
PlayStation3 Forums => PS3 Games Forums => PS3 Games General Chat => Topic started by: redwolf on December 30, 2006, 10:36:00 AM

Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: redwolf on December 30, 2006, 10:36:00 AM
scan from latest Official Playstation Magazine (UK)
IPB Image
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: The_Hushed_Casket on December 30, 2006, 11:44:00 AM
Wow, for once it's going the other way!  Cool, good news.  Though I don't know if the slightly better graphics would be worth buying for the PS3 when the 360 controller is so perfect for FPS-es.
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: saunders73 on December 30, 2006, 02:06:00 PM
the graphics will most likely be the exact same, because one is a port of the other

Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: Pheidias on December 30, 2006, 02:28:00 PM
Acctually the only perfect controller for fps are a mouse and keyboard.

And just cause its a port doesn't mean the graphics has too look the same. If sony acctually had managed to bring out the monster many thought they had up their sleeve we would have seen every port being in 1080p on the ps3 while the 360 would have been left behind with 720p. Instead now all they gave us is blueray hdmi and tacked on motion sensing, oh and I almost forgot the 100-200$ extra pricetag.

Acctually their are quite many games that are ending up on the 360 first and ps3 later. Its just that PS3 fans aren't equally exited on getting the 360 "trash" as the 360 fans are to getting the ps3s.
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: mikedavis2838 on December 31, 2006, 11:37:00 AM
It would be cool if it were true that this was headed to the ps3, but it's not.
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: The_Hushed_Casket on December 31, 2006, 03:59:00 PM
QUOTE(mikedavis2838 @ Dec 31 2006, 12:44 PM) View Post

It would be cool if it were true that this was headed to the ps3, but it's not.

Sadly, it is true.  I just read this.  Source.
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: VariableElite on January 01, 2007, 01:43:00 PM
QUOTE(mikedavis2838 @ Jan 1 2007, 05:09 AM) View Post

It's 4 in the morning so i may be confused, but even that link says that it is not coming to the PS3. The same pics were posted back in may.

He's saying that the whole quote is true. It took me a few reads to get that as well.  wink.gif
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: The_Hushed_Casket on January 01, 2007, 09:57:00 PM
Whoops, I didn't realize I worded it so weirdly.  Yeah, I meant sadly it is not coming to the PS3.
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: KAGE360 on January 03, 2007, 09:58:00 AM
QUOTE(Pheidias @ Dec 30 2006, 04:35 PM) View Post

Acctually the only perfect controller for fps are a mouse and keyboard.

And just cause its a port doesn't mean the graphics has too look the same. If sony acctually had managed to bring out the monster many thought they had up their sleeve we would have seen every port being in 1080p on the ps3 while the 360 would have been left behind with 720p. Instead now all they gave us is blueray hdmi and tacked on motion sensing, oh and I almost forgot the 100-200$ extra pricetag.

Acctually their are quite many games that are ending up on the 360 first and ps3 later. Its just that PS3 fans aren't equally exited on getting the 360 "trash" as the 360 fans are to getting the ps3s.

this post started so well until you called bioshock "trash".  well i'll have fun playing my original, awesome "trash" while you have fun with tekken 36 and MGS 13  wink.gif
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: Foe-hammer on January 03, 2007, 05:57:00 PM
^^ Exactly.

I could care less about MGS and FF.

I would love to see God of War and Sadow of the Colossi on the 360, but those are sony dev games.
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: incognegro on January 04, 2007, 10:52:00 AM
Yea the game that was coined "E3 Overall Game Of Show" must be trash, right? dry.gif
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: Mr Invader on January 04, 2007, 08:56:00 PM
QUOTE(Pheidias @ Dec 30 2006, 03:35 PM) View Post

Acctually their are quite many games that are ending up on the 360 first and ps3 later. Its just that PS3 fans aren't equally exited on getting the 360 "trash" as the 360 fans are to getting the ps3s.

Yeah cuz everyone knows that Oblivion, Fight Night Round 3, Rainbow 6: Vegas are all trash..... dry.gif
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: Pheidias on January 05, 2007, 12:04:00 AM
Wow, why are you people upset I call something that is used until noone wants it on one console, then gets "dumped" to another console "trash".

And I wonder if I had turned the statment around and called the ps3 games trash first if you'd still gotten your nuts in a string.

Also kinda funny that it also was the three defenders of all things xbox that most got their nuts all worked up. You guys really should learn to read, and stop letting MS whisper in you ears all the time
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: incognegro on January 05, 2007, 06:17:00 AM
QUOTE(Pheidias @ Jan 5 2007, 08:11 AM) View Post

Wow, why are you people upset I call something that is used until noone wants it on one console, then gets "dumped" to another console "trash".

And I wonder if I had turned the statment around and called the ps3 games trash first if you'd still gotten your nuts in a string.

Also kinda funny that it also was the three defenders of all things xbox that most got their nuts all worked up. You guys really should learn to read, and stop letting MS whisper in you ears all the time

So basically you are admittedly enforcing a double standard?

Anyways....ur argument, as usual has very little leg to stand on. Maybe if you have checked the response from ppl after hearing that VF5 is coming to the 360 then you would rethink your thesis. Also if you payed attention to the response to Oblivion going to ps3 you would also see that the response was quite positive also. So if the game is good and it comes to the 360 later it would be considered 'trash'? is that what you're saying? Just because it's 'dumped' to another system doesn't necessarily make it trash, more like a hand-me-down wink.gif .
If Devil May Cry came to the 360 10 years down the line I still would never call it trash.

Foe-hammer didn't call God Of War and Colossus trash.

My point is if its a game with quality written all over it, why call it trash!? I guess if its a game with '360' written over it then it must be trash dry.gif

Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: Pheidias on January 05, 2007, 09:33:00 AM
See if you could just read...

Here's my line:

"Acctually their are quite many games that are ending up on the 360 first and ps3 later. Its just that PS3 fans aren't equally exited on getting the 360 "trash" as the 360 fans are to getting the ps3s."

Do I acctually need to put trash at the end of this line for you to comprehend?

Ok the here it is, the same exact meaning as above but this time i'll exchange a s with "trash"

Acctually their are quite many games that are ending up on the 360 first and ps3 later. Its just that PS3 fans aren't equally exited on getting the 360 "trash" as the 360 fans are to getting the ps3 "trash".

And another tip of that I didn't call any game trash is the use of " ".

But I guess people see what they want to see

On the game topic:

Is this the first title to use live anywhere?

I'm looking forward to seeing how the console people will hold their own against PC people. Or if they will give the console users some kind of help to even out the accuracy differences?
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: VariableElite on January 05, 2007, 10:30:00 AM
The problem is that you basically called all cross-platform titles released at separate times "trash."

The difference here is that since the 360 was released a year ahead of the PS3, every xplat title released thus far was released on the 360 first, making every one of them "trash" by your definition. Fight Night, Oblivion, Rainbow 6 Vegas, Splinter Cell -- all "trash."

On the other hand, nearly every exclusive game on the PS3 thus far is actually garbage, so why should 360 owners get excited on hearing about ports for them?

Since you've made your anti-360 views quite clear, you might want to put a little extra effort in when attempting genuine criticisms. Otherwise we're forced to assume that you're once again knocking the 360, despite not even owning one.

BTW, I can find no information regarding BioShock being Live Anywhere-capable except as comments on a few news posts that reference the article linked to in the original post. Link(s), please?

Confirmed Live Anywhere titles: Halo 2 Vista, Alan Wake, Shadowrun.
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: Pheidias on January 05, 2007, 04:10:00 PM
Oh I thought it was a live anywhere game. My mistake then, too bad. Strange that alan wake is live anywhere and this game isn't. And the game being MS exclusive makes it even stranger.

And I'm not anti-360 I'm just not as blindly pro-360 as some on theese forums.

I don't like to take a stance in something that won't acctually benefit me in someway. I prefer to aim at getting everything and enjoying it. Instead of getting one and bitching about the rest.
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: Mr Invader on January 07, 2007, 03:13:00 PM
QUOTE(Pheidias @ Jan 5 2007, 05:17 PM) View Post

And I'm not anti-360 I'm just not as blindly pro-360 as some on theese forums.


Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: incognegro on January 08, 2007, 10:13:00 AM
QUOTE(Pheidias @ Jan 5 2007, 05:40 PM) View Post

See if you could just read...

Here's my line:

"Acctually their are quite many games that are ending up on the 360 first and ps3 later. Its just that PS3 fans aren't equally exited on getting the 360 "trash" as the 360 fans are to getting the ps3s."

Do I acctually need to put trash at the end of this line for you to comprehend?

Ok the here it is, the same exact meaning as above but this time i'll exchange a s with "trash"

Acctually their are quite many games that are ending up on the 360 first and ps3 later. Its just that PS3 fans aren't equally exited on getting the 360 "trash" as the 360 fans are to getting the ps3 "trash".

And another tip of that I didn't call any game trash is the use of " ".

But I guess people see what they want to see

On the game topic:

Is this the first title to use live anywhere?

I'm looking forward to seeing how the console people will hold their own against PC people. Or if they will give the console users some kind of help to even out the accuracy differences?

lol ur so close to being officially retarded......if u didn't mean to call the games trash then why use garbage as your analogy? If thats not what u meant atleast try not to make it sound that way  rolleyes.gif

its simple, im sure they taught you that at school.

Oh I thought it was a live anywhere game. My mistake then, too bad. Strange that alan wake is live anywhere and this game isn't. And the game being MS exclusive makes it even stranger.

lol...u dont know anything about this game do you? Based on the concept I dont see HOW live anywhere should be even mentioned as a feature. And its not strange at all that its MS exclusive since the game is being built for windows first and ported to the 360 (thats alot easier to do than doing a ps3 version). Expect PC games to follow this trend for quite sometime.

And I'm not anti-360 I'm just not as blindly pro-360 as some on theese forums.

Then how come u never said anything positive about the 360? You don't have to be "pro-360" to give credit where it's due.
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: VariableElite on January 08, 2007, 12:07:00 PM
Incognegro, he only brought up the Live Anywhere thing to change the subject from what he said before.

And now he's even trying to spin the lack of (announced) Live Anywhere support against Microsoft.

Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: Pheidias on January 09, 2007, 08:00:00 AM
You are all on crack.

And yes I'm a little disapointed in it not being live anywhere. Guess i'll have to settle for halo 2 (if that will still work on the free vista b2) instead to kick some console owner arse.

But I also heard that Live anywhere is a joke so...

Incognegro am I just incapable if writing or are you not able to read, 'cause you seem to misunderstand and misrepresent everything i write
Title: Bioshock No Longer Xbox 360 Exclusive
Post by: KAGE360 on January 17, 2007, 11:06:00 AM
i think people are a little bit confused to how LIVE anywhere actually applies to games.  

ASAIK, halo 2 is not a LIVE anywhere title where PC owners can play against console owners.

also Pheidias, your not fooling anyone.  just admit you hate the 360 and maybe you'll earn some respect for being honest with others and yourself