
OG Xbox Forums => Archived Forum => Official Team UIX Forums => Dashboard Forums => Official (tHc dashboards) Forum => Topic started by: kaleonfire on April 28, 2004, 07:49:00 AM

Title: Running Thc On E: Or F:
Post by: kaleonfire on April 28, 2004, 07:49:00 AM
Trying to run a secondary tHC on my E: drive in my dashboard folder, so I can try and test out new code, without having to reload tHC on my C: if I screw up the code.  Is this possiabe? If so, how?
Title: Running Thc On E: Or F:
Post by: jacobesterque on April 28, 2004, 09:02:00 AM
you just need to read through the topics to see how to make it run off of the e:\ drive, or whatever drive you want.

for tHc lite:

for tHc original (and the greatest ... tee hee):
Title: Running Thc On E: Or F:
Post by: kaleonfire on April 28, 2004, 06:48:00 PM
Thanks jacobesterque.  I was able to get a second tHC dash up and running.