
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 General Forums => PS3's Multimedia and Blu-Ray Features => Topic started by: tbauer03 on November 30, 2009, 10:29:00 AM

Title: Wireless G Network Streaming Videos
Post by: tbauer03 on November 30, 2009, 10:29:00 AM
I just got a PS3 so I am pretty new to the scene but I am trying to stream AVI movie files to the PS3 and it keeps encountering errors when connecting if it does manage to start to play the video it will quickly stop and have to buffer to the point where everything is unwatchable.  I have tried using windows media player and ps3 media server to stream the files but both do the same thing.  The computer running XP is connected to the router via cable and then the wireless signal goes to the PS3 it is a G router and I would suspect that to be the only bottleneck. Do I need to be hardwired into the ps3 for this to work, upgrade to an N router or should it work with this setup if I adjust some things?
Title: Wireless G Network Streaming Videos
Post by: Chancer on November 30, 2009, 11:42:00 AM
I ended up on a wired connection to stream to mine. Runs 100 percent that way
Title: Wireless G Network Streaming Videos
Post by: postal worker on November 30, 2009, 05:12:00 PM
it could be your computer causing the bottleneck...or maybe the settings used in PMS..

i say this cause i currently use my computer :

2.2 ghz amd w/1 gig ram and 256mb video card.

and on videos that are 1080p or encoded "funky"

the video still stutter,

Remember as your streaming the video the computer has to decode to play and stream.  so it's doing all this on the fly.
Title: Wireless G Network Streaming Videos
Post by: EpicsRedemption on January 09, 2010, 06:52:00 AM
I must say that i am a little confused about what you are asking... so i will replay both ways it could be taken...

if you are trying to stream from the internet check your router settings and ensure that it is not blocking a port that the playstation needs also check the settings in pms...

if streaming from your computer (witch I assume you are trying to do) check  your firewall on your pc and ensure your ps3 has full access to your pc...