
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 Hardware Forums => PS3 General / Hardware Chat => Topic started by: Boobers on April 17, 2008, 02:49:00 PM

Title: Ps3 No Audio Video One Beep
Post by: Boobers on April 17, 2008, 02:49:00 PM
Just got a PS3 in...  When powered up, I hear a hellascious grinding/rubbing sound..

Dis-assembled the unit and discovered that the fan (and WHAT a fan!!) was slightly tweaked..  Fixed that and now the unit powers up smooth and silky..

Problem is, it doesn't do anything else..  I power it up and hear the big fan whiirrrr up to speed for a second or two then it's quiet.. But I still feel air coming out of the vents..

I get a steady green power light with no audio or video..  

I tried the reset option, having the red light and then pushing and holding the power button.

I get one beep at initial power up and then, 5-7 secs later another single beep...

Anyone have any ideas???


Title: Ps3 No Audio Video One Beep
Post by: Frunko1 on April 23, 2008, 07:45:00 PM
I made a very crappy video showing what my ps3 does.

Things to note,
audio does not work
sends out signal to tv, even though no actual video is sent
ps3 has already been reset multiple times
the hdd has been removed, put back in, then removed again, no changes.
It loads and ejects discs with no problem.
Loading a disc when off will turn system on
Controllers do not turn system on,
Tried 2 different controllers with no different results.
60gb system
Hdmi and optical out being used

Ignore the crappy quality...

Title: Ps3 No Audio Video One Beep
Post by: Boobers on April 24, 2008, 05:01:00 PM
Sounds like exactly what's going on with my setup..

I just punked out and ordered the SONY OUT OF WARRANTY FIX...

$149 (relatively) no questions asked..

I say "relatively" becuase I have heard that, if you had tried to MOD your PS3, you are S.O.L...