
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 Software => PS3 Linux OS and Utils => Topic started by: Tk_hom3r on January 09, 2007, 01:08:00 AM

Title: What Other Websites To For Help
Post by: Tk_hom3r on January 09, 2007, 01:08:00 AM
QUOTE(IcBlUsCrN @ Jan 9 2007, 02:07 AM) View Post

I am guessing this site is to new or something but , support here is (well what support) , I am sure there has to be another site somewhere

lol dont b mad man not alot of ppl know about the ps3 thats y so they cant really help u but wut do u need help in maybe i could help u with sumthin
Title: What Other Websites To For Help
Post by: IcBlUsCrN on January 09, 2007, 06:53:00 PM
Ok ill post my problem anyway thanks, It has to do with installing linux yellow dog on standard def tv. the install went well and after reboot you need to set up text files.
went through kboot . ydltext and did the  wget http://www.terrasoft.....ydl.2.ppc.rpm That seems to have gone ok . after i did Type rpm -ivh Xautoconfig-0.23-2.ydl.2.ppc.rpm it goes through "preparing..########## then it says package Xautoconfig-0.23.2.ydl.2 is already installed". <is that ok? Then i typed Xautoconfig and "wrote /etc/x11/xorg.conf "comes up < is that what suppose to happen? the next step should be vi/etc/inittab but "no such file directory" error pops up.

there is were i am stuck I am pretty sure i can take it to my hdtv and continue normally <not certian though> because before installing ydl i did the installtext and forced it to low-resolution text mode.