
Scenyx Sites Forums => Xbox-Scene Polls => Topic started by: XanTium on January 20, 2006, 07:32:00 AM

Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: XanTium on January 20, 2006, 07:32:00 AM
feel free to discuss/vote
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: cyberg4 on January 20, 2006, 07:50:00 AM
Depends on pricing, If the Rev is <$200 and the PS3 is >$500 It's obviously going to be rev for me (as a secondary after the X360 of course). But with similar pricepoints (less than a $100 difference) I'd go with the PS3.  Also depends on who wins the format war (if blu-ray I'd get a PS3 just for the blue ray capabilities)

This post has been edited by cyberg4: Jan 20 2006, 03:50 PM
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: dkkev on January 20, 2006, 07:53:00 AM
id go for the revolution as the franchise has some nice exclusive titles... i dont see playstation has anything else to offer that the 360 doesnt already cover..
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Moribund112 on January 20, 2006, 08:05:00 AM
I voted Revolution for now, but that could change in the future depending on a few things some others have already posted:
1. It really depends on where this format war ends up - if Blu-Ray indeed pulls through, a PS3 would be a great way to have a Blu-Ray player from the get-go, similar to using the PS2 as a DVD player way back when (I used it for both, as I didn't have a DVD player before buying my PS2). The possibilities of Blu-Ray discs holding games seems interesting, although I've heard from a number of people that only movies would be used, and games would simply be DVD9 or equivalent?

2. The Revolution really has me excited in the same ways the DS did. Nintendo seems to have struck gold with their DS, and the Revolution seems like a pretty cool idea if put into practice well. The games will determine whether the Revolution will soar or crash and burn, as it doesn't really offer much else...Gamecube was a bit of a disappoint for me (especially coming from some great titles on the N64) and I hope Nintendo can really WOW me this time around.

3. The pricing is obviously a huge concern of mine as well as many others...if Nintendo pulls off a cool little machine with more than half the price tag of it's competitors, it's safe to say I will certainly be picking up a Rev on the release date. If rumors of the PS2 being $500+ are true, well then I'm going to sit out for a year or so until I really see something that makes me want to throw down that kind of cash, like Metal Gear Solid 4, assuming it's as great as most of us expect.

Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: blaziantiger on January 20, 2006, 08:24:00 AM
I say revolution because of the Nintendo-only videogames I'll be missing out on. PS3 and 360 will probably have the same games with just a few exclusive for PS3 that I'll miss.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: t0ken on January 20, 2006, 09:06:00 AM
I'd have to go with the PS3 because of the Blu-Ray.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: subten123 on January 20, 2006, 09:35:00 AM
I'll pick PS3 cause of HDMI, Blu-Ray and GT5 smile.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: metaldevil on January 20, 2006, 09:37:00 AM
Revolution. Although I think it might not be as successful as the other two consoles, I love Nintendo's first party titles. I won't be able to get my Zelda fix on 360 or PS3. wink.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: spoone on January 20, 2006, 09:52:00 AM
i will definitely buy both!
but very probably PS3 first because there won't be anything like Gran Turismo 5, nowhere.
if M$/xbox360 had such a killer app, there wouldn't be a single reason for purchasing a PS(1, 2 or3).
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: StormB on January 20, 2006, 10:45:00 AM
QUOTE(spoone @ Jan 20 2006, 05:59 PM) *

i will definitely buy both!
but very probably PS3 first because there won't be anything like Gran Turismo 5, nowhere.


On the poll issue, I'd go for Revolution because of the exclusives.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: oxjeremy334 on January 20, 2006, 10:50:00 AM
PS3...Nintendo seems to focus too much on youth releases...
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: VOlition on January 20, 2006, 10:54:00 AM
Not going to buy either one, I will stick with my 360 from the begining till the end, becasue I have the money, but spending money for more than one next-gen console.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: sephiroth99 on January 20, 2006, 11:19:00 AM
I have chosen the PS3, only for GT5. But if M$ release Forza2 for x360 the same day, goodbye ps3!!!
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: grogger13 on January 20, 2006, 11:33:00 AM
id go with revolution, i love all there exclusive games and there what i grew up playing.  

Thinking about the console war, with the rise in console prices nintendo will finally have a considerable advantage if its price under 200.  Think about all the parents with kids wanting a console, all they see is the price.

This post has been edited by grogger13: Jan 20 2006, 07:33 PM
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: miggidy on January 20, 2006, 11:52:00 AM
Revolution all the way!
I want a REAL alternative to my Xbox 360 dry.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: alsybub on January 20, 2006, 12:11:00 PM
I'd want the Revolution simply because I want to be able to experience something different and have access to the entire Nintendo back catalogue. Most games that appear on the Ps3 will also be available for the 360 and if Blu-Ray becomes the dominant format then M$ will most likely release an add on just like HD-DVD as they have already stated.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: MaTiAz on January 20, 2006, 01:07:00 PM
PS3? No way, the real competition is between PS3 and X360, and Rev will be on it's own, so I'm not gonna support a competitor and buy PS3. Revolution over PainStation 3... and that boomerang controller looks _UGLY_... but the Rev controller isn't so much better looking... but it could be used for some cool innovations (which Nintendo definitely doesn't lack, look at DS wink.gif). But I'll more propably buy a next-gen handheld than another console, as 360 is enough and should be enough.
But maybe if PS3 surprises me, it *could* be mine... just like with Xbox and PS2, I loved the PS2 but when I saw Xbox, there was no way I'd go back to PS2 biggrin.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: flashfreak on January 20, 2006, 01:53:00 PM
I'd go for the revolution. My reason? I want the controller tongue.gif It seems like nintendo are taking risks and thats what i like. It'd probably have some good games too.

I would never buy a playstation. I am loyal to MS, not that its a big thing to me, and i just hate the ps cos its so japanese, all the games are just crap. I havn't played any, but from what i have played, i just don't like em.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: nfs911 on January 20, 2006, 02:02:00 PM
Unless the games that sony showed at e3 TRULY look like that, Revolution is what I'm getting. Revolution will be small, cheap and amazing. The best feature of revolution is that you can play all the games from the older systems.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: cyberdork33 on January 20, 2006, 02:14:00 PM
I would have to go with another 360...
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: flbeserk on January 20, 2006, 02:24:00 PM
I'd have to go with ps3, and i dont' see only a few handful of games not being cross platformed i see alot, since x360 doesn't even use hd-dvd for gaming, and alot of games are taking up or going to take up alot more than just 8 gigs.  the revolution i haven't been looking into all i hear is it's a little pumped up gamecube, i honestly don't know though. I have a ps2, xbox, and gamecube and x360, i've played my xbox the most since i can put all my games on the hd and it's easier to manage, but most of the games i enjoy are on the ps2.  only thing gamecube has offered me is smash bros melee, and soul cal 2 with link.  anything else i find too childish, i'm sorry i'm not like you guys and enjoy the old classics like mario, i'm so tired of seeing him on every system nintendo puts out but that's just me.  Personally i feel nintendo is good with new innovations but when it comes to new gaming they just stick with the oldies, metroid, star fox, mario, donkey kong, f-zero etc.  I saw pikmin for gc when that came out and animal crossing and i was like wtf is this, but like i said that's just me i'm not into those type of games anymore.  i do enjoy the mario golf, and mario tennis, but i did enjoy hot shots golf for playstation when that was out and segas tennis for dreamcast too.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: CattyKid on January 20, 2006, 03:14:00 PM
I have to go with Revolution.  PS3 will blow it out of the water with graphics, but it's about the gameplay.  It's about not just sitting on your couch, being involved in the game. Look at how much people love DDR.
I can wait to snipe some people with my hand.

BTW, I most likely will be preordering and getting both (and I have a 360, too).
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: ksteiner on January 20, 2006, 03:32:00 PM
i'd buy the rev, not insterested in any of the playstaion systems (but psp) not now not ever.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: sjamunar on January 20, 2006, 03:51:00 PM
I hate sony
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Karlito525 on January 20, 2006, 04:01:00 PM
ps3 man ray of course.....mgs4
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: cmcc186 on January 20, 2006, 05:28:00 PM
Obviously the Revolution. Its something different to the 360 and PS3. PS3 will just be the same or very similar games to the 360 bar a few gems which I'll certainly do without if its going to be the predicted £400 and £60 a game. The Revolution is gonna be pretty cheap too and possibly allow access to alot of Nintendo and even third party N64, SNES, NES, GBA and Gameboy games. That'll be cool.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: ferrari_rulz_02 on January 20, 2006, 06:18:00 PM
does it really matter? you allready have a 360...
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: flyeater on January 20, 2006, 07:21:00 PM
QUOTE(MaTiAz @ Jan 20 2006, 02:14 PM) View Post

PS3? No way, the real competition is between PS3 and X360, and Rev will be on it's own, so I'm not gonna support a competitor and buy PS3. Revolution over PainStation 3... and that boomerang controller looks _UGLY_... but the Rev controller isn't so much better looking... but it could be used for some cool innovations (which Nintendo definitely doesn't lack, look at DS wink.gif). But I'll more propably buy a next-gen handheld than another console, as 360 is enough and should be enough.
But maybe if PS3 surprises me, it *could* be mine... just like with Xbox and PS2, I loved the PS2 but when I saw Xbox, there was no way I'd go back to PS2 biggrin.gif

Yes ill NOT go with PS3 because of the competition...So ill chose the Rev  biggrin.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Unregistered007 on January 20, 2006, 07:56:00 PM
I don't think anyone should even look at revolution. THey got nothing they are selling the roms again, fucking nintendo ... PS3 and 360 all the way. PS3 for RPGs and MGS GT DMC God of War. Xbox360 for online games. No fucking way I am getting Revolution.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: assmonkey on January 20, 2006, 09:06:00 PM
REV ALL THE WAY.Iam too much of a nintendo fan to pass it up.Nintendo is the only company who still amazes me with new ideas.Ideas no other company would never try to market.Common who would think a touch screen dual screen gameboy could be so fun.Or a remote as a controler.Nintendo don't relie on the graphic before gameplay thats why NINTENDO GOT THE BIG BALLS.360 is my darkside and PS3 is my doorstop.

Oh yeah only reason PS2 did so well is because Dreamcast was losing money and said there were going to stop making it.So what would u chose ps2 or dead dreamcast?ANd the other reason ps2 sold so well is because everyone owned 2.POS broke so easly every one had to buy a replacement, LOL thats shity.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: JoBlo69 on January 20, 2006, 09:15:00 PM
QUOTE(flashfreak @ Jan 20 2006, 01:00 PM) View Post

I would never buy a playstation. I am loyal to MS, not that its a big thing to me, and i just hate the ps cos its so japanese, all the games are just crap. I havn't played any, but from what i have played, i just don't like em.

ok.... how can you play somthing that you have never played??
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Roupus on January 20, 2006, 09:41:00 PM
I would have to go with the PS3 just because of Blue-ray capabilities.  As of right now i am enjoying many of Nintendos titles on my xbox.  I dont need the Revolution for Nintendo games.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: wiseguy109 on January 20, 2006, 10:08:00 PM
I am definitely going to get a Revolution. Nintendo has put themselves in an excellent position for the number two spot as it has some truly unique features that niether the PS3 or 360 has.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: DarkSky Forever on January 21, 2006, 02:49:00 AM
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: ZildjianKX on January 21, 2006, 04:36:00 AM
Revolution for me... there are too many great first party Nintendo games to pass up.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Romps on January 21, 2006, 05:52:00 AM
I voted for the nin rev
Due to having kids it would be a console for them to play on so it has to be the rev..
They love there cube with all the playable kids games
allthough they do like kameo on 360 and the FN3 demo they not much else they like
so it would have to be rev.
And im sorta looking forward to the rev my self too more then the ps3 anyways...
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: kwickone on January 21, 2006, 08:37:00 AM

Forza Motorsport 2 anybody?

Gran Turismo has like 4+ years on Forza and yet Forza is still the better simulator.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: sukieaki769 on January 21, 2006, 08:57:00 AM
Definitely PS3. I don't have a PSX or PS2 so that way the larges possible amount of games are possible. Plus, Nintendo might have more exclusives, but they are usually kiddy games like a 17th mario party. Also, the controller makes no sense! I saw someone say they would buy a revolution because of the "innovation" but all of the games he listed are remakes/sequels of games that have existed for several years.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: quarky42 on January 21, 2006, 09:31:00 AM
For those of you wanting to buy the PS3 because of the blueray disc feature really should stop and think about what you are doing.  Do you not remember the PS2 problems with DVDs and burning out the drive/laser with the first couple revisions of PS2?

Perhaps you didn't realize that any drive incorporated with any video game machine is *probably* not going to live up to the same quality and price as a standalone player even a year later?  Wait a year for blueray or hd-dvd and then buy a dedicated player.  By then they will have come down in price significantly and you'll actually be buying a player that won't die 6 months or a year down the road and need to be replaced.

Same thing goes for MicroShaft's HD-DVD drive...  unless they really come out with a quality product I expect you'll see more features on a retail box that costs just a little more than the proprietary drive.  Proprietary upgrades are not known for being cheap.

Don't get caught up in the Hype.  Maybe Sony won't release another crappy quality product like the PS2 was initially... I wouldn't hold my breath.  If you want a PS3 wait at least 6 months for it unless you like gambling with $500+ and seeing it die in your living room in the middle of your favorite game just before you saved.

I figured out why the PS2 was so popular even though it kept breaking and people kept buying it, like someone else pointed out....  I think Sony has implanted a rootkit directly into people's brains that hasn't been found/spotted yet via subliminal messaging on the Sony Rootkit protected music discs.  How do you all know that the PS3 will have as many games as the PS2 did?  

That's why I wasn't infected:  I don't listen to my music cds from the cd...I rip them, compress them, and listen to them when/where/how I want to listen to them.  GoGo Gadget-Lame Codec!
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Kamakazie on January 21, 2006, 11:39:00 AM
Definitely the Revolution.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Cabbages on January 21, 2006, 01:51:00 PM
I have to agree, Forza is a better simulator than GT.

The drive in the PS3 may turn out to be faulty. But im just not excited about the Revolution that much. I need to see more. See more about the controller and what games will be on it. If theres a good metroid or zelda game, I will eventually buy it.

"I think Sony has implanted a rootkit directly into people's brains that hasn't been found/spotted yet via subliminal messaging on the Sony Rootkit protected music discs."

Me niether. I have never bought a CD in my life. I just download what I need (which isnt that much at all).

But seriously, how did the PS2 do so good? It confuses me. I mostly end up blaming it on all the anime (a bunch of stupid cartoons) and Final Fantasy fans. If it werent for MGS 3 being totally exclusive to it, I wouldnt even consider waiting for it to drop even more in price. $100 for a PS2? Even thats too much.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: mgamer20o0 on January 21, 2006, 02:30:00 PM
i vote for Revolution. it will prob be 1/2 the price of the ps3. i really like the idea of the controller. i know what 360 has to offer and what the ps3 has to offer. im excited for the Revolution just cuz i dont know what its going to bring to the table.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: mikey2stupid on January 21, 2006, 06:46:00 PM
revolution all the way..i"ll  buy a stand alone blue ray dvd player later
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: kryo on January 21, 2006, 07:00:00 PM
I actually don't have a 360 yet, and probably won't be getting one until they get their hardware really working (moving to smaller fabrication lines) but Revolution is something I'll probably buy the moment it's out. Why? Just look at it ... must be the single prettiest console ever! Then there's of course the issue of revolutionizing videogames as we know them. Time only knows if the promise holds true, though.

PS3 doesn't interest games-wise one bit (Killzone as a brand has about as much appeal as Deer Hunter to me... And no, Deer Hunter does NOT appeal:) , but it might be useful as a blueray-player, and of course the hardware IS quite interesting.

I wish someone would come up with cross-compatible gamepads, meaning you could use the same wireless controllers in both 360 and PS3. I would pay double for that, just for not having a zillion different pads hanging around...
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Scott123 on January 21, 2006, 08:24:00 PM
Nintendo is in my opinion the best company out there in the gaming world, as a kid my life revolved around the N64 and now they come out with the Nintendo Revolution? Its definatley better then a sony ps3 which will be priced over 1K because of a expensive dvd player it uses and burns out after 500 hours of use. Nintendo will have a better line up of games. SOny shouls stick to Televisons because Nintendo gets my vote!!!

P.S On 23rd vote NDP a vote for them is a vote for a better future.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: assmonkey on January 22, 2006, 12:49:00 AM
Yeah wouldnt get a ps3 till the 3rd gen, after everyone yelled at sony for making shit.All tho i dont mind buying nintendo first gen console because i know they dont make shit.I own the first gen gamecube and i been playing re4 this whole week with no problem and its still going. REV AND 360 FOR 2006!!!!
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Souske on January 22, 2006, 04:39:00 AM
all about the revolution.  owning a PS3 seems repetetive.  It's like a 360 with a different feature set.  Instead of the amazing Live!  experience, you got Blu-ray, HDMI, and what-not.  Where as Rev is gonna' be something totally different.  Imagine a Kojima game with the rev controller...
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: bucko on January 22, 2006, 06:48:00 AM
If they get Linux on that Cell CPU on the PS3 then I will have to get a PS3 as well biggrin.gif but I need to save up for a X360 first.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: ZildjianKX on January 22, 2006, 04:30:00 PM
QUOTE(assmonkey @ Jan 21 2006, 11:56 PM) View Post

Yeah wouldnt get a ps3 till the 3rd gen, after everyone yelled at sony for making shit.All tho i dont mind buying nintendo first gen console because i know they dont make shit.I own the first gen gamecube and i been playing re4 this whole week with no problem and its still going. REV AND 360 FOR 2006!!!!

Very, very, very true.  Nintendo makes rock solid game systems from the get-go.

Now I'm just waiting for a PSP revision to fix the ghosting screen and dead pixels...
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: assmonkey on January 22, 2006, 08:55:00 PM
Now I'm just waiting for a PSP revision to fix the ghosting screen and dead pixels...
sry dont think sony will ever fix those.Ghosting and dead pix come from lower quality screens(slower refreshrate and poor testing).And if sony will ever try to make the psp any cheaper in the future, there going to have to cut the cost down per psp.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Vicious69 on January 22, 2006, 10:12:00 PM
4, GT 5, Killzone 2, Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 5.

Wait, what's that?  Oh yeah, those are all sequels.

A lot of 'gamers' seem too concerned with having the most powerful system just for the sake of saying so.  I will pick up a Revolution on day one because it will be what systems are supposed to be about: fun.  So far nothing has piqued my interest for the PS3, but a remade FF7 could change that  biggrin.gif .
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: ClintiePoo on January 22, 2006, 10:53:00 PM
I picked the Revolution, because it seems like Nintendo makes really fun and neat games.  I really think it's too early to tell, though.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Arius on January 23, 2006, 02:50:00 AM
QUOTE(alsybub @ Jan 20 2006, 07:18 PM) View Post

I'd want the Revolution simply because I want to be able to experience something different and have access to the entire Nintendo back catalogue.

Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: rockrerun on January 23, 2006, 10:11:00 AM
I pick Nintendo Revolution. Lets look at the facts:

In the scope of the hardware, PS3 has no more features to offer other than more raw power.  Power would have been a deciding issue in the past years, but that sort of devolopment has kinda leveled out at this point in time.  realisticly, the next gen consoles are only upgrading the hardware to support HDTV out of the box. Woohoo, that's great, whatever.

As far as games go, that really has nothing to do with the console anymore.  The game is only as good as the programmer who has created it.  The programmers have plenty of power to work with from ALL of the next gen consoles.

So that just leaves new features on the console.  What does the PS3 have to offer that is really "new"?  In my opinion, nothing worth noting.  Sorry to say it, but the 360 doesn't really have much either.  

I have no doubt that the nintendo revolution will have some great new features.

You have all fooled yourself to believe that these are great consoles, but they're not.  You are all just too excited to see something new.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: SargeSmash on January 23, 2006, 02:24:00 PM
Revolution.  Seriously, I have to have my Nintendo fix.

As for their games being youth-oriented, so what?  I play both styles of games (with a few exceptions), and I'll take Mario / Zelda over RE4 any day.  Plus, Metroid isn't exactly kiddy, and the newest Zelda isn't either.  And OoT wasn't, come to think of it.

My opinion?  As long as it's not something like Barbie's Horse Adventures, if it plays well, I'll play it.

Sarge out.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Zingy on January 23, 2006, 02:31:00 PM
Whatever's cheapest!
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: cyberg4 on January 23, 2006, 03:32:00 PM
where's an option for the phantom? that's the must buy console of the next gen for sure. jester.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: J0RD4N 007 on January 23, 2006, 09:40:00 PM
I say PS3 unless we can get some full square enix support and stronger konami support on 360, but Ill prob end up with all three consoles.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: explosive2 on January 23, 2006, 10:19:00 PM
Revolution for sure because of it's revolutionary controller which will be a whole different experience.
PS3 is not in my plans since there is not 1 title that I really like and that's not coming out on 360.
Plus, too much $.
I'll rather have my 360 with a HDDVD Drive and a Blu-Ray if bluray wins (If it  wins, I am sure MS would release it for the 360 as well).

Using a PS3 in your home network would be selling your identity to Sony (remember their DRM scandal running unauthorized stuff on their CDs).
Plus, MS has enough $ to make sure awesome games/support is done to the 360.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Masamune on January 24, 2006, 04:15:00 AM
I`d say & voted: Revolution, mostly since im an old hardcore gamer.
This console wars is total shit, rambling on wich console has the best hardware or power is useless.

The only thing that matters in the end, are the games & if the gamer enjoy`s them.
So to be sure i choose: Nintendo Revolution. (main reason...The Legend of Zelda & Metroid)

Still, if the PS3 will have a good line up in rpgs (wich both xbox & the 360 seem to be lacking), then i might consider buying a PS3.

In short:

1. Nintendo Revolution (Main reason: Zelda / Metroid & evetually nintendo Classics)
2. Sony Playstation 3 (Main reason: Various rpg games, nothing else really...)

So as i said: It`s all about the games...

Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Kevlar218 on January 24, 2006, 09:47:00 AM
PS3 all the way.  Everyone is saying the revoluton so that you can get the old nes titles?  Does anyone use emulators on their xbox?  I have all of those games for free so why waste $200.  I am also sick of the subpar graphics that nintendo always has to offer.  Besides Resident evil and the new Zelda, I havnt seen anything blow me away graphically on the cube  sleeping.gif .  PS3 has tons of exclusive awesome titles to offer.  God of War, Shadow of colossus, MGS5, Killzone, Gt5, GTA (although they are saying that it will finally come out on the 360 at the same time), Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Jak, Rachet and Clank, Tekken, Ace Combat, WWE wrestling games, and not to mention one of the best online co-op military games to date, Socom!  The only real reason I purchased the 360 was because it came out first.  There really isn't any exclusive titles on the xbox that appeal to me besides Halo and the Splinter Cell series.  Although, I am looking forward to Guilty Gear and Full auto.  The Ps3 hands down for me.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Vicious69 on January 24, 2006, 11:25:00 AM
QUOTE(Kevlar218 @ Jan 24 2006, 08:54 AM) View Post

PS3 all the way.  Everyone is saying the revoluton so that you can get the old nes titles?  Does anyone use emulators on their xbox?  I have all of those games for free so why waste $200.

People are interested in them because given the opportunity, they actually will pay for them instead of gloating about being a thief.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Bizquick on January 24, 2006, 11:56:00 AM
I picked the PS3 mostly because I can't wait to see a game that support dual TV support. also I like squaresoft titles and they make some good RPGs I doubt they will redo for the 360. I mean if they did why are they not doing it now on the first gen Xbox. The unit is quite equal to the PS2. Besides all that Modchips for Sony units are usualy out and they will have the biggest selection of Import titles over any of the other units. I had to mod my PS2 just to get one game that I would have bought a Gamecube for. Tales Of Symphonia I think. they released the title in Japan on PS2 but not in the US. Any there are others. the only thing I would want a nintendo system for is. Games like mario and zelda but I feel like I've learned to live with out thoes titles.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Kr0n1k on January 24, 2006, 02:41:00 PM
Revolution. Kirby's Canvas Adventure or whatever its called would be awesome on a big screen. And the mini games in Mario Party will probably be amazing without the limitations of a standard controller. Although, I may be buying a PS3 with Gran Turismo if it really looks like the few screens on Gamespot. And of course MGS. This almost seems like this will be the generation where you'll have to own every system to be able to play the best games available. PS3 is just shaping up to be pretty expensive so far.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: mac4drew on January 25, 2006, 04:26:00 AM
QUOTE(grantunderland @ Jan 25 2006, 04:57 AM) View Post

so far nintendo seems more intrested in making a console with an awesome cost/fun ratio, instead of "THE MOST POWERFUL SYSTEM, EVAR!"

Revolution.  Agreed across the board... PS3 is gonna be amazing graphics... but there's only so far amazing graphics will take you... Just looking at the quality of games Nintendo has released for the DS is hopefully a great indicator of the quality in gameplay we'll see on the Revolution... plus those who have worked with Nintendo's new controller say it's amazing and intuitive in ways no other controllers are... Backwards compatibility and emulators is a big plus... although I already have it for the xbox it would be nice to be legal and entirely bug-free, especially when it comes to Nintendo (and playing it on MS's hardware/controller just ain't the same!).  

I think Nintendo is about to change the world of gaming again with a low price point and a great product.  As for blu-ray, I don't really care enough, and I think it would be kind of lame to have a useless function on one of my consoles should HD-DVD win the format wars.  Anyway, I could probably buy a Revolution and a Blu-Ray player when they both come out and pay less than the PS3 and get a better experience both with my Blu-Ray player and the gameplay of the Revolution.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Bocaj22 on January 25, 2006, 04:30:00 PM
Revolution definitely,  I do like better graphics, but that only lasts for the first maybe 5 minute of a game, then its like. . . . whatever.  Just because nintendo cant make games with quite as amazing graphics, it still will be very good, and the hardware will be more than enough to do whatever.  Most importantly, Revolution will be fun!
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: ferrari_rulz_02 on January 25, 2006, 05:51:00 PM
revolution just so sony doesnt get the sales
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: xXSanjuroXx on January 26, 2006, 01:42:00 PM
i voted for the ps3 because it has good rpgs and the revolution games are for kiddies. so little blood...

not to knock you or nothnig but lets not forget how great the resident evil series was ported to gamecube lol and those kiddie games are fun no matter how old you are (still plays kirby games) <('.'<)
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: ferrari_rulz_02 on January 27, 2006, 02:36:00 AM
QUOTE(grantunderland @ Jan 27 2006, 04:36 PM) View Post

to all those that say the nintendo only has "kiddie games" while somewhat true, i was told during my tour of the nintendo campus in WA that they plan to start producing more "adult" games

i agree. nintendo will allways be a 'kiddies' style of game, but they are slowly changing that
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: field2line21 on January 27, 2006, 04:16:00 AM

Controller looks kinda cool
If they make a way to play 2 player online on old games like you can on certain emulators that would be cool

Screw DRM in all forms including VIIV from intel
Screw Sonys rootkit DRM
Screw blu-ray with all its DRM

HD-DVD is supposed to allow you to make copies for personal use on portable devices and pc  happy.gif
Blu-ray apparently won't  blink.gif

Not getting blu ray
Not getting ps3

SCREW DRM!!!   grr.gif

Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: mungie3 on January 27, 2006, 03:22:00 PM
I'd defiently go with ps3 cuz the revolution is supposed to be like a remote that u point at the tv.... seems kinda stupid.  Also, unlike nintendo, the public that sony's trying to reach is actually older than 12...

I mean come on...
monkey ball?
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: mungie3 on January 27, 2006, 08:25:00 PM
IMO how adult can an elf rescuing a princess from a tower/evil guy be?
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: J0RD4N 007 on January 28, 2006, 12:21:00 AM
QUOTE(mungie3 @ Jan 27 2006, 09:32 PM) View Post

IMO how adult can an elf rescuing a princess from a tower/evil guy be?

IMO that was one of the most ignorant posts anyone could make on a gaming forum, and secondly, i know you're going to come back and flame cause you're cool like that, but what are you 12? if you are an adult then why are you worried that ...gasp...the games you are playing might make you look like a kid, seems like someone is going through some sort of identity crisis. does mommy make you come from fun time early? are you trying to show them you're a real man now...

sorry, i just love zelda, mario, metroid, kirby, etc etc, and i think that when these kids get on here and insult stuff so they seem cool and hip they need a good ass smashing back down to reality
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: xXSanjuroXx on January 28, 2006, 11:00:00 AM
IMO how adult can an elf rescuing a princess from a tower/evil guy be?

who says it has to be adult orientated... its fun thats all that matters (one of the best series of games ever made)
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: xXSanjuroXx on January 28, 2006, 12:15:00 PM
I mean come on...
monkey ball?

yea.. ape escape is soo much more adult man.. (sony exclusive title)
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: team_toyo on January 28, 2006, 02:13:00 PM
I haven't bought the 360 yet due to the issue of overheating with the console and the fact that all console systems have problems from due date. SO, I am waiting for 360 to mature both in quality and sales. But if I had to choose from the two rival consoles, it would be Revolution due to the fact that it has many great games from my pre-teen years. Play station I believe is to Playstation(ed) out. The games seem like its really more for the Japanese audience. But I do want the Portable. I don't know really. I guess like many other have said it’s all about the price, and the war against Blu-Ray Technology. pop.gif Until then I will just enjoy the show.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Nostry on January 29, 2006, 09:17:00 PM
I could say i prefer ps3 because i think sony would make compatible with their other products like psone or my dvdrecorder
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: mungie3 on January 30, 2006, 03:59:00 PM
When people mature, they move on, get girlfriends, and become social gamers.  I know a guy who's 45 and plays WoW all day.(sometimes night).  I completely agree that Halo, burnout, and many other games are worthy of being played obsessively.  I just don't think that I can play games like super smash brothers with a clear conscience.  SSBM is a great game, but I played the older version when I was 14...  I mean..  Cmon

I like games, but I'm the kind of person who thinks that the gamecube was a failure in all ways except graphics, where it was only second to the xbox.  But games wise it was poooooor.  I've played metroid prime...  I'm not going to ppiss off any more of you by talking about that game.

ps2 has a huge library of games, and many of them are good.
xbox has great graphics.
Psp..... (omg ps2 graphics on a 2.5 inch screen!! I can Almost see the gun!!!)
IMO anything with a screen less than 11 inches is not wrth playing unless its attached to ur head.

BTW:  I'm 17 not 12.

I understand that ppl disagree with this and I won't hold it against you if you get pissed about it.
But if you defend it like it's your life, take a look in the mirror... ok? tongue.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Sc4rfac3 on January 31, 2006, 07:06:00 AM
Most likely both but since the rev might be a lot cheaper i'm getting that
Plus being able to play old school games on it  biggrin.gif
to the dude who made the comment about zelda
have you even played zelda from your comment
i would think not. it is a great game series.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: TracerX on January 31, 2006, 08:04:00 PM
QUOTE(mungie3 @ Jan 31 2006, 12:06 AM) View Post

When people mature, they move on, get girlfriends, and become social gamers....

BTW:  I'm 17 not 12.
I understand that ppl disagree with this and I won't hold it against you if you get pissed about it.
But if you defend it like it's your life, take a look in the mirror... ok? tongue.gif

Yeah, social gamers who play Halo, Burnout, LoZ: Four Swords, SSBM, Perfect Dark Zero, and Wario Ware Inc. Most people that are complaining about your post do so because you are suggesting that the Nintendo games aren't "mature" enough for adults to play. Hopefully, you'll learn to judge games based on how much fun they are rather than whether or not someone on mtv says the game is cool.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: widemouthfrog on February 01, 2006, 04:57:00 AM
PS3 by far
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Tomobobo on February 01, 2006, 08:12:00 AM
Yeah, Nintendo does aim their games at children, you can't deny.  Mario doesn't exactly run arround shooting cops or running prostatutes over with a hummer.  But the thing about Nintendo is that they make games everyone can enjoy.  Take these two games for example.
1.  Mario Kart Double Dash - Sure Nintendo makes a racing game that's colorful and cute that little kids are gonna drool from watching all the colors and cartoony voices flash on the screen.  But for experienced gamers, nintendo adds in pro features like the skid/boost option which if you practice at it makes the game the most technical racer of all time.
2.  Super Smash Bros. Melee - Again, a colorful game with cartoon voices.  Even a little 6 year old can pick up a controler and be entertained.  But when taken to the games full potential, the fighting and manuvering in the game is so technical that it takes months to learn the full abilities of a single charachter.
Nintendo is smart.  They don't make a game for a certain age group or target audeince.  They make games everyone can enjoy.  Sad thing, people don't realize how in depth the gameplay of most Nintendo's first party games are because they shrug it off as some "kiddy" game.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: TwigFigure on February 01, 2006, 02:48:00 PM
I'm not even getting a 360. The first Xbox dissapointed me too much. PS3 for me.

Anyway people saying Forza is better than GT? Good grief, what has this world come to?!
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Evillvi on February 01, 2006, 03:04:00 PM
i'll be getting a rev first day out as i've done with the n64 and gamecube.  the main reason i choose nintendo is unlike sony all of nintendos products are top quality and innovative. dont forget if it wasnt for nintendo there wouldnt be playstation.nintendo will (to me anyways) be the dominant company even if they dont have all the money or the best selling systems.the reason is simply they make games fun to play.eternal darkness is a REALLY good game that i just beat again after like 3(?) years.they have the best controllers and again dont forget that it was nintendo who incorparated the rumble feature back on the n64.something we all take for granted now or dont even really acknowledge anymore. sony just doesnt take the time to make sure their systems will last.sure they have alot of games but i cant count how many of them are actually any good. to me the rev will be a must own sytem with the x360 a very close 2nd.and besides with the current gen systems the gcn and xbox are the only 2 systems worth is from a technical standpoint a complete and utter joke.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: TwigFigure on February 01, 2006, 03:17:00 PM
current gen systems the gcn and xbox are the only 2 systems worth is from a technical standpoint a complete and utter joke.

Apart from the usual "grafics dunt make geymes nub!!!11", that's quite a brash statement. Considering that the US Millitary is using the Cell, you'd think it would be quite powerful..

Besides, the PS2 has much better games than half the crap that's on Xbox.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Evillvi on February 01, 2006, 07:14:00 PM
not really... sony couldnt make a decent game or system if their lives depended on it. playstations are just complete failures its not even funny.... sure they have a huge library of games but again not many good ones that justify buying a playstation. and besides people like to complain that nintendo has "kiddie games" but sony has way more kids games than nintendo and not to mention some total ripoffs of some nintendo games.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: ThaCrip on February 01, 2006, 11:18:00 PM
obviously PS3, because nintendo is got a reputation for being a "kiddie" system and also there controller setup on the gamecube was pretty bad when it came to playing certain games with it.

but my money is by far on xbox 360 myself, cause once it gets hacked it will obviously be the system of choice just like the xbox is when it comes to moding and the benifits u get from it when compared to moding other systems.... the "other" systems u just cant do as much when there moded as u can with xbox.

p.s. i just dont get why the playstation name in general is so popular?!?! ... sure is has some good games, but the way i see it is anytime ps2 and xbox both get the same game u can pretty much guarentee that a high percentage of the time (if not always) it will be better on the xbox since the xbox is more powerfull than ps2... cause besides the games that are exclusive to the ps2 i think xbox is flat out better especially once u mod the xbox... once the xbox is moded i think it wipes the floor with the ps2 (even is ps2 is moded also)

only game i really like on the ps2 is basically the gran turismo series (i like GTA series to, but i dont like playing shooters on consoles so i got it for pc) ... but since the may 2005 release of "forza motorsport" i dont really need gran turismo all that much anymore since i think forza is superior to the gran turismo series mainly cause of the acceleration and deacceleration with the xbox's right and left triggers... makes it feel more "real" when compared to the ps2 methods on gran turismo... i have not played the most recent gran turismo 4 but im pretty sure the general gameplay is almost identical to the gran turismo 3 a-spec which i have played.

plus i like the cars in forza motorsport better ( shelby mustang gt500 , buick regal GNX , shelby cobra etc) ... gran turismo might have more cars in the game but there rather pointless ones after a certain point.... "muscle cars for life, screw imports!" wink.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: ThaCrip on February 01, 2006, 11:45:00 PM
QUOTE(Tomobobo @ Feb 1 2006, 10:19 AM) View Post

Yeah, Nintendo does aim their games at children, you can't deny.  Mario doesn't exactly run arround shooting cops or running prostatutes over with a hummer.  But the thing about Nintendo is that they make games everyone can enjoy.  Take these two games for example.
1.  Mario Kart Double Dash - Sure Nintendo makes a racing game that's colorful and cute that little kids are gonna drool from watching all the colors and cartoony voices flash on the screen.  But for experienced gamers, nintendo adds in pro features like the skid/boost option which if you practice at it makes the game the most technical racer of all time.
2.  Super Smash Bros. Melee - Again, a colorful game with cartoon voices.  Even a little 6 year old can pick up a controler and be entertained.  But when taken to the games full potential, the fighting and manuvering in the game is so technical that it takes months to learn the full abilities of a single charachter.
Nintendo is smart.  They don't make a game for a certain age group or target audeince.  They make games everyone can enjoy.  Sad thing, people don't realize how in depth the gameplay of most Nintendo's first party games are because they shrug it off as some "kiddy" game.

u seem to have some good points... but the "kiddie" stuff is true and without more adult themed games it's kinda hard to enjoy a game with the graphics (kiddie graphics, and yes i know graphics dont make a game) that nintendo uses in most of there popular nintendo (first party) made games... when i was young mario etc (after mario 64 on N64, i think they went out the window) was good but now i just cant deal with them since they cant give me the expierience i am looking for etc.... i think this is why alot of people "dismiss" nintendo's first party games.... not trying to start anything with you at all wink.gif this is just what i think.... and also since alot of people like shooters that kinda eliminated nintendo gamecube since it's controller sucks for shooters and pretty much everyone says that.

just my thoughts wink.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Psygnosis2097 on February 02, 2006, 10:11:00 AM
QUOTE(subten123 @ Jan 20 2006, 05:42 PM) View Post

I'll pick PS3 cause of HDMI, Blu-Ray and GT5 smile.gif

You mean Vision Gran Turismo 3 - Part 2  blink.gif

Let's hope they find time to improve the A.I. and add some solid online gameplay (with more than 1 car) this time.  iamwithstupid.gif

Another 200 cars simlpy won't cut it  sleeping.gif

Btw.: The current HDMI specification doesn't allow 1080p (maybe a bandwidth issue), so component HDTV cables are the way to go for now ...  wacko.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: TwigFigure on February 04, 2006, 09:18:00 AM
QUOTE(Evillvi @ Feb 2 2006, 01:21 PM) View Post

not really... sony couldnt make a decent game or system if their lives depended on it. playstations are just complete failures its not even funny.... sure they have a huge library of games but again not many good ones that justify buying a playstation. and besides people like to complain that nintendo has "kiddie games" but sony has way more kids games than nintendo and not to mention some total ripoffs of some nintendo games.

Oh really? Does Xbox or Nintendo have anything like Amplitude? Metal Gear Solid 3? Star Ocean 3? Xenosaga? Xenogears? Parasite Eve? .hack//? Resident Evil 4 (yes, GCN has this)?

Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Gobelet on February 04, 2006, 10:09:00 AM
If I HAD to pick another one, if I really HAD to, like if you were menacing me with an ice pick, I'd buy a PS3.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: pagancow on February 04, 2006, 03:56:00 PM
Boycot sony



I'm boycotting sony because of a few major reasons:

  1. DRM Rootkit protected CDs opening up huge security holes.  Installs on your comptuer even if you click cancel, using up processor resources.
  2. US Sony president saying, "Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?" Source
  3. While MS fixes their shit when things break, Sony on the other hand forces you to pay a repair fee after 90 days with their console.
  4. Case in point with other sony electronics, I own a business and we use two Sony DCR-VX2000s.  Firewire ports on BOTH cameras have broken.  No other DV camera causes these problems.  I tried to get them fixed through extended warrenty though MACK CAMERA, and they told me that they didn't have to fix it because it was a defect with Sony product, and to take it up with Sony.  Sony told me that after 90 days they do not warrent any of their electronics.
  5. Sony only budges when class action lawsuits are brought upon them successfully.  Many Playstation 2 owners have bought 2-3 systems within the 5 years console lifespan.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: edwinmcdunlap on February 14, 2006, 08:14:00 PM
Probably the rev.

I love the idea of playing all the old games on it smile.gif
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: techdon on May 18, 2006, 07:43:00 AM
I'd Say the Wii (formerly Revolution). As someone mentioned, I would want a real alternative to the my 360.  In addition to that, I love Nintendo's titles especially the factor in their party games. Nintendo makes it very easy for everyone in the room to get involved, especially females.
Title: You Already Own A 360 And You Can Buy 1 Other Console
Post by: Edster8 on March 25, 2007, 02:09:00 PM
Jessica Alba In Anal Action Movie!