
OG Xbox Forums => Official Team UIX Forums => Dashboard Forums => User.Interface.X (UIX) Code => Topic started by: Dazza on January 08, 2005, 02:49:00 PM

Title: Start Already Insrted Dvd, Game Or Whatever?
Post by: Dazza on January 08, 2005, 02:49:00 PM
After reading the general discussion section people are trying to get a DVD or game to autolaunch after they have said not to when they inserted it.

Simple solution I use is based on the reset xbox code being attached to the b button from the main menu.

Open default.xip\default.xap and search for

control DEF theMainMenuJoy Joystick

Then immediately BEFORE the line that reads

function OnADown()

Now I attached it to the X button so I inserted

       function OnXDown()

This should work assuming that you don''t have anything else running from the X button. It won't ask any questions it just Launches the DVD.
Title: Start Already Insrted Dvd, Game Or Whatever?
Post by: mrmodem on February 08, 2005, 12:18:00 AM
thats good stuff Dazza..... cool
Title: Start Already Insrted Dvd, Game Or Whatever?
Post by: mrmodem on February 18, 2005, 10:26:00 PM
another way I launch my already inserted games / dvd's is i put a tab in the main menu
called Launch DVD  / Game..... linked to the autolaunch function :)

Title: Start Already Insrted Dvd, Game Or Whatever?
Post by: SpiderWeb on February 23, 2005, 01:47:00 AM
mrmodem can you give me that Code plz..

i would like 2 have a DVD'S tab in My Panel Menu   =)_

This post has been edited by SpiderWeb: Feb 23 2005, 09:48 AM
Title: Start Already Insrted Dvd, Game Or Whatever?
Post by: blitzburrgh on March 05, 2005, 08:08:00 PM
I love the code, but hated the "accidential" press of the X button.

So I modified Dazza's code a tad..

His last part where he says..
function OnXDown()

I used..
function OnXDown()

That way if you accidentially press the x, (like me, or actually the kids), it gives you the prompt again (like it does if you have your ini set to "ask" on inserted media).  Doubt this qualifies me as a coding guru, but I think it's handy  :P