
Scenyx Sites Forums => Xbox-Scene Polls => Topic started by: XanTium on May 17, 2008, 11:43:00 PM

Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: XanTium on May 17, 2008, 11:43:00 PM
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: xbrains on May 17, 2008, 11:51:00 PM
Lol I am the first voter! Yes... It would rock. An xbox that is also a Wii!
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: hyfall381 on May 17, 2008, 11:56:00 PM
i voted no. guess im the first to vote no. lol. my reason is because there arent any games i currently play where id really see a need for motion controls.

if they came out with some games that were made to be used specifically with a controller of this type, then..depending on the game, id consider buying one.
but until then, im saying 'no'. i wouldnt go out and buy a xbox360 Motion Controller.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: SKIBBE on May 18, 2008, 05:07:00 AM
My vote is NO,

i don't se the use of these motion controller, really don't like the "unaccurate" wii-controllers.

and as it's not the "main" controlling system the games will be few and poor suported,  it's like the xbox live vision, i bought it and thought i would be able to get some cool games and get my face on certain 3d charaters, and now a few years later there are not over 10 games that support the live vision.. that sux, like every fps similar should be able ot use it for more personal characters... but i guess it's just a dream, at least the fotboll/soccer/hockey games could support it.....

Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: Odb718 on May 18, 2008, 03:31:00 PM
I like the wii, but it'd depend on xbox's support for it. Like SKIBBE said, one game isn't enough to make me spend $40. I voted yes, but I think there should have been a "depends on the game(s)" option in the poll.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: NineT9mustang on May 18, 2008, 06:10:00 PM
One of the reasons I dont like the Wii is the motion sense sad.gif

When I get lazy, thats when I game. I want to lean back on a couch comfortably holding a controller in my hands, on my lap, for hours.

Not wave my arm around, moving my hands everywhere

My Wii is fun, but mostly when people are over, and the fun lasts an hour before we get tired hehe

So naw, not too interested in a motion sense, but i get the sense im the minority here
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: 1nsan3 on May 18, 2008, 07:09:00 PM
Motion controllers wont be any fun with gamming only maybe like the bowling and tennis etc... leave it for the noobs and kids.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: ILLusions0fGrander on May 18, 2008, 07:26:00 PM
I vote yes but only because i want it to snap in to a sniper rifle attachment, which would come with the brand new Silent Scope.

yea, im dreaming.. but oh well, it would be awesome
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: avatar1976 on May 18, 2008, 07:43:00 PM
QUOTE(SKIBBE @ May 18 2008, 12:07 PM) *

and as it's not the "main" controlling system the games will be few and poor suported,  it's like the xbox live vision, i bought it and thought i would be able to get some cool games and get my face on certain 3d charaters, and now a few years later there are not over 10 games that support the live vision.. that sux, like every fps similar should be able ot use it for more personal characters... but i guess it's just a dream, at least the fotboll/soccer/hockey games could support it.....

Yeah that's why I wouldn't buy it either, MS do not take their chance on any games actually requiring a peripheral (even scene it I think you can play with the normal old controllers (if you really want to)).
They normally (this isn't the case in scene it) make the game play best on the standard controller and if you're really keen you can buy a peripheral (like the camera or the racing wheel) but they don't enhance the experience all that much (not from what I've experienced so far with my racing wheel and camera anyway).  Oh and the light gun on the xbox1 there was all of about two games that used it, House of the Dead III and Starsky and Hutch.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: blind42 on May 18, 2008, 11:57:00 PM
I voted no , I own a Wii and want to get ride of it not replace it.....Leave motion controls for the kids for us adults I would prefer a Mouse/Keyboard or reg controller over motion control.

 Look at the Wii's list of games and the average rating of the games compare to the 360's average game scores from reviews those scores are not just from having better graphics its for having better gameplay to. Nuff Said
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: Reaper527 on May 19, 2008, 01:30:00 PM
i said yes, only because there is no maybe button. it is a cool idea, but i want to see a good implementation of it. many wii games are either craptastic mini-games, or great games that had the wii-mote added as an after thought. if the 360 actually had good uses for the control, i would get one.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: DMAddict on May 19, 2008, 02:24:00 PM
I voted yes. This would solidify my decision in not buying a Wii. That is, so long as they came out with some decent games supporting it.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: suppository on May 19, 2008, 10:37:00 PM
i voted no because motion control is just a gimick to me
whenever i get a new game for my ps3 i try motion control for a while and then go back to normal
wii is ok but still gimicky
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: LP_Rebirth on May 20, 2008, 02:21:00 AM
I voted yes because even though I think motion control is a gimmick/phase type thing, it would at the very least bring the best of both worlds to everyone.  If you want motion sensor for whatever reason, then you will have it, along with a kickass traditional gamepad!
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: vintageman on May 20, 2008, 05:13:00 AM
yes, virtualmouse?..biggrin.gif.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: twistedsymphony on May 20, 2008, 05:45:00 AM
waste of money... my Wii collects dust, motion control isn't ready for mainstream IMO.

sure the main stream is ready for motion control... but those millions of people buying Wii's aren't buying games, they'll play Wii sports and if they happen to buy something else, they'll usually be disappointed.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: pingrr on May 20, 2008, 08:55:00 AM
I voted yes but they need to make a sports game to go with it like nintendo has.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: ThaCrip on May 20, 2008, 03:35:00 PM
i voted NO.

mainly cause there probably aint any games that would benefit from using one... so odds are a game would have to be specifically made to take advantage of it..... and since im real picky on what games i 'really like' vs 'everything else' , overall i just dont think it would be worth having one.

so even though i voted no... i would not say it's completely out of the question to get one given a good game that gets a real benefit from using it.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: ludacrisvp on May 21, 2008, 03:39:00 AM
No need for motion control.
I have used a Wii and have a PS3, the motion controls are just gimmicks.
Like Twisted said main stream is ready but the hardware and software to do it properly just isnt there yet.
Wii Sports doesnt count because it is only one game, there needs to be dozens perhaps hundreds of games that have amazing and proper implementation of motion controls before it is worth having.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: spinr34 on May 21, 2008, 03:22:00 PM
the sixaxis on the ps3 is a failure. why would a motion control on the 360 be any better? even most games on the wii aren't great. the first party titles make good use of the wii's controller. any other game on the wii isn't all that great.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: Johnwinger on May 22, 2008, 05:47:00 AM
The PS3 has had motion sensing for forever and it's a completely useless feature.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: juntistik on May 24, 2008, 07:21:00 AM
I voted no, Microsoft does a terrible job at supporting their peripherals (Yes I am one of the few that got the vision camera) They would release 1 maybe 2 games and a few XBLA titles and that would be it.

OFF TOPIC: I'm still pissed they closed open/public cams. I don't want to be friends with everyone in every game I join just to have a fun time using the camera. I've had some of the most fun on live playing UNO and laughing at the funny stuff that happens. I remember playing UNO and someone joined and the camera was just pointing at a flipped over table. 5 minutes later a big guy dressed as darth vader pops up with a lightsaber and just stars doing star wars kid moves. I was choking from laughter. Of course there are risks involved such as people who like to get naked infront of the camera but it was pretty rare and I reported each one.

Now the fun times have come to an end and every UNO game sucks now because you have to be their friend to view each others cam sad.gif
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: iwanttheagrocrag on May 24, 2008, 07:38:00 AM
I voted no because even if there was one I wouldn't use it. I also have bought the vision camera and totem ball is acceptable, and I actually love playing 3d pinball with it. UNO you have to change a bunch of setting for everyone to see it. RS6 was awesome because if you had a cardboard cut-out of someone it would put it in the game.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: 47_M450N_47 on May 24, 2008, 12:54:00 PM
I don't see the need for it.  I already have 4 controllers for my 360 and don't need anything else.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: ProfessorH0j0Jr on May 26, 2008, 08:19:00 AM
the only real use I see in motion sensing now is for FPS and RTS games. If there were good games of those sort that supported motion sensing then I would consider it.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: EvilWays on May 27, 2008, 10:05:00 AM
I voted no as I don't need a gimmick, just a controller. Something similar like the SixAxis is as far as I would even consider...
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: djboo on May 28, 2008, 02:05:00 AM
I agree with most people that MS are a bit awful at supporting their peripherals (i too am a vision owner) but MS also are the best at writing APIs and the XBOX has an awesome update system.

Think of the games that could receive updates and be improved by a wagglewand controller... Command and conquer for instance - wouldnt take much to add the mouse like support and would probably massively improve the playability (but then again - its EA, lets not get our hopes up too much)

The other thing is you have to realise the number of games that we'd get ported from the wii... its gotta be worth it for that - Wii style control but without last gen graphics - best of both worlds.

Its bound to happen - mostly because ive only just got my wii and things like that always happen to me!
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: grim_d on May 31, 2008, 02:21:00 PM
i like pressing buttons, not waving my hands around like a fairy.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: ludacrisvp on June 02, 2008, 12:06:00 AM
QUOTE(djboo @ May 28 2008, 03:05 AM) View Post

I agree with most people that MS are a bit awful at supporting their peripherals (i too am a vision owner) but MS also are the best at writing APIs and the XBOX has an awesome update system.

Think of the games that could receive updates and be improved by a wagglewand controller... Command and conquer for instance - wouldnt take much to add the mouse like support and would probably massively improve the playability (but then again - its EA, lets not get our hopes up too much)

The other thing is you have to realise the number of games that we'd get ported from the wii... its gotta be worth it for that - Wii style control but without last gen graphics - best of both worlds.

Its bound to happen - mostly because ive only just got my wii and things like that always happen to me!

I doubt you would see any games ported from the Wii. The PS3 has had motion control since launch, have you seen any Wii ports on it?
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: Bruc3LeeRoy on June 02, 2008, 08:40:00 AM
I voted yes for some reason.

But I own a ps3 and I forgot that it had Six-Axis in the controller.... the only time I ever use it is when the game forces you to.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: ProfessorH0j0Jr on June 02, 2008, 12:07:00 PM
I don't see the point. it wouldn't help any games I currently play, and any new games would just use it as a gimik, just like PS3 and Wii...
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: commandersafi on June 04, 2008, 02:14:00 AM
I say no. I'll leave the motion controllers to my wii and use my 360 for good games wink.gif
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: scuzzell on June 05, 2008, 05:58:00 PM
Yeah, there definitely should have been a "maybe... depends on the games" option in the poll. That seems like the most common answer. If there was a GOOD* gun attachment then yeah it would definitely be worth it, but I don't see it being that useful otherwise.

* By GOOD I mean a full sized rifle or something similar not a cheesy-ass lookin thing like the wii zapper. That thing blows.

EDIT: I just had a cool idea: A handgun for one hand and instead of a nunchuck thing there could be a grenade for the other hand. The Handle on the grenade could be an anolog trigger... that'd be sweet. If they made it look like the Halo weapons they'd sell millions.


This post has been edited by scuzzell: Jun 6 2008, 01:02 AM
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: iwinulose on June 09, 2008, 12:54:00 AM
i voted yes, and id like to explain why

while there arent any current games out yet that would utilize this feature, future games could incorporate it without much trouble.

and yes the wii has some pretty crazy glitches but with a multibillion dollar corporation such as microsoft im sure they could fix all of the kinks out of the system

but who knows...
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: eebeejay on June 15, 2008, 10:32:00 PM
I vote no. I game to relax. Sitting down, leaning back. Not standing up with arms flailing around. My opinion is that since the Wii is dominating the market, Microsoft is trying to steal some of the Wii's thunder. It won't happen though. People would rather spend $250 on a machine dedicated to motion sensing, than spend $350-$450 for a machine that MIGHT half-heartedly support motion sensing. I don't own a PS3, but to my knowledge most games don't really take advantage of Six-Axis. Because of broader appeal, lower price point & a "simple" interface (appealling to non-gamers) M$ & Sony won't catch up. It's a battle for 2nd place. Microsoft should stick to what it knows in order to fend Sony off, and secure 2nd place. 2nd place isn't  a bad spot to be in, given the situation.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: Zoopster on June 17, 2008, 05:25:00 AM
sleeping.gif  Yawn... no point in a motion controller, unless there are games that support it. The existing crop of X360 and XBLA games are designed and optimized for the standard gamepad, so there's no point in a motion controller for those.

All in all, a useless niche add-on that will not get the software support necessary to make it worth getting.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: bv90andy on June 26, 2008, 11:12:00 AM
I would buy one, but only if they would release 2-3 games with it, that fully support it. Also, I am curious how would it look like, like a wii mote or how that is called, a nunchak, or plain and simple like the old controler, with motion sensors...

and what if M$ would buy rights to create a wii emulator for the 360??? then I would surely buy one.... but that will never going to hapen so... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

This post has been edited by bv90andy: Jun 26 2008, 06:15 PM
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: funni64 on June 29, 2008, 02:38:00 AM
ehhh, I like the Wii the way it is and the 360 just the way it is. They dont need to mate!!
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: IchiKyuo on July 02, 2008, 09:43:00 AM
For gods sake no! It sucks, i've seen crazy jap's @ going crazy wild with their Wii's and i thought that if i wanted to play a game, i would like to relax while playing. Not be making all these movments with the controller. It makes no sence!

IchiKyuo had an opinion!
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: Base8 on July 03, 2008, 10:09:00 PM
QUOTE(iwinulose @ Jun 8 2008, 11:54 PM) View Post

but with a multibillion dollar corporation such as microsoft im sure they could fix all of the kinks out of the system

Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: renault on July 05, 2008, 12:45:00 PM
I am the 664th person to say no. I may as well get flamed but I long for the day where I can plug in a mouse n keyboard in without having to buy an xfps sniper thingy as what I have seen seem like a lot of faffing about to get it working.

The PS3 (sorry for saying that bad word here) has offered mouse n kb support for UT3 and Resistance FoM. Some guff about being more accurate and being unfair to players who use the pad. I think there is certain games that the pad is by far the best controller but for the love of god mouse n kb rocks on FPS games but a country mile.

While I am on about controllers wtf did Logitech make a "multi-format" g25 racing wheel that works with Sony PS2/3 and the PC and not the 360. What kind of donut in Logitech thought that would be "multi format"

There I have had my rant. Now let the flaming begin
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: Zorolord on July 06, 2008, 08:41:00 AM
I have voted no - unless they was real need then there is just no point.

Also I am pretty active, so the last thing I want to do is wave my arms around like a sodding nonse. Stuff that all i want to do is sitting on the couch and chill with decent FPS.

Also if all console ever move to pure motion then i am stop playing games on consoles and move to over to PC's if I could affort it.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: WompaStompa on July 08, 2008, 01:24:00 PM
leave motion controlling on the Wii.  Please!  No need for it on the 360
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: onlineemails on July 09, 2008, 02:40:00 AM
I say yes becuase i like game that use motion controllers like alone in the dark for wii i have seen the trailer and i really like the way that worked  i think many new upcoming games will support it (optimum use).
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: thepunisher302 on February 03, 2020, 12:57:00 PM
No, because motion controllers are for cranks and villains.
Title: Would You Buy An Xbox360 Motion Controller?
Post by: masked_giraffe on July 14, 2008, 03:54:00 PM
Yes, but it is highly dependent on the games released