
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 General Forums => PS3's Multimedia and Blu-Ray Features => Topic started by: epsilon72 on January 08, 2007, 08:56:00 PM

Title: (PR) Consumers Overwhelmingly Choose 'Blu'
Post by: epsilon72 on January 08, 2007, 08:56:00 PM
Uh...don't count your chickens before they're hatched.  From what I see it still looks like HD-DVD is doing better.
Title: (PR) Consumers Overwhelmingly Choose 'Blu'
Post by: Pheidias on January 08, 2007, 11:49:00 PM
Depends on how you count, If you count all the ps3 as blu-ray players they already has a pretty big lead.
But yes stand-alone players are outsold 1:5. Or if you count perception, cos the perception across the board says hd-dvd still looks better.
Title: (PR) Consumers Overwhelmingly Choose 'Blu'
Post by: warlordship on January 09, 2007, 07:07:00 AM
80 percent indicated they will buy Blu-ray movies and 75 percent said they use the PS3 as a primary device for viewing movies.

80 percent will buy Blu-ray because they were forced into blu-ray as the player type by buying the PS3.
75 percent use the PS3 as their primary device for watching movies.  Regular DVD movies.

Polls are misleading.  By wording it this way, they can make it sound like 75% of the people got the PS3 JUST do they could use it for Blu-ray movies.  I want to see how many of that 75% use it as their HD MOVIE player.
Title: (PR) Consumers Overwhelmingly Choose 'Blu'
Post by: AngelBallz69 on January 09, 2007, 08:07:00 AM
one of the best horror movies SAW1 SAW2 and SAW 3 are exclusive to BLUray, when i found that out i was very disapointed because its my fav movies mad.gif
Title: (PR) Consumers Overwhelmingly Choose 'Blu'
Post by: kidkinetix on January 09, 2007, 12:28:00 PM
QUOTE(calderra @ Jan 9 2007, 02:59 PM) View Post

Yes, there are technically a lot fo BluRay players on the market due to PS3.
Yes, a lot of PS3 owners say they plan on buying BluRay.

...but not everyone who owns a PS3 will be buying BluRay movies, far less than 1million PS3s actually sold (watch how people abuse the 1M number), and although lots of PS3 owners claim they'll be buying BluRay, you can just look at the actual sales data for a rebuttal.

Also- does anyone see any reports on the ratio of HD-DVD to BluRay sold in standalone players? It'd be interesting to see how the mix actually works out among units people CHOSE to purchase instead of units they were forced to own when they wanted a PS3 (although there is some crossing there).

From an article hear a few days ago... not many stand alone blu-ray players have sold.  This article is a joke.

About 695,000 consumers own either a Blu-ray or an HD-DVD player, according to Tom Adams of Adams Media Research. But only about 25,000 have purchased stand-alone Blu-ray players. Another 400,000 consumers have Blu-ray because they bought a Sony PS3 game console. Meanwhile, about 120,000 or so have a stand-alone HD-DVD player while about 150,000 have an HD-DVD upgrade kit for their Xbox 360 game consoles, Adams says

Title: (PR) Consumers Overwhelmingly Choose 'Blu'
Post by: yaazz on January 09, 2007, 12:46:00 PM
I got to see HD dvd and bluray side by side, and hands down, HDDVD looked better.
The difference probably isnt enough to make me buy a HDDVD player if I get a ps3 first though
Title: (PR) Consumers Overwhelmingly Choose 'Blu'
Post by: Serious Sam on January 11, 2007, 11:21:00 AM
Yeah they're just trying to mislead the public by using false sales figures as factual reported sales. We all know that bluray sales are shit. Only reason theres so many players out there is because of the ps3 which is a gaming console not a stand alone BD player.

HD DVD looks way better that Bluray. It's cheaper and the consumers that care about HD movies will go for HD DVD instead. Sony is all about misleading the consumer but in the end we will see what finally happens to Bluray..
Title: (PR) Consumers Overwhelmingly Choose 'Blu'
Post by: davbere on January 17, 2007, 06:25:00 AM
Once I get my hi definition tv I'll definatly be buying blue ray movies to play in my ps3.
I cant wait smile.gif
Title: (PR) Consumers Overwhelmingly Choose 'Blu'
Post by: bluie on January 31, 2007, 01:48:00 AM
QUOTE(warlordship @ Jan 9 2007, 03:14 PM) View Post

  I want to see how many of that 75% use it as their HD MOVIE player.

Most of them probably. Even if the blueray-player wasnt the reason they bought a ps3, its still gonna be used. It would be pretty dumb to shell out 600 euro on a HD-DVD player if you already got a 'free' blueray-player. Speaking for myself, i'm gonna end up in the blueraycamp because i will own a ps3. But even though i also own a x360 i'm not likely to buy the HD-DVD addon. Why would i?

Also, when i buy the PS3 the blueray-player will be subsidized by sony. I will have to pay full price for a MS HD-DVD addon.