
Scenyx Sites Forums => Xbox-Scene Polls => Topic started by: XanTium on January 13, 2006, 09:50:00 PM

Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: XanTium on January 13, 2006, 09:50:00 PM
Feel free to vote/discuss.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: darkhunter121589 on January 13, 2006, 10:01:00 PM
I say Blue-Ray it seems to have a future
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: G0t M4xx 21 on January 13, 2006, 10:05:00 PM
I saw both at CES they both seemed promising but I think blueray will win
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: whoadae on January 13, 2006, 10:21:00 PM
hddvd is cheaper players and media. Although bluray is "better" but that extra storage isnt necessarily needed for most media.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Psilocybe on January 13, 2006, 10:24:00 PM
i think both will fail in terms of movie usage, but one of the 2 could possibly take over for pc storage/backup eventually

the first strike against both is that many houses either just bought dvd players within the last 2 years or dont even have dvd yet and would therefore not see a need to 'upgrade' again already

next, blue-ray will be digital connection only, this outs all people without newer tvs supporting dvi or hdmi

many of the old classics just recently were "remastered" for dvd and added extras that their vhs counterparts didn't have, are companies really going to want to try and upgrade even further?
you aren't going to see movies from the 50's in 1080p and 7.1 surround sound

the one thing that could help either of the formats is that the ps3 will come with blueray, if the support is good from the start, it may have a similar effect as the ps2 did with dvd player support, many of the first ps2's were bought as a cheap dvd player that just happened to beable to play games, something similar could happen with the ps3 as blueray players will be >$500 for awhile and the ps3 at launch will probably be in the 350-500 range due to the blue ray, or $300 at lowest.  this would make a significant reason to buy a ps3 when you compare the costs to a stand alone player

hd-dvd stands a decent chance in the computer market, but probably not the movie market.
for people that want to be on top of all hightech gadgetry, hd-dvd doesn't provide enough of an upgrade over standard dvds

forgot to mention, probably for awhile, the most you'll see of blue-ray will be similar to the sales of the psp video, possibly less as it wont be a 'portable' video type for several years when the technology is good enough to make smaller devices
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: CattyKid on January 13, 2006, 11:21:00 PM
For me, it's either HD-DVD or neither.  Look.  Now, why would I buy a $20 movie that I can't copy to my HDD, or stream over a network?  We need managed copy, which Blu-Ray doesn't include (at least at last count).
I think it's also likely that both wil fail as the pale in comparison to Holographics Disks.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: VOlition on January 13, 2006, 11:29:00 PM
I think, both will win. Something is fishy that MS wants blue ray support for 360 too.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: FallsInc on January 14, 2006, 01:45:00 AM
exactly true... hd dvd will come out on top, cause sony ALWAYS loves to make new formats for everything they make, and they never take off... haha, sony tv's? 1366x768 (768p???), minidisc, betamax.... all are technically superior formats to the competetor, but they never work out... blu-ray will always be in the shadow of hd dvd
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: blubberpud on January 14, 2006, 03:23:00 AM
I'm with FallsInc, isn't this VHS..Beta all over again.  I realize if these formats go into consoles they will get more exposure but is Sony in anyones 'good books' now?
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Brendan27 on January 14, 2006, 04:08:00 AM
People can't still be that jaded by Sony's empty promises that most of what is said about Blu-ray will happen?  HD-DVD all the way.

Plus, who cares if a Ps3 has a blu-ray player in it, this format war will be decided by the Adult Industry and what medium they choose to put their movies out on will win.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: stezo2k on January 14, 2006, 05:45:00 AM

it's cheaper in all ways and because of that I think the public will take to it more

I can see the blueray disc being like the betamax format
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: vulgardaclown on January 14, 2006, 06:39:00 AM
i personally think that they will both succeed, at least for awhil i mean the vhs/beta max war both were around for a bit and japan STILL uses both, DVD/ Laserdisc war, samething and again japan still uses both, the big floppy vs. small floppy both were in use for a while, and even though dvd is dominate right now they still make vhs movies. so my thought is M$ says they will not be second again and to make that happen since sony 9is already going to use bluray m$ is gonna use hd-dvd and use all of its money and influence to get it dominate but i think both will be widley availible for at least awhile
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: alexhedran on January 14, 2006, 09:26:00 AM
It's been awhile since I've gave a damn abou this.  My opinion is I like the blu-ray because it's looks like the better device and 50gb disk is a crap load of storage.  Besides look at it this way if m$ makes a cheap hd dvd that scratches dvds or does the read disk error like the xbox are you going to be look to buy hddvd. The same can hold true for blu-ray.  I will mostlikely go with the drive that produces the best vid and audio quailty.  If neither side can get an edge cost may influence choice.  Hey, this also my come down to which disk is the easiest to crack.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: xXSanjuroXx on January 14, 2006, 09:44:00 AM
I can see them both failing in the future.. moreso the blu-ray than the HD-Dvd sicne blr-ray is still so new its loading tiems on consoels will be a bitch  and i jsut really dont think the world needs that much storage space on media yet.. i mean its like what 50+GB? thats jsut waaay too much if you ask me maybe in 2010-2015.. sony needs to wait till the cost of the technology drops before releasing it sicnethe rumored price for ps3 games are like $100 which is crazy. but i suppose if i had to choose 1 i'd say HD-dvd but i still think they will both fail just because HD-dvd is an unfamilier format and is still miore exopensive to make than regular dvdwhich still seems to work fine for the PS2
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: quarky42 on January 14, 2006, 10:30:00 AM
Microshaft won't do HD-DVD right.  I highly doubt they will release games on that format unless they get some incredible pressure from the gaming community for some spectacular HD games that require massive amounts of storage.

9GB is a lot of room for growth as far as games go, for now.  In a few years once they start pushing that space they'll use more compression.  Once they out-pace the capabilities of compression (yes even video and game data can be compressed without much loss depending on the methods used)  they may already be considering the next generation of console at that point.

I highly doubt you'll see HD-DVD games which is very unfortunate.  I agree that we need a format that lets us copy our data.  If I buy a movie, I want to be able to copy it to my computer, resize it, and compress it for my handheld so I can watch it while I'm flying or elsewhere.  I won't support a HD format that does not allow this.  Some people may, however someone brought up a good point:  HD-DVD is a lot catchier than bluray.  That kind of naming isn't too hard to overcome, but does provide instant product recognition.

I have no faith that MS will actually provide a full featured HD-DVD player for the 360.  They will screw it up just like they screwed up the supposed multimedia capabilities of the 360.  MS claimed they listened to modders that were modding their boxes for multimedia capabilities... that's BS!   XBMC is 50 times better than the crap the 360 came with.  The 360 can barely play mp3s and some windows formats...where is my mpg support?  Where is my abilities to load up this 20gb harddrive with videos and music of my choice of what ever format I want?  Where is the streaming audio from the net?  Shoutcast is free.  Where is my Shoutcast support?  Stupid MS paying lipservice and then doing something else.  f**k3rs !!!
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: theuhstuf on January 14, 2006, 11:22:00 AM
I believe that due to the fact the porno industry has already been burning HD-DVD that it will be the winner!

Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: MaTiAz on January 14, 2006, 11:25:00 AM
I think that Blu-ray will fail, even if it's backed up by Sony.
DVD has got in to the mass, so getting into peoples minds with a new brand is a lot harder, than getting there with a successor of an old good brand. So, HD-DVD will rule, simply because it's familiar. But maybe Blu-Ray gets changed to XT-DVD biggrin.gif Or ÜDVD etc. tongue.gif
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: admiralj on January 14, 2006, 11:47:00 AM
I think they'll both eventually fail. There's already talk of a new format that supposedly is capable of supporting 5x80GB layers per side. Who knows if its for real, but it just goes to show that we are far from establishing one unified standard across the board for hd digital media.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: bucko on January 14, 2006, 11:57:00 AM
I'm sure I read it's cheaper to manufacture HD-DVD disks and they can easily upgrade DVD factories to HD-DVD production at a lesser cost than BlueRay production. So the cheaper to manufacture will see more so I guess HD-DVD will win. I dunno if my facts are right though.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: kidkinetix on January 14, 2006, 11:59:00 AM
I don't think this coming generation will fail.  There is definetly a high demand for 1080 resolution movies and these things will sell for that, as they are fully capable and big enough for such.  From a PC stand point yes more storage is better, but people won't move away from their cheap dvd drives unless the media is a reasonable cost, that crazy hologram disc will have to wait it's turn.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: punx777 on January 14, 2006, 12:35:00 PM
Everyone initially was going for blu-ray, but WB backed off and blasted sony for putting it in the ps3 and switched to hd-dvd, i feel hd-dvd is less proprietary(if i used the right word?)  then blu-ray
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: blind42 on January 14, 2006, 01:22:00 PM
I feel Hd-DVD is all we need for now , in the future though blue ray costs will lower just like hd-dvd has and will probally win possibly when the sony 4 and xbox 3 come out so in say 3-5 years....
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Jagosix on January 14, 2006, 01:34:00 PM
Hello smile.gif. Now I really don't care, but i prefer to have HD-DVD over Blu-ray any day. As far as storage is concerned.... Again look @ nintendo (I cannot stress this enough). They can fit a beautiful game on a small 1.3GB disc. So why would all that space (20-50gb) be needed for a game? 9Gb is really plenty of space. It's all about the programmers & how they code the game. So .. the only reason i would use the hd-dvd or blu-ray is mainly for storage (movies not games). Cause its not really needed for games, yet.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Bender_Unit_1 on January 14, 2006, 03:31:00 PM
I back Blu-Ray 100%.
It's far superior in the way it was engineered through the idea of smaller wavelengths, yet it holds more data, will be smaller with it's smaller protective layer, and the way it runs is betterthan HDDVD.

And as for all you who mock SONY, who invented CDs along with Philips? And where was this technology later applied - maybe DVDs? And who was the driving force behind single-sided dual-layer DVDs?

As for the movie industry, which is the point behind the next generation discs, Sony is a charter member within the Moving Pictures Experts Group, who are the people who set the standards! And more space always means better. Especially past the movie, if you want to keep great quality on the DVD extras. The space adds up when you have high resolutions, with 7.1 surround sound.

Ever since I discovered the idea of Blue-Ray, I've backed it. Although HD-DVD is a novelty, it's going nowhere. It's a real shame in a ways, due to all the effort that went into designing and engineering such a high quality product.

Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: O_oTheGameo_O on January 14, 2006, 04:27:00 PM
QUOTE(darkhunter121589 @ Jan 14 2006, 06:08 AM) View Post

I say Blue-Ray it seems to have a future

UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SONY IS LIKE 997645745799569348693695865986 times richer than M$??

sony is from the gov JAP and there rich as hell and it almost can't go bankrupt on the other hand M$ can go any day bankrupt.

sorry for my english it's not my first lang
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Disco_Gee on January 14, 2006, 04:38:00 PM
QUOTE(bjwoodruff @ Jan 14 2006, 11:46 PM) View Post

who backed betamax against vhs, sony did, so what does that say about blu ray?


Absolutely nothing, but thanks for trying  tongue.gif (that was disappointing, cause Betamax was a better system than VHS. Anyway...)

Blu-Ray will win hands down. It's larger capacity (as much as 200gb with 8 layers) will persuade people like me who do a lot of data intensive work like video editing and are looking for higher capacity storage solutions to back up work on (especially with HD editing just around the corner). Considering I'm working on a 90gb SD project right now, I can't see HDDVD as ever being a practical solution for large data storage. Plus Blu-ray has got the backing of the majority of the film industry, and most of the porn industry. MS may be big with lots of money, but they have no sway when it comes to the film industry - unlike Sony and the other brands on board the blu-ray bandwagon.

Holographic storage has already been developed but nobody is paying much attention to it, which is a real shame. A disc slightly larger in diameter than a DVD that can hold as much a 3.9 terrabytes? I'd be into that for sure.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Tobb555 on January 14, 2006, 04:43:00 PM
QUOTE(G0t M4xx 21 @ Jan 14 2006, 12:12 AM) View Post

I saw both at CES they both seemed promising but I think blueray will win

ya if i was going by what i say at CES i would say Blu-Ray is going to win, but i hoep HD-DVD does.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Odb718 on January 14, 2006, 04:44:00 PM
Which ever format has the cheaper porn will win.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: asteron on January 14, 2006, 05:09:00 PM
It is pointless to argue points based off of technical merits.  Time and time again superior technology fails against superior marketing.  I am a fan of HD DVD, its cheap easy and gets you tons of bang for the buck and yet the 360 shipped without it.  You may argue about the HDDVD add-on but do you honestly think people would buy an external drive for the xbox?  Have you heard of Nintendo's 64DD or Sega's 32x?

HD DVD was dead before it started. It is unfortunate as I think it is the format that makes the most sense.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Gamer_guy on January 14, 2006, 05:10:00 PM
In my eyes, the HD-DVD will be more popular, and have more widespread use. Average people and people who aren't familiar with everything regarding computers will look at it and say "Hey, its a new kind of DVD." as opposed to the "Blu-Ray? What's that?"

I see Blu-Ray being used for heavy storage for high-storage needing users, such as video editing, and business making backups of their data. Who needs 50+GB of storage? Not me. I have an 80 GB hard drive in my primary computer, and thats enough for me, as many users.

The major thing I have against Blu-Ray is its materials. Its made of PAPER PEOPLE. All one would need to do is cut it with scissors to destroy the data. While this does make production costs significantly lower, it does make the damage factor a lot higher.

Overall, HD-DVD just has too many more factors, even if they are small ones, over blu-ray for it to not come out on top.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: speed_racer88 on January 14, 2006, 06:07:00 PM

Why wouldn't the movie, music, and software companies back a disc that won't have a consumer recordable version?  That would really make it harder to pirate if you couldn't buy a Blue-ray or hd-dvd recorder.   I also think that creating a disc that can't work in a PC would help fight piracy.  That could be as simple as making disc a few inches bigger.

i think that making a disk that wouldn't work in a computer is one of the dumbest things a company could do. lot's of people watch movies on their computer, especially with laptops.
I think that with the ps3 coming with bluray drive it will be more popular, like someone has already said people will buy a ps3 as a bluray player just like people bought the ps2 for a dvd player. I also think that the xbox will end up going with the bluray drive add on.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Xijar on January 14, 2006, 08:37:00 PM
Speaking purely from anti-Sony bias and considering no actual logic in my vote, I am 100% positive that HD-DVD will be the better format.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: lordvader129 on January 14, 2006, 09:27:00 PM
QUOTE(theuhstuf @ Jan 14 2006, 12:29 PM) View Post

I believe that due to the fact the porno industry has already been burning HD-DVD that it will be the winner!


surprisingly that may be true last, year the adult film industry marked over 12 billion sales, compared to 8 billion box office take for mainstream hollywood movies
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: ferrari_rulz_02 on January 14, 2006, 10:51:00 PM
QUOTE(Gamer_guy @ Jan 15 2006, 11:17 AM) View Post

Average people and people who aren't familiar with everything regarding computers will look at it and say "Hey, its a new kind of DVD." as opposed to the "Blu-Ray? What's that?"

thats the point that needs to be made. its the dumb people of this earth that will make the decision.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: F1R3STORM on January 14, 2006, 11:26:00 PM
ummmm kinda stupid but.....

vHs-Hd dvd VS Betamax-Blu-ray

its clear hd will win cool.gif
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: SmashManiac on January 14, 2006, 11:44:00 PM
The difference this time for HD-DVD/Blu-ray that was not there in Beta/VHS is video games consoles: customers will already have their video players in them, instead of just choosing one type or another based on marketing!

MS will only release a HD-DVD add-on, while Sony will have Blu-ray bundled in their PS3. Also the PS3 will obviously sell better than MS. On top of that, Sony now holds many awesome exclusive hits, like the upcoming Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (if you haven't imported it). Finally, the image quality will be better and the movies will have more extras because of the bigger storage. 'Nuff said.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: focusracer1 on January 15, 2006, 01:06:00 AM
I think the people who voted HD-DVD are MS fan boys. If you look at the specs, Blu-Ray is the superior Disc and had the potential to "upgrade"(if you will) to go up 200GB a disc. Because of this, it will eventually win out over HD-DVD. Although, I am very excited over both formats.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: tracer09 on January 15, 2006, 05:33:00 AM
They will both fail... in time. We can expect holografic media in 2006, 100 GB storage at 100 MB/sec rewritible. And the price well below the curent dvd-r. They will rapidly be upscaled to 1 TB and up. So they are far superior to hd-dvd and blue-ray, both in storage volume and speed.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: TheRandomDude on January 15, 2006, 08:11:00 AM
i'm voting blu-ray

it's backed by apple, and they are slowly taking the media scene away from M$ (especially when it comes to providing content)
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: mannye on January 15, 2006, 08:29:00 AM
I vote that they will both die.  Why because enthusiasts are sick of the endless vhs/beta battles and joe six pack doesn't know any better and is happy with SD DVD.  J6P doens't really understand that that High Def monitor needs a high def signal....

Witness the SACD/DVD-A battle...who's winning? Who cares? 5 guys in New Jersey sitting in thier basements posting on Audiophilia about the Sony SCD-1 being just as good as vinyl.  if the maufacturers can't stop bickering like little assholes the same thing will happen to HD DVD.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: EmbEn on January 15, 2006, 11:17:00 AM
HD-DVD: Cheap, easier to produce, the dvd name is now in peoples minds and MS are backing it.
C`mon its MS, they have enough money to make the blu-ray format fail and most computers in the world have the MS os on.

BLU-RAY: In the ps3, more storage. Who cares about storage? Sony have always had the "better" technology but always fail. The protection on the disks is just going to be a huge pain and thats all sony care about.
Weve all seen what theyve done with there music cds with there virus like software installing on your pc.

The thing is the consumer is the one whos going to pick the format. I think there going to pick the hd-dvd. Its much cheaper and the name dvd.
Plus you have porn companies using hd-dvd which won the war for vhs.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Metalb00 on January 15, 2006, 11:22:00 AM
i think blue ray wil stand a chance, look at umd movies sony got lucky there and they may again w the ps3 playing blueray.  but hd dvd will probably win its still a dvd , sony has been cloning features from it , and its only a 10% increase in price due to the fact that i can still use most of the current dvd making machines , blue ray needs all new manufacture process
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: minimoebius on January 15, 2006, 12:33:00 PM
This thread reeks of fanboys.  Blueray has already won.  Mosre studios are supporting blueray and several are refusing to support hd-dvd.  More hardware manufacturers are supporting Blureray as well.  Asside from the greater storage space in Blueray, they also allow HD and SD content to be on one side of the disk where as you will have to get up and flip your HD-DVD disk.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: ksteiner on January 15, 2006, 01:11:00 PM
I say both will fail. Why? Holographic discs will rape their asses all the way.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Kernal69er on January 15, 2006, 02:30:00 PM
Both will fail, DVDs have not been around for all that long and so many old timers are still using VHS.. People are getting raped up the ass with prices and new technology and I think they won't buy into either. Besides do we relaly need them? you can rip most DVDs onto Cds (excluding menus, extra) and let's face it most of us never use the extras.. Also in regards to games, most PC games are on CD format still, using 3 or more discs but they are not even using DVDs...
also, with compress technology as it is, there is no need for 47Gig
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: brispet1 on January 15, 2006, 03:35:00 PM
blu-ray will dominate because sony owns enough titles to push it along.  Look at how many movies sony put out on umd.  The fact is through bmg and sony's hollywood contacts its looking like the next home entertainment format will be blu-ray... whether or not being a dominant computer storage medium will be enough to keep hd-dvd afloat remains to see but that seems like it's likely future.  and about the whole MS thing remember MS has no huge vested interest in hd-dvd besides the fact that it is more friendly with their media center os, and they want to screw over sony... but it seems clear through MSs comments that they will jump off the hd-dvd ship if blu-ray becomes the clear front runner.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: iLLNESS on January 15, 2006, 03:41:00 PM
i picked bluray. much better future for it.

DVD's came out because they could fit long movies on 1 disc including extras. companies sure made use of that. 2disc dvds are commonplace now.

with HDDVD its gonna be DVD all over again. one HD movie will fit on the disc with a few extras. once they fill that up theyre gonna start throwing us 2 disc hddvds like they did with DVD. atleast with bluray theres gonna be the ability to have the highdef movie with tons of extras all in HD.

bluray costs alot yes, but so did DVD when it first came out. $1000 for a dvd player when they came out.  HDDVD is already cheap format, u wont see a whole lot of price decreases with it. atleast with bluray theres the potential for price drops.

imo, both will succeed but id say bluray is a much better overall format.
standards now a days arent common. years ago 1 type one, and that was it. now we have so many different formats that all havent died. hell, minidisc is still alive.
just look at mp3 (vbr, cbr, many different bitrates, many different encoders.)
same goes for divx and xvid.
dvd's even still are +/-. CD's atleast went -r after a while, dvds dont look like they will anymore.

so yeah, imo both formats will live (unfortunately, because now were gonna see exclusives on either format like consoles) but i think bluray should win.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: assmonkey on January 15, 2006, 06:06:00 PM
HDdvd will win because its acually document as the offical new standard and sony is just releasing theres cause they can.I dont trust sony in any disc they ever make.Who knows wtf they can put on each disc to keep me from copying or spying on me,because this has happend already on standard cds ,just think what could happend on there own format.And finally i hear the disc life of the blueray is only like 10 years as to hddvd keeping the same specs of the dvd which is 100 years.Yeah no dout about that ,if thats true sony will fail real bad.10 vs 100 years will easly chose the next format.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: VE DTV Dealer on January 15, 2006, 08:20:00 PM
QUOTE(billygraf @ Jan 15 2006, 06:08 PM) View Post

I Don't think there is a market for either right now, everybody has spent the last 10 years building a dvd collection.  Dvd's look awesome on my 46" Plasm. I buy every gadget when it comes out, but until there is a clear cut winner I won't even sniff a new format.  A good DVD player with component out is all you need,  you can barley notice the difference.  I think HD-DVD will win because it's compatible with PC's, but we are at least 3 years away from affordable Players.

SD DVD's look better with a up-converting DVD player and most of the new HD DVD players up-convert SD DVD's through their HDMI output.

HD DVD's on a HD DVD player with a HD display look amazing.  The HD DVD CES demos were terrific.

HD DVD will be out before Blu-rey, the hardware cost 50% less and the discs are less expensive.  HD DVD has the market edge over Blu-rey.  Why wait, for well under $1k you could have a state of the art HD DVD player and a great library of HD DVD.

We just began to offer Toshiba's HD-A1 and HD-XA1 and advance sales are very strong.

Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: ferrari_rulz_02 on January 16, 2006, 12:15:00 AM
alot of people are getting this wrong. this argument/war will be decided by the movie industry. if they can get HD-DVD out before blu-ray, then people will buy them.

i belive that HD-DVD will win, it has a lot going for it in terms of reasons why it might win
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: dgrams2003 on January 16, 2006, 06:43:00 AM
I vote for neither.

... and actually, the hype for one format over the other is completly retarded at this point.
"MS soft is backing HD-DVD... No.. they are NOT going to support HD-DVD... They ARE
going to suppory HD-DVD.... They ARE going to Support Blu-Ray... They are NOT going to support
Blu-Ray...... blah blah"

Who the heck cares right now? If the first stages of the format will only be for movies, it will
take that a few years to even become commonplace.   Besides those who wipe their arses
with money, who would even buy one of these 'new technology' devices to watch a movie?
You'll just end up spending a ton of money for what... something that will be useless in
two years afterwards becasue of the next XBOX system coming out.

Lets talk about this in another year or two when we actually
see something happening.  People, DVD burners are finally a norm and we are not even to
the point where DL-DVD is common yet.  (Mostly becasue of media prices) That is so sad.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: grayjo on January 16, 2006, 09:13:00 AM
If you look at the curent market for new disc formats like a 3x3 grid, you can imagine Sony and MS playing a game of format naughts and crosses.

The same thing happened with VHS/BETA, but the VHS camp got enough of the market to make it a standard, so they won.

I don't see this happening with the new formats. There are a large group of movie people supporting blu, and a not so large group supporting hd. Unless one side takes control of all the important squares, they will not win, and we will end up in a stalemate.

Noboby wants a system where in order to watch WB movies you need one device, and a bluray drive to wtch the rest. They will probably fail. But bluray has the best chance, if sony learnt from the vhs/beta thing.

then of course, these holographic discs everyone is talking about will wipe the floor wth both
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: thax on January 16, 2006, 02:12:00 PM
I don't see a driving need or large benefits for a new format like when DVD arrived.
* Better display quality on all existing consumer equipment
* Lower media costs and cost of production
* Lower shipping costs
* Longer play time
* No video degradation.
* No rewinding of media.
* Familar disc format.

With BluRay or HDDVD the benefits aren't as compelling:
* Better display quality on some existing consumer equipment. (Many consumers could not tell the quality difference between VHS and DVD, the law of diminishing returns implies that fewer consumers will notice the next step in quality difference.)
* Familar disc format. (But confusing because DVD is for movies and CD is for music in consumer minds)

I see BluRay as compelling as LaserDisc, which was partially successful.

I would be nice to see a format that is abstracted from the storage media, like flash currently is. This way media advancements could be made over the life of the format while still using the standardized storage interface to access the data.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Assimilator on January 16, 2006, 03:17:00 PM
I think both will fail because Broadband Internet Connections are getting faster and video on demand will and hopefully games on demand will rule.

Thus you could buy movies and games online and have them sent straight to your consoles harddrive for playback.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Assimilator on January 16, 2006, 03:54:00 PM
QUOTE(medievil @ Jan 16 2006, 11:34 PM) View Post

only problem with that is , there is still something like 70% of the US alone that does NOT have Broadband access...

"access" as in physical cable or "access" as in they dont wanna pay for it ?
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: DV8ORMODS on January 16, 2006, 04:03:00 PM
who cares only few can fill up a dual layer dvd and use that much seems like a waste of time and ahead of there selves I mean come you can still buy cdroms for your pc whats that tell you seems as if some people want the consumer to put out money for shit they donot need just the liuke that little psp peice of shit with a umd or should I say mini mini dvd
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Assimilator on January 16, 2006, 04:18:00 PM
Disc's get damaged too easy i've had data last longer on my pc hard drive than i have on disc's so instead of burning stuff to disc now i just buy another hard drive.

If they were smart they would make it so that if you buy a movie or game online and have it downloaded to your hard drive,  you own the right to have that, so a record would be kept that you bought that game. If anything should happen to that peice of content like a hard drive gone dead. Then you could re download it at no cost

Where as if you scratch a disc that's it you have to buy another one.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: ferrari_rulz_02 on January 16, 2006, 05:12:00 PM
QUOTE(Bizquick @ Jan 17 2006, 05:06 AM) View Post

Blueray will be just like Sony MD. Sony likes to keep pattions and make money on them. Look at Sony MiniDisc when it first launched you saw a few companys make players for the 6 months they had rights to. after that 6 months nothing happen. I think Blueray will do the same. Also look at cost of the disc Blueray cost more to produce. HDDVD will win this war the name is good the cost if low and its expandable for more space if needed. The movie companys have to make a profit thats number 1. If the cost of material is to high they won't use it. Look at today how cheap dvd's are sold and how much its costing them to make them. Right now I bet you won't find people to pay more than 22.00 for new released movie. now if HDDVD or Blueray comes out and it will be in 1080P or somthing then people might pay alittle extra as much as 30.00 (tops) now as it stands HDDVD can do it where they can make a profit. But BlueRay is coming too close to the profit area. Now also this means the players will also need to come out at a cost savings too. With Toshiba and NEC making them I think the cost will be low enought that HDDVD will come out ahead.

i think you hit the nail on the head Bizquick
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Aron Parsons on January 16, 2006, 07:00:00 PM
They need to dump legacy support altogether and look to the future.  Blu-Ray wins there, sorta.  Digital video connecitons, digital audio connections, not a bit of analog.  Maybe if they forced shit upon people we still wouldn't have most of hte world watching analog TV and using VHS.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Morien on January 16, 2006, 07:27:00 PM
I'm voting HDDVD atm, simply because of the better DRM on it (as opposed to Bluray).
Space doesn't matter terribly unless movies are stupidly encoded with MPEG-2 (FAR better compression producing FAR better quality is in the specs). For movies the space of a HDDVD is pretty much enough.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: smileboot on January 16, 2006, 10:53:00 PM
To be honest screw both of em and wait for the blue ray/hddvd combo drives to arise and then it wont matter just like  + or - dvd dosent matter now
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: ZildjianKX on January 16, 2006, 11:41:00 PM
I vote for the one without HDCP... oh wait, that's neither.

I'm surprised that no one has explicitely mentioned that probably half of the HDTVs in homes won't be able to play either format in HD because they lack a DVI/HDMI port for the HDCP encryption.

This is also a huge problem since no graphics card on the market supports it for the PC and no monitor other than the 30" Dell that just came out has HDCP support.  I don't know if graphics cards will have updated drivers to support HDCP, but you'll definately need a new monitor, and they will have to redesign laptops as well.

Also, I really don't care about HD-DVD having a lesser DRM, since streaming, etc, will probably only work in Windows Media Center.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: tizmagik on January 17, 2006, 12:40:00 AM
QUOTE(smileboot @ Jan 17 2006, 01:00 AM) View Post

To be honest screw both of em and wait for the blue ray/hddvd combo drives to arise and then it wont matter just like  + or - dvd dosent matter now

There won't be many (if any) Blu-Ray/HD-DVD hybrid readers/writers because of the heavy licensing limitations set by Sony vs Toshiba, etc. So no, one format will have to win, but I think if HD-DVD ends up being the "Winner", Sony won't back down for years to come (much like the Sony MemoryStick, whilst everyone else is using SD, MMC, and other Flash memory). Eventually, Blu-Ray will fail though.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: A.Z.BEST on January 17, 2006, 06:56:00 AM
The cheaper and easier to crack will win.

I say HD-DVD will be the one.


"gay-ray" lol!
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: thechosenone on January 17, 2006, 12:46:00 PM
Yo Mr. Disco Gee, answer me this.

Do you have even 3 DVD-9's on your shelf right now? I'll take a guess that you don't. Want to know why you don't? Because they cost about $40 for a 3-5 pack. And those have been out for quite a while. So when you get his 54gb or 200gb disc in your hands you let me know.

As for 80 percent of the market yes. Do most people out there that play games, not us, just average gamers really have a clue what all this great hardware can do? Will any of those gamers actually utilise any of this great technology in this $500 machine? Yeah some will, but you average Joe sure was hell won't on his 19 inch standard definition TV in his dorm room.

Want to know what the biggest game to date is? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's Everquest & Everquest 2. Those weigh in at about 12gb? Go ahead and pay for your 54gb disc, with the 35-40gb of dummy files.

"Groups representing the Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD--both of which are blue laser formats aiming to become the technology to replace DVD--made their announcements at the Consumer Electronics Show here. Both formats offer storage capacities of about 10 times what the DVD format can hold. A DVD disc can store about 4.7GB of data on a single side, while Blu-ray Disc can hold up to 50GB and HD DVD can hold 30GB.
The Blu-ray Disc Association introduced game publishers Electronics Arts and Vivendi Universal Games, along with tech companies Sun Microsystems and Texas Instruments, as the newest members of their group. The companies will support the development, promotion and marketing of the Blu-ray Disc format.
Executive from the game publishers noted that the high storage capacity of Blu-ray Disc was important for them as they look to high-definition game development.
"Gaming is a multibillion-dollar business that is largely being ignored by HD DVD," said Richard Doherty, director of professional AV for Panasonic Hollywood Laboratory.
Blu-ray Disc supporters plan to include interactive features and game capabilities to discs that hold high-definition movies.
Blu-ray recorders and discs are expected in early 2006. Other companies in the Blu-ray Disc Association include Sony, Hewlett-Packard and Dell, among others.
Toshiba, NEC and Sanyo are among the leading electronics makers backing the HD DVD format.
Toshiba said at CES earlier this week that HD DVD recorders and notebook drives would be available in the fourth quarter.
HD DVD entertainment partners stood up to support the HD DVD format Thursday and announced movie and TV series titles that would be available on HD DVD discs by the end of the year. Paramount Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video, Universal Studios Home Entertainment, HBO and New Line Cinema said that about 100 titles, including the "Harry Potter" movies, the "Batman," "Superman," "E.R.," "The West Wing" and "The Sopranos" franchises, would be available on HD DVD discs.
"The real-world benefits (of HD DVD) are apparent and obvious," said Jim Cardwell, president of Warner Home Video. Cardwell added that rapid time-to-market and dependability were significant factors in choosing to go with HD DVD.
HD DVD is based on technology similar to that of DVD, which can reduce the time and cost of manufacturing discs and recorders, according to HD DVD supporters.
Studio supporters of Blu-ray Disc include Walt Disney Pictures and Television and the entertainment properties of Sony. "

As for this format war, Blu-Ray will ultimately fail. Want to know why? These PS3 gamers won't be able to keep their $500 consoles from overheating.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Cabbages on January 17, 2006, 12:52:00 PM

HD-DVD players are expected to be about half the price of BLU Ray players (at launch).

Unless BLU Ray players get less expensive, im confident that HD-DVD will win.

But then again, the porn industry may choose to support BLU Ray. They decided the VHS and Betamax war. Why not this one? Its definitly grown since then.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: jwin767 on January 17, 2006, 01:34:00 PM
I think both will fail, im holding out with DVD-9's and normal DVD's atm (im a movie editor and computer programmer) and waiting holographic discs (i dont watch movies so idk what wins really) come on Holographic discs have like 2.2-2.4 times the capicity of my current set of HDD's (which atm is 3 500GB HDD's = total of 1.5TB) and that means i can make total system back up and wipe my HDD clean and start again safe in the knowledge that i can get at ALL the data of my previous system
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Jobe1Canoby on January 17, 2006, 03:08:00 PM
VCD!! all the way
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: damam on January 17, 2006, 03:50:00 PM
I dont know too much about the technical aspects of each but I suppose they could both win - each could end up making drives that would support either one.  They are both using the same wavelength for the laser . . .

kind of like the DVD+r DVD-r thing.  Neither really one or loss.  The products just got to the point where it did not matter.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Munchbyproxy on January 17, 2006, 04:49:00 PM
HD-DVD wil win.

SONY is whining about hybrid BR/HD players from other manufacturers and stopped the production of that.
That's reason enough for me that HD wil win, who wants to buy 2 different drives?  blink.gif
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Gardum on January 17, 2006, 06:08:00 PM
The thing most of you don't realise is that this isn't a Sony Vs M$.

Sony is just one of the Dozens of major manufacturers and also the majority of Film Industry that are supporting the Blu-Ray format.

M$ and a few others are supporting HD-DVD

The whole Beta Vs VHS wasn't a format war but one of Manufacturers having to pay Sony to use the Beta format so JVC made VHS so they didn't have to pay Sony, and then the other manufacturers also went with VHS as it was either free or a lot cheaper to License ? even though the actual VHS players were a lot more expensive to buy as salesman with there usual lack of Tech skills lied through there teeth to uninformed consumers about how VHS was so much better then Beta.

Yes people always keep saying over the years we won't need that much room, I remember a very clever man named Bill Gates stating very loudly that we would never need more then 640K of memory in a computer.  tongue.gif

I don't know about you but all BIAS aside I will go for the one that Pioneer or Yamaha support as they have been my main sound system manufacturers over the years.

Also only being Digital is no probs as how many of you out there use a convertor of some sort to connect analog to digital or vice a versa smile.gif  Plus we are all supposed to be in the Digital age now , yes the new HD TV's are a little expensive but so were the old Colour TV's when they first came out as is all new Technology at first.

Lastly Blu-Ray will play back all your old low quality DVD's, will be like playing the original Quake compared to Quake 4. wink.gif
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: djjsin on January 17, 2006, 06:27:00 PM
actually this is about sony.  Sony is just not one of the many manufacturers, sony is the company who invested in IBM to develop blu ray.  You think manufacturing companies dont have to pay sony to develop a blu ray device?  think again.

"Also only being Digital is no probs as how many of you out there use a convertor of some sort to connect analog to digital"

converts cannot be used to convert HDMI or DVI to Component inputs.  There are alot of HD tv's out there that people just bought a couple years ago that dont have HDMI or DVI.  Its going to be tough to convince those who bought one of those HD tv's, and plan to make it last for the next 15 years (which is nothing unheard of), to buy an even newer one to get HD movies, since there current tv supports HD, but the copy protection behind the player doesnt allow them to watch something in HD.  Sorry this really bothers me that the movie industry is causing this to happen, like with the upconverting dvd players.  Many HD dont have dvi or HDMI, yet they limit the HD on components, due to there copy protection fears.  Which like the music industry, they have yet to report an actual loss due to pirates.  Its all theoretical.  They blame pirates for low movie attendence, I blame the quality of movies they release.

Thats great that the blu ray can play old dvd's, but what about those people who dont have a hd player, but plan to buy one in say a year.  They could just buy HD DVD's, watch the movie in SD until they get a HD dvd palyer, but with blu ray the only real option is to eitehr buy it in SD, and then re buy it in HD if they want an HD copy.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Gardum on January 17, 2006, 07:16:00 PM
Apple Computer, Inc.
Dell, Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Company
Hitachi, Ltd.
LG Electronics Inc.
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Pioneer Corporation
Royal Philips Electronics
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
Sharp Corporation
Sony Corporation
TDK Corporation
20th Century Fox
Walt Disney Company
Warner Bros. Entertainment In

Sony, by appointment by the above Blu-ray Disc Association Board of Directors as the Blu-ray Disc License Entity is responsible for Blu-ray Disc Information Agreement (IA) and Blu-ray Disc License Agreement
Sony Doesn't get paid for the Licensing the Blu-Ray Disc Association does, it's good to get facts from Licensing sites and documentation smile.gif http://www.blu-raydi...A050802form.pdf

Yes it's very emotional when you favour one company over another but please keep to the facts ?

Blu-Ray also has all the same play back capabilities of the HD-DVD not just MPEG-2 as some have mis quoted here.
Also I am sorry to say but you won't need a new TV to play Blu-Ray sad.gif yes it won't look as good as it would on a new HD-TV, but you see as the PS3 has an Analog out so it can connect to a normal TV and also all the information that is available from the manufacturers web sites their players will also have SVHS out and depending on the manufacturer the rest of the crowd of ways you can connect a typical DVD player to your TV now !

So please keep to the facts and not just hear say both formats will be a big improvement over standard DVD's and which wins will be upto who buys which.

Also with more than 170 member companies from all over the world supporting Blu-Ray I don't think it will fail so easily smile.gif
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: devine fate on January 17, 2006, 07:48:00 PM
"MS, Intel confirm support for HD-DVD format
 Ellie Gibson 15:48 27/09/2005
Hopes of a unified format dwindle yet further as technology giants side with Toshiba

Intel and MS have announced their support for the HD-DVD format, citing its "unique advantages" over Blu-Ray such as affordability and an earlier estimated launch date.

"After looking at the core advantages to the PC ecosystem and how it would benefit the consumer, it is clear that HD-DVD offers the highest quality, and is the most affordable and highly flexible solution available," said MS's Blair Westlake.

Intel technology officer Brendan Traw added: "Intel has determined that HD DVD best meets the needs of consumers and the requirements for the respective consumer electronics, computer and entertainment industries for delivering a high-definition, interactive experience to the home."

Up until now, both Intel and MS have officially remained neutral in the HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray battle, declining to take part in the negotiations between Sony and Toshiba over a possible unified format. The fact that they have finally picked a side suggests that any remaining glimmer of hope has now disappeared.

It's no great surprise that MS has joined the HD-DVD camp - just last month, the Redwood giant was rumoured to be considering incorporating HD-DVD technology into future versions of the Xbox 360.

Other companies who have already announced their support for the format include NEC, Sanyo and Hitachi, along with movie studios Universal, Warner Bros. and Paramount."


warner brothers supports hd dvd... and warner brothers own's like everything MS doesn't... so yeah hd dvd is going to come out on top....
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Alex Atkin UK on January 18, 2006, 07:26:00 AM
Considering you can fit 1080i content onto a single-layer DVD its fairly obvious its all about DRM with the extra space as an excuse.

How many extras on DVDs look VHS quality even when they come on a second disk?  With that in mind, whats stopping them fitting a whole 1080i movie on dual-layer DVD using the rest of the space for the extras?  Extras are rarely 4GB in size now due to the low quality.  Even if they were at full 1080i there would be TONS of space.

From what I have heard of Blu-ray it SHOULD fail.  Sure its larger but I want to be able to play my movies on ANYTHING I feel like.  I have heard it said (though I do not know if its true) that Blu-ray may have to authenticate your player to ensure its using DRM correctly, and possibly even to stop you from sharing your disk library with your friends - as they will know how many players you have used the disk on etc.  Not to mention that all this talk of "oh having a thinner protective layer is soo good".  Surely that means that blu-ray disks are going to get TRASHED VERY QUICKLY!  I have seen the sorts of scratches a DVD can and DOES take (particularly rentals) and I doubt blu-ray could handle it, even HD-DVD would struggle but at least you have some leeway as the larger the protective layer the more you can polish out the scratches before the disk becomes unusable.

For those reasons I hope HD-DVD wins out.  Sony have been very good over the past years of making optical media (or drives) that are totally unreliable and what I read about blu-ray just sounds like it has so many points of failure its terrifying.  I have seen how people treat game disks and blu-ray just isnt durable enough to take it - I can see PS3s failing to boot 90% of the time.  Playstation has a lot of kids/teens who do not treat their games with respect so with such a fragile format will quickly end up with a ruined games collection.  Thats the sort of thing that will win the format war -  durability and as was said before, how restrictive the DRM will be.  Not to mention which comes to market first!
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: phenoptix on January 18, 2006, 09:36:00 AM
IMHO - The way to win the format war.

The format that allows you to skip all the FBI crap at the beginning would win hands down. That annoying that operation is not allowed at this time thing drives me to dispair. The studios are also using to make you sit through trailers on DVDs you've paid good money for! grr.gif
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Hack_Bird on January 18, 2006, 03:50:00 PM
smile.gif i know a litle bit about the difrnts, and hope X360 comes with both external drives...

On my school people ask me, WHat is that bleu thing ? like bleutooth? blink.gif

SO, HD-DVD for me. Bleu for al PS3 Fans
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: -MaTiCkzZ on January 18, 2006, 05:29:00 PM
i would personally buy bluray for its storage. i mean think about it games look and play real nice now on 4,3or 7 gigs of space. an extra 96 gigs (i believe testing has begun on 100gig discs) would add vastness beyond imagination to game levels.  i side with bluray
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: ferrari_rulz_02 on January 18, 2006, 11:18:00 PM
QUOTE(Alex Atkin UK @ Jan 19 2006, 01:33 AM) View Post

Considering you can fit 1080i content onto a single-layer DVD its fairly obvious its all about DRM with the extra space as an excuse.

i agree. DRM is the worst idea ever
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: Fi12e on January 19, 2006, 03:38:00 AM
It looks like the PS3 might be delayed further which means we might not see a US release until possibly 2007. That might be too long a wait for the PS3 to really make a significant impact for the BR/HDDVD war.

I remember reading while back that whichever format is easier to rip will become format of choice and I think HDDVD is supposed to have a lot stricter DRM abilities, which is why M$ went with it.

Who knows, it could be BR in Asia and Europe and HDDVD in the US.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: whosyodaddy1019 on January 19, 2006, 11:29:00 AM
I think blu-ray is going to win. It has the capabilities to expand with the market. Blu-ray has the abillity to add more layers to a disk. HD-DVD only can have 3 layers max. High Def movies are just going to get bigger and bigger in size as TV continue to support Higher resolutions. Me personally if I had to choose between 2 players and one has alot more potential to last longer, I would go with that. You cant go with MS just cuz they have more money. DVD formate really took off with the PS2 launch. Before that, not many people had DVD players. That was accually my first DVD player I ever owned. PS3 is going to blow M$ out of the water with console sells once the PS3 comes out and them backing HDDVD will account for nothing with there is double the ps3 systems out there then 360s.

On another note, this isnt the same as the VHS/Beta wars. The reason VHS won out was because BETA would not let the adult indestry use there formate. They will not make the same mistake this time. And to all those who are saying that 100 gigs is too much. NOT ALL BLU-RAY DISK MADE ARE GOING TO BE 100GIG disks. Just like with DVD's, they can choose how many layers they want. Also remember that perticually gaming, you need alot of space as grafics get better. Remember with PS1 where 800megs was enough space for a good game. Now its nothing. And that was only like 10 years ago. As for only supporting digital, even local TV networks are due to switch completely over to digital here in the comming years. Im sure they will make a converter to conver DMI/HDMI to coposite HD signals.
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: NeoCarnifex on January 19, 2006, 03:58:00 PM
Blu is probably going to win, in the livingroom.

Digital Playground Chooses Blu-ray Format (40% of US Pron market)

More hollywood companies are supporting Blu over HDDVD. Columbia/Tristar/MGM are part of Sony Pictures, thus will be pushed to Blu, over HDDVD.

Blu has better copy protection. If you were a hollywood studio, and  would see all your released DVD's on the Internet right now. Would you be in favour of Blu or HDDVD?

PS3, with free Blu Ray playback (1080p). The HDDVD is an (expensive?) add-on for the 360.

If there is really a big price difference, HDDVD might still win, at least in the PC world...
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: red_xi on February 01, 2006, 11:00:00 PM
hd-dvd- may only store 15 gigs, but far less changes must be made to aqcuire this
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: clickerX on February 05, 2006, 03:58:00 AM
i think they will both fail because they will cost way too much
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: tennisman on April 13, 2006, 08:07:00 PM
I think they will both do well, but blue ray sounds more promising
Title: Which Next-gen Disc Will Win?
Post by: PDG1 on November 13, 2006, 11:39:00 PM
it's driving me insane!
why do people call it Blue-ray?
It's Blu-Ray
without the e so that Sony and friends can get their big fat money grabbing hands onto the name and register it or trademark it or w/e

Ya... I like HD-DVD
but people are inherently stupid... so any number of things could happen with the two formats
like ti says on the matrix...
"You can't see past the choices you don't understand."

I don't understand why people like Blu-Ray
A.Sony is partially evil... they are entirely money hungry... but they aren't afraid of getting their hands a lil dirty to get that money (Root Kit scandal)
Where as M$... I don't think they really need to be evil to get the money... they just charge us through the rectum to get to our pockets
which is funny... cuz I didn't think people had pockets there.

Then again, It's not just Sony behind Blu-Ray... but I'm sure anyone who is willing to side with Sony is evil, lol.

B.Copy protected...
sure... that's prolly not gunna stop it
but I have found that when a company makes an effort to see the consumers needs and try to fill it in
Isn't that business?
not trying to police TV...
lol... let alone using it as a selling feature

I could think of some more... but I'm tired...