
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 General Forums => PS3's Multimedia and Blu-Ray Features => Topic started by: mlmadmax on December 27, 2006, 09:51:00 AM

Title: Why Are Blue-ray Movie Not Looking As Advertised?
Post by: mlmadmax on December 27, 2006, 09:51:00 AM
It is the crappy codecs there using for blue ray.

Movies should look great at 1080i on your tv.

Also for movies there really is no difference between 1080i and 1080p.
Title: Why Are Blue-ray Movie Not Looking As Advertised?
Post by: iLLNESS on January 15, 2007, 04:17:00 PM
guaranteed sonys pitch to companies is BD holds more data then HD so its better and has more room for useless low quality deleted scenes and bonus features
Title: Why Are Blue-ray Movie Not Looking As Advertised?
Post by: deadpool66 on February 11, 2007, 07:05:00 AM
I receieved my ps3 yesterday and i think some of the blueray movies look just as good as the trailers, i mean it really depends on the transfer.
Title: Why Are Blue-ray Movie Not Looking As Advertised?
Post by: mlmadmax on February 12, 2007, 05:33:00 PM
Just because they both can use the same codecs doesn't mean they do, and the codec has a lot to do with quality. You are right about some companies doing a shit job but it is that coupled with some blu ray movies using mpeg and you have a shitty movie.

Also most movie theatres use film which is analogue and there fore has an infinite resolution. That is why a company can take a film and do a 1080p transfer from it. Some tranfers suffer from the film being grainy and then don't remove it when they do the transfer.

It would help a lot if companies would all use the best technique, one reason might be that particular movie just didn't have the budjet. Anyway just my 2 cents. biggrin.gif