
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 Hardware Forums => PS3 General / Hardware Chat => Topic started by: brandogg on July 01, 2010, 12:03:00 AM

Title: Ps3 Fan Does Not Spin
Post by: brandogg on July 01, 2010, 12:03:00 AM
I just bought a PS3 and I've got a problem - the fan does not spin. If I take it apart I can spin it freely with the fan housing detached from the motherboard, but when it's attached I really have to force it to spin, and it won't spin at all when it's assembled and powered on as a result. Any advice for me? It just overheats after a coupe minutes because of this. I think maybe it got damaged in shipping (force on bottom-side caused bracket around fan to cave in a little?) The fan is not supposed to be actually touching the heatsink is it?
Title: Ps3 Fan Does Not Spin
Post by: brandogg on July 01, 2010, 03:46:00 PM
Well I fixed it. It was a result of shipping, someone must have dropped the system or had something squishing the underside of it, which cause the bracket around the fan to bend towards the motherboard, wedging the fan in place. I took it apart, bent the bracket a little bit, and now it works properly (so far at least). Hopefully this helps somebody. PS3 has a shit ton of screws, but they're pretty easy to remember where they go, and are all easily removable, so don't be afraid to crack yours open.
Title: Ps3 Fan Does Not Spin
Post by: JamReadyTeacups on July 01, 2010, 06:32:00 PM
If you ever have other issues with your PS3, I would definitely check these guides out. Especially if you ever feel like trying out a hard drive swap.