
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 Hardware Forums => PS3 Case / Hardware Modding => Topic started by: bigjimmy on October 10, 2006, 07:28:00 PM

Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 10, 2006, 07:28:00 PM
OK, Me and a friend decided the other day, when the PS3 comes out in america, were going to import a PS3 case (somehow) and build the PS3 grill!

For those who dont know what im talking about, look here

The main reason for this is there are a lot of sony fanboys at my school, and I really wanna piss them off by doing this. Me and my freind are planning to cook some steak or something in my software devlopment class. The look on the fanboys faces will be priceless! Plus, if I am the first to build the PS3 grill think of the fame and fortune (ummm well id like to think so, anyway lol) And, I already have the perfect george foreman grill to put in there.

Im curious to see what everyone thinks about this. Is it a crap/stupid/old/good/funny idea?

Id also like to know if there are heaps of other people planning to do this.

Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: CattyKid on October 10, 2006, 07:46:00 PM
IMO... sounds like a silly idea and a wasdte of money.  Besides... getting it to look as good as a fake photochop... would be ridiculously difficult.

But.... to each his own...
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 10, 2006, 10:14:00 PM
Oh yeah and I think I forgot to mention that its just a PS3 case with a george forman grill in it. And using the dimensions of the PS3 the grill will fit nicley in it....(hopefully)
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: twistedsymphony on October 11, 2006, 08:00:00 AM
DO IT  smile.gif

Cook up a tasty steak for me while you're at it.

I think if you started a website like "" you could easily start taking donations to pay for it...

Nothing says you couldn't put the PS3 guts in another case, or just sell the guts (I'm sure you could make your money back that way).

Also being that you'll be cracking it open you'll probably be one of the first to provide opening instructions for case modders as well as an early glimpse at the PS3s innards which is beneficial to everyone.  cool.gif

I'm moving this to the PS3 forums because this is really a PS3 mod/could lead to PS3 info after release.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: incognegro on October 11, 2006, 08:37:00 AM
do it!! Ill probably buy it.........seriously.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Deftech on October 11, 2006, 12:37:00 PM
Take plenty of pics! I will be the 1st to shoot it with a variety of bullets  laugh.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: redwolf on October 11, 2006, 03:35:00 PM
if you can get the case, then do it.

but make sure it cooks 7 chickenwings at the same time.  laugh.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: incognegro on October 11, 2006, 04:02:00 PM
QUOTE(redwolf @ Oct 11 2006, 10:42 PM) View Post

if you can get the case, then do it.

but make sure it cooks 7 chickenwings at the same time.  laugh.gif

and leave the 8th on raw...
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: icantstandtoburntolong on October 11, 2006, 04:12:00 PM
You should set up a website and take donations. Then you could destroy the innards, make the grill and have pictures of opening up the console. Everbody wins! I would donate to that
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 11, 2006, 06:08:00 PM
Kool thanks for all the feedback you guys.

Again, cause i live in Australia ill have to either import just a case or the whole console, since gay sony decided not to release the PS3 here until March next year. Heh perhaps with the innards I could put a steak on the heatsink and see how long it takes to cook lol

Im interested in this idea of setting up a site and getting donations for it. Could anyone help me out with this?

And yeh after I make it ill probly sell it on ebay or something. Im getting so excited about this If it all works as im hoping, itll be awesome!

EDIT: BTW if youd like to help me set up a site about this, PM me or something. And also, it seems like if im gunna build it, ill stuff like the cuts done professionally, instead of my crappy sutting lol
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 11, 2006, 09:38:00 PM
OK well some people have PM'd me with advice. Thanks guys! So there is a great chance of a site going up soon.

Twistedsymphony, the name shall be if this site goes ahead.

The other thing is, since I have to import either a whole system or just a case, I need to find a way of getting someone (Preferrably a trusted X-S trader) to get me one as soon as the come out and send it over here (I will pay that person via PAYPAL, not money order thanks to the scamming bastard who ripped me off $500)

set it up and ill request....cook a GIANT CRAB

Erm, can george forman grills cook giant crabs? Ill have to get back to you on that lol

EDIT: typo
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: twistedsymphony on October 12, 2006, 08:35:00 AM
Just to keep the donation thing Legit...

don't link to the paypal donation piece directly from XS and don't ask for donations directly either.

Keep it something like "Help out with The Real PS3 Grill Project" linking to your site. because "Help" could be ideas, securing a PS3, etc in addition to donations

you could also encourage people to place links to the website in their sigs to build awareness but don't create any additional topics about it.

That's just to keep this within the XS rules.  smile.gif

Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: redwolf on October 12, 2006, 09:57:00 AM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Oct 12 2006, 04:45 AM) View Post

Erm, can george forman grills cook giant crabs? Ill have to get back to you on that lol

no but, PS3 grill should, with real time taste change  happy.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 12, 2006, 02:08:00 PM
Just to keep the donation thing Legit...

don't link to the paypal donation piece directly from XS and don't ask for donations directly either.

Keep it something like "Help out with The Real PS3 Grill Project" linking to your site. because "Help" could be ideas, securing a PS3, etc in addition to donations

you could also encourage people to place links to the website in their sigs to build awareness but don't create any additional topics about it.

That's just to keep this within the XS rules.  

Cool thanks for the advice. I was going to just put a link to the site in my sig and I dont really like asking people directly for donations or anything.

no but, PS3 grill should, with real time taste change

Lol how true.

EDIT: Now, the fun of trying to find if theres any chance i can get one on launch day....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 13, 2006, 12:56:00 AM
OK Ive decided ill import a whole system. So can people tell me, what are my chances of getting a PS3 on launch day?

Also, is there a trusted X-S trader out there who can get me a PS3 on launch? Or soon after? PM me if youd be willing to do this. (Id pay that person, of course lol)
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 16, 2006, 04:26:00 AM
Mwahahahaha is up and running!!!

So its official......the PS3 grill is going to be made as soon as I can get my hands on a PS3.

Let me know what you think of the site and if you guys have any suggestions for it. Lol donations are welcome (and ideas lol)  tongue.gif !

BTW anyone reading this feel free to place a link to this site in your sig.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: throwingks on October 16, 2006, 04:33:00 AM
Recheck your links on the links page. Looks good though.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 20, 2006, 06:12:00 PM
Well so far over 1200 people have looked at the quite impressed lol

I still cant get those gay links to work properly though.

Still waiting for donations aswell
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: throwingks on October 20, 2006, 06:21:00 PM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Oct 20 2006, 08:19 PM) View Post
I still cant get those gay links to work properly though.
Did you try changing

Just add the [ http:// ] to the front of each link. I'm not sure which program you are using to edit your site. If you open the file [ therealps3grill!_000005.htm ] in Notepad you can change it manually.

Also, if you add [ target="_blank" ] with each link it will open in a new page, keeping your site open.

Would be a nice addition for anytime you link off of your site.
IPB Image
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 23, 2006, 02:33:00 PM
OK I got around to fixing those links. Thanks for the help. Just looking at the stats for the ssite, and 3,302 people have visited the site in the past week. Still waiting for donations though....oh well
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: throwingks on October 23, 2006, 05:36:00 PM
Great job with those links. The site looks good. Maybe you could also have a "donation station". A page that lists all the people who donated money, or the top 10 or something. I never tried to get money from people off of the net so I am not to sure about good marketing techniques.

BTW, did you ever get your 360 or your money back?
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 24, 2006, 12:23:00 AM
Yeah im still waiting for people to daonate lol im starting to not worry about the donating thing anymore, but i spose the sites only been up for a week, so i cant get my hopes up too much. Im not too sure either about marketing techniques either. Im very pleased with how many people have visited the site lol.

And no, I never got the money back from that scamming bastard, and i dont expect to either.

Everyone else feel free to comment on the site and everything....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 25, 2006, 03:09:00 AM
Just thought id let everyone know ive updated the site a bit....... and as you can read on the main page weve decided not to smash up the insides of the PS3 since a lot of people didnt seem to like that idea rolleyes.gif ...

BTW there has finally been donations! lol
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 27, 2006, 09:11:00 PM
Alright, some pics are up on the site of what the PS3 grill will hopefully look like (isnt it great what you can do with a $7000 animation program) Im quite pleased with how the pics turned out, cause I threw that model together and textured it in a bit under 2 hours. Oh and yeh the pics are a little dark, and its a tad hard to see the grill bit, but u can just turn up the brightness on your montior.

Tell me what you think.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 29, 2006, 02:29:00 AM 360 ohmy.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: DragoNs on October 29, 2006, 06:46:00 AM
QUOTE(xboxexpert @ Oct 28 2006, 11:19 PM) View Post

I'm going to make an xbox 360 blender!

Hmmm, how does a 360 resemble a blender lol, the PS3 actually looks like a george foreman grill, thus why i assume hes making a grill. rofl
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Pheidias on October 29, 2006, 08:30:00 AM
Wow you must have an active imagination if you acctually think the ps3 and the GF grill has any likeness.

Maybe the new GGR62 looks like the ps3 though but the original white one acctually more resembles the x360 then the ps3. And the 10th anniversary editions is almost spot on what the 360 looks like.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Deftech on October 29, 2006, 12:00:00 PM
you actually looked up grill pics to make comparisons?


And if you didnt, why/how do you know what they look like, by model # no less?


Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 29, 2006, 10:16:00 PM
Yeh ive seen the grill that looks a bit like the 360. Ive been shopping around for grills, andit looks like no matter what grill i get, its gunna have to be chopped up a bit to fit in the PS3 case. Does anyone know whats underneath the grilling surface? Im guessing there will be some kind of heating element or something.

Still looking for someone to get me a PS3 at launch/shortly after launch! (As i said before ill pay that person for the PS3, of course  jester.gif ) Only like 17 or so days till the PS3 is launched!
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: twistedsymphony on October 30, 2006, 05:55:00 AM
I've never opened one up but I would imagine it heats the grilling surface using nichrome wire, as most electric heating devices do.

In that case it wont take up much space at all, but you'll definitly want to shield the plastic parts of the case with metal to keep them from melting.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Boiker on October 30, 2006, 08:29:00 AM
QUOTE(twistedsymphony @ Oct 30 2006, 02:02 PM) View Post

I've never opened one up but I would imagine it heats the grilling surface using nichrome wire, as most electric heating devices do.

In that case it wont take up much space at all, but you'll definitly want to shield the plastic parts of the case with metal to keep them from melting.

I may be wrong but I think that consoles use thermo setting plastics that don't melt. The same kind that saucepan handles are made from so they dont melt. But ofcourse, shield it just to be sure.

Sweet project aswell. I think the PS3 actually looks more like some models of barbecues than a George Foreman, but its still a grill.  happy.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: twistedsymphony on October 30, 2006, 08:37:00 AM
QUOTE(Boiker @ Oct 30 2006, 10:36 AM) View Post

I may be wrong but I think that consoles use thermo setting plastics that don't melt. The same kind that saucepan handles are made from so they dont melt. But ofcourse, shield it just to be sure.

Sweet project aswell. I think the PS3 actually looks more like some models of barbecues than a George Foreman, but its still a grill.  happy.gif

you're probably right about the plastic but you'd better safe then sorry.

Also you're definitly right about the PS3 looking more like a traditional grill then a George Forman grill.

it has to do with the rounded barrel shape of the PS3

IPB Image

IPB Image

the split across the center just makes the top half look like it should lift up like a grill
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on October 30, 2006, 12:24:00 PM
So the PS3's case is going to be made out of plastic? Ive heard different things from different people as to weather the case will be made out of metal or plastic. But yeah, ive given some thought as to what I could do to prevent the plastic from melting, if the case was made of plastic.

So if i do end up having to cut up the grilling surface a bit, i can just bend the nichrome wire or something so i dont cut it aswell. I imagine the wire would be somehow attached to the bottom of the grill surface, not actually going through the grill surface, if that makes sense.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 05, 2006, 01:48:00 AM
Bump to the top.

Well, so far its not lookin like ill be able to get a PS3 at launch, unless i buy one of those extremley overpriced preorders on ebay....damn.

Oh well, ill have to wait a few weeks longer....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 06, 2006, 01:49:00 AM
Well, just thought id let everyone know ive resorted to bidding on 20GB systems on that desperate. They seem to be going for a resonable price atm, but knowing ebay, theyll probly go to like $2000 in the last 10 mins or something.....

Well heres hoping....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 06, 2006, 02:44:00 AM
lol I give you credit you really want to see this thing through.

Well, yeh ive kinda commited myself to making this happen lol i dont want to dissapoint all the people out there that want to see this happen. Plus i really want to be the first to post a tut on how to open the PS3.... lol
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 06, 2006, 06:39:00 PM
Woot! I just ordered a 20GB PS3 and Ridgeracer from play-asia. (Thanks soooo much explosive2!!)

So, I will (hopefully) have the PS3 by next friday (17th). So, on the PS3 Grill site I will also be putting a tutorial on how to open the PS3, and plent of pics of the insides of the system.

Lol $1400 well spent.... blink.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 06, 2006, 11:25:00 PM
Lol now thats which ones the PS3 again? lol

Gotta love old people.

EDIT: Yay 350 posts!!
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 07, 2006, 04:40:00 PM
big baller Jimmy


I just realised something, since im getting a japanese system, the UI and everyting wont be in japanese onyl will it? Or will it have like a language select screen like every other console?

EDIT: I also added an extra controller and a memroy card adapter to my that brings the total up to AU$1500....ouch...this PS3 better be worth it...
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: silentbob343 on November 07, 2006, 06:48:00 PM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Nov 7 2006, 07:47 PM) View Post


I just realised something, since im getting a japanese system, the UI and everyting wont be in japanese onyl will it? Or will it have like a language select screen like every other console?

EDIT: I also added an extra controller and a memroy card adapter to my that brings the total up to AU$1500....ouch...this PS3 better be worth it...

You can change it.  In fact here is a walk through of the menu in english to help you find that setting:

system settings->system language
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 07, 2006, 10:42:00 PM
why all the add-ons and caring about the UI i thought u were ripping it apart??

by the way new idea on what you should grill how about the six-axis see how cheap it really is compared to the weight

Well, since im spending soooo much money on the PS3, why wouldnt I check everything out? Heck, once i sell it, im not going to see another PS3 until at least march next it kinda makes sense.

BTW, thanks silentbob, i figured it would be kinda stupid if sony wouldnt let the language be changed to english....

Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 09, 2006, 12:01:00 PM
Well, its the 10th of November. The PS2 gets released in Japan tommorow! Yay! Which means my PS3 gets shipped tommorow (assuming play-asia gets the PS3's and everything....)

Does anyone know if post offices are even open on Saturdays over in Japan, because they arent here. So, i shall have a PS3 by Thursday or friday next week  cool.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 09, 2006, 10:35:00 PM
Well i just paid for the PS3. Stupid paypal charged the money to my dads credit card, not my bank account! Damn. Thats gunna be interesting 'Hey dad heres $1500 that i accidently charged to your credit card' lol

Anyway i was reading today that on the 30th of october they cancelled all PS3 preorders to Europe. I know australia technically isnt Europe, but i really hope they dont turn around and say they cant send my PS3 becuase they cant ship to Australia. Anyone know whats happenin with this? Its got me a bit worried lol

The PS3 gets released in Japan in about 9 hours (if its a midnight launch)
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 10, 2006, 12:03:00 AM
Good luck. Europe usually means everyplace besides Japan and NA.

Shit. But youd think p-a wouldve cancelled my order by now? And that theyd say in the description noone from Europe can order a system?

Also, i just read through an email they sent out saying the cancelled the orders, and it says only people in the European Union (EU) cant preorder. A quick google search shows Australia isnt in the EU. Sooo....lets pray i still get my PS3....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 10, 2006, 01:33:00 PM
I just got an emil back from p-a (I asked when they would ship and if they will ship to Australia) and they said the shipping date wasnt confirmed (not good) and they didnt answer my question about if theyd ship to Australia, so im guessing that means they will ship to Aus.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 10, 2006, 04:15:00 PM
UPDATE: I just got an email confirming the PS3 will be sent on monday the 13th of November. Woot!
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 11, 2006, 11:32:00 PM
w00t! I just checked my emails and i got an email from play-asia to say my PS3 was sent out yesterday (saturday) So i might even have the PS3 on wednesday or thrusday.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 12, 2006, 01:21:00 AM
OK, so i got bord this afternoon and made this:

IPB Image

Ahhhh, photoshop, is there anything it cant do?
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: throwingks on November 12, 2006, 05:11:00 AM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Nov 12 2006, 03:28 AM) View Post
Ahhhh, photoshop, is there anything it cant do?
It can't make her love you!

Nice work on the chop. Now watermark it and upload to your site. IPB Image
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 14, 2006, 12:07:00 AM
Well, the PS3 arrived today......Woot.....So i will write a small reveiw of my thoughts...

So, first thing to do when I got home was to plug it all in and play it. I must say the PS3 is frigging huge.....but the controller weighs next to nothing... I also bought Ridge Racer 7, so im only going to be commenting on this game. I will sum it up in one word.....dissapointing. I thought the graphics were a big let down. To be honest the graphics didnt look much better than a PS2 game, and yes, it was on a HD TV with full 1080P resolution.
Another thing that sucked about the game was the physics of it. It reminded me of NFS: Underground. It sucked.

I had quite high expectations for this system, and i was very, very dissapointed with all of it. So after the game we pulled apart the PS3. Lot of pictures were taken. Theyll go up on the PS3 Grill site shortly.

The insides were a lot more interesting than any other aspect of the system.....I must say I detest those stupid ribbon cables....theyre a pain in the ass.....

To all who actually want to buy a PS3 or are getting a PS3, I dont mean to dissapoint you......but you have nothing to look forward to.....

Anyhoo, the PS3 will fit a grill nicely in it...I cant wait to start making the grill.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: danielmid on November 14, 2006, 08:48:00 AM
So wait, we were right all along? And pics should be good. Cant wait to see the grill.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: twistedsymphony on November 14, 2006, 09:08:00 AM
QUOTE(danielmid @ Nov 14 2006, 10:55 AM) View Post

So wait, we were right all along? And pics should be good. Cant wait to see the grill.


There is a good comparison of the graphical differences between RR6 (a launch title for the 360) and RR7 (a sequel and launch title for the PS3).

From what I've heard they're essentially the same game but RR7 has some extra cars/tracks etc.  You can see that a number of details have been removed for the PS3 version, IMO the most noticeable differences is the water: on the 360 it's got ripples, some shiny reflections etc, and having played the game I can tell you that it actually moves around like water should. The water in the PS3 is just flat and lifeless. This is same thing is carried over onto other elements like the reflection of the glass windows on the building etc.

This could tell us a few things, and I'll leave it up to you how you'd like to interpret it
1. - it could mean that developers had a harder time getting these effects to work properly on the PS3 then they did with the 360 either do to difficulty programming for the platform or time constraints.
2. - it could mean that the PS3 couldn't handle that extra level of detail and it had to be cut out.
3. - (if they're going 1080p) it could mean that details had to be cut out to get the game running at a higher resolution, which begs the question if support for the higher resolution on a small small number of TVs where it makes a differences is worth the loss of quality in the details.
4. - any combination of the aforementioned.

It still remains that the the game was released a year later on supposedly superior higher priced hardware and it is missing graphical details and effects.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: VinnySem on November 14, 2006, 10:19:00 AM
I wasn't impressed with RidgeRacer 6 to begin with. Now, TDU, and Forza2 (from screenies from the site), now you're talkin'. I hope GT HD is in the same tier graphics and game-play wise.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 15, 2006, 11:57:00 AM
OK now the pics are up and working....i still have to rearrange the site a bit and put the pics in different categories but the current layout will do for a couple of days...

Its stupid how when you upload photos, it makes them a .JPG instead of a .jpg so i have to hcnage them back so the pics work...

BTW, the inverter blew up last overheated and blew the thermal fuse inside the toroid transformer....and i cant find where these thermal fuses are. Anyone know where abouts thermal fuses are in toroial transformers?
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: twistedsymphony on November 16, 2006, 06:23:00 AM
Since we have a hardware modding forum for PS3 now I think we should move this there... it is the first real case mod  smile.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: throwingks on November 16, 2006, 06:45:00 AM
You can make a PS macro to watermark those pics for you
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 16, 2006, 12:54:00 PM
Since we have a hardware modding forum for PS3 now I think we should move this there... it is the first real case mod smile.gif

And thats why it took me half an hour to find this i thought it might have been deleted....

Anyway, I have the internal dimensions of the PS3 and im going to buy the grill to put in it today.

Yay! 400th post!
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 17, 2006, 01:10:00 AM
Alright, I finished the tutorial (finally!). And im currently uploading it.

Damn I spent the whole afternoon making this tut lol
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 18, 2006, 01:29:00 AM
Sucess!! The PS3 grill has been built! The pics have been uploaded to the site....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: b15ginz on November 18, 2006, 08:25:00 AM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Nov 18 2006, 03:36 AM) View Post

Sucess!! The PS3 grill has been built! The pics have been uploaded to the site....

its hilarious. lol. u should post some pics of it actually working. looks like u just slapped on some sausage without any power to the grill. looks great!!!
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 18, 2006, 12:20:00 PM
its hilarious. lol. u should post some pics of it actually working. looks like u just slapped on some sausage without any power to the grill. looks great!!!

Yeh we had power to it, but it wasnt heated up, so it wasnt really cooking them at that point. Ill have to cook some more stuff on it today and take some pics of it.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 18, 2006, 04:30:00 PM
Haha.. That is some funny shit, now send it back to Sony and say your PS3 over heats!!

Good idea lol
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: grim_d on November 18, 2006, 06:59:00 PM
put the innards in a foreman laugh.gif

i bet thats already been mentioned.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: b15ginz on November 18, 2006, 09:23:00 PM
does it heat from the top? or did u just add a bottom grille?
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 18, 2006, 10:11:00 PM
Nah the grill is just in the bottom of the case.....did you see the pics of the steak i cooked on it today....that was nice steak...

BTW i just won a 20GB PS3 on ebay for $760.....good price, hey?
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: G0t M4xx 21 on November 19, 2006, 07:44:00 PM
so what do you plan on doing with the innards from the PS3?

I might be interested in the PSU and the heatsink/fan

Then I'm gonna get a PS3 case and put an Xbox 360 inside it  ohmy.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 19, 2006, 10:05:00 PM
so what do you plan on doing with the innards from the PS3?

I might be interested in the PSU and the heatsink/fan

Then I'm gonna get a PS3 case and put an Xbox 360 inside it ohmy.gif

Well, heres what I decided yesterday. Since we probly would get much for parting it out or just selling the innards, we just put the case back on the PS3 and sold it on ebay. It finished today for US$890 (very dissapointed, since I bought it for US$1050) I was hoping to make a profit.

Anyhoo, ill have this second PS3 in the next week or so and I will decide its fate in the next few days....

And the 360's insides fit very nicly inside the PS3 case.....I shouldve took pics when i tried it....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 22, 2006, 11:59:00 AM
Hey all,
Just thought id give everyone a bit of an update about the grill and the site..............Well, the site seems to be a huge sucess, there have been more than 100,000 people visit the site each day for the past 3 days. With all the sites that have linked to it about 95% of people love the idea (Of course you get the occasional off sour-puss/sony fanboy who thinks the idea is stupid)

Sometime in the near future im planning to build another one and sell it or something....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Boddah on November 25, 2006, 03:10:00 AM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Nov 22 2006, 02:06 PM) View Post

Hey all,
Just thought id give everyone a bit of an update about the grill and the site..............Well, the site seems to be a huge sucess, there have been more than 100,000 people visit the site each day for the past 3 days. With all the sites that have linked to it about 95% of people love the idea (Of course you get the occasional off sour-puss/sony fanboy who thinks the idea is stupid)

Sometime in the near future im planning to build another one and sell it or something....

Hah, yep, it's been around the internet and back already. It was posted on my pretty small forum (250 members) a few days ago. laugh.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 25, 2006, 07:01:00 PM
Lmao, did you let the winner know a steak's been inside his ps3? laugh.gif

Erm......maybe i forgot to mention it to him........

The idiot who bought it wont beleive me that the PS3 will work off 240v so im mailing him the origional power cord......idiot.....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: b15ginz on November 25, 2006, 08:08:00 PM
did u line the top with sheet metal? for greese splatter or plastic melting
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 25, 2006, 08:30:00 PM
Nah I didnt, but whenever I had the grill turned on i had the top up, so there want any chance of the top melting. That could be something I could add to the next grill tho.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: twistedsymphony on November 28, 2006, 04:09:00 AM
dude you're on hack-a-day http://www.hackaday....holidays-extra/
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: grim_d on November 28, 2006, 04:31:00 AM
QUOTE(twistedsymphony @ Nov 28 2006, 11:16 AM) View Post

dude you're on hack-a-day http://www.hackaday....holidays-extra/

well done bigjimmy. being featured is awesome laugh.gif

i love this thing
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 28, 2006, 11:49:00 AM
(It's been built, don't be fooled by the fund raising graphic they were too lazy to remove.)

Perhaps I should take off that donation meter thing.......
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: twistedsymphony on November 28, 2006, 11:53:00 AM
Awesome... EGM is quite a popular publication beerchug.gif

Probably the most popular gaming magazine that's not specific to a particular console.

I believe that's the same group that runs
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 29, 2006, 01:44:00 AM
Kool. Im still suprised how its going to get put in a magazine.

And yeah, it runs Just had a look at the mag' site.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: throwingks on November 29, 2006, 07:23:00 AM
Congrats man, you worked hard. It's wrong of hack-a-day to leave a remark about your fundraiser though. You bought it on your own dime. You weren't even looking to make a profit, just recoup some money.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Vfreitas on November 29, 2006, 06:22:00 PM
Haha, I've been following this since I first saw it mentioned, and it's great! Do you plan on cleaning it up a bit, cuts, design and such? Either way, good job.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on November 29, 2006, 09:56:00 PM
Congrats man, you worked hard. It's wrong of hack-a-day to leave a remark about your fundraiser though. You bought it on your own dime. You weren't even looking to make a profit, just recoup some money.

Thanks. Yeh it was a bit silly to mention the donation meter, but I have been planning to remove it ever since the grill was built anyway.

Haha, I've been following this since I first saw it mentioned, and it's great! Do you plan on cleaning it up a bit, cuts, design and such? Either way, good job.

Yeh, im planning on buying just a case (ill start looking once the PS3 BST section opens up) and ill do a lot cleaner job on building the second one. Then once I finish it ill sell it on ebay lol youd be surprised how many people have emailed me asking if id sell the grill.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 01, 2006, 12:05:00 PM
Boo-yah! Another magazine request! Apparently the new official PS3 mag in the UK wants to use some pics of the grill and pics from the disassembly tutorial.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: throwingks on December 04, 2006, 12:03:00 PM
Jimbo you made!!! Good Work my man.
*slaps a virtual high 5

The site is NSFW. So here is a direct link to animated gif they made.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Alex548 on December 04, 2006, 03:16:00 PM
It's amazing to see how much attention this has received.
Maxconsole even put it on their front page a while back, but got the url wrong.
I posted a correction in the forums for ya.

You're so popular now you should start selling advertising space on your site to fund a new PS3 grill.  biggrin.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 06, 2006, 12:48:00 AM
Niiiiiiice! Yeh when I look in the list of sites that have linked to my site, it takes about 10 mins to download the list. Its huge!

Well hopefully when i make this second grill, the ebay auction will go well lol I even got an email saying theyd pay upwards of $500US for the grill. I dunno if that was serious or not though lol
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: DanteDx on December 06, 2006, 03:56:00 AM
Dude this is really sweet. Cant wait to see the next one now that you know what you're doing a little better. i am always looking at doing something like this with different consoles.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 09, 2006, 01:00:00 PM
Yeh it can hold up to the heat. There was a bit of a problem at the start with insulation and stopping the case melting, but it was sorted out quickly.

The second PS3 grill will be made in the next week or so......keep a look out for it....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: jagermike on December 12, 2006, 01:00:00 PM
so coooooooooooooool
PS3 grill rocks

so coooooooooooooool
PS3 grill rocks
i like it

Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Lice_01 on December 14, 2006, 12:17:00 PM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Nov 28 2006, 03:56 PM) View Post


BTW the grill is getting an article about it put in Electronic Gaming Monthly. Anyone know of that magazine? Its obviously an american magazine lol so I cant really get it over here. Im having a few issues sent to me and everything aswell.

This grill thing is turnig out to be rather popular lol. I never expected to be featured on anything.
Perhaps I should take off that donation meter thing.......

Just recieved all my magazines today and I guess they didn't include you in EGM, But they DID put you in OPM (Official PlayStation Magazine)  biggrin.gif which is just as great, but sadly this is their last issue sad.gif

Here is a scan of the page.

IPB Image
Full Size HERE

Any way congrats  beerchug.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 14, 2006, 12:18:00 PM
OK another update.

Ill be building the second PS3 grill tommorow (saturday), and will hopefully be ready and working to be sold on ebay in the next week or so.

Thanks for all the positive comments everyone.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Lice_01 on December 14, 2006, 12:20:00 PM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Dec 14 2006, 04:25 PM) View Post

OK another update.

Ill be building the second PS3 grill tommorow (saturday), and will hopefully be ready and working to be sold on ebay in the next week or so.

Thanks for all the positive comments everyone.

He he, was just about to PM you so you can see magazine scan
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 14, 2006, 10:07:00 PM
So do you mean you have the magazine that the grill is in? If so post it ASAP
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Lice_01 on December 14, 2006, 11:13:00 PM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Dec 15 2006, 02:14 AM) View Post

So do you mean you have the magazine that the grill is in? If so post it ASAP

I did, look up smile.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 15, 2006, 12:50:00 AM
Oh sorry, I didnt see your other post

The people at EGM said it will go in next month.

Thats so kool.....i cant beleive it got in a magazine! lol Thanks so much Lice_01!!!

Oh and BTW was that the UK mag or the american one? lol cause I was talking to the people who make the UK mag.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Lice_01 on December 15, 2006, 06:39:00 AM
Thats an American Magazine, its Called "The Official PlayStation Magazine" OPM for short. This was their last issue after about 9-10 years
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 16, 2006, 12:45:00 PM
Kool. Well im part of the way through building the second PS3Grill. I just need to cut out the top of the case so you can get to the grill surface.

Oh and the hard drive for my video camera came back, so ill take some videos of the grill in action when I get a spare moment.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 18, 2006, 12:42:00 AM
Yay i just finished the 2nd PS3 grill. Its working fine so far (no melting lol) and im about to cook something on it.

Ill update the site with the new pics in the next few hours.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: throwingks on December 18, 2006, 05:21:00 AM
Now, can you make 1 that actually cooks you steak and eggs while you are playing it?

Congrats, the 2nd 1 looks nice!
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 18, 2006, 12:29:00 PM
Now, can you make 1 that actually cooks you steak and eggs while you are playing it?

Congrats, the 2nd 1 looks nice!

No unfortunately, the PS3 insides take up way to much room. Plus I dont think the electronics would be able to handle that much heat. It sucks though, cause I was hoping to make one that could play games and grill at the same time, but i just dont think its possible.

And yeah, I think the 2nd one looks a lot better than the1st. Probably because I wasnt as rushed....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Lice_01 on December 19, 2006, 02:13:00 AM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Dec 18 2006, 02:36 PM) View Post

No unfortunately, the PS3 insides take up way to much room. Plus I dont think the electronics would be able to handle that much heat. It sucks though, cause I was hoping to make one that could play games and grill at the same time, but i just dont think its possible.

And yeah, I think the 2nd one looks a lot better than the1st. Probably because I wasnt as rushed....

lol  tongue.gif  I though he was playing around  huh.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: twistedsymphony on December 19, 2006, 08:32:00 AM
Nice work, the cuts on the 2nd one look much better then the first.

you need a prop-rod for that lid though laugh.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 22, 2006, 01:01:00 PM
you need a prop-rod for that lid though

Yeah I probably do.

I also took some videos of the grill in action today. Ill put them up on the site very soon.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 22, 2006, 05:22:00 PM
Oh and one other thing, would someone be able to get a copy of the OPM mag that had the PS3 grill in it and send it to me? I can paypal the $7 or whatever the mag costs.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 25, 2006, 01:18:00 AM
OK another update. The video of the PS3 grill in action is up on the site. You can find it here:
PS3 grill videos

The PS3 grill will also be going up on ebay very soon (probably tommorow night or the night after, so either tuesday or wednesday night) so keep a look out for that.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: throwingks on December 25, 2006, 05:51:00 AM
You should use a little EVOO and kosher salt to really let the flavor of the beef come out.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Lice_01 on December 28, 2006, 10:27:00 PM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Dec 22 2006, 07:29 PM) View Post

Oh and one other thing, would someone be able to get a copy of the OPM mag that had the PS3 grill in it and send it to me? I can paypal the $7 or whatever the mag costs.

I might be able to buy an extra copy, how much you think shipping will cost though?
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 29, 2006, 12:15:00 AM
I might be able to buy an extra copy, how much you think shipping will cost though?

Ummm well to be honest i have no idea, but it shouldnt be more than $5-$10. If you could get a copy for me i would really appreciate it....

BTW the PS3 Grill is up on ebay, look in my sig for the link.....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: throwingks on December 31, 2006, 09:03:00 PM
What happened with eBay?
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on December 31, 2006, 10:07:00 PM
Urgh.....yeah ebay removed the grill because it was listed in the wrong section, keyword spamming (because it had 'playstation 3' in the title) and cause it had a link to a web page in it......fukin ebay....

Oh well, itll get relisted tonight so it doesnt break any of those rules.....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bumr055 on January 02, 2007, 03:27:00 PM
Hey Bigjimmy!
i just logged on the scene to try and check out whats going on with the new ps3... as soon as a read this thread.... I FELL IN LOVE WITH THE IDEA... and read the whole topic and most of your site...

I'm really glad that you have succeeded.. i can tell you this... your going to be my hero for awhile lol...
If I had the money Id probably pay more for the grill then the ps3 it's self.

I'm looking forward to see how much you get for this beauty on Ebay!

So, when is this thing going into mass production? biggrin.gif

see'a later! biggrin.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on January 03, 2007, 05:38:00 PM
Thanks heaps for the comment bumr055  biggrin.gif

OK, the Grill is up on eBay (and complies with every one of their retarded rules). The link is here:;rd=1&rd=1

And the insides of the PS3 are for sale here:;rd=1&rd=1

Ill be interested to see how much each of these go for.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: johnnyrico on January 04, 2007, 03:56:00 AM
awesome mate, did you get to piss off your (dumb) PS3 fanboy classmates with it?
too funny for words mate smile.gif
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: RickyDeHaas on January 06, 2007, 11:08:00 AM
and you point is......?
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on January 10, 2007, 05:42:00 PM
Yeah, cause im on holidays at melborne atm, i couldnt take any pics of the insides with the user ID in the pic and thats why ebay killed th auction. Ill put it back up when i get back home.
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: Zoneout on January 11, 2007, 06:09:00 AM
QUOTE(bigjimmy @ Jan 11 2007, 11:49 AM) View Post

Yeah, cause im on holidays at melborne atm, i couldnt take any pics of the insides with the user ID in the pic and thats why ebay killed th auction. Ill put it back up when i get back home.

Enjoyin Melbourne? gonna watch the open there?
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on January 13, 2007, 03:08:00 AM
Enjoyin Melbourne? gonna watch the open there?

yeah melborne is good......i just got back home (Damn!) And nah, i didnt go to watch the open....

As i was walking out of the hotel we actually passed seom of the players that are in the juniors open thingy (lol excuse the brilliant english)

Oh and on grill related stuff, the current high bidder on the grill (silent.linux) is the guy who owns all of the smashing sites (you know, smaashmy(insert console here).com) so yeah thats slightly interesting....
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: bigjimmy on January 13, 2007, 11:32:00 PM
OK the grill sold! Not for as much as id like it to, but oh well....

A guy in the UK bought it......
Title: I Shall Be The First To Build The Ps3 Grill!
Post by: dvsone on February 01, 2007, 03:50:00 AM
I dunno if this has been posted but...

"PS3: The Steak Sauce"