
Off Topic Forums => Other Platforms => Zune Forums => Topic started by: Sloppy Fat Dump on December 27, 2006, 12:10:00 PM

Title: Streaming Full Res. Videos From The Zune
Post by: Sloppy Fat Dump on December 27, 2006, 12:10:00 PM
*EDIT*  Sorry, misleading title.  This is for streaming full res videos from the zune (ex. to xbox 360)!  My apologies, I was just getting excited tongue.gif .  However, all movies are still viewable on the zune itself but the res is still limited by its screen

After testing out some of the videos I converted with the zune's factory software... I was pretty disappointed.  Watching a 240x320 movie isn't that satisfying on a 1080i big screen.

In order to watch full res movies you'll first need to enable your zune as a mass storage device.  Here's a guide from taken originally from

  1. Make sure your Zune is not plugged in and your Zune software isn’t running
  2. open up regedit by going to the start menu and selecting “run”. Type regedt32 and hit “OK”
  3. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ControlSet001\Enum\USB\
  4. Search for “PortableDeviceNameSpace”. This should be contained in the Vid_####&Pid_####\########_-_########_-_########_-_########\Device Parameters within the above …\USB\ The ##’s listed here will be numbers and letters specific to your Zune [Note by me - when using this guide I found several of these devices however your zune will be the only device with the options below under the deviceperameters]
  5. Change the following values:
    EnableLegacySupport to 1
    PortableDeviceNameSpaceExcludeFromShell to 0
    ShowInShell to 1
  6. Plug in your Zune, and make sure the Zune Software starts up.
[Edit: This was first posted here and after I figured it out. For more information, check out!]

When writing or reading from the zune you have to click "start sync" in your zune software.  This is because all of the files are locked unless being accessed by the program.

Then, just drag and drop any wmv movies that you have to the video folder.  I highly suggest encode360 if you have to convert anything to wmv (xvids, avi, w/e).


EDIT: Fixed your title  happy.gif
Title: Streaming Full Res. Videos From The Zune
Post by: Sloppy Fat Dump on December 27, 2006, 08:24:00 PM
After messing around with this a bit more I found that full res videos being watched on the zune tend to skip every 5 seconds or so.  In other words, if you are going to be watching a video on your zune, I recommend that you convert it with the zune software or some other means to 320x240 (not 240x320 as I mentioned above).
Title: Streaming Full Res. Videos From The Zune
Post by: Sloppy Fat Dump on January 01, 2007, 04:02:00 PM
This is just rubbish.  Works but not very well.  After my experience with this at my new years eve party I would not recommend streaming movies off the zune.  It's just way to buggy and likes to skip a lot.  I originally thought it worked great because I was watching 2-3 minute music videos in full res.  However while watching movies there are pauses every 5 minutes waiting for the dam thing to load.
Title: Streaming Full Res. Videos From The Zune
Post by: Fuzzy on January 01, 2007, 04:30:00 PM
The problem with these registry "hacks" for Zune is that they usually result in problems (and hence full re-installs of the Zune software) later down the road. Do it if you think it's worth it, but for the most part steer clear.

Please try to keep from posting several times in a row. Wait out the edit timer.  wink.gif