
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 Hardware Forums => PS3 Case / Hardware Modding => Topic started by: viral_dna on December 17, 2007, 04:24:00 AM

Title: Esata + Usb Ps3 Base
Post by: viral_dna on December 17, 2007, 04:24:00 AM
So some of you may have seen my earlier posting about my idea for a ext SATA port on the PS3,

Well after I found out that Team Xecuter had already made the HDXT (Great minds think alike)
I started to address the problem of still not being able to have the PS3 sit vertically when doing this mod.

I thought up some really cool ideas, like building a slim addon in the same style of the PS3
for the addition of a second 2.5" SATA HD with a switch to swap between drives.

But the golden idea was this.....

To create or mod a PS3 Base with rear eSATA ports and if you like and hey why not, USB ports, and
maybe even a Memory Card Reader in the front or on the side.

Have a look at these images for a better idea of my concept.

IPB Image

IPB Image

I would really like to see Team Xecuter market this. I would do it myself, but I just don't have the time
or the money.

Note: Please if you are going to blog or post this (Great!) I would appreciate you giving me the credit, rather then
posting it as your own.

Thank you & Happy Holidays!
Title: Esata + Usb Ps3 Base
Post by: Urisk on January 10, 2008, 11:33:00 PM
I have considered something similar but with the PS3 in a horizontal position and the drive enclosure would be a stand for the PS3 with a RAID sub-system so two drives could be used in RAID 0 or 1.  I have discussed it with several others in the past but have not pursued fruition of the idea into reality.

If you are on MySpace you can message my here http://www.myspace.c...aystaion3hddmod