
PlayStation3 Forums => PlayStation Network Service => PlayStation 3 Online Service => Topic started by: bucko on June 27, 2007, 02:36:00 PM

Title: Psn
Post by: bucko on June 27, 2007, 02:36:00 PM
1. No fees but you have to pay for PSStore games that you download but demos and movie trailers should be free

2. Updates are free, there is a system update on the XMB option, PSStore is were you download all the demos and trailers and buy the full arcade style games & PS1 games

3. Multiplayer gaming is free but expect lag I've read so if you have a good connection (ethernet/DSL and good ISP speed you should be fine)

4. You can I think but you can only download items from your registered countries address (IE. Italy)

5. Search for that since I don't have a PS3

6. You can but only PS3 Format titles, PS2 titles are region locked and so are DVD's (I'm not sure about Blu-Ray)

PS I don't have a PS3 just telling you what I know.
Title: Psn
Post by: Thraxen on June 28, 2007, 10:03:00 PM
Just to expound on #4....

Since PSN accounts are free, you can actually create several PSN accounts on your PS3 and use different addresses for each.  Then when you log into those accounts you will have access to that region's store where you can download demos and such.

I have a Japanese account and have downloaded demos for Everybody's Golf 5 (Hot Shots Golf 5) and Folks Soul and they work just fine.  Buying games is a bit tricky though because when you go to enter credit card information the country field is locked to the country you signed up under and can't be changed.  But there are ways around this.  I used a Wirecard and was able to purchase Guilt Gear (PS1 game) from the Japanese store.  Just Google up Wirecard and PSN and you should be able to find instructions on how to do it.  I've read there are other types of cards found in Europe that will work too.