
OG Xbox Forums => Modchip Forums => Matrix & Chameleon Modchips => Topic started by: redstyles on July 19, 2007, 06:27:00 PM

Title: Chameleon No Led (except Red Flash) Thx For Reading
Post by: redstyles on July 19, 2007, 06:27:00 PM
I had a perfectly (according to the instructions) installed Chameleon with solderless adapter

The other day the xbox started randomly rebooting so i decided to upgrade the HD and software.

I downloaded and burned, according to instructions, AID 4.0.1 and put in a a bigger HD...

Booted it up to no video, xbox spins the dvd for a while and then i get a red green flashing on the box.... and the is NO LED on the mod chip...never shines blue, but will flash red quickly when you power on or off.

I've searched forums, tried everything.

Chip has dip 123 off 4 on if that means anything (may have been 1+2 off and 3+4 on when i opened more short term memory)

Any help would be amazing... thanks in advance