
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 Hardware Forums => PS3 Case / Hardware Modding => Topic started by: SuDDeN on November 20, 2006, 05:45:00 AM

Title: Ps3 - Cfm For That Huge Fan
Post by: SuDDeN on November 20, 2006, 05:45:00 AM
Holy Cow - When I saw the size of the Cooling fan in the PS3 it is like 6 to 8 inches big!

I am curious if anyone knows how many CFM it produces and if it operates on 12v or 110v system?
I was thinking it looks to massive to be run from 12v. and it is a blower more than a fan.

Anyway - I wanna MOD IT!  Muuuhahaahaha  biggrin.gif
Title: Ps3 - Cfm For That Huge Fan
Post by: SR388 on December 20, 2006, 02:47:00 PM
you could use a multimeter and get readings that way, it's probably like a 17v fan
if it were 110, it would sound like a jet taking off
Title: Ps3 - Cfm For That Huge Fan
Post by: AlienMear on December 21, 2006, 08:12:00 AM
Morning all, first time user to these forums. As regards the fan speed and the voltage that it requires, my PS3 is already apart on the bench. I'm modding the interior organs to add an extra fan or two to draw more air inside. Right now, I'm at work, so as soon as I get home, take care of stuff, I'll dig around the unit, and see what I can come up with for the voltages. I know that there is a dissassembly guide in video on the net somewhere, Google it, it should come up.
Title: Ps3 - Cfm For That Huge Fan
Post by: AlienMear on December 22, 2006, 07:45:00 PM
Finally got around to digging into the organs of the PS3, I installed a couple of remote voltage sense lines on the fan voltage leads, as well as the temperature sense lead. I put it back together, and closed up the case, turned on, and I read 18 volts at start then it dropped to 12. Loaded FOM and let the blu-ray spin up, and put the voltmeter on monitor capture. After a couple of minutes of game play, I heard the fan kick up a notch in sound level, and saw the voltage climb from 12 to 18 volts. The temperature sense lead is a low-high switch, (at least that's what's happening on my box...) and turns the voltage select from 12 to 18 when the temperature on the heatsink sensors get a bit warm. I tried to borrow a Fluke Hydra monitor and log the temperature data, but, it's in use right now... (Test equipment I used for voltage monitoring was a Fluke Model 189 with event trigger record/playback.) I hope that this ain't overkill, for a question that may only have needed a simpler answer, but, electronics is not only a hobby of mine, but it's also my guess I have the best of both; I get paid for doing a hobby... smile.gif
Title: Ps3 - Cfm For That Huge Fan
Post by: SuDDeN on January 31, 2007, 03:14:00 AM
AlienMear  -  Forgot to say thanks for the information.

I have disected my ps3 - I was thinking of a way to keep it 18v continuous. Just afraid to mess it up so soon - as it cost me the price of 2 360's.   biggrin.gif

Thanks Again!
Title: Ps3 - Cfm For That Huge Fan
Post by: AlienMear on February 05, 2007, 08:14:00 AM
You're welcome. I snatched up a couple of 25mm fans...(aprox. 1" on Square) and I hope to have them installed soon as I get off night shift. I hate working nights..cuts into my gaming time...
You'd think that having a family and being over 30, I'd stop being a kid...nah...why? You quit start dying...and I don't plan on dying anytime soon!
Title: Ps3 - Cfm For That Huge Fan
Post by: 89c4l98 on April 25, 2007, 08:08:00 AM
if you really want to keep your fans at 18v all the time get a 18v power supply and wire it up with a relay to turn on when the ps3 turns on