
OG Xbox Forums => Dashboard Forums => Official Avalaunch + Qwix Forum => Topic started by: ahosner on December 10, 2004, 04:36:00 PM

Title: Any Help, Probably Messed Up Big :(
Post by: ahosner on December 10, 2004, 04:36:00 PM
Ok, first off I will say I've never even looked at modding or the like until today so I probably should not have done anything without available help, I'm a moron what can I say.

Anyways, I don't know what kinda mod chip is in my box since somebody else (that I can't get ahold of) modded it for me.  Well, I found some pretty good tutorials explaining how to load Avalaunch, and still have Evox available.

This is where my screwup came.  I did everything as the instructions said, but Avalaunch didn't load, it went back to Evox.  In those notes it says that I should rename evoxdash.xbe to evox.xbe and that has caused the worse problem for me.

Now neither of them load, but instead it goes back to the default xbox dashboard, hence no mod and I can't access anything.

I realize I shouldn't have even been screwing with this stuff, but as I said above, I'm a moron.  After waiting 2 months for the person who modded it to come load Avalaunch on mine I got sick of waiting.

Can anybody here please help me out with what I may or may not have done properly?    I have tried to FTP back in and change the settings, but I'm guessing the default Xbox dash doesn't allow for FTP transfer?

Please help a desperate gamer!
Title: Any Help, Probably Messed Up Big :(
Post by: drunkmunk on December 10, 2004, 05:02:00 PM
yeah you're a little fucked for the moment but this is what you need to do: a program called boxplorer

2. download the latest avalaunch, unrar it, and place it in a folder called... avalaunch

3. rename the xbe file that is inside your avalaunch folder to evoxdash.xbe

4. create another folder and call it boot cd

5. unrar the contents of boxplorer and put all the files into the boot cd folder

6.  place the avalaunch folder inside of the boot cd folder

7. use quix or craxtion to create an iso out of the boot cd folder

8. burn disk

9. boot up with disk in drive and it should boot into boxplorer from there simply copy all the files from your avalaunch folder to the root of your c drive

10. reboot into avalaunch

11. drink a beer and gloat about being the king of xbox's, realize no one is around
feel a little self pity then continue to get more drunk

good luck drunkmunk
Title: Any Help, Probably Messed Up Big :(
Post by: ahosner on December 10, 2004, 05:15:00 PM
Will Avadisk or Slayers be better off for me?
Title: Any Help, Probably Messed Up Big :(
Post by: drunkmunk on December 10, 2004, 06:41:00 PM
yeah just make sure you don't format on accident and lose all your stuff.

guess I was making it a little more complicated then it had to be :lol:
Title: Any Help, Probably Messed Up Big :(
Post by: ahosner on December 10, 2004, 07:14:00 PM
I tried putting Evox back on as the Noob guide to creating a boot disk says.  However, everytime I try to reboot the xbox I get the Xbox cannot read this disc message.  I purchased Memorex CD-RW disk?

Any suggestions?
Title: Any Help, Probably Messed Up Big :(
Post by: AE6689 on December 10, 2004, 08:28:00 PM
Use a DVD burner, get a better DVD drive, or probably the best thing to do is to burn your CD's as slow as possible  (2x)  and try different brands or media.  Some DVD drives of xboxes are very picky.