do its all been done.  THere will never be a way to play on Live with backups.... get used to the idea its been said over and over and over again.  So sick of Xodus?  Sick of the fact that they provided a damn good modchip, with a free OS and occasional upgrades?  God what assholes!  How could they??!!  Make us all happy and go hang out in the SmartXX forum....
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: mike96sc2 on December 23, 2005, 03:22:00 PM

Xodus brings it all down on themselves though, they pull this huge announcement (which from any other team would be exciting) and they make an announcement regarding the announcement (very lame) then it just turns out to be a gold-plated product people already own. Yawn...

I for one wouldn't want a gold plated chip, gold conducts electricity extremely well and I don't really need the chip to somehow bridge a couple points during a bump and short out my Xbox.

Maybe they can do the LCD they promised form Day One? I'm not flamming, I just feel that if Xodus wants to talk big they need to have something to show for all their talk.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: dslate on December 23, 2005, 05:37:00 PM
As said XODUS is all talk. If they were a little slow updating the OS I would be one defending them.
But instead they had all kinds of promises about Xenium specific apps, there was even talk about possibly running MAME off the chip itself. Which I didn't see any use for but it opened the door for huge possibilities for what a motivated Team could do if they wanted to support their chip. Then they started posting announcements about how great they are and how the other chips sucked.
At that point I was still on board because I was the proud owner of 2 chips and I wanted to think my Team was the best. Then the lack of updates started wearing on me and seeing them releasing white chips and now gold and still not updating the OS didn't help hold my support for them. Then anouncement after anouncement of promises.
All that being said, call me a Hater. I don't care. Just answer me one question.
What is the Summer Surprise?
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: new2moddin on December 23, 2005, 10:45:00 PM
i'm only disappointed in the fact that they keep releasing the same modchip over and over and over.

Then to top it off, to see this newer 2.3.1 OS, you've gotta buy a 24carat gold plated modchip which is indentical to the one that resides in my machine at the moment.

Why didn't they announce the OS update as well as a gold modchip?  It seems that they keep making money via the next identical, re-skinned modchip.

We didn't see 2.0 until the Ice was made available and it came with that particular OS......but those of us that have already bought their modchip, get stiffed until there is a release.

To me, the Xenium is a great modchip which hasn't caused me a single problem but I do truly wish they would commit a little more to their promises and products.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: CrayZEE on December 24, 2005, 03:55:00 AM
You guys need to freaking stop whining.

Did anyone know that Xodus didn't have to do this at all? They not only made a smaller chip gold plated; sure its not for those who already own a Xenium ICE. But if you are a fan of Xodus, its a nice gimmick! And beyond that, you get a freaking sweet OS Upgrade.

I think when each of those nagging haters inhere would have given it thought, they would just be quiet. Xodus doesnt require to update their OS or give out a smaller gold plated version of their chip. I think its nice for a change to see the old Xbox get some attention on xbox-scene again. I want it to live on for another few years and with Xodus and SmartXX producing new chips, i may very well pursue my modding until then.

I'm sorry, but if the X3 adds a XIR clone everybody embraces it that they can turn on/off their xbox with a remote, but if Xodus does something like this, you just get stupid retarded comments.

We should be happy for what we get on the old Xbox, it might not always be what you want but the days where there is real cash for modmakers are gone, and Xodus shown they remain with their fellow Xbox Fans for another year or so, their product is and was fine....

Maybe you guys would be happy if they made a new OS that isnt compatible with the old Xenium and they would sell that mod for 60$ at retail.... Then its new? Thats what many of you seem to want , isn't it? Well i rather have the old revamped and Xenium Compatibility, but its your choice....

I'm happy for what i get, wheter its Xodus, SmartXX or Xecuter. The Times are over where you bitch about products, there isnt even market anymore for them to do truly new modchips that wouldnt become a failure from their sales point. Just be happy for once.... Even i am... and i think i used to be the most bitchy person on the X-s Boards....
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Modiller on December 24, 2005, 06:05:00 AM
Did anyone know that Xodus didn't have to do this at all?

Ask your self what did they really do? Did they improve the ‘scene’ at all? Release a bios that works on all modchips across the board? Were the ‘intelligent’ people at Xodus able to develop a new feature which will completely change the modding scene as we know it!?! The answer is no, no and no. They released a new modchip which will only increase the size of moo240s (and staff) pockets to fund such bullshit posts coming from you.

But if you are a fan of Xodus, its a nice gimmick!

Craize this is one comment I truly respect of yours. You were able to admit Xodus truly is bullshit and really “a nice gimmick!”…

And beyond that, you get a freaking sweet OS Upgrade.

Let’s go over the features that were added to the new OS.

XeniumOS 2.3.1 Gold Edition:

- Fixed RTC access problems.  System clock is now read correctly, and overridden to a default time if not set
- Fixed heap allocation, full 64MB ram is now available to XOS (previously fixed at 21mb)
- Fixed task switch inconsistency. Task switch interrupt was previously using an inconsistent delay, causing unreliable performance
* Replaced red borders left on default skin
* New default skin exclusive to Xenium GOLD
+ Addition
- Bug fix
* Change

You said “freaking sweet”… after reading that I have quite the bidder taste in my mouth. When was the last OS update? It was over 11 months ago. I understand that developing something unique and at the same time worth while bug free does take time…but 11 months for a couple bug fixes and a new skin isn’t reasonable at all. If Xodus released a stable build of XOS3 today, with new features that brought the Xenium to where it should have been months ago I would have been more than pleased to try it out, as I was once a loyal OZXodus fan and customer.

Xodus doesnt require to update their OS

Funny enough, that’s the exact same thing Artifex said months ago while getting flamed for the lack of updates. They don’t HAVE to update, but selling a product short of reliable says quite a lot about the company and staff behind it. Xecuter has not only released multiple X3 updates but X2 bios updates which are most likely to be found on a lot of Xenium chips.

I'm sorry, but if the X3 adds a XIR clone everybody embraces it that they can turn on/off their xbox with a remote

Clone? How is the X3IR a clone? Keep in mind, it does work on ALL modchips now so Xodus/SmartXX/etc users can embrace together in the joy of owning an Xecuter product! (sigh…)

Xodus shown they remain with their fellow Xbox Fans for another year or so, their product is and was fine....  

I never knew there was a built in timer on modchips that’ll make them completely useless after the Xbox scene is over. Modchips for xbox will continue to be around, while the xbox360 is being worked on by some of the greatest the scene has to offer. As for your comment about there product being fine… Xeniums by far have the highest number of RMA and were severely cloned several times.  

…so tell me Craize are you truly proud of what Xodus has to offer this time around or do you think this is just a gimmick?

- Modildy
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: AlTheKiller on December 24, 2005, 06:22:00 AM
yes i went to all the trouble of signing in to x-s for the first time in i dont know how long to say this...
a.) forums are lame (this thread is a prime example of why)
b.) modildo's moms


EDIT: god damn smilies...
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: dslate on December 24, 2005, 08:38:00 AM
QUOTE(silentbob31320 @ Dec 24 2005, 06:11 AM) View Post

lol. if you take a closer look at the article you'll see they did update the OS (2.3.1) im sure its not the last one.

Yes, a year old bug fix. I covered it in my previous post.
And your right it might not be the last one, but odds are it's the last one for another year.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: dslate on December 24, 2005, 09:11:00 AM
Crayzee, if you trully believe XODUS didn't have to make a chip and as you put it "Xodus doesnt require to update their OS". You truly are an idiot. I don't mean that as a flame, just fact.

Chevrolet and Dodge didn't have to make my 2 cars, but it was mutually benifitial for all parties involved.
I'd be willing to bet they wouldn't stay in business long if every year the just changed the color of their out dated cars.

I'd also be willing to bet if Gates decided Windows only gave updates once a year with new version purchases we'd all imbrace Linux or Mac.

By the way does anyone know or care what color their AMD or INTEL chip is??? I'm just glad it's not still a 286 but in a flashy Gold color.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Sauron-Jin on December 24, 2005, 10:17:00 AM
If you have been selling a product promising all kind of fancy features in the form of OS updates, you must acomplish the promises or old customers will be dissapointed making new customers go buying another brand.

The name of Xenium and this OS update just make me laugh. How stupid i was buying a Xenium ICE.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Artifex on December 24, 2005, 02:25:00 PM
XeniumOS 2.3.1 updater (without the gold edition skin) will be released for original and ice users next week.  Would be sooner, but... christmas and all.

The OS changes made in 2.3.1 are more substantial then they seem at first glance, and were necessary to lay the groundwork for additional features.

Skryer will be launched in January, although not how we had originally planned.  In the end, it will work out worse for us, but better for the community.

Oh... and it's not exactly "just a new gold plated chip".... the hardware saw some other changes as well.

And, no... before any ridiculous rumors get started.... the gold plating will not "short out your xbox" or any other such silliness.....
That guy had me laughing pretty hard.

Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: PC_Arcade on December 24, 2005, 04:36:00 PM
QUOTE(Artifex @ Dec 24 2005, 09:32 PM) View Post

XeniumOS 2.3.1 updater (without the gold edition skin) will be released for original and ice users next week.  Would be sooner, but... christmas and all.

The OS changes made in 2.3.1 are more substantial then they seem at first glance, and were necessary to lay the groundwork for additional features.

Skryer will be launched in January, although not how we had originally planned.  In the end, it will work out worse for us, but better for the community.

Oh... and it's not exactly "just a new gold plated chip".... the hardware saw some other changes as well.

And, no... before any ridiculous rumors get started.... the gold plating will not "short out your xbox" or any other such silliness.....
That guy had me laughing pretty hard.


Has the PAL RGB issue been fixed?

I asked you about it 11 months ago and was told it had been fixed and would be released shortly, can you confirm that 2.3.1 does fix this bug?
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: InfamousTK71 on December 24, 2005, 05:00:00 PM
theres something abou this chip that dont make much sense to me......why they gotta have all this gold crap???? I dont get it
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Laugh Out Loud on December 24, 2005, 06:50:00 PM
Wow, such criticism would have been removed from the Xodus forums, namely from the pomboy pezzar. Thank god that female isnt on here...freedom of speech.

Other than the GOLD plating, what else makes the chip different from the ICE series, if any?
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: CrayZEE on December 25, 2005, 11:27:00 AM
so much bullshit. I dont go over to the Sony Forums and complain about my PSTwo not having Gears of War.
I bought the PSTwo as it is, i knew what it was when it came out and am happy since i got what i expected.

I dont know what you guys expected to be added to XOS that would improove your life so drastically.... If someone has truly an idea of what is missing in XOS, please, oh please, let me know. I think the BFM for Bios's has become obsolete with time as we see less and less Bios releases, and you just stick with one since they all pretty much do what they should/need.

And coming with "Xecuter gave the scene a Bios" each and every time, isnt this getting old? If you like Xecuter so much, go praise them on their forums. Let Xodus fans praise Xodus in their forums. Its ultimately just trolling to go talk bullshit there.

There is no "warning other people" involved in all these attacking posts. Xodus did not lie about their Product, and everyone can read the Xenium Reviews on the top. All i see is people like modiller who tried to scam various shops by registering their domains defend Xecuter while they weren't even attacked, how lame is that?

I enjoy Xodus doing a small chip for us, it leaves me more room to stock up more of em, since i install them like mad here. So yes, the Gold Plated Version is some bling bling that ultimately saves me space and makes my customer happy. They like bling bling, i enjoy having small chips for stocking reasons. And to top it off, they fixed bugs in their OS to create a platform to jump off. There wont be new features in an OS if the old bugs arent fixed, i think Xodus truly demonstrated their will to give us new features in the future by fixing their old bugs.

There are now not any critical bugs left, and they can finally move on to new features. I am thrilled to see what they have in mind. Although i dont see what else i need on their OS nor SmartXX OS to improove my usage or anyone elses, so let them surprise us.

Troll somewhere else....
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: mrjkwik on December 25, 2005, 02:20:00 PM
First, looking at the pics i dont get it.  I'd like to see it installed.  

Second, complaining about the color of the chip and whether it is "bling" is lame.  I've gotten to the point that i dont care if its red, blue, yellow, orange, or green, and if it looks like a damn christmas tree with lights on it, as long as it works.  And yes, I used to be one to accuse Xecutor of all the bling, but really, I just stopped caring about that.  Old age I guess.  As long as my chip works, thats what I care about.

As far as some of the other gripes, I cant argue with you one way or the other.  Because I dont have your issues with xodus or the chip.  Only thing I can agree with its we wanna see results, not annoucements at this point.

So stop complaining about the PRODUCT itself, until its out.  Can't say a chip or os is anything until someone at least has it in their hands to try it.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: dslate on December 25, 2005, 03:59:00 PM
So we have Artifex telling us XODUS has time to announce an announcement then 5x a few hours later they have time to make the announcement (updated website with fancy pictures and all). But they don't have time to add a link to the new OS (Christmas and all). Validating some of the hating going on IMO.

Then you have CrayZEE saving 3 inches of shelf space for every 50 XENIUM chips he keeps in stock. And swallowing Artifex's line "The OS changes made in 2.3.1 are more substantial then they seem at first glance, and were necessary to lay the groundwork for additional features". Sounds like more empty promises to me.

Let me ask everyone this "Is it a huge coincidence the year old bug fix OS paralelled their new gold chip?"
Or did they have an OS that fixed bugs their paying customers have been suffering with, that they held onto for selfish reasons?
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: dslate on December 26, 2005, 09:57:00 PM
Any one care to wager the next OS doesn't come out until the next Diamond Encrusted Xenium comes out?
And then it will just be another Bug fix.
Of course we won't know for another year. sad.gif
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: johnnyrico on December 27, 2005, 06:27:00 AM
srsly ppl, stop complaining about a product we don't know anything about next to the facts it is smaller and has a gold color.
saying the gold color makes it suck is very lame.
just wait till it's in stock with resellers and HSDEMONZ has reviewed it, but before that, don't jump to conclusions without decent arguments.

and BTW: nobody's forcing you to buy it.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: running_wild on December 27, 2005, 07:25:00 AM
I used to defend the Xenium and Team Xodus - But this tears it.
I even dared to raise my hopes at this announcement - Maybe they really were commited to their product and it wasn't dead. Alas, it was not to be. They revamped there old product with a couple of bug fixes. Sure - its great for those who don't have one yet. But to the original customers - we are left in the dark.

I am getting my Xbox 360 next year in March (When it launches here in Australia) and there is no way I am now going to spend money on an LCD screen for my old console rather then the xbox's new brother. They hyped this "Skyrer" up far too long ago for the flame of exitement I had about it to be rekindled.

And no - Of course Xodus does not have to release updates for us. There was no contract - either verbal or written. But they did say they were dedicated to making it the best chip it could be. I feel it had far more potential then its current state. But no, Instead they chose to give Xbox chips (And their Income) one last bit of a boost for over the new year by making it shiny.

Well, I'll tell you what Team Xodus - You have a good new year. But I'm afraid if you do venture into the Xbox 360 market, I'll be damned if I'll believe your hype again.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: johnnyrico on December 27, 2005, 12:19:00 PM
for christ sake ppl, stop making such a fuss about this damn chip.
SmartXX made a way larger mistake by showing off with X 360 devkits instead of immediately trying to reverse-engineer them.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: dslate on December 27, 2005, 06:27:00 PM
QUOTE(johnnyrico @ Dec 27 2005, 02:34 PM) View Post

srsly ppl, stop complaining about a product we don't know anything about next to the facts it is smaller and has a gold color.
saying the gold color makes it suck is very lame.
just wait till it's in stock with resellers and HSDEMONZ has reviewed it, but before that, don't jump to conclusions without decent arguments.

and BTW: nobody's forcing you to buy it.

We know it runs the same OS as their prior two colors of XENIUM. That tells us it's the same chip.
They could come out with every color of the rainbow, I don't think anyone would care if they didn't hype it up like they are doing something revolutionary. Remember the Summer Surprises (Plural)?

And added to that they had time to hype their lame anouncement and had time to anounce their lame chip ( updated website and all ) But they don't have time to add a link to the new OS for their existing customers. The lack of commitment to existing customers is enough to justify the anti-XODUS sentiment.

I'll ask the question again of all the XODUS supporters defending them.

"Is it a huge coincidence the year old bug fix OS paralelled their new gold chip?"
Or did they have an OS that fixed bugs their paying customers have been suffering with, that they held onto for selfish reasons?

Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: johnnyrico on December 28, 2005, 02:11:00 PM
QUOTE(mike96sc2 @ Dec 27 2005, 11:30 PM) View Post

Most off-point comment ever

dude, don't like the new chip, just don't buy it.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: running_wild on December 28, 2005, 05:58:00 PM
QUOTE(johnnyrico @ Dec 28 2005, 10:18 PM) View Post

dude, don't like the new chip, just don't buy it.

This discussion is mostly concerned with people who already own the chip, not new customers. You may have noticed that if you actually read the thread. I have already laid down the money for the chip, expecting them to deliver on their promises. (Again - I know there was no contract as such for them to release updates, but I am sure everyone who bought one was under the impression of update continuity).

I'm afraid Team Xodus' buisness practices need somework - focusing on the continiuing cusotmer as well as potentials. The current customers are those who need to be impressed with their work if they want to keep loyalty for any future releases. Not to mention word of mouth. One unhappy customers tells all his friends who are interested in chipping, then this friend tells all his friends who are interested in chipping and so on. It just basic buisness management.

Please refraid from posting the obvious. No, I don't like the new chip, and No, I won't buy it.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: johnnyrico on December 29, 2005, 11:21:00 AM
QUOTE(mike96sc2 @ Dec 29 2005, 01:05 AM) View Post

agreed, thanks again for another pointless posting

not my fault you are just pointless with constantly quoting ppl and saying their posting is pointless.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: dslate on December 29, 2005, 07:18:00 PM
QUOTE(johnnyrico @ Dec 29 2005, 07:28 PM) View Post

not my fault you are just pointless with constantly quoting ppl and saying their posting is pointless.

Your post was pointless and you just added another pointless post.
You added nothing to the thread, in most peoples minds that would be a pointless post.
And your comeback ranks up there with Puddy to Elaine "You're the grease monkey."

If anyone that is 100% happy with XODUS' business plan and customer support wants to have an intelligent discussion about events leading up to alot of us ( paying customers ) verbalizing our frustration, please post.

But the morons posting "if you don't like it, don't buy it" are just showing their age or IQ.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: Laugh Out Loud on December 29, 2005, 09:52:00 PM
QUOTE(johnnyrico @ Dec 30 2005, 03:28 AM) View Post

not my fault you are just pointless with constantly quoting ppl and saying their posting is pointless.

And to add another pointless post, stop sucking up to the Xenium. We all know you want a position on TX Forums. Cmon, just looking at your posts on the forum suggests so.
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: ELLOCO88 on January 02, 2006, 06:15:00 AM
QUOTE(mitch2025 @ Dec 22 2005, 11:57 PM) View Post
 midus was a greek guy that could turn stuff into gold.

midus was a persian king not a greek guy biggrin.gif
Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: aceventura77 on January 05, 2006, 08:23:00 PM
IT'S ABOUT F***ING TIME! we have waited too long

Title: Xenium Suprise
Post by: new2moddin on January 06, 2006, 05:44:00 AM
QUOTE(Artifex @ Dec 24 2005, 10:32 PM) View Post

XeniumOS 2.3.1 updater (without the gold edition skin) will be released for original and ice users next week.  Would be sooner, but... christmas and all.

The OS changes made in 2.3.1 are more substantial then they seem at first glance, and were necessary to lay the groundwork for additional features.

Skryer will be launched in January, although not how we had originally planned.  In the end, it will work out worse for us, but better for the community.

Oh... and it's not exactly "just a new gold plated chip".... the hardware saw some other changes as well.

And, no... before any ridiculous rumors get started.... the gold plating will not "short out your xbox" or any other such silliness.....
That guy had me laughing pretty hard.


sadly, once again my initial problem is still there.  My complaint of the Xenium is not in it's hardware, or subsequent hardware releases and i'm definitely not interested in the Skryer (yet), but we've been told on 24th Dec that we non 24k gold modchip owners would get the updated OS "next week".

We still don't have it.

I may be whining, but seriously, if they had just brought out another modchip, I wouldn't care...... but they take the time to update the OS, stick it into a new modchip (everytime) and stiff those that have already purchased their hardware.

All i'm saying is if they're going to keep updating the XOS (XENIUM OS), then they should be releasing it for it's current userbase, rather than tantalising a whole new audience with flashy gimmicks and new colours while sticking in a new OS (which they'd have no idea about anyway.  To a new user the xenium OS would just be the OS) while dangling it infront of those of us that actually want an update, and making us wait.

I realise they don't have to do what they do, but they're obviously still tinkering with the OS so either way we're going to get it..... but why do we have to wait each damn time.