
Scenyx Sites Forums => Xbox-Scene Polls => Topic started by: XanTium on July 16, 2008, 09:38:00 PM

Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: XanTium on July 16, 2008, 09:38:00 PM
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: africamagical on July 16, 2008, 11:38:00 PM
it looks terrible, if i want that mii bs id get a wii
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: minooch on July 16, 2008, 11:44:00 PM
It looks good, but we won't know how it feels until we get our hands on it.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: orangpelupa on July 17, 2008, 01:01:00 AM
look good, i hope he background is change-able.

but from the menu, you can see what "next option" but you can see the "previous option"

in blade, prev is left, next on right
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Little-G on July 17, 2008, 06:01:00 AM
the dash is horrid, has microsoft been reduced to simply copying the wii?

give me the xbox1 dash anyday!
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Maturion on July 17, 2008, 08:52:00 AM
I think this is an improvement. I always wanted to have a Xbox version of the Miis and now, here it comes.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: AzBat on July 17, 2008, 09:42:00 AM
QUOTE(minooch @ Jul 17 2008, 12:44 AM) *

It looks good, but we won't know how it feels until we get our hands on it.

From the screenshots GamerScore Blog they will be. The NXE(New Xbox Experience) still supports all the dashboard themes and gamerpics. Supposedly you're not required to use the avatar.

First let me say, that I really liked the blade dashboard interface. However, it was getting bloated, cumbersome and didn't take advantage of all the screen real estate. So, it was very difficult in finding content in Marketplace and the Games Library(Live Arcade, etc). With that said I'm all for fixing those problems. So if that means replacing the blades, then so be it. Remember all the feature requests and fixes we all wanted? Remember all the rumored updates that was suppose to be in the Spring update? Can you seriously think all that could be done with the blade interface without making it worse? I don't think so.

Microsoft saw that the market was moving into a different direction than how they originally visioned the blade interface. This change is due in part to the popularity of the Wii and PS3. Believe it or not they have some influence. The amount is up for debate, but there's no denying they have an effect. I'm glad Microsoft saw that and took the initiative to revolutionize the experience.

The question is now: does the NXE succeed in fixing the problems and adding new features we want? I can't say for sure, but I think it's heading in the right direction. A lot people complain about the avatars, but personally I'm glad they're offering such a new experience. It will bring more casual gamers to the platform and that's always good. If the system stayed stagnant and was just always a hardcore platform then the system would have failed. Something had to be done to combat the unique elements of Wii(Miis, channels) and PS3(XMB, Home). I personally don't see how the NXE is a direct copy of either of those. It looks more like a progression of Media Center with a big influence from Apple TV Take 2.

What about the new features?

* Play from hard drive - I absolutely love this idea. Kudos to Microsoft for offering this! Yes, I know most complain about the need for the disc. But they had to do something to combat piracy. I do however see them improving this as time goes on. I could see them offering DRM for the disk that's associated with your GamerTag and system. That way you can transfer the license from the disc to the box. This way you no longer need the disc.

* Access to the Marketplace via the web site - About time! Now I can see what's available and queue up downloads remotely. Thank Sony for implementing that feature or we may not have gotten it.

* Live Party - About time too! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Just chatting one-on-one cross game wasn't enough. Can't wait for this. However, it looks like it will only be voice and text. No mention on how video plays into it. I understand why they can't do 8 people video chat, but it would be cool if they offered 2 or 4.

* Live Primetime - Sounds neat. I always thought they would have something like this when PGR3 first came out with Gotham TV. Plus, remember they announced last March to bring unique original TV shows. I'm sure this channel will be used for that.

* Avatars - Like I said before, I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll be able to dress my avatar as Batman. Ideas that were thrown around was that games could use achievements to unlock items for your Avatar. Also, supposedly other companies other than Rare will be able to make avatars too. There's a lot of opportunity here for cool stuff.

Finally, to all the complainers out there about the NXE. I'm sure most of you were also the ones who complained about the many failings of the blade interface too. You can't have your cake and it eat too. If you admit that things needed to be seriously fixed, then have an open mind when you first try the new update. Because after awhile you might actually realize that the change was well worth it.

Tommy McClain
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: redwolf on July 17, 2008, 04:39:00 PM
Any new improvement is a good thing... on the other hand... don't fix it if it aint broken

This post has been edited by redwolf: Jul 17 2008, 11:39 PM
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: 1nsan3 on July 17, 2008, 07:37:00 PM
m$ knew the wii was comming out with something along these lines so they said fuck the spring update and summer update lets try to beat nintendo  to it. thats all m$ cares about is beating  the competetors out of the gates. who cares how FAST you are!!!!

and this new dash...... makes the 360 seem like a childs toy... not a gamming machine. not evena media center...

once again way to bring out more junk m$!!

This post has been edited by 1nsan3: Jul 18 2008, 02:37 AM
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Jakary on July 17, 2008, 10:06:00 PM
i dont really like the avatars, a gamertag is good enough for me

i dont really like the coverflow interface, it would be ok for just the marketplace, but the rest of the dashboard really doesnt need it
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: ifucedurmom on July 18, 2008, 03:03:00 AM
personally, from the pics it looks like a unorganized piece of crap. I mean im all for a new dash, i like change, but not this faggy wii rip off thing i look at it like this:

wii=family oriented
xbox=more serious

so wtf is ms doing with this new childish dash?
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: nekrosoft13 on July 18, 2008, 10:27:00 AM
xbox serious?

omfg that is hilarious
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: MrFish on July 18, 2008, 01:32:00 PM
QUOTE(AzBat @ Jul 17 2008, 04:42 PM) View Post

* Play from hard drive - I absolutely love this idea. Kudos to Microsoft for offering this! Yes, I know most complain about the need for the disc. But they had to do something to combat piracy. I do however see them improving this as time goes on. I could see them offering DRM for the disk that's associated with your GamerTag and system. That way you can transfer the license from the disc to the box. This way you no longer need the disc.

Never, ever, ever, ever going to happen.

The reason they can knock out these games at $50 is because all these disks are the same. For this kind of scheme to work the disks have to not be the same. Which means they can't be $50.

-But Bill? What about the way it works on the PC, where you get a disk and a code?
- That's retarded. The very idea of a console game with product keys is the most completely retarded thing I've heard of in my entire life. If the disk works without the code, then they've just given you two copies for the price of one. If the disk doesn't work without the code, then why bother with the disk at all? Just sell scratchcards that you can use to get the game off LIVE.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: stevey5036 on July 18, 2008, 02:47:00 PM
QUOTE(MrFish @ Jul 18 2008, 04:08 PM) View Post

Just sell scratchcards that you can use to get the game off LIVE.

That very well could happen.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Kallstar on July 18, 2008, 10:31:00 PM
I think its an improvement without a doubt. At first when I created my Mii on the Wii, i didnt really care for the little guy. It just felt like an unnecessary step to just getting to the game... but then every now and then you have a bunch of buddies over playing that lame trivia game.. and all of a sudden you have your own little guy doing silly things on the screen, and even the cpu ends up picking a buddy you know.

SO it does add a bit more enjoyment to games. I have no doubt it will be much the same with the 360. Some people will immediately love it, few people wont really ever care, but even when you dont care its existance is not going to bother you.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: narcan on July 20, 2008, 04:11:00 AM
Where as I loved the first xbox dash, I really disliked the blades on the 360. This is a little better, I'd wish they built on the old dash though as it had lots of potential.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: LockmanSal on July 20, 2008, 08:31:00 AM
i like the HDD Play Feature , i hate how the dash looks , i want to keep my current dashboard.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: thepunisher302 on July 20, 2008, 06:26:00 PM
I wonder if they'll add virtual console games and a motion sensitive controller.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Bon Scott on July 20, 2008, 07:01:00 PM
I think it's an improvement anyway. The present dashboard is fine, but it is a little limited for sure.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: XBOX360NYMODING on July 20, 2008, 10:54:00 PM
love the idea for adding the games content to the hard drive. one game that needs this is test drive. the one part of the game that always messes up on me is the WORLD TOUR i could be in first place and the gfx go crazy and then i'm in like 4th pisses me off as this could have been sloved with loading files to the hd before hand and having the game run from there instead of seeking the disc.

for all the other crap added to the dash its not anything i care for. the biggest thing is the hdd copy content option. all for that
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: AzBat on July 21, 2008, 11:28:00 AM
For all those naysayers, on Major Nelson's podcast he mentioned that the new avatars and the new look of the dashboard are completely optional. He said everything that you can do now on the dashboard can also  be done straight from the new mini-blade type Xbox Guide. So there would be no need for you to go to the new dashboard to access Marketplace, etc. You can also stick to just using a Gamerpic instead of an Avatar. So if you don't like all the new stuff, well there's no need to complain, you don't have to look at it.

BTW, if the poll results are any indication, it looks like most people don't have a problem with the new interface. Seems only the the small minority are being the vocal Debbie Downers. LOL

Tommy McClain
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Red_Frog on July 21, 2008, 05:15:00 PM
QUOTE(AzBat @ Jul 17 2008, 10:42 AM) View Post
it was getting bloated, cumbersome and didn't take advantage of all the screen real estate.

Ok, everything makes sense now. So instead of using the entire screen we'll only be using some of the screen, filling up the rest with barren "3D" garbage, and having options disappear as you scroll despite using a fraction of the screen. Plus we're going to shrink the current blade to make absolutely certain it's useless, even though it was just fine before.

Wait, that didn't make any sense at all.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: sirsmacketh on July 21, 2008, 08:43:00 PM
QUOTE(africamagical @ Jul 17 2008, 01:38 AM) View Post

it looks terrible, if i want that mii bs id get a wii

go get one then asshole.

QUOTE(MrFish @ Jul 18 2008, 04:08 PM) View Post

Never, ever, ever, ever going to happen.

The reason they can knock out these games at $50 is because all these disks are the same. For this kind of scheme to work the disks have to not be the same. Which means they can't be $50.
-But Bill? What about the way it works on the PC, where you get a disk and a code?
- That's retarded. The very idea of a console game with product keys is the most completely retarded thing I've heard of in my entire life. If the disk works without the code, then they've just given you two copies for the price of one. If the disk doesn't work without the code, then why bother with the disk at all? Just sell scratchcards that you can use to get the game off LIVE.

This has been confirmed a number of times by MS execs already. So yes it will happen. Is it mandatory? No. Just like the rest of the features in the new Live Experience, they're not shoving crap down your throat that you absolutely must use from now on. You all have a choice not to use it. Blades? still there in the Guide Menu (smaller and easier to navigate to your items). Themes? Gamerpics? Available. Avatar? Not mandatory.

What everyone seems to ignore is the fact MS is giving you a choice to use something for once.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: trentdadi on July 21, 2008, 11:21:00 PM
This has been confirmed a number of times by MS execs already. So yes it will happen. Is it mandatory? No. Just like the rest of the features in the new Live Experience, they're not shoving crap down your throat that you absolutely must use from now on. You all have a choice not to use it. Blades? still there in the Guide Menu (smaller and easier to navigate to your items). Themes? Gamerpics? Available. Avatar? Not mandatory.

What everyone seems to ignore is the fact MS is giving you a choice to use something for once.

Thanks for summing that up, you hit all the points, yet people will still complain.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: wassco on July 22, 2008, 10:52:00 AM
QUOTE(AzBat @ Jul 17 2008, 11:42 AM) View Post

From the screenshots GamerScore Blog they will be. The NXE(New Xbox Experience) still supports all the dashboard themes and gamerpics. Supposedly you're not required to use the avatar.

First let me say, that I really liked the blade dashboard interface. However, it was getting bloated, cumbersome and didn't take advantage of all the screen real estate. So, it was very difficult in finding content in Marketplace and the Games Library(Live Arcade, etc). With that said I'm all for fixing those problems. So if that means replacing the blades, then so be it. Remember all the feature requests and fixes we all wanted? Remember all the rumored updates that was suppose to be in the Spring update? Can you seriously think all that could be done with the blade interface without making it worse? I don't think so.

Microsoft saw that the market was moving into a different direction than how they originally visioned the blade interface. This change is due in part to the popularity of the Wii and PS3. Believe it or not they have some influence. The amount is up for debate, but there's no denying they have an effect. I'm glad Microsoft saw that and took the initiative to revolutionize the experience.

The question is now: does the NXE succeed in fixing the problems and adding new features we want? I can't say for sure, but I think it's heading in the right direction. A lot people complain about the avatars, but personally I'm glad they're offering such a new experience. It will bring more casual gamers to the platform and that's always good. If the system stayed stagnant and was just always a hardcore platform then the system would have failed. Something had to be done to combat the unique elements of Wii(Miis, channels) and PS3(XMB, Home). I personally don't see how the NXE is a direct copy of either of those. It looks more like a progression of Media Center with a big influence from Apple TV Take 2.

What about the new features?

* Play from hard drive - I absolutely love this idea. Kudos to Microsoft for offering this! Yes, I know most complain about the need for the disc. But they had to do something to combat piracy. I do however see them improving this as time goes on. I could see them offering DRM for the disk that's associated with your GamerTag and system. That way you can transfer the license from the disc to the box. This way you no longer need the disc.

* Access to the Marketplace via the web site - About time! Now I can see what's available and queue up downloads remotely. Thank Sony for implementing that feature or we may not have gotten it.

* Live Party - About time too! smile.gif Just chatting one-on-one cross game wasn't enough. Can't wait for this. However, it looks like it will only be voice and text. No mention on how video plays into it. I understand why they can't do 8 people video chat, but it would be cool if they offered 2 or 4.

* Live Primetime - Sounds neat. I always thought they would have something like this when PGR3 first came out with Gotham TV. Plus, remember they announced last March to bring unique original TV shows. I'm sure this channel will be used for that.

* Avatars - Like I said before, I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll be able to dress my avatar as Batman. Ideas that were thrown around was that games could use achievements to unlock items for your Avatar. Also, supposedly other companies other than Rare will be able to make avatars too. There's a lot of opportunity here for cool stuff.

Finally, to all the complainers out there about the NXE. I'm sure most of you were also the ones who complained about the many failings of the blade interface too. You can't have your cake and it eat too. If you admit that things needed to be seriously fixed, then have an open mind when you first try the new update. Because after awhile you might actually realize that the change was well worth it.

Tommy McClain

That was a great post! i agree completly, wish more people would post there opinions like this!

the new theme, i agree looks bland as crap....but...i hate the MIIc hannel shit, and unfortnatly became accustomed to the ps3 XMB  biggrin.gif

1) XMB
2) Blades
100th) nintendo crap

QUOTE(trentdadi @ Jul 22 2008, 01:57 AM) View Post

I dont know if anyone remembers UnleashX but if MS copies a dash, that is what they should be copying.  That dash was beautiful and easy.
Thanks for summing that up, you hit all the points, yet people will still complain.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes 100000x over yes!

nothing compares to UnleashX (where the hell is my old xbox...)
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: JUANVAN on July 22, 2008, 12:26:00 PM
You can always go to the old version.
I am looking forward to this, it may look like or do things like others but its way better looking then those blades.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: gasclown on July 23, 2008, 07:41:00 PM
I like it. I like the look of the current blades but they just don't function as simply as they should... if it takes an interface overhaul to let me access feature and content more easily, I'm all for it.

I agree with a couple of the posters here.  Xbox1 dash was great. Would have been nice if they built on that _theme_ for the 360.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: CF01 on July 24, 2008, 12:02:00 AM
i think its a good idea im looking forward to it
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: bucko on July 25, 2008, 05:29:00 AM
Party feature is the only good thing imho we don't even get netflix
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: iceman72 on July 25, 2008, 12:49:00 PM
I swear this site is full of a bunch of whinning babies. Bottom line is that I see all these new features (if they work smooth and as stated) as upgrades and improvements. I do like the new look. Heck at 36 I also like the avatars. Hell I even like the ones on the wii. So to have those and more customizations I think it will be great. Then to toss in a smooth Netflix integration... Wow, I am going to get my Netflix account again. This is great. I have fiber and loaded movie channels. But so many times even with that my wife and I wish we could just watch a movie on netflix. When I had the service both of us wished we could watch those movies on our HD 60 inch tv and not on the stupid computer. This is awsome. I also love the new look of how you can see your games. Those few items that I am looking for are just a few of the new options. This is going to make Sony and Nintendo very mad. I don't see what the big problem is with M$ wanting to keep topping those two. Heck they have been in 3rd for so long. Let them enjoy being #1 in most peoples mind. It's called business you fools. Some people you just cant make happy. For those that you that dont like it...they have something for you too. They knew you babies would be out there so now if you dont like it, then dont use it. Whalla! So STFU and enjoy the best system on the market and watch it become better.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: sabbath_dude on July 25, 2008, 03:11:00 PM
I like the new features that are going to be included but I think the new look is terrible. Very bland/unoriginal and reminds me of the Playstation's XMB and itunes (I don't like either of those). There is nothing really wrong with the blades other than Microsoft feels they don't have enough ad space to sell  mad.gif .

The blade system was unique to the 360 and worked very well. Its a real shame they're forcing everyone to switch with no choice in the matter. I wouldn't expect a theme to be forced upon me while using my PC, sat nav, phone, digibox etc so why should it be any different for my games console?.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Dizzan on July 26, 2008, 10:24:00 AM
I don't really see why it had to be "improved" at all. I'm happy with the blade setup, its simple and it isn't cluttered.

I see the new dash as being way too flashy and annoying. Do you absolutely have to upgrade? If not, I'll stick to my blade dash.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: sabbath_dude on July 26, 2008, 01:29:00 PM
QUOTE(Dizzan @ Jul 26 2008, 06:00 PM) View Post
Do you absolutely have to upgrade? If not, I'll stick to my blade dash.
You don't have to but if you don't you'll no longer be able to use Live so its pretty much a forced update like it or not.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: johnnyrico on July 27, 2008, 07:16:00 PM
for the play on HDD issue: I'd suggest a steam-style DRM, where you get a key linked to your gamertag that allows you to play certain games from the HDD.
it works for Steam, so why not for the 360?
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: gsharpshooter on July 29, 2008, 02:00:00 AM
ms should let us make our own custom xbox 360 dashboard menu that would pretty cool at least in my opinion id love to see that happen oo nd for the disk to match ur gamertag does that mean if u take a game or lend a game to a friend u would have to download ur gamertag and upload everything to the hdd i mean hows renting a blockbuster game gonna work only way is i guess downloading ur gamertag to another box i guess.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Fuzzymannerz on August 01, 2008, 11:25:00 AM
I voted yes because i'm all for change and it still does the same as before and a little extra so what's to complain about, just dont use the extra stuff if you don't like it. lol

When exactly is this update gonna happen then? (UK)
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: avatar1976 on August 04, 2008, 12:33:00 AM
This poll is stupid, it was launched before anyone even had the new dash, it has became vaguely relevant after it was leaked but I bet most people don't even have the dash who are voting on this poll.
Just going off how it "looks".  I must say when I saw screen shots of it I thought this isn't going to add anything much for me but I'll give it atry before I go passing judgement on it.
The bottom line is you don't even have to have the new dash anyway, but I'm guessing the blades are going to look so cluttered with sh!t pretty soon you'll want a new dash.

Fixed typo
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: b33eazy on August 10, 2008, 01:32:00 AM
it looks good, i like it
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Marrvia on August 12, 2008, 10:32:00 PM
I just hate that they call it the "Xbox Experience".  The name is retarded.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: ILLusions0fGrander on August 13, 2008, 10:58:00 AM
QUOTE(Marrvia @ Aug 13 2008, 01:08 AM) View Post

I just hate that they call it the "Xbox Experience".  The name is retarded.

yeah, they should have just called it Xbox XP  biggrin.gif
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: grim_d on August 15, 2008, 12:07:00 PM
at the end of the day it will still play games so i couldnt care less laugh.gif
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: eebeejay on August 20, 2008, 08:29:00 AM
The dash doesn't really that make a difference. If the new dash was out first, and the "blades" were soon to be released, people would be griping about those new blades. Whatever is out first, the majority gets used to it, and gripes about change. As long as we have the choice to choose between the Blades or XBE, there shouldn't be a problem.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: gowdotninja on August 21, 2008, 02:35:00 AM
Well I hope it reduces my Dirty Disks errors on xtreme
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: hyfall381 on August 24, 2008, 05:45:00 PM
honestly...dumb question to ask at this point. lets wait to see how it is.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: DeadToB on August 24, 2008, 06:11:00 PM
Hopefully this DB update won't screw us all over (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: 47_M450N_47 on August 27, 2008, 03:36:00 PM
I think I'll just stick with the current one.  Who knows, after it finally releases I may love it, but from the looks of things I'll just keep my current dashboard.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: hitman24 on August 28, 2008, 09:45:00 AM
Like wean I moved form Windows XP to VISTA thier was some learning steps, but just like I'm happier with VISTA then I am XP; I'm happier with the New X-BOX 360 dashboard then the old one.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: ChubbySpartan on September 08, 2008, 12:08:00 AM
you people know that if you don't like the dashboard, the guide button pulls up the classic "blades"
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: eebeejay on September 09, 2008, 12:20:00 AM
QUOTE(ChubbySpartan @ Sep 8 2008, 06:08 AM) View Post

you people know that if you don't like the dashboard, the guide button pulls up the classic "blades"

That's what I've been saying, too. But some people just NEED to complain.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: FrEaKsHoW12390 on September 10, 2008, 01:46:00 AM
i bought a 360 just because it was way away from the retarded Wii now it is changing to the MicroWii this is a sad day for M$ i wish you could choose between the dash you have now and the new dash

but im not happy with the new dash i wanted to stay as far away from the Wii's as possible.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: ccfman2004 on September 13, 2008, 08:32:00 AM
I'm almost positive that I heard that there will be an option to switch between the two dashs.

As for being able to copy the game to the disc, MS has said that it will improve some games, not all as most new games are optimized for DVD-drive and you will most likely not notice a difference, but for older games, the difference will be noticeable.

I do wish MS would do what sony is doing and having some 360 games available through the market place.  With the increasing size of the 360 Hard drive, this could be possible and eliminate the need for discs.

Since most games are smaller than 7gb, this should not be a problem.

I wonder if any future game would require you to install the game to the HD like a lot of PS3 game install parts of the game to the HD.

With the limitation of the DVD-DL, I wonder if that would happen.

With allowing you to play a game from the HD without the need for the disc, those games would not be able to be traded to a place like Game Stop since the game code or whatever they use would be linked to someone's gamertag.

They could, theoretically build a unique code into the disc itself and when you go to install the game, you have to log into live and the code would be checked to see if it is locked to someone's gamertag other than yours, and if it is not, allow install.

Then you could ant any time de-authorize the code so someone else could install the game on their console, similar to what Apple does in iTunes.

For people who are not on live or don't want to link the game to their gamertag/console, you would to have the disc in the drive in order to play.

Only time will tell what MS will do.

A question:
Does anyone know if Xbox1 games can be installed to the HD?
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Chronusdark on February 03, 2020, 10:11:00 AM
all i care about is if it moves faster i would like to invite someone to private chat without getting shot to death
also party chat is

"teh shizzt"

sorry about that i wont do it again
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: medievil on September 17, 2008, 04:03:00 AM
bit early to be having this poll since it is impossible to answer it one has USED the new dash yet...
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: pingrr on September 19, 2008, 03:36:00 PM
How the fuck am I supposed to know?  I haven't been able to use it yet.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: limonaati on October 17, 2008, 02:10:00 AM
Does anyone know if the new dashboard will be required in order to play future games? I haven't been able to find any information regarding this.

I am happy with the current dashboard and don't need Live so I'd just prefer to stick with the old dashboard and not plug my Xbox into Live at all. Of course if games start requiring the new dashboard I might have to update.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: Mr. Bojangles on November 24, 2008, 12:06:00 PM
The like:
-8 person party chat.

The dislike:
-Too appealing to small children, I loved the original blade theme and I pretty much hate the new look.
-I don't care for the avatars, I don't hate them but they are useless to me.
-The network settings setup... I really liked the old network status screen as if there was a problem with something in particular it tells me and gives me a chance to fix it myself. Now its just a little status bar deal that when an error should arise it just tells you there was an error and gives you horrible ways to "help" the situation. Its exactly like the retarded program known as "Windows XP Help Center". The usual "unplug your router and wait blah blah blah" Bullshit. The new network setup just drives me insane.

Just my opinions. I voted "no" mainly because the whole network bullshit.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: ILLusions0fGrander on November 26, 2008, 11:44:00 PM
netflix and game to HDD copy = win.
Title: Is The 'new Xbox Experience' Dashboard An Improvement?
Post by: johnshelly12 on April 18, 2012, 04:46:00 AM
[quote name='Kallstar' date='Jul 19 2008, 04:55 AM' post='4310502']
I think its an improvement without a doubt. At first when I created my Mii on the Wii, i didnt really care for the little guy. It just felt like an unnecessary step to just getting to the game... but then every now and then you have a bunch of buddies over playing that lame trivia game.. and all of a sudden you have your own little guy