
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 Hardware Forums => PS3 General / Hardware Chat => Topic started by: Tito2k6 on November 28, 2006, 07:35:00 PM

Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Tito2k6 on November 28, 2006, 07:35:00 PM
Okay, so it's not totally dead, more like on life support.  The laser seems to be inconsistant at best.  Most games load.  Some lock up from time to time.  Madden loads once out of every 10 tries (tried three different discs).  Now Superman Returns locks up every 10 to 15 minutes (even did some weird shit once where it looked all shaky and blurry).  I just put Superman back in and it has been playing for an hour with no problem.....whatever!?!?!  I called Sony and they are sending me a coffin (man this sucks.  First my 360 and now this).  At least I didn't wait in line for 40hrs (scored one last week by just walking into electronics at Wal-Mart).  Thank god I've got my 360 and there isn't anything to play on the PS3 right now (execpt Blu-ray)!

You do have to give Sony credit.  They are sending me an overnight box and they said that they would send out a BRAND NEW system on the same day they recieved mine.  It should be 2-3days after they get mine.  Pretty good turn around.  At least until it comes mine plays a little.  When my 360 died, it took its ball and went home tongue.gif
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: bigjimmy on November 29, 2006, 12:40:00 AM
Bummer! Sorry to hear about that. Oh well, at least you didnt wait out in the rain for days or anything just to get a PS3.

Well, im surprised there havent been a lot more PS3s like this with a rooted laser. I was thinking since sony rushed the BD lasers into production, that there would be a lot more laser failures. And I suppose since sony hasnt had any massive PS3 hardware failures, sony would be too busy with shipping out new PS3s all the time.

Lets hope your 2d PS3 doesnt decide to die  biggrin.gif

Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Tito2k6 on November 29, 2006, 09:14:00 AM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Nov 29 2006, 01:47 AM) View Post

Lets hope your 2d PS3 doesnt decide to die  biggrin.gif

Don't say that!!!

UPDATE:  I received the cardboard casket this morning.  Man, talk about a fast turnaround.  I called Sony yesterday afternoon and I got it today shipped Next Day Air from Texas.  Sure enough, the return label is Next Day Air also.  Unlike MS, they don't screw around.  BTW, that shipping had to be expensive.  Considering they are already losing the arses on each system, they are taking a big hit on dead units.

All in all, I'm pretty disapointed in this 'new generation'.  First the 360 died and now the PS3.  Not a good start. unsure.gif
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Tito2k6 on November 30, 2006, 05:41:00 PM
My PS3 was poo.  It's hard to believe that I was the only one (who reads this forum).  Maybe Sony really is that much better at hardware.  As much bad press as they've gotten, I've had a kick ass DD/DTS receiver from them that has lasted 7yrs.   uhh.gif
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: theBloodShed on December 02, 2006, 09:47:00 PM
QUOTE(Tito2k6 @ Dec 1 2006, 01:48 AM) View Post

My PS3 was poo.  It's hard to believe that I was the only one (who reads this forum).  Maybe Sony really is that much better at hardware.  As much bad press as they've gotten, I've had a kick ass DD/DTS receiver from them that has lasted 7yrs.   uhh.gif

Well, seriously... Microsoft is historically a software company...  Sony is more of a hardware company.  But they've also been known to have a history of problems with first generation units.  The original Playstation had disc drive problems; some people had to flip the unit upside down to play.  The PS2 also had problems.  It seems like they usually have a rough start.

All I can say is that I haven't had any problems with my PS3 yet.  My 360 on the other hand locks up, gives me that damn "your disc is dirty" error with a brand new game (killing my game progress), or just plain won't read or won't properly recognize a disc.  It is pretty ironic to see the 360 recognize a game as a DVD and plays that video "Please insert this disc into an Xbox 360".  Plus that damn fan is loud as hell.  Other than that, I've been enjoying it.  I'm just waiting on the new 360 units next year that hopefully fix these problems.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Tito2k6 on December 04, 2006, 08:34:00 AM
All I can say is WOW!  What amazing customer service.  To recap:  My PS3 went out on Tuesday.  I called Sony on Tuesday late afternoon.  Wed. morning a box arrived sent UPS Next Day Air from Texas (I live in Illinois).  I placed my PS3 in the box and took it to the UPS store on Wed. afternoon.  The PS3 arrived in Texas on Thursday afternoon.  I received a brand new PS3 in a brand new box on Friday morning.  ohmy.gif

There was even an ice storm on Thursday night into Friday.  The UPS plane must have landed right before they closed the airport.  The irony of all of this is that the ice storm took out my power.  I still can't play it 3 days later (I'm at work).
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Tito2k6 on December 05, 2006, 08:09:00 AM
QUOTE(ocdesi @ Dec 5 2006, 12:27 AM) View Post

My PS3 was dead straight out of the box. The first time I started it up I got an error saying the hard disk's database is corrupted and needs to be restored. Hit X to restore, which I do. A screen comes up saying: Restoring... Please wait. After 3 hours of waiting I figured something very wrong and called Sony customer service. I'm getting a coffin as well and I'm hoping, after reading your ordeal, the turnaround is just as fast. But she did tell me it would take 3-5 business days each way. Hopefully she was just reading some sheet of paper and that's not true.

That's what they said to me.  I think they are just giving themseves a buffer.  That way, when it comes Next Day Air you'll be like "holy crap they are awsome!"  I think they are just trying to stand apart from MS and prove that they are a hardware compay and they woun't repeat the X360 hardware debacle.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: grim_d on December 05, 2006, 08:30:00 AM
QUOTE(ocdesi @ Dec 5 2006, 06:27 AM) View Post

My PS3 was dead straight out of the box. The first time I started it up I got an error saying the hard disk's database is corrupted and needs to be restored. Hit X to restore, which I do. A screen comes up saying: Restoring... Please wait. After 3 hours of waiting I figured something very wrong and called Sony customer service. I'm getting a coffin as well and I'm hoping, after reading your ordeal, the turnaround is just as fast. But she did tell me it would take 3-5 business days each way. Hopefully she was just reading some sheet of paper and that's not true.

not that whats happened to you is funny, but if it told me to hit x, i would have whacked the square button laugh.gif
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Tito2k6 on December 05, 2006, 04:16:00 PM
Now, while I'm a hard core XBox guy (and I have hated MS since its inception and I learned to hate Sony after their MS like arrogance), Sony has really gone out of its way to prove it IS IS THE OLD COMPANY THAT STOOD BEHIND BETAMAX.  NOW, don't look apon that as a fault, this isn't minidisc or UMD, this is the company's real bead and butter.  I'm starting to think that they may have are started to wake up....stared to smell the smelling salts.  I hope so, as much as I love what MS has done (even though I believe MS is run by the devil).  I still have a special place in my heart for Sony.  They are like a poor little company that made a deal with the devil  rolleyes.gif
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Foe-hammer on December 05, 2006, 07:39:00 PM
Sony can rot in hell. lol  Seriously, there arrogance bugs the hell out of me.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: davbere on December 06, 2006, 04:13:00 AM
Hell yea !
Its good to see Sony addressing problems so professionally. I truly hope that their harware faults stay at a minimal. If their ps3 is known for being solid it will help them survive in this competitive era.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: mygameswirelesscom on December 06, 2006, 06:02:00 PM
ps3 is coming soon to be repair !!
not yet but soon !!
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: gainpresence on December 06, 2006, 06:33:00 PM
QUOTE(tito2000 @ Dec 5 2006, 09:05 PM) View Post

Wow! I shouldn't drink when I post.  I'm sure you all got the jist of it, but it was a little hard to follow.  Friends shouldn't let friends drink and post!  blink.gif   Anyway, I just got my power turned back on(after 5 days), so celebrating was in order.

So... do you get a new account every year?
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Tito2k6 on December 06, 2006, 08:06:00 PM
QUOTE(gainpresence @ Dec 6 2006, 07:40 PM) View Post

So... do you get a new account every year?

No. That was an old one.  I created it a long time ago when I was modding my Xbox.  By the time the 360 was getting ready to come out I had forgot my password.  In my drunkeness last night I figured it out.  If you have the power to merge the two accounts, please do so.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Foe-hammer on December 07, 2006, 02:38:00 AM
QUOTE(silentbob343 @ Dec 6 2006, 09:10 PM) View Post

Not to get OT, but MS......come on.

OK. huh.gif
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: ocdesi on December 11, 2006, 08:54:00 PM
Well, Sony has now had my PS3 for three business days and has not bothered sending me a new one. I called customer service a couple times and they were hardly helpful. One person told me it had already shipped last week and the other saying it had not shipped and couldn't tell me why. I went from impressed with their customer service to thinking... I should have just returned it to the store and tried to work out a deal with them to call me or something when new stock comes in. Either way I'm pissed. I was hoping to play a bit before I leave on vacation but at this rate who knows when I'll actually get a PS3. Should have just waited til after Christmas when all the hype was gone and I could easily exchange the console in store.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Tito2k6 on December 11, 2006, 09:11:00 PM
QUOTE(ocdesi @ Dec 11 2006, 10:01 PM) View Post

Well, Sony has now had my PS3 for three business days and has not bothered sending me a new one. I called customer service a couple times and they were hardly helpful. One person told me it had already shipped last week and the other saying it had not shipped and couldn't tell me why. I went from impressed with their customer service to thinking... I should have just returned it to the store and tried to work out a deal with them to call me or something when new stock comes in. Either way I'm pissed. I was hoping to play a bit before I leave on vacation but at this rate who knows when I'll actually get a PS3. Should have just waited til after Christmas when all the hype was gone and I could easily exchange the console in store.

Wow!  That really sucks.  I guess I just got lucky.  I guess that since the avaliabilty has gotten better, they have seen less of a need to expidite things.  The way that they handled mine was simply breathtaking.  It sounds like you are going throught what MS did to me.  Anyway, good luck.  I'm sure it's on it's way.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: spinr34 on December 12, 2006, 10:26:00 AM
i've been thinking about the "lack" of ps3 problems and realized that we may not hear about a lot of the ps3 problems. i say this because for the most part the playstation "community" isn't much of an online community. they have their fanboys that troll forums and the few people like in this thread who actually are good people and own the machine smile.gif but outside of that, they don't have much of an online prescence. so i think a lot of problems with the ps3 will go unnoticed creating a misconception that they don't break.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: BanditRW on December 12, 2006, 01:00:00 PM
Well,here's another one.....
Before I start let me just say I own 2 360's one of which is a Launch Day console and I've had ZERO problems with both.
Ok......I finally caved to the pressure and bought a PS3 at Circuit City on 12/8 ( may as well..I have the Wii so may as well complete the Trio),partially because I was shocked they actually had one on the shelf.Because of my work schedule it has sat in my game room until this morning,when after waking early before work I decided to unpack it and try it out before leaving for work.Turned it on and all I got was a garbled screen.Turned it off and back on again...same thing.So I did the "360" trick I've read about..removed the HDD powered on and back off...replaced the HDD and powered on again...still no video just a mess of colored lines.Since I didn't have time to dig out my HDMI cable I killed the power and decided to continue this after work.I arrived home this afternoon and powered it on and ....there it was... Video.Still have no idea why it wasn't working I go thru the setup and at the Username entry it locks response...won't turn off....have to flip the switch in the back to kill the power.Try #2...once again at the Username freezes again.Same process..kill the power and reboot.Try # 3...this time at the Username entry I leave it at the default and the setup completes.I download the 1.30 Update and that's it.
So far it has not gotten off to a good start with my PS3 and I am really concerned about the Video and Lock-up problems thus aint looking good.... unsure.gif
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Tito2k6 on December 12, 2006, 01:37:00 PM
QUOTE(BanditRW @ Dec 12 2006, 02:07 PM) View Post

Well,here's another one.....
Before I start let me just say I own 2 360's one of which is a Launch Day console and I've had ZERO problems with both.
Ok......I finally caved to the pressure and bought a PS3 at Circuit City on 12/8 ( may as well..I have the Wii so may as well complete the Trio),partially because I was shocked they actually had one on the shelf.Because of my work schedule it has sat in my game room until this morning,when after waking early before work I decided to unpack it and try it out before leaving for work.Turned it on and all I got was a garbled screen.Turned it off and back on again...same thing.So I did the "360" trick I've read about..removed the HDD powered on and back off...replaced the HDD and powered on again...still no video just a mess of colored lines.Since I didn't have time to dig out my HDMI cable I killed the power and decided to continue this after work.I arrived home this afternoon and powered it on and ....there it was... Video.Still have no idea why it wasn't working I go thru the setup and at the Username entry it locks response...won't turn off....have to flip the switch in the back to kill the power.Try #2...once again at the Username freezes again.Same process..kill the power and reboot.Try # 3...this time at the Username entry I leave it at the default and the setup completes.I download the 1.30 Update and that's it.
So far it has not gotten off to a good start with my PS3 and I am really concerned about the Video and Lock-up problems thus aint looking good.... unsure.gif

I would call them now.  I don't think it will get better.

PS I just got back from S. Carolina yesterday.  Man, that was a hell of a drive (back to Illinois) tongue.gif
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: BanditRW on December 12, 2006, 04:03:00 PM
QUOTE(Tito2k6 @ Dec 12 2006, 09:44 PM) View Post

PS I just got back from S. Carolina yesterday.  Man, that was a hell of a drive (back to Illinois) tongue.gif

You aint kiddin....I used to do that on long weekends when I was stationed at Great Lakes... blink.gif

Yep I've called Sony...that had to be the most frustrating CS call I've made yet,where do they train those people ???
A box is on the way to send it in....looks like it will be a while before I get to play.Thinking more and more about just getting rid of it on Ebay.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: Tito2k6 on December 13, 2006, 08:15:00 PM
Wow!  That is really messed up.  I guess I just got really lucky.  It's hard to imagine that one week would make such a difference in customer service.  I guess they aren't pumping those things out as fast as they would like to have everyone believe.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: spinr34 on December 20, 2006, 02:40:00 PM
i hope that mine doesn't break.
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: bigjimmy on December 22, 2006, 04:46:00 PM
Someone should try sending back one with a tampered warrenty sticker......i wonder if they just wont fix it or if they will charge a fee to fix it?
Title: Dead Ps3! Anyone Else?
Post by: frentzen on December 23, 2006, 05:20:00 PM
Yep, I have one with no warranty sticker and they want to charge me for it.

They told me that the technicians look at each return, in particular the warranty sticker, and if they see it missing they send it back unrepaired.

Not sure how true that is though.