
OG Xbox Forums => Dashboard Forums => EvolutionX Forum => Topic started by: Snip3rsAim on October 08, 2005, 06:59:00 AM

Title: Extreme Slow Transfer Rates
Post by: Snip3rsAim on October 08, 2005, 06:59:00 AM
I know there have been people with this exact question,but why is it giong so slow?

I checked that duplex thing, and ive tried all four. 10 duplex 10 half-plex 100 duplex 100 halfplex and all of them are slow.

When i ftp into the xbox, and try copying the d: drive the begining is going at like 2-4 megs, and then half a minute later its at 0.8kbs...Why?

By the way, im going crossover

Oh and another question, if there is a dashboard already installed on the xbox. Can i get a new one ( i want to try without the static ip) with different settings and just copy over?