
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 Hardware Forums => PS3 Case / Hardware Modding => Topic started by: RDC on August 17, 2010, 06:35:00 PM

Title: Trouble After Mod
Post by: RDC on August 17, 2010, 06:35:00 PM
24637_Rapid_Fire doesn't tell or show anyone what you did, so that's of no help at all, and going by all of the info you've given to help you out the only answer to your question is 'something'.

What does the controller do when the USB cable is plugged up?

Have you taken the controller  back apart and checked your wiring to make sure nothing is pinched? Make sure the battery is plugged up also.
Title: Trouble After Mod
Post by: bobbyreins on August 18, 2010, 12:11:00 PM
Thank You RDC

I posted the name of the pdf that I followed for the rapid fire mod. (see pictures)
These photos and tutorial are not mine they are borrowed from "GBlaster" and only posted here for help.

IPB Image
IPB Image
IPB Image
IPB Image

For the led I used this:

IPB Image

The controller is 100% functional on battery power.  When I turn off the controller via bluetooth all is well. However, when I plug it into the ps the led blinks quickly twice then nothing. It sits with no lights or power. Also it does not charge while off or on.

I am opening it again to see if there are any pinched wires and yes the battery is connected.

Thank you for your help.
Title: Trouble After Mod
Post by: bobbyreins on August 21, 2010, 03:30:00 PM
OK. I didn't find any pinched wires, or anything shorting. I did however remove all mods and still no luck. now I have the bare board, battery in and still no charge. I swapped battery with others 3 to be exact and still nothing. I also used several different usb cords and nothing.

RDC, is there a spec sheet for this board?   MSU_VX3_0.07.

Thank you
Title: Trouble After Mod
Post by: RDC on August 21, 2010, 04:52:00 PM
I'm sure Sony has the datasheet on it, but if you can get them to let you have it then you really wouldn't need it.

If everything has now been removed and it's still acting up then I'd go over the board a couple more times and look for any solder bridges that might be on there but aren't around where you soldered, as well as any components that may have been knocked off or damaged traces during the entire process.

If the controller worked before then it still should, though electroncs can, do and will up and die on their own sometimes, but when it goes from a working state, to being messed with, and then to not working, it's a 99% guarantee that something you did caused it, intentional or not, but tracking it down without another one to compare it to, a troubleshooting flowchart and a general idea of what you're looking at and how it works as well as the tools to do it makes for an almost impossible job, and if you don't have any of that on hand then it quickly becomes not worth it. It's also difficult for anyone else to try and troubleshoot unless they've seen the exact issue before, and more than one thing going bad can cause the same issues sometimes, so even that's not 100% reliable.

Since your board is the 0.07, what did you solder to for the other wire of the R/F button? It has no TP spot for R1, or whichever one you decided to use, so you would have had to prep a Via and solder to there, and taking a wild stab in the dark about what's wrong with it, I'd start looking around there, though there is nothing to really cause the issue you're having in that area, and then everywhere else your iron was even close to the board.
Title: Trouble After Mod
Post by: bobbyreins on August 21, 2010, 07:07:00 PM
RDC I thank you for your help.  You sir (I've been reading a lot of your posts and projects) are the man and I do appreciate picking your brain a bit.  I used R2 from your MSU_VX3 picture. The whole thing was working R/F as well. Will continue to search the board for any issues. If I happen to find something I will let you know. As far as the trying to figure out what someone else did, I know. I fix computers and if they got to bring it to me to fix, then there's now way that the can explain it so I could understand.

 Again Thanks